
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States

    Ashwick was always a curious little town, a small community in the middle of nowhere whose people are strangely superstitious. No one quite liked Ashwick Cemetery, the old graveyard that was no longer in use and always blocked in by rusted iron gates. Then one boy came blowing into town, a boy by the name of Asher Crow. Little did the people of Ashwick know there was actually a reason to be afraid of the cemetery- that everything was about to change.

    Hello fellow Mibbians! This is an open roleplay created by beautiful monotony and Kross. We came up with an amazing idea together, and would like to share it! To explain a little about our idea... Our characters, Dahlia Black and Asher Crow, will be the instigators of these strange, dark creatures invading the town of Ashwick. Citizens will die, but some will flee and end up at these caves at the edge of town, where there is a portal to another world. This is a strange fantasy world where your imagination is your only limitation.

    We want our two characters to go on a journey in this world, basically. But we thought it would be fun if they had some other companions. They’ll meet different people and accomplish different things along the way. You guys will have the option of either roleplaying a citizen of Ashwick that escapes the attack (can’t be too many of these so I’ll eventually add a limit) or someone from the strange fantasy world, which is named After. You can have as many characters as you feel you can handle, and a bunch of different plots going on at once is definitely welcomed!

    I’m not going to go on with a bunch of rules… no god-modding, guys, or personal drama. Keep it to the characters. Married couples and dating couples are accepted, though pregnancies should be put by me or Kross. Please try to remember this isn’t all about romance. Good grammar and paragraph posts would be appreciated. This roleplay doesn’t have a set rating. If you want things to be PG-13 or NC-17 or any other rating, that’s your preference. Talk to whoever you are roleplaying with though and make sure that they are okay with it. No killing anyone’s character without their permission. If you actually read everything up to this point, tell me your favorite book character and what book they’re from when you join. Oh yeah, don’t be an ass. Really… just… be cool, guys. Last but certainly not least, have fun!

    So far, all that’s known about any sort of plot is that after Asher arrives in Ashwick, these invaders called Black Riders show up and destroy the town and kill people. Any survivors travel to the caves and end up in the strange fantasy world. He and Dahlia have a journal that they are following. It actually tells them what will happen, though they can change the future slightly by knowing what will happen.
    Other than that, we have absolutely no plot planned out, so everyone participating will have to pitch in for different plots and such.

    Asher Crow____|____Dahlia Black____|____Helanth____ | ____Greer______
    Image | Image | Image | Image

    ____Honeysuckle____ | ____ Madder ____ | ____ Etta ____ | ____ Bronson Wallace ____
    Image | Image | Image | Image

    To join/reserve your spot:
    Your Name | Character’s Name | State whether citizen of Ashwick/After

    Character Skeleton:
    Your name:
    Character’s Name:
    State whether citizen of Ashwick/After:
    Extra: anything extra you feel we should know, such as if your character possibly isn’t human, if they are in a relationship or are married, etcetera.
    100x100 picture: If you cannot find a picture the right size, please use a link.
    December 18th, 2014 at 04:33am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    *Harry Keogh from Necroscope by Brian Lumley and Kvothe from The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss (I love them both <3)

