Forbidden Love

  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    I glanced at Dad very strangely, wondering if this was all a goddamn joke or not, "A mob? You expect me to believe that Dad? You always said you worked with A7X and doing a lot of music-related crap. Since when did the mob come into play, if so you speak?"

    Seeing his eyes glance at David and I (with David acting tense under my touch), Dad sighed as he gently grasped my hand with his oddly shaky ones, "'s the truth. The reason Mom and I never told you is's extremely dangerous...and it traumatized this entire family for a long time. It affected me a lot more than people think. I want you to know that...things are going to get different around here..."

    "So does that mean my dad is...a big mob member as well?" David asked curiously.
    I knew this was going to be so hard for these two...because they are so damn young...and so vulnerable, especially my little girl...

    "Yes, David," I said, crossing my arms over my chest in an embracing manner, "And if you don't fully believe yet, I'm sure your Dad will greatly show proving signs that he kept it hidden for a very long time. He probably still has the paper work when it came to dismissing the entire 'business' so many years ago. I just...want you to be careful..."

    Even from here I could tell that David looked pale, his body slowly rising up from the couch in a rather reluctant way, "I...I got to get going. It is nothing against you at all...but...maybe that answers a lot of things with my Dad... I will get back to you guys on that."

    Feeling my heart ache at the sight of him looking so scared upon leaving, Ashley went after him to talk to him outside, "Wait David, hold up," she called out, shutting the front door behind her for some outdoor privacy.
    January 25th, 2015 at 01:56am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I sighed and rubbed my face, feeling the cold metal of my wedding ring on my face. "I think we should enroll her in cyberschool. Atleast until this thing is over. I don't want to take the chance of something happening to her. We need to have River come home so I can warn him. I have to go back to Shane's old place. I wish I wouldn't have to do this." I said softly. I hesitated a moment before looking at my wedding ring. I slowly pulled it off of my finger. "I want you to keep this while I have to do this. If they find out I'm married they will come after you" I said to her.

    I sat down on the front porch steps with Ashley beside me. "Why would my dad keep this from me? If he's part of a mob, I should know, especially if it is as bad as what he says it is. I should know how to defend myself better. That just goes to show how much he cares about me" I said softly as I ran my fingers through my hair with a sigh
    January 25th, 2015 at 08:45pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Boo Boo o


    Glancing at the wedding ring now lying in the palm of my hands, I frowned at Matt and felt an uneasy knot in my stomach, "Matt...I..."

    "What is it?" Matt said, looking at me curiously at what suddenly began to spook me.

    I swallowed hard, "Knowing that Ashley was more out in the open lately...there is a greater chance that they know who she is and...where she could have gone throughout the day. I did notice something strange about a black van that I remember passing by earlier today after getting some groceries. It was the same van that was used to kidnap me back then."

    Matt's eyes widened, "How do you know that?"

    I clenched my jaw, "I know the license plate by heart...considering it said 'SHAN1999'. And...I could see men staring at the school...near the area of the cafeteria during...Ashley's lunch hour..."

    "David," I sighed, gently bringing him to me in a gentle, comforting hug, "My mom has been through a shit-ton of drama and danger back then before I was born, at least that is all she told me. She was from Hell and back. And yet, I never knew she was completely associated with the mob back then..."

    David glanced at me, "I just find that horrible that they would keep that away from us."

    "I know," I nodded, "Maybe if we...uh...sneak some files to look at with each other and find out the secrets of how my Dad actually met mom and how the mob came about? I can't read them alone....but I know where they could be hiding."
    May 22nd, 2015 at 11:34pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I sighed quietly. "I never should have joined the mob." I murmured quietly. "She can't go anywhere. We can't let her, and it's gonna kill me to do this to her, but she needs to go stay with Ivan in Nevada. She'll be safe there. River needs to go there to" I looked up at Angel. "We also need to set some ground rules until this is over." I ran my hands over my face. "This is just too much" I murmured quietly.

