The Sins of Our Fathers

  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    0 Spot Available!

    Our Tale
    Many years ago there was a man named Maledire who sought great power and in his hubris came to be tricked by a great demon. What he had believed to be a gift of mastery over the shadows, allowing him direct manipulation, the ability to become incorporeal and phase through solid objects as well as pass from one shadow to the next, was instead a curse, for the beast gave him this power by planting a minor demon in his soul. This imp, if not appeased regularly through a special ritual, would devour the man’s soul and take possession of his body. To ensure that the man’s bloodline, and thus the curse, would continue through the ages, the imp was given the power to select a soulmate for its host. Once the soulmate was selected, the imp could twist its hosts’ emotions and desires until the thought of life without this soulmate became unthinkable. The imps did not always have their hosts’ best interests in mind when making their choice, as their goal was the propagation of the bloodline, not the happiness of the host. As such, sometimes the consequences could be disastrous for all involved. Now, centuries after the original curse, there remain only seven siblings left of the original bloodline. This is their story.
    The Unknown Prophacy
    Unknown to the Maledires, there is a prophecy. If all siblings should find all true "soul mates" at the same time then the curse could be broken. At the next ritual (after all "soul mates" are found) the imp will fight the Maledire's for their souls. There must be a choice. The "soul mates" must sacrifice their souls to save the Maledires while the Maledires must object and relinquish their souls of their own free will. The imps will become selfish and want both, splitting their beings too far and in effect being sucked back down into Hell. There is a loop hole when it comes to Max. The imp will be pushing him toward a female, but it will be a male that is the "soul mate" at the end (basically when it comes to breaking the curse the female truly doesn't love him and chooses to save herself while the male chooses to save Max). This means that the female character for Masters (Max) truly isn't his "soul mate". If you play this character you must be okay with this.
    The Rules
    1. No God-Moding, Mary-, or Gary-Sues. Everyone has faults and weaknesses, everyone has choices. You wouldn't like someone controlling your character, so don't control theirs.
    2. Minimum of one paragraph. Makes sure that your post gives your partner something to respond to. We understand that you won't always get a paragraph, but don't leave your partner hanging.
    3. We reserve the right to deny your character or remove you from the RP, but we'll only do so if truly warranted.
    4 Please Reserve with Name|Character|Age|Maledire Mate
    5. Only pregnancies that are accepted by Aikofox or Jaguar's Heart.
    6. Rating NC-17. Adult situations are allowed, but make sure your partner is comfortable with RPing it out.
    7. No killing any character off unless it has been previously accepted by Aikofox or Jaguar's Heart
    8. No outside drama. We love drama in the RP (anything big needs to be accepted by Aikofox or Jaguar's Heart) just not between the mibbians.
    9. Name with ever post. You do not have to put a picture in every post.
    10. Acceptable grammar is preferred. We understand mistakes, but do not use chat speak.
    11. Some of the Maledire are bisexual, but know that due to this story line all "Soul Mates" must be of opposite genders. If you so desire you may RP a "love" of the same gender, but know that despite the feelings of the Maledire they have no choice but to end up with the opposite genders due to the imp within.

    *Rules can change at any time*
    The Skeleton
    Your Name:
    Character Name:
    Maledire Mate:
    Picture: (must be 100x100. Message me [Jaguar's Heart] the link so that I may place it below)
    The Fated Mates

    Marcus Maledire | Antonella "Tony" Soto
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    Matthew Maledire | Victoria Pollix
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    Maverick Maledire | Edna Lorens
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    Maddock Maledire | Amelia Ginova
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    Masters Maledire | Mehki Kiklu | Diedrick Hahn
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    Mariah Maledire | Faye Rivers
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    Marryne Maledire | Benjamin Pyl
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    All Maledires are to be RP'ed by Aikofox. She created them, has their personalities down, and created the plot and story line.
    The Maledires
    Your Name: Aiko
    Character Name: Marcus “Mark” Maledire
    Age: 32
    History/Personality/Bio: Mark is the eldest of his siblings, and after the death of their mother and the disappearance of their father, he took over the role of parent at the tender age of twelve. Determined that they would not be put into the foster system and separated, he ran away with them, teaching them to use their powers to escape if ever they were caught. He did whatever it took to care for his siblings, eventually resorting to thievery. It turned out he was quite adept at this, using his ability to become incorporeal and move through shadows to get in and out of places no one else could. One day, however, his luck ran out when he pickpocketed the wrong person, an influential member of the local underworld. Rather than punishing him the man recognized his abilities and set him on a darker path: murder. His unique abilities made him the perfect killer. They trained him up and paid him well ensuring a comfortable future for his brothers and sister. But it wasn’t until Matt’s meteoric rise to stardom that the fates of the Maledire siblings finally began turning for the better.

    Your Name: Aiko
    Character Name: Matthew “Matt” Maledire
    Age: 29
    History/Personality/Bio: Matt was only nine when his mother passed away, the second oldest of seven. He tried to help his older brother Mark out in any way he could, wholeheartedly believing they needed to stick together. Mark was grateful for the help, but refused to drag Matt into his less than legal activities. Instead he set Matt to singing for his supper, in subways, on street corners, in cafès, anywhere he could. From a very young age Matt had been in love with music, listening to his father’s classic rock records for hours on end. He started out singing covers of these songs he knew by heart, but after Mark splurged on a birthday gift, buying him a second-hand guitar and some lesson books Matt taught himself to play and began writing his own songs. The young teen became the talk of the town, and at 17 he was discovered and offered a record deal. He became an almost instant heartthrob, and like Mark, used the money he made to ensure his younger siblings’ futures, finally getting them educations and a stable home life. He spends much of his time touring or in the recording studio nowadays, but he will not hesitate to drop everything and come home if needed, especially if whatever it is involves his closest brother, Maverick.

