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Our Tale
Many years ago there was a man named Maledire who sought great power and in his hubris came to be tricked by a great demon. What he had believed to be a gift of mastery over the shadows, allowing him direct manipulation, the ability to become incorporeal and phase through solid objects as well as pass from one shadow to the next, was instead a curse, for the beast gave him this power by planting a minor demon in his soul. This imp, if not appeased regularly through a special ritual, would devour the man’s soul and take possession of his body. To ensure that the man’s bloodline, and thus the curse, would continue through the ages, the imp was given the power to select a soulmate for its host. Once the soulmate was selected, the imp could twist its hosts’ emotions and desires until the thought of life without this soulmate became unthinkable. The imps did not always have their hosts’ best interests in mind when making their choice, as their goal was the propagation of the bloodline, not the happiness of the host. As such, sometimes the consequences could be disastrous for all involved. Now, centuries after the original curse, there remain only seven siblings left of the original bloodline. This is their story.
The Unknown Prophacy
Unknown to the Maledires, there is a prophecy. If all siblings should find all true "soul mates" at the same time then the curse could be broken. At the next ritual (after all "soul mates" are found) the imp will fight the Maledire's for their souls. There must be a choice. The "soul mates" must sacrifice their souls to save the Maledires while the Maledires must object and relinquish their souls of their own free will. The imps will become selfish and want both, splitting their beings too far and in effect being sucked back down into Hell. There is a loop hole when it comes to Max. The imp will be pushing him toward a female, but it will be a male that is the "soul mate" at the end (basically when it comes to breaking the curse the female truly doesn't love him and chooses to save herself while the male chooses to save Max). This means that the female character for Masters (Max) truly isn't his "soul mate". If you play this character you must be okay with this.
The Rules
1. No God-Moding, Mary-, or Gary-Sues. Everyone has faults and weaknesses, everyone has choices. You wouldn't like someone controlling your character, so don't control theirs.
2. Minimum of one paragraph. Makes sure that your post gives your partner something to respond to. We understand that you won't always get a paragraph, but don't leave your partner hanging.
3. We reserve the right to deny your character or remove you from the RP, but we'll only do so if truly warranted.
4 Please Reserve with Name|Character|Age|Maledire Mate
5. Only pregnancies that are accepted by Aikofox or Jaguar's Heart.
6. Rating NC-17. Adult situations are allowed, but make sure your partner is comfortable with RPing it out.
7. No killing any character off unless it has been previously accepted by Aikofox or Jaguar's Heart
8. No outside drama. We love drama in the RP (anything big needs to be accepted by Aikofox or Jaguar's Heart) just not between the mibbians.
9. Name with ever post. You do not have to put a picture in every post.
10. Acceptable grammar is preferred. We understand mistakes, but do not use chat speak.
11. Some of the Maledire are bisexual, but know that due to this story line all "Soul Mates" must be of opposite genders. If you so desire you may RP a "love" of the same gender, but know that despite the feelings of the Maledire they have no choice but to end up with the opposite genders due to the imp within.
*Rules can change at any time*
The Skeleton
Your Name:
Character Name:
Maledire Mate:
Picture: (must be 100x100. Message me [Jaguar's Heart] the link so that I may place it below)
The Fated Mates
Marcus Maledire | Antonella "Tony" Soto
Matthew Maledire | Victoria Pollix
Maverick Maledire | Edna Lorens
Maddock Maledire | Amelia Ginova
Masters Maledire | Mehki Kiklu | Diedrick Hahn
| |
Mariah Maledire | Faye Rivers
Marryne Maledire | Benjamin Pyl
All Maledires are to be RP'ed by Aikofox. She created them, has their personalities down, and created the plot and story line.
The Maledires
Your Name: Aiko
Character Name: Marcus “Mark” Maledire
Age: 32
History/Personality/Bio: Mark is the eldest of his siblings, and after the death of their mother and the disappearance of their father, he took over the role of parent at the tender age of twelve. Determined that they would not be put into the foster system and separated, he ran away with them, teaching them to use their powers to escape if ever they were caught. He did whatever it took to care for his siblings, eventually resorting to thievery. It turned out he was quite adept at this, using his ability to become incorporeal and move through shadows to get in and out of places no one else could. One day, however, his luck ran out when he pickpocketed the wrong person, an influential member of the local underworld. Rather than punishing him the man recognized his abilities and set him on a darker path: murder. His unique abilities made him the perfect killer. They trained him up and paid him well ensuring a comfortable future for his brothers and sister. But it wasn’t until Matt’s meteoric rise to stardom that the fates of the Maledire siblings finally began turning for the better.
