The 100

  • TheLionQueen

    TheLionQueen (100)

    United States
    November 25th, 2014 at 02:10am
  • k1ssmysass

    k1ssmysass (100)

    United States
    @ TheLionQueen

    A week ago, all one hundred juveniles were locked away for heinous crimes. 'Heinous' was thrown around lightly. Most thefts were petty; like sneaking extra food. Others were more dire: murder, conspiracy...

    Their crimes were forgiven. Although every gem came with a hefty price, and this price may be their lives - every last hundred's.

    It'd been hours on the drop ship, clinging to wrought iron bars and fading hope. Some were crying, whereas; some were swearing pleasantly and strategically throwing out ideas for camp.

    That was if they'd even make it to the ground...

    Jasmin Rogers was different. She was a tyrant on the black market, dealing anything from herbs to pills to clothing. Her price was heavy, but her loyalty raw and strong. Never had she given a hopeless soul up. In all her sixteen years, this was one of the most positive experiences of her life. Although it was said she was busted for dealing, nobody was too sure.

    She squeezed her eyes shut, gripping the bars so tight she felt pocketed blisters warm her hands.

    "Rogers, nice to see you out an' about...looking so good." A giant of a boy snarked pleasantly, his head full of shaggy hair big with his ego. Damien.

    That was his name - Damien Richards. He was a classic case of apathy. And when he did show signs of care, it was violent, which landed him in this fresh Hell in the first place.

    "Look, I ain't past getting out of this seat to tear you a new one-" She curled her lip, more frazzled than aggressive. Her mane of classically chestnut hair cascaded past her shoulders. That mixed with her bold, mud-and-grass eyes, pulled her feral look tightly together.

    She inhaled deeply, inclining her head against the wall. After a years worth of imprisonment, her social skills were poor.

    Damien smirked broadly, all tongue in cheek. "I'll hold you to it." At one point, they'd been comrades. They were cousins, but mirrored each other so well that they could've been siblings.

    Most people were talking back and forth, and voices were being raised, hysteria bubbling in the room, tightening the air as the ship bounced and groaned.

    "Everybody shut up!" Surprisingly, it was Jasmin, the girl as quiet as a mouse. She had a British inflection, tossed around somewhere in her vowels, albeit barely there.

    The ship dulled to a quiet roar, waiting for her to elaborate on why she called silence.

    But she didn't. Instead, she fumbled with her seat belt, trying to undo the clasp. "Hey, don't-" A meek boy no older than twelve startled, eyes flying wide. His eyes reminded Jasmin of a deer's.

    Something she'd always wanted to see. She tugged at her restraints, growing pissed, breaths raspy and uneven.

    "Spaz, cut the shit. Hold still. You'll find your senses once we get outside." Damien almost sounded concerned. Almost. Murmurs rose of her imprisonment. They'd found words scratched into the walls, mindless chatter and daily thoughts...

    Not that it was anything compared to the dents that slammed the walls of Damien's old cell.

    She hadn't taken to losing her life so well. Especially with over a year in a cell her only past. Nothing had felt truly real since the day before she was slammed into the cell.
    November 25th, 2014 at 02:58am
  • TheLionQueen

    TheLionQueen (100)

    United States
    Violet wasn't one that usually started trouble, she was quite the opposite in fact. You might be wondering how she eneded up on the ship. There were numerous kids that were locked up, there came a point in time where they started monitoring food. When those that were locked up ate too much, they weren't supposed to get fed the next day, but Violet was caught giving them extra food, hence her being put on the ship. Violet pressed her head against the back of her chair, a sudden feeling of motion sickness over taking her. She groaned, she couldn't wait for this assignment to be over.
    Scott hadn't done anything bad that got him sent down with the others, he was training to be a nurse aboard the space station, but when he got word of the 100 coming down, he signed up to be one, so that the group would have a medic with them. Scott grunted some as his head hit the back of his chair upon landing, unbuckling himself, he looked over to Violet, deep breaths should help with your stomach. He then stood and went over to Jasmin. "We don't know what type of air is out there, let one of us go out there with a oxygen mask, close the door behind us quickly so we don't contaminate anyone else, then verify if the air is safe."
    December 7th, 2014 at 06:08am
  • k1ssmysass

    k1ssmysass (100)

    United States
    @ TheLionQueen

    Damien gave Violet the side eye. Well, it wasn't quite meant to be a side eye, but he just looked like a grump half the time. "Hey, take some shallow breaths. Inhale, exhale.."

