The Sins of Our Fathers

  • @ Aikofox
    When originally pulled back Victoria did not fight it. She wasn't going to jump on Azana again if the woman was also being pulled away. Though the moment Matt began to lecture the two of them she managed to shake Grant. "You know what? I am ashamed! I'm ashamed thst you have no idea what is actually going on here you clueless idiot." With that Victoria headed towards the door. "Have fun with your delusional dinner party!"
    Azana was still tensed but with Jason holding onto her she stayed back. She couldn't help but smirk a bit when Victoria started heading out. "I hope to see you in Hell bitch!" Azana was normally a very sweet girl but all of her buttons had been pressed and she wasn't going to play nice anymore.
    "It was lovely. I loved having all of these animals around. They all loved me and I enjoyed taking care of every single one of them." Kyra told him softly. Though her smile dropped a bit. "Though I do not have even one now." She cleared her throat a little. "Nick does not like them around the house. He thinks pets are too dirty to keep and doesn't think we will really have time to take care of them." Kyra wished she could get Nick to change his mind on this but she didn't know how. They had this argument so many times.
    "Yes that sounds like a good idea." Die looked down at the meal he pointed at before giving a nod. Now this was a benefit to having a chef around. Die closed his menu, now knowing what he was going to get. When the waitress came over Die ordered the steak and beer. The wine sounded good but he was more of a beer drinker. Mehki then asked for chicken and ordered herself a glass of wine before handing over her menu.
    It wasn't much longer that Ben fell into a deep sleep. He was enjoying laying with her and he felt no reason to get up. So he closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to dream land. His hand stopped moving and his breath and body became more calm. It wasn't until about an hour later that Ben started to stir once again. All he had really wanted was a nap.
    [giving Murel the chance to break the heater again? Or is that not until later?]
    March 20th, 2015 at 03:45am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons

    “Get back here!” Matt roared at Victoria. He was well and truly angry now. This wasn’t a snit or a bout of hurt feelings like he’d been displaying in the past. This was true fury. “The two of you are going to sit your asses down and talk this out, here and now! Azana, shut it! No more fighting, no more insults!” He glared at them both, pushing back his demon before they could see it looking out of his eyes. He was done with this. They were acting like immature brats, so he was going to treat them like it. Grabbing Azana, who was closer, he dragged her to the sofa and forced her to sit. “Stay there!” He snarled, then stalked over to Victoria. He grabbed her by the back of her shirt and hauled her over to sit beside Azana. He stood in front of them, arms crossed as he glared at them. “Start talking.”
    Maddock shook his head, frowning. “What do you see in that guy?” He asked, genuinely puzzled. “You seem like such a poorly matched pair. I don’t get it.” Kyra needed someone who loved animals the way she did. Even without the abuse, he just couldn’t wrap his mind around it. But then, she was his soulmate. The thought of her with anyone but him was just wrong.
    Max gave his order, a pasta dish with peppers and bacon with a light, creamy sauce. He ordered a glass of wine and some water, since he would be driving. Once that was taken care of, Max turned back to Die, brimming with curiosity. “So what do you do, Die? Are you a student, like Mehki? Or are you working? Or both?”
    Murel dozed a bit, but without her painkillers, the soreness from her injuries kept her from really falling asleep. Which sucked, Ben was a very comfortable pillow. She gave up after a while, sighing in frustration and instead settling back to finish the movie. Ben was still asleep when the credits started rolling, however, and she was getting restless. She glanced back to make sure he was still asleep, then phased through him and the couch as she walked to the other end of the room. Still immaterial, she walked through the wall separating their apartments. Now, where was that heater?