    Your Name: Miki
    Character’s name: Dahlia Black
    Gender: Female
    Age: appears around 16
    State whether citizen of Ashwick/After: Ashwick citizen
    Description: Dahlia is actually pretty small, standing at about 5’1” in height. She is small-boned, not really curvy, willowy almost. She has a heart-shaped face and full, slightly pouty lips. Her eyes are round with long, dark lashes, the irises a vivid green. Her hair, parted to the left, is night black, almost feathery, and about shoulder-length. She’s almost constantly pushing it out of her eyes. Her skin color is very light, almost ivory, and she has a light dusting of freckles that crosses the bridge of her nose.
    Bio: Dahlia actually died at the age of 15, having gotten caught in a house-fire. That was years and years ago though, and she’s actually been confined to Ashwick Cemetery since then for the most part. She can be seen while in the cemetery, though once she leaves, no one would be able to tell she was there. Dahlia actually has a rather…. Quirky personality. Her mood seems to change rather quickly from one end of the spectrum to the other, for one thing. Sarcasm has become a huge defense for her as well, and she can be quite the smart ass. Other than that, one of the only other notable things about her is her fear of fire.
    Extra: Dahlia is a deceased. She is not in a relationship or really looking for anything more than a friend honestly.
    100x100 picture:
    Your Name: Miki
    Character's Name: Honeysuckle
    Gender: Female
    Age: Uhh, she can't remember?
    State whether citizen of Ashwick/After: After
    Description: Honey is about 3 inches tall, which makes her pretty small. She was named after the flower she resembles, having long golden hair and white irises. Her clothes resemble the petals of a honeysuckle, yellow and white with green trimming. Rather than a dress though, her clothes are a wrap over her breasts and a skirt, no shoes.
    Bio: Honey is actually only one of many 'Honeysuckles', since she actually is a flower. Obviously though, she isn't like normal flowers. She has magic, which she can use for quite a few things. As for personality... she is quite kind usually, but with a heavy temper once its ignited. She isn't exactly the brightest and could actually be described as somewhat ditsy, though she wouldn't appreciate someone pointing it out.
    Extra: She can become human-sized if she wants, though she doesn't usually like doing so. She cannot become pregnant through sex. Sperm would have to get in her flower, a little like pollination.
    100x100 picture:
    Your Name: Miki
    Character's Name: Madder
    Gender: Male
    Age: too many sunrises to count
    State whether citizen of Ashwick/After: After
    Description: Madder, though not human, pretty much looks human. He has wild ebony hair and bright teal irises, along with milky pale skin. Though he tries to keep his face shaven, the rest of him is pretty hairy, his back disfigured to where he almost seems hunch-backed. He has extremely large feet as well, long canines, and long, sharp nails.
    Bio: Madder actually is a curious sort of creature. He can manipulate nature, though he cannot go in the sun or he will turn to stone and stay that way. He is actually quite wild and maybe a little cooky. He likes to experiment with different things and make odd potions which do the weirdest things and aren't always helpful. He's quite talkative and friendly, though he might accidentally hurt someone if they aren't careful.
    Extra: His diet consists of raw meat. He only needs to eat about every fortnight, but has a huge appetite.
    100x100 picture:
    December 18th, 2014 at 04:36am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    Your name: Jaguar's Heart
    Character’s Name: Helanth
    Gender: Female
    Age: In human years? Or feline years?
    State whether citizen of Ashwick/After: After
    Description: Helanth looks to be a leopard/human cross. She's tall, almost 6 feet, and very fast. She will wear human clothing, but because of her tail she's normally in dresses than anything else.
    Bio: Helanth is a typical feline. She's curious, can be cuddly, but mainly temperamental. Don't piss her off, or you will feel her claws. If you do manage to gain her loyalty - which is a feat to say the least - then she'll be loyal to you for eternity... unless you do something truly heinous to her.
    Extra: Single and doubting any man is brave enough to take her on.
    100x100 picture:

    Your name: Jaguar's Heart
    Character’s Name: Greer
    Gender: Male
    Age: Waaaay too old to count
    State whether citizen of Ashwick/After: After
    Description: Not much of a description. He's a shadow. If you get close enough to see him then you'll be dead within seconds.
    Bio: Greer is a loner. He goes through his existence alone in whatever realm he's in. Doesn't really talk all that much.
    Extra: Greer is a soul eater. When he chooses his victim he stalks them for weeks, learning their life. Once he knows all about them he'll then approach. When he's close and the victim sees details of his form he rips their soul from them, killing them painfully - but silently.
    100x100 picture:
    December 19th, 2014 at 04:00am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart
    I've got them in ^-^ Welcome to After!! :D
    December 19th, 2014 at 04:05am
  • modern mariah.

    modern mariah. (100)

    United States
    Because I'm a huge potterhead my favorite character is Hagrid from the Harry Potter series. tehe

    Mariah | Etta | After
    Mariah | Bronson Wallace | Citizen

    And right now I'm debating on whether or not to add another After.

