Feels like Snow in September

  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella yawned into her palm as Harry led her upstairs, nodding in reply to him. It was quiet and she just prayed that they wouldn't start again since their rooms were next to each other. Her room was kind of chaotic already with suitcases half unpacked and bags everywhere, so she had to step over a load of things to get to the bed. "Sorry 'bout the mess," she mumbled, tiredly. "Still unpacking." She explained as she pulled back the covers from the bed and fell onto the mattress, letting out a soft groan because fuck, it felt good to be laying down.
    Louis ran his fingers through Jase's hair, pushing a few strands away from her face, listening to her talk. He shook his head in reply to her. "No, just thought we could hang out or something," he murmured with a little shrug. "We could stay here or go out or something, whatever you want?" He said nervously, but it was more of a question. He didn't know if Jase wanted him to leave the next morning or what.
    January 5th, 2015 at 12:16am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Jason noted the nervousness in his voice, though she wasn't entirely sure why it was even there to begin with. She had absolutely no desire to kick him out in the morning. If anything, she wanted to hide him from everyone so he wouldn't have to leave. "We can stay in," she said, "Maybe I'll kick your ass in FIFA. Call Niall in the morning and see if he wants to get beat, too."
    Harry shrugged at her apology. His room looked about the same except he'd have to hurry and pack everything up to get ready to trash the room all over again. "No worries," he murmured, falling into bed next to her, pulling her in close to his side with a soft sigh.
    January 5th, 2015 at 01:22am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella let out a happy little hum when Harry fell into bed next to her and immediately pulled her close to him. She snuggled into him, tangling her legs between his and pressing a few soft kisses to his chest. "G'night, Harry," she whispered, yawning again before closing her eyes. The bed was pretty huge, yet she was cuddled right up into Harry's side and she was too tired to care from the long day of traveling and drinking alcohol all evening.
    Louis grinned, pulling Jase even closer and wrapping his arms tight around her. "You wish, darling," he mumbled, a warmth spreading in his chest because she even thought of inviting Niall too. "But that actually sounds pretty perfect," he said through a yawn. "Maybe we can convince Harry to cook for us as well." He said sleepily, his free hand reaching for the covers to pull them up over them a little higher.
    January 5th, 2015 at 01:56am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Jase rolled her eyes. "I know I'll win. I have no life, so I've had more than enough practice." She nodded when he spoke of Harry cooking for them and remembered that he had said something about pancakes in the car. Maybe he was making those in the morning. God, she hoped he made pancakes. "'m sleepy," she muttered, closing her eyes. Jason didn't really wanna sleep because that meant she wouldn't be able to talk to Louis for hours, but they had all of tomorrow, too.
    Harry smoothed a hand down Ella's back, kissing her forehead. "Night Ella," he whispered, closing his own eyes after she did. He was pretty exhausted from being out literally all day. He had been up fairly early for an interview and a small photoshops with the boys, so that on top of going out and drinking made for a sleepy Harry.
    January 5th, 2015 at 02:17am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Louis laughed quietly, pressing another soft kiss to the top of her head. "We'll see," he murmured, before yawning again and stretching before holding Jason close again. "Sleep, babe," he whispered, running his fingers through her hair, keeping his own eyes closed. As much as he wanted to stay up and spend the night with Jase, he was also really looking forward to having the day with her, and he didn't want to sleep most of it away because they stayed up too late.
    ~skipping to the morning kk~
    Louis shifted a little, rubbing his face into the pillow as he began to wake up, a soft groan leaving him when he opened his eyes. They hadn't bothered to close the blinds the night before and the sun was pouring in which really wasn't helping his headache. He rubbed his eyes, blinking a few times before the room came into focus and he looked at Jase with a little smile. He carefully detached himself from her, sliding out of the bed and finding his boxers on the floor.
    Ella was already sat downstairs at the kitchen table, a large mug of coffee in her hands since she rose early, too warm and not used to waking up next to another person in bed beside her. She was still wearing Harry's t-shirt and her hair was pulled up into a messy bun, figuring she still had a little while to herself before everyone else woke up. She only woke with a slight headache and that faded the moment she took a sip of her coffee. She pulled her knees up to her chest, yawning into her palm before she took another sip of her coffee.
    January 5th, 2015 at 03:22am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Jason groaned a little when she felt the weight of the bed lessen, her arm instinctively reaching out for the spot where Louis had been. She stayed like that for a while until her brain decided it was time for her to get up, which made her realize that her headache was next to horrendous. "Fuck," she muttered, pushing the covers off of her to grab her bra and underwear from the ground, putting both of them on quickly. Jase padded over to her purse on the ground, pulling out a carton of cigarettes and a lighter. She pulled one out and slid it between her lips as she walked to the balcony, opening the door and slipping out to light her cigarette. The night she had with Louis was coming back to her in bits and pieces, but from what she could see by the bruises on her body, they must've really gone at it.
