This Is War |Closed-RP|

  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    It's the moment of truth, and the moment to lie,

    Emory and Daryl
    The moment to live and the moment to die,

    Rick and Lola

    The moment to fight, the moment to fight,
    December 15th, 2014 at 12:45am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    It was a day like any other I walked down the street with my dog on its leash I could hear the birds singing and children playing after school I walked down the road a ways to my home I walked up the steps opening the door unlocking it. I pulled my boots on "Alright boy I'll be back stay here." I called to the dog who was getting water. I got into my truck and went up the hill a little ways to the Dixon farm I got out at the farm and saw the brothers wrestling on the ground I shook my head "Daryl? Merle?" I smiled seeing Daryl wave me over I walked over and watched them.

    "Why don't you just go on home hussy." Merle said to me he never did like me at all. He tried to fill Daryl's head with the thought that women were only supposed to be in a kitchen, serve their husband for sex or cook the dinners. I rolled my eyes at him. "Why don't you just grow the fuck up Merle?" I said in response I stepped back when he went to hit me but Daryl knocked him over. I was sweet on him but we were just friends. "Hey Daryl, I brought you something it's an early christmas present." I said and pulled him towards the truck. I pulled a bow out of the back of the truck with several bows. "I remember how your old one broke so I thought I"d buy you a new one."

    I looked at Shane as we sat in the police station, we'd been fighting a lot and I no longer trusted his choices any longer I walked out to go on patrol with him. "Lori and I have been fighting so much lately I don't think our marriage is going to last anymore, you know what I'm saying?" I asked looking over at him. He nodded to me in response. I sighed and pulled back into the lot after patrol.

    "Alright I'm off I'll see you tomorrow Shane." I said to him clocking out I went home and fought with Lori for the hundredth time, Carl our young son had seen this, "Lori I can't take this anymore! I'm done I want a divorce!" I shouted suddenly and turned walking out of the house to the patrol car I'd brought home with me. I drove to a local bar and sat down getting the strongest alcohol they had.

    (hope this was okay.)
    December 15th, 2014 at 02:48am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I grinned at her seeing the bow. "Emory this is amazing." I told her as I took the bow and admired the beauty of it. "I love this, thank you." I said hugging her tightly and smiling at her. "Wait, I got yours, hang on." I said jogging over to my car. I grinned at her as I took and looked at the riffle I had bought her earlier in the year. "This is for you." I handed it to her grinning at her.

    I sat the whiskey in front of Rick and grinned. "Did Shane get to you again or Lori?" I asked him leaning into the bar a little. I was Shane's adopted little sister. I hated him with a passion along with Lori. Ever since Carl had been born. Lori had cheated on Rick with Shane. I knew this. Hell the whole town knew it, but Rick. I couldn't bare to hurt Rick so I kept my mouth shut along with the death threat that Shane gave to me as well.

    December 15th, 2014 at 12:39pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    "Oh daryl!" I smiled widely at him "it's perfect! I can take it with me when I go up north to see my mom for Christmas!" I smiled at him and kissed his lips gently. "I'll see you when I get back right? You're not gonna let Merle get in your head now are you?" I asked looking at him seriously. I smiled widely at him when he said he'd see me when I got back "you better cause I got some special reuniting plans with you Daryl." I winked at him.

    "Lori, I asked for a divorce." I looked at Lora and sighed "I can't handle the constant fighting any longer it's not healthy, I'll file for full custody of Carl even though I know I won't get it but I don't want her leeching family to try and convince her to file first." I looked at Lora and smiled a little Id been coming to this bar ever since Shane and Lori started acting funny.
    December 15th, 2014 at 01:18pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I grinned at her, "Alright ma'am." I said dipping my head at her. "Now hurry back cause I am going to be waiting on that reuniting plans." I smirked at her. I took and helped her into her truck shutting the door. "Be careful Emory. I'm serious. Call me when you get to your moms so I know you made it alright, ok?" I asked her.

