Love Overcomes All Odds

  • "Thanks," Jake mumbled as he looked down at his and Anita's hands. ""I decided i should start speaking from the heart. Keep it honest," hisbdeep voice rang quietly as he ran his thumb over Anita's hand gently. "This is Anita; we met at the beginning of the summer. I'm trying to convince her to stay...but I guess my efforts haven't persuaded her...not that this is the first time I was unsuccesssful in trying to get someone to stay," his voice lowered at the end as the memory of Shawn leavig came into his mind. "So, you decided to come back?" He asked softly as he dared a glance at his brother. "How long?" Jake wouldn't admit it, but all he wanted to do was hug his brother and have him come home but most importantly stay home.
    February 26th, 2015 at 06:47pm
  • @ fallenangel7
    Anita smiled softly at Jake. He introduced her and she bit her lip. "Hello." she said to Shawn who nodded back a hello frowning at what his brother said. "You know it wasn't about you Jake." Shawn said softly and sighed he looked at Anita and then grabbed the back of his brother's neck and pulled him into a weird man hug. He missed his brother. He missed him being happy. He let go after a while and smiled softly before looking down. "I am on leave... a year." he said and looked back at his brother. Anita put her hand on Jake's shoulder kissing his temple still holding onto his hand.
    February 26th, 2015 at 07:45pm
  • Jake hugged him back tightly and held back the tears that formed in his eyes. He nodded and smiled softly at Anita giving her thigh a gentle squeeze. "So...I'll be seeing you around, more?" His voice wavered praying his brother would stay here for his leave. Jake knew he couldn't be without Anita which would make his decision to go with her all that much harder. But who's to say that can't visit? Who's to say Anita even wants him to come with her.

    A few minutes later, the sound of people chanting, "fight, fight, fight!" Boomed through the walls.

    One of the bartenders came running in the room to find Shawn. "Shawn! Shawn! Fight. A gang of bikers just came in and are trying to take over!" The young man breathed heavily as he waited for a response."they were trying to take the staff with, but Roxy hit one over the head with the fire extinguisher. Then Elli came out of nowhere and started throwing ice at them," he continued once he caught his breath.

    "Stay here and lock the door, ok?" Jake asked Anita quietly before giving her a sweet kiss.

    Jake stood and cracked his knuckles. "Take back our bar like old times?" He asked his brother giving him a small smile letting him know everything was ok with them for now. "Roxy?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
    February 26th, 2015 at 09:01pm
  • @ fallenangel7
    "Yeah you'll be seeing a lot of me." he said and smirked. Shawn frowned looking at the door when suddenly his bartender broke in. He stood and took off his hat setting it down. "Of course she did... leave it to the women..." he laughed softly but nervously. Shawn smiled at his brother. "Yes. Just like old times." he smirked and grabbed a bat from behind the desk. He would have kept guns but he didn't like shooting people or fixing bullet holes. "You'll have to meet her. She's a hell of a woman." he said. Shawn ran out seeing Roxy taking a quick look to be sure she was okay. "Shut up!" he yelled over the crowd. "If you're not here to help get the hell out." he said to the crowd and then walked into the circle were Roxy, Elli and the bikers stood. "What makes you think you can walk into a little country tavern and take our women? Look friends we rather give you a beer and send you on your way but if you lay another hand on one of them or make another smart ass comment then we have no choice but to remove you... forcefully." he said and tapped the tip of the bat on the floor.

    The bikers seemed to get the hint that this Tavern was full of a bunch of cowboys that were gonna stick together ad kick their asses if needed. They let go of one of the waitresses they had in their grasp and smiled. "A beer sounds good."