    "Where would they be? " I asked her. "In my dad's office. We wont be able to get in there until later tonight when he goes to sleep. I'll pretend to be asleep on one end of the couch and he'll come over and kiss my forehead and tell me goodnight and then when he goes upstairs that's when we go to his office"
    June 2nd, 2015 at 05:46pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Princess o


    "Matt..." I whispered, going over to him and wrapping my arms around his shoulders with my mouth near his neck to place gentle kisses on it, "We will get through this...I'm sorry that...what I said scared you."

    "It's not your fault..." Matt murmured, placing his left hand on his lap and his right one on my hands that remained around his neck comfortably, "I'm just worried for both you and Ashley... I would never forgive myself if you and her got hurt."

    Letting out a quiet exhale, I intertwine my hand in his and kissed his cheek, "We will battle through this. Can you trust me?"

    "That will be perfect," I smiled, running my fingers through some of my black locks, "This will mean a lot to me David...and mainly for the both of our sakes. We need to know what the hell happened or we will be too late when it comes to this 'conflict' possibly going on. But we need to remain vigilant and alert from now on..."

    "Yeah...shit doesn't feel right around here anymore," David muttered.

    "No kidding," I sighed, "I remember seeing this black van follow me around the past couple of weeks at the most random times. Could be my imagination but who knows," I grimaced.
    June 5th, 2015 at 04:36am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I looked up at Angel "I trust you, I just dont trust myself or those fucking assholes, and I know you're not going to like it, but we're going to have to move to Shane's until this is over. It is the most secure house and sti the most heavily gaurded because all the guys that worked for me still live there so you will be safe. " I said to her. "I love you Angel" i whispered as i kissed her head.

    "I highly doubt that it was your imagination Ashley, especially now that we know all of this is going on. I promise you'll be safe, between me, my father and your father, nothing will happen to you. I promise" i said before kissing her head.
    June 5th, 2015 at 05:23am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Princess o

    **Later on at Night ~ Around 3 am**


    Cuddling next to Matt while in a deep sleep, I suddenly wake up with a startle from a sudden nightmare about what Matt expressed earlier today in his office. Getting out of bed, I gently stroll downstairs to check on Ashley, who slept on the couch while David slept on the other. I had to convince Matt to let David stay overnight after experiencing some vans following her throughout the week. At least he is a good boy we can trust.

    Going to the kitchen, I look out the window to see the night sky and to hope that there was no commotion outside. It was dead quiet and the moon was half-full, leaving some illumination on the ground below. I sighed and grabbed a glass of water, jumping at the sound of sudden glass breaking from our back room down the hall.

    Hearing a loud shattering sound from the house, I woke up wide awake with a startle and looked over to see mom glancing down the hall, "Mom? What was that?"

    David woke up as well from the other couch, rubbing his eyes to see what the hell was going on, "The fuck?"

    Hearing footsteps move within a room down the hall, mom widened her eyes and ran over to me, "David, take Ashley to the downstairs cellar and keep her there. Hurry!" she said in a loud whisper, David not hesitating in getting me to safety.
    July 14th, 2015 at 12:51am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I instantly shot out of bed when I heard the sound of glass breaking. I pulled out my gun from my nightstand and tried to load it, but found that it was jammed. "Fuck!" I hissed out quietly. I put it back with a slam and grabbed the golf club that was in the corner of the room. I walked down the steps and looked around for Angel, when I saw her standing there I quickly ran over to her. "Go hide in the basement with Ashley and David." I said softly. I kissed her head "I love you" I whispered before quietly trying to find the area where the glass had been shattered. Freezing in my spot I listened to the disturbing silence, and quickly turned around when I heard the sound of glass cracking under footsteps. I was quickly greeted with a punch to face, causing me to let out a growl of anger. "You picked the wrong person to fuck with" I growled at him. I swung the golf club into his head, causing him to stagger sideways. I then grabbed him by his shirt and slammed him up against the wall. " How many are with you?" I growled, when he didn't answer I slammed him into the wall, causing a small hole where his head was. " How fucking many!" I roared out in pure anger. "T-Ten" he coughed out. " I suggest you get the fuck out the minute you wake up" I said before punching him in the face and throwing him out the back door that was completely shattered. I picked my golfclub up to see how bad in shape it was, it was dented in the handle and the top had been broken off, so it was pretty much useless.
    July 14th, 2015 at 01:13am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Princess o