Your Name: Aiko
Character Name: Matthew “Matt” Maledire
Age: 29
History/Personality/Bio: Matt was only nine when his mother passed away, the second oldest of seven. He tried to help his older brother Mark out in any way he could, wholeheartedly believing they needed to stick together. Mark was grateful for the help, but refused to drag Matt into his less than legal activities. Instead he set Matt to singing for his supper, in subways, on street corners, in cafès, anywhere he could. From a very young age Matt had been in love with music, listening to his father’s classic rock records for hours on end. He started out singing covers of these songs he knew by heart, but after Mark splurged on a birthday gift, buying him a second-hand guitar and some lesson books Matt taught himself to play and began writing his own songs. The young teen became the talk of the town, and at 17 he was discovered and offered a record deal. He became an almost instant heartthrob, and like Mark, used the money he made to ensure his younger siblings’ futures, finally getting them educations and a stable home life. He spends much of his time touring or in the recording studio nowadays, but he will not hesitate to drop everything and come home if needed, especially if whatever it is involves his closest brother, Maverick.
Your Name: Aiko
Character Name: Maverick “Mav” Maledire
Age: 28
History/Personality/Bio: Mav as his name implies, is the black sheep of the family, always coming up with unusual and often hare-brained ideas that make no sense to anyone but him. Despite the circumstances he was a happy child, gifted with being able to bring a smile to others even in the darkest of times. While Mark and Matt went out to work, Maverick stayed home with the little ones, keeping them safe and happy as he could. A caring and nurturing soul, he was their light in the darkness, often going without to make sure the younger ones got enough. As he grew older and passed babysitting on to Maddock, Maverick became a jack-of-all-trades, never able to hold down a job for more than six months before he became bored and moved on to something else. It was in this period of life that he met Christina, the woman who would take the light out of sunny Maverick’s eyes.
From the moment he laid eyes on the young heiress he was smitten, knowing immediately she was his soulmate. He did everything he could to win her over. While initially uninterested in such an off-beat and quirky young man, Chrissie was eventually won over by his charm, and the fact that his older brother was a budding rock star didn’t hurt his credentials at all. They were eventually married, after which she began to show her true colors. She became very controlling of Mav and his younger siblings, particularly of the youngest, Murel, determined to turn the tomboy into a proper young lady. She forced Maverick into her society arm candy in public and treated him as little more than a servant at home. Compelled to be with her as he was, there was little Maverick could do to say no her. The greatest rebellion he could muster was to grow his hair out and dye it a deep red, which drove Christina crazy.
The entire family despised her for what they did to their beloved joker, and all breathed a sigh of relief when she was killed in a car accident. But happiness turned to horror as rather than returning to the joyous soul he had been, Mav instead plunged into a deep depression nothing could bring him out of. They began to fear for his life, setting up a 24-hour rotating watch in case of the worst.
As time passed, Maverick slowly began to heal, though he has never regained the lighthearted spontaneity that once defined him. Now, three years after Christina’s death, he is finally beginning to be able to cope with his loss, and the family finally has hope that one day they will have their goofy Maverick back. Maverick is bisexual, but after Christina he has developed a definite preference for men. At this time it is unknown if his imp will choose a new mate for him or if he is free to find a love on his own.
Your Name: Aiko
Character Name: Maddock “Mack” Maledire
Age: 26
History/Personality/Bio: Mack is the middle child of the family and as much introverted as Maverick was once extroverted. Quiet even as a child, he rarely speaks, and even then never more than a few words at a time. The family has learned to listen when he speaks, for he only talks when he has something important to say. He is very much an “actions speak louder than words” kind of guy. When he was fifteen he went down to the harbor and got a job as a dock worker and told no one, leaving thirteen-year-old Max in charge. He still has that job eleven years later and the stocky, powerful frame to go with it. After seeing what Christina did to Mav, he withdrew even more from outsiders, hoping to never find his soulmate. He has a fondness for cats and shares his meals with the strays that hang around the docks.
