This Love, This Hate

  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Jensen and Mehki
    Layla and Josh
    December 7th, 2014 at 03:13am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Mehki sighed as she ran a hand throuought her hair lightly. She had long brown hair that ran down to her upper back. Her sapphire eyes sparkled in the light. Her skin was toned beautifully well, the tan on her skin was beautiful. Her plump lips were lined in red. Her skin was the color of mocha. She had to work in a movie with ugh. Jensen Ackles. He just irritated her.

    Josh was headed to LA to shoot a movie with Layla ___. He didn't exactly like her. Her acting skills were amazing and stuff, but she kind f acted like a brat. He sighed as he ran a hand throughout his hair. He landed and headed to the place where they were shooting.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    December 7th, 2014 at 08:34pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Jensen sighed driving through the LA traffic trying to get to the set on time. He didn't want to do this movie. He ran a hand through his hair sighing. Mehki Jones the one person he didn't want to work with on this set. But yet. Here was having to do so. He pulled up to the lot and parked. Climbing out of his viper he took and walked for the studio to get into makeup for the first shoot.

    Layla pulled into the lot parking her charger. She took and sighed turning her car off and climbing out of the car. She pulled some of her brownish hair to the side and picked at the ends. Her brownish/hazel eyes looking around the lot. She had to do this movie with none other than Josh Dallas. Of course he was very attractive. But he seemed arrogant to her. She began walking with her big brother Matthew Sanders aka M Shadows towards the studio.
    December 8th, 2014 at 12:19am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Mehki made it there. She went straight to the director and explained that she couldn't stay the whole time. She had a charity event that she had been planning for months to attend. It was for children with cancer. She nodded when he said that was going to fine. "This won't happen again. I'm very sorry to be cutting it short today." She murmured apologetically. She then went to the makeup set and did her own makeup. She chatted with the makeup girls and said, "It's alright, I can do my own makeup." She smiled at them.

    Josh made it to the set and talked with the other actors laughing with them. He wasn't arrogant, he just came off that way. He let the girls do what they wanted with his makeup. "Thank you." He told them after they were done and then looked at his script to learn it. He knew Layla's brother was Matthew Sanders who was the lead singer of Avenged Sevenfold but really didn't care. That didn't make her, but he did have respect for her brother. He hummed softly as he learned his lines.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    December 8th, 2014 at 12:28am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Jensen sighed pulling into the building. He got out slamming the door shut. He walked to makeup to see Mehki doing her own. He rolled his eyes. "Too good to have your makeup done by the ladies?" He asked her sitting in the chair so they could start on it.

    Layla took and sat down as the ladies began to do her makeup. She read the script over and smiled talking with the make up women. She wasn't a brat. She just came off that way to people who didn't know her. She smiled as she hummed while learning the lines.
    December 8th, 2014 at 01:13am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Mehki heard Jensen and sighed shaking her head. "No. I figure they work so hard on other people why not talk to them and do my own so they won't have to." She frowned shaking her head once more. She then murmured, "Today's shoot is going to be cut a bit short because I have to go to an event." She didn't expect him to understand. She finished and turned to the girls, "Yay or nay?" She bit her lip and they said it was a bit sloppy. "Awh. Alright, can you help?" She asked and laughed softly. One smiled at her and nodded as they went to fix the messiness of the makeup. "Thank you, Hun." She smiled.

    Josh saw Layla come in and simply continued to learn his lines. He frowned at one misprint and went to talk to the writers about it. They cleared up his confusion. He nodded and laughed with them. "Sorry." He told him and went back and continued to read his lines more so he could learn them.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    December 8th, 2014 at 01:19am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Jensen rolled his eyes getting up from the seat. He thanked the girl who'd done his makeup. He walked out and sat in one of the available chairs. He grabbed the script and began reading over his lines for this shoot. He took and lent into the chair yawning a little. He didn't get that girl and never would. She seemed.... too good for anyone. Or so that's what he thought to himself anyways.

    Layla sighed seeing him leave. She took and saw her brother eyeing her. She narrowed her eyes lightly at him. "Why don't you try talking to him? Then maybe he won't think you're a brat." Matt suggested.

