This Love, This Hate

  • Mehki's apartment was quite nice compared to how it could be. It was decorated in just homey type of decorations. She didn't do glamorous or anything fancy. She hated all that junk. She heard him, and turned back and felt Sarah just smile. "As long as Sarah doesn't mind, it doesn't make much difference to me." She said a small smile on her face.

    Josh looked up onec she had walked back over ot him. He heard her and blinked, "You're welcome. I didn't do too much however.' he told her and said, "Just glad you're alright."

    @ Rick Grimes;
    January 1st, 2015 at 04:27am
  • Jensen nodded his head looking at the small girl. He gave her a light smile as he stood behind Mehki and Sarah. The place was nice and had a homey feeling. He took and kept to himself as he thought about things.


    Layla bit on her lip and frowned a little, "Thank you for coming in and getting him off though. I'm sorry if I have ever seemed like a bitch to you. I really hate that I have and hope that we can make a mends end, and start over." Layla said lightly.
    January 1st, 2015 at 04:09pm
  • @ Rick Grimes;
    Mehki let Sarah talk to Jensen as she got some plates out as well as silverware. She made them all water not really having anything else. Mehki didn't like soda that much. The carbonation made her nauseous. She looked back up and noticed Jensen zoned out.

    Josh heard her and blinked. "I did what any normal person would have done." He told her a soft smile on his face. He then said, "It's fine. Let bye gons be bye gones." he murmured and said, "Are you alright though?"
    January 1st, 2015 at 08:08pm
  • @ SweaterWeather;
    Jensen took and looked at the small girl talking to him. He smiled at her and nodded his head. She was adorable and he couldn't believe he had been an ass to her all these years. He noticed her staring at him as he gave her a smile.

    Layla put her brave act on, "Yeah..." She muttered as she stared at Josh a moment and cleared her throat. "I am thank you." She said lightly going over and sitting down.
    January 1st, 2015 at 09:00pm
  • "Well, if you want to eat, it's now on the table with plates and such." She told them and smiled when Sarah attacked her legs again. She laughed and picked her up. "Alright wild cat." Sarah smiled sitting down in a chair.

    Josh noticed the brace act and said, "I've seen your acting, no use hiding now." He murmured to her. "That's good." He murmured and watched her sit down. He sat down gently after a moment.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    January 1st, 2015 at 09:06pm
  • @ SweaterWeather;

    Jensen went into the kitchen with the two and sat down. He took and began eating the food as he looked at Mehki. He took and smiled at her as he took and cleared his throat a little. "So. I am so sorry for being a damn prick to you." Jensen told her.


    Layla looked over at him and gave a light smile, "Yeah, I am sorry. The whole him showing up and everything. Freaked me out badly." She whispered to Josh.
    January 2nd, 2015 at 02:14pm
  • Mehki fixed Sarah a plate of pizza knowing she didn't like chinese food. Mehki, herself, got her some food onto her plate. She started to eat watching Sarah with a close eye. She heard Jensen and turned her attention to him and said, "Watch the language around the little one, and it is alright I suppose."

    Josh smiled softly and blinked, "Don't apologize. Not like you had anything to do with him coming over. I mean hell, you should just be happy you're alright." He told her lightly.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    January 2nd, 2015 at 08:04pm
  • @ SweaterWeather;

    Jensen frowned and looked at her, "Sorry about the language." He told her frowning a little. "I shouldn't had judged you by what others had said. I should've judged you by me knowing you but..." He paused. "I was an idiot and didn't." He said to her.


    Layla nodded her head, "I am." She replied softly looking down at her hands. "Would you like something to drink or eat?" She asked him looking up at him.
    January 2nd, 2015 at 11:08pm
  • Mehki nodded and said, "It's alright, just watch it. I don't want her picking up bad things." She smiled softly as she listened to him. She nodded and said, "Don't always assume what people say is true." She smiled softly and said, "It's alright."