    I took and smiled at Rick, "I'm sure you'll get it. Besides Carl loves you. And you have a very good paying job. Plus Lori doesn't and she's cheating...." I paused sighing. "She's cheating on you with Shane." I told Rick frowning. I saw him eyeing me. "I found out a month ago, and Shane told me if I told you he'd gut me. And knowing Shane he meant it. He had men following me around making sure I didn't talk to you or anything." I told Rick frowning. "I am so sorry." I said handing him the pictures I took of the two and Lori ignoring Carl. "There's your proof." I told Rick before going to the customer that had came in as I took and waited on them and pouring Rick some more Whiskey.
    December 15th, 2014 at 01:46pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    "I will sir," I leaned through the window kissing him gently "don't let that idiot brother of yours mess with your mind I'll be back in two weeks, I love you Daryl." I waved and drove off heading towards my mothers house in North Carolina. I turned some music on as I drove through the winding roads humming softly.

    At first I didn't comprehend the information I had gotten I sighed and realized what she told me I looked at her "Lora, I won't let them hurt you." I told her and brought the glass to my lips drinking "thanks for these." I said pocketing the pictures. (Do you want Rick to get shot still wake up after the apocalypse?)
    December 15th, 2014 at 02:02pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I took and sighed missing her already. I took and got the bow and headed out back to practice with it. I took and hummed to myself thinking about Emory. She was the girl for me the one i'd spend the rest of my life with.

    I nodded my head, "Anytime." I said pecking his cheek. I had loved this man for so long. But Lori had beaten me to the punch of getting him. I took and frowned as I finished up my shift. I looked at Rick, "Do you want to stay with me?" I asked him knowing that he wouldn't go back home.

    [[It doesn't matter honey Cute Do you want me to start the SOA one off?]]
    December 15th, 2014 at 02:45pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    [Please I have no idea where to start it.]


    I pulled up at my moms house, going inside I hugged her tightly but felt how warm she was, "whoa mom, you're hot.. are you feeling okay?" I heard how out of breath she was, "alright lets get you in bed," I told her and laid her in her bed I sat down once she was resting and called Daryl but only got voicemail I figured Merle took his phone again, "I made it home safe, I'll see you soon."

    I nodded my head, "Yeah might as well, I can't go home." I smiled at her and walked out letting her drive me to her home, I sat on her couch turning the TV on seeing CNN on all the channels, "What..." I saw them talk about an outbreak that the army was going to take care of the outbreak. "Whoa what are those?" I asked seeing the helicopter coverage of the walkers. "are those humans? They can't be..." I whispered and gasped in horror when our town was in the red map, "We need to get out of here, grab your stuff Lo-" I looked out the window and saw them running I locked the door and pushed the heaviest piece of furniture against it doing the same to the back door, "Upstairs quick!" I said in horror and locked us up in her room.
    December 15th, 2014 at 11:09pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    Merle and I took and got everything pushed into the door ways and all. I took and looked at him nearly about to pass out from this. This was sicking and scary. I took and frowned as I lent into the wall as we stayed held up in his bedroom. I took and saw my phone flashing and took and saw it was Emory. I took and called her hoping I could get her. I wanted to warn of her everything that was happening.

    I felt him holding tightly to me as I looked at him, "Rick what's going on?" I asked him scared out of my mind. All of sudden I had started to get things out for dinner and soon we were going up to my room and him flipping out. I had no idea what was going on but he had me scared to death.
    December 15th, 2014 at 11:29pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I pushed my now dead but alive mother out side and barricaded the door, I heard my phone and grabbed it I was crying, "H,Hello? Daryl?" I was crying, "They're everywhere Daryl, My moms one of them, I'm trapped they're everywhere, I'm so scared I'm..." the line went dead, "DARYL!? no..." I cried out and threw the phone down, I was shaking I held the rifle in my hand and sighed I needed to get to my car, I made a run for it and got into the truck locking the doors they swarmed I screamed and started the truck I drove through them and got onto the main road out of town.

