
  • Stage Doctor

    Stage Doctor (100)

    United States
    @ TheStarryUnderground
    "I don't know, my wall last night seemed to have a very good sense of humor, and personality. Oh the things she's seen...." He said, looking off into the distance and gazing blankly as if actually recalling something. After a moment, though, he was snapped out of his false reverie by a large guard coming to their table, and slapping his baton down across Shane's knuckles. Shane was up in a moment, and glared at the guard. The guard didn't give him time to speak before placing him in cuffs, though. In the meantime, Tick was laughing, and began making comments about his parents' right choice in leaving the guard at an orphanage as a child. Then, Shane received a rap on the back of his head and was dragged off, still unrelenting in his vocal probing of the guard's insecurities....
    January 20th, 2015 at 11:33pm