    A few minutes later, Murel returned, feeling much more satisfied with herself. She took her place back on the couch with Ben, snuggling back into his arms just in time for him to start waking up.
    March 20th, 2015 at 04:08am
  • @ Aikofox
    Victoria and Azana sat as far away from each other when they were both forced down onto the couch. Pure rage was radiating off of both of them. Really they were going to take this out right after getting into a fight? Especially with them both pissed off to the 10th degree. Victoria folded her arms as she looked up at Matt. "Really? You really want to force us to sit here and make us talk?" Victoria said snippily. "You really think that's a fantastic idea because we're like three year olds fighting over a toy? Well fine then." Victoria snapped as she looked over at Azana. "Your ex is acting like an asshole right now and I think he forgot that he's not in charge of me. And since I am a grown ass woman -like he so happily pointed out-I should be allowed to decide WHO I like and WHO I DON'T LIKE."
    Azana listened to Victoria with a sneer on her face before turning to Matt. "Hey at least I tried to get along with her! I have finally reached my breaking point and I'm not going to be pushed around any longer. Just let her go if she wants to. I don't want her here anymore anyways!" Azana said. "why the Hell does this matter so much anyways?"
    A little frown came on her face as Maddock started to question their relationship. "I know it looks odd to you, knowing that you do. But we actually do get along really well and we have so much more in common. I do love animals but I care about him more. I love him. I really do. Nick just has a horrid temper but we're honestly trying to work on it. He doesn't like hurting me...he just has bad control." Kyra told him. "And he does love animals. But he wants to wait until we have a larger house and yard so they can stay outside. Or get like a little dog house..."
    "I work now. I graduate from college about a year ago. I am now a computer scientist.' Die told him with ease. Now that was something that he loved to do. Though he tried not to talk about it too much since it could easily go over people's heads. It was hard sometimes trying to make everything clear when there was not a computer in front of him to show them how it truly worked.
    Ben shifted as Murel moved back into his arms. Slowly his eyes opened as he looked down at her. "Did you leave?" Ben mumbled softly. He was rather surprised that he did not notice Murel leave his arms at all-if she did that is. While he was not a light sleeper he felt like he had a rather good hold on her during the nap. Plus he felt like he wasn't distrubed until she tried to climb back into him.
    March 20th, 2015 at 04:33am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons

    “It matters because I care a helluva lot about the both of you! Azana, you’re one of my best friends. Victoria, you know I adore you. I hate seeing the two of you going at each other like this!” He was so pissed, so focused on the two of them, that he didn’t notice everyone else sneak out rather than have that rage turned on them. “This was supposed to be a nice dinner were we could all catch up and get to know each other but you wouldn’t have it! Victoria, I get it, you’re jealous. I told you before, you don’t have to be, Azana is just a friend. What we had was a long time ago and it’s over now! Why can’t you just try and get along?!”
    Maddock sighed, shaking his head. This was the wrong subject to be on. There was so much wrong here, but he knew from experience with Maddock that pointing it out would only make her close down and become defensive. So he fished around for a different topic. “Do you read at all?”
    Max whistled. “Color me impressed! Technology’s like another language to me. I can do the basics, use my smart phone, get on the internet, do the taxes and bills for work and such, but that’s about it. Computer scientist, huh?” He shook his head. “And I never even graduated kindergarten!”
    “Just got up to pee,” she said lightly, wrapping his arm lightly around herself. “Sleep good, lazyass?” She gave him a half grin, tucking her head under his chin. “Did you know you snore?” She teased, shifting to jab him in the kidney.
    March 20th, 2015 at 04:58am
  • @ Aikofox
    Thom sneered at Maverick, "You have have had class once, but you sure don't look it now." He shook his head, "What did you do, waste all the money that Chrissie brought into the marriage? Or," He said, now rolling with his thoughts, "Maybe she was wanting to do one of those 'make him better' deals. You know, where women find men and 'fix' them to their liking? Perhaps she felt sorry for you... but you could never be the man she needed."

    Edna glared at Thom, "That's uncalled fo-"

    "You now," Thom said, completely ignoring Edna, "When I heard of her death I always wondered if there was a bit of foul play in the mix." He leaned forward, a sadistic smirk on his face, "Did you plan her death? Cut the break line... get her just a tad too drunk to drive?"