    I pulled the curtain open and showed her the walkers swarming all the houses, "There is some type of disease going around bringing people back to life! the news said if you get bit you turn into one of them, I need to keep you safe okay?" I told her I saw the gun fire from the helicopters killing a bunch of them, I pulled her close and hid with her shielding her from anything the could possibly happen
    December 16th, 2014 at 12:09am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    All I could hear was her crying and something about her mom. I threw the phone down sighing. "Fuck." I shouted out as Merle took and smacked me hard. "Shut up." He muttered. I sighed sitting down grabbing my bow. I took and looked at him seeing him eyeing me. "You like this girl huh?" He asked me. I nodded my head, "More than you know, Merle." I said showing him the engagement ring. "We've been on and off and everything. I love her and was planning on asking her when she got back home." I told him as we sat there thoughts racing through my mind about her.

    I held onto Rick as I jumped hearing the loud shooting noises from above. I gripped tighter onto him burying my face into his chest. I was hoping to god that Carl was ok. I loved that kid, he was always attached to my hip. I screamed out hearing a noise as I gripped onto Rick, "Why the hell is this happening?" I cried into his chest scared to death glad to have him here with me.
    December 16th, 2014 at 12:40am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I skidded to a stop as I almost hit a human, I saw the little guy get in with me I drove off. "I'm Glenn." He said and I looked at him as I drove, "Emory." I said softly wiping the tears from my eyes, "Are you okay?" He asked I nodded my head, 'MY mom is one of those things and, I'm almost 400 miles away from my boyfriend and Im scared." I said as I drove I stopped when a whole bunch of cars were stuck trying to get out I got out with Glenn and looked around I saw two kids playing with their mothers, "Excuse me, do you know whats happening?" I asked softly looking at them.

    "Oh no we don't we're trying to survive and we've been stuck here for Hours, I'm Carol, This is sophia, that is Carl and his mother Lori." the woman introduced, "I'm emory and this is Glenn." I said softly and sighed, "We all should turn around I know a short cut through the back parts it will get us past this."

    I held onto Lora my mind racing at thoughts of Carl and Lori, I rubbed Lora's back, "Come on we need to get out of here, get to Atlanta it should be safer there, more military." I told her and got her outside we got into her car which had a full tank of gas I drove us out of the town taking back roads only police and hunters knew about. I sighed quietly, "I hope Carl and Lori made it out.." I whispered quietly as I drove us out of the overrun town.
    December 16th, 2014 at 01:15am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I sighed looking out the window seeing the walkers coming at the house. I sighed heavily running a hand through my hair. "Fuck this shit. I need to get out of here to find Emory." I said getting some of my stuff together to get out of here.

    I heard him mention Lori's name and frowned turning my head to look out the window. "I hope they did too." I whispered as I played with my necklace that Shane had given to me. I sighed staring at the scenery passing by us.
    December 16th, 2014 at 01:24am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    We all gathered together and got out of there just as the blocked off the road and sent thousands of people and children to death I got them out and we made our way through the back woods I sighed quietly and thought about Daryl as we got up into the mountains and got a campsite set up. It was where my mother and I would camp when I was a baby. I curled up in the front seat of my truck crying softly thinking about Daryl.

    I looked over at Lola "Lola..I'm done with lori but Carl needs her, to survive he's only a child and if she's not alive then..." I sighed softly and stopped thinking about it, I went to go and skidded to a stop when I saw the barricades of Atlanta, "You're fucking kidding me? I saw nothing but walkers and death I turned around and drove off I saw a road that looked like nobody had actually taken it in years but saw the fresh tracks I turned down it and drove up the winding road.
    December 16th, 2014 at 01:36am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I sighed wondering through the woods. I knew the camping place of where Emory had gone as a child. She'd taken me there a few times. I sighed a little as I took and walked upward heading up to it. I was hoping to find her soon.

    "I know Rick." I replied softly as I squeezed his hand. "I am sure that he's fine." I tried to encourage him as we drove up the winding road as I looked ahead of us.
    December 16th, 2014 at 01:47am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    Everyone was setting up campsites I rubbed my eyes and sniffled slightly I heard shuffling in the woods I pointed my rifle and waited holding my breath I dropped the gun on the bed of my Truck when I saw Daryl, "DARYL!" I cried out and ran to him jumping on him I held onto him tightly then groaned when I heard Merle, "Where's my sugar sweet ass?" He asked I looked at Daryl, "You couldn't have just left him?" I asked and sighed I hugged Daryl tightly and wiped my eyes I was so happy to see him, "I thought you were dead!"

