Feels like Snow in September

  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella twirled a lock of Harry's curly hair around her finger, nodding with mock seriousness when he said to make a sign. "I'll make a huge one with loads of glitter so you can see it." She said, smiling against his lips when he kissed her and then moving her legs so he could go back to making the pancakes. "I still think that they don't deserve any," she huffed, but grabbed the bag of chocolate chips from the side, pouring a load into the pancake mix. She didn't really do much else to help Harry with the pancakes but instead drank her coffee and watched him. She was supervising so whatever.
    Louis picked up his clothes from the floor, scrunching his nose up at the thought of putting his jeans back on. It was too warm to be putting on his tightest jeans. He chucked his shirt over to Jase with a little sheepish smile and a shrug, just in case she wanted to wear it downstairs. Harry and Ella would just have to deal with his semi-nakedness. "I'd better not stay too late today, since we both have some packing to do." He murmured, unable to hold back grin.
    February 10th, 2015 at 10:50pm
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Harry chuckled when she talked of adding glitter to the sign, stirring the batter a bit more. "I've seen lights on loads of them, I still wonder how they do that," he commented, mixing in the chocolate chips as Ella poured them in, "I think they deserve at least one each." He pulled out a pan and set it on the stove, letting it heat up as he spray it with some cooking spray he found in one of the cabinets.
    Jase grabbed the shirt, nodding towards him thankfully as she tugged it over her head. "Yeah I'll have to let you go," she said with a pouty face before holding his hand once more, leaning up to press a chaste kiss to his lip. She pulled away with a grin as she lead him out of the bedroom and towards the smell of pancakes. God, she was so happy that Harry could cook, the house smelled amazing and it only reminded her how hungry she really was.
    February 23rd, 2015 at 04:17am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    skipppppppp until mexicooooo~~

    Ella kept her head down slightly as they moved through the airport, already able to hear the shouts of fans who were waiting for the boys to go through after baggage claim. Luckily they didn't have to stand around waiting for their bags, someone from the crew would get them and put them in the cars to take them to the hotel. She didn't stand too close to Harry or the rest of the boys, having been warned by Paul that there'll probably be a lot of paps as well as fans outside. She hung back a little with Jase and Sophia, sliding her sunglasses onto her face as they got closer to the doors.
    Louis yawned into his palm before rubbing his eyes, still looking all sleep rumpled from his nap on the plane. He trailed along after Paul and the rest of the guys, looking back at Jase with a little apologetic smile. Even though they were just curled up together on the plane, he still felt a little bad about having to leave Jase and the other girls until they get to the hotel. He knew it would be the safest option for them, though. The paps and fans could get a little crazy and he didn't want to risk anything happening to them. He was thankful that at least Sophia was with Jase and Ella, since she knows the drill by now.
    May 10th, 2015 at 10:53pm
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Harry kept his head down a bit, eyes focused on his phone as they navigated the airport, eyes only flickering up every so often to make sure he didn't run into Niall. He tweeted out that the Mexican fans sure knew how to make him feel welcome, and in minutes, it was already at over ten thousand retweets. He glanced back at the girls to make sure they were okay, knowing that being thrust into this sort of light was pretty overwhelming the first time around. Sophia had them, though, they'd be good. As the doors opened, Harry smiled and blew kisses out of everyone, even stopping to pose for a few pictures as Paul rushed them on.
    Jason ran her fingers through her hair as they walked through the airport, already feeling slightly nervous as the sound of the fans became louder. She wasn't embarrassed or anything - just wasn't used to being put in the limelight like she was about to be. Her picture was gonna be circling all around the internet, and she'd have to deal with it. It was quite a lot to take in, especially since it was occurring in such a short amount of time. As the approached the doors, Jase took her sunglasses from the collar of her shirt and slid them on, returning the small smile to Louis as Paul opened the door, the screaming fans finally becoming a reality as they took pictures, asked for autographs, and pointed to the two new girls with Sophia.
    May 10th, 2015 at 11:11pm
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella subconsciously moved away from the crowd of fans as they passed through the doors, knowing they would have recogonised Sophia straight away, and no doubt noted her and Jase too. "This is fucking crazy," she said to the girls with a little laugh, shaking her head. They walked ahead of the boys, heading straight out to the cars that would be taking them to the hotel. There were even more paps outside and she squinted a little because of the flashing cameras. She didn't know how the boys could get used to it. She glanced back at Harry, smiling a little as he took a bunch of pictures with fans, before she headed towards the car, eager to get away from it all.
    "Hello, everyone!" Louis yelled as they headed out to the fans, laughing quietly when they all screamed. He headed over to a few fans, taking one of the phones that was held out and took a selfie of him with them. He tried making conversation with some of them but they were all screaming a bit and he was still waking up so he quickly moved on to another group, taking more pictures and hugging them all. He watched as the girls headed outside before turning his attention back to the fans.
    May 10th, 2015 at 11:24pm
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Harry at the few questions thrown his way from the paps and the fans, choosing to ignore the majority of them if they weren't related to the show tonight. He caught sight of Ella and offered her a quick smile before continuing to pose for pictures, even hugging a few fans that managed to reach out and get a good hold on him. He hoped that she and Jase would be fine tonight, mainly because their pictures would be circulating everywhere.
    Jase laughed as she watched Louis, still sleepy from the nap that they took on the plane. His hair was still sticking up in some places, mainly from her running her fingers through it as they both started falling asleep. She stuck near Sophia as they got into the car, sliding all the way to the end to allow for the other girls to get in. "Is it always this crazy?" She asked Sophia incredulously, who laughed and nodded. As the car started, Jase opened up Twitter and noticed she had accumulated thousands of new followers and that pictures of her and Ella were now everywhere. Great.
    May 11th, 2015 at 12:21am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella followed Jase into the car, sitting in the middle and leaning her head down on Jase's shoulder, letting out a yawn. She hadn't slept on the plan, too excited and anxious at the same time to land in Mexico. She thought getting through the airport could have gone a lot worse really, but she still didn't enjoy it. She looked down at Jase's phone, raising her eyebrows in surprise. She moved her sunglasses up to rest on her head to look at the pictures of them both.