    Harry woke up after a while, wiping a hand down his face with a sigh. He stood up and scratched an itchy spot on his chest before leaving the bedroom, the smell of coffee wafting through the air. He walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen, spotting Ella drinking a cup of coffee at the table. "Morning," he greeted, voice still pretty rough with sleep. Harry pressed a kiss to her temple and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "Sleep well?" Harry asked, walking to the kitchen to start pulling out what he needed to make pancakes.
    January 5th, 2015 at 11:04pm
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella glanced over towards the staircase when she heard someone coming down, surprised to see Harry looking all adorable and still half asleep. She took a sip from her coffee, smiling when she felt his lips against her temple. "Yeah, did you?" She asked, getting up from her seat and heading over to Harry, tucking herself into his side, slipping an arm around his waist, not really caring if she was getting in his way. "You're a real octopus in bed, woke up with you clinging onto me." She laughed, taking another drink from her coffee before she placed the mug down on the side.
    Louis headed into the bathroom while Jase was still in bed, splashing some cold water on his face to try and wake him up a little. He cupped some water in his hands and gulped it down, desperate to get the stale taste of alcohol out of his mouth. After peeing and washing his hands, Louis headed back into the bedroom, surprised to find it empty. It only took him a few moments to notice the open balcony doors and he headed out there, smiling as he slipped his arms around her waist from behind. "Mornin, love," he mumbled, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.
    January 6th, 2015 at 12:40am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Jason took a long drag from her cigarette, blowing the smoke out in a thin stream as Louis came up behind her. "Morning," she said softly, tapping away some of the ash, "Ready to get your ass kicked today?" She asked with a smirk, turning around to peck his lips quickly, offering the cigarette to him, not really knowing if he smoked or not. It didn't hurt to offer it, though.
    Harry nodded, setting the mixing bowl and utensils on the counter before wrapping an arm around Ella's shoulders, bringing her towards the fridge with him. "I prefer the term 'koala', thank you very much," he argued weakly with a sleepy grin, "Niall and Louis told me I do that but I don't recall ever doing it. But hey, at least I don't snore." He opened up the fridge with his free hand and pulled out a small carton of eggs, setting it on the counter behind him and reaching back in to grab the half gallon of milk.
    January 6th, 2015 at 01:14am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella bit down on her lower lip to hide her smile when Harry wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her along with him as he moved across the kitchen. "Well I liked you being a 'koala'," she murmured, looking up at him and then at his chest, properly seeing all of his tattoos in the light. She trailed her fingers over the butterfly tattooed onto him before pulling herself away from his side to go and pick up her drink again. "Do you want a coffee?" She asked, walking over to the coffee machine to re-fill her mug.
    Louis raised an eyebrow at Jase's question, but grinned into the kiss before he pulled back and took the cigarette from her hands. He took a long pull from it, letting out a soft sigh as he exhaled the smoke, not realising until that moment just how much he needed a cigarette. "You wish, babe," he said, taking another pull from the smoke before handing it back to her. "Shall I call Niall?" He asked, leaning against rail surrounding the balcony, looking out at the beach, welcoming the light breeze.
    January 6th, 2015 at 01:30am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Jase took another drag, nodding at his question as she came up behind him, resting her forehead against his back. "I don't want you to go," she mumbled around the smoke, moving to stand beside him, one arm resting on the rail, "What time's the show in Mexico?" She didn't want to think about Louis leaving, but it was inevitable. He wasn't gonna pause his career just to spend some time with a girl he'd just met the day before, yet it was possible that her and El could drive down. Jase always kept her passport on her, and being so close to Mexico, it was always a possibility of the two going for a day trip anyways.
    Harry grinned, kissing the top of Ella's head, just because she was so cute and he couldn't help himself. "Sure, coffee sounds great," he said, closing the fridge to go to the pantry, scanning over the few items before he found the package of flour. He set it on the counter and made sure he had everything, checking off the items he needed in his head. "'m gonna cut Jase and Lou some slack and make 'em some pancakes, but if they come in, play along and say they're not getting any," Harry murmured with a smirk as he started putting all of his ingredients together in the bowl.