    Anita gasped standing as Jake said to lock the door. She didn't want him in a fight... "Jake..." she bit her lip watching them leave. But she couldn't lock the door. she had o be sure he was okay. She slipped out trying to stay to the shadows so she could be sure Jake would be okay. Anita felt the hands on her before she knew what was going on. Anita screamed as one of the biker men picked her up and started for the front door. It was official a fight was unavoidable. The bikers grabbed any woman close to them and started to make their way out.
    February 26th, 2015 at 09:18pm
  • Roxy yelled as a biker threw her over his shoulder. She kept hitting him with the pool stick she had acquired before she had been man handled. "Put me down!" Her sweet voice rang loud and angrily. In an effort to kick him, she didn't realize she accidently clipped Shawn with her heel.

    The biker smirked and ran his hand over Roxy's backside winking when he saw Shawn's reaction.

    Gathering all of her strength, Roxy took the pool stick and hit him as hard as she could in his spine. Doing so caused the biker to let go of her though she was still resting over his shoulder.

    "Hey, ugly!" Jake called out to the biker before he jumped up and grabbed the door jam swinging his legs forward knocking the biker to the ground. As Jake landed on his feet and before the biker fell, he caught Anita in his arms bridal style holding her close to his chest. "You alright there, darlin?" His deep voice rang as he looked at her with concern and worry filling his beautiful eyes. Spinning her to the side, he told her, "kick your feet out." As she did so, she nailed a biker in the face sending him straight to the ground.
    February 27th, 2015 at 04:25am
  • @ fallenangel7
    Shawn pulled Roxy to his chest as she was released. He smirked and pulled her behind him. He took his bat and hit the guy in the gut sending him dubbing over. He then kicked out his knees watching him fall to the floor. He kicked his side and moved onto the next man hitting him upside the head sending him down tot he ground. The bat got knocked from his hands and he had to use his fists. He growled knowing this was going to end badly with his PTSD. He had training these men did not and he was about to use it.

    Anita gasped as she fell landing in Jake's arms. She smiled and nodded nervously her breathing hard her eyes scared. He told her to kick her legs out and because she trusted him she did. She realized he had just used her to knock someone out and she felt very bad. She blushed glad when he set her down. She stood behind him and held his arm. He didn't know yet how much she hated fighting. She gasped as another biker headed towards them and Jake easily took him out. Anita back up into the wall feeling the tears starting to build up.
    February 27th, 2015 at 04:37am
  • Roxy frowned realizing the same as Shawn. She didn't want to get involved physically in case Shawn accidently hit her knowing he wouldn't forgive himself. Climbing on the bar, she took a lighter and held it up to the sprinkler system. After a moment, the sprinklers went on spraying water all over them.

    The bikers frowned seeing their precious patches getting wet and decided to leave after flipping a few table and breaking some bottles.

    "Shawn, baby, Shawn," Roxy called out to him as the bikers tried to take their friend back from him. Once three of them clawed Shawn off of him, they took their beaten friend outside to the bikes. Patiently, she waited for him to see how he would react.

    Jake went over to Anita and took her back into the office to keep her dry. "Anita, it's ok. It's ok," he soothed as he held her close to him. Kissing the top of her head, he rubbed her back gently as he rocked her in his arms.
    February 27th, 2015 at 04:56am
  • @ fallenangel7
    Shawn stood there steaming. He closed his eyes standing there calming down for a few minutes. "Out. Bar's closed." he said and watched people file out. "Go home everyone." he said and waited till everyone was gone seeing Elli and Roxy still there. He looked up at Roxy and frowned his eyes looking broken. "Thanks Elli... but go home. It will be fine and we will clean up later." he said and waited till she left his eyes not leaving Roxy. He walked over and turned off the water and the alarm. He called the local fire house and told them the situation and that they didn't need to come. He never let his eyes leave Roxy but he pinned her there in place with his eyes. They were dangerously dark. Once he hung up he walked over to her and helped her down. He pushed her wet hair back and kissed her forehead holding her trying to be gentle but he felt about ready to explode. She was all he needed but he feared for her safety with him around.

