
  • Olivia "Ollie" Baldwin

    Shane "Tick" Jackson
    December 11th, 2014 at 10:24pm
  • Ollie sat with her back against her door, picking at the hole that was beginning to streak its way across the knee of her pants. Damn things were made from the cheapest stuff they could buy, but they were uniform, and kept everyone who was trapped within those walls looking the same. She hoped maybe she could tear the hole right open, leaving her knee exposed. It would distinguish her, make her stick out in the crowd. Not like she didn't already, but she practically jumped at any chance to stage what she so lovingly called her "mini-rebellions." Ollie usually thought them up about this time of night, when she couldn't sleep and had nothing better to do. She could cause a little mischief, but the last thing she wanted was to call attention to herself. The doctors were absolute hell if they didn't get a full eight hours. She sighed quietly as the hole grew a little bigger. She decided it would have to do for now, dropping her efforts to relax against hard metal behind her. Trying to get some sleep would be pointless, her nerves were to on edge for that, though she hadn't a clue why. Nonetheless, she dropped her head back and closed her eyes, basking in the small amount of moonlight that dribbled in from the barred window.
    December 12th, 2014 at 12:54am
  • @ TheStarryUnderground
    Suddenly there was a loud ruckus that was coming from the hallway outside of her room. There were two guards leading a hooded figure down the hallway- very roughly, as well. The figure was just whispering the entire time, and not really doing much else, but it seemed to be having a very infuriating effect on the guardsmen. Suddenly, the figure chuckled, and said something else that appeared to be inaudible, before one of the guards pushed him to the floor, and raised his club to bash the figure over the head. But, the other guard caught his forearm and stopped him before heaving the figure to its feet, and continuing to push it down the hallway before stopping at the small room beside Ollie's. The one guard pulled out the set of keys before using them to open the cell's door (Considering it might as well have been a cell), and yanking off the figure's hood before quickly kicking him inside. There was the loud clap of the figure's body hitting the solid concrete floor before the guards slammed the door behind it and locked it back up, quickly walking away....

    (I'm sorry I never replied! I didn't get a reply alert, and completely forgot about this! )
    January 8th, 2015 at 09:32pm
  • @ Stage Doctor
    Ollie's eyes shot open, turning quickly to face the door. "What the Hell," she murmured, slowly pushing herself off the floor. She stared at the door a moment longer, daring it to be thrown open. Thankfully, it remained closed, no one was coming for her tonight. Her mind jumped from explanation, finally landing on the most obvious one. The dogs had found some fresh meat, and had drug it home for the masters. How sweet. She backed away from the door, turning to face the right side wall of her room. The dulled white gazed back at her, thick and plain. Ollie stepped up to it, placing her palms flat against the surface. If she stared hard enough, she could almost imagine the figure behind it. They were probably curled into a ball, young and helpless, begging for some kind of answer to why they were there and who had taken them. She clicked her tongue, shaking her head sadly. Poor thing, she thought, all alone in a cell. She crossed her legs and fell back with a thump, taking a seat in front of the wall. Hesitantly, she reached up a fist, resting it against the wall. The image of a frightened figure entered her find once more, and with a quick rap against the wall, she dropped her arm. It was thick, she knew that from the many times she had tested it, but maybe the sound would carry over. She scooted close, pushing her hair aside to lean her ear against the wall and waited.

    (Don't worry about it! It's all good ^-^)
    January 8th, 2015 at 11:23pm
  • @ TheStarryUnderground
    Suddenly there was a cadence being rattled off of the side of the bedframe in the other room. It was controlled, and quick. The staccato beats rung out through the silence sharply, and then quickly ceased. "The rooms aren't necessarily soundproofed, no," came the reply to the question Ollie never had to ask," Although I'm sure if you went into the other wing where the more unruly of our flatmates reside, I'm sure that the story is a completely different one." Then, the beats began back up just as soon as they had stopped...
    January 9th, 2015 at 04:50am
  • @ Stage Doctor
    The voice surprised her, as she had had something more childlike in mind. It obviously belonged to someone close to her own age, with something a tad off about it that she couldn't quite put her finger on. Although it could have just been the way it was coming through. She was just happy that this one could actually talk back, unlike some of the other residents. Her mind jumped to the random noises she would hear in the dead of night, the almost inhuman screeches and growls that echoed through the halls. They could get to a person, rattle within in the skull for long after they stopped. In the quiet that followed, she thought she must have imagined the voice, a cheap trick from her sleep deprived brain. Reaching up once more, she let off another rapid fire of knocks before giving it a rest. "Sorry," she said, the sound of her own voice scraping roughly against her ears, "never had someone to test the theory with."