    Your name: Mariah.
    Character’s Name: Etta.
    Gender: Female.
    Age: Ancient.
    State whether citizen of Ashwick/After: After.
    Description: Etta is taller than most people, she stands at 6'6". Her skin is a warm brown and her eyes are jet black. She has long braids, so long they brush against her knees, and she's known to style them intricately. Her clothes are made from the materials she finds in the forest; her favorite dress was made out of a blanket that a traveler had left behind.
    Bio: Etta is a dryad (a tree nymph), but she isn't like the pretty, sparkly nymphs people usually think of. She can be very reserved and quiet. Her silent demeanor keeps her mysterious and her height and strength make her intimidating. She's poised, elegant, and ethereal.
    Extra: Making jewelry out of acorns is one of her favorite past times.
    100x100 picture: Image

    Your name: Mariah.
    Character’s Name: Bronson Wallace.
    Gender: Male.
    Age: 27.
    State whether citizen of Ashwick/After: Ashwick.
    Description: Bronson is 5'9" and weighs 191 pounds of muscle. His beard is long but he does his best to keep it from looking like a crazed lumberjack. His hair is short and brown, eyes a warm hazel, with pretty lashes and pouty lips. He's usually wearing a pair of jeans and a flannel.
    Bio: Bronson grew up in Ashwick with just his mother. Ever since he was a boy he was always protective over her, if any of the boys in his class had something bad to say he would fight them. He was a nice enough kid when he was fighting. He could be very polite, kind, and helpful, it was just hidden under muscles and facial hair. His mother passed away a few years ago and now it's just him. After realizing he had no one else in his life and was truly alone he started to notice weird things about Ashwick. Maybe it's always been that way and he was just blind to it. Now he's curious and there's no one to tell him everything is normal, so he's going to explore the cemetery.
    Extra: The Wizard Of Oz is his favorite movie.
    100x100 picture: Image
    December 19th, 2014 at 01:12pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ modern mariah.
    Haha okay!! Just let me know what you decide -I, myself, will probably create another character or two- welcome to After!! Cute and Hagrid is an awesome character xD
    December 19th, 2014 at 01:44pm
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ beautiful monotony
    I forgot to mention my favorite character... and there are so many I like that I can't choose just one.
    December 20th, 2014 at 04:44am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart
    It's all good. I sort of figured you forgot xD and yeah, favorite characters are head... I just chose the two that I would probably marry if they were real xD
    December 20th, 2014 at 04:51am
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    Your name: Kross
    Character’s Name: Asher Crow
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18, though he looks a bit older.
    State whether citizen of Ashwick/After: Ashwick Citizen
    Description: Asher is on the taller side, peaking at 5'11". He has thin bone structure, making him look rather twig-like with his height. His face is narrow, accompanied with a broader forehead and a slightly angular chin. He's pale as the moon is white, and has sheen dark brown hair that makes his pallid complexion stand out even more. Eyes of brown and green serve as his windows to the world, giving him an overall 'average Joe' appearance. He generally sticks to wearing grey or black t-shirts and jeans--nothing overtly special.
    Bio: For as long as he can remember, Asher has always been plagued with almost unnaturally vivid dreams. Night after night, his head would be filled with all of these fantastic images and scenes, and he grew to fall in love with them. Thus, when he was only twelve years old, Asher created a journal that he used to record all of the dreams he had. Even now, he's almost constantly sticking his nose down the pages, rereading or writing something new. In 'his world', everything is so much more interesting and beautiful; who would blame him for choosing to live there instead? As you can imagine, his imagination burst through the skies as he grew up, which makes it difficult for him to carry on a 'normal' conversation with someone. As a result, he doesn't really have any friends. All of his friends simply exist inside his head.
    Despite all of this, Asher is genuinely nice and caring, even though he may come off a bit aloof. He has a heart of gold, and would never turn away from someone in need, no matter what the situation was. Most people, however, do not get to know this side of him. They always stay away.
    Extra: When he was very young, Asher's parents took him out of the public school system and starting home schooling, due to his overactive mind and loner tendencies. He was often picked on by other students, and very easily overwhelmed being in a room with that many children.

    My favorite character would probably have to be either Robb Stark or Daenerys Targaryen from the Song of Ice and Fire series....but I really love Jon too. And Tyrion. And Arya. Ugh, this is too hard.
    December 20th, 2014 at 07:42pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Kross
    haha I just named the two characters that I was practically in love with personally xD
    December 20th, 2014 at 07:58pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Kross @ Jaguar's Heart @ modern mariah.
    (Okay guys, I'm just gonna go ahead and start. Right now, the Ashwick citizens are still in Ashwick, so they and the After citizens will be separate for a little bit.)

