Love Overcomes All Odds

  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    Jake looked at her curiously before standing up while still holding her in his arms. Setting her down with a sweet kiss, he ran inside and turned on the record player. One thing Jake loved was vinyl, and even his new music was comprised of albums. Luke Bryan's song "Play It Again" came through the speaker right before he ran back out and stopped in front of her. Bowing slightly, he looked up at her and held his hand out. "May I have this dance?" Batting his eyelashes at her a small smile came to his lips as he waited for her.

    Roxy smiled and let her hands rest gently on his thighs. "Just about how crazy this all is...yet it feels so right," she whispered softly. "I just didn't think I would ever be able to enjoy moments like this again. Thank you," on the last two words, she opened her eyes and leaned up kissing him softly with one hand touching his cheek gently. Pulling back, she looked at him with nothing but admiration. "What are you thinking about?" Her voice rang quietly
    February 4th, 2015 at 06:47am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    Anita giggled and stood taking his hand. She loved how he just popped up and did what ever he could to make her happy and she wanted to do that for him too but she wasn't sure how. How do you make someone else happy? She had never been taught that before. Anita ran her hand up his arm her other still in his hand as she moved close. She loved this song though she had only heard it once before. It was a beautiful song about music and love.
    Shawn smiled and kissed her back as her hair was clean. He smiled as he thought. "Hmm other than thinking about how beautiful you are and how lucky I am to have you in my life... well I am thinking about how I never want to stop having these moments with you." he said softly and washed his hair out.
    February 4th, 2015 at 07:44am
  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    "One day, they'll be talking about our song," he whispered in her ear as he spun her out and then brought her up against his chest. With one set of fingers laced, he kept his arm around her tightly keeping her against him. Jake swayed to the music and rested his forehead against hers taking in this moment. If he could have her here like this forever, he would do anything to have that. Kissing her forehead gently, he smiled against her skin and hummed the words. She fit perfectly in his arms, and he could even imagine them at their wedding dancing like this. This was the first time he ever thought of marriage, and it didn't scare him because she was present in that day dream. With her by his side, he could do anything.

    Roxy turned to face him and brought his back against her chest letting his head rest just above her breasts. She ran her fingers through his hair while the warm water poured down his head though she made sure to keep it off of his face. "What do you see for us?" Her voice was soft as she continued massaging his scalp before applying conditioner to his hair then soap to his chest.
    February 4th, 2015 at 07:55am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    Anita blushed and smiled. She hoped that it was true. She wanted to have this one thing more than anything else. She wanted her song, their song out there. Anita smiled and giggled as he spun her. Then he was holding her close. It felt so right here in his arms. She could feel how perfectly they molded together. It was like the second half of a heart necklace kids use to wear and share with their best friends. Anita looked up at him and smiled and in that moment everything was perfect. She grinned and laid her head on his shoulder. As the song ended she didn't move from him. "You know I have to change before tonight." she said softly.
    Shawn frowned. He hadn't thought about it much. He had been so caught up in the past that he hadn't begun to think about the future. He hummed and closed his eyes. He could see them doing this in some little hotel on the other side of the ocean on their honeymoon. He could see her with child but past that he didn't want to think about getting old and dying. Shawn looked up at her. "I guess I see a long relationship that if it all goes right we end up together." he shrugged not really to say marriage. They had only been a thing for a week. She was hard sometimes to understand and slow down but he knew she meant well. He looked up at her knowing she wasn't quite happy with that answer but it was all he could give her right now. He was trying, he was giving all he had at that moment. Shawn hoped she knew that.
    February 4th, 2015 at 08:32pm
  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    Jake chuckled softly and smiled giving her temple a sweet kiss before he pulled away. He kept his fingers laced with hers kissing each and everyone of hers. "You go get changed, and I'll get everything we need in the car," his voice rang happily as he lead her back inside. She had her boundaries, and that was fine with him which is why whenever he had the chance he tried to show her that he was ok with them instead of making her feel guilty. Grabbing everything they needed, he gave her one last kiss before heading out to his truck.

    Roxy's eyes widened at his words. Her heart raced nervously. Commitment was scary for her. Even though she was falling for Shawn and wanted everything with him, it scared her to know he could at least picture it with her too. She always gave love; she never received it. No wonder she tried to run last night. Whenever her heart got too involved, she would freakout and leave. Falling fast was foolish, but the minute she knew this wouldn't just be a summer whirlwind romance, dark storm clouds gathered in her eyes. Jumping as dry lightning cracked across the sky, she cleared her throat and shook away the nerves. "We shouldn't be in the tub in a storm," she said softly.
    February 4th, 2015 at 08:58pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    "My cloths are back at the inn." Anita said and giggled. She gathered her things though as he got things ready. She came out and smiled softly. "I just need half an hour and you can stay if you like..." she blushed wanting to be around him as much as possible. Anita hopped in his truck and scooted on over to the middle seat kissing his cheek and leaning her head on his shoulder. "I am excited." she whispered though she was still nervous as hell.
    Shawn chuckled and kissed her softly. "That's a myth but okay." he said and stood. He got out and dried off then went over to her and took her out of the tub drying her off kissing her skin here and there. "Roxy you are beautiful." he whispered against her lips before kissing her. He sighed realizing they should start getting ready so that they could actually get to work on time.
    February 6th, 2015 at 01:33am
  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    "Me too," he whispered kissing her forehead gently. "Thanks, I promise to try and not to look," Jake winked as he helped her into his truck. Pulling into the inn, he walked up with her and gripped her hips from behind as she unlocked the door.

