The Sins of Our Fathers

  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Aikofox
    Tony's brow lifted, "You're not paying the bill?" She asked, her other brow lifting along with the first, "Well, then I hope you know the restaurant owner, because I sure as hell can't pay this tab." She shook her head, "And you look like you've been packed into a tin of sardines," she teased, laughing a tad bit, "You think you'll survive the ride alright? Or will we need to get you a wheel chair until the feeling returns to your legs?"
    Edna had sent Mary off on her lunch about forty minutes ago and knew that her coworker would be back any minute. Still, there were books that needed to be put back. She'd done all the ones that were in easy reach, but now was the challenge of the higher-up shelves. She looked up and glared at them, her hate filled glare then turning to the ladder. Edna hated heights. She didn't have a fear of heights, just hated them. There was nothing she could do about it, though, since this was part of her job. So with a sigh she pulled her cart of books over, situated the ladder, took a few books in her arm, and climbed up. She was just organizing them when a group of children came around the corner, running and giggling, "Hey, careful kids," She said, "You shouldn't be running-" one of them hit the ladder with their foot, offsetting her balance. Edna's eyes widened as she felt herself and the ladder fall back, her arms pinwheeling in an attempt to regain her balance.
    When they reached the hotel - apartment, really, but Faye couldn't allow her to believe this dump was meant as anything permanent - she lead the boys up to the third floor, choosing the stairs since the elevator looked suspiciously broken. She unlocked her door with her key, waving them in, "Come on, anything you guys want specifically?" She asked, walking to the kitchen, "I have tequila, scotch, and some vodka. I've also got soda and orange juice that we can mix it with." The walls of the apartment were thin, allowing Faye to hear the Italian family next door. They were fighting this time, their voices rising and falling with emotion. Faye ignored it, hoping that Jason and Mariah didn't notice.
    This area was far from safe, Faye having counted at least six drug dealers and criminals on their way from the car to the building. She hoped none of them tried to touch Jason's car, but doubted that it would leave in the same condition that it came in.
    December 18th, 2014 at 08:21pm
  • Aikofox

    Aikofox (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart

    Mark grimaced as she laughed, trying to shift and get more comfortable. This was just not his day. His face was burned, his sister’s car was broken down, and now his legs were cramping in the back seat of a cab! His stretching eventually put his legs at an angle, almost against hers. It was awkward at best, but at least his knees weren’t in his face. He looked out the window as the city rolled by. “Oh, I’m going to pay the fare at first, but my fool of a sister’s going to pay me back, since it’s her fault I’m in a cab in the first place.” He couldn’t keep the frustration out of his voice. It didn’t help that the trip had thrown his internal clock out of whack, demanding he be in bed asleep. But he had to stay up. Besides, he needed to get to know his soulmate better.
    The library wasn’t all that far away, but the walk seemed to take forever. Partially because he took his time and didn’t walk all that fast, and partially because everything seemed to take forever these days. But eventually he made it there. He stepped inside, looking around for Edna. It took some wandering, but he eventually spotted her near the back. She was up on a ladder putting some books away. Suddenly some kids ran by, knocking her ladder off balance. It seemed she started to fall in slow motion. Mav’s dark blue eyes widened in horror and he leapt to her aide. Almost without thinking he stepped into the nearest shadow, reappearing beneath her, arms outstretched.
    He looked around, taking note of the location. It was less than a mile from his own place, and if he mapped things out right, he’d be able to come and go in moments if anything happened to her. It was also close to the bar, so no matter where he was he could reach her.
    He looked over her drink selection. There wasn’t much, but fortunately it was a bar where the majority of what she’d be serving was beer. Might as well test her anyways. “Not much you can make with this, but what the hell. Bartender’s choice.”
    December 18th, 2014 at 09:04pm
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Aikofox
    "Ah," Tony said softly, "So you'll make your sister pay," She smiled at Mark, "So what did she do this time? I'm assuming she was supposed to pick you up, but the question is why didn't she?" Tony tapped her chin with a finger, considering his situation, "Hmm... maybe she slept in? Or perhaps she forgot. No, I got it!" She said with a snap of her finger, "She was hoping you'd be late coming home taking the cab that way her secret lover boy has more time to escape!"
    Edna dropped into Maverick's arms with a whoosh, one of her hands slapping his face accidentally. Her eyes widened as she stared at him, "Oh, my!" she exclaimed, hands landing on his shoulders, "I'm sorry. If didn't mean to hit you again!" She blushed, "And here you are saving me again." She gave him a small, embarrassed smile, "You're just my knight in shining armor, aren't you?"

