Make It Rain | Closed - RP |

  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    When the sins of my father, Weigh down in my soul

    Alice & Rick
    And the pain of my mother, will not let me go

    Sarah & Daryl
    December 5th, 2014 at 09:30pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    Sighing heavily I let my shaky hand run through my long brunette hair. Glancing around the small farm house I stumbled upon, I catch a glimpse of nothing. Nothing but the home and the land. No signs of life. No signs of anything. I turn slightly seeing Sarah coming up behind me as I give her a smile. "Looks like no one is here." I told her putting the gun back in my holster and looking at her a little before turning my attention back to the house. For what seemed like forever. It'd been me and her. We'd never came into contact with anyone else.

    I took and walked alongside Rick. My hand going through my hair as I sighed out closing my eyes. "Look there's a farm house." I pointed to it showing Rick. We needed a shelter for now. It was just us. We'd lost most of our group when we'd been attacked back at our old camp site.

    [[Hope this was ok?]]
    December 5th, 2014 at 10:40pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I wiped my tear stained cheeks I had cried once I realized nobody was here and it was empty and safe for us to be in, "Theres furniture, some canned food in the cabinets, and water, hot water theres a well and pump on this land and its a propane heating system and the tank looks to be full that means heat, hot water, drinking water for at least a few months time with that big old propane tank. I see generators by the farm house too maybe they power the house I'll go out tomorrow and look." I told Alice.

    I had met Alice when the swarm first happened I was on the road with my family and those things had knocked over the car I managed to get away as my father and brother stayed behind and got eaten I had got a ride from Alice and since then we'd been together just me and her, the world died around us and in our minds it was just us.

    "Let's go check it out." I told him and loaded my gun just incase, I slowly jumped the fence and started to walk up the long driveway watching for any signs of walkers I noticed a car in the driveway, with some blood on the side of it, "Think it's from a walker attack?" I asked Daryl as I walked up the steps of the house and turned the knob I walked in and didn't see anything downstairs just as we were headed up the stairs a little red head walked down and pointed a big shot gun at us, "WHOA NOW! Lets just, lower our weapons and talk this out nobody has to die today alright?"
    December 6th, 2014 at 08:36pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I held the rifle I had as I took and walked out of the kitchen pointing my gun at the two men. I looked at Sarah as I saw the one with a bow aiming his bow at me. "I'd advise you to put your weapons down." I ordered my southern slang coming out. I took and narrowed my eyes at the two men. "You're right no one has to die. But you two need to lower your damn weapons then maybe we can talk." I said.

    I looked at Rick as he nodded his head. I took and lowered my bow and looked at the two women. The red head was something. She was gorgeous. I took and gave a light smile to the two. "Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you two ladies." I said my southern accent coming out.
    December 6th, 2014 at 09:21pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I slowly lowered the rifle I had in my hands I looked at the men and saw the one with the bow had a leather vest on, I saw his smile and heard how southern he was I unlike all these folk wasn't from the south I was from the mid west. I walked down the stairs and looked at Alice as I stood by her I looked at Daryl my eyes not peeling from him.

    My head snapped to a voice I saw the brunette and boy was she beautiful I smiled at her as we all lowered our weapons, "I am Rick, this is Daryl we only want to stay here over night please, theres walkers everywhere but here and it'd be mighty kind of you to let us crash here over night we got separated from our group after a Walker attack on our camp site."
    December 6th, 2014 at 09:37pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I looked at Sarah seeing her nod. I took and held the rifle to my side, "Yeah that's fine. Sorry you lost your group." I replied to the one named rick. He must have been a cop. Because he had a uniform on. He was very attractive. I couldn't peel my eyes from him. I smiled at him as I took and laid the rifle back into it's place in the rack. "I am Alice this is Sarah." I told the two men.

    I took and noted the red head's name. God she was gorgeous. Like a majestic creature of some sort. I took and gave her a cheeky smile, "Nice to meet you both. Thanks for being so kind into letting us crash here." I told the two seeing the brunette named Alice nod her head.
    December 6th, 2014 at 11:29pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I turned and headed back upstairs digging through the families things for clothes, guns, anything they had that could help, it was obvious this family was on vacation and just never came home as mostly all their survival gear was still here but a few items of clothing was gone. I heard foot steps behind me I glanced up in a mirror and saw Daryl. "You're a hick aren't you Daryl? Redneck? Your accent gives it away." I said and smiled at him, "I'm what you call a mid-west hick." I added.

    I followed the one named Alice into the kitchen again, "How long have you two been traveling alone?" I asked looking at the brunette girl, she had gorgeous eyes and the way she presented herself she was a lady. When she didn't respond to me I sighed, "I was shot in the back while on duty in my home town, I woke up in the hospital dehydrated, and there were walkers everywhere, I made some friends and they kept me alive in the morning, and I've been trying to contact them but nothing has come back." I told her and sighed.