    Roxy blushed a deep red and smiled up at him shyly. "You are extrodinary, handsome, and a little on the cuddly side," she winked at him before standing on her tiptoes kissing him sweetly. "Can we grab some food at work first before we actually start working? And...I think I'll probably need to go change since my clothes reak of alcohol," her sweet voice rang up to his ears like music.
    February 6th, 2015 at 02:21am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    Anita giggled and blushed as he promised to try and not look. She shook her head and road with him humming to the radio. Once they got to the inn she went up to her room with him giggling as he held her hips as she opened the door. She chuckled and shook her head as she moved into the room. "I just need to clean up and then we can get going." she said and kissed his cheek headed into the bathroom the shower turning on.
    Shawn chuckled. "Sure thing sweets." he said and lead her back to his room getting dressed so that they could go to her place to change then to get some food at the tavern. He smiled and put on his hat last pulling down low over his eyes. He then grabbed Roxy from behind and dipped her down planting a big romantic kiss on her lips before setting her back upright. He had a wicked grin on his face as he let go and went to hunt down his keys.
    February 7th, 2015 at 12:27am
  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    Jake smiled and nodded as he kissed her sweetly before she left. He took this opportunity to sprawl out on her bed. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and accidently feel asleep. His dreams shifts d to Anita making him smile as her name left his lips while he pulled the pillow closer to him hugging it as if it were her. His dreams were purely sweet imagining them together on a beach relaxing in the sun.

    Roxy gasped and giggled as she kissed him back sweetly. When he pulled back, she smiled and jingled his keys in her hand. "Looking for these?" Her voice rang seductively as she held them up to him with an innocent look on her eyes. After their bath, she slipped on her jeans and his tshit that happened to reveal her black lacy bra beneath.
    February 7th, 2015 at 12:49am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    Anita showered and put on her make up. Once she was fresher up she peeked out into the room. Seeing him sleeping she smiled. Anita slipped into the room in a towel and slipped into her dress. She giggled hearing him say her name. When she was done she claimed into the bed beside him and kissed his cheek. "Jake sweety."
    Shawn turned and chuckled. "Yes Ma'am." he said and moved swiftly over to her grabbing her hips. "What do I have to do to get them back?" he asked and kissed her collar bone. He loved to have his hands on her like this, or in any ways really.
    February 7th, 2015 at 01:34am
  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    Mumbling nonsense as he wrapped his arms around her, he tugged her close and buried his face into her hair. Taking a deep breath, he kissed her temple softly and tangled his legs with hers locking her in place. "Don't make me thought...I know...Anita," his sleepy voice rang as he frowned and pulled her close and continued mumbling quietly. Jake held onto her as if she were going to disappear, and he planned on never letting go.

    Roxy leaned into him as he did so and smiled placing her hands on his thick arms. "You have to take me on a real date," she winked as she stepped back though his hands were still on her hips. "Pick me up, the whole nine yards. Even drop me off. I think j should sleep in my own bed at least once," with a devious smile, the low cut of her shirt gave him a perfect view of her breasts.
    February 7th, 2015 at 09:24am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    Shawn smiled. "As you wish." He said and kissed her nose. "Now let's get to work. You have tomorrow off don't you?" He asked and took the keys leading her out to his truck. He liked the idea of areal date. Shawn smirked already planning on what he would do.
    Anita frowned and soothed his hair back. "Jake it's time to wake up." She said gently and kissed his eyes and his cheeks before kissing his lips gently. Anita thought Jake was so cute, cute enough to mak her heart throb. She gently kept rubbing his skin and kissing his face until he was awake.
    February 7th, 2015 at 09:47am
  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    "That I do," she smiled as she hopped in the truck. "But I usually spend it all alone, in my bed, with a good book about all of these amazing men who save the princess from darkness, and the ocassional Chelsea Handler book too for laughs," Roxy exaggerated laughing softly while she looked over at him innocently.

    Jake smiled up at her and kissed her cheek sweetly. "Ready to go?" His voice was quiet with a hint of sleep. He pressed his lips to her cheek once more before swinging his feet off the bed. "We're going to knock them dead," hugging her close, his gaze was soft and gentle simply taking in all of her beauty.
    February 8th, 2015 at 11:34pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    Shawn smiled. "Well we will have to see what we can do about this." He said and then hopped in headed toward her house. He winked at her and kissed her cheek when they stopped at a stop sign. He pulled up to her place and parked. Shawn parked and rushed around opening her door.