    "Are we going to the hotel to change before the yacht party?" She asked, glancing between Jase and Sophia. She was sure that Paul explained everything to them earlier but she probably wasn't paying attention.
    Once Louis saw the girls head into the car, he started towards the exit and their cars, giving Harry a little nudge towards them. When they got outside and the paps starting photographing them he sighed and stuck his middle finger up, making Niall laugh but earning a disapproving look from Paul. He didn't really give a shit, though. He quickly walked towards their car, climbing in first and moving over so the other boys could fit in too. "Can't stand them fookin' losers." He grumbled.

    May 11th, 2015 at 12:41am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Harry started towards the car, waving goodbye to the fans before he climbed into the car. "Those guys are proper dicks," he muttered, throwing his arm over the back of the seat, shielding his face as one ran up to the other side of the car, camera clicking away. "Hope the girls are fine." Liam assured him that with Sophia and the other guards, they'd be perfectly okay, but that didn't stop him from worrying.
    Jase leaned her head against Ella's as she scrolled through her feed, deciding to turn off her notifications so her phone would be constantly going off. She nodded at her question. "I literally have no idea what I'm gonna wear," she said softly, deciding to favorite a few tweets that fans sent out saying how cool she and Ella looked.

    May 11th, 2015 at 12:53am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    "Me neither," Ella replied with a little pout, trying to remember what she even packed. "Can't wait to have a mojito or ten." She grinned, yawning again. The car journey wasn't that long from the airport to the hotel and soon enough, they were pulling up outside. There were some fans waiting outside and Ella sighed, because how did they even know the boys were staying there. She messed with her hair for a second before following Sophia out of the car. The fans started calling Sophia's name and she gave them a little wave, and surprisingly, a few of them called out for Ella and Jase. She headed into the hotel, sighing in relief at the cool air conditioning that hit her skin.
    Louis kept his middle finger up against the window, so they wouldn't be able to use any of those pictures of them in the tabloids. He didn't care if that meant he got in trouble with management. "Hopefully all this hasn't scared the off." Louis joked, but still pulled out his phone to send a quick text to Jase. on our way to the hotel now, see you soon ! x He checked his Twitter while his phone was out, frowning at all the tweets sent to him about Jase and Ella. "They've already found out their names and Twitters." He muttered, showing Harry his phone.
    May 11th, 2015 at 01:10am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Harry glanced over at Louis' phone when he spoke of their names and Twitters being found out already. "Well they're dedicated, I'll give them that," he mumbled, pulling out his own phone to shoot Ella a text. be there soon, hope you're well love x He let out a relieved sigh as the car finally took off, knee bouncing as they drove.
    Jase laughed at Ella, nodding all the less. "I could easily down about five of them right now," she replied, following after her and Sophia as they got out of the car. She waved at the fans who called her name, fighting the urge to laugh when one of them said something about her looking like Louis. As she walked inside the hotel, Jason took out her phone, quickly replying to Louis' text. can't wait to kiss your dumb face :) She also decided to snap a quick selfie to post on Instagram with the caption Mexico, you're hot.
    May 11th, 2015 at 01:21am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella flopped down on one of the sofas as the crew and some of the bodyguards started sorting out the rooms. She knew that the fans could kind of see inside the hotel, so she positioned herself facing away from the windows. Pulling out her phone, she grinned when she saw a text from Harry, even though they'd only been apart just over an hour or so, replying with, see you soon, babe x She smiled a little at Sophia who flopped down beside her, looking like she was definitely more than ready to be back with Liam again.
    "Dedicated, obsessive, whatever you want to call it." Louis said in reply, still with a little frown on his features. He lightened up though when Jase's text came through and he laughed quietly, sending back a load of kissing emojis in return. When the car pulled up to the hotel, he could hear the screams of more fans again, but when they climbed out of the car Louis didn't stop for any pictures. He simply waved at the fans before speed walking inside, grinning when he saw Jase. He hurried over to her, slipping his arms around her waist from behind, dropping his chin down onto her shoulder.