    "He's so arrogant though. And too damn cocky." Layla sighed seeing her brother shake his head and leave the studio. She frowned.Maybe he was right or in some sort of right. She smiled when the girls finished as she thanked them.

    She got up and made her way out to the set. She bit on her lip hoping things went well. Josh was rather attractive, but he seem so cocky and arrogant towards her, as she seemed like a brat towards him. She sighed hoping things would clear up soon enough.
    December 8th, 2014 at 03:44am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Mehki sighed softly. She handed out little flyers for her charity even tonight. Finally she made the rounds towards where Jensen was sitting. She had one last flyer and one last person. She handed it to him gently and said, "I hope you can make it. The children would be excited." She murmured before disappearing to go learn her lines once more. At least today's lines. She started to read them, chewing on her lip as she did so. She didn't care if he actually did come or not.

    Josh laughed with the other actors about one humorous part in the movie. He chuckled before looking back down at his lines. He figured them out then set out for the set. He got there and then backed up to where he was supposed to be and waited for Layla to get on set. He rocked on his heels as he did so. He didn't seem impatient just calm and there.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    December 8th, 2014 at 03:59am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Jensen read over the flyer and looked towards her. He had no idea that she had done anything like this to help children. Maybe he'd misjudged her. Jensen got up and walked over to her, "I'll be there." He gave her a small smile before heading to the bathroom before they had to shoot.

    Layla laid her script in the chair as she made her way to the set. She saw Josh where he was supposed to be. She took her place next to him giving him a light smile before they began to do their scene.
    December 8th, 2014 at 05:05am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Mehki had had cancer when she was a little kid and it was starting to come back. She would soon lose her hair again. She didn't care about herself but for the children who didn't get to be children because of this. She hated it for them. "It would mean a lot to the kids." She responded as she got to the set. Her take was first. She did her lines and acting as she usually did. Her acting was simply superb.

    Josh popped his neck and got loose so he could relax more in the scene. He noticed Layla give him a smile and figured that she wasn't as much as a brat as he though. He gave a gentle smile back before the take rolled. He then began to do his lines and scene.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    December 8th, 2014 at 05:13am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Jensen watched her and smiled. Maybe she wasn't self absorbed like he had thought she was. Jensen took and smiled to himself as he took and went to the set. He did his lines like such and everything. When the shoot was done he headed to his trailer. He grabbed his things and headed home. He had to take and get ready for this event. He was going to to go, and give this kids something amazing. He called in some favors and got some special presents delivered to the event.

    Layla finished up the shoot for the day with Josh. She grabbed up her things up and headed for the exit.
    December 8th, 2014 at 04:12pm
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ Rick Grimes;
    Mehki was actually getting her hair shaved off this afternoon in front of the kids. She was going to start Chemo again as it was. She loved helping the kids. She finished up her shoot and then headed home. She dressed in jeans and a tank top. She didn't care what people thought. This was not going to be a fancy event. Just for her to visit the kids. She headed out and saw the kids and immediately enveloped them in hugs smiling at them. She hoped people helped out with the charity. After awhile it was time for her hair to get shaved off. She sat down letting a cloth envelope her as the barber there started to shave her head. She would have to wear a wig for the movie.

    Josh finished up as well and headed to the pool to swim. He wanted to just be active at the moment.
    December 9th, 2014 at 01:48am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Jensen headed into the hospital. He took and smiled at some of the nurses and all. He began walking to where one told him he could find Mehki. He took and stopped seeing her getting her head shaved. He looked at her and frowned a little. "Mehki." He said softly staring at her.

    Layla took and smiled getting home. She got changed into some shorts and a tank top. She slid into her tennis shoes and grabbed her dog's leash and got him attached to it. She smiled as she walked out of her town home and began walking down the street heading for the beach. She hummed to herself as she rubbed Roscoe's head and smiled.
    December 9th, 2014 at 02:31am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Mehki heard the kids cheering and that was all that mattered to her. She finished up with her head getting shaved when she heard Jensen. She looked over and said, "It was going to fall out anyways. I would've done it regardless. I'm on chemo again." She said before grabbing her little cousin who was three and picking her up. She kissed all over her face. "How do you like it?" She asked her little cousin. Her little cousin giggled and grabbed at her head. Mehki laughed.