    Faye grinned, "Then just make yourself at home while I make your drinks." She began mixing the drinks, bringing up the videos she watched. She'd been practicing for a couple days now, feeling pretty good about what she was making at this time. When she handed Mariah and Jason their drinks she grinned, "Bottoms up!" The drinks weren't perfect, but acceptable.
    December 18th, 2014 at 09:15pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Aikofox

    Amelia's nose wrinkled slightly when he didn't say a word. It was not that she was really excepting him to belch out his life story- though that would be nice. So instead she continued to eat her own food while feeding the cats that were at their feet. She began to hum a little when she thought of the next thing to say. If he really wasn't going to speak she was going to start nonstop talking mode. It was not a very hard but first she needed to pick a good topic. Her eyes then lit up when she thought of one. Hopefully it would be one he enjoyed.
    "You know cats are rather amazing creatures. Just the fact that they have the ability to always land on their feet is magnificent. I would love to be able to basically never fall. Though the reason they can do that is because there is something different about their spine. I can't remember what is is though....Well anyways besides that they are the only creature that actually domesticated themselves. It's like they forced people to take them in. Though I suppose it wouldn't have been too hard since they are rather adorable. But darn these creatures can live up to 20 years! I mean that is a long time to take care of something. I wonder if kids really understand that concept when they ask for a pet. And what are they going to do with the cat when they go off to college anyways huh? It's not like dorms allow animals there. Have you ever had a cat? You know I mean one that actually lived in your house with you?"

    Victoria smiled widely when they accepted her. She took Matt's hand, and shook it. For a moment she wasn't sure what to say to them. Yes she was definitely happy about getting the job. It was what she wanted- something long term that would pay well. If anything as wrong with this it was that she did not know how to feel about her bandmates yet. Though then again she wouldn't be able to know until she knew them for a while. Anyways they seemed like they would be easy to get along with-at least professionally that is.
    Finally Victoria managed to find the right words to say. "Thank you." She told them. Then she glanced back at the manager before looking back at Matt. He seemed to be the one in charge of all of this. "When would you like me to start?" She knew that they were in the middle of tour and that they had needed a guitarist quickly but she was unsure of how quickly. In a week? A few days? Today? Not that it mattered much to her but she wanted to know.
    December 18th, 2014 at 10:05pm
  • Aikofox