    Standing behind the basement door with a gun in my hands that I got downstairs under a table, I quickly listen to the sound going on around the house, noticing that Matt got one of the guys...but hearing there was "ten" was definitely going to be too dangerous for him. Luckily, I have good aim and I can't get Matt cornered.

    I slowly opened the door after knowing that David and Ashley were safe in the hidden trapdoor within the cellar, hearing Matt move around the backroom. While carefully moving over to the beginning of the hallway, I see Matt attack one other guy that had a metal baseball bat and was covered in black. He was so busy with that big fucker that one guy started coming behind him with a gun and aimed for his back.

    Feeling my breath hitch in my throat, I aim my gun and shoot the intruder. The bastard fell to the ground after his head exploded into a splatter of red against the walls. Matt looked over at me and finished the guy with a pure knockout to the head that made him unconscious.

    "I'm not letting you do this alone," I noted, hearing one come near me as I quickly dodged the intruder's punch and suckerpunched him in the balls, "That's for invading my home," I growled, aiming my gun at his head and shooting him down, "And that's for being a dumb bastard coming into my house."

    Looking over at the back part of the house, I saw more men coming in...only to be confronted by a man behind me who was taller than Matt and bigger in muscle. Before I could even react, he grabbed my hair painfully and dragged me to the living room. I yelled in fury and clawed at his hand, only to be smashed into the glass table with my vision going black.
    July 14th, 2015 at 01:28am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I spun around to see that my wife had been thrown into a glass table. Instantly pissing me off. "You dumb son of a bitch" I growled under my breath. I quickly walked over to him, holding the metal baseball bat in my hands. I was about to hit him with it, when he spun around and grabbed it, he ripped it out of my hands and threw it through the window. "Fuck" I hissed. I threw my fist out to hit him in the throat but he quickly dodged the punch and pushed me into a wall. I let out a groan of pain and by the time that I got up on my feet he had grabbed me by my hair and slammed me against the fireplace causing me to pass out.

    I held Ashley close to my body and rubbed her back. "Shh" I whispered quietly "Ashley you have to be quiet" I pulled away from her before leaning down and kissing her, it was the only way that I knew how to keep her quiet for the time being. Hopefully everything was going to go smoothly enough that we would come out okay.
    July 14th, 2015 at 01:45am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Princess o


    "They are in here I know it," I heard the guys say as they roamed above us, my shaking not stopping against David no matter how he tried to calm me down, "Check the flooring."

    Hearing pounding on the floors, I even felt David tense up with me as they pounded on the trapdoor above us, "Found it!"

    Before we could even react, the men began to bash through the wooden trapdoor, causing David to shield me as I screamed in fear. He grabbed the nearest object in the little area, that ended up being a rusted metal pipe, and smacked it against the guy's hand. Little did he know that he was then grabbed by the hair and thrown on to the ground with a loud thud and a shriek. I looked up in horror as the men moved to where he landed and began kicking him in the sides repeatedly.

    "Stop it," a man with a thick Russian accent ordered, the mask covering his face moving to where I cowered in fear, "Storage him up in the van. He could be of use. As for this bitch..." he chuckled darkly, sending shivers up my spine as he stepped towards my shivering form, "I have some very...very naughty plans for you, baby...along with a chance to be in a movie," he said, obvious that he was grinning behind the mask by the sound of his voice.