Your Name: Aiko
Character Name: Masters “Max” Maledire
Age: 24
History/Personality/Bio: Max is the smallest of the Maledire siblings, but he makes up for it with a big personality. Only four when the family was orphaned, he has only the vaguest memories of his parents. He is an all or nothing kind of guy, going after what he wants with everything he has and not stopping until he reaches his goal. As a boy he begged handouts from cafés and restaurants until one day a café owner took pity on him and gave him a job as a dishwasher. Determined to pay back the old man’s kindness, Max threw himself into his work, proving himself and discovering a passion for the culinary arts. Relieved that he was permitted to bring Mariah and Murel to work when he had babysitting duty, he spent every moment he could at the café. His boss was delighted by his interest and did everything he could to help him out and teach him his craft, Eventually he made Max an offer to buy out the café when he retired, and Max is currently working to pay him off. Due to a large donation from Maverick of what he received in Christina’s will, he has nearly paid him off. Though he is good at playing nice for customers, Christina instilled in him a deep distrust of women save his sister, and his greatest fear is that his soulmate will be a woman and not a man. As such he is very open about his sexuality, and greatly enjoys cross-dressing from time to time. He loves to laugh and tease his family, with Mariah being his favorite victim.
Your Name: Aiko
Character Name: Mariah Maledire (Assignment Name: Richard "Dick" Johnson)
Age: 22
History/Personality/Bio: Mariah is a contrary and conflicted soul, deeply troubled by his less than stable upbringing. He was only twelve when Mav married Christina, and no one protested longer and louder than Mariah. Her efforts to turn him into a proper gentleman backfired terribly, causing him to rebel in the opposite direction. Despite his family’s protests he began smoking, drinking, hanging out with a bad crowd, getting several piercings and tattoos, anything he could think of to upset Christina. Even after her death he continued to behave this way. Yet his family forgives him his sins as Mark and Murel’s are far greater. They know that beneath his rough and foul-tempered exterior beats a heart of gold. Mariah is currently employed as a bouncer at a rather unfavorable dive bar where anyone who tells him he has a girl’s name hits the curb before they can say ‘chick’. Yet not even his family knows that he is in actuality an undercover agent for the FBI investigating the local mafia. He uses his position to protect his siblings from the law.
Your Name: Aiko
Character Name: Marryne “Murel” Maledire
Age: 20
History/Personality/Bio: The only girl and youngest of the Maledire siblings, Murel is the treasured baby of the family. One would think that as such she would be pampered and spoiled by her brothers, and they would very much like to, but she won’t let them! Murel’s bite is even worse than Mariah’s and she’s not afraid to put her big brothers in their place. Her mother deid in childbirth and her father stuck around just long enough to name her before splitting, so her brothers are the only family she has ever known. She grew up a tomboy, hating anything girly, including her name (hence the self-appointed moniker Murel, anyone who calls her Marryne is dead), causing no end of grief for her and Christina. Murel would have much rather played tackle football with her brothers than had tea parties with Christina! In an effort to escape her sister-in-law and to discover just why Mark’s job was such a big secret, she began following him around. She was shocked to learn the truth: her eldest and favorite brother was a paid assassin. When she confronted him about it, it was one of the few times she ever saw him roaring angry. He demanded she leave and never speak of it again, but instead she went to his employers and asked that they train her the way they had trained him, determined that he not shoulder this burden alone. All six of her brothers came down on her harder than they ever had before, but it was too late. The underworld had its claws in her and refused to let go. Murel proved to be surprisingly adept at her new path, a born killer untroubled by the consequences of her job. She doesn’t much care for people outside her family considering her exposure hasn’t been the best. However, she is still young enough not to be a lost cause so her brothers still hold out hope for a brighter future for her.