    Your Name: Aiko
    Character Name: Maverick “Mav” Maledire
    Age: 28
    History/Personality/Bio: Mav as his name implies, is the black sheep of the family, always coming up with unusual and often hare-brained ideas that make no sense to anyone but him. Despite the circumstances he was a happy child, gifted with being able to bring a smile to others even in the darkest of times. While Mark and Matt went out to work, Maverick stayed home with the little ones, keeping them safe and happy as he could. A caring and nurturing soul, he was their light in the darkness, often going without to make sure the younger ones got enough. As he grew older and passed babysitting on to Maddock, Maverick became a jack-of-all-trades, never able to hold down a job for more than six months before he became bored and moved on to something else. It was in this period of life that he met Christina, the woman who would take the light out of sunny Maverick’s eyes.
    From the moment he laid eyes on the young heiress he was smitten, knowing immediately she was his soulmate. He did everything he could to win her over. While initially uninterested in such an off-beat and quirky young man, Chrissie was eventually won over by his charm, and the fact that his older brother was a budding rock star didn’t hurt his credentials at all. They were eventually married, after which she began to show her true colors. She became very controlling of Mav and his younger siblings, particularly of the youngest, Murel, determined to turn the tomboy into a proper young lady. She forced Maverick into her society arm candy in public and treated him as little more than a servant at home. Compelled to be with her as he was, there was little Maverick could do to say no her. The greatest rebellion he could muster was to grow his hair out and dye it a deep red, which drove Christina crazy.
    The entire family despised her for what they did to their beloved joker, and all breathed a sigh of relief when she was killed in a car accident. But happiness turned to horror as rather than returning to the joyous soul he had been, Mav instead plunged into a deep depression nothing could bring him out of. They began to fear for his life, setting up a 24-hour rotating watch in case of the worst.
    As time passed, Maverick slowly began to heal, though he has never regained the lighthearted spontaneity that once defined him. Now, three years after Christina’s death, he is finally beginning to be able to cope with his loss, and the family finally has hope that one day they will have their goofy Maverick back. Maverick is bisexual, but after Christina he has developed a definite preference for men. At this time it is unknown if his imp will choose a new mate for him or if he is free to find a love on his own.

    Your Name: Aiko
    Character Name: Maddock “Mack” Maledire
    Age: 26
    History/Personality/Bio: Mack is the middle child of the family and as much introverted as Maverick was once extroverted. Quiet even as a child, he rarely speaks, and even then never more than a few words at a time. The family has learned to listen when he speaks, for he only talks when he has something important to say. He is very much an “actions speak louder than words” kind of guy. When he was fifteen he went down to the harbor and got a job as a dock worker and told no one, leaving thirteen-year-old Max in charge. He still has that job eleven years later and the stocky, powerful frame to go with it. After seeing what Christina did to Mav, he withdrew even more from outsiders, hoping to never find his soulmate. He has a fondness for cats and shares his meals with the strays that hang around the docks.

    Your Name: Aiko
    Character Name: Masters “Max” Maledire
    Age: 24
    History/Personality/Bio: Max is the smallest of the Maledire siblings, but he makes up for it with a big personality. Only four when the family was orphaned, he has only the vaguest memories of his parents. He is an all or nothing kind of guy, going after what he wants with everything he has and not stopping until he reaches his goal. As a boy he begged handouts from cafés and restaurants until one day a café owner took pity on him and gave him a job as a dishwasher. Determined to pay back the old man’s kindness, Max threw himself into his work, proving himself and discovering a passion for the culinary arts. Relieved that he was permitted to bring Mariah and Murel to work when he had babysitting duty, he spent every moment he could at the café. His boss was delighted by his interest and did everything he could to help him out and teach him his craft, Eventually he made Max an offer to buy out the café when he retired, and Max is currently working to pay him off. Due to a large donation from Maverick of what he received in Christina’s will, he has nearly paid him off. Though he is good at playing nice for customers, Christina instilled in him a deep distrust of women save his sister, and his greatest fear is that his soulmate will be a woman and not a man. As such he is very open about his sexuality, and greatly enjoys cross-dressing from time to time. He loves to laugh and tease his family, with Mariah being his favorite victim.

    Your Name: Aiko
    Character Name: Mariah Maledire (Assignment Name: Richard "Dick" Johnson)
    Age: 22
    History/Personality/Bio: Mariah is a contrary and conflicted soul, deeply troubled by his less than stable upbringing. He was only twelve when Mav married Christina, and no one protested longer and louder than Mariah. Her efforts to turn him into a proper gentleman backfired terribly, causing him to rebel in the opposite direction. Despite his family’s protests he began smoking, drinking, hanging out with a bad crowd, getting several piercings and tattoos, anything he could think of to upset Christina. Even after her death he continued to behave this way. Yet his family forgives him his sins as Mark and Murel’s are far greater. They know that beneath his rough and foul-tempered exterior beats a heart of gold. Mariah is currently employed as a bouncer at a rather unfavorable dive bar where anyone who tells him he has a girl’s name hits the curb before they can say ‘chick’. Yet not even his family knows that he is in actuality an undercover agent for the FBI investigating the local mafia. He uses his position to protect his siblings from the law.

    Your Name: Aiko
    Character Name: Marryne “Murel” Maledire
    Age: 20
    History/Personality/Bio: The only girl and youngest of the Maledire siblings, Murel is the treasured baby of the family. One would think that as such she would be pampered and spoiled by her brothers, and they would very much like to, but she won’t let them! Murel’s bite is even worse than Mariah’s and she’s not afraid to put her big brothers in their place. Her mother deid in childbirth and her father stuck around just long enough to name her before splitting, so her brothers are the only family she has ever known. She grew up a tomboy, hating anything girly, including her name (hence the self-appointed moniker Murel, anyone who calls her Marryne is dead), causing no end of grief for her and Christina. Murel would have much rather played tackle football with her brothers than had tea parties with Christina! In an effort to escape her sister-in-law and to discover just why Mark’s job was such a big secret, she began following him around. She was shocked to learn the truth: her eldest and favorite brother was a paid assassin. When she confronted him about it, it was one of the few times she ever saw him roaring angry. He demanded she leave and never speak of it again, but instead she went to his employers and asked that they train her the way they had trained him, determined that he not shoulder this burden alone. All six of her brothers came down on her harder than they ever had before, but it was too late. The underworld had its claws in her and refused to let go. Murel proved to be surprisingly adept at her new path, a born killer untroubled by the consequences of her job. She doesn’t much care for people outside her family considering her exposure hasn’t been the best. However, she is still young enough not to be a lost cause so her brothers still hold out hope for a brighter future for her.

    Your Name: Aiko
    Character Name: Adam Daniels
    Age: 5 (Born October 31)
    History/Personality/Bio: Adam is the son of Mark Maledire and a woman named Abigail, with whom he was in a relationship with several years back. Abigail came from a very conservative and religious family, and to her, Mark was just a rebellious phase, attracted to the enigma of the tall, dark, and handsome man. A mistake left her pregnant, and Mark was forced to tell her the secret of his curse and what it would mean for her and their child. Horrified by these revelations, Abigail called him a monster and broke things off, determined to raise the baby on her own. Mark managed to convince her of the need for the rituals, citing his own mother’s death as what would happen if they weren’t performed correctly. Abigail gave in to the necessity of the rituals, but that is the only contact she allowed Mark with her son, whom she named Adam. Adam barely knows anything of his father, only seeing him five times a year for a few hours, during which his mother holds him while the strange man he doesn’t even know is his father chants over him and cuts his arm open with a knife. As such, Adam is terrified of Mark and knows next to nothing about his curse. Abigail remarried about a year ago and recently gave birth to a daughter, Evelyn. Unknowing and untrained, Adam is bitterly jealous of the attention his younger sister gets, furious over the fact that she will not have to endure the same torment he has to. Recently he has become violent with others, to the point where he was asked not to return to kindergarten after seriously injuring another boy. Abigail has done everything she can for him, but is at her wits’ end and is beginning to fear her son, to the point she is now calling in the one person she swore she never would: Mark Maledire.