    Josh finished up his swim before going on a walk. He went shirtless since it was nice and it was nice and cool. He hummed as he walked happy that he was walking. He noticed Layla and blinked. Small world. "Hello." He greeted her.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    December 9th, 2014 at 02:41am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Jensen frowned not knowing that she had cancer. He sighed a little and gave her small cousin a smile. "Hope it was ok. I brought presents for all the kids." Jensen smiled and told her. He watched her. He had never given her a chance, and now he wished he had of.

    Layla jumped as she looked behind her seeing Josh. "Oh Hey." She smiled at him as she held to Roscoe's leash. She smiled at Josh and patted Roscoe's head. "So...wacha up too?" She smiled at him.
    December 9th, 2014 at 03:06am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    "It's Dean!!" The little girl squealed finally noticing Jensen. She giggled again and hid her face in Mehki's shoulder smiling with her little dimples. Mehki grinned hearing Sarah squeal. "I'm sure they'd love that!" She said smiling at him. She kissed Sarah's forehead. Now they're heads matched.

    Josh was quite ripped. He heard her and said, "Cute dog." He leaned down to gently pat Roscoe's head. He smiled as the dog moved to sniff him. He laughed softly. Hearing Layla, he said, "Just got done swimming and wanted to walk."

    @ Rick Grimes;
    December 9th, 2014 at 03:13am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Jensen smiled at the little girl. He saw some of the helpers bringing in the presents he'd bought for the children. He took and got the two special gifts he'd gotten. He'd already known about her cousin being here. He'd called and asked for some help from a nurse. He smiled handing the two boxes to each of the girls. "There you two pretty ladies go." he smiled.

    Layla smiled at Josh, "I see." She said watching Roscoe as she smiled at her dog. "Would you like to join us on our walk? We were just heading down to the beach." She said to Josh.
    December 9th, 2014 at 03:31am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Mehki raised an eyebrow seeing the presents come in and smiled softly. The kids were having a damn good christmas so far. She blinked when she got one as well. She simply said, "I'll open it later." She murmured not knowing was it was. She laughed as Sarah giggled opening hers still in Mehki's arms. She opened it to see a doll. "I LOVE IT!" The little girl cheered, still not having all her teeth it. "What do we say?" Mehki said softly. "Thank you!" Sarah giggled still hiding in Mehki's shoulder.

    Josh nodded. Maybe he had misjudged her. He smiled softly and walked with her, "Sure." He murmured. "That's actually the route I was going." He laughed and smiled down at her.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    December 9th, 2014 at 03:51am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Jensen took and smiled at Sarah, "You are most welcome." Jensen smiled at her. "What's your favorite music?" He asked grinning at the little girl as he adored how cute she looked.

    Layla smiled at Josh as she took and walked along side of him, "Small world." She replied softly to him and walked with Roscoe. She took and smiled at him as she looked at her watch. "I hate to cut this short, but I need to be getting back. I have to be at this charity event my friend is hosting for children with cancer." She smiled at Josh. "Guess i'll see you tomorrow, Josh." She smiled giving a light nod as she began jogging back to her town home.
    December 9th, 2014 at 04:56pm
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Mehki smiled down at Sarah as she adored her, and almost giggled when a bunch of the kids came over and started to hug her. She smiled softly down at them. Sarah giggled at Jensen and whispered, "DISNEY!" Mehki smiled softly nodding.

    Josh smiled nodding as he walked with her, "Very small." He responded softly. He watched Roscoe with a small smile before looking up at Layla. He nodded hearing her, and said, "I hope it goes well. I'm too late to get ready and such." He said wistfully. "My apologies, though." He said giving a soft frown. He then said, "You as well, Layla." He said before starting to jog again.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    December 12th, 2014 at 04:00am