i will not be silent

  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    December 28th, 2014 at 09:45am
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Walking amongst the Muggles in the crowded train station the elegant blonde could not help but sneer, her beautiful features full of slight disgust for the species that was below her and her noble family - it was nearly second nature for the eldest daughter of Barnaby Solvei to loathe anyone who was beneath her. Adelaide found pride in practicing her parent's beliefs, whether she truly believed them herself or not, her only wish in life was to uphold her family name and keep her parents proud, which seemed to fall easily for her - unlike her younger sister who was constantly tripping into their parents bad graces. With much grace the petite blonde stepped past the barrier that separated the wizarding world from the mundane world of Muggles, her mind already racing at the idea of her two dearest friends Margaret Rosier and Ophelia Salone and how much the trio needed to catch up after the summer. The three girls were girls were almost inseparable, but unfortunately the Solvei family had a busy summer that included many days of traveling so keeping up with letters and friends was not a high priority.

    "Adelaide," Her mother called, her mother's voice was sharp as she beckoned her daughter to her side. Quick to follow orders the blonde turned to face her mother with a quirked eyebrow, "Yes, mother?" She questioned uncertain of her intentions. Had she done something wrong? No, Adelaide was never less from perfection. "Do keep an eye on our dear Emilie," Her mother, Olivia, paused to scout out her youngest daughter in question who ran ahead before the family even made contact with the brick barrier. "Your father is growing frustrated with her disappointments." Olivia, Adelaide noted, was a beautiful woman with her hair the shade of autumn leaves and a smile that would once bring light to her blue eyes, but that happiness had disappeared years ago - she was growing hollow and weak; much like many of the women who were married to Death Eaters. "Of course, mother." Adelaide frowned at the mention of her sister. She loved the girl dearly, she truly did, but it was as if Emilie only thought of herself at times. Did she not know the burden she brought to the family name? "Soon she will need to find a husband," Her mother sighed ruefully, not quite sure where time went. "What good Pure-Blood male would want to marry someone who struts around with that Potter boy and blood traitors?"

    Her mother gave another shake of her head, her blonde ringlets swaying some. "I will keep my eyes on Emilie at all times mother, it is my duty as her sister to make sure she makes the correct choices." Adelaide reassured her mother as she usually did before every start of term, not wanting their poor mother to worry more so than she needed to - so much was going on at their manor with The Dark Lords growing power. "You will make a wonderful wife one day, my little bird." Those were her mother's parting words before she was left to stand alone in the chaos that was Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. Her friends were probably seated with their fellow Slytherin, but first Adelaide needed to locate her sister - which was much easier said than done.

    After gaining the help from a fellow Slytherin boy in her year to load her luggage she began her search, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she paced up the narrow aisles of the Hogwarts Express - unfortunately she had a small inkling of an idea of where her dear sister may have ended up. Countless times Adelaide warned the young Hufflepuff that Potter and his friends were not the company she was meant to keep but she was constantly ignored.
    Harry's current mental state was a mess, more so than usual. He felt so alone - he felt as if everybody around him knew what was going on, but him. He felt excluded. Even with his friends reassurance that everything would be okay he couldn't shake off the dull feelings that plagued his weary mind. How did they expect him not to fret about the information he was previously given? He wanted to fight along with everybody, it was his right! Ron nudging his side made Harry glance up, his concentration shaken for the time being, "You alright, mate?" His ginger friend questioned carefully, worrying for his friend's mental stability as of late. "I'm fine," Harry couldn't help but snap, frowning as both of his friends backed off like dogs with tails between their legs. He didn't mean to be so cross with them - he knew they only cared for his well being, but he was growing tired of everyone treating him as if he was a baby. He was nearly an adult and he wanted to be treated as such; everyone was so persistent on keeping him in the dark. How was anything going to be okay when everyone in the Wizarding world assumed he was nothing but a liar?

    "Are you sure you're alright, Harry?" Hermione inquired as the three took their seats in an open compartment, not at all trusting Harry's sharp answer from Ron's previous question. Despite his growing annoyance Harry couldn't find it in himself to snap at Hermione, "Just a lot on my mind." The boy gave a lift of his shoulders, hoping that would make the two dropped the subject altogether. Truth be told Harry wasn't sure what was bugging him so badly, he was silently hoping being back at Hogwarts would make him feel better - but he doubted that. He wasn't that naive. He was almost certain that things would be worse at his usual safe haven. He would be looked down on, looked at as if he were a murderer. He couldn't grasp how the student body was so daft. He understood them not believing his words, but Dumbledore? They questioned the all knowing wizard?