    January 6th, 2015 at 05:36am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella nodded, going up on her tip toes to reach a coffee mug in the top cupboard. She laughed quietly, shaking her head as she poured the coffee into the cup. "I knew you were too nice to be evil," she said, moving back over to Harry's side and putting the mug down on the counter. She lifted herself up onto the counter beside all of the ingredients and bowl that Harry was using to make the pancakes. She took his hand to stop him from making the pancakes and tugged him closer inside, spreading her legs so he could stand between them. "Hi," she whispered with a little smirk on her lips.
    Louis bit down on his lower lip, sighing when Jase said she didn't want him to go. His stomach twisted in an uncomfortable knot when he realised that he didn't want to go either. They were still getting to know each other and with him leaving, whatever was going on between them might stop. "Don't know, think its in like two days," he mumbled, placing a hand on her waist and pulling her in closer to him. "Won't start until the evening, no idea what time though." He admitted with a shrug.
    January 6th, 2015 at 02:04pm
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Jason leaned her head against his shoulder, taking another drag from her cigarette. "You know, it's still crazy to think that you and Harry are interested in Ella and I," she admitted, tapping away some of the ash nonchalantly, "I guarantee you could probably have any girl in the world, so just the fact that you've even taken an interest in me is hard for me to wrap my head around." She didn't want to outright admit that she was afraid of losing him before she even had the chance to be with him, but it was true. In two days time, Louis would be in Mexico surrounded by beautiful girls who would kill to have a chance to even talk to him and Jase would be sitting in her bed moping about it.
    Harry stuck his tongue out at Ella, continuing to mix the batter until Ella took his hand and led him closer to her. He grinned and pressed his forehead against hers, leaning forward to peck her lips. "Hi," he repeated softly, free hand going to rest on the small of her back. God, he was gonna miss this domestic feeling with Ella. He was never able to do this with anyone, well, aside from the rest of the boys. Ella was just so different from anyone he'd ever dated - Harry was ecstatic that they got on so well.
    January 10th, 2015 at 09:42am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella grinned softly, eyes falling shut when she felt Harry's lips against her own. She sighed quietly when he pulled back and hooked her legs around his waist to hold him in place. She opened her eyes again, looking at Harry with a soft little smile. "Can't believe you're leaving so soon," she mumbled, a little pout appearing on her lips. She knew she must have sounded childish, but still, she was going to miss Harry a lot even though they hadn't known each other very long. She leaned in and kissed him again, pulling back after a moment, the sad pout still on her lips.
    Louis pressed his lips to the top of Jase's head, raising an eyebrow at her words. "Shut up," he mumbled, tightening his arm around her waist, holding her closer. He took the cigarette from her hands, taking a long pull from it, exhaling after a few moments. "You're so down to earth and you act like I'm not even famous, and you're clever and fucking gorgeous." He said, pulling back from Jase to look at her. "And I want you to come to Mexico with me." He said with a confident nod. "But only if you want to, of course," he added quickly, a sheepish smile on his lips.
    January 11th, 2015 at 12:02pm
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Jase rolled her eyes when he told her to shut up, but a light blush still rose to her cheeks as he talked about her. Her eyebrows shot up at the mention of Mexico, and fuck, that was the best thing she's heard in a while. "Of course I wanna go to Mexico with you," Jason said with a grin, pressing a kiss to his cheek, "D'ya know how many margaritas I'm gonna fucking down? A lot. Like a whole lot."
    Harry rested his hands on her thighs, giving them a little rub. He kissed her back softly, wanting to get that pout off of her face. It was making him sad as well. "I can't stand to see you this sad," he mumbled, bringing a hand to cup her face, pecking her lips once more, "Maybe you're just going to have to come to Mexico so you're not sad anymore, hm?"
    January 23rd, 2015 at 06:47am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella nuzzled into Harry's palm that cupped her face, smiling against his lips when he kissed her. She smoothed her hands up and down his chest, keeping her legs wrapped tight around his waist. The pancakes could wait a little while longer. She raised her eyebrows in shock when Harry mentioned her going to Mexico, her tummy flipping excitedly. "Holy shit, are you serious?" She asked quietly, trying not to get too excited, but fuck, if she went to Mexico it would mean getting to spend more time with Harry instead of worrying about whatever was happening between them fizzling out.
    Louis full on grinned when Jase said she wanted to go to Mexico with him. He felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders all of a sudden. He had been dreading having to say goodbye to Jase, not knowing when or if he'd even see her again. At least now they had longer to be together and then they could figure out what to do after Mexico. "I think we have a few days off there as well," he said, loving the thought of relaxing and drinking with Jase and the boys, while not having to worry about anything.