    January 9th, 2015 at 06:52am
  • @ TheStarryUnderground
    "Well, according to the guard captain, chance is that I won't be here for long. Either A, because they might take me soon to put me into the heavy lockdown wing, or b, because I will piss him off so much that he will bludgeon my brains out right on this nice new clean bed of mine while I sleep," the voice rang out. He then drummed out the series of beats she had just done, before continuing," By the way, Ollie, my name is Shane. I would say that my friends call me Tick, if by friends I meant the guards who wish to kill me on on a daily, sometimes even an hourly basis."
    January 9th, 2015 at 02:19pm
  • @ Stage Doctor
    "Pity," she mused, tracing shapes against the wall with her pinky finger, "the beds here are just ever so lovely, it would be a shame if anything happened to them." In reality, it would be a shame if anything happened to the floor since that was where she spent most of her nights. "I wouldn't worry too much about the guard captain, the man always goes for the right, so just dodge left and you should be just fine. The lockdown wing, however, that might be a bit of a concern," Ollie paused, a chill creeping it's way about her spine. She shook it off, refusing to think about the other wing and what lay waiting there. Titling her chin up, she grinned at the wall between them, before speaking up again, "Impressive, didn't even try and call me Olivia. You've only been here a few minutes and you're already on my good side." She closed her fist, resting it on the wall once more. "So, Tick, know any morse code?"
    January 9th, 2015 at 04:48pm
  • @ TheStarryUnderground
    "Your name is Olivia, but you prefer Ollie. And don't be impressed, I've just been here about forty-eight hours. The only reason the guards don't care for me is.... Well... Let's just say it's very hard to please everyone, but VERY easy to piss everyone off. Especially when you're me." He paused for a moment, and then said," Well, I don't inherently know morse code. But if you do, I'm sure I could learn a bit. But not tonight sadly. I think I'm going to sleep on this bed of nails that they call a cot, and cool off this headache I have." With that, he crawled up off of the floor, and flopped onto the cot before closing his eyes and waiting for a reply. After it came, he shout-whispered," Goodnight Ollie. Sweet dreams."
    January 9th, 2015 at 05:33pm
  • @ Stage Doctor
    "Yes, but you've been the room next to me for only a few minutes, and have already won my favor. I feel like I should give you a reward or something but the best I can do it offer up some morse code lessons when you're up to it." Ollie untangled her legs and pushed herself up, leaning against the wall so she could shake her legs back awake. She really needed to quit sitting with them crossed like that. "As for being an supposedly aggravating little prick, well, we'll just have to see," she added, reaching to pull the blankets off her own bed and fashioned herself a makeshift nest on the floor. She got comfortable, figuring if he was settling it she might as well too. "Goodnight, Tick. I'll talk to you in the morning."
    January 9th, 2015 at 11:16pm
  • @ TheStarryUnderground
    A few hours later, Shane awoke to a smack on the head by a guard. He was up quickly, and then dragged by the arm to the cafeteria for breakfast. He had already pissed off the guard with a few more off handed comments to the point that he received another rap on the back of the head before being shoved off into the room. Once he was, he straightened himself, and walked over to receive his food, and sit in the corner by himself.
    January 10th, 2015 at 12:18am
  • @ Stage Doctor
    Ollie rolled out of her nest, nearly knocking her face off the floor as one of the guards threw open her door. She threw her hands up, indicting that she was awake and didn't need assistance getting up. Balling up the blankets, she tossed them up on the bed before getting off the floor herself. As soon as she stood up, the guard told her she need to change her pants due to the hole on her knee. Shrugging, she told the guard she would if she had another pair of pants without a hole in them, but all of hers seemed to be falling apart recently. Maybe the guard was having a good day, or maybe he was just too tired to argue with her, he let it go. When he had turned his back to lead her to the cafeteria, she reached down and tugged at the hole making it larger. With a satisfied grin, she followed him. She entered the room, quickly grabbing her food and searching for her favorite spot. Her eyes narrowed as she saw someone had already claimed it, forcing her to take a seat across and a little bit over from her corner. She shoot them a glare as she picked at her food.
    January 12th, 2015 at 03:48pm
  • @ TheStarryUnderground
    Shane noticed the glare that he was receiving from the girl, and quickly focused on her for a moment before smirking widely, and waving to the girl. He stood up and moved over to the girl until he was sitting right across from her. He then said," You can go and sit in your spot now if you want to. I'm sorry for sitting in it- I wasn't completely aware that it was your spot until just now. Sorry about that Ollie." He then flashed his teeth with a smirk as he tried to make the realization hit her when he used her nickname without her even knowing her...
