Fairy Tales

  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States



    December 7th, 2014 at 12:27am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Essence stood in the enchanted forest in the beige pants and whitened shirt. She drew the cloak closer to her body glancing around the place. Her long blonde curls blowing with the wind as it blew right through them. She took a breath and took off running down the hill the best she could trying to get away from the guards that happened to be after her. She knew that the wretched Evil Queen would never leave her alone until she indeed was dead.

    Killian took and sighed a little as he felt the ship come to the shore line. He took and climbed off the Jolly Roger and watched his crew anchor the ship. He looked around the forest and grinned to himself. Hoping that there was an adventure of some sort waiting right here for him.
    December 7th, 2014 at 02:30am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Charming looked around for a moment before running a hand throughout his hair having to deal with "Katherine" (Can't remember her name) He heard the carriage stop at the palace and told her he would see her soon, and that he had to take care of some things. He disappeared into the enchanted forest and sighed as he did so. He had on black colored trousers and a white shirt as well. He had his sword to his hip and his eyes on the surrounding area.

    Willow sighed softly hearing her father starting to lecture her about needing a husband already. She stared out the window as she did so. She wore a long red dress that complimented her very short crimson hair. She didn't prefer her hair long and didn't care what people thought of it. Her eyes were a dark blue that seemed to sparkle as she had an idea in her pretty little head. Her lips were lined in red to compliment her dress and such. She managed to get free, grabbing a dark cloak and making it so it covered her face and hair. She was the only one in the land with her color of hair. She managed to make it to the Enchanted Forest and sighed as she sat down and saw a ship beside the docks and tilted her head lightly before shaking her head and starting to sketch.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    December 7th, 2014 at 02:51am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Essence kept rushing down the hillside. She took and rounded the small tree as she ran right into someone. She stopped stumbling backwards a little staring into a set of gorgeous blue eyes. He heart beating fast against her chest. She knew who he was, Prince Charming. She bit on her lip staring at him, she heard the guards, "I am so sorry." She whispered before running past him to get away from the guards.

    Killian grinned spotting a young woman sitting. Wearing a long red ball gown. He took and walked towards her as he swept a bow at her, "Why, hello love." He replied to her grinning a little.
    December 7th, 2014 at 02:59am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Charming felt someone knock right into him and caught her before she fell. He blinked hearing her and stared before watching her leave. He blinked and saw guards coming. He immediately moved in their way and said, "Have you seen my fiancée?" He was totally making this shit up but he needed to help that girl. His instincts just told him to help her.

    Looking up hearing a man talking to her, Willow's soft blue eyes met Hook's. "Hello." She responded her voice soft and sweet. She was in the middle of drawing a tree. Her hood fell off revealing her hair and face which were both utterly gorgeous. Her face was soft and gentle unlike we hair which was blunt. It was an amazing contrast making her one of the fairest anyone had set their eyes on. She had a ball to go to today and something about this young man told her he was upset. He didn't seem it though.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    December 7th, 2014 at 03:06am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Charming felt someone knock right into him and caught her before she fell. He blinked hearing her and stared before watching her leave. He blinked and saw guards coming. He immediately moved in their way and said, "Have you seen my fiancée?" He was totally making this shit up but he needed to help that girl. His instincts just told him to help her.

    Looking up hearing a man talking to her, Willow's soft blue eyes met Hook's. "Hello." She responded her voice soft and sweet. She was in the middle of drawing a tree. Her hood fell off revealing her hair and face which were both utterly gorgeous. Her face was soft and gentle unlike we hair which was blunt. It was an amazing contrast making her one of the fairest anyone had set their eyes on. She had a ball to go to today and something about this young man told her he was upset. He didn't seem it though.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    December 7th, 2014 at 03:06am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Essence finally got to a good spot to hide. She knelt down and took a long breath. She was worn out and all. She lent against the tree glancing around. She sighed heavily and stayed in her spot.

    Killian smiled at her, "Drawing are we?" He asked her lightly. Taking in her features he could tell she was fairest of them all.
    December 7th, 2014 at 04:20am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Charming had managed to make them lose her trail and wander off. He followed her to where she was afterwards and held out a gentle hand. "Are you okay, M'Lady?" He asked her lighty and have a sweet smile to her not wanting to scare her.

    Willow hearing him and simply gave a nod. She watched him lightly seeing something was haunting him behind his eyes. She murmured, "What is a pirate doing in the Enchanted Forest?" She asked tilting her head to the side as she watched him. Everything about her drew the person in to know more about her. She smelled of strawberries and vanilla.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    December 7th, 2014 at 04:42am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Essence looked up at the man taking a breath. "I am now. Thank you for getting them off my trail." She replied softly and took and his hand rising to her feet. "I'm Essence." She replied softly.

    Hook smiled at her, "Passing through." He lied through his teeth. He wouldn't admit to her why he was here. But for now that was good enough.
    December 8th, 2014 at 12:16am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Charming smiled gently hearing her. "You're most welcome. I couldn't just let them get to such a beautiful young woman without you having doing anything." He murmured. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Essence. I'm David." He said a smile on his face.

    Willow heard it and murmured, "Lying gets you no where, but alas it is not my business." She nodded to him. She knew if she told him her real name trouble might come of it. She looked back down at the sketch of the tree. She soon began to sketch the Jolly Roger. Once done, she showed it to him before looking back up at him curiously.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    December 8th, 2014 at 12:24am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Essence smiled at him, "Nice to meet you as well, David." She replied softly pushing some of her golden locks out of her face. She took and caught her breath good enough. She glanced around hearing Regina's chuckling. She took and groaned out, "Not again." She whispered to herself slightly forgetting that Charming was there.