Your Name: Aiko
Character Name: Adam Daniels
Age: 5 (Born October 31)
History/Personality/Bio: Adam is the son of Mark Maledire and a woman named Abigail, with whom he was in a relationship with several years back. Abigail came from a very conservative and religious family, and to her, Mark was just a rebellious phase, attracted to the enigma of the tall, dark, and handsome man. A mistake left her pregnant, and Mark was forced to tell her the secret of his curse and what it would mean for her and their child. Horrified by these revelations, Abigail called him a monster and broke things off, determined to raise the baby on her own. Mark managed to convince her of the need for the rituals, citing his own mother’s death as what would happen if they weren’t performed correctly. Abigail gave in to the necessity of the rituals, but that is the only contact she allowed Mark with her son, whom she named Adam. Adam barely knows anything of his father, only seeing him five times a year for a few hours, during which his mother holds him while the strange man he doesn’t even know is his father chants over him and cuts his arm open with a knife. As such, Adam is terrified of Mark and knows next to nothing about his curse. Abigail remarried about a year ago and recently gave birth to a daughter, Evelyn. Unknowing and untrained, Adam is bitterly jealous of the attention his younger sister gets, furious over the fact that she will not have to endure the same torment he has to. Recently he has become violent with others, to the point where he was asked not to return to kindergarten after seriously injuring another boy. Abigail has done everything she can for him, but is at her wits’ end and is beginning to fear her son, to the point she is now calling in the one person she swore she never would: Mark Maledire.
Present Day
The Maledires live mainly in Portland, Oregon. Mark and Maverick live in a home on the outskirts of the town (in the direction of Astoria). It is a large enough to home all the siblings if need-be with land galore, though most tend to have their own homes. The basement is where they hold the necessary rituals. Due to his job Maddock lives in Astoria, Oregon. Matt will spend a lot of time on the road while touring, otherwise he will crash at the mansion with Mark. The rest of the Maledires have homes within Portland, but yet still a short distance from the main mansion. Mark and Murel will both travel for their occupations as needed, but since Maverick cannot be left alone they tend to work around their brother's needs.
The Maledires are mainly nocturnal. The daylight drains the imps and because of that it is uncomfortable for them to be out in the day. That being said they are stronger with their powers during the night.
Our Tale
Many years ago there was a man named Maledire who sought great power and in his hubris came to be tricked by a great demon. What he had believed to be a gift of mastery over the shadows, allowing him direct manipulation, the ability to become incorporeal and phase through solid objects as well as pass from one shadow to the next, was instead a curse, for the beast gave him this power by planting a minor demon in his soul. This imp, if not appeased regularly through a special ritual, would devour the man’s soul and take possession of his body. To ensure that the man’s bloodline, and thus the curse, would continue through the ages, the imp was given the power to select a soulmate for its host. Once the soulmate was selected, the imp could twist its hosts’ emotions and desires until the thought of life without this soulmate became unthinkable. The imps did not always have their hosts’ best interests in mind when making their choice, as their goal was the propagation of the bloodline, not the happiness of the host. As such, sometimes the consequences could be disastrous for all involved. Now, centuries after the original curse, there remain only seven siblings left of the original bloodline. This is their story.
The Unknown Prophacy
Unknown to the Maledires, there is a prophecy. If all siblings should find all true "soul mates" at the same time then the curse could be broken. At the next ritual (after all "soul mates" are found) the imp will fight the Maledire's for their souls. There must be a choice. The "soul mates" must sacrifice their souls to save the Maledires while the Maledires must object and relinquish their souls of their own free will. The imps will become selfish and want both, splitting their beings too far and in effect being sucked back down into Hell. There is a loop hole when it comes to Max. The imp will be pushing him toward a female, but it will be a male that is the "soul mate" at the end (basically when it comes to breaking the curse the female truly doesn't love him and chooses to save herself while the male chooses to save Max). This means that the female character for Masters (Max) truly isn't his "soul mate". If you play this character you must be okay with this.
The Rules
1. No God-Moding, Mary-, or Gary-Sues. Everyone has faults and weaknesses, everyone has choices. You wouldn't like someone controlling your character, so don't control theirs.
2. Minimum of one paragraph. Makes sure that your post gives your partner something to respond to. We understand that you won't always get a paragraph, but don't leave your partner hanging.