    January 13th, 2015 at 05:49am
  • @ Stage Doctor
    "How did you...," Ollie trailed off, staring hard at the boy sitting in front of her. First the kid had the audacity to take her seat, and now he's gone and placed himself right in front of her. This early in the morning, he was either incredibly stupid or a newbie. And that smirk was starting to get to her as well. But how had he known her nickname? It wasn't like anyone used it when she had come into the room. There was no way he could have known it hit her then, her glare relaxing as she matched his smirk with one of her own. She leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms in front of her and said, "I'm already comfortable, so I suppose this is my new spot. Beside, a little company never killed anyone, right, Tick?"
    January 13th, 2015 at 04:02pm
  • @ TheStarryUnderground
    "Misery loves company," Shane said, chuckling a bit," That, and it depends. If you're in the company of Hitler, Mussolini, Jack the Ripper, and Blackbeard, there is probably a high chance that the company very well might kill you." He then chuckled again, and then looked down at his food for a moment before looking back up at her, and sighing. "So, does the food usually look like something that has already been digested by a large elephant and then left in the kitchen by way of a large toilet run-off system?"
    January 13th, 2015 at 09:21pm
  • @ Stage Doctor
    "Oh, trust me, I would much rather be in their company then here," Ollie muttered, casting a glance towards the guarded doorway. One of them shifted and she quickly glanced down at the table, picking up her fork to stab whatever gunk they were trying to feed them today. She messed around with the food, never intending to actually let any of it reach her mouth. "I bet Hitler at least could make a halfway decent sausage," she shook her head and sighed. "Unfortunately, my dear newbie, I would say this is a rather fine day for the food. I mean just look at this oat, casserole, grit infused....," she lifted the fork and sniffed at it, before dropping it back onto the tray. "I can't even joke about this being appetizing, that's how bad it is. I have no idea what this is, and unless you have a death wish I would not eat it." Ollie groaned dramatically and shook her head. "Would it be to much to ask for something that even slightly resembled toast?"
    January 14th, 2015 at 06:16am
  • @ TheStarryUnderground
    "Well, sadly, I can't go without food.... Long story short- I can't not eat anything. I need a constant set of nutrition. My metabolism blows through energy just like Hitler blew through undesirables," Shane said, before taking up a spoonful of the.... Slop. He sniffed it, and then shivered before raising some towards Ollie in a toast-like fashion. "Cheers to you, Ollie," he said, before holding his nose, and shoveling it into his mouth. He quickly swallowed it, and then bent his head over the edge of the table beside himself, and dry-heaved. Thankfully it didn't come back up, and he sat back up straight, before giving a sarcastic smile, and saying," Not as bad as I thought it would be!"
    January 14th, 2015 at 05:46pm
  • @ Stage Doctor
    "Mhm, sure," Ollie said, completely unconvinced. Unfortunately, she had to agree with him, she couldn't not eat at all. "I suppose I can't let a newbie show me up, and hey, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger," she picked her spoon up, ready to go in for the kill. Hopefully she could do away with the bowl of glop before it did away with her. She lifted the spoon to her face. A drop fell from the utensil, making a rather unappetizing plop sound as it landed on her tray. She made a face before quick shoving the food into her mouth and swallowing before she could think about it too much. "So, is that why you're so lanky? The whole metabolism thing," she asked, going in for a second bite.
    January 14th, 2015 at 06:05pm
  • @ TheStarryUnderground
    "Yeah, that's the main reason. And I'm not lanky, I'm modestly ripped," he said, before smirking again, and then chuckling. He then picked up another bite of the slop. He quickly downed it, and went in for another bite. He soon had the plate empty, his massive hunger and massive want for the meal to be over overriding his sense of taste. Once he was done, he put down his spoon, and cracked his knuckles. "Well, that is a GREAT way to start the day."
    January 16th, 2015 at 04:37am
  • @ Stage Doctor
    Ollie raised an eyebrow, chuckling under her breath. "I'll take your word for it, sweetie," she said, pushing her tray aside. She had gotten as much down as she could manage, she didn't want to push it and have the food making an unwelcome reappearance later. The last thing she needed to do was make herself sick over breakfast. She drummed her fingers on the table top, scanning the room as Shane finished up. The usual groups had sat together, and it didn't seem as if anything was out of place. Her nerves hadn't exactly calmed down since last night, but she was able to push that to the back of her mind. It was most likely nothing, just the run of the mill ominous feeling that clung to the place like a shroud. Shane cracked her out of her thought, and she turned her attention back to him with a small smile. "I'm just happy I have someone to make sarcastic comments about the food with. It gets awfully lonely only having the wall to appreciate your sense of humor."
    January 17th, 2015 at 11:52pm