    "Oh, good to see you, Emilie!" Hermione's warm voice once again broke the young wizard's thinking. It was peculiar how well the young Solvei fit into the group of friends - granted Ron was a bit weary, but the rest accepted her presence with open arms seeing how much the young girl seemed to differ from her family. "Succesfully get away from your sister I see," Harry noted with just a touch of teasing in his tone, his mood shift surprising the duo beside him, but they only grinned happy to see Harry was coming out of his shell.
    December 31st, 2014 at 04:30am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    The ginger twins made their way through the large crowd of people, students were rushing to see friends while parents were slowly making their way back after fare-welling their children. Their Mother had already made a big deal about all her children going back to Hogwarts, she was the same at the start at every new term, although all the Weasley children were used to how upset their Mother could get so it wasn't something they were shocked to see. "I'll go find us a compartment," Fred spoke to his twin brother, they always tried to get an compartment early so they wouldn't have to search for one later on. They also didn't want to share with other students that they didn't really like, which mostly consisted of Slytherin students.

    "Alright, I'll meet you there. I won't be long," George told his brother as he wanted to make sure that their luggage was placed onto the train, even though every year their bags reached their dorm by the time they get there after having the sorting ceremony and dinner. He stood there for a few more moments before turning and making his way onto the Hogwarts Express, the small aisle was busy like he had been expecting. He ran his fingers through his ginger hair, he sent smiles to students that he knew or when he saw a friend.

    He didn't stop to catch up with any friends as he'd have plenty of time to do that once he reached Hogwarts, he wanted to find his brother and get a seat before the train begun to leave. He stepped aside to make his way around two students that had stopped to talk, although another student had the same idea and George soon came face to face with a beautiful blonde Slytherin. "My apologies, I didn't see you there." He spoke to the blonde who he had seen a few times in the corridors of Hogwarts, but this was the first time he has ever spoken to her.
    Emilie hadn't waited for Adelaide or their Mother, she knew that her Mother would only give her a lecture and Emilie couldn't be bothered listening anymore. So she pushed her luggage over to the train so it would be loaded for her, after that she made her way onto the train and went into the search for her friends. She knew full well that she was a disagree to the Solvei name, her parents hated that she was spending her time with Harry Potter. But she really did get along with Harry, Ron and Hermione. So she wasn't going to stop being their friend just because of what her family thought, she also didn't really care about what their family stood for.

    She didn't have a single mean bone in her body, she had tried to follow her family when she was younger but she felt awful about it afterwards. She was honestly surprised that her parents, mainly her Father, hadn't tried to ground her or somehow get her away from her Gryffindor friends. She still clearly remembered the disgust on her Father's, Barnaby , face when he found out that she had been sorted into the Hufflepuff house. A house, like all the other's, was below Slytherin.

    A wide smile spend across her pretty face when she found the compartment that her three friends had taken for themselves, "Of course I get away from Adelaide. Are you doubting my ability to lose my sister?" She asked as her blue eyes focused on Harry, her smile never leaving her face as she gave Hermione a little hug. She sat down beside Hermione after shutting the sliding compartment door, she knew that Harry had to be going through so much. Sadly she didn't know anything more than what everyone else did, though she was still going to be there for him and support him completely with whatever he needed to do.
    December 31st, 2014 at 07:17am
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.

    [I hope this is okay!]
    Adelaide's mind was elsewhere as she searched the thin aisles of the train thoroughly Where could she be? Honestly, they siblings just boarded the train. She knew her sister was sneaking, but the blonde had not anticipated her parting ways that quickly. Father would be proud, if he didn't think the youngest was such a waste, he would probably assume she would make a perfect Deatheater. The idea of either her or her sister being subjected to that fate made the blonde frown, her full lips quirking at the bottom - luckily she knew they were only trophies. They would be married off, make some rich pureblood proud, continue the pureblood bloodline. It was all women were good for in her father's eyes. In the back of her mind the older sister was somewhat pleased with her sister, she was proud that Emilie was brave enough to live for herself - if only Adelaide could learn from her independence.

    Unfortunately, the blonde couldn't live in a world where her parents despised her. It was her duty to make them proud, it was her duty to be there golden child. It was casted onto her when Emilie rebelled. Her footsteps came to a halt when a couple stopped to chit-chat, taking up half of the tight aisle. "Are you serious?" She scoffed, her blue eyes narrowed in annoyance. "There are compartments for catching up, daft fools." With one last huff she stepped around the two, only to almost collide into another body - who must have had the same idea as herself. She was just happy the two didn't knock into each other - falling on her bum in front of many underclassmen was not how she wanted to start the year. She just wanted to find her sister and hurry off to find her friends. "I bet," She replied, her voice cold as she studied the boy before her. He was attractive - in a goofy kind of way, but she knew who he was. Who didn't?

    A Weasley, she frowned as she took in his ginger hair. What would her housemates think? Or worse what would her father think of her? His beloved daughter wasting time with a lousy blood-traitor. "Just watch where you're going next time, it isn't hard." She scolded, but couldn't help but feel bad. She knew he wasn't awful - in fact he seemed quite friendly - but she knew better than to let her mask waver. He was below her, it was the way the Wizarding World operated. "Now, if you would please move. You're in my way."
    The Chosen One wasn't entirely sure what it was about the girl, but she always found a way to but his mind at ease without even trying. It was comforting, reassuring. It was just something about her - Ron constantly teased him that he had a bit of a crush, which Harry was always quick to deny. Harry had far too much baggage, he wouldn't want to drag Emilie into it all; from his knowledge the girl had enough to worry about at home. "Doubt you?" Harry shook his head as he smiled at the beautiful girl across him. "I could never doubt Emilie Solvei." He playfully reassured the blonde as he relaxed against the comfortable seating, his stress level slowly slipping away while he was in her presence. He was glad that he had such great friends - no matter what he had gone through in the past five years the three wizards around him never thought to abandon him. He was quite lucky to find such true friends, ones he would never give up.

