When it Rains

  • December 8th, 2014 at 04:56pm
  • "I don't want to leave," she whispered as she buried her face into Sehun's chest, her eyes water. Marissa was to be married today, as a business transaction. Somehow she'd been brought into this with absolutely no way out of her. Her entire life ruined because her parents felt the need for a marital contract. "Lets run off, and get married now," she whispered to him as she looked up at him.

    "you know we can't do that," he told her softly as he stroked her face, kissing her forehead.

    "Do you hate me?" she whispered shakily.

    "I could never hate you," he murmured as he held her close, her entire body began to shake with sobs, she had intended on marrying Sehun. They were perfect together and had been in love for a long while now.

    "Will you still see me?" she asked, "I can't be away from you too long it hurts too much,"

    "Maybe, we'll see," he murmured his voice cracking as he brought her lips to his, "I love you, just don't forget that,"
    December 8th, 2014 at 05:01pm
  • I sat in the seat across from my soon to be husband. I had only wanted one thing in my life and it was the opportunity to make my own choices. Was that too much to ask for? But instead, here I was about to be married off to a stranger who hadn't smiled once. This was just a finalization dinner, and I was already done with him.

    "Maybe after dinner, Jongdae can show Jazmin around?" My father said with a smile.

    I winced, but made it look more like a smile and sighed. He didn't seem like the nicest guy around. "Of course, father."
    December 8th, 2014 at 06:38pm
  • "I'll call you as soon as I can," she told him softly and kissed his lips softly, "I love you too,"
    Marissa walked away near sobbing as she did so, she got into the company care and told them to drive her to the courthouse where she'd be married to a man she never even met. When they arrived she climbed out of the car, she had fixed her make up. An emotionless look on her face, when they got into the courthouse she saw her parents standing with another couple and a taller man.

    "Did you do it?" her mother asked sternly and she felt her eyes water again, then nodded.
    "Yes," she whispered, "Lets get this over with so I never have to see your faces again," she told them with a glare.
    Her father grabbed her face,"do not disrespect me, I brought you into this world - you do as I say,"

    She slapped his hand off her, "Don't touch me, I hate you," she told him.
    Jongdae was more than bored with the situation, it was the 21st century and he was still stuck in an arranged marriage. What kind of luck was this? What had he done to deserve this and what purpose could this possible serve?
    December 8th, 2014 at 06:45pm
  • It was made very clear why this was being done. Because my family owned one of the biggest conglomerates in the country and our biggest competition was Jongdae's parent's they both thought, why not make a deal. But instead of a contract, they decided on a marital contract, knowing that neither of us would back out if we wanted to see a penny of our inheritance.

    Though I wasn't excited about this, I was willing to make it work. But I also wouldn't let myself be walked all over. He had another thing coming if he thought he would be able to push me around.

    Jongdae's father looked at him. "Of course, Jongdae would love to show her around, wouldn't you?"
    Kris saw her walk over, and immediately looked away. He couldn't care less about any of this. He didn't want a wife, he didn't want any of it. The only reason he was here was because of his parents. "This is useless. Either lets get this over with, or let me leave."
    December 8th, 2014 at 06:58pm
  • She pushed past her parents,"Lets do this, I have places to be,"
    "You won't see him again," her mother said seriously,"he wasn't good enough for you,"