    "I'm just trying to make friendly conversation." I added and looked at her I could tell she was stubborn.
    December 7th, 2014 at 07:56pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I grinned at her, "Yeah I am a redneck." I snickered at her term of my hillbiness. I laughed and stared at her. "A mid-west hick huh? Where you from darling?" I asked her as I laid my bow on the dresser sitting down on the bed.

    I glanced over my shoulder at him. "I know you are." I replied my southern slang rolling off my words. "It's just been me and Sarah since this shit happened. I just..." I paused turning around looking at him. "Don't trust easy if you say. Before this shit happened. My ex took and tried to kill me. Cheated on me. Then was a walker, and tried to eat me. So yeah." I said as I glanced around the kitchen seeing the food and all. "Sorry you were shot in the back, and lost your friends. I hope you find them." I replied.
    December 8th, 2014 at 12:28am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    "Tijeras, New Mexico." I said looking at him I saw his bow, "Thats a nice hunting bow." I said to him and sat down by him I pulled out my hunters knife and handed it to him, "the button releases CO2 and explodes whatever it's confined in. I haven't used it yet, I don't want none of that walker juice on me." I looked at him and tucked some red hair behind my ear.

    "Shit, that has to be rough, didn't shoot him in the head make you feel a bit better?" I asked her and shrugged, "They really aren't my friends, they're survivors who just, found me when I was trapped inside a tank surrounded by walkers." I told her and looked at her she was so gorgeous, "I'll be happy to do anything you need, if you ladies need anything Daryl and I are here, he's a great hunter we can go get deer meet and stuff for us to eat.."
    December 8th, 2014 at 12:41am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    (Nice Avatar Wink)


    "Damn that is some nice ass knife." I grinned at her looking at it. I took and handed it back to her. "Yeah I feel more comfortable with a bow than a gun. The gun business is Rick." I grinned at her. "Ah New Mexico huh? Heard it's a real cool place." I grinned at her.

    I nodded, "That is real nice of you Rick." I replied to him. "Oh it felt so good when I shot him in the head. I had wanted to do that for so long. As awful as that sounds." I took and frowned as I took and sat down at the small kitchen table. "So what did you do before this?" I asked him.
    December 8th, 2014 at 01:18am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    (bahaha, Thanks! tehe)


    "You're an awful good liar Daryl." I said and gave him a little smile, "It sucked, it was hot as fuck in the summer and cold as fuck in the winter," I shrugged my shoulders, "It was home though, not anymore.." I said and sighed running a hand through my red locks I ran down the stairs out to the car as quick as I could I grabbed a bag and brought it inside going back up to Daryl I opened the bag and pulled out a bow, I put it together and pointed it up at the ceiling, "Like her? she was my dads I got it after they were eaten."

    I gave her a slight chuckle as I rubbed my neck, "I was a cop in a small town." I told her and looked at her sighing, "Now I'm running for my life and you can only run so far before you run out of land." I said to her and sighed, "Last thing we heard this virus had reached the whole planet, theres nothing left out there, small groups of survivors but it'd take so much ammunition to kill them all.. how do you do it?" I asked and sighed shaking my head, "I'm sorry I rambled off again, It's nice to meet you Alice,"
    December 8th, 2014 at 01:28am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    (Welcomes! Cute)


    "It's a might nice bow." I grinned at her running my fingers along it. "It looks like a state of the art thing." I snickered looking it over. I glanced at her and frowned, "Sorry about your family. The only family I had was my older brother. God knows where he is. We got separated and I never found him." I sighed looking at her giving her a smile best I could.

    I smiled squeezing hand, "I just try to keep some hope inside of me. That maybe, there's a cure out there somewhere's." I told him and sighed a little. "I was a doctor at a local hospital in my small home town in Georgia." I told him and smiled at him. Sighing I took and released his hand. "It's nice to have others here with us." I smiled at him.
    December 8th, 2014 at 01:59am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    "I'm sorry about your brother," I said looking at him then the bow, "I don't know how to fire this thing or load it, so uh you want it?" I asked holding it out to him, "It would do me no good to keep the thing if I don't know shit about it, I'd probably shoot my own eye out." I said to him and handed him the bag of arrows and the bow, I smiled weakly and shrugged I tucked my legs to my chest, "it happened there's nothing you can do about it but survive...right?"

    "I'm sure there is we just, can't find it yet." I told her and sighed softly "It is nice to have someone other than Daryl to talk to ..." I looked around and blinked, "Where are they?I don't want Daryl to fuck with your friend he's kind of weird sometimes I mean he's nice but he'll snap at you in a second if he has the chance every since he lost his brother, I don't know how to control his anger or his hillbilly ways." I told her honestly.
    December 8th, 2014 at 02:10am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I nodded my head to her response. I took and gave her a smile taking the bow and arrows. "Thanks. This really means a lot to me." I told her as I took and laid it on the dresser. I watched her a moment before frowning. "I really am sorry thought. Shit happens I know, but some shit just pure down sucks." I told her and squeezed her knee lightly.