    He cracked his knuckles and eyed Scott darkly.

    Jasmin clicked her tongue at him and rolled her eyes. "We'll die if the air isn't safe. Not like we've got food in here if it isn't safe. What're you in for, squeaky clean? Overusing your share of cleaning supplies?"

    That raised a rumble of laughter throughout the adolescents. She drew attention like it was a reflex. 'Doesn't he realize nobody's coming for us?' She thought.

    The identical bracelet at her wrist the other's wore bleeped, signaling landing.

    She leaned her cheek into the cool metal wall, eyeing him with amusement glowing in her irises.
    December 7th, 2014 at 05:37pm
  • TheLionQueen

    TheLionQueen (100)

    United States
    Slowly unbuckling her belt, Violet stood. She sighed lightly before placing a hand to her head. She looked to Damien as he spoke to her, she than did as she was told. Taking a couple of deep breaths, she nodded lightly. "Thanks." She said, giving a slight smile before looking at the exchange between Scott, and Jasmin. Perhaps the young boy was one that was sheltered back on the ship, she thought to herself.
    Scott looked to Damien with a raised eyebrow as he eyed him. He slowly turned his attention back to Jasmin as she started to speak to him. "I actually volunteered to be out here with you guys." He briefly explained before hearing her reasoning for them opening up the door. "Fine." He said as he raised his hands up in defense.

    (Oh, forgot to put the qoutes for Scott's other post xD)
    December 8th, 2014 at 12:22pm
  • k1ssmysass

    k1ssmysass (100)

    United States
    @ TheLionQueen

    Damien's gaze drifted back toward Violet. The ship lurched, and he threw his arms out to catch her, an arm hooking around her mid-section. "Can't have you flyin' out there, huh?" He grinned a Cheshire grin.

    Jasmin raised her brows at Scott. "You must have a death wish. Welcome to the Hundred." She smiled this time, but it was forced and wobbly.
    December 8th, 2014 at 10:39pm
  • TheLionQueen

    TheLionQueen (100)

    United States
    Violet gasped lightly as the ship moved, her natural reaction was to grab onto the nearest thing, which was Damien. A hand gripped his shoulder as she braced herself using him. She smiled softly at his words as she tucked her hair behind her ear. "Thank you, again." She said with a light laugh before releasing him.
    Scott raised an eyebrow as she said he had a death wish. He knew he hadn't, giving her a slight nod he said, "Thanks. I think?" He questioned with furrowed eyebrows before going over to a switch beside the door. He flicked it, and the doors opened with a large metallic groan.
    December 8th, 2014 at 11:04pm
  • k1ssmysass

    k1ssmysass (100)

    United States
    @ TheLionQueen

    Damien's smile crinkled his whole face cheerfully. He didn't look so dark now. "Feel free to use me for support anytime." It wasn't so much flirtatious as it was jovial.

    He unbuckled himself, but waited for Violet to take a step before he followed along.

    Jasmin stared, doe-eyed and mystified as the first gush of fresh air hit her nostrils. The outside was greener than she imagined. The ground was lush with plant life, and trees twisted every which way.

    This didn't look like a radiation zone. She quickly pried apart her buckle and headed out, flooding into the rest of the crowd. Screams were coming from every direction people came, but they weren't horrified screams. They were warrior bellows.

    They'd made it back.

    Jasmin pumped her fist in the air and hollered, the noise leaving her throat comforting her. Her year in solitary seemed almost worth it.
    December 9th, 2014 at 02:42am
  • TheLionQueen

    TheLionQueen (100)

    United States
    Violet smiled as Damien spoke. "Will do." She said before the groaning of the doors caught her attention. She then walked outside, completely in awe of how the world looked. She had always imagined what it would look like, but she now saw that her thoughts never came close. Violet looked at the ground before sitting on her knees. She placed her hands on the ground before laughing. She looked back to the others and said, "This is actual grass. Real grass!" She exclaimed before picking up a flower and smelling it.
    Scott followed everyone out the doors and smiled brightly as he saw the outside. The air was not contaminated to his surprise he laughed as he saw the reactions of the others, Violet included. He could only think of how the people back on the Ark were missing out.
    December 9th, 2014 at 03:07am