@ XxLithiumWingsxX
The delegation of faeries was due to arrive at any moment, and the entire castle seemed on edge, scurrying around and unable to figure out what to do with themselves. Theo -or Teddy, depending on who you asked- stood in full armor, standing with the other knights. The welcoming procession included the King, Queen, their children, a handful of other important figureheads, most of which were nobles, and then quite a few knights. Some were decked out in excessive extravagance, more show than anything, and those lined the pathway the faeries would take once they entered the throne room. The other knights, those in a smaller quantity, stood near the royal family and were special simply because they had pledged their lives to their rulers. Theo was one of those knights, and stood near the crowned prince, who was actually his charge. Well, his and another knight's by the name of Cedric. He and Cedric alone were responsible for the safety of Prince Tylor, which sometimes seemed to be a rather interesting and stressing chore.
As they entered the human's castle, Ravyn shifted a little closer to her queen. While they traded with the mortals and held a sort of uneasy peace with them, she really didn't much trust any creature that was capable of lying, especially with ease. Besides that, they wielded iron, something the humans handled with ease but was quite deadly to the fae. Maybe she was paranoid and grumpy because she was being forced to wear a gown so as to appeal to the human's ridiculous beliefs, but in her experience, being paranoid never quite hurt, especially when protecting one's queen. Though, even if she did have to wear the ridiculous gown that was heavy and constricting and caught under her feet, at least she wasn't forced to wear shoes as her feet were hidden. And as they were led to a room that was crawling with humans in heavy metal wielding swords, she wished that she had been able to convince Mariella that they should have brought more faeries.
December 29th, 2014 at 01:24am