Feels like Snow in September

  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella grabbed a bunch of glasses from the cupboard and moved to lean next to the counter where Harry was sitting. "Vodka and lemonade," she said, shooting him a little smile. "But I can make us some cocktails, if you want?" She offered, grabbing a few different bottles and pouring the alcohol in. Her cocktails were more like alcohol thrown together that sometimes tasted good if you were drunk enough. The drinks always succeeded in getting her incredibly drunk, though.
    "A good bar plays music," Louis said with a shrug, a little smirk playing on his features. He looked around the open planned room, liking it a lot better than his hotel room. He could only imagine how bored he'd be if they were stuck in the hotel for the rest of the night. "Cocktails are a good idea," he nodded, ready to start drinking and partying. "Did you find out if there's a good club near by?" He asked Jase as he made himself right at home, hopping up onto the counter top to sit on it.
    December 20th, 2014 at 09:02pm
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    "Well it's a good thing y'all sing," Jason replied, coming up behind Harry to wrap her arms around his neck, resting her chin on his shoulder, "Innit?" She patted his chest and stood up, walking over to Ella as she started pouring the drinks. To be honest, Jase didn't know what Ella put in them half the time, but they were always good as shit, so she never really asked. "I did," Jase told Louis, moving to stand in front of him, hands resting on his thighs casually, "And there's no old people."
    Harry laughed at Jason, patting her hand before she moved it. "Well I see a dock over there," he noted, pointing towards speaker sitting atop the breakfast bar, "Anyone mind if I hook up to it?" Niall told him to go for it, so he got up and plugged his phone in before selecting a playlist with some dance music.
    December 21st, 2014 at 01:08am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella finished off making the drinks for everyone, topping them off with a little bit of juice before putting a straw in each one. She moved over to the cupboard, standing on her tiptoes as she rummaged through it. She pulled out a box of little mini umbrellas and placed one in each glass as well. "I should work in a bar," she commented with a proud grin, taking each of the glasses and passing them out. Niall thanked her with a kiss on the cheek, making her laugh before she picked up her own glass. "I love this song!" She grinned, shaking her hips a little before she picked up Harry's glass and passed it to him.
    Louis took his drink from Ella with a smile, watching Harry set up the playlist on his phone. When Jase stood in front of him, hands resting on his thighs he grinned at her, reaching out and touching the hat she was wearing. "Harry's got one like his," he said, although they were a little different. But to Louis a black hat was a black hat. "Looks better on you though." He nodded, letting his hands rest on top of Jase's which were still on his thighs.
    December 21st, 2014 at 10:51am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Jason pulled a funny face when he touched her hat, returning it back to a normal grin after a few seconds. "I'd hope so," she said, "Maybe we'll compare one day and see who wears it best." She didn't mind his hands on top of hers, and for some reason, it felt normal. Almost routine. Sure, it gave her butterflies but it was something that seemed sort of right. "You ready to hang tonight? It might be hard to keep up with El and I."
    Harry smiled at Ella's exclamation, taking the drink when it was passed to him. "Glad you do." He took a sip from the glass and let out a surprised sound. "Ella, this drink is amazing," he told her, "I should take this to the club with me instead. It might taste a lot better than some of the other stuff."
    December 21st, 2014 at 09:25pm
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella preened when Harry complimented the drink she'd handed him, grinning and shrugging her shoulders. "I'm unnaturally good at getting people fucked up from alcohol." She laughed before taking a few sips of her own drink. She shook her hips a little to the beat, running her fingers through her hair and pushing it back from her face. She then moved to sit down in the chair beside Harry. "So, how long are you in town for?" She asked before taking another long sip from her drink.
    Louis glanced down at their hands and then back at Jase with a little, soft smile. "I'm sure we'll manage to keep up with you two," he said with a confident nod. "Maybe not Zayn, but I'll definitely drink you under the table." He teased, a little smirk playing on his features. He removed one of his hands from on top of Jase's to pick his glass up and take a long drink from it.
    December 21st, 2014 at 11:17pm
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    "I'd like to try and keep up with Niall," Jason admitted, "And see if I could out drink the Irishman." With her free hand, she picked up her glass as well, taking a drink from it with a grin. Whatever Ella managed to mix up was absolutely excellent, and it was certainly stronger than the last drink she had. "So Louis," Jase began, "Why'd you come tonight? Hm? I know loads of girls who could offer you better company than El and I, so why us?"