    Anita was shaking and shivering. The sprinklers had gotten her regardless of Jake's attempts. The tears were falling down and she buried her face in Jake's chest letting go. She sobbed her body going limp into his arms. "Get me out of here." she said her voice broken. Anita didn't want to talk about why she was so upset. She didn't want to explain why she was hurt so badly by why had just happened. No all she wanted was to curl up in his arms and listen to his soothing voice. "Grab you're guitar..."
    February 27th, 2015 at 05:26am
  • Roxy maintained eye contact with him and thanked him for helping her down. She closed her eyes as he kissed her forehead. Reaching up, she pushed his thick locks out of his eyes as well and gently wiped away the droplets that ran down his cheeks. Standing on her tip toes and gently bringing him toward her, she placed sweet kisses all over his cheeks, nose, eyes, and jawline. "Thank you for saving me," she whispered locking eyes with him before placing a tender kiss on his lips.

    Jake nodded and took her hand and his guitar leading her to his truck. After helping her in and driving about twenty minutes away, he pulled over on the side of the road and turned off the engine. "There is a crick just about twenty yards from here. I have some blankets we can take down there. I usually go there when I need some piece and quiet," he said softly as he looked at her lovingly.
    February 27th, 2015 at 06:46am
  • @ fallenangel7
    Shawn sighed at her tenderness. He slowly relaxed. He kissed her back tenderly and smiled as she pulled back. "No... thank you... you saved me." he whispered and picked her up by the hips setting her on the bar and kissing her again but deeper this time. Shawn was amazed how easily she read him and calmed him down. She wasn't scared of hi even when she should be.

    Anita got in the truck and scooted over to him. She closed her eyes wiping away the tears as he drove. He pulled over and she looked up at him. Anita nodded. "That sounds nice..." she said and chuckled. "Here I am soaking wet again in your arms and you are still my prince charming." she said and smiled leaning up and kissing him. He drove to the creek and parked. She took off her shoes and socks and brushed her fingers through her hair. She smiled and let him open her door for her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and let him carry her into the truck bed. She grinned as he set everything up. "Let's make another song." she whispered and grinned her hand taking one of his as they sat there in the moon light. "We might need a little more light though to see your strings."
    February 27th, 2015 at 07:13am
  • Blushing, Roxy kissed him back slowly moving her lips against his. Her hands moved to his thick locks gently tangling her fingers in between them. After a few moments, she simply let herself get lost in his eyes. Everything from the way she looked at him to how she held radiated love. "You saved me long before today," she murmured softly as her eyes continued to hold his. Shawn cared about her even when he didn't have to. He made her feel safe, cared for, and most of all, happy, when she didn't think that would ever be possible again. Even though she was broken, he kept her and claimed her as his.

    Jake chuckled at her comment and gave her hand a soft kiss before letting go. "Prince Charming to the rescue," he said proudly before building a small fire. Sitting back beside her, he pulled her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her hoping to keep her warm between him and the fire. "Before we make another song, I want to do something I have wanted to do all night," he murmured as he looked at her with dreamy eyes. His lips moved tenderly against hers as his arms tightened around her pulling her closer. Slowly, his lips moved to her cheek, her jaw, her neck, and across her shoulder; retracing his trail of kisses, he moved her hair to the other side if her neck and placed even more kisses over there.
    February 27th, 2015 at 07:30am
  • @ fallenangel7
    Shawn smiled softly. "How did I save you before Roxy? It can't be in any way that you haven't saved me... When I was falling apart at the seams your sweet caring love sowed me up and gave me arms to go to." he said and ran his hand through her hair. She was amazing and he needed her to know it. He needed her to know that despite not saying he loved her that he truly did love her. Shawn knew she understood him better then anyone but she doubted anything when it came to her because she had been hurt by someone he had yet to hear about and had yet to kick his ass.