    Aikofox (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart
    He stared at her, trying to follow her convoluted thoughts. “She was supposed to pick me up, but her car broke down. I’m waiting on her call to see what the mechanic says. Probably the same thing every other mechanic said, the thing belongs in a junkyard.” The idea of Murel with a secret lover made him laugh. “Well, if she does have a boy, I pity the poor fool who tried to get into her bed. Doubt he’d last very long. Anyways, she’s way too young for boys.” He couldn’t hide the scowl at the thought of his baby sister in the arms of some man. It didn’t matter that she could take care of herself, she was his baby sister! He’d literally raised her from birth!
    Maverick flinched back as her hand struck his eye, shaking his head to banish the sudden pain. “I’m fine,” he said. “But what about you? That was a close call.” Carefully he set her back on her feet, looking here over. “You weren’t hurt, were you? You’re lucky I was able to get to you in time.” It was only then that he realized what he’d done. He’d willingly called on his imp and used his powers. To save her. He grabbed his head, fending off the coming headache. He hadn’t touched his powers except for the necessary rituals in years, but the second he’d seen her start to fall, he’d just reacted. His imp was waking up. It was sluggish and quiet, but he could definitely feel it stirring.
    Mariah took the drink, slightly hesitant as he tasted it. It was a bit strong, but passable. He glanced over at Jason, who was refusing his. He rolled his eyes and took it, downing it in a gulp. “Jason’s on the clock,” he said, voice sickly sweet, “he can’t enjoy the good stuff.” He smirked, ignoring his handler’s pout as he enjoyed his drink. “Not the best, you could definitely use some work, but at least you won’t make a fool out of me when I introduce you to the boss.”
    December 18th, 2014 at 10:18pm
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Aikofox
    Tony's brow rose some more, "'She's too young for boys'?" She repeated, "How old is she, six?" Tony shook her head, "If she's over the age of fourteen then she's not too old for boys. I pity you when she introduces you to her lover. I bet he's a large wrestler, one who shows off all his muscles in public, but is a prima dona at home, always complaining about messing up his nails."
    Edna smiled at Maverick, reaching out to gently press her fingers against the hand print on his face, "Thanks to you I wasn't hurt at all." she dropped her hand as he lifted his, looking at him with concern in her eyes, "Are you okay though? Did I hit you harder than I thought?" She took his hand and lead him through the library, "Come on, there's a first aid kit in the break room. There may be some pain pills in it."
    Faye face broke into a wide grin, "So I'm in?" She jumped up, arms in the air, "Yes!" She came around the counter and drew Mariah into a hug, "Oh, you won't regret this." She then turned and hugged Jason before skipping back to the fridge, "And I'll get you a soda since you're on the clock." She came back with a coke, handing it Jason, "So should I show up to the bar on my own, or with you?"
    December 18th, 2014 at 10:28pm
  • Aikofox

    Aikofox (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons

    Now she was talking. She had to be talking. Why was she talking? Was she ever going to stop talking? Maddock grit his teeth. Sure, he liked the sound of her voice and could listen to it for hours, but did she not understand the value of silence? I came out here to eat alone so he didn’t have to listen to people. Did she really think talking about cats would make progress? He liked the cats because they didn’t yak all the time. Someone them were chatty, of course, but the majority weren’t. They just wanted food, like his siblings when they were young. He reached down to pet the silver tabby. She reminded him of Murel, always in the thick of things and the center of attention. Why was this woman so obsessed with him anyways? It’s not like she was the one cursed!
    “Now hold on a minute!” His manager said, protesting. “Matt, you can’t just make these decisions like that!”
    But Matt wasn’t listening. He was thinking about that handshake. He’d touched her! His imp was cackling as he inwardly jumped like a giddy schoolboy. “So! Introductions! I’m Matt, that’s Grant, he’s a heathen, so beware. The drummer’s Mickey, I hope you speak caveman, he’s fluent. Jake’s on the keyboards, and Mr. Grumpypants over there is our manager, Andy. There’s a contract and all that you’ll need to fill out, but it’s just paperwork, the formalities. Bobby! Send the rest home, we got our girl!”

    @ Jaguar’s Heart

    He gagged at her words. “She’s only twenty! Antonella, please, I changed her diapers!” The thought of Murel with the guy she was describing was as laughable as it was horrifying. Heavens forbid her soulmate end up being someone like that! She’d gut the poor bastard!
    Maverick tried to wave her off, but it was futile, and soon enough he found himself being led to who knew where. “I’m fine,” he protested, “it’s nothing, really, don’t worry about me.” He couldn’t tell her what was really wrong, but he tried protesting anyways. However his words sounded feeble, even to him.
    He froze as she hugged him, eyes going wide. What in the… But he couldn’t bring himself to push her away. And then she was off, wrapping Jason in a hug, and a flare of jealousy blasted through him, fierce and hot. He glowered at the two of them. “Yes, you’re in,” he bit out, “but only if you do exactly as I say, when I say it, no ifs, ands, or buts! This isn’t a game, and if you break character even once, you’re gone!”
    December 18th, 2014 at 11:04pm
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Aikofox
    Tony burst into laughter, "Twenty? You call that a baby?" She couldn't stop laughing, "That is the most ridiculous thing ever." She slapped his arm, "Really, Mark, relax. I'm sure she's had lots of lovers by now and can handle herself." She grinned at him, "I bet you she's home right now, in bed with a man - maybe more - and having the time of her life."
    Edna ignored him as she entered the break room, coaxing him into a chair before going to the first aid kit. She took out some pain pills, "Would you like an ice pack?" She asked, glancing at him, "It may help," She handed him the pills, "There's water in the fridge, one moment." She walked quickly, grabbing the bottle and walking back, sitting next to him as she handed him that too."
    Faye waved him off, "I never break character, not when it's important." She grinned at them both, "I'm just so excited I could scream!" She clapped her hands and jumped around in a little circle, giving a small squee. When she stopped she grinned at Mariah, "And don't be such a sour melon, we'll make a great team."
    December 18th, 2014 at 11:17pm
  • Aikofox