    It had been countless years since Dahlia had actually been able to feel the cold that was synonymous with the season of winter, but the memory of that cold was what continued to haunt her. She imagined fingers of frost caressing her skin, imagined the cold seeping into her body, and it actually gave her the impression of being physically uncomfortable though that was quite impossible in her state.
    Then there was the boredom that came with winter. It was quite easy to tell when October came around, because that was the time of the year when teenagers tended to dare each other to enter Ashwick Cemetery, none of them believing that it was actually haunted. She always had fun during Halloween time… and kids were out more during spring and summer anyhow. But once winter set in… well, it almost seemed impossible not to be miserable.
    Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if she had someone else to talk to, even if they were dead as well, but she was the only sentient ghost. There were a few other ghosts in the graveyard, those who didn’t seem to have any mind left over. They sort of just wandered around, replaying their last moments of life. Then there was her, mind working perfectly, and unable to talk to anyone within the cemetery or outside of it since all she seemed to be outside the gates was a cool draft.
    Inside the cemetery though, she really didn’t look all that well. Actually, she looked a little like she had just woken up in the middle of the night and had been pulled from a fire. She wasn’t physical, though she looked it, and she was the spitting image of how she appeared back when she’d died. How she had died was having been caught in a house fire… it had been night, and she had woken up in her night gown. The fire had already blocked all of her exits, hence how she had become trapped and had died. Now, whoever saw her would see a girl in her night gown. It had long sleeves, was cream-colored and loose, and stopped about mid-calf in length. Her feet were bare, and it was somewhat obvious that she had nothing on by way of corset or bra. The gown appeared somewhat scorched in places, as did her light skin. Her shoulder-length, night black hair was a tousled mess, and to give a single word to the look in her vivid green eyes… tired.
    That was exactly what Dahlia was, really. She was basically fed up with the afterlife. She hadn’t minded things so much at first, back when the cemetery was still being used, but then they had closed it off and opened another cemetery, and this place had been forgotten. She fell out of touch with the living pretty much entirely, and the only conversations she ever held were with herself. They weren’t even proper conversations anyhow either. It was more like arguing, words that just went around in circles and made her even more frustrated.
    And to top it all off, winter still sucked.
    Madder and Honeysuckle
    “Do me a favor and hand me that toad, would you?” Madder, as always, was working on some concoction or another, and because of that, he was pretty distracted. Considering his tendency to talk and talk and talk, normally this wouldn’t have been such a bad thing, but this also meant that he was practically ignoring his guest, who was boredly splayed out one of the many books haphazardly lying about.
    Honeysuckle, who wasn’t quite three inches tall, cast her light gaze towards the aquarium where an odd assortment of creatures were housed, one of which was a black toad with electric blue eyes and spots… which was actually bigger than she was. That decided, she turned back to the man who had given her the life she now had. Honeysuckle, originally simply a flower, seemed more like a faerie now thanks to some weird potion that Madder had made. “And how do you expect me to do that, Mad? It’s bigger than I am! I could ride that toad, not that I would.” Her nose wrinkled at the thought of the slime that would stick to her.
    This declaration did bring up Madder’s bright teal gaze, away from whatever it was he was doing, and he squinted between Honey and the toad for a few moments before laughing. “Why, of course he is! I would have to say that I would certainly be amazed if that toad were smaller than you, Honey,” he told her conversationally, his sharp canine teeth bared in the smile he was giving her. “But you do have magic, do you not, little flower? You could use it to levitate him, the same way that you can levitate yourself. It shouldn’t be a hard task.”
    With a small huff, Honeysuckle stood, golden hair swaying behind her. One arm outstretched, a finger pointing towards the toad, and when she raised than finger up and started to move it to where it pointed towards Madder, the toad levitated into the air and began to move towards the man, who absently plucked it from the air without so much as looking… the show-off. “Thank you, dear,” he called over, still without looking up from what he was doing, but his only answer was in the form of a huff from Honey as she plopped back down on the book.
    “How was I supposed to know he wanted me to levitate the toad?” she muttered to herself before long.
    “Common sense. I’m afraid it’s something you seem to be lacking. I wonder if it was a fault of the potion, has to do with the fact that you’re a flower, or if it’s simply in your personality some days though.”
    “I have plenty of common sense!” Honey defended herself. “If I didn’t, it would be your fault though…”
    “Of course.” There was a hint of laughter in the wild-haired man’s voice, but rather than making her more sullen, it actually made Honey smile a tad.
    “Of course,” she echoed.
    December 21st, 2014 at 04:02am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ modern mariah. @ Jaguar's Heart @ Kross
    (So... this has started, guys xD -points up- Happy New Years Eve btw ^-^)
    January 1st, 2015 at 12:31am
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    "Because, you're my best friend."
    Asher Crow was lying flat on his back in the middle of the floor of his living room. The house he lived in was old; a 'victorian styled classic', he remembered the Realtor saying. The floors were a dark brown cherry wood, covered in layers upon layers of dust. You could see footprints scattered about in various areas of the room, and the Asher sized body shape that framed exactly where the boy was lying.
    His eyelids were closed tightly and his brows furrowed. His sleeping body twitched and turned, and he rather violently threw his hands against the hardwood.
    "...D-don't leave me. Don't you dare walk away from me."
    His voice was groggy from the heavy blanket of sleep enclosing his mind, though if one listened closely enough, you could make out what he was saying.
    As the morning light finally filtered through one of the windows of the house, the boy's body rose from the ground. The way it moved was almost mechanical; sharp and quick doll-like movements, as if his joints were being tugged on by strings. Moans and other inaudible phrases tumbled through his pale lips as hie staggered mindlessly to the window. His eyes still closed, Asher quickly pulled the dingy excuse of a curtain over, so the room was returned to its state of darkness once more.
    His long, dirt crested fingernails clawed down the molded wallpaper, adding to the collection of claw marks that were already there. As his hand moved downwards with the wall, his entire body followed, until he was slumped over in a seemingly uncomfortable distorted position.
    After lying there for several short moments, the sleeping body crawled on the floor with inanimate ease, until he once again returned to his spot in the middle of the floor. He lied back down, flat on his back, sending tiny waves of dust into the air.
    For one split second, his eyes twitched and opened halfway, revealing only the bloodshot whites. His torso jolted upwards as he choked out the single word:
    And he fell back down into his slumber.