    Anita giggle and watched him make a fire. She curled up into him truth was she would be warmer outside of her drenched cloths but not just yet. Anita kissed him back laying back against the blankets her hands finding their way up into his hair. She arched into him as his lips moved over her neck causing her to gasp. He moved her hair to the other side as he came back up making her gasp again. Her neck was a weak spot and it was like his body instinctively knew.
    February 27th, 2015 at 07:57am
  • Tears welled in Roxy's eyes as she listened to his words. She gave him a small smile as she nodded. "You kept me even though I'm broken," her voice was quiet as she spoke though her smile tipped a little bit higher before she let her hand rest on his heart. "You showed me that I can love someone again, and I never thought that that would be possible," her eyes never left his as she spoke wanting to watch every single emotion he let pass through his beautiful eyes. Roxy knew he was guarded, but when he felt something strong enough, he couldn't hide it in those orbs.

    Jake smiled as she gasped. He continued his trail of kisses making sure he stayed on the sweetest spot of her neck the longest giving it all the attention it wanted. His hands roamed her body though he made sure they didn't go anywhere she hadnt preapproved during their other times like this. Pulling back to look at her, his heart sang out to him. She was the most beautiful woman in the world, and the way the fire danced across her skin made her glow with a warmth he wanted to submerge himself into and never ever leave.
    February 27th, 2015 at 02:34pm
  • Tears welled in Roxy's eyes as she listened to his words. She gave him a small smile as she nodded. "You kept me even though I'm broken," her voice was quiet as she spoke though her smile tipped a little bit higher before she let her hand rest on his heart. "You showed me that I can love someone again, and I never thought that that would be possible," her eyes never left his as she spoke wanting to watch every single emotion he let pass through his beautiful eyes. Roxy knew he was guarded, but when he felt something strong enough, he couldn't hide it in those orbs.

    Jake smiled as she gasped. He continued his trail of kisses making sure he stayed on the sweetest spot of her neck the longest giving it all the attention it wanted. His hands roamed her body though he made sure they didn't go anywhere she hadnt preapproved during their other times like this. Pulling back to look at her, his heart sang out to him. She was the most beautiful woman in the world, and the way the fire danced across her skin made her glow with a warmth he wanted to submerge himself into and never ever leave.
    February 27th, 2015 at 02:35pm
  • Tears welled in Roxy's eyes as she listened to his words. She gave him a small smile as she nodded. "You kept me even though I'm broken," her voice was quiet as she spoke though her smile tipped a little bit higher before she let her hand rest on his heart. "You showed me that I can love someone again, and I never thought that that would be possible," her eyes never left his as she spoke wanting to watch every single emotion he let pass through his beautiful eyes. Roxy knew he was guarded, but when he felt something strong enough, he couldn't hide it in those orbs.

    Jake smiled as she gasped. He continued his trail of kisses making sure he stayed on the sweetest spot of her neck the longest giving it all the attention it wanted. His hands roamed her body though he made sure they didn't go anywhere she hadnt preapproved during their other times like this. Pulling back to look at her, his heart sang out to him. She was the most beautiful woman in the world, and the way the fire danced across her skin made her glow with a warmth he wanted to submerge himself into and never ever leave.
    February 27th, 2015 at 02:35pm
  • @ fallenangel7
    "You are not broken sweets." Shawn said and kissed her head. "I was broken and you loved me still. Roxy you have always saved me first..." he kissed her softly. "Even you put yourself at risk to save my bar." he said cupping her cheeks. Shawn smiled and held her close. He ran his hand through her hair and kissed her. "Roxy you are my wonderful woman that in every ways surpasses me and yet you are still here." He was constantly amazed with her.

    Anita laid their shaking in pleasure. "Jake." she pouted and smiled. She sat up and reached into his truck pulling out his guitar. "Now you owe me a song." she giggled and kissed him sweetly. Anita smiled and cuddled up to him as he moved his guitar into his lap. She sat behind him her head on his shoulder her body pressed close to him.
    February 27th, 2015 at 08:33pm
  • Roxy smiled softly at his words and kissed him back. "You love this place, how can I not try to save it?" She asked shrugging as she looked at him lovingly. Hugging him back tightly, she Nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck taking in his sweet scent of mint and cigarettes from the bar. It was perfect to her and always will forever remind her of him. "I'm here because you always save me back," she mumbled against his skin as warm tears of happiness fell against her cheeks and his neck.