    Aikofox (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart

    Something seemed to implode in Mark’s brain at the thought of a string of lovers following around his baby Murel. It was like a part of him had suddenly died. While he understood she was an adult and able to take care of herself –more than able- to him she was still the little girl whose diapers he’d changed, whose first word had been his name, who he’d watched grow from a rosy-cheeked baby to the confident young woman she was today. She wasn’t allowed to date, or worse! He knew if she ever found out about his train of thought she’d shoot him herself, but he couldn’t help it. She was his baby sister!
    He took the icepack from her and pressed it against his eye. “Thank you, it’s really fine. There’s really no need for that. It doesn’t really hurt, Edna, I’m fine.” He tried to refuse the pain pills. “Really, please!” He wilted in on himself, uncertain what to do about the attention and care she was showering on him.
    She was dizzying, the way the spun about. “A great team, huh?” He muttered. “I sure hope so, or I’m fucked, and not in the good way.” He certainly hoped he’d be fucked the other way, but not until the case was over. Wait, where did that come from? ’Dammit, stop screwing with me!’ He roared at his imp, trying and failing to keep his thoughts from his face. “I’ll meet you tonight at my place to get you ready,” he said, giving her the address. Come by about five so I can catch you up on things.”
    December 19th, 2014 at 12:07am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Aikofox
    Tony watched Mark's face pale at her words and the sight only caused her to laugh more. She patted Mark's thigh, "Oh, don't worry too much. I'm sure that once she meets the perfect man she'll bring him home. You know, there are a lot of studies that say women tend to marry a man that closely resembled their father figure, so I'm sure she'll be just fine."
    "Oh," Edna sat back in her chair with a sigh, "It's just... I'm sorry. I know I'm being pushy, but I just feel so horrible." She turned her gaze to his, "Twice today I've hurt you, yet you're still so polite." she shook her head, "You have every right to be angry or not want to see me, but here you are letting me push all this on you..."
    "Sure!" Faye exclaimed, "Should I come as Faye or Andrea?" She asked, taking the cups from them and returning them to the kitchen, "And should I bring any of the files I have? So we can collaborate together?" She grinned at Mariah, "Oh! Should I bring any food or snacks? Are you an Oreos person or a Chips-Ahoy person? Coke or Pepsi?"
    December 19th, 2014 at 12:15am
  • Aikofox

    Aikofox (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart

    If anything, his face grew even paler. “That’s not helping!” He said, his baritone shooting up to a tenor. Murel’s soulmate needed to be a good man, one who would get her out of this ridiculous business they were in. He still couldn’t forgive himself for getting her wrapped up in this, never mind the fact that she was a natural and untroubled by it the way he was. It still wasn’t right.
    “Please, don’t apologize,” he said, putting down the ice pack. “It’s not your fault, I just… I’ve been a little out of it for a while, this is all pretty overwhelming.” It was pretty shameful, to be honest, to think about what he’d let himself to become. And yet, at the same time, he couldn’t bring himself to care!
    Was he really hearing this? He looked at Jason, who was hiding behind his soda. He sighed, running a hand over his face. “I don’t think you understand,” he said, measuring out his words. “This second forward, you’re Andrea. You give Jason anything here that connects you to your real life. That includes your files. You aren’t a cop anymore. You’re Andrea, Dick’s friend who needs a job. No more sunshiney fairydust. Got any family? Not anymore. Friends? You left town. Faye doesn’t exist from this second on. And if I see even a trace of Faye, Andrea’s out too.”
    December 19th, 2014 at 12:49am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Aikofox
    Tony stared at him, eyes a bit wide, "Uh... okay then..." She shook her head, "I'd say you're fairly paranoid." She gave him a smile, "You need to relax a bit. You can't honestly be this worried about her and other men." She rolled her eyes, "I mean really, it's perfectly acceptable for men to be with lots of women, why can't it be perfectly acceptable for women to?"
    Edna gave him a smile, "Still... I really am sorry," She reached out and took his hand, "But thank you for catching me. If you hadn't I'd probably be holding that ice pack to my head." She squeezed his hand before letting it go, "And I'm sure it's not easy having me just fall into your life - literally - and just turn everything upside down."
    Faye's brow rose at his words, a smile tilting her lips. He was so cute, thinking she'd been a cop before. Quite flattering, actually, "Alright then. I suppose it's a good thing that I don't have anything that belongs to Faye at the moment." She shrugged, "I'll come to you as Andrea, live and breath Andrea, and you'll be so amazed at the awesome Andrea and that you'll never want her to leave!" she turned and retrieved the files, handing them to Jason, "Here ya go, boss-man. I've already memorized them anyway."
    December 19th, 2014 at 01:13am
  • Aikofox