    The Ashwick Cemetery rarely saw visitors.
    In fact, it was such an insignificant area to the small community, that many had petitioned to use the land for extra parking downtown. After all, in a religious little town such as Ashwick, the loved ones who had passed on were always buried in the churchyards. If you weren't, you'd be dead to everyone.
    But on this day, the Ashwick Cemetery did in fact receive a visitor.
    The visitor brought with him a sea of fog. The cool mist wrapped its tendrils around the eroded graves and statues; it blanketed each blade of grass.
    Where did the visitor come from? If anyone had been there, they wouldn't have known. Though in the solitude of the cemetery, his presence went unquestioned.
    He stood in the center of the graveyard, tall and unnervingly slender. His skin was the color of a man long deceased, alabaster and marbled. Though the mist shrouded most of his body from view, it was obvious he stood almost completely naked--the only exception being a tattered loincloth that was draped around his waist. The visitors stomach was concaved, making his rib cage disturbingly visible. The hair on his head was white, almost glowing, like the color of powder; one could tell it had once been long and sleek, though now it was shaven poorly, leaving most of his scalp bald. What remaining hair there was had been pushed over to the side, hanging unevenly against his jawline.
    Though his appearance was unsettling to say the least, the most obscene part were his eyes. They had black circles around them so large, it was as if you were peering directly into his skull. The irises, however, were blatantly chilling. The left was red; brighter than blood, with an eerie glow to it. The right was yellow, glowing as well, like the tail of a firefly. The two oculars served almost as beacons of light in the now heavily fogged area.
    That was the visitor. His presence itself being only the beginning of the endless questions that surrounded him. He stared blindly, straight head, without even a single blink.
    He could feel her. She was here.
    Slowly, one of his long legs stepped forwards, crushing the dirt beneath it. That was then followed by the other leg, until he had last mustered up a sort of walk. Though his step was uneven, it was still strangely graceful. A sort of anomaly to watch.
    He walked until, at last, he saw her. A tiny girl, with ratty black hair and a singed nightgown. She felt different...younger...seeing her made the visitor strangely sad.
    He still stood several feet away, though his eyes were locked on her. Without a word, he just stared.
    January 12th, 2015 at 05:47pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Kross