    May 11th, 2015 at 07:31am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Harry grinned at the text Ella sent before raising an eyebrow as another text came in from Ed Sheeran. He opened it and read about Ed's promise to show up to the party with Taylor Swift and a couple of other people he wasn't really familiar with. He thought that'd be a good surprise for the girls, plus, Zayn had already told the guys that Perrie was going to come and bring the rest of the girls. So, all in all, the yacht party was almost like a star studded event. The car pulled up the hotel not too long after, and he followed after Louis quickly, only raising a hand to wave at the fans and smile widely as he entered the hotel. "El," he said, coming up behind her and kissing the top of her head from behind the sofa. "Hope that wasn't too bad for you."
    Jase couldn't help the goofy smile that appeared on her face when Louis' arms finally snaked around her waist. "Well hello to you too," she murmured, placing her hands on top of his as she leaned back against his frame, not caring about the fans outside anymore. When Louis was around, she was more comfortable about the whole situation. She knew that as long as Lou was around, the fans weren't gonna be able to stand a chance. They'd never say something blatantly rude about Jase while he was standing right there. Plus, the feeling of his arms around her waist was the best thing ever.
    May 11th, 2015 at 07:42am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella blinked a few times when she heard the screams from outside getting louder, smiling a little because she knew the boys must have arrived. When she felt Harry's lips on the top of her head, she looked up at him and grinned. "It was fine, really," she murmured, only lying just a little bit. "Dunno how you do that every day." She said as she got up from the sofa and hurried around to where he was standing. She felt a little bit hesitant because the fans outside could kind of see, but still she slipped her arms around his waist and leaned into him. She pressed a little kiss to his chest, next to where her head was leaning.
    Louis hummed quietly in reply to her, dropping some kisses to the base of her neck. "You alright after all that?" He asked eventually, after a minute of just hugging her. He started walking forwards towards the check in desk where Paul was sorting out their rooms, keeping his arms around Jase's waist and making her move with him. He grabbed a key from Paul, glad that his manager knew that he wouldn't accept no for an answer when he told him that he and Jase would be sharing.
    May 11th, 2015 at 08:03am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Harry could tell that her experience wasn't really fine, but that was okay. It wasn't something that someone would get used to after just one exposure to it. He had been dealing with fans like that when he was still a teenager - the anxiety had worn off already. "I got used to it," he mumbled, lifting a hand to brush some hair from her face, following after Louis to pick up their room keys. "But that part's over, now we get to go to a party and hang out until the show tomorrow night."
    Jason nodded, walking along with Louis to the front desk, chuckling a bit as she did so. "What room are we in?" Jase asked, "I hope we're at the top floor. I've never really stayed in a room on the top floor before." She couldn't help but overhear Harry talking to Ella about the yacht party and it reminded her that she still didn't know what she wanted to wear. For all she knew, the fucking president could be there, and Jase didn't wanna look like a scrub.
    May 11th, 2015 at 08:36am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella perked up a little when Harry mentioned the party and being able to hang out until the show that wasn't until the next day. "How do you even dress for a yacht party?" She asked with a little pout, following Harry to get the key for their room. She headed over to the elevator, raising her eyebrows in shock when she saw it was made of glass. The hotel was so fancy but with Harry, Jase and the rest of the boys, Ella surprisingly didn't feel too out of place.
    "I think we might be," Louis said in reply, with a little shrug. "We tend to rent out the whole floor, sometimes two depending on the amount of crew with us." He said, slipping his hand into Jase's and following Ella and Harry over to the elevator. "It's just easier for security and all that." he said, pressing the button for their floor, which happened to be the top one. He was glad because that meant they'd have the nicest and biggest rooms.