    Hook looked at the picture, "That's some talent you have there, Miss." He replied to her and took a seat beside of her. He stared at the tree she had drew. "You have some really good art talent." Hook complimented her smiling at her.
    December 8th, 2014 at 12:50am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Charming heard her and blinked hearing her groan. "Um?" He said offly confused. He had heard the chuckling as well and had drawn his sword at this point. He stood in front of Essence not wanting this maiden to get hurt. He then said, "What the hell was that?" He asked her a frown on his face as he looked everywhere.

    Willow heard him and smiled softly, "I don't read much anymore because I like to draw." She murmured. She groaned hearing someone calling for her. "I apologize, I must be going. I have a ball to attend and get ready for." She sighed rolling her eyes. "Goodbye, Pirate." She smiled at him before putting her hood on again and heading off. Once at the palace she hadn't realized she had left her sketch book.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    December 8th, 2014 at 01:10am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Essence sighed heavily, "Unfortunley. My step-mother." Essence replied quietly. She took and looked over Charming's shoulder and bit on her lip. "She had her guards after me, and she likes to taunt me." She sighed heavily frowning.

    Hook took and looked at the sketch book and smiled to himself. He began glancing through it admiring her work. He had to find out where she lived. So he could return this, and see her angelic face again. Something about her, was amazing.
    December 8th, 2014 at 01:35am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Charming heard her and raised an eyebrow, "What kind of Step-mother is like this..?" He muttered shaking his head as he kept in front of her. "Well, that's utterly creepy and evil like." He muttered and then grabbed her arm and ran. He managed to get in a good hiding place before fighting off her guards. After they were all gone, he went back to get her.

    Willow made it back to castle and sighed hearing her father start to criticize her. She didn't care though. She managed to get into this dress and do her makeup and hair. Her hair was just neatly drawn back by a flower pin. She sighed as her lips were lined in red once more. She had heels on once more. She then went back into the ballroom hearing her father announce her. She curtsied to everyone there giving a soft smile.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    December 8th, 2014 at 01:44am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Essence came out whens he heard Charming tell her it was clear. She got out and smiled gratefully at him, "Thank you." She replied softly to him. She ran her fingers through her curls, "A evil step mother would be more of the word that would do this. When my mother passed away she married my father..." Essence stopped. "Sometime ago my father disappeared mysteriously and now she is trying every which way to grid me of this world, so she can rule my kingdom." Essence sighed.

    Hook walked inside the castle keeping his arm behind his back to hide his hook. He was dressed in rather nice clothing. He gave a curt nod to most and made his way onward. He had to find that girl from earlier.
    December 8th, 2014 at 03:34am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Charming nodded when she came out and thought her smile was the prettiest thing ever. "You're welcome." He responded and smiled gently at her. He saw her curls and thought they were just as beautiful as her. He then frowned hearing her, "I apologize." He said bowing his head in honor of her mother and father. "I'm being forced to marry a woman I do not love." He responded softly a frown on his face as he did so.

    Willow was announced to everyone as Princess Willow. She simply curtsied and sighed as she was whisked away into a dance with a duke of another kingdom. She danced with him, even though she wished not to. She saw her father make a sign to smile and wrinkled her nose. She gave a fake smile. She sighed once the dance was over and once again someone grabbed her hand to dance with her. She simply did so without complaint. At the end of the night her father would ask her who she was to marry and her answer would remain the same. No one.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    December 8th, 2014 at 03:55am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Essence frowned at his words about marrying someone he didn't love. She stared at him, "That's really awful. I am truly sorry that you have to marry someone you do not love." She paused as she put her hand to his cheek seeing a cut on his chin and frowned. "You shouldn't be forced into marriage if you do not choose to be with that person." She said lightly wiping the blood from his chin and smiling at him.

    Hook saw his chance and quickly swept in and took a hold of Willow gliding her along the dance floor. "Well hello there my fair maiden." He said to her and grinned down at her dancing with her. She was marvelous. She was like something out of a story he was told as a young boy. But in deed she was real, and in his arms.
    December 8th, 2014 at 04:29am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Charming nodded and said, "it's not your fault." He smiled softly. He then blinked when she grabbed his face and looked at his chin. "Agreed. How about you, Essence?" He asked her blinking as he felt her wipe the blood off. "Thank you." He murmured as he watched her gently.

    Willow blinked seeing Hook and said, "Where did you come from?" She asked him a small smile forming on her face. "What do you mean you're?" She asked a spark in her eyes. She was so mch smaller than him. Her head DIDNT even reach his chin. She looked up tilting her head as she looked at him. She glided across the dance floor gracefully. Everyone watched her move.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    December 8th, 2014 at 04:36am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Charming nodded and said, "it's not your fault." He smiled softly. He then blinked when she grabbed his face and looked at his chin. "Agreed. How about you, Essence?" He asked her blinking as he felt her wipe the blood off. "Thank you." He murmured as he watched her gently.

    Willow blinked seeing Hook and said, "Where did you come from?" She asked him a small smile forming on her face. "What do you mean you're?" She asked a spark in her eyes. She was so mch smaller than him. Her head DIDNT even reach his chin. She looked up tilting her head as she looked at him. She glided across the dance floor gracefully. Everyone watched her move.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    December 8th, 2014 at 04:38am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Essence gave him a light nod and a small smile, "You're welcome." She replied softly. She heard his question and sighed a little. "Never found the right 'one' I suppose." She replied softly and sighed a little hugging to herself. She glanced around the area they were in. She knew it'd be a matter of time before Regina sent more guards to kill her or bring her back to the castle.

    Hook laughed lightly, "Well I came from my ship of course." He smiled at her. "I figured I'd bring your sketch book back to you since you left it. Then I noticed the ball. So I grabbed some clothes suited for this. Figured I might as well look the part since I was coming." Hook smiled at her.
    December 8th, 2014 at 04:59am