    "How can I write a song with a beautiful woman pressed up against me?" He asked curiously as he turned back enough to look at her winking. Jake turned back to his guitar and started strumming gently. "Sing the words?" His voice rang curiously as he continued playing the chords. His back snuggled into her front making him sigh with happiness. "Maybe about how nice this is to be here...with you," he mumbled as his eyes kept moving to her lips making him blush softly.
    February 27th, 2015 at 09:05pm
  • @ fallenangel7
    "No tears darlin." Shawn whispered and rubbed her back. He kissed her temple. "I will always save you." he whispered and picked her up. He took her back to his office and sat her on his desk. Shawn gathered their things. "Let's go home." Shawn whispered and drove them back to his place. He took her inside and started a fire. He got some towels and then turned to her. Shawn sat on the floor in front of her. He pressed her hair back and slowly started to strip off her wet cloths. They needed to dry their cloths and take a warm shower. He kissed her thighs and then up to her cheeks. He stripped her off and dryer her off. He smiled watching her body in the light of the fire.

    "I believe in you. Come one please Jakey write me a song." Anita pleaded and kissed his cheek nuzzling her nose into his neck. She smirked and closed her eyes a moment breathing him in. She wanted to hear a song all his own to listen to him like oneway she would let him listen to her. Anita wrapped her arms low around his waist and then looked at the fire waiting for him to come up with something listening to the beautiful fun tune he was playing. He only needed a nudge here and there but he was a true artist and she loved that about him.
    February 27th, 2015 at 09:20pm
  • Roxy gazed up at him from beneath her lashes with the fire dancing across her eyes making them sparkle. Reaching forward and stripping him of his clothes, she placed a sweet kiss on each inch of skin she exposed. Her lips lingered in places he was tender and moved slowly over his soft smooth skin. Taking a dry towel, she sat up on her knees and began with his face gently patting it dry before placing a delicate kiss on his lips. Taking time to take the ends of his locks and dry them, she let her eyes roam over his body drinking him in.

    Jake bit his lower lip lightly and then changed chords. "She was sittin all alone over on the tailgate. Tan legs swinging by a Georgia plate. I was lookin for her boyfriend thinkin no way she ain't got one. Soon as I sat down I was fallin in love tryin to pour a little sugar in her Dixie cup," he sang to her softly as he locked his eyes with hers never letting them go. Strumming the last few chords again, he asked her quietly, "did I pour enough sugar?'
    February 27th, 2015 at 09:44pm
  • @ fallenangel7
    Shawn smiled. He let her move the towel over his body. He closed his eyes enjoying her hands on him. Once they were both mostly dry he pulled a blanket from the couch and wrapped them in it laying her down in front of the fire. He smiled and kissed her nose. "I promise tomorrow I will take you on a real date." he said and held her naked body close to his as they laid there by the fire letting their bodies warm up. Shawn smiled and kissed her deeply. He didn't think the night could have ended any better.

    Anita beaned as he finished his song. "Play it again." she teased and kissed him. Anita moved in front of him taking his guitar and placing it safely back in the truck. Suddenly she looked a little nervous. Anita kissed him gently. "It's cold in these wet cloths..." she whispered and then stripped off her dress and set it on the side of the truck her bra and panties covering some parts of her while the fire lit up the other part of her body. She blushed and ran her hand down his shirt and started to unbutton his shirt. she got his shirt off and kissed his shoulder. "Jake..." she moved closer her skin pressing to his instant warmth and electricity shooting between their sin. Anita moved her hands into his wet hair as she kissed him deeper. She pulled back when she was breathless her lips making their way to his ear and hovering there. "I'm ready. I want you... to be my first." she whispered and bit her lip then nervously looked up from his lips and into his eyes. Anita wanted this, she wanted him. She loved him even if it was wrong.
    February 27th, 2015 at 10:07pm