    Harry chuckled, shrugging his shoulders back. "We've all got our talents," he murmured, tucking a few curly strands of hair behind his ear, "A few days, though I wish we could stay a lot longer. We've got a show to play the day after tomorrow and then we've got to go play a show in Mexico City." He was fairly excited to play in San Diego and in Mexico, but now that Harry had met Ella and Jason, he was feeling a bit disappointed to be leaving their company. Their management always told them not to get too attached to someone in one place, but he couldn't help it. Not when the people he got attached to interested him so much.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 12:04am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella grinned at Harry's reply, nodding her head in agreement. "That's exciting," she said in earnest, although she could understand why the boys reacted the way they did in front of the fans. It must get tiring constantly having to please the fans and what not. "It's a shame you can't stay for longer, I can't imagine you get many vacations." She said with a little laugh. She took another sip from her drink, fingers idly playing with the mini umbrella that was sat in her glass.
    "Good luck, none of us have succeeded so far." Louis said honestly, grinning over at Niall who raised his glass to Louis before taking a long drink. He looked back at Jase when she asked him the question and he shrugged his shoulders, looking thoughtful for a moment before he spoke. "I don't know, I guess maybe because you were so cool you saw us and realised who we were." He said before taking a gulp from his drink, most of it gone already. "You didn't freak out or act differently around us, and you two are bloody gorgeous, too." He added, throwing in a cheeky grin once he finished.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 12:22am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Jason looked over at Niall and flipped him off with a smirk, taking another drink from her glass. "We'll see what happens," she muttered, fumbling around with the little umbrella in her glass. As Louis spoke, Jase nodded along to his words, rolling her eyes at the last bit. "Stop trying to kiss up," she joked, "But thanks all the same. I'm glad we're able to just kick it without having to be fake or ditzy or whatever. We're just us." She finished off her drink and set it on the counter before glancing over at the clock. "Maybe we should head out. I'd kill to be dancing way too close with everyone right now."
    Harry nodded. It was all very exciting, and the thrill of being able to explore the world with his best mates never really wore off, but it did get tiring sometimes. He often longed to be home with a good book and some relaxing music, or back at his mum's place eating a home cooked meal. Sometimes he just really missed the idea of home - nothing could ever feel as great as home felt. "Not really," he sighed, "And when we do get to go home for vacation, our schedules are often jumbled. One day we're spending it with our families and the next we've got to be up and out for a radio interview at six in the morning."
    December 22nd, 2014 at 12:43am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella honestly felt a little sorry for Harry, even though she shouldn't because what he did for a living was absolutely amazing and she couldn't imagine the rush he must feel up on stage. But she knew that it must take its toll on them. "That sucks," she murmured, before draining the last of her drink. "At least you get to let loose tonight, though," she added, a little hopeful smile on her lips. However, her smile fell when she overheard Jase talking to Louis about heading out, because she still wasn't overly keen on going out out with them. When Louis told everyone to finish of their drinks quickly, she placed her empty glass down on the side. "Have fun tonight, yeah?"
    Louis laughed quietly when Jase told him to stop kissing up, but he held his hands up in surrender. "Just stating the truth," he told her, shrugging again. "Yeah, well you're pretty great company." He said, being completely honest as well. Louis finished off his drink, downing the last few mouthfuls before he nodded and slid off the counter, stood right in front of Jase. "Sounds like a good idea to me, I would kill to be on something stronger though." He said absently as he side stepped past Jase, yelling at the rest of the group to finish off their drinks quickly so they could go.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 01:04am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Jason couldn't help but blush a little bit at Louis' words, stuffing her hands in her pockets as he addressed the rest of the group. She heard Ella and groaned, tipping her head back slightly in annoyance. "Oh my God, Ella, just come out with us," Jase looked over at her best friend, "No one's gonna stop us like at the diner, I swear. Pleeeeeease come out?" She clasped her hands together and gave Ella the best puppy dog face she could muster up, wanting nothing more than her best friend to accompany her on what could be the best night of their lives.
    Harry shrugged it off, finishing the last of his drink. "I manage," he replied, "Yeah, it's nights like these that really help." He stood up and walked over to unhook his phone, eyebrow raising at her words. "Wait, but aren't you coming?" Jason's pleading made him put the pieces together - Ella wasn't joining them. He wasn't sure if the incident at the restaurant was the entire problem or not but he wanted her to come along with him, Jason, and the boys. "Yeah, c'mon, love. It'll be fine."