    Edna's eyes widened at what Thom was implicating and she stood, "That is enough!" She said, glaring at Thom who was looking smug, "Maverick is a guest in this house. How dare you be so rude!"
    March 20th, 2015 at 05:27am
  • @ Aikofox
    Victoria wrinkled her nose. How the Hell was she suppose to explain that she either loved a person or hated them to their very core? There was no almost no middle ground! And in the reality of it all she knew Azana had done nothing wrong to her personally. But her and Matt had a past relationship which bothered her and the fact that she knew this woman was still trying to get with him brought more anger up. "Then why don't you try telling that to her?" Victoria hissed. "She clearly still likes you Matt. Azana is trying to get you back don't you see that? And you're right. I am jealous and I can't help but feel that way. Especially when she is still trying to be your girlfriend again!"
    Kyra started to untense when the topic change came around. Now this was something that she was thankful for. "Yes I do." Kyra told him. "Well at least I read a little bit, not as much as I feel like I should." Kyra gave him a little smile. "I normally am able to read through about four a year at this point. That is not really a lot but..." She smiled coyly before continuing on. "Anyways yes I do read a bit."
    Die chuckled a bit, thinking that Die was making a small joke about kindergarten. Though Mehki did not laugh and she shook her head to Die, trying to tell him to stop. Now that shut him up pretty quickly. However it did raise curiosity in him. He was surprised that Mehki was dating someone who never even went to kindergarten, especially with how serious she was about school. "Why did you never go to school?" Die finally ended up asking. This whole situation was curious.
    His arms moved back around Murel as she cuddled close into his chest. His eyes closed again but his hands ran down to her back, lightly stroking her once again. While he did not plan on falling back asleep he was too comfortable to get up and move about. Ben was just happy to lay there with Murel in his arms. "I did know I snore. Did you know you snore?" Ben teased her lightly.
    March 20th, 2015 at 05:34am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    Maverick’s jaw clenched, the muscles jumping as Thom poked at his weak spot. And still, Edna was trying to defend him, when he was here, defending her. “It’s okay, Edna,” he said softly, putting a hand on her shoulder. “I’ve heard worse. To be honest Thom, she married me for my family’s money. What Edna said earlier is true. I’m rich. Filthy rich. But I don’t tout it around or anything like that. I don’t care about the money. I’m not like Edna. I’m a lazy guy. She needs to be out there, doing something. Me? I like working with my hands, I like helping people. But I’ll sit around and do nothing all day, too. I’ve never held a high paying job. Chrissie probably told you, I was her pool boy when we met. I thought it sounded like fun. And no, I didn’t kill my wife. But I might as well have.” It hurt to admit, the memory of the argument playing through his mind. But he stood firm, determined to protect Edna, even if it meant dredging up every last dirty little detail of his marriage. Even the one he’d never even told his family.

    @ Mother.Of.Dragons

    He turned to look at Azana. “Where’d you get that impression? It’s possible for a guy and a girl to be just friends, even a guy like me. Right, Azana? Tell her, we’re just friends. There’s nothing between us anymore, and there never will be. You know I like Victoria. Tell her, she has nothing to worry about.”
    “What kind of books do you read?” Maddock asked, untensing his shoulders as she visibly relaxed. Good, he’d chosen well. Books were a safe subject. “And what’s your favorite?” He looked up as the server arrived with their orders, nodding in thanks. Finally, food! He’d been afraid his rumbling stomach would scare away all of the customers!”
    Max shrugged. Mehki didn’t really know much about his past at all, just little tidbits he’d dropped here and there. “My folks died when I was four. Never really got the chance. But even if they hadn’t, I wouldn’t have gone to school, my older brothers were all being homeschooled.” He wondered if Mehki would connect the dots. He hadn’t really told her anything, other than his comments about hating the cold and digging in garbage. At the time, she’d thought he was joking, but now? Or would it go over her head?
    “Considering my nose has been broken three times and my face is currently swollen like a balloon? Yep, I did know.” She grinned up at him. “But I have an excuse. What about you, techie boy? I bet you’ve never been in a fight in your entire life!” She punched his arm. “See? No muscle! I still say I’m gonna drag you to a gym!”
    March 20th, 2015 at 05:52am
  • @ Aikofox
    Edna turned to Maverick, sitting next to him though her eyes sparked fire, "You don't need to tell them anything, really." She looked at her mom, "I take it dinner is done, yes?"