    "No..." I shook my head, screaming bloody murder when they painfully grabbed my hair and pulled me up into one of the men's arms, "STOP! DAD! SAVE ME, PLEASE! PLEASE, DAD!"

    "Shut her up, dammit!" one of the other men ordered as the Russian man slammed the back of his gun to my head hard enough to make me see black.
    July 14th, 2015 at 01:54am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    9:00 am

    I let out a low groan of agony as I slowly began to wake up, the last thing that I was able to remember was getting my head slammed into the fireplace. I slowly stood up, grabbing onto it I carefully began to walk toward Angle. I picked her up and put her on the couch before walking toward the basement. I stepped over the broken door and walked down the steps toward the trapdoor. I looked up and saw "CHECK YOUR EMAIL" in all capital letters across the wall, then, a bright red sticky note caught my eye. It was attached to a tape recorder and read "Play me" I pressed the play button and listened to the message. What I heard horrified me. I couldn't let Angel hear this. This would hurt her more than anything ever would. I took it and locked it in the safe in my office. I opened up my laptop and sat down waiting, I sat there and stared at it before I started crying harder than I ever had. How could I let this happen to my baby girl? How could I be such a horrible father? I am a horrible human being.
    July 14th, 2015 at 02:15am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Princess o


    "Wake up...wake up..." I heard a whisper as I slowly woke up, unable to move my wrists and ankles, "Wake up, little girl..."

    "Mmph," I groaned into the duct tape that I felt across my mouth, now feeling what was around my wrists and ankles, which was tough rope that burned into my skin, "Mmphh!"

    "Ashley! Ashley wake up!" I heard David shout, followed by a loud groan of pain.

    Looking up with fearful eyes at the man that stood next to my fragile form, I saw the same eyes of the Russian man that kidnapped me back at home. His face was narrow with buzz-cut hair as dark as the night and a body structure built to be a professional body-builder. I had a feeling that my dad was no match for him...and the idea that he grabbed me to here scared the piss out of me. I was more scared than any time before in my life.

    "Force him to watch this," he muttered over at the guys holding David, soon pointing to a man with a camera at the other side of the room, "You, record this...but only when I say you can."

    Trying to squirm away from him, I shrieked against the duct tape when he grabbed me by the hair and back of the shirt. In moments, he slams the front of my body against the table with my lower body dangling off. I fought the hardest I could as tears pricked my eyes and I screamed against the tape, begging to be saved.

    "No one will save you bitch," the Russian man said from behind me as he began grabbing my pants, "Record this shit, now! And make that little faggot watch!"

    "You got it Drago," the man muttered.

    "I totally bet you are a virgin are you? A daddy's little girl who needs to let loose. I bet that asshole never let you out of the house.... Well...let me give you a taste of what the outside world feels like," Drago muttered with a loud chuckle, tearing down my pants with force along with my underwear.

    "NO! NO PLEASE! PLEASE DON'T!" I screamed against the tape as tears streamed down my eyes, "Please!!"

    "Screaming only turns me on, you dumb whore!" Drago yelled, suddenly feeling a sharp, excruciating pain tear right through my lower body that caused me the scream louder than ever before in my life in pure agony, "Tight little bitch! You take my cock in your tight little cunt, you stupid slut," he growled out as he began thrusting painfully into me, my eyes wandering to David for help.

    (I warned you...)
    July 14th, 2015 at 02:32am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I squirmed in the chair that I was tied to and tried my hardest to get free, to stop that man from raping my girl. "Let her go!" I yelled out in anger as I tried to get free, I suddenly felt a fist slam into my face I let out a low groan of pain before spitting the blood out of my mouth. "Enough! She never did anything to you! Let her go!" I shouted, twisting my upper body to try and get free. "Let her go god dam it! You have no right to do this" I looked into her eyes. "It's going to be okay Ashley, I promise, Just look at me. Look at me. We're going to get out of here, I promise you we will. Your dad is going to find us and he is going to save you, and me. None of these fuckers are going to-" I was cut off by another punch to the face, and then a punch to the stomach, causing me to cough up some blood.
    July 14th, 2015 at 02:49am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Princess o


    "Awww, little faggot boy has a crush on this pretty little bitch," Drago said menacingly as he petted my hair in a disturbing manner, "You are by the far the most pleasuring fuck I had in my life..." he growled, thrusting harder to the point where I screamed again, my last scream that I could ever put out because of being out of breath and feeling so frail.