3. We reserve the right to deny your character or remove you from the RP, but we'll only do so if truly warranted.
4 Please Reserve with Name|Character|Age|Maledire Mate
5. Only pregnancies that are accepted by Aikofox or Jaguar's Heart.
6. Rating NC-17. Adult situations are allowed, but make sure your partner is comfortable with RPing it out.
7. No killing any character off unless it has been previously accepted by Aikofox or Jaguar's Heart
8. No outside drama. We love drama in the RP (anything big needs to be accepted by Aikofox or Jaguar's Heart) just not between the mibbians.
9. Name with ever post. You do not have to put a picture in every post.
10. Acceptable grammar is preferred. We understand mistakes, but do not use chat speak.
11. Some of the Maledire are bisexual, but know that due to this story line all "Soul Mates" must be of opposite genders. If you so desire you may RP a "love" of the same gender, but know that despite the feelings of the Maledire they have no choice but to end up with the opposite genders due to the imp within.
*Rules can change at any time*
The Skeleton
Your Name:
Character Name:
Maledire Mate:
Picture: (must be 100x100. Message me [Jaguar's Heart] the link so that I may place it below)
The Fated Mates
Marcus Maledire | Antonella "Tony" Soto
Matthew Maledire | Victoria Pollix
Maverick Maledire | Edna Lorens
Maddock Maledire | Amelia Ginova
Masters Maledire | Mehki Kiklu | Diedrick Hahn
| |
Mariah Maledire | Faye Rivers
Marryne Maledire | Benjamin Pyl
All Maledires are to be RP'ed by Aikofox. She created them, has their personalities down, and created the plot and story line.
The Maledires
Your Name: Aiko
Character Name: Marcus “Mark” Maledire
Age: 32
History/Personality/Bio: Mark is the eldest of his siblings, and after the death of their mother and the disappearance of their father, he took over the role of parent at the tender age of twelve. Determined that they would not be put into the foster system and separated, he ran away with them, teaching them to use their powers to escape if ever they were caught. He did whatever it took to care for his siblings, eventually resorting to thievery. It turned out he was quite adept at this, using his ability to become incorporeal and move through shadows to get in and out of places no one else could. One day, however, his luck ran out when he pickpocketed the wrong person, an influential member of the local underworld. Rather than punishing him the man recognized his abilities and set him on a darker path: murder. His unique abilities made him the perfect killer. They trained him up and paid him well ensuring a comfortable future for his brothers and sister. But it wasn’t until Matt’s meteoric rise to stardom that the fates of the Maledire siblings finally began turning for the better.
Your Name: Aiko
Character Name: Matthew “Matt” Maledire
Age: 29
History/Personality/Bio: Matt was only nine when his mother passed away, the second oldest of seven. He tried to help his older brother Mark out in any way he could, wholeheartedly believing they needed to stick together. Mark was grateful for the help, but refused to drag Matt into his less than legal activities. Instead he set Matt to singing for his supper, in subways, on street corners, in cafès, anywhere he could. From a very young age Matt had been in love with music, listening to his father’s classic rock records for hours on end. He started out singing covers of these songs he knew by heart, but after Mark splurged on a birthday gift, buying him a second-hand guitar and some lesson books Matt taught himself to play and began writing his own songs. The young teen became the talk of the town, and at 17 he was discovered and offered a record deal. He became an almost instant heartthrob, and like Mark, used the money he made to ensure his younger siblings’ futures, finally getting them educations and a stable home life. He spends much of his time touring or in the recording studio nowadays, but he will not hesitate to drop everything and come home if needed, especially if whatever it is involves his closest brother, Maverick.
Your Name: Aiko
Character Name: Maverick “Mav” Maledire
Age: 28
History/Personality/Bio: Mav as his name implies, is the black sheep of the family, always coming up with unusual and often hare-brained ideas that make no sense to anyone but him. Despite the circumstances he was a happy child, gifted with being able to bring a smile to others even in the darkest of times. While Mark and Matt went out to work, Maverick stayed home with the little ones, keeping them safe and happy as he could. A caring and nurturing soul, he was their light in the darkness, often going without to make sure the younger ones got enough. As he grew older and passed babysitting on to Maddock, Maverick became a jack-of-all-trades, never able to hold down a job for more than six months before he became bored and moved on to something else. It was in this period of life that he met Christina, the woman who would take the light out of sunny Maverick’s eyes.