    Margaret stumbled, surprise at the anger in Edna's eyes, "Uh, well dessert did just come out. And you hardly ate anything-"

    "That's fine." She looked at her father, "And you? Any last parting words?"

    Jonathan's brow rose, "You'd do best to remember your tone. I am still your father and demand the respect that deserves."

    "Which is why," Edna said, "I have left this meal yet." She then looked at Thom, "And I don't care if you're done or not. I want you to listen to me carefully. There's no way I'd get back together with you. Ever. So you can stop trying."

    She stood, holding her hand out for Maverick, "We're leaving now."

    Margaret sat there, still sputtering, while Jonathan sighed and shook his head as if he was disappointed. It was Thom who stood, attempting to stop her, "Edna, you really need to consider what you're choosing. You'd really side with a man you hardly knew? The one who just admitted that he may have well killed his wife?"

    Edna nodded, "I may have only known Maverick for a short while, but what I do know is that he's done more to make me feel like I actually accomplish good things in my life than you have."

    "So that's it? You choose him over your family? Over me?"

    "Yes." Edna said, feeling her heart break a little knowing that Thom had made her answer... made her choose, "It doesn't change my love for my parents, but if I have to choose then I choose someone who is going to help me be a better person."

    "And me? What about me?"

    Edna shook her head, "You're nothing. You are no more than a blip from my past." She turned to Maverick, "You ready to go?"
    March 20th, 2015 at 06:04am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    Maverick took her hand, the fight having drained out of him at his admission. He stood, gripping her hand in his. He hated Thom for making them both admit things they rather wouldn’t. “Come on, Edna,” he said softly. “Let’s go somewhere where we’ll actually have some fun. We even have time to stop by your place so you can change, if you want. The dress is nice, but I have a feeling things might get a little rowdy.”
    March 20th, 2015 at 06:18am
  • @ Aikofox
    Edna nodded, turning to lead him from the room. As they walked into the hall she stopped, turning to him, "Hold on. There's one more thing..." She kept his hand in hers as she pulled him with her to the kitchen. Once there she smiled at Maria, "Hey, I'm sorry for leaving so soon, but I wanted to let you know that the meal was great... as always."

    Maria smiled at Edna, "No worries. I know how your parents can be," She said softly.

    Edna nodded, "Oh, and do you have everything prepped for the orphanage?"

    Maria grinned and nodded, "Yup. George is dropping it off tonight on his way home. A full Thanksgiving meal that should feed everyone there plus left overs."

    "Thanks. You're awesome! Tell your kids I say hi!"