    I saw a campsite up on top of a hill I turned and followed the road up to it, I pulled up wondering if these people were just camping or if they knew about the apocalypse, I got out and held my hands up, "Dont shoot we're friendly." I said I saw Shane, Lori and Carl. "CARL!" I cried out and held him as he ran over to me I pulled him up into my arms and held onto him I brought Lola behind me to protect her form Shane, I narrowed my eyes at the two of them and carried Carl over to a small spot that wasn't taken I sat with him and Lola.
    December 16th, 2014 at 01:53am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I held onto Emory as I kissed all over her face and kissed her lips deeply. "I thought you were too. I was so fucking scared i'd never see you again." I told her as I kept her close to me kissing her lips again. I saw Merle take and walk off as I held onto her. I smiled at her, "This isn't the right time or how I had this planned but." I knelt down showing her the ring. "Emory I love you more than my own life. Please say you will. Hopefully we can find a minister and get married." I smiled at her.

    I saw Carl climb into my lap as I smiled down at him, "Hey sweetie you're ok." I said petting his head lightly. I took and saw a woman bring a blanket over. I took and smiled as I covered him up and held him in my lap letting him sleep. I took and lent into Rick and sighed a little. "Guess this is our new lives huh?" I whispered looking up at him.
    December 16th, 2014 at 02:44am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I looked at the ring and smiled widely my eyes fogging up with tears I nodded my head unable to say anything I felt him slide the ring on I smiled widely and kissed his lips lovingly, "Oh Daryl, I love you so much even if we don't find a minister, I'll always be your wife no matter what!" I smiled at him and saw Merle make a joke about it, "now get on in the kitchen and cook us some dinner, and don't hurt that baby maker." His brother said I looked at Daryl and shook my head, "Keep him away from me Daryl."

    I nodded sadly and looked at her, "Yeah I guess this is it." I said and rubbed my face I was happy to see Carl safe and unharmed, I looked up when Lori came over, "Can I help you?" I asked rudely looking at her, "No just go on, I saw you two ignoring him when he needed you, just go on get away go fuck in the woods and get eaten." I said harshly only cause Carl was sleeping in Lola's arms, "You know I knew you two been cheatin' with each other this whole time I knew it."
    December 16th, 2014 at 02:50pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    "I will, I promise." I told her as I took and lent in kissing her lips deeply. I narrowed my eyes at Merle as he walked off. I took and held Emory to me and smiled to myself a little. "I am glad that you said yes. I am glad that we found each other." I told her as I held onto her and smiled at her.

    I took and kept Carl in my arms as I took and saw the woman named Carol coming over. "Want to bring him to the tent?" She asked me as I nodded. I looked at Rick as he nodded for me to take Carl on. I got up carrying Carl to the tent and laid him down covering him up. I took and frowned hearing Lori as I looked at Carol, "Can you keep an eye on him?" I asked her seeing her nod. I got up walking out as she went to slap Rick. I ran and grabbed her hand, "Ever lay a hand on him or Carl again. I'll fucking gut you bitch. Along with my brother." I narrowed my eyes at the two as I shoved her back.

    She went to slap me as I punched her hard causing her to fall back into Shane. "Get your slut and get lost, Shane you're not wanted." I narrowed my eyes looking at Rick before going back to the tent to sit with Carl as he slept.
    December 16th, 2014 at 03:05pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I looked at him and smiled widely, "I'm glad I have you too," I moved and hugged him tightly, I pulled him into the truck with the windows rolled down I laid with him on the seat which was pushed all the way back so it was nice and comfy for us for the night until we could go find camping stuff for us. "Hey Daryl, we'll survive together." I said to him smiling a little.

    I looked at the two of them and raised my shot gun pointing it at them, "Dont try me," I said and walked into the tent I thanked Carol for letting us stay in one side of their two tents, I curled up with Carl and looked at Lola, "Come on.. Theres room." I said and wrapped them both up in my arms so they could sleep I knew I wouldn't get much sleep at all.
    December 16th, 2014 at 03:22pm