    Marissa ignored her and walked into the judges office, "where do I sign?" she asked as she felt her heart racing, this was it she was going to be stuck with this man for the rest of her life and she only knew his name. He pointed to where she was meant to sign then handed him the pen before wiping her eyes and closing them. She'd never be Marissa Oh, she was now Marissa Wu against her will.
    He sighed,"Of course," he said smiling a little then stood up, "Come I'll show you the garden,"
    December 8th, 2014 at 07:03pm
  • I stood up at the beckoning of my mother, walking with him towards the door. I didn't know what to say to him. What did you say to a man that you didn't know, who was soon to be your husband? "The garden is beautiful." I murmured with a shrug.
    He signed the paper and sighed, rolling his eyes. He was being kicked out of his apartment to live in this house with this stranger that he didn't even want. His parents furnished the house with the help of hers as a present from them. He looked at the judge and thanked him. He was fortunate he didn't have to kiss her since it wasn't madatory. He just wanted to leave.
    December 8th, 2014 at 07:08pm
  • She waited and her mom handed her a box, "Are you serious?" she asked as she looked at the rings inside.
    He nodded,"Yeah it is," he said her sighing.
    December 9th, 2014 at 12:10am
  • I nodded a little, chewing on my lip. "I know you don't want this, I don't either. But I won't make this any harder than it needs to be."
    He rolled his eyes but stopped, looking at his new wife. "Hurry up then." He said, gesturing to the rings.
    December 9th, 2014 at 12:46am
  • She took his hand then placed the ring on his finger the pulled her ring out and put it on. "Good, let's leave," she muttered as she turned to leave.
    "Maybe in a year or two we can divorce,"he said to her, "We're both still young once I take over the company we can draw up a formal contract together," he said to her.
    December 9th, 2014 at 12:51am
  • I narrowed my eyes slightly. "You do know that we both share the chairman position. Which means you don't take over anything. We split it, but since we'll be married we have all of it. But should we choose to split I want the same numbers as before. I get 53% and you 47%."
    He took his hand and walked away from the altar,.headed towards the.door. "Fine."
    December 9th, 2014 at 12:58am
  • "Since we're married, it's fifty fifty," he said to her,"I could argue for more if I wanted, and win because I have more credintials than you,"
    When she got out to her car and grabbed her keys as she clenched her eyes shut, "fuccck," she whimpered as her hands shook.
    December 9th, 2014 at 01:03am
  • "We are still yet to be married, and I could very easily sign a prenuptial. I may not have the more credentials, but my experience is greater than yours and you know it. This is why I would be in charge of legal aspects. I graduated from Harvard with a masters. Remember? You can argue if gou want, but I'll put up a hell of a fight and it will be very difficult to win." I said coldly, going to sit on a bench.
    He climbed into his car, expecting her to follow him to their new house. He wanted nothing to do with this and the longer he didn't have to face her rhe happier he would be.
    December 9th, 2014 at 01:10am
  • Marissa climbed into her car then began driving to her apartment, it was filled with things of her and Sehun. Memories she wouldn't trade for anything. She broke down into sobs as she sat in the floor of her apartment.
    "Your parents have decided we won't be using a prenuptuial," he said to her. "Whats mine is yours," he said to her.
    December 9th, 2014 at 01:20am
  • I shook my head. "Of course. But they wouldn't hesitate to sign to a divorce clause. Because this plan is supposed to be foolproof in their eyes. We're both young, attractive, and intelligent. Why wouldn't this work? And so, them signing the clause would be fine because us divorcing isn't going to happen anyway, is it?" I said matter of factly. "But then in two years time when we file for divorce, everything goes back to how it was due to the divorce clause."
    He drove into the garage, parking his car and walking inside. He'd talk terms with her inside, maybe they could come to an agreement on divorce.
    December 9th, 2014 at 03:30am
  • "It won't happen, my lawyer is better than yours," he smiled as he looked at her.
    Marissa sat there for a while as she looked at the apartment, the dream of marriage and kids with Sehun dashed in a seconmd.
    December 9th, 2014 at 04:14am
  • I smiled sweetly. "I'm my own lawyer. You should do some research on your wife to be, I'm more than capable of representing myself in court. I'd tear your lawyer to shreds." I said with a smile. "Don't cross me, Jongdae. I'm not someone you can mess with and get away with it easily."
    He sat down, looking at her. "Do you want your own room? You can have it. I don't want this and neither do you."
    December 9th, 2014 at 04:18am
  • "I'd prefer it," she whispered softly as she looked at him,"I had everything planned," she whispered, "Sehun and I were going to get married and have kids, be happy," she laughed.

    "If we divorce all I want is enough to live on, you can have the company," she muttered.
    "Neither am I," he said to her smiling, "You under estimate me," he told her. "My company has more networth than yours I would win,"
    December 9th, 2014 at 04:29am
  • I rolled my eyes. "Clearly you didn't look at the profit of this year. I wouldn't have estimated the percentage were I not be able to back it up. My company has higher profit, outsourcing, and net worth. We passed you by 3%. Since those are the numbers present when we marry, those will be the numbers present when we divorce." I said condescendingly.

    "This is how its going to go, fiance. I will write in this divorce clause which I know our parents will agree to. We will marry, and pretend that everything is going well. After six months we'll say I am pregnant, but lost the child. After a year, we will claim to try again to no avail, the stress bringing us to divorce. It will be as if this whole wedding never happened. You will go to your past numbers and I to mine, any profit made while married split down the middle. Then I go one way and you the other, never to look at each other again. You'd be a fool to turn this down."
    He scoffed. "I don't care about your long lost boyfriend. We have to stay married a year and then we can divorce. We'll talk splitting the money another time."
    December 9th, 2014 at 04:47am
  • "Don't be such a asshole, I'm trying to remain civil with you but you keep this up I'll just become a widow," she told him with sneer.
    "Our companies are one now, you seem to forget this there is no separate company. If you had paid attention to when you signed the papers you'd have seen that your company was signed on with my leaving mine in control of all your assets," he said to her.
    December 9th, 2014 at 04:55am