    Present Day
    The Maledires live mainly in Portland, Oregon. Mark and Maverick live in a home on the outskirts of the town (in the direction of Astoria). It is a large enough to home all the siblings if need-be with land galore, though most tend to have their own homes. The basement is where they hold the necessary rituals. Due to his job Maddock lives in Astoria, Oregon. Matt will spend a lot of time on the road while touring, otherwise he will crash at the mansion with Mark. The rest of the Maledires have homes within Portland, but yet still a short distance from the main mansion. Mark and Murel will both travel for their occupations as needed, but since Maverick cannot be left alone they tend to work around their brother's needs.
    The Maledires are mainly nocturnal. The daylight drains the imps and because of that it is uncomfortable for them to be out in the day. That being said they are stronger with their powers during the night.
    December 16th, 2014 at 06:05am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    Your Name: Jaguar's Heart
    Character Name: Antonella "Tony" Soto
    Maledire Mate: Marcus Maledire
    Age: 30
    History/Personality/Bio: Tony grew up on the streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina, alone and resourceful. She quickly learned how to survive by her wits. Slight-of-the-hand magic, pick=pocketing, manipulation, and fast thinking kept food in her belly and clothes on her back. Sure, she had to fend away the unwanted male attention more than she liked, but all-in-all Tony didn't mind her childhood. No rules meant all the fun in the world, right? Still, people had begun to recognize her (mainly the law enforcement) and Tony knew she had to get out.
    So, with adventures in mind, Tony traveled her way up through South America, Mexico and into the United States. She found that she much preferred the coastal cities. Even though Portland is over an hour away from the coast Tony knew the bigger the city the better. While she is technically in the USA illegally, relatively forged papers have allowed her to keep up her facade.
    Tony prefers to look on the bright side of life, though she is aware of the inky darkness of the world, always fighting off those sticky fingers.

    Your Name: Jaguar's Heart
    Character Name: Edna Lorens
    Maledire Mate: Maverick Maledire
    Age: 25
    History/Personality/Bio: Edna is your typical librarian. She's reserved, quiet, and patient. She grew up in Portland and works at the library to help pay for her college classes. A true book worm through-and-through, Edna finds the worlds that they take her to more exciting than her own. You truly won't ever find her without a book or two close at hand. Fairly easy going Edna tends to let people do what they want, but she still has a back bone. She won't let people walk all over her and won't take rudeness sitting down.

    Your Name: Jaguar's Heart
    Character Name: Faye Rivers (Assignment Name: Andrea "Andy" Somners)
    Maledire Mate: Mariah Maledire
    Age: 22
    History/Personality/Bio:Faye is a very new recruit into the FBI field. Rookie through and through the only reason she was allowed this new job was because of her ability to blend into any situation. It all started when she was young, her mother a broadway star. Learning from the best, Faye can now use make-up to her advantage. She can become anyone with just a bit of powder and contacts. Unfortunately her mother became addicted to the party life; drugs and alcohol her main staple. She passed away when Faye was seventeen. Left to wander the world alone she decided on a whim to join the FBI task force as an undercover agent. Now she has a new assignment with her new job. She's to work with a new partner - the infamous Mariah Maledire - as a bartender in what's no better than a biker bar. They're to blend in and study the bar owner and, once they have enough evidence their commands are to take the man down... but will that be possible for Faye to do?
    December 16th, 2014 at 06:05am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Jackie | Amelia Ginova | Maddock “Mack” Maledire
    Jackie | Victoria Pollix | Mathew Maledire

    I will create my characters tomorrow! ^.^
    December 16th, 2014 at 07:03am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Sweet! Also, I'll reply to ours tomorrow. Spent all day on this and still have one last final tomorrow... Ugh.
    December 16th, 2014 at 07:15am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    By the way. Mav is already claimed. Sorry.....
    December 16th, 2014 at 07:19am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart

    Ah sorry I placed down the wrong name. I meant Mathew >.<
    December 16th, 2014 at 07:24am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Not a problem XD I'll get their names up now.
    December 16th, 2014 at 05:06pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Your name: Jackie

    Character’s Name: Victoria Pollix
    Maledire Mate: Matthew ‘Matt’ Maledire
    Age: 27
    History/personality/Bio: Victoria loves music and her favorite instrument is the guitar. She had always been involved with music since she was young but only recently started to make money off of her abilities. First she had played in small cafes and now she has work her way up to playing for well-known artists. Though despite the aura of the business she is trying to break into Victoria is not an extravert nor does she crave the limelight. However she could not be described as an introvert either. While Victoria does love being around people there are only certain humans that she is able to actually stand. It takes her a bit of time to decide whose company she enjoys and who she would rather live without. Though once she decides you’re her friend she is loyal to a fault. On the other hand if she rejects you Victoria can often become stand offish and a bit rude. For her there is very little middle ground. Up until that decision Victoria is reserved. But when you’re her friend she’ll tell you almost anything…Almost.

    Your name: Jackie

    Character’s Name: Amelia Ginova
    Maledire Mate: Maddock ‘Mack’ Maledire
    Age: 25
    History/personality/Bio: Amelia was orphaned at age 5. Her parents both died in a shooting at their work. Due to the fact that they had no other family Amelia was sent to an orphanage and was stuck there until her 18th birthday. She has almost no memory of her parents and only remembers what they look like due to a picture that the orphanage let her keep. Despite her childhood Amelia is a very sweet, talkative, and rather outgoing girl. Amelia is also a very determined thing and tends to have ‘people projects’. If she finds someone interesting she tends to force them to interact with her in some way- the longest project she had was a boy in her orphanage that lasted about five years. Though they tend to be very shallow relationships, one where she learns all about the other but gives no information back. And always she decides when it is over and when she is done, the relationship is done. To make it easier on her she only forms very shallow bonds with that person to make it easier for her to leave. Because of her childhood she does not understand the point of family or having a strong connection with another human. Amelia is also more of a go with the wind type of girl.
    December 16th, 2014 at 06:17pm
  • Aikofox

    Aikofox (100)

    United States
    OOC: They look awesome! Hi nice to meet you, I'm Aiko! Let's start this thing, shall we?