    Aikofox (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart

    “It’s not paranoid if they really are out to get you,” he said, in all seriousness. “But either way, it’s not acceptable for men, either. I don’t care what society says. And it’s not her I’m worried about, it’s the men. My sister was raised by six older brothers. She isn’t exactly a delicate flower.” He turned and looked out the window, watching the city roll by. They were beginning to approach the outskirts of town and would reach his house before long. He couldn’t wait to get home.
    He looked down at their hands, his face unreadable. He was still pondering when she let go, thinking things over. She was a very unusual girl, was Edna. He was under no illusions that all women were the same, like some of his siblings –Max, for example, or Mariah- but he’d been so badly burned. Not that there was a chance of anything happening, of course. But maybe…they could be friends? It had been a long time since he’d had friends, since before his marriage. He rubbed his bare ring finger, thinking about the people he’d once seen on a regular basis. What were they all up to now?
    “Good.” Mariah kicked back the last of his drink and handed her his glass. “I’ll see you at five, then. If you can get there any earlier, even better. The more time we have to rehearse, the better.” He nodded to Jason. “See you around, asshole, and give the brass tacks a big fuck you for me.” Without waiting for a goodbye, he turned and walked to the door. Time to plan routes to take here, if need be. Though he hated to leave her, it had to be done. Plus, he had to call Girotti to let him know he’d be bringing in an old friend looking for a job.
    December 19th, 2014 at 02:18am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Aikofox
    Tony hadn't been paying any attention to where they were going as they talked, more concerned with their conversation, "If the men can't handle her then that's their problem," She said softly, just then turning to look at their surroundings. Her eyes widened as she noticed they were heading away from town, "Where are we going?" she turned to glare at him, "Some place to eat, you say?" She slapped his chest, "Where are you kidnapping me to!"
    Edna began cleaning everything up as Maverick sat in silence. She replaced the first aid kit, then turned back to him, "Well... I suppose that the best thing to do now is to keep you entertained in exchange for all the help you've given me." She took his hand once again and lead him from the break room, "I still have to work, but you can follow me around a bit. Have you been to the library before?" She asked as they reached the main desk were more books waited to be put back, "Do you like to read? What's your favorite genre?"
    Faye talked with Jason for just a tad bit longer before walking him out. Faye needed to prepare for tonight. She needed to become Andrea. Going through her wardrobe she pulled out a very tiny lace dress. Laying that out on the bed she went into the bathroom, prepped her makeup again, and then pulled her hair into an updo. The style elongated her neck. She added some diamonds to her ears and a strand on them to her neck before putting the dress on. She walked back into the bathroom and looked herself over. The lack lace of the gown made her pale skin almost gleam. The front plunged down to show quite a bit of cleavage and the back of it did the same. The edge of the dress just hit the top of her thighs, making her legs seem much longer than her normal petite size. She grinned, knowing that Mariah didn't think she could do this, but she'd show him!
    She grabbed a long coat, covered herself, then called a cab. There was no way she'd be going out until it came. Once it did she gave the driver Mariah's address, then payed the tab at the end. She walked to Mariah's door and knocked, waiting for him to answer. There was a large smile on her face. She couldn't wait to see his expression after she took the coat off!
    December 19th, 2014 at 02:36am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Your Name: Miki
    Character Name: Mehki Kiklu
    Maledire Mate: Max Maledire
    Age: 22
    History/Personality/Bio: Mehki comes from a good family, but one that's a little different than others. For one thing, her father is an atheist while her mother is a christian who doesn't go to church, so Mehki was never forced to attend church. Both of her parents have good morals, and both fairly intelligent. They always taught Mehki that she was very intelligent as well and made sure that hse knew she could do anything she wanted and knew how to take care of herself. She is extremely open minded and things that normal people might see as wrong or disgusting, she doesn't have a problem with. She is currently a student in college, working towards being a forensic pathologist, though she still has a while to go in school. She is new to town, having just moved to attend school, and she is renting an apartment near the school.