From the moment he laid eyes on the young heiress he was smitten, knowing immediately she was his soulmate. He did everything he could to win her over. While initially uninterested in such an off-beat and quirky young man, Chrissie was eventually won over by his charm, and the fact that his older brother was a budding rock star didn’t hurt his credentials at all. They were eventually married, after which she began to show her true colors. She became very controlling of Mav and his younger siblings, particularly of the youngest, Murel, determined to turn the tomboy into a proper young lady. She forced Maverick into her society arm candy in public and treated him as little more than a servant at home. Compelled to be with her as he was, there was little Maverick could do to say no her. The greatest rebellion he could muster was to grow his hair out and dye it a deep red, which drove Christina crazy.
The entire family despised her for what they did to their beloved joker, and all breathed a sigh of relief when she was killed in a car accident. But happiness turned to horror as rather than returning to the joyous soul he had been, Mav instead plunged into a deep depression nothing could bring him out of. They began to fear for his life, setting up a 24-hour rotating watch in case of the worst.
As time passed, Maverick slowly began to heal, though he has never regained the lighthearted spontaneity that once defined him. Now, three years after Christina’s death, he is finally beginning to be able to cope with his loss, and the family finally has hope that one day they will have their goofy Maverick back. Maverick is bisexual, but after Christina he has developed a definite preference for men. At this time it is unknown if his imp will choose a new mate for him or if he is free to find a love on his own.
Your Name: Aiko
Character Name: Maddock “Mack” Maledire
Age: 26
History/Personality/Bio: Mack is the middle child of the family and as much introverted as Maverick was once extroverted. Quiet even as a child, he rarely speaks, and even then never more than a few words at a time. The family has learned to listen when he speaks, for he only talks when he has something important to say. He is very much an “actions speak louder than words” kind of guy. When he was fifteen he went down to the harbor and got a job as a dock worker and told no one, leaving thirteen-year-old Max in charge. He still has that job eleven years later and the stocky, powerful frame to go with it. After seeing what Christina did to Mav, he withdrew even more from outsiders, hoping to never find his soulmate. He has a fondness for cats and shares his meals with the strays that hang around the docks.
Your Name: Aiko
Character Name: Masters “Max” Maledire
Age: 24
History/Personality/Bio: Max is the smallest of the Maledire siblings, but he makes up for it with a big personality. Only four when the family was orphaned, he has only the vaguest memories of his parents. He is an all or nothing kind of guy, going after what he wants with everything he has and not stopping until he reaches his goal. As a boy he begged handouts from cafés and restaurants until one day a café owner took pity on him and gave him a job as a dishwasher. Determined to pay back the old man’s kindness, Max threw himself into his work, proving himself and discovering a passion for the culinary arts. Relieved that he was permitted to bring Mariah and Murel to work when he had babysitting duty, he spent every moment he could at the café. His boss was delighted by his interest and did everything he could to help him out and teach him his craft, Eventually he made Max an offer to buy out the café when he retired, and Max is currently working to pay him off. Due to a large donation from Maverick of what he received in Christina’s will, he has nearly paid him off. Though he is good at playing nice for customers, Christina instilled in him a deep distrust of women save his sister, and his greatest fear is that his soulmate will be a woman and not a man. As such he is very open about his sexuality, and greatly enjoys cross-dressing from time to time. He loves to laugh and tease his family, with Mariah being his favorite victim.
Your Name: Aiko
Character Name: Mariah Maledire (Assignment Name: Richard "Dick" Johnson)
Age: 22
History/Personality/Bio: Mariah is a contrary and conflicted soul, deeply troubled by his less than stable upbringing. He was only twelve when Mav married Christina, and no one protested longer and louder than Mariah. Her efforts to turn him into a proper gentleman backfired terribly, causing him to rebel in the opposite direction. Despite his family’s protests he began smoking, drinking, hanging out with a bad crowd, getting several piercings and tattoos, anything he could think of to upset Christina. Even after her death he continued to behave this way. Yet his family forgives him his sins as Mark and Murel’s are far greater. They know that beneath his rough and foul-tempered exterior beats a heart of gold. Mariah is currently employed as a bouncer at a rather unfavorable dive bar where anyone who tells him he has a girl’s name hits the curb before they can say ‘chick’. Yet not even his family knows that he is in actuality an undercover agent for the FBI investigating the local mafia. He uses his position to protect his siblings from the law.