    Once that was done she lead Maverick back out, not saying anything until they were both sitting in his truck. It took her a little bit to get up the courage, leading the conversation with a sigh, "I'm really sorry about all that in there. I shouldn't have asked you to come."
    March 20th, 2015 at 06:26am
  • @ Aikofox
    A grimace moved over Azana's face as Matt tried to pull her back into this conversation. She had been hoping to be skimmed over during this part but that clearly was not going to happen. She glanced over at Victoria. Well at least now she knew why the woman hated her. And while she did not condone her behavior at least it made sense. "Actually Matt...In this case she happens to be right." Azana saw no point in lying about this. It would only cause trouble between the three of them. Plus if she said she didn't then Matt would never think she liked him again. Her best bet was to be honest. "I do still like you and I am trying to get you back. I knew you liked Victoria but with the way it sounded I thought you two had no chance of getting together. At least I thought Victoria was against it at least. Though it's beginning clear that the feeling is mutual between the two of you..."
    "well I prefer the fiction section but because I work I normally read a good fair of non fiction." Kyra told him. "I love my job, science, history and all of that but I do enjoy being pushed into a world that does not exist." She smiled a bit. "It's relaxing and very entertaining. And as for my favorite? Well that is a bit difficult but probably something by Shakespeare, Much ado about nothing is fantastic. Though I do love Ender's Game. How about you? What is your favorite?" Books was something she could talk about endlessly.
    Mehki wasn't really connecting the dots. While she was listening to what he was saying she was not thinking about past conversations where this applied. Right now she was both enjoying the night and being surprised with Max's past. Though whatever happened to him in the past helped him be where he was now and that place in life certaintly was not bad. At least not to her. She liked him after all.
    "I am sorry for your loss.' Die said before giving him a small nod. It was too bad to lose ones parents, especially at a young age. "What did you and your brothers do once your parents were gone then?"
    "No thank you." Ben mumbled to her. "I have never been in a real fight nor do I plan on getting into one." And yet again another positive to being easy going. "It's hard to upset me in general. Even harder to make me want to punch someone. I think I'll be safe from wanting to get into a bar fight." Ben told her simply. "So why go to the gym if I am not going to best anyone up hm?'
    March 20th, 2015 at 06:29am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    She was so kind. Still thinking about those in need, even at a time like this. Her pure generosity continued to astound him. He gave her back a little smile that faded when they reached the car. “Don’t. Don’t apologize, Edna. I’m actually glad I came. I wouldn’t want you to face that on your own. They’re vipers. I’m sorry, I know they’re your family, but…” He drew her into a hug. “Sorry if I upset you, I just… I hated seeing them treat you that way.”
    March 20th, 2015 at 06:33am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons

    Matt paused, blinking as he stared at her. “You…do?” He asked, bewildered. “But, Azana, I told you. Even back when we were together, I told you it was only a temporary thing. And now, Azana, really?” He groaned in frustration, sitting heavily in the nearest chair and dropping his head into his hand. “This…complicates things. But makes it so much simpler. Ah, shit. Azana, I’m sorry. I like being your friend, but that’s it. I want to be with Victoria, it’s that plain and simple. That’s why I wanted you to like her so badly.” He felt stupid for not seeing it, but he’d been so wrapped up in his problems with Victoria… “I’m sorry.”
    “I mostly read non-fiction, science and stuff like that.” He read books to learn, not to be entertained. “I like knowing about the world around me. Fantasy? Not as much.” He shrugged. “I want to learn, books are how I do it. Never went to school, so I taught myself. Don’t really have a favorite, but Hawkings’ is pretty interesting. Smart guy.”
    Max shrugged again. “Like I said, I was four, I don’t really remember them. But thanks. And my brothers raised up. Mark took on the role of dad, he and Matt went out and worked to make enough money to feed us all, while Maverick stayed and watched us. As we grew older, Maverick started working and left Maddock in charge, then Maddock left me in charge, then I got a job washing dishes at Flanders’ and Mariah and Murel were able to hang out there while I worked.”
    Murel made a disgusted noise. “Pansy.” She punched him again. “Guess I’ll just have to protect you, then. No more getting shoved into lockers and all that.” She knew he’d never had that happen or anything, but it was still fun to tease him. “You sure you can handle that? Being protected by a little girl?”
    March 20th, 2015 at 07:33am
  • @ Aikofox
    Edna wrapped her arms around him, "I'm used to it. And normally they're not that bad... normally Thom isn't there." She sighed, pulling back a little, "I am sorry they said all those things to you, though." She leaned forward to press a light kiss to the corner of his lips... when her door was suddenly thrown open and she was pulled from the truck. She gasped, now standing between the truck and a mad Thom, "Thom, what-"

    "I knew you two were together! How could you be with him and not even think about giving me a chance?"