    Your Name: Miki
    Character Name: Benjamin Pyle
    Maledire Mate: Murel Maledire
    Age: 24
    History/Personality/Bio: Ben is an odd sort of person and trying to figure out how he wound up the way he is... is an effort in futility. He was adopted by his parents as an infant, a couple who couldn't seem to manage to have a child of their own. He wasn't really the smartest kid, nor did he really do much by way of extracurricular, though he did manage to find his niche computers and network engineering. The job he has now allows for a pretty flexible schedule as he actually works from home. Now, as far as personality goes... well, Ben is pretty odd. He's the sort to simply point out the obvious and speak his mind and be truthful at all times, whether or not lying might be better with the circumstances. At the same end, he's extremely chill, and it's extremely hard to upset him. His favorite hobby is probably sleeping.
    December 19th, 2014 at 02:40am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ beautiful monotony
    Sweet XD I'll get their names up, just let me know!
    December 19th, 2014 at 02:42am
  • Aikofox

    Aikofox (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart
    Mark leaned away from her sudden anger. His mouth twitched upwards in the hint of a smile. “I’m not kidnapping you, Antonella. You’re free to leave at any time. I just had a craving for a home-cooked meal.” His smile turned contented as the cab turned down a long gravel drive framed by trees. “Much better than spending money after this drive.”
    He let her take his hand, slightly bemused as she led him around the library. “I’m not much of a reader,” he said at last, offering to take some books. He was much bigger than her and could carry more. Might as well make himself useful. “I used to prefer going out and doing things instead of sitting around with a book. No offense.” He wasn’t about to admit that reading wasn’t his strong suit. Neither was math, history, or any of those other things one learned in school. After all, he only had a fourth grade education. School hadn’t exactly been a priority growing up.
    The second he was outside and out of sight of any watchers, Mariah stepped into a shadow, hopping until he found the fastest and safest route back to his apartment. For good measure he made a route there from the bar as well as well as half a dozen other places he frequented. Then he went home to clean up a bit. It wouldn’t exactly be good for her to see his dirty boxers on the floor. When the knock finally came at his apartment door, he’d worked himself into a bundle of anxiety, convinced this was all going to fail horribly and they’d get themselves killed. He yanked open the door. “Took you long enough!”
    December 19th, 2014 at 03:12am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Aikofox
    "A home cooked meal..." She stared at him with wide eyes, "You're taking me to your home? Are you insane?" She began yelling at him in Spanish, eyes aflame, "De todas las ideas estúpidas. ¿Planeado en llevarme a su casa, esencialmente secuestrarme, para alimentarme? ¿Qué crees que soy? ¿Loco? Como si realmente no tienes ningún plan siniestro me creería. Probablemente estás planeando mantenerme escondido durante años para que ser su esclavo sexual personal. Como si lo haría con gusto!" she huffed, smacking his chest once more just for added emotion.