    "Just surprised your whack job of a sister let you out of her sight," Ron snorted, ignoring the slight glare Hermione sent his way. "We all know she hates getting under your father's graces, I'm surprised she hasn't put you on a leash." Harry knew this was Ron's attempt at amusing the crowd, but he just simply hoped it wasn't insulting Emilie. He knew her family was a touchy subject - he also knew that despite their differences the two siblings actually got along. How? He wasn't quite sure. He had only been in the older siblings presence twice and he knew he didn't like her. She was just like all the other self-righteous purebloods - a little Deatheater in the making. "He's an idiot," Harry excused his ginger friend with a small grin, giving Ron a gentle nudge with his shoulder. "Honestly, Ronald, you have no manners!" Hermione scolded with a shake of her head - honestly, she would never understand men and their ways.

    Harry quirked an eyebrow between his two friends before turning his attention back to the blonde, "How was your summer?" He questioned, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "I didn't hear much from you." Not that he heard much from anybody during the holiday - something that lead to his unease. He didn't learn until a few days ago that the majority of his close friends were hiding things from him. He understand their motives, but it still made him sick to his stomach. It made him feel as if he couldn't trust any of them.
    July 27th, 2015 at 04:50am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    @ lost.
    [Of course, it's great!]

    George knew who the blonde was that was standing in front of him, mostly everyone did at Hogwarts, well the younger students may not know yet but it wouldn't take them much time before they did. The oldest of the Solvei sisters, the sister that only Slytherin's got along with and she was the meaner sister considering he did know Emilie and she was a lovely person. Of course, he and his family had been unsure when Ron first begun to spend time with the younger Solvei but it only took a few days before they knew she could be trusted. But Adelaide was a completely different story as she was exactly like her parents and George didn't trust her one single bit, but he also wasn't going to let her treat him or his family like shit. He was sick and tired of Slytherin's thinking they were all above everyone else in Hogwarts, it honestly didn't care but George was rather strong willed when it came to this sort of thing.

    "I should watch where I'm going? I could easily say the same thing to you, as I had already started to step around these two when you came barging through like you own the train." He stated to her as he had been raised correctly, he was a gentleman but when someone speaks so rudely to him then he was going to stand up for himself. His eyes focused on the blonde as he wasn't going to back down, he would step aside eventually but he wanted her to know that no everyone was going to be a push over.

    George was usually always so friendly and nice, but Adelaide just rubbed him the wrong way like all of the Slytherin students did. "Why should I be the one to move? I know you'd be used to that, having the younger students fear you because of who your parents are and what you'll soon become. But you aren't going to scare me, Solvei. You really did get the short straw in life, at least your sister is happy with her life. You could easily have that as well," He commented as he wasn't sure what happened in the Solvei family, Emilie never really talked about it but George wasn't stupid. It was obvious how strict Mr and Mrs Solvei would be with her daughters, probably mainly on Adelaide.
    Emilie smiled warmly as she looked across at Harry, she knew that he has never doubted her in anything. "That's good to hear," She couldn't stop smiling now that she was surrounded by her friends, she got along with her sister just fine but she felt like she couldn't be herself with Adelaide around. With Harry, Ron and Hermione, she could and that is what she always wanted. She didn't have to pretend to be someone that she isn't, they didn't expect her to be someone that they wanted her to be. Emilie turned her attention onto Ron and she knew that he meant well, but what he was saying was true but he could have worded it better. "She isn't a whack job, Ron. You says that our father needs to know about this? Besides it shouldn't shock him now," She never really talked about her family, not even to her closest friends because she could be closed off about that subject.

    "A leash wouldn't even stop me, you should know that by now Ron." She smiled at the red haired boy, she could be sneaky when she wanted to be. Emilie shook her head, "It's fine guys." She assured them because she knew how they felt about her family and she honestly didn't blame them, she would feel the exact same way if she was in their shoes.

    Emilie looked at Harry and she suddenly felt horrible that she hadn't written to him all summer long, "It was a horrible summer. All my father did was try to convince me that I shouldn't be your friend and that I should listen to him, because he knows best. He didn't let me write to anyone that wasn't a Slytherin, which meant I didn't write to anyone because the only Slytherin I like is my sister." She admitted to him even though she was certain that he would understand and probably already figured out why she hadn't written to him, "How was your summer?" She asked him as she hoped he had a better time then she did.
    July 29th, 2015 at 07:27am