    “Oh, don’t do this to me now!” She muttered, once more turning the key in the ignition. She should have been at the airport by now, waiting for her brother’s plane, not sitting in her driveway with a car that had chosen today of all days to crap out on her. It didn’t help that she’d hit the snooze button on her alarm one too many times and had badly overslept. When she’d finally woken, she’d been in a mad scramble to get ready, which was why she was in yesterday’s shirt, rumpled jeans that had seen better days and a sweater with a large coffee stain on the front of. And now her car wouldn’t start!She popped the hood and went to take a look, hoping in vain that the problem would have a big neon sign over it screaming “Twist this!”
    But alas, there was no sign, just a bunch of pipes and hunks of metal she couldn’t identify. Oh why hadn’t she paid attention when Maverick had shown her how to maintain her car?!
    She’d bought the rusty bucket of bolts on a whim with the money she’d saved from work, but now she wished she’d listened and sprung for the nicer, newer car Mav had pointed her at. Why did she have to be so stubborn sometimes! She should really know by now that she always paid for it in the end.
    She put her hands on her hips, staring down at what she supposed was the engine. Mark was counting on her, she was the only one available. Mav and Max were at the café, Maddock was working, and yet again Mariah was incommunicado. Like that was a surprise these days. Matt, of course, was touring again. His last call had been from Phoenix and he wouldn’t be home for weeks yet.
    In a pique of temper she kicked the car’s bumper, giving a shout of pain as she connected. She hopped about on one foot, holding the injured appendage, only stopping when she heard the laughter of the kids across the street. She sent them a glare. Shouldn’t they be in school or something?
    Well, there was no hope for it. Time to bite the bullet she thought, pulling out her cell phone. Hopefully Mark wouldn’t be too grumpy after his flight. Oh, who was she kidding? Mark hated to fly, and he’d just gone trans-Atlantic. She hit the speed dial button and waited. Luck finally smiled on her when the call went straight to voicemail.
    “Hey, it’s me. Think you can catch a cab? I know, I know, but my car crapped out on me and now it won’t start. I’m gonna call a tow, I’ll let you know how it goes.”

    He stepped off the plane, breathing a sigh of relief. Finally. He hated airplanes. They were too cramped and crowded and always smelled of B.O. and he could never stretch his legs, even when he sprung for first class. But his work took him all over the world, making it a necessary evil. This time he was returning from a job in Israel. He’d been there a grand total of forty-eight hours but he’d still somehow managed to become sunburned despite spending most of that time indoors. Even so, he was red as a tomato. He definitely didn’t look forward to when it started to peel. Shouldering his carry on, he headed towards the baggage claim. He’d through this airport so many times he had the layout memorized and could navigate it in his sleep. He twisted and turned, navigating through the crowd with the ease of long practice at going undetected. Murel should be waiting for him out front. He couldn’t wait to get home.

    Mav sat at the table in what was soon to be his brother’s café, watching the comings and goings of the customers with dull, uninterested eyes. With Mark out of down, Mav-sitting duty had fallen to little Maxie. Ironic, he thought, how the tables had turned. He, the babysitter, was now the babysat. He did have to admit, though, as he watched his little brother bounce around in a ridiculous silly maid outfit, taking orders, it was good to get out of the house again. It had taken him years to get to this point, and only recently had he forgiven his siblings for their doting care. Didn’t mean it didn’t still grate, of course, but then, that was what family was for, after all.

    Today was a good day for business, with a steady stream of customers all day. Now if only it would keep up. After Mr. Flanders’ retirement and the upcoming transfer of ownership had been announced, business had fallen off sharply. Max had worked hard to get things back to this point, coming up with new dishes and drinks and advertising like crazy. He was certain that his siblings had each gained ten pounds with all the food he’d forced them to try. But then, they were all too skinny, they could use the weight. Except Maddock. The big bear could actually stand to lose a few. But he was the most willing to try Max’s creations, and could always be relied on for trustworthy feedback, unlike some. Take Matt for instance. He always told Max exactly what he wanted to hear, regardless of whether it was any good or not. Playboy jerk.
    Max looked up, smiling as the door chimed, announcing the arrival of a new customer. “Welcome!” He called in his cheeriest owner voice, “Just have a seat and someone will be with you momentarily!”

    Mariah was out on the balcony of his second floor apartment having a smoke when his phone went off. Not his regular phone, but his other phone, the one he only used for special occasions. Frowning, he went outside and pulled it out from between the mattresses of his bed and answered.
    “What the hell do you want, Jason?” He grumbled, putting out his cig in the tray by the door.
    “Hey, Dick!” Came the ever ridiculously cheery voice. “How you doin’, bud?”
    “Fuck you, that’s how. Now why are you calling me, I don’t check in til Tuesday.”
    The voice on the other end of the line made a tsking sound. “Now, Dick, is that any way to speak with a lady present? There’s been a change of plans, we want you to come in now. That ok?”
    “Change of plans? What the fuck are you talking about? And I’m so proud of you for finally accepting yourself. When do you start the hormone therapy?”
    Jason laughed. The moron was always happy. It set Mariah’s teeth on edge. No one should be that cheerful. No one. And he only did it to piss people off, too. “Nah, man, you think I can afford that? With this job? No, talking about your new partner. We’ll pick you up at the usual place in ten. That good with you?”
    Mariah stared at the phone for a full ten seconds before answering. “Partner? Jason, the fuck are you talking about, partner? I don’t need no godsdamned partner, I got this one just fine on my own!”
    But Jason wasn’t listening. “Perfect! See you soon, Dickyboy!”
    “Call me that again and I’ll rip yours off!” Mariah snarled, but it was too late, his handler had already hung up the phone. He swore a blue streak at the dead line, hoping there was a bug planted for someone to hear before proceeding to get ready. If they thought he would take a partner they had to be joking. He was a lone agent, the last partner they’d tried to saddle him with had up and quit in the first week, spouting something about him being ‘impossible to work with’. And that was fine with him, at least it got the job done.
    He pulled a wife beater on over his bare torso, grabbed his things and stepped into the nearest shadow. He reappeared a block over just long enough to catch another shadow, quickly making his way over to the usual meet point, a little twenty-four hour diner outside the mob’s territory. Shadow hopping was a short range skill, but one he happened to excel at. Most of his siblings could hope a few dozen feet at most, but Mariah could go nearly three times that distance, making it an effective way to travel once he knew his route. His coworkers never understood how he could travel so quickly without a car, and he wasn’t about to spill the beans any time soon. So it was that he arrived at the meet point early, appearing in a nearby alley. He sauntered into the restaurant and took a seat, waiting for Jason and whatever poor bitch they wanted to throw at him.

    Maddock looked around, frowning. He hadn’t seen the calico with the smudged nose in a few days. She usually showed up like clockwork. The black tom with the missing ear was gone, too. Perhaps they were off having a bit of fun. He shook his head, tossing a piece of tuna to his favorite, the little silver tabby. She was fit to pop, and he was looking forward to seeing what her kittens would look like. He tried to be fair and spread the treats evenly throughout the stray cats, but as usual, the little tabby made off with the most. He couldn’t help it. She was one of the few cats who actually let him touch her. His coworkers thought him odd, he knew, for preferring to spend his breaks feeding stray cats instead of socializing, but he’d been at it long enough that they knew better than to say anything. Besides, the cats were safer, anyways. You couldn’t trust people. Cats, either but at least they were honest about whether they liked you or not. He sighed, smiling as the little tabby rubbed against his leg purring as she tried to beg another treat. He spread his hands in a motion the cats had come to recognize as there was no more. He began to pack up his trash, standing. His lunch would be up soon, and he had to get back to work.