Your Name: Aiko
Character Name: Marryne “Murel” Maledire
Age: 20
History/Personality/Bio: The only girl and youngest of the Maledire siblings, Murel is the treasured baby of the family. One would think that as such she would be pampered and spoiled by her brothers, and they would very much like to, but she won’t let them! Murel’s bite is even worse than Mariah’s and she’s not afraid to put her big brothers in their place. Her mother deid in childbirth and her father stuck around just long enough to name her before splitting, so her brothers are the only family she has ever known. She grew up a tomboy, hating anything girly, including her name (hence the self-appointed moniker Murel, anyone who calls her Marryne is dead), causing no end of grief for her and Christina. Murel would have much rather played tackle football with her brothers than had tea parties with Christina! In an effort to escape her sister-in-law and to discover just why Mark’s job was such a big secret, she began following him around. She was shocked to learn the truth: her eldest and favorite brother was a paid assassin. When she confronted him about it, it was one of the few times she ever saw him roaring angry. He demanded she leave and never speak of it again, but instead she went to his employers and asked that they train her the way they had trained him, determined that he not shoulder this burden alone. All six of her brothers came down on her harder than they ever had before, but it was too late. The underworld had its claws in her and refused to let go. Murel proved to be surprisingly adept at her new path, a born killer untroubled by the consequences of her job. She doesn’t much care for people outside her family considering her exposure hasn’t been the best. However, she is still young enough not to be a lost cause so her brothers still hold out hope for a brighter future for her.
Your Name: Aiko
Character Name: Adam Daniels
Age: 5 (Born October 31)
History/Personality/Bio: Adam is the son of Mark Maledire and a woman named Abigail, with whom he was in a relationship with several years back. Abigail came from a very conservative and religious family, and to her, Mark was just a rebellious phase, attracted to the enigma of the tall, dark, and handsome man. A mistake left her pregnant, and Mark was forced to tell her the secret of his curse and what it would mean for her and their child. Horrified by these revelations, Abigail called him a monster and broke things off, determined to raise the baby on her own. Mark managed to convince her of the need for the rituals, citing his own mother’s death as what would happen if they weren’t performed correctly. Abigail gave in to the necessity of the rituals, but that is the only contact she allowed Mark with her son, whom she named Adam. Adam barely knows anything of his father, only seeing him five times a year for a few hours, during which his mother holds him while the strange man he doesn’t even know is his father chants over him and cuts his arm open with a knife. As such, Adam is terrified of Mark and knows next to nothing about his curse. Abigail remarried about a year ago and recently gave birth to a daughter, Evelyn. Unknowing and untrained, Adam is bitterly jealous of the attention his younger sister gets, furious over the fact that she will not have to endure the same torment he has to. Recently he has become violent with others, to the point where he was asked not to return to kindergarten after seriously injuring another boy. Abigail has done everything she can for him, but is at her wits’ end and is beginning to fear her son, to the point she is now calling in the one person she swore she never would: Mark Maledire.
Present Day
The Maledires live mainly in Portland, Oregon. Mark and Maverick live in a home on the outskirts of the town (in the direction of Astoria). It is a large enough to home all the siblings if need-be with land galore, though most tend to have their own homes. The basement is where they hold the necessary rituals. Due to his job Maddock lives in Astoria, Oregon. Matt will spend a lot of time on the road while touring, otherwise he will crash at the mansion with Mark. The rest of the Maledires have homes within Portland, but yet still a short distance from the main mansion. Mark and Murel will both travel for their occupations as needed, but since Maverick cannot be left alone they tend to work around their brother's needs.
The Maledires are mainly nocturnal. The daylight drains the imps and because of that it is uncomfortable for them to be out in the day. That being said they are stronger with their powers during the night.
December 16th, 2014 at 06:05am