A Simple Character Skeleton

  • uncannyOrigins

    uncannyOrigins (100)

    United States
    I've always had trouble with characters, and so, I decided I'd make up a short character skeleton that was helpful to me in making a character. This includes tips, things I use to help me, etc. I hope this can be of use to someone else, too.

    Basic Information
    Name (full):
    Alias(s)/titles (include nicknames/petnames):
    Species (human or not):
    Religion (this helps get to know them better):

    Hair (explain the color, length, and style):

    Eyes (explain shape, color, and size):

    Physical Description (tell about tattoos, scars, body weight and height, shape):

    Clothing Style (create a few outfits for them, use Polyvore if you'd like):

    Friends (who do they hang out with? What's their group?):




    Psychology (mental issues, or diseases):

    Father (dead or alive, name and age):
    Mother (dead or alive, name and age):
    Sibling(s) (dead or alive, name and age):

    Birth Place:
    Currently Living:

    Growing Up (what was their home life like? Rich, poor?)

    Include a short background of their life before the beginning of the book.

    Also include places (if done on paper) to sketch your character, his/her eyes and hair, mouth. Also include places to write in their hand writing, or sign their name, it will help you understand and get into their personality.

    When doing names, think about the time period. If your name doesn't fit, explain why that is their name. Explain what makes them dress and act like they do, delve into their make-believe brain and create them fully.
    December 11th, 2014 at 03:59pm
  • statiksiren

    statiksiren (100)

    United States
    I like it but since I'm a bit of a scifi geek I make a point to list skills/abilities, it helps me with character history as far as lifestyle that lead to development.Wink
    January 2nd, 2015 at 07:59am
  • This.Useless.Heart.

    This.Useless.Heart. (115)

    United States
    This is a pretty good character sheet. I use one very similar to it myself. These are all good ways to get the basics of your character down and start really getting to know them and develop them.

    I would also add to the naming character thing: when naming characters remember that their parents would have named them (or, y'know someone named them, probably when they were babies.) So, your name also needs to reflect that. So, you have to think would your character's parents really name them Raven Shadow (just as a random, bad example)? Or is it just a name you like?
    January 2nd, 2015 at 07:33pm
  • faster.

    faster. (300)

    United States
    I like this, I think I might start using it, or something like it. and I really like the point that @This.Useless.Heart made about how the character's parents would have named them and naming them something that reflects that. It's so obvious, but something that you don't really think about in writing a lot.
    January 4th, 2015 at 10:24pm
  • the god of thunder.

    the god of thunder. (300)

    United States
    I'm gonna do about half of this right here, right now (because why not? :XD)

    Name (full): Mathias Wacaster.
    Alias(s)/titles (include nicknames/petnames): Match. (Self-named after infatuation with arson. Unfortunately makes him an easy + obvious target.)
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male.
    Sexuality: Homosexual.
    Nationality: American-born with Lithuanian and Russian background. Proud of New Jersey.
    Species (human or not): All-too human.
    Religion (this helps get to know them better): Agnostic but gravitates to Kabbalism.

    Hair (explain the color, length, and style): Sort-of-long for a boy, sandy-blonde that lingers into brown territory.

    Eyes (explain shape, color, and size): Blue, pretty wide, stupidly dark eyelashes that make it look like he's into makeup.

    Physical Description (tell about tattoos, scars, body weight and height, shape): Pretty tall but with belly fat and swarthy skin (he spends a lot of time in the sun), which means he's often burned to red sometimes.

    Clothing Style (create a few outfits for them, use Polyvore if you'd like): Baggy stuff. Jeans and black t-shirts are simple enough for him. He's still classy enough to get dressed up for occasions but finds himself not typically interested in the stuff.

    Friends (who do they hang out with? What's their group?): He has one best friend, Soyra, but easily can charm people. Still is reluctant to get close to people, though, making him isolated from his peer grounp. He's pretty close to his family even though he doesn't live with them at his age.

    Traits: Tends to be patronizing and condescending, even to his closest friends. He is somewhat of a loner, but rarely depressive. Takes things in stride, doesn't put too much meaning in life unless he's feeling particularly sentimental. He can be childish at times, perhaps regression is to blame for this; he's daunted by real-world responsibilities and has a hard time filling that role. Would rather be on the receiving end of violence than the one to give it. Is quite damaged by his own urges.

    Quirks: Has an affinity for blood and fire, consequentially.

    Addictions: Used to be into smoking, but now has cut down a lot.

    Psychology (mental issues, or diseases): He's a pyromaniac. The drive haunts him a lot, but he rarely acts on it unless it's impossible to resist or say, he has an accomplice who wants to help him.
    February 10th, 2015 at 05:44pm