Ultraviolence| Closed.

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    Jason Todd

    Pamela Isely

    Damien Wayne

    Selina Kyle
    December 15th, 2014 at 08:06pm
  • @ Frankie;
    Damian pulled on his trenchcoat after adjusting the bat eared cowl on his head. It was time for the nightly patrol. After going to school and studying all night he had been looking to break a criminal or two's face. His teacher had not approved of his final paper topic and had given him an F. Criminals needed to beware as he would not be going easy on them tonight. Walking over to his "Batbike" he mounted it before revving it up and shooting forward along the secret entrance out into Gotham City. What he wasn't prepared for tonight was a chance encounter that would change him for either better or the worse.

    Jason was pissed. Then again it seemed like Jason these days had two emotions. Really pissed or moderately irritated. Most of the time he spent mowing down villains in Gotham because "dad" didn't want him moving around on his own after Joker called, once again, that he was going to slaughter the entire Bat-Family once again. He wasn't as impressed since Joker had already tried it once and it had failed...mostly. There still was that moment where he had thought that he had legitimately had his face carved off that had him freaked out. He walked over a rooftop and brooded, something the Bat Family Men did fairly often, pondering what he was good for and what he had promised his father he would do. He had talked with Bruce about toning down who he killed and how often he killed. Since Starfire and Arsenal were off doing god knows what he had been on his own. Two of his best friends, even if he would never openly admit to it, were always gone on some super secret missions and he couldn't at least have their presence as comfort. Oracle crackled over his headset. "Red Hood, Poison Ivy is active on Gail and Simone Street. Please engage until Batman can arrive." Jason sighed and started to hop to Gail and Simone Street. "Copy Oracle, will be there in five."
    December 17th, 2014 at 08:49am