    Josh nodded and said, "Good." He smiled and saw her hands shaking and wondered how he could console her. "No thank you."He told her.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    January 2nd, 2015 at 11:17pm
  • @ SweaterWeather;

    Jensen nodded his head to her and watched Sarah and smiled. "So has she been sick long?" Jensen asked her.


    Layla nodded her had to Josh, "Ok." She replied taking a breath. She was still shaken up but was feeling her self finally calm down a little.
    January 2nd, 2015 at 11:54pm
  • "Four months." Mehki nodded and sighed as she watched Sarah eat and then play with her toys. "I had cancer before it came back back in 2005. It came back now and it sucks, but i'll deal." She murmured. "Last time my hair fell out, this time, I wanted to cut it."

    Josh nodded. He finally just took her hand and held onto it wanting her to feel better.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    January 2nd, 2015 at 11:56pm
  • @ SweaterWeather;

    Jensen nodded his head and looked at Mehki, "I am sorry to hear that about you both." Jensen frowned at her. "If we could get approval we should take and set up a ball of some sort for the children and their families and donate money and such for them." Jensen said.

    Layla held to his hand as she felt herself calm really fast. "Thank you." She said lightly to him.
    January 3rd, 2015 at 01:02am
  • Mehki shrugged and said, "I'm fine with it. Sarah though? She doesn't deserve it. The poor baby's hair fell out all the way." She heard him and said, "That's what tonight was about. We raised wait for it... one million dollars." She smiled softly.

    "You're welcome. Glad to help." Josh told her gently a smile on his face.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    January 3rd, 2015 at 01:04am
  • @ Rick Grimes;
    January 12th, 2015 at 02:37am
  • @ FlyAway;

    Jensen smiled at Mehki, "Really? That's amazing." He said to her grinning. "I have an idea in mind, but I wanted to run it towards you first." He smiled at her. "All the children there they seemed so thrilled today. I want to do something special for them to give them happiness and hope again." He smiled.

    Layla smiled at him nodding her head. She rubbed the back of her neck lightly. She had feelings for him. And of course like dumb ass had misjudged him as well.
    January 12th, 2015 at 03:41am
  • Mehki nodded and said, "I was so happy when I got the text earlier. "Hearing that he said he had an idea, she looked up at himand raised an eyebrow at him. "What is that? They have hope, just not much. Depression is a side effect of dying.." She sighed and looked at her hands and said, "I wish they weren't all so depressed."

    Josh smiled and watched her and said, "You should sleep." He told her gently and said, "I'll tell the directors what happened and let them know you might now be up for it, if you want?" He offered.

    @ Rick Grimes;
    January 12th, 2015 at 11:59pm
  • @ FlyAway;

    "Maybe we could take them some where's or bring something to them? To cheer them up and maybe give them some hope?" Jensen suggested.

    Layla nodded her head, "Yeah, I'd appreciate that. Thank you." She told him as she got up and rubbed the back of her neck.
    January 15th, 2015 at 03:58am
  • @ Rick Grimes;
    Mehki hummed hearing him and said, "Like where do you have in mind?" She asked watching him.

    Josh smiled and said, "Hey, It'll be okay." he siad. "That creep won't mess with you again." He smiled down at her gently.
    January 16th, 2015 at 02:18am
  • @ FlyAway;

    Jensen took and looked at her, "The disney park in Cali. I was going to buy a day and have the park closed. So they could just be free and ride and do what they wanted." He smiled at her.
    Layla took and looked up at him and nodded, "Thank you again, Josh," She said softly as she let a soft yawn escape her lips.
    January 16th, 2015 at 02:38am
  • @ Rick Grimes;
    Mehki nodded and said, "Not all the kids can do that though." She frowned concerned as she looked out the window holding a cup of coffee. "some have wheelchairs and stuff."

    Josh nodded and watched her gently. "You're welcome, Layla." He murmured to her lightly.
    January 16th, 2015 at 02:41am