    I never violated...and my life. My purity was taken by a monster...that works for a monster. He's so painful...he hurts me so much....

    "Mmmm I'm almost there, little girl," Drago chuckled, groaning and moaning out loud in pain as I noticed the 'cameraman' get a closer shot of my face, "Yeah, get good video of that pretty face....that face of pure misery. You see that face, big daddy? That's the face that is going to be seen all...over...the internet...and will scar you for life."

    "Say something to the camera," the man smirked, "Come on baby, you are the star."

    I closed my eyes and let the tears fall, unable to say anything at this point but whimpers.

    "Fuck...fuck!" Drago growled out, thrusting harder and faster into me, "I'm going to fill you all the way up, baby girl...fucking...hell!" he shrieked as I felt his body convulse against my lower half and an uninviting warmth fill into me.

    " good..." Drago breathed as he pulled out of me and I heard him zip up his pants.

    I looked over and saw him stare at the camera with a grin on his face, "I'll be waiting for you, big daddy. Better hurry up before I fuck her until she splits in half...and then I will kill slowly...just for you to see," he chuckled before pressing the end button to the camera, "Upload that shit to the website and send it to that fucker's e-mail."
    July 14th, 2015 at 03:01am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I sat there with my head in my hands, tears rolling down my cheeks. Suddenly a ding caught my attention and I looked up to see that I had a new email. I clicked on the link and it brought me to a website, the most recent post, being a video, I pressed the play button and began to watch. It was a video of that motherfucker raping my daughter. No matter how much I wanted to look away I couldn't, the more I watched the more that I got pissed off. By the end of the video I could tell that my face was beet red with anger. "You son of a bitch!" I roared out in pure anger as I slammed my fist through the computer, knowing that I would have glass shards all throughout my fist and my arm. This motherfucker wanted to make it this personal, he was going to fucking regret it. He was going to regret every waking moment of life whenever I got my hands on him.
    July 14th, 2015 at 03:13am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Princess o


    It's been hours since I woke up and luckily the doctor came by to stitch me up a bit. I told him to wait by and have something to drink as I bring Matt down...but as I made my way up the stairs, I heard a loud shattering crash and a yell. I quickly ran up to his office, only to find his computer with a large broken hole in it and him crying his eyes out just like earlier...only these tears seemed to be more of rage than anything else.

    "M-Matt?" I stuttered, actually scared of going near him, "W-What did you see?"

    "Nothing...please can't see it..." Matt whispered, tears falling on to his lap that broke my heart, "Please..."

    With my eyes still red and puffy this morning, I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck from behind him, "Shh..please....we have to keep it together for did you see...?"

    "Damn that was interesting," I heard the men say as they walked out of the room after throwing me on the floor near David who was still strapped in the chair.

    After hearing them slam the door and lock it, I lied there absolutely...soulless...and...torn apart. I knew I was bleeding...down there and my body was aching to the point where it was painfully cramping. I lied there in silence, staring into the darkness and maybe hoping for David to talk.

    "Ashley?" David asked.