    January 27th, 2015 at 11:02pm
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Jason couldn't help but mirror Louis' grin - it was fucking contagious. She stole the cigarette from him, slipping it between her lips to take a drag, releasing the smoke and nodding at Louis' words. At least going to Mexico gave them more time to enjoy each other's company before having to finally discuss what they wanted to be. "You know, I've never been jet skiing before," she said with a little smirk, bumping her hip against his, "Maybe we could do that."
    Harry nodded, thumb sweeping across her cheek lightly. "Course I'm serious," he replied, "And because I know my mate, I'm sure Louis asked Jason the same thing by now." He said with a chuckle, hoping that all of this wasn't moving too fast for Ella. Sure, she showed the same level of interest as he, but he'd hate to make her uncomfortable by bringing her into another country, especially since the fans would be there.
    January 28th, 2015 at 12:58am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella couldn't help but grin at Harry's reply, finally allowing herself to get all excited about going to Mexico with him. "Thank you," she murmured against his lips before kissing him quickly. She definitely wasn't ready to say goodbye to him. She didn't even want to think about how much harder it would be after Mexico. "This is so exciting - can me and Jase come to the show?" She asked shyly, pressing a few kisses along Harry's jawline. She hadn't even thought about the fans, not realising how intrusive they could be. She didn't even know that there were quite a few pictures of her and Jase circling the internet, from when they were in the restaurant with the boys.
    "We can do that," Louis nodded eagerly. "Maybe we could all rent out a boat or something and drink a fuck load of margaritas on there." He smirked, nodding to himself because he definitely liked the idea of that. "Perrie and Sophia will be there too, they're nice girls." Louis insisted, with a little smile. He hoped he wasn't freaking Jase out with talking about her meeting the other boys' girlfriends, since they hadn't even spoke about what was happening between them. It was too early too, anyway. He didn't want to ruin anything before it had properly started.
    January 28th, 2015 at 01:26am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Jason grinned, loving the idea of relaxing on a boat and drinking a fuck ton. That was super ideal. Her eyebrow raised at the mention of girlfriends, mainly because she didn't know who was dating who and if Louis was talking about the Perrie she was thinking about. "Wait, Perrie? Like Perrie Edwards, Perrie?" Her stomach started doing little flips because holy shit, she loved Little Mix. If it really was that Perrie, Ella was gonna be just as stoked as Jase was.
    Harry kissed her back, moving his hand down to rest against the side of her neck. "No, thank you for agreeing to come along," he replied softly. He was so happy - he couldn't believe Ella was actually gonna be joining him for the last little leg of the tour. "Yeah, you guys can come. Would you rather watch it from backstage or front row?" He asked curiously, knowing that all he'd have to do was make the request and they'd be sitting wherever their little hearts desired.
    January 28th, 2015 at 07:31am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella grinned softly when Harry thanked her in return, wanting to shake her head because he really didn't need to thank her. Her eyes widened a little when he asked if she'd rather watch from the front row or backstage. "Front row, I think, please," she murmured with a nod, she moved her hand to Harry's hair, running her fingers through it and pushing it back away from his face. "Or any old seats, I don't mind where I sit, so long as we get to see you guys."
    Louis nodded in reply to Jase's question before pressing a few kisses to her shoulder, unable to keep the smile from his face. "Yeah, she's Zayn's fiance," he said with a shrug. "They're flying in today actually." He told her, taking the cigarette from Jase's hand and having one last pull from it before he stubbed it out and chucked it over the balcony. He exhaled slowly and slipped his hand into Jase's, pulling her back inside. His stomach was growling and he was sure that Harry would be making breakfast.
    January 28th, 2015 at 08:39am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Jason couldn't believe it. Like, Perrie was probably her biggest girl crush, and it turns out she was engaged to Zayn fucking Malik. Ella wasn't gonna believe this at all. Jason squeezed Louis' hand a little as he tugged her inside, smile still on her face at the thought of being to hang out with Perrie and everyone else in Mexico. This trip was turning out to be a lot better than she had originally planned, and a lot of it was coming from these guys she had just met. Crazy how shit happened.
    Harry chuckled softly, leaning into her touch as her fingers threaded through his hair. "I think I'll be able to pull a few strings and get you front row," he murmured, "Make signs." He joked, though he was sure they would do it regardless. "C'mon, let's finish making these pancakes, I bet Lou and Jase are up already." He gave her a quick peck before sadly untangling himself from her legs to go back to the pancake batter, stirring the few clumps out of it and reaching below him to pull out a pan.
    February 2nd, 2015 at 07:40am