    Anita giggled hearing his sleepy voice. She kissed him softly her hands in his hair as he got off the bed. She sighed and stood. "You think?" She asked nervous as she moved to him. Anita wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed into him nervous but excited.
    February 10th, 2015 at 01:08am
  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    "You don't have to do that you know, but thank you," she said sweetly as she gave him a kiss when She got out. "It'll only take me a little bit. Make yourself at home," her voice rang happily before opening her door and walking inside. Leaving him to himself, she went to clean up for work.

    Jake nodded and kissed the top of her head gently. "I definitely think so," his voice rang happily. "Come on," he grinned widely before leading her to the truck and helping her in. Getting in, he laced his fingers together with hers and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. It was perfect, a setting sun with the windows down letting the breeze come.
    February 10th, 2015 at 04:21am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    Shawn smiled and he sat down at the couch. He put his feet up and relaxed back closing his eyes. He was trying to think of what he could take her too. What would she really be impressed by and like to do? Shawn yawned and waited for Roxy to come out so they could head into work.

    Anita smiled and kissed his cheek. "Thank you Jake." she said and ran her thumb over the skin on his hand. She was so glad that she had met him. She did't know were she would be without him. Anita was starting to rethink her future. She didn't know how she was going to do it but she needed to do something.
    February 19th, 2015 at 07:35am
  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    Roxy came back in a black skirt, black tights, black highheeled boots, and a black Long sleeved top with a deep v; the entire outfit showed off her curves. Smiling at the sight of Shawn relaxed in her living room she went over to him and sat sidesaddle on his lap. "Are you sure we can't just go and play with the puppies at the store?" Her voice rang sweetly as she ran her hand gently through his thick locks. "It would be a lot more fun," she sang as she gave him sweet puppy eyes batting her lashes.

    Jake smiled ever so softly at her action. "For what?" He asked curiously glancing at her for a moment. When he did, she took his breath away. The way the sun kissed her skin, eyes, hair, and lips made her look like an angel. Stopping the truck for a moment, he leaned over and kissed her tenderly. Pulling away a few moments later, he smiled shyly before continuing their drive.
    February 19th, 2015 at 06:51pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    Shawn chuckled as Roxy sat on his lap. He looked up at her his hands on her waist. He smirked as she talked about puppies. "It would be a lot more fun. There would be a lot of things that would be more fun." he said and kissed her neck before sitting back. "But I have to work and you should work. But as your boyfriend I am not going to tell you what to do." he said and smirked kissing her nose. "But you my dear are just as adorable as a puppy. If not more so." he said and ran a hand through her hair and winked at her. She looked hot... maybe to hot. He wanted to eat her up and was afraid someone else would want to as well.

    Anita smiled not revealing her secret. He pulled over and she looked at him curiously. But then his lips were on hers and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He pulled away leaving her breathless. She smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder as he started to drive again. "For more than you know." she whispered and closed her eyes clinging to him. It was going to be a long and wonderful night.
    February 20th, 2015 at 02:50am
  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    Blushing and wrapping her arms loosely around his neck as he kissed her nose, curiosity sprang to her eyes at his choice of words. "As my boyfriend, huh? Hmm...I don't know," she smiled playfully before leaning close to him giving him a good view into the deep v of her shirt. With a pure dark desire in her eyes, she whispered seductively, "I think it would be a lot of fun if you told me what to do." Kissing him with her deep purple plum lips, she made sure the kiss was nice and long. "But I'll save the sultry for later. Come on, let's get going," her voice rang sweetly as she stood.

    Jake smiled and kissed the top of her head gently. He couldn't be happier, and he knew there was nothing else in the world that he could ever want or need. "We're here, darlin'," his voice rang quietly. It killed him that they had to get out of the car and break the beauty of what they had in their own secluded world. It crossed his mind that for the first time that tonight might be the first night he ran into his brother. Would Shawn call him crazy if he told his brother he found the girl he wanted to marry? Would Shawn talk to him? "Anita...before we go in...I just want you to know I haven't felt happier this town...than I have in years," he whsipered quietly with the sunset casting a warm glow upon him
    February 20th, 2015 at 03:17am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    Shawn groaned as she stood. "Damn it Roxy you can't be this seductive on our date otherwise I won't be able to leave your door when I drop you off like you want." he said and stood moving to her and kissed her neck his arms wrapped around her waist. He moved slowly with her. He was falling in love with her so fast. He ran his hand over her side before pulling away and opening her house door for her. "Alright to work... I got to be boss like tonight." he laughed and winked at her. "So don't get into any trouble." he leaned in and kissed her once more before leading her to his truck. He was so glad she was his. He had his girl now all he had to do was keep her happy.

    Anita looked up at him and caressed his cheek. "I have never ever been happier." she whispered and kissed him softly. She grinned and pulled back. "Alright come on let's get set up..." she said her nerves kicking in. Anita smiled and opened her door hoping out. She turned and moved infant of the truck. She looked at the building realizing how much it had been a part of setting her free. But mostly it was Jake. He was her knight... no he was her cowboy taking her on his stead into the sunset and all she had to do was hold on.
    February 21st, 2015 at 11:56pm