    It was hot as balls in Arizona, and the sun! It was too late in the year for the sun to be out so long. Chrissakes, it was already November! Matt brushed his mop of hair out of his eyes as he watched the desert roll past through the window of his tour bus. The crowd had been great, but Matt was not at all sorry to tell Phoenix goodbye. Time to head north to Vegas, then cut over to California before finally heading home. It had been a grueling tour promoting his latest album, but it was going great. They’d sold out nearly every show, and from what his manager had said the advance tickets for the remaining concerts were going fast. His band was riding high, but they were all beginning to feel the strain of such an intense schedule. Luckily they were almost done and Matt would be home just in time for the solstice.
    He couldn’t wait to see his sibs again and to see how Maverick was doing. According to Max’s latest update, his widower brother was finally starting to show some real improvement. Matt smiled at the thought. It had been too long. He hadn’t seen his family since the autumn equinox ritual, and that had been a quick overnight trip, as he’d had to fly out the next morning to make a show in Boston. It would definitely be good to kick back and relax a bit. But first he had to stop in L.A. to find a new guitarist. Adam just wasn’t working out. His skills were great and highly sought after, but his attitude absolutely sucked and he seemed to resent the fact he had to spend so much time away from his kids.
    Matt sighed unhappily at the thought of letting him go, but there was really no other choice. His manager was also pushing him to move to Los Angeles to be closer to the action, but Matt refused. He wanted to spend his free time with his family. So what if he wasn’t married with a passel of kids? Siblings were important too, especially his! He wouldn’t deny the fact that it would be nice to meet a girl, one that wouldn’t be star-struck at being in the presence of the rock god Matt Maledire. After all, he was already twenty-nine and wasn’t getting any younger.
    His imp, who had been quiescent until this point, suddenly reared its head and spewed a rapid flurry of impressions at him that roughly translated to ’have patience, I’ll find her.’
    Matt grimaced. ’How about you back off and let me find someone on my own? I don’t need your help.’ He sent back.
    Another flurry, another message. ’I won’t choose poorly like the other one.’
    Matt snorted. His imp had certainly changed in the aftermath of what he called the Hell Years. All their imps had. No one wanted another incident like that. But it was still a cocky sunovabitch, determined to write Matt’s future for him. Hah! Like he’d let that happen! Matt Maledire wrote his own story.
    December 16th, 2014 at 10:32pm
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Aikofox
    Tony looked around the busy airport, casing out her next victim. There were a lot of people, which meant she had a lot of choices and a lot of abilities to hide. Airports were great places for her to pick pocket because people were always in a hurry to either get out or to their next flight. With a little smile her eyes landed on her prey. He seemed exhausted and tired and was bright red. Probably just returning from some sort of vacation out in the sun. He most likely wouldn't think of his wallet until he was in his car or at home and would probably think he'd just lost it on the plane.
    Readjusting her course Tony began walking toward the man. She shifted the large duffel bag on her arm - a prop for this job - and looked down at the ground. Colliding with the man and quickly jerked her head up, a surprised look on her face, "Oh, I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed as her hand deftly snuck out and lifted his wallet from him in one switch move, "I suppose I should be looking where I'm going..." she shuffled away, still acting the part of a slightly rushed traveller. When she was a distance away and around the corner she grinned and opened up the wallet - still walking away - to finger out the cash.
    Edna smiled at the cherry voice as the cafe door closed behind her. She shuffled forward, a large hardback pressed to her chest, and looked around for an empty table. She'd heard of this little cafe from one of her coworkers and decided to give it a try. As she moved forward a man suddenly shoved his chair back and stood, banging into Edna and sending her flying into the bench behind her. Unfortunately her book went flying and slapped the head of the man sitting in the next bench, slamming against him with a hard whack and then spinning to lay pages down on the table, the book landing in an odd angle.
    "Oh, no!" She cried, rushing forward to pick up her book, mostly uncaring about the man. She flattened the bent pages, rubbing at the small wet spots, "No. No, no, no, no, no..."
    Faye's brow lifted as the conversation with her new partner sounded around her. She didn't say anything, but a man with that kind of potty mouth wasn't necessarily someone she wanted to work with. Still, she figured that if this man had the reputation he did then there was something she could learn. She travelled with her new director to the meeting place, a smile on her lips as she saw the restaurant. Already knowing that she was going to order a heaping plate of waffles Faye practically skipped into the dinner.
    Her joy wasn't even destroyed by the glower on her new "partner's" face. She sat across from him, scooting over a bit so that their boss could sit next to her, "Hi! I'm Faye." She held her hand out to Mariah.
    December 17th, 2014 at 02:25am
  • Aikofox

    Aikofox (100)

    United States

    Mark was fishing around for his cell phone to call Murel when she bumped him. He felt the ease and swiftness with which she made the switch. But he had made his living doing the same thing for years before making the switch to his current profession. His hand snaked out to grab her wrist. “I’ll have my wallet back, now,” he said, his voice soft and controlled. He felt a jolt as he came into contact with her, his weakened imp stirring. ’No,’ he told it. ’Don’t you dare.’ But it was too late. He laid eyes on her and knew. He’d just found his soulmate. He froze, grip loosening as his eyes widened in shock.

    THWACK! Mav pitched backwards as something heavy struck him in the face. “Ow!” He cried, reaching up to hold his smarting nose. He blinked, waving away Max, who he knew without looking had turned to come hover, opening his eyes to see what kind of projectile had hit him. He looked to find a petite redhead crying over a rather large book. Apparently, after impacting his face the book had fallen into his water and promptly become soaked. His imp shifted, curious, but quickly settled back down as a stab of fear shot through him. He sighed in relief. Maverick grabbed a bunch of napkins and began mopping up water as he picked up the fallen cup. “Hey, calm down, sweetie, we can fix this.”