    [ i don't want no scrub
    p.s shit posts because I'm on me phone ]
    May 11th, 2015 at 08:49am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Harry shrugged at her question. "It depends on the weather," he replied, "But normally a nice cocktail dress works, or maybe a top and skirt. It's nothing too fancy or anything. I was gonna wear a dress shirt and black jeans, you know, something quite simple." He didn't want Ella freaking out about having to fit in at the party. Sure, some people would go all out for the party, but it was completely unnecessary to do so, especially considering that it would still be warmer after the sun went down.
    Jase grinned when Louis said they'd be on the top floor, eyes widening at the sight of the glass elevator. Damn, this place was nice. She knew it was nice when she walked in, but she didn't have time to look around the entire place. "This is so crazy," she said quietly with a half smile, admiring the paintings on the walls and the chandeliers.

    [no prob i'm tired af anyways haha]
    May 11th, 2015 at 09:06am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella nodded, leaning into Harry's side again now that they were out of the way from the fan's view. "I have a few different things with me." She murmured, knowing she overpacked for the little holiday but not really caring because she had to look her best because the boys were always in the public eye. Ella leaned up a little, pressing her lips to Harry's jaw and then the corner of his mouth. She pulled back, biting down on her lower lip to hide her grin. When the lift stopped at their floor, she took the key from Harry and excitedly rushed down the hall, sending a coy little wave to Jase and Louis before she opened the door and stepped inside, jaw dropping at their gorgeous suite. "Holy shit," she breathed.

    Louis only shrugged his shoulders in reply to Jase. He'd stayed in a bunch of similar hotels and the novelty had worn off a little. Sure, the hotels were amazing but he was kind of tired about living out of suitcases. "Come on, I promise there's something better to look at in our room." He said with a cheeky grin, laughing a little as Ella hurried off down the hall. He walked down towards their suite which was opposite Harry's and opened the door, letting out another yawn as he walked inside and straight to the sofa. They kind of had to rush to get ready but Louis didn't really feel like rushing.
    May 11th, 2015 at 03:17pm
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Harry chased after her lips when they reached the corner of his mouth, succeeding in planting a kiss on Ella's lips. He laughed as Ella took off to the room, offering Louis and Jase a little wave as he followed after her. "Catch ya soon," he told the pair over his shoulder, entering the room with a sigh of relief. Finally, he was in a place where the fans or paps could see him. Harry closed the door behind him before wrapping his arms around Ella's waist, burying his face in the crook of her neck as she stood in awe. "It's quite nice, isn't it?" He mumbled.
    Jase followed after Louis, feeling incredibly inferior inside of such an elegant place. The inside of the suite was even better than the hotel - she literally couldn't believe it. "Fucking hell," she muttered with an incredulous smile. Even though she wanted to explore the room, she knew they had to start getting ready to leave for the party, yet Louis had plopped himself down on the couch. "C'mon, we gotta get changed," Jason said, walking over to where he was to lean down and peck his lips, "You can sleep on the way there."
    May 12th, 2015 at 01:10am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    "I think quite nice is a bit of an understatement, babe," Ella giggled in reply, leaning into Harry when she felt his arms around her waist. She ran her fingers through Harry's hair when he dropped his head into the crook of her neck. After a few moments she turned in his arms so she was facing him, her hands sliding under his shirt, a cheeky grin on her lips. "I hope there's a room on the yacht where we won't be disturbed," she murmured, unable to hold back her little smirk. She knew they had rush to get ready for the party but they hadn't even had the chance to sleep together yet, jeez. Ella was getting a little impatient.
    Louis full on pouted when Jase went over to him on the sofa and said they needed to get ready. He even let out a little while because a tired Louis was a grumpy Louis. He tugged on the front of Jase's shirt when she leaned down to kiss him, pulling her down onto his lap. "Let me help you get ready," he grinned, lifting the bottom of Jase's shirt, pulling it over her head and off, chucking it down on the floor somewhere. "You should just stay like that for a little while." He nodded in mock seriousness, his fingers trailing up and down Jase's back.
    May 12th, 2015 at 07:37am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Harry shrugged a bit, though he understood exactly what Ella meant. The hotel was pretty nice, but she hadn't seen any of the exquisite hotels they stayed in when they toured the richer parts of Europe. There were some places he stayed in that he absolutely couldn't believe were actually real. Seriously. The pictures on his phone are the only thing he has to remind himself that they stayed in a real place and not his dreams. Harry smirked a bit, fingers looping in her belt loops to tug her flush against his chest. "I think we'll be able to sneak off somewhere," he promised, pressing a kiss to her forehead, "We've just got to be careful, some photographers sweet talked their way onto the yacht."
    Jase let out a noise of surprise when Louis pulled her into his lap, arms snaking around his neck for a moment before he was pulling her shirt off. She rolled her eyes and adjusted the straps of her bra, grinning as his fingers danced along her back. "Maybe I should," she replied noncommittally, running a hand through Louis' hair a few times as she watched him, "Or maybe I should just go in this. Why not?" She joked, shrugging her shoulders. "Who's gonna stop me?"
    May 15th, 2015 at 08:59am