    The fog was a surprise, if only in how quickly it seemed to spring from the earth. It seemed to Dahlia as if in a moment, the world shifted from a clear, crisp view into something more blurry and eerie. It wrapped the cemetery in its obscuring shroud, thick enough that a person would only be able to see a few feet in any direction before their eyes merely settled onto what appeared to be a palpable wall of fog.
    This was the first thing the ghost noticed. The second was something any of the five natural senses could account for. It was more of a feeling that jabbed at her with its little fingers, bothering her until she stood and started to look around. There, the feeling said to her after some searching, but she could still see nothing, even squinting into the fog. It didn't allow her to dismiss it though as it once more began to bother her, urging her to move forward.
    When finally she listened, Dahlia didn't so much walk as she seemed to simply glide over the grass, a smooth motion that soon brought her within sight of what had been the cause for the strange feeling. It started out as a shadow, a silhouette, slowly giving away to a person. A term to be used loosely judging by his appearance.
    It was only after the initial shock had worn off though that she realized there was actually a person in the cemetery. Who was just staring at her. Well then... He certainly didn't appear very scared, but then... this obviously wasn't one of the superstitious townspeople.
    Dahlia's head tipped up to look into his eyes or what little could be made out amongst the shadows. This person, whoever he was, was definitely something she would have feared at one point. Those were definitely eyes that would easily haunt dreams, turn them sour, but that was fear that had long abandoned her.
    Try to reach out and a person would only come up with air. She was literally untouchable.
    But as far as staring went... that was still mildly creepy and becoming more so by the second. Yet, as words abandoned her, she really could only manage to come up with a single word:
    January 13th, 2015 at 12:14am
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    The closer the girl approached the visitor, the more sadness he felt. Sadness wasn't particularly the best was almost like hollowing sensation. Still, even that was a stretch.
    He studied her tiny frame; the eerie enchantment that her body possessed. Her eyes were so innocent and young, it almost pained him. He knew she thought she was as worldly as time itself--if anything, she was certain in the fact that she was not innocent or young. Though, as he stared at her for the first time in this moment, he knew she was nothing short of either.
    He did not need to touch her to recognize what she was: a ghost. It was obvious. The energy around her screamed with the essence of a soul long separated from its body.
    "Enrae te'sichien, Dahlia." he spoke, knowing full and well she would in no way be able to understand his tongue. The way the language came out was almost like the wind, wispy and uncertain. Despite that, he hoped she could perhaps make out the sound of her own name, maybe earning at least a small portion of her trust.
    "Hondra ma svannli. Cortalvim, tu? J'i xas teram cortalvim."
    Whatever cortalvim meant, he put extra emphasis on it each time it was spoken.
    The man turned his head and glanced around the cemetery, gesturing with his long arms to each of the graves.
    "Tu." he pointed at her, his deadly looking finger penetrating the invisible wall that was her chest. "Cortalvim."
    He knew she still would't exactly understand him. There was no way she could. So, he gathered himself together and began inspecting the gravestones nearest to them, tracing his hands over the old words. He was looking for something, that was obvious.
    By the way he kept looking back over his shoulder, it seemed as if he were in some sort of hurry, too.
    January 13th, 2015 at 04:36am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Kross

    Whatever it was that Dahlia had thought the stranger would do, whether it be something such as ask a stupid question or run or... well, there were endless possibilities. But whatever she had thought would happen, never had it crossed her mind that A.) he would begin speaking in a soft, strange language that in a way almost didn't quite sound human or B.) that he would know her name.
    Rather than sparking any sure sense of trust or distrust, hearing her own name pass the stranger's lips actually trudged up curiosity. The way he had said it sounded odd, almost as if it weren't the same word, but she didn't faintly recognize her name, if not anything else that he said.
    As he continued to speak, her eyes were blank, her expression tugged into confusion, and maybe that was when he decided that she obviously had no idea what she was saying and would need help. Something to do with the graves...
    Dahlia became as still as death when he pointed at her, not so much because of the action itself so much as the fact that his practically skeletal finger went straight through her chest. But then she took a step back, trying to think. So he had motioned to the graves, and then her. Did he want to see her grave? She turned to him, about to speak, but caught how he looked over his shoulder, a frown once more tugging at her features.
    "Just so you know, no one else is here." She wasn't sure if he would understand her, but oh well. "This is a pretty empty place." Silently, she moved away, a few rows back and several graves over, to an old, weather-worn, seemingly random tombstone. Moss had actually begun to grow on it some time back, the words started to fade away, and it was nearly impossible to make out what it said. Without even glancing to see the name though, she knew exactly who was buried under the earth.
    "If you're looking for me, I'm here."
    January 13th, 2015 at 05:12am