    He scowled as a very perky strawberry blond slid into the seat across from him, Jason right beside her. His imp suddenly reared its head, right as the thought She’s pretty cute flashed through his head. The jolt of attraction was intense and overwhelming and he knew without a doubt what that meant. He didn’t have to have anyone tell him, he just knew. He’d just met his soulmate, and she shit rainbows.
    “Get her the fuck out of here!” He snarled at Jason, standing abruptly.
    “Calm down and have a seat,” Jason said, grabbing his shoulder. “You don’t have a choice in this, now try to be nice and let me introduce you do Faye.”
    Mariah glanced at the hand then back up at his boss, narrowing his eyes. “I’m not working with some perky bitch who looks like she still belongs in the academy. The fuck were you thinking?”
    Jason sighed, forcing him to sit down. “Do we need another sensitivity seminar?” He said playfully. “This isn’t a bad reflection on you, the brass tacks just think another angle might benefit us. Remember how many times these guys have slipped us. They want an airtight case.”
    “No.” Mariah said, crossing his arms and giving the girl his best glower. Damn, even her name was pretty. “It’s not up for debate, Jason. A rookie has no place there, they’ll eat her up alive.”
    December 17th, 2014 at 03:38am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Aikofox
    Tony's eyes widened as the man grasped her wrist. She immediately dropped his wallet and tugged, surprised that he let her go. She didn't hesitate or worry too much about her good will, instead she turned and ran, dodging through the people. She looped the duffel bag over her head so that the strap lay across her chest, "Move!" she yelled out, pushing the door open roughly and running out of the building.
    There was no way she was staying staying there. No way. Even if he looked ridiculous with that sunburn.
    "My boo-" Edna's worry took a back seat as she realized someone was talking to her. She looked over and down to see the man who'd been sitting at the table. He had quite the red mark on his face from her book, "Oh... Oh! I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed as what had happened hit her, "I really am sorry! Are you hurt?" she set her book aside - pages up in the hopes that they'd dry - and reached out to him. Before she touched him she pulled her hands back, worrying her fingers together, "I'm sorry... is there anything I can do to help?"
    Faye's eyes widened as he jumped back, his quick movement startling her. She stared at him, not understanding why he was so vehement against her. Still, he was being quite rude. Eyes narrowing she stood as well, glaring at him, "You, sir, are making a scene. I suggest you sit your behind down right now before you blow both of our covers," She didn't necessarily snarl the words, her tone had more of a sickly sweet edge to it, one a mother might take to an unruly child, "And once you've done that we will talk like the adults we are, or at least semi-adult, in your case." She stood there, arms crossed over her chest, as she waited for him to do as she said.
    December 17th, 2014 at 03:52am
  • Aikofox

    Aikofox (100)

    United States

    He stared at her retreating back, unable to move. That hadn’t really just happened, had it? He’d known it would happen one day, but like this? A pickpocket? In the middle of the airport? He groaned. Already his imp was stirring, urging him to go after her. Luckily his time overseas had weakened the soul eater and he could push its desires to the back of his mind. He knew as it recovered the urge would grow in strength until he’d be forced to track her down and make her his. But the question was, would she let him? He sighed. There was no use fighting it, it wouldn’t work. His life had changed, and the woman who had changed it didn’t even know it yet. He looked around for his wallet, only to spot it skittering across the airport floor as someone kicked it. “Oh, no!” He muttered, pushing his way through the crowd. “Excuse me, let me through, I dropped my wallet!”

    Maverick gave the redhead a small smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me. I didn’t see what happened. I assume your book didn’t go flying on its own?” He asked, waving her hands away. “Because if it did, that is a trick I’d like to see.” He tried giving her another smile, failing just as badly. Had it really been so long since he smiled? That wasn’t good. But then, there really hadn’t been anything to smile about. Well, there had been, but his family hadn’t expected him to pretend. He glanced around for his bother. “Hey, Max, can we get some paper towels over here? And a drink for the lady.”

    Mariah’s budding tirade was stopped short when she spoke. He turned his head slowly to stare at her, noticing the way Jason was watching them curiously out of the corner of his eye. “The fuck did you just say to me?” He asked, voice soft and menacingly calm. He crossed his arms over his chest, the muscles in his bare arms bulging. “Tell me, how much do you know about what’s happening here? What’s in the files? Those files were written by me. I have put months into this, and I am not about to have my cover blown by some little blond bitch who’s going to get her ass jumped within five minutes of walking into that bar. If I’m going to bring you in, that’s a reflection on me. I bring this,” he motioned at her, “in there, I’ll lose face. This is my case. I don’t care whose dick you sucked to get in on this, I won’t have it.”
    December 17th, 2014 at 04:31am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Aikofox
    Once Tony reached the end of the pick up spots she relaxed, taking a quick glance back over her shoulder. If he hadn't appeared by now then he most likely wasn't going to come after her. Letting out a giant breath in relief Tony slowed to a leisurely walk. She'd lost out on a bit of money back there, but she could always try a few more places. Parks were good one, people always left unattended bags around.
    Still, she wondered why that man hadn't followed her... had he truly not cared? In the past most tended to chase her down even when they got their property back just for revenge... eh she thought with a shrug, no big deal.
    Edna sat across from the man with a stress filled huff, "I really am sorry. No, my book didn't just go flying. Someone was getting up and walked into me..." She looked around, wondering where the man had gone. Apparently he hadn't cared that he'd bumped into her and continued with his day, "I guess he's not hurt either..." she turned back to the man at the table with her and gave him an awkward smile, "Are you sure you're okay? My book isn't really all that small..." Then her eyes widened, "My book!" She reached out quickly and drew it to her, "Oh... the pages..." she said softly, blowing a bit in the hopes that they'll dry faster.
    Fire entered Faye's gaze as her fists slammed against her hips, "Look here, Buddy-Boy, you might be some big bad over in HQ, but when it comes to this moment you're acting more like a five year old who didn't get his milkshake." She lifted a fist and poked a finger into the middle of his chest, "I said Sit down before you blow this all to shit." They were starting to get a few stairs, though Faye never broke her gaze from his, "You ask what it is that I can bring to the table? Well if you do as I've suggested then you'll find out. Quit the tantrum, no one gives a monkey's uncle."
    December 17th, 2014 at 04:49am
  • Aikofox

    Aikofox (100)

