This Is War |Closed-RP|

  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    In the morning I said goodbye to Daryl and watched as the guys left to go find Merle, I sat by Lola and kept her company seeing her head was all messed up by Shane "you need anything? Water?" I asked trying to be helpful. I watched Carl at her side smiling "he your son?" I asked not knowing who he really was.

    I helped the guys search high and low for Merle but the trail went cold we were jumped for a bag of guns after the huge Mexican stand off we walked back towards the camp, only to find chaos as walkers attacked killing several survivors and biting one.

    I ran over to Lola and Carl holding them both close when all the walkers were dead I was brought out of my happiness when I heard Andrea screaming and crying over her sisters body.
    December 18th, 2014 at 03:06am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I held to Emory tightly glad she was safe and sound from that attack. I took and kept her close seeing Andrea over Amy's body. I frowned keeping Emory close to me glad she was safe and alive. I looked at Rick who frowned as I kept a tighter grip on Emory.

    I gripped to Carl as I picked him up and let him bury his face into my shoulder. I rubbed his back lightly frowning. I looked upa t Rick as I felt the tears form. I felt so bad for Andrea.
    December 18th, 2014 at 03:13am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I hid my face in Daryls neck I looked around "where's Merle?" I asked him and frowned when he said they couldn't find him and that he'd cut his hand off, "oh my god..." I whispered and huffed Daryl tightly.

    I held my son and Lola closer to me sighing I felt so bad for Andrea. I watched Dale get closer to Andrea and stay with her I sighed and looked at Daryl and his girlfriend.
    December 18th, 2014 at 03:24am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I took and held to her rubbing her back. "Knowing my brother. He'll be ok." I told her hoping I was right. I kept her close as I kissed her lips.

    I took and frowned as I looked up at Rick, "Are we going to find another place?" I asked him lightly.
    December 18th, 2014 at 03:28am
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I looked at Daryl and whispered, "I'm sorry.." I turned and looked over at Andrea and Amy I sighed quietly and looked down. I slowly got in my truck and laid on the seat sighing out. I heard Dale's voice over everyones "In the morning We will move it's to dangerous noise and light attract them, I'll take first watch.." He said I curled up on the seat of the truck.

    I nodded to dale and took my family into the tent I didn't sleep at all that night and in the morning we started getting rid of the bodies, "HE"S BEEN BIT!" I heard Daryl call out I looked up and saw everyone jumping on Jim. I walked over and saw the bite on his stomach I shook my head, "God.." I sighed and stopped everyone from killing him, "He could have a chance if we get to the CFDC." I said and sighed.
    December 18th, 2014 at 03:47pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I took and helped Emory get our things packed into the truck. I took a breath and heard everyone pounding on Jim. I took and sighed a little as I looked at Rick. Was he serious? Him being bitten and all. We couldn't risk it. "Rick, we can't risk it. We have children here." I pointed to his son and Carol's daughter. "He could attack them or anyone else." I pointed out.

    I held to Carl as he gripped to me burying his face into my leg. I took and rubbed his back lightly, "Shh. Shh. It's ok baby." I whispered to him picking him up as I held onto him. I kept him close to me watching Rick and Daryl. I agreed with Daryl but Rick had a point too. But with children we couldn't risk it.
    December 18th, 2014 at 10:13pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I sat in the truck watching them I sighed and pulled out my bow from behind my seat I shot Jim in the head and saw everyone turn to me. "You all can scream at me but I just watched 8 of our people change I'm not watching another. There is no help or the army wouldn't have stranded us on the interstate to be eaten. I'm protecting what I have left." I shut the door of my truck and started it, I looked at Daryl "you coming or not?"

    I saw the arrow go flying past my face I looked at Emory shocked nobody looked sad or like they were angry but me I sighed "are we all just gonna turn into murderous bastards?" I asked and threw my hands up I slowly walked to the station wagon I'd share with Lola, Carl, Carol and Sophia. I started it and waited for them to get in. Three cars that's all we were taking. Truck, suv, and the winniebego
    December 19th, 2014 at 04:25am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I got into the truck and sat with Emory as she pulled out following the rest. I laced my fingers with hers as I lent back and sighed. I turned seeing the camp disappear as we disappeared down the small trail. I took and kept my fingers locked with hers. "I love you Emory." I whispered kissing her cheek lightly. I took and sat back into the seat watching the other vehicles go in a line down the road.

    I sat in the front seat with Carl sitting beside of me on the seat. I saw him climb over and go back with Sophia and Carol. I smiled as Carol grabbed my hand and I patted it before turning around. I took and grabbed Rick's hand into mine as I held to it as we kept driving down the road. I had no idea where we were going, all I wanted was everyone to be safe.
    December 19th, 2014 at 01:47pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I zoned out as we were driving down the road I stared at the road ahead of us, there was no telling where we'd end up I skidded to a stop when we hit a block of cars. I looked as the RV started to smoke "great...we are stuck here." I muttered.

    I got out as everyone started going through cars for parts, food, clothes, blankets anything. I found myself getting sad when I saw cars with bloody car seats. I looked up as I saw walkers running. They swarmed up ahead I watched Lola, Carl, carol and Sophia hide under cars we started shooting, stabbing and just plain beating the walkers.
    December 19th, 2014 at 03:03pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I stood beside of Rick once all the walkers were gone. "It's not safe here. We're going to have to try and find another place or something. For the kids sake." I told him sighing as I looked at Emory and holding my arm around her.

    I kept my arm around Carl once it was safe I scooted out helping him up. I took and kept him close to me as I caught a glimpse of something in the woods. "Rick." I said and pointed through the trees. "There's something up there." I said.
    December 19th, 2014 at 03:31pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I looked over and saw Sophia running towards it, "SOPHIA NO!" I watched Rick and Daryl run after her I sighed quietly and got everyone else into the RV locking the door and barricading everyone into the back room, "They'll find her Carol." I said and sighed quietly looking at Carol I prayed that they'd catch Sophia and bring her back.

    I looked at Lola scared, "she went after that dumb doll." I said looking down sadly as I stayed close to Lola sighing quietly.

    I caught Sophia and hid her as we tried to get the walkers away from her I doubled back and she was gone, "sophia!?" I called out and looked at Daryl, "We need help.." I said and ran back out of the woods to get Glenn and the rest of the people who could hold weapons to help us look for Sophia.
    December 19th, 2014 at 03:45pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I heard Rick come back and frowned keeping Carl in my arms hearing him. I took Carol into my arms with Carl and Emory. I rubbed their backs. "Carol sweetheart. We're going to get get her back." I whispered to her keeping her in my arms as she broke down. I frowned keeping them close to me as I saw Glenn, Andrea, and Dale go with the men. I locked the door back and sat down with them praying they got Sophia. I heard Carl and nodded, "I know sweetie. She'll be ok, ok." I said to him kissing his head and frowning.

    Glenn went with me as Dale went with Rick. I took and looked around not seeing anything. I saw a few feet prints but that was it. I took and sighed looking at Glenn, "We'll have to try in the morning." I said to him sighing not wanting too but it was our only choice at this point.
    December 19th, 2014 at 08:36pm