    (Of all the stupid ideas. You planned on taking me to your home, essentially kidnapping me, just to feed me? What do you think I am? Crazy? As if I'd believe you truly don't have any sinister plans for me. You're probably planning on keeping me hidden away for years just so that I be your personal sex slave. As if I'd do that willingly!)
    Edna shrugged, "I know reading isn't for everyone. I just like the worlds they take me to." She grinned at him and lead him to the children's section, "Everything is alphabetical, but you truly don't have to help me. I just appreciate the company." She began setting the books were they belong, constantly being stopped by children asking for a particular title. She was alway patient with them, finding their books with a smile.
    Faye grinned at him, her voice once more what she'd termed Andrea-husky, "Were you wait up for me, darling?" She walked past him and into the apartment, her tall heels clacking against the floor, "Isn't that sweet." She glance back at him over her shoulder before letting the coat drop from her shoulders. She draped it over one of his chairs and turned to him, a sultry smile on her face, "I hope your wait was worth it."
    December 19th, 2014 at 03:25am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Aikofox

    Amelia spread out the last of the sardines with the cats before going back to her food. She gave the male the chance to answer her question even though she was not really expecting him to. Out of everything she hoped he would tell her his name by the end of the week. While she wasn't sure how she was going to do it she hoped she would at least get that information. She then returned to the cats.
    "Have you named any of them?" Amelia asked him, looking at the cats softly. If they didn't have names then she was more than ready to try and create some. "I would really like to give them names if you haven't," She looked down at the cats, different names going through her head as she tried to match a name to their looks and personality.

    Victoria went down the line as he introduced her to everyone. She shook everyone's hand, giving them a small smile. When she got to the manager she hesitated a bit. After all he seemed rather determined to give the others auditions- which she totally understood. But still she waited for her to hold his hand before she extended her own.
    When the manager did finally head out to tell the others to leave she turned to Matt. "I'll just have to read the contract first but I'm sure there will not be any problems." All long as there was not anything too crazy in there she was sure that it would be all good. Victoria then looked at all of them, waiting for them to continue. At this point they still had to tell her what was going on.
    December 19th, 2014 at 04:40am
  • Aikofox

    Aikofox (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart

    Mark listened to her tirade. He didn’t understand all of what she said, but he was fairly certain he got the gist of it. “First off, I did not kidnap you. I invited you, and you accepted. Second, I am not that kind of man, and it pains me to think that you would think of me as such. You are free to leave at any time, and if you still don’t trust me, I’ll give you some money and you can have the cabbie take you wherever you want.” By this time the cab had reached the end of the driveway, a circular drive in front of a large mansion. They came to a stop and Mark pulled out his wallet to pay. Once he was done, he got out and looked in at her. “So, Antonella, what will it be? A free meal, or a free ride?”
    He listened to her chatter, handing her books as she needed them. The way she handled the children was a sight to see, striking up a pang in his chest. He’d once been like that, the one little ones flocked to. But instead of calm patience, he’d been the smiling goof, always able to make them laugh and shine with joy. He missed those days, he wouldn’t lie. But sadly, those days were gone, and he doubted they’d ever come back.
    If his jaw didn’t hit the floor, it had to have come pretty damn close. Was she really thinking of going in to work like that? They’d eat her alive! Which was exactly what he wanted to do at that very moment, he thought, running his eyes over her luscious frame. Damn, but…damn! He swallowed, trying to find his voice.
    When he was finally able to speak, it came out rough. “You do realize this is a dive bar, right? That….wow, may be drop dead gorgeous, but you’ll definitely stand out.”

    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    At the mention of names, he was sure she was trying to trick him into telling her his. Well, it wouldn’t work. He looked out at the cats, thinking on what she’d said. He’d never bothered to give any of them names, they were vagrants, like he’d once been. They came and went as they pleased. He’d never bothered giving them names. Names didn’t matter, after all. What mattered was who you were.
    Matt nodded. “Of course, no problem. Andy, come on, where’s the paperwork?”
    His manager grumbled, coming forward with the necessary paperwork. “We have ten shows left in the tour, starting two days from now in Chula Vista and working our way north to the big finale in Portland December tenth. You’ll have a temporary contract to finish up the tour, then once we’re done we can renegotiate so you can stay, or we have the option to cut you loose, if things don’t work out.” He handed her the papers. “That ok with you?”
    December 19th, 2014 at 07:14am