    United States

    Mark finally retrieved his wallet, straightening with relief. He quickly made his way to his original destination, the baggage claim, where he picked up his suitcase before making his way out front where Murel was waiting. The whole time he thought about the pickpocket. She had looked Latina, with long dark hair and curves in all the right places, definitely easy on the eyes. He supposed it wouldn’t be terrible to be stuck with someone like her, but it all depended on her personality. Unlike some of his younger siblings, he didn’t lump all women into the same category. Not all of them were soul sucking monsters, and he’s known his fair share of rather pleasant women, so he wasn’t as adverse to the thought of a soulmate as they were. His only problem was, what would they think of him? He didn’t exactly have a lifestyle one could talk about at an office party. But then again, neither did his little pickpocket. Was he already referring to her as his already? Angels and demons, he was in trouble. And where was Murel? He didn’t see her rusty old red Corolla anywhere. He pulled out his phone and turned it on to call her. Almost immediately a voicemail icon popped up. Frowning, he dialed and listened as his sister’s voice began to play.
    “Hey, it’s me…”
    He groaned, closing his eyes in frustration as he listened to the message. Of course this would happen, today of all days! Grumbling under his breath he headed for the taxi line, subconsciously looking out for that figure he’d never forget.
    Maverick and Max
    Maverick nodded, listening as Max went to fulfill his request, an expression on his face Mav couldn’t quite place and wasn’t sure he wanted to.
    “Well, ain’t that just a bit rude?” He said, shaking his head. “And really, I’m fine, it’s ok.”
    “Are you okay, miss?” Max said, popping up at her elbow with a full roll of paper towels in one hand and a cup of tea in the other. “Mav, what happened?” He looked at his older brother searchingly. He was a bit on edge, Maverick never talked to strangers. Was something up? His imp was sitting up in interest as well, but luckily Max felt nothing other than a keen curiosity from it, an emotion he shared.
    “Nothing, Max, don’t worry.” Mav said, nodding in gratitude. He sighed, beginning to feel drained. This was more socializing than he’d done in a long time. But he couldn’t just leave the girl in distress, it would be wrong. He supposed he could have handed her off to his brother, but Max had a café to run. “She just dropped her book in my drink and we’re trying to clean it up. You can go back to work now.”
    Max gave him a concerned look before reluctantly leaving. “Well, if there’s anything I can do, tell me.” This was a huge step for Mav, and he didn’t want to do anything to ruin it. Maverick looked stressed, but he was trying, and that was the important thing. This was huge!
    Mav held out his hand, picking up the paper towels. “Here, let’s put these between the pages, it’ll help them dry and might prevent them from sticking together.”
    A thrill went through his when she poked him, but he pushed away the giddy feeling before it could fully materialize into a true emotion. Instead he pushed her finger away and turned to look at Jason, who was grinning from ear to ear. “Lose the smirk, moron,” he growled, taking a seat, but not because she’d told him to. His legs were getting tired, that was all. “What kind of role do you expect her to play? What can she do to help this case? She’d better be a damn good makeup artist because the sunshiney pretty girl look won’t fly. And don’t even think about trying to pass her off as my arm candy. I’ve nearly got Girotti’s daughter in my pocket.” He gave her a critical look. “We look nothing alike, so I can’t pass her off as family. What’s the con?”
    Jason’s smirk only grew wider. “Faye, why don’t you show Dick what you can do? The bathroom’s down that way.” He pointed, snickering at the reaction he got at using Mariah’s undercover name. He had to have had way too much fun coming up with that one. To Mariah, he continued, “You mentioned in your last check in that the place was looking to hire a bartender. Well, here’s your girl.”
    December 17th, 2014 at 05:26am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Aikofox
    Tony had just walked away from the taxi area, slowing down to a stop as she fished in her duffel bag. She was trying to locate her map. She'd just gotten it last week and already it was torn along the edges and crinkled. Her first stop in any new location was to buy a map. Retrieving it and quickly scanned the general area, folding the map back a bit so that it just showed where she was. She drew her finger along the road lines, grinning as she located the closets park, then sighing a bit when she realized the park would be at least a two hour walk. She glanced into her duffel bag, already knowing that she really couldn't afford a cab.
    "This sucks." She said out loud, pouting a little.
    Edna jumped a little as a man in a maid's outfit suddenly appeared beside her. She grinned up at him, "Thank you," She said softly, letting the men talk, not wanting to interrupt. When the cafe employee started to walk away she held out a hand, "Wait, I'll need the receipt..." But he was already gone. With a sigh she figured she'd catch him later and turned to see the poor guy her book had hit holding a roll of paper towels out to her, "Oh, thank you." She took them and began cleaning her book, setting them between the pages, "I'm glad you're okay... and that you for the help."
    Faye sat when Mariah did, a smile returning to her face. When Jason asked her to prove her worth her smile brightened, "Sure!" She leaned down and grabbed her large purse before standing, "I'll be right back." She walked off, heading into the bathroom. She locked the door, then set all her trade items on the sink counter. The first thing she reached for was her battery operated curling iron. She flicked the switch to 'on', then set it aside and got down to her make up. She applied it like a true artist, giving her eyes a smoky look, sliding red color to her lips, highlighting specific features on her face. Once that was done she quickly put on the leather outfit she'd chosen and stashed in her bag. It was tight and quite the little outfit, the top showing most of her black bra off. Then she curled her hair, added a bit of spray, and then packed her bag. She walked from the bathroom, the whole thing taking maybe 20 minutes.
    When she returned she ran her hand along Mariah's shoulder as she came around the table, taking a seat in her chair and smiling with confidence, "Hello, my name is Andrea." Even her voice was different, more husky, like she'd just woken from a very pleasurable night.
    All-in-all she looked completely different, more like something you'd find in a high priced escort service as opposed to the girl-next-door.
    December 17th, 2014 at 05:49am
  • Aikofox

    Aikofox (100)

    United States

    It seemed the fates couldn’t decide how to treat him today as he caught sight of his little pickpocket poring over a map near the taxi line. Deciding to bite the bullet and listen to the urgings of his imp, he slipped soundlessly up behind her. Reaching over her shoulder, he plucked the map from her fingers, quickly figuring out her intended destination.
    “The park, huh? You might find some good marks there, but how do you intend to get there? After all, you did drop my wallet when you made your getaway.”
    “Like I said, don’t worry about it,” Mav said, tearing paper towels for her. “And forget about the receipt. It’s on me, meaning it’s on the house. Lunch, too.” He snagged a menu from a passing waiter and scooted it over for her to peruse once their current task was finished. He racked his brain for something else to say. A decade ago idle chatter would have come as easily to him as breathing, but now he found himself struggling. But he didn’t want to just end the conversation. That would be, well, rude. He rubbed the back off his neck, slipping his hand under his long, vibrant red locks. His hair was one of the few things he’d kept up over the years, finding he’d liked the look, it kept him connected and from completely forgetting what he’d once been. It suddenly occurred to him he didn’t know her name. That was a good place to start, right? He offered his hand.
    “I’m Maverick, you?”
    He talked with Jason while he waited to see what Pixie would do, listening to him extoll her virtues and the credentials that made her perfect for this case. But all he heard was they wanted him to break in the newbie and risk a deep cover operation for this. He was sure to let Jason know what he thought of that at every opportunity.
    Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up. And blinked. He let out a long, slow whistle as Faye returned. If his imp hadn’t let him identify her immediately, he never would have equated Faye with the smoking piece of ass in front of him.
    “Well,” he said after a moment, letting his eyes travel her leather-clad frame. “I think my dick just jumped a bit. Not bad. Not bad at all.” He leered at her, crossing his arms once more. “But a new outfit and some makeup won’t cut it. You actually know how to bartend? If I’m going to say yes, you have to prove to me you can do more than look totally fuckable.” Across the table, Jason smacked his forehead with his palm, but Mariah wasn’t going to apologize. She’s have to put up with much worse than this if she wanted to cut it at Girotti’s.
    December 17th, 2014 at 06:14am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Aikofox