    December 22nd, 2014 at 03:00am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella sighed when Jason pleaded with her to go out with them and even threw in her puppy dog eyes. She looked around the room, hoping one of the boys would tell her it was okay if she wanted to stay in, but they all looked concerned Niall, bless him, looked genuinely sad. "Fine," she huffed, before pointing a finger at Harry. "But if any of your stalker fans show up, I'm straight out of there, okay?" She said determinedly. Jason might be okay with dealing with that stuff, but Ella wasn't cut out for it.
    Louis frowned a little when Harry questioned Ella, asking if she was going with them. He couldn't help but feel a little selfish, worrying that if Ella didn't go, that Jason wouldn't want to. Oops. But when Ella eventually agreed, he let out a little breath of relief. "How are we getting there?" He asked the group, but the question was mainly directed at Jase since she was the one who chose the club. "I also think we should take a drink for the road." He added, picking up a bottle of Tequila that they could take mouthfuls from, just to keep them buzzed.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 03:15am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Jason smiled wide when Ella finally agreed to go, throwing a fist in the air to signify how pumped she was. "Well, I doubt my car will fit us all but we could squeeze, right?" She asked, looking around the room to see if that idea would suffice. "I'd recommend taking a bus but we can't drink in public, unless we pour the alcohol into water bottles or something." Liam and Zayn seemed up for the car, saying that it wouldn't be too bad of a fit, while Niall thought the public transport would be a better fit. "It's up to you, babe," Jase said, directing it towards Louis, "We either take huge mouthfuls of tequila now and catch a bus or we play clowns and squeeze into my car."
    Harry laughed and wrapped Ella up into a hug when she agreed, lifting her off of her feet for a moment. "Of course," he responded, stupid grin on his face. He was so happy that she had agreed to come with them, not that he wouldn't have fun with his lads and Jason, but he wanted to be with Ella and for her to have a good time too. "I vote we just fit into her car," Harry said, "We're only asking for a scandal if we're all shitfaced on a bus."
    December 22nd, 2014 at 04:24am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella let out a surprised laugh when she was all of a sudden lifted from the floor, she grabbed onto Harry's shoulders, leaning into him and still laughing quietly after he'd put her down. She nodded in agreement with Harry, thinking it would be best for them to drive. "Who's willing to not get shitfaced and drive us, though?" She asked, because Ella definitely wanted to get absolutely wasted, and the tequila was calling her name. She took the bottle from Louis, downing a mouthful of it and scrunching up her nose at the taste and burn in her throat. She slipped her hand into Harry's and started pulling him towards the car. "Let's go!" She called out to everyone.
    Louis looked between Jase and Harry for a moment, trying to figure out what their best course of action would be. After Liam pitched as well, saying taking the car would be the best decision providing they didn't get caught by the cops, he nodded. "Yeah, we can squeeze into your car," he said, raising his eyebrows in surprise when Ella took the tequila from his hand. "Do you want me to drive?" He asked Jason, taking a hold of her hand and following Ella and Harry towards the front door. He didn't mind driving, and could easily catch up with the others while he was in the club.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 11:50am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Jason squeezed his hand a little bit and shrugged as she grabbed the keys on the way out. "Only if you want to," she said, pulling her phone out with her free hand to pull up the directions to the club. It was supposed to be somewhere away from all of the family friendly stuff and promised that ladies get in free tonight, so that was the best deal that she could find. She handed him the keys and let go of his hand to get in on the passenger's side, laughing when Niall said he was gonna drink her under the table. "Whatever dude, you don't know shit about my drinking skills," Jase replied, taking the bottle from Ella once she was in the car. She took a big mouthful of it and swallowed it, keeping a poker face as she handed it to Niall with a challenging smirk.
    Harry followed after Ella, glad that they had decided upon driving rather than public transport. He got in the backseat and motioned for Ella to sit on his lap so the other three boys could try and fit. The others quickly piled in with Zayn atop Liam's lap and Niall squished in the middle, which he didn't seem to mind as soon as Jason challenged him to drink from the bottle, which he did with a straight face that mirrored Jason's. "You guys are crazy."
    December 22nd, 2014 at 09:08pm
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella grinned shyly when Harry motioned to sit on his lap, and she climbed in carefully, setting herself down on his lap and slipping her arms around his neck. "Your turn, babe," she grinned, taking the bottle from Niall and passing it to Harry. She couldn't help but feel a little buzzed from the alcohol and because she was actually getting pretty excited to go out, despite worrying about the fans.