    I laughed lightly at his words, "I am pretty sure he won't snap at Sarah. She lost her whole family, so she might can help him. She helped me in many ways that I didn't know were possible of being helped." I told Rick and smiled. "It's nice having someone else to talk too other than Sarah." I gave a light smile to him blinking lightly. He was truly easy to talk too.
    December 8th, 2014 at 04:22am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I looked at him and then at my knee when he squeezed it I smiled at him, "uhm, so theres four bedrooms but two are kids room and I don't think you or your friend will fit on a twin size bed or in a crib, so you're more than welcome to share this room with me." I said and got up I stretched and glanced out the window I gasped when I saw walkers on the edge of the property stuck against a fence there was about five of them, "There's walkers on the property, we need to barricade the doors and windows downstairs, to be safe." I said and jogged downstairs I let Rick and Alice know of the walkers. I grabbed some wood and nailed it against the back door and front tood the windows already boarded up downstairs.

    I helped board up the house more downstairs than upstairs I got all the lights out and went upstairs with everyone I pushed the book case in front of the stairs that way nobody if anything did get in they wouldn't be able to get upstairs, I turned and followed Alice I looked in all the rooms frowning a bit this home belonged to a family, with a litlte boy and a baby they'd been gone but I still knew they were dead, I walked into the master bedroom and sat down in the chair by the window. I looked at Alice, "I'll use the floor I don't want to make you uncomfortable.
    December 8th, 2014 at 10:37pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I stood by the window watching. I glanced over at Sarah, "You ok?" I asked her as I turned and faced her. I frowned seeing how sadden she looked. I took and gripped to her hand frowning. "Hey I know we just met and all. But I will not let anything harm you. I promise." I assured her and gave her a light smile.

    I took and looked at Rick, "No. No, way. I will not let you lie in the floor." I said giving him a look. "The bed is king size. So we can share, just put boundaries or whatever." I said looking at him. I wasn't about to put him in the floor. It would be rude of me, and I couldn't imagine what that'd feel like when morning came.
    December 8th, 2014 at 10:57pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I gripped his hand and nodded my head, "Okay, Thanks Daryl." I said to him and sat on the bed I pulled my boots off and crawled into the bed, I scooted over, "Come on get in," I said to him, "We need sleep and its as barricaded as it can be, lets just try and sleep." I curled up and rested my head against the pillow sighing out I fell asleep and only woke when I heard little whines coming from Daryl In his sleep I rolled over and saw how troubled his face looked, I draped my arm around him and tucked my face into his back falling back to sleep once he settled down by morning we'd be cuddled together.

    "I'll go get some more pillows so we can, separate," I said and walked out of the room I gathered pillows from the kids rooms and a few blankets from a linen closet, I checked in on Daryl and the other girl I saw them cuddled up together. "Wow.." I said walking back into the other room, "Daryl and Sarah seem to have takin' a liking to each other, They're both cuddled up and sleeping in the other room." I said and made a line down the bed I gave her a bigger side as I knew I wouldn't sleep much I got on the bed and sighed rubbing my face "Get some sleep okay." I told her as I closed my eyes for only a few seconds.
    December 8th, 2014 at 11:20pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I woke up sometime through the morning hours. I felt an arm draped around me. Slowly turning and looking I saw Sarah with her face in my back. Her arm around my shoulder. I smiled at her as I took and rolled so I could face her. I slid my arm around her bringing her closer to me. For someone that I had just met. I was falling hard for her.

    I laid underneath the blanket as I took and bit on my lip. I took and rolled over looking at Rick as he closed his eyes and opened them. "Are you ok?" I asked him and frowned. "I mean I don't wanna pry. But you seem so sad." I told him and frowned noticing how sad and miserable he looked.
    December 8th, 2014 at 11:57pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I nuzzled my face into his chest. I had gone nose blind to most smells as the smell of death was worse than anything ever, I cuddled into him and slowly woke up I kept my eyes closed and stayed close to him. "You awake?" I whispered a little and opened my eyes I looked up at him and sighed, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to invade your personal space, I scared."

    "I don't sleep much," I said looking over at her, I smiled a little and shrugged, "I slept in a coma for months on end I think I'm caught up on sleep, my brain doesn't need anymore down time." I made a light joke and looked at her, "Get some sleep I'm sure I'll get some rest later on." I said looking at the ceiling.
    December 9th, 2014 at 12:41am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I smiled down at her cupping her cheek. "Don't be sorry." I replied to her softly. "I am glad you did." I told her softly keeping her close to me. I took and smiled down at her. "I have to admit. I haven't felt anything like this in a very long time." I replied softly to her.

    I frowned watching him. I took and curled up onto my other side and let my eyes close. The nightmares over taking my mind. I couldn't bare to wake myself. I tried so many times. But this one was hard. This one was a nightmare of Rick being eaten in front of me.
    December 9th, 2014 at 12:56am