    Victoria Pollix

    Victoria sat in the waiting room with the other performers, just waiting for name to be called. She was one of the last guitarists to go- and she knew that. Which meant that she was going to have to really impress them if she was going to get in. After all they had been listening to others all day. From this batch they were only going to get the best of the best. Though Victoria knew that she was going to be able to easily beat out half the player. Many of them were here just to see the heartthrob- which was made clear but how fast some were pushed out of the audition room. Unlike them Victoria was not here to see the main singer. She actually wanted the gig and she was not easily starstruck.
    With a small sigh she leaned back and glanced around the room, looking at her actual competition. When she came in Victoria purposely picked a secluded part of the room. She did not want to be surrounded by others who wanted to tell their story. But now that she had gotten her guitar fully tune it was best to see who she was up against. Though before she really got a chance she heard her name called. With that she picked up her guitar and followed the lady down the hallway and into the audition room.
    As she entered Victoria squinted, the lights shinning in her eyes before they grew big, looking at the others at the audition table. Immediately she took her spot in the middle of the room. "Hello." She said softly. "I am Victoria Pollix."
    Amelia Ginova

    Amelia leaned back into the bench that she was sitting at, looking over at the male feeding the cats. This was the third day she came there to each her lunch and like clockwork that man came out with his own food, ate a bit and played with the cats. With each day she was getting more curious about him. Why did he feed his food to some strays? And on top of that why was he not eating with the others? Just as the man stood onto his feet, Amelia did the same. She brushed the crumbs off of her shirt, and onto the ground. It had been three days and now she just had to talk to him. Honestly she had never meant to spy on him- he was not her intention the days she came down but it had gotten to the point where she wanted to meet this mysterious cat man.
    Amelia made her way right up to him, not loosing a bit of stride. Once she was close, Amelia gave off a large smile and started to speak. "Hello there." She said before turning to the cats that he was so fond of. She bent down a bit, holding out the rest of her PB&J sandwich. "Would you happen to know if they like peanut butter at all?" Amelia asked him as she turned her head to look back at the man.
    December 17th, 2014 at 06:38am
  • Aikofox

    Aikofox (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons

    After the Phoenix show, things had begun to take a significant turn for the worse, to the point that no one had felt at all sorry when Matt had finally let Adam go a full two weeks before he’d intended to. It did certainly put a wrench in things, and the whole group had flown back to L.A. for the emergency auditions the record label had set up for them. So now Matt and the guys were stuck here, listening as guitarist after guitarist tried to strut their stuff. Naturally there were the usual fans just wanting a glimpse and a chance to talk to him, but security was very quick and efficient at removing them. At one point he’d even had a girl try to tackle him while declaring her undying love, which admittedly had been entertaining, but luckily she’d been caught and removed before she could get anywhere near him. Matt was used to crazed fans, but this was not the time! They needed a new guitarist, and they needed one yesterday!
    The next name was announced, and by this time they’d gone through so many names that he’d begun to tune them all out. He stared off into space, tapping the end of his pencil against the table in his boredom. He wanted to give them all a fair chance, but he’d been here since early this morning. He could only sit still for so long!
    And then she walked in. Matt’s pencil hit the table with a clatter as the redhaired beauty entered, and he had to make an effort to pick his jaw up off of the floor. By all that was holy! He’d found her, at last! He didn’t even care that his imp had made the choice, he had to know her!
    Matt dragged his eyes away from her long enough to glance down at the portfolio in front of him. Around him, his band had already discounted her as another raving fan, but he was determined to give her a chance. Oh, please, let her be as good a guitarist as she looked!
    “So, Victoria,” he said, tasting her name on his tongue as he gave her a winning smile. “Welcome! What do you have for us today? Why do you think you’d be a good fit with us?”
    He stood, turning to go as the cats began to disperse when a voice stopped him in his tracks. He swallowed, not liking the way his imp was suddenly sending him a nearly overwhelming flood of sensations. No. He was not going to turn around. He would not look at her. He wouldn’t do it.
    But the blasted imp wouldn’t let him go. He sent a blast of fury to shut it up before turning, face expressionless. She was very pretty, he had to admit, with long, luxurious brown hair and looks to kill. But he wouldn’t be swayed. He watched as she bent down to the cats that had scattered at her approach. Cautiously, the little silver tabby approached, stretching out her nose to the bit of sandwich. The little glutton took the offered treat, mouth smacking as she tried to swallow the peanut butter that stuck her tongue to the roof of her mouth. Well, that was an answer enough, wasn’t it? Funny as it was, there was a reason he didn’t give them peanut butter.
    December 17th, 2014 at 07:10am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Aikofox

    Victoria gave him a soft smile as a sarcastic answer immediately popped into her head, 'because I can actually play guitar, that's why'. She couldn't help it and she knew that answer had to be asked. It was just she hated the extra questions of auditions but they were completely necessary. All in all Victoria wished that she could just come in and play her music but they still had to figure out if she was actually a good fit for their band. So instead of giving him a sarcastic answer, Victoria put the guitar strap around her and laid her hands on the strings.
    "I will play Blinded By the Light for you today." Victoria told them. It was normally a good idea to play a classic rock song, especially with a band like this. Plus the music definitely allowed a guitarist to show off their abilities. "And I would be a good fit for this group because I have my musical abilities. I know how to play guitar, Piano, ukelele, and Violin. Plus I can never get sick of music. It's my passion." Her eyes seemed to light up a bit at the end before she cleared her throat a little. She then pulled back a little, brushing her fingers against the strings a few times before really starting to play her song.
    When it came to her abilities Victoria was amazing. She knew how to handle her guitar- which was why she had been able to play for artists before. But all of those had only been for one album or a few songs. Now she was hoping that she was a strong enough player to get into a national band, one that people already knew and loved. She was not hoping to get the limelight from any of them. What she wanted was a steady job. Plus she knew a few of their songs and she did rather like them. They had a good sound,

    Amelia frowned a little when the cat attempted to actually eat the peanut butter. "Oh." She said softly before ripping the pieces up a bit smaller and continuing to give them to the cats. "Well I mean I suppose it's not the best food to give them but at least it is something right?" Looking back at him, Amelia gave him a large smile. When the rest of her sandwich was eaten Amelia stood up, brushing the crumbs off of her hands as she turned to him. She noticed right away that he was not talking at all which she thought was rather strange. Normally she at least could get others to hold a conversation with her. There were some that the difficultly was to get them to stop talking. So she continued on speaking since it was clear he was not planning to.
    "Why do you not bring any of the cats home?" She asked him curiously, her head tilting to the side a bit. "I mean it is clear that you like them and they are strays. No one would miss them at all and someone would be able to love them properly." Amelia said but she continued on, thinking that he was not going to answer. "Though I suppose you probably would have if you were able to right? I just think this because you seem fond of them and they like you too."
    December 17th, 2014 at 02:21pm