    I closed my eyes, luckily having the duct tape not on my mouth anymore, "Just...just...kill me....I want to die..." i whispered, unable to stop crying silently.
    July 14th, 2015 at 03:21am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I looked up at Angel and let out a soft sight, it was a video..That sick bastard that took her...he...he raped her, he told me that he was going to kill her nice and slow for me to watch. " I said softly, this is all my fault. All of it, She wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for me. Our daughter would still be safe if I had protected her, if I did my job" I whispered quietly. " this is all my fault and I have to fix it"

    I sat on the couch beside Lacey, Johnny's wife, we were watching American Horror story, when suddenly there was a knock on the door. I looked at Lacey with a confused look and stood up, before walking to the door. I opened it to see Nick standing there. "Hey" I said with a smile before hugging him. "Come in" I said cheerfully.

    After wiggiling my arms enough I finally got them free and untied my legs. I climbed onto the ground and pulled Ashley into my lap. 'I know you want to die, and I know I don't know how you feel, but one thing I do know is that everything is going to be okay. You're going to get out of here, it's going t be okay I promise, I know it may not seem like it but I promise you, everything is going to end up okay.your dad is going to save us, we can get through this, I promise."
    July 14th, 2015 at 03:44am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Princess o


    "Nice to see you finally," I chuckled, taking a seat right on the couch with her and Lacey sitting on the one across from me, "How have you been? I'm surprised Brian isn't around."

    Emilie frowned, "No..he's been always busy."

    "That's a shame," I sighed, shaking my head at how ignorant Brian is getting, "He definitely has been quite irresponsible lately."

    "You want some coffee?" Lacey offered, in which I nodded with a polite smile and 'thanks'.

    After she brought it over and set all three coffees on the table, Emilie's phone went off and I immediately knew who it was by the look on her face, "What is it Brian? Now is not the time," she said rather bitterly, her face dropping even more, "What the hell-, no I'm not, I'm just sick of your shit," she snapped, going to a different room after saying 'one moment' to me.

    Now was my chance... I thought as I got out my package from my back pocket.

    "W-What...did you say?" I stuttered in absolute horror, unable to process what he just said as my eyes widened and my heart pounded in my chest, "W-What did you say Matthew?"

    Matt looked up at me with red, tearful eyes and slowly got up when he noticed me starting to freak out and hyperventilate, "Angel...please...don't freak out-"

    "What do you mean not freak out!?" I yelled, painful tears starting to build up in my eyes, "My little girl just got violated by a pig, Matthew!" I sobbed, covering my face in my hands and backing to a wall, "My Ashley got raped, can I not freak out," I bawled, feeling my body crumble into pieces.

    "H-How can he...?" I whispered, my face against his chest as I lied fetal position on his lap, "I'm going to die...they are going to kill me..."

    "No they won't, stop saying that..." David whispered, rubbing my back.

    "If not...then...I don't want to live..." I sniffed, "I can't live...with this curse, David... Everyone is going to see it...everyone is going to watch it.... It's viral, David... Just because it isn't on social networking sites, doesn't mean no one can see it," I cried softly, "Everyone is going to look at me as a whore...a dirty whore..."
    July 14th, 2015 at 03:54am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I couldn't handle this fighting anymore. "What is your problem Emilie" Brian said to me, which made me upset to the point of where I was pissed off. "Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that I'm two fucking months pregnant with your child and you're off getting high and fucking whores. So you tell me what my damn problem is!" I shouted into the phone before hanging it up and throwing it down the hall. "It's okay Emilie" Lacey said to me. I let out a soft sigh and walked back to the living room where Nick was. "I'm sorry about that" I said softly, picking up my glass of coffee and taking a drink from it.

    I pulled Angel close to me and rubbed her back. "I'm gonna get our daughter back Angel. Don't worry. I promise I'll bring her back and I'll kill every human being that was involved in this. I promise they will get what is coming to them for what they did. It's going to be okay, I promise."

    "We're 'going to get through this Ashley, I know it's on the internet, but I'm sure your dad will have that website down before a bunch of people will even get the chance to view that video"I rubbed her back. "They're not going to think you're a dirty whore. It was clear in that video that you were raped. You're a victim. You did nothing to deserve this, and no body is going to think of you as a whore"
    July 14th, 2015 at 04:03am