    Louis took the keys from Jason, heading around to the driver's side of the car. He got in and started the engine, watching Niall down the tequila in the rear view mirror, laughing and shaking his head. "You guys all owe me shots when we get there." He said before reversing out of the drive. He could feel the car moving slower because of the amount of people in it. He switched on the radio, turning the music up and singing along to one of the songs playing. "What way am I going?" He asked, looking over at Jase.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 09:31pm
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Jason sang along to the radio too, glancing down at her phone once the first direction came up. "Make a right," she instructed, reaching over to hold his free hand with hers as she put her phone in her lap, "And then you take that down for two miles." She leaned back against the seat, turning a bit to watch as Harry took the bottle from Ella.
    Harry tipped the bottle back and took a big gulp, sticking his tongue out and shaking his head once it went down. "Fuck, I forgot how strong that shit was," he mumbled, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before passing the bottle to Liam's grabby hand.
    December 23rd, 2014 at 05:08am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella watched Harry with a grin, feeling all giddy because she was sitting in his lap and he was hot as fuck, but also because of the alcohol in her system. Her fingers idly played with the ends of his curls, unable to stop herself from touching him at least a little because she was definitely a handsy drunk. "My turn again!" She exclaimed, after Zayn had taken the bottle and downed some after Liam. She took the bottle from Zayn, downing a mouthful of it, finding it easier to swallow the second time around. "Jason, babe," she smirked, passing the bottle to her friend in the front seat before settling more comfortably in Harry's lap.
    Louis nodded along, following Jase's instructions but looked over at her with a smile when she took his hand. He laced their fingers together, glancing in the rear view mirror as Ella took another swig from the bottle and held it out for Jason. He pouted a little, knowing he'd have a lot of catching up to do once they got to the club. He didn't mind that much, though. He'd just go straight to the bar and get a round of shots in for them all. "I better not end up having to carry you home." He teased, glancing over at Jase quickly and then back at the road.
    December 23rd, 2014 at 05:27am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Jason grabbed the bottle and grinned over at Louis, taking a nice mouthful of it pretty easily. "I'm a crawly drunk," she joked, licking her lips free of any drops of tequila, "But if you do carry me, I'd most definitely owe you big time." When they stopped at a red light, Jase got an idea, though it may be a horrible alcohol induced one. "I'm gonna take another swig and then kiss you real quick so you won't feel left out, okay?" Jason informed Louis before she put the bottle to her lips once more, wetting them with the tequila as she reached over to peck his lips.
    Harry rested his hands on Ella's waist, unable to contain the huge grin on his face as she played with his hair. He didn't mind that she was a handsy drunk - he was the exact same way. If Louis wasn't around for him to mess with, he's usually wrap himself around Niall and play with his hair and trace invisible tattoos on his arms, saying what piece of ink should be there. When Jason planted one on Louis, Harry let out a whoop and laughed along with the guys. "Look at Lou gettin' a little taste."
    December 23rd, 2014 at 05:38am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ella watched Jason take another mouthful of the tequila, still shocked that she never seemed to have much of a reaction to it. She let out a shocked noise, laughing along with the boys when Jase leaned over and kissed him, shaking her head although she was grinning at the pair. "They'll be all over each other all night." Ella said to Harry with a grin, rolling her eyes although she didn't mind one bit. She wanted Jase to have the best night she could - and she was really glad she'd decided to go out with them instead of staying in. Now that she had a bit more alcohol in her system, she felt like she could deal with any weird people trying to get pictures and stuff.
    Louis couldn't help but laugh when Jase said she was a crawly drunk, not even that surprised really. He raised his eyebrows when she said she was going to give him a kiss, but he turned to face her at the red light, very much eager for it. When he felt her lips against his, he swiped his tongue along her lower lip, smirking a little when he tasted the tequila. "Thanks, babe," he breathed, lips still brushing against hers. He pecked her lips again once more, quickly, before he turned back to face the road, driving again because the light was green.
    December 23rd, 2014 at 05:48am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Jason was more than a little surprised when Louis' tongue brushed along her lower lip, though she was more surprised when he leaned in to peck her lips again. "No problem," she said, trying to play it off by taking another swig of alcohol and passing the bottle back to whoever would take it, which happened to be Zayn. Although she'd never hooked up with someone immediately upon meeting them, Jase was starting to believe that tonight would be the first night that it'd happen. And even if it didn't, it was sort of cool to think that Louis could be the person to do that with.
    "I hope we're like that by the end of the night," Harry joked, tickling her side a little bit as he leaned forward to ruffle Louis' hair, "Atta boy, Lou." The alcohol in his system was making him feel as if he could do just about anything, and being at the club would only intensify that feeling. Harry couldn't really dance well, but he'd dance to whatever was playing and he'd do it with a huge smile on his face and a drink in hand.
    December 23rd, 2014 at 06:12am