    "Thom, I-"

    "Well, I'll remind you of what you're missing!" With a hard grip on her chin he brought her lips to his, ignoring her "no" as he pinched her chin to force her to open her mouth to his while his body trapped her against the truck, pressing hard.
    March 20th, 2015 at 06:15pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    Suddenly Maverick was there, jerking Thom back and throwing him to the ground. “When a woman says no, you respect her!” He snarled, moving between them. His imp was raging, and he suddenly didn’t care that he’d hopped, though he was sure later he’d freak out and worry that someone had seen. He was practically shaking with rage. How dare he! “Edna, get in the car,” he said in a low controlled voice. “We’re leaving. And you!” He snapped his gaze back to Thom. “If I ever see you harassing Edna again, there is no force on this earth that could save you!”
    March 20th, 2015 at 06:26pm
  • @ Aikofox
    Edna could hardly think, so shocked about what happened. She'd never imagine Thom would do something like this. He was a selfish jerk... But not a person who'd force another... still, she didn't want to be anywhere near Thom right now. So she did as Maverick said, getting into the truck and locking the door, just starting to shiver.

    Thom sneered at Maverick, "You know nothing. I've known Edna practically her whole life. What she's doing now? It's an act. I bet she's playing you. Probably just wanting to fix you up like Chrissie did, but the problem is that Edna's much nicer than Chrissie and will only get hurt in the end." He glared at Maverick, "I bet you anything she's in love with you by now. It's how she is. And when you leave her - because you will - she'll be heart broken. And don't you dare tell me you won't leave her." He smirked, "Edna's a nice woman, would make a good wife for me, but that's it. She's nice, but bland. And you'll tire of her. And when you do I'll be waiting with open arms." He gave one last glance at Edna before retreating back into the house.
    March 20th, 2015 at 10:26pm
  • @ Aikofox
    Edna could hardly think, so shocked about what happened. She'd never imagine Thom would do something like this. He was a selfish jerk... But not a person who'd force another... still, she didn't want to be anywhere near Thom right now. So she did as Maverick said, getting into the truck and locking the door, just starting to shiver.

    Thom sneered at Maverick, "You know nothing. I've known Edna practically her whole life. What she's doing now? It's an act. I bet she's playing you. Probably just wanting to fix you up like Chrissie did, but the problem is that Edna's much nicer than Chrissie and will only get hurt in the end." He glared at Maverick, "I bet you anything she's in love with you by now. It's how she is. And when you leave her - because you will - she'll be heart broken. And don't you dare tell me you won't leave her." He smirked, "Edna's a nice woman, would make a good wife for me, but that's it. She's nice, but bland. And you'll tire of her. And when you do I'll be waiting with open arms." He gave one last glance at Edna before retreating back into the house.
    March 20th, 2015 at 10:26pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    “Asshole,” Maverick muttered, watching him go. He stayed protectively in front of Edna’s door until Thom was safely out of sight. Only once he was gone did he head back around to the driver’s side, opening the door and slamming it behind him with excessive force. That felt good. He sat there a minute, simply breathing, eyes closed. Suddenly his fist lashed out, smashing into the door. He wasn’t strong enough to do any damage, but the unleashed violence of the act helped. It soothed his imp. “Dammit!” He swore, leaning back against the seat. Letting out a deep gust of air, he finally felt calm enough to look at Edna. “Are you okay?” He asked, concerned. “Did he hurt you at all?” He still wanted to lash out, but there was nothing to break, no one to hurt. His imp slowly settled back down, a simmering boil just below the surface.
    March 20th, 2015 at 10:34pm
  • @ Aikofox
    Edna flinched asaverick slammed his fist into the door. She stared at him, still trembling, but shook her head, "I'm fine. More... Startled than anything." She sighed, staring back out the windshield, "He's never... No one has ever..." She swallowed, "I just wasn't expecting it." She fell silent again before turning to meet his gaze, "Did he say anything rude to you? I'm so sorry if he did. You shouldn't have had to deal with all this..." She dropped her gaze as her voice trailed off.
    March 20th, 2015 at 10:40pm
  • @ Aikofox
    Edna flinched asaverick slammed his fist into the door. She stared at him, still trembling, but shook her head, "I'm fine. More... Startled than anything." She sighed, staring back out the windshield, "He's never... No one has ever..." She swallowed, "I just wasn't expecting it." She fell silent again before turning to meet his gaze, "Did he say anything rude to you? I'm so sorry if he did. You shouldn't have had to deal with all this..." She dropped her gaze as her voice trailed off.
    March 20th, 2015 at 10:40pm