Lost and Damned

  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    I stared at him slightly wide-eyed when Smaug said something about losing a child, words that I actually never wanted to hear as part of a "plan". Seeing him eye me suspiciously with those glimmering gold eyes that shimmered like the jewels of the mountain.

    "Here we are," the bearded man alerted us as the foggy setting of the Lake Town came into view, people already looking over at us rather strangely, "Would you like a room? We have one at the edge of town that is a good few minute walk away from the dock."

    "Absolutely," Smaug smiled.

    This is going to be a damn weird 1st night stay with this beast in human form I thought bitterly with a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

    Where in the heaven's name did this woman go? I thought hastily, looking all over the place in the guest rooms nearby in search for the blonde-haired female, Even invisible, she can't go far. She barely knows the way out.

    Stomping past the guest room Odette was assigned too, I stop at my tracks when I heard shuffling against the wall. Looking back at the door, I quickly walk over and slam it open, only to find Odette hiding and sitting down with her knees to her chest in the darkest corner of the room.

    At first I would alert father, but at this point, the last thing I wanted him to do was threaten the girl any further. I may be rude...but I wasn't that harsh.

    I closed my eyes and sighed, walking into the room and closing the door shut behind me, "I'm not going to alert them."
    January 2nd, 2015 at 04:11am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I slowly looked up at him "H-how can you see me?" I stuttered out quietly. "N-nobody else can" I slowly stood up, somehow ending my spell of invisiblity. "Y-you're going to disobey your father's orders?" I asked quietly "A-are you sure that's a good idea?" "It's not too late for me to take you to him" I heard him say to me. "N-No!" I almost shouted "Please don't " I said softly. "H-he plans to keep me a secret, just like that beast did. A-after he figures out why I'm so special he plans to marry me...I-I don't want to marry your father. I-I want to find my parents.." I said softly. " I want to know where I came from, and I would like to be free for once in my life. Free to do what I please" I said quietly.

    I followed the bearded man into the building that had an empty room. When I payed for it (which I didn't want to) I led her in and closed the door. "I saw that look you gave me in the boat. About losing a child. I was not lying. I did lose a child. I lost him to man" I said to her. I walked over to the bed and sat down, pulling my shirt off of my body I threw it to the ground along with the boots that my feet were in. "Come here" I told her, looking at her amazing body
    January 2nd, 2015 at 04:27am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o

    Eyeing him a bit suspiciously, I cautiously walk over to where he sat on the edge of the bed and slowly made my way to sitting right next to him. I had to admit, for being in a human form temporarily after remaining a greedy, evil dragon, this "man" he became was somehow built to a certain perfection. It made me wonder if it was my mind that created this or if this is what he would truly look like.

    "I-I know you are too blinded by corruption to understand this," I began, feeling his eyes on me, "But...I am truly sorry...that the men of Middle Earth killed your family. I remember hearing about it and I refused to believe that you were entirely evil from the start..."

    Is that why she is so damn scared now? I thought intently, always knowing that father was up to something bad but I never knew it would so suddenly lead to this.

    "I will take you to your family," I said bluntly.

    Odette looked at me in surprise and shock, "R-Really? Is that real that you are saying that or a trick?"

    I sighed, "It's a truth. I will help you find your family. We can't leave just yet but we can leave tomorrow morning. I will just...fake my story out to father and we can go. I won't let you get tormented by his greed."
    January 2nd, 2015 at 06:01am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I looked at him before hesitating. "Thank you" I said, hugging him tightly, I could tell that I had caught him off guard because he had gone stiff but after a moment he slowly wrapped his arms around me, returning the hug. "Your welcome." he said rather bluntly. I slowly pulled away. "What is he going to say when you come back empty handed...I don't want you to get in trouble because of me. " I said to him. "I will be fine. I will have to sneak you out though. There is no way that he would let someone as special as you leave this kingdom. I will leave a bow and some supplies here for you. I will help you escape" he said to me. "Thank you Legolas" I murmured quietly.

    "Everyone says I am corrupted" I muttered "I am blinded by revenge, and I will get it. I lived peacefully on the far end of the earth, but pathetic humans had to destroy my happiness, so I will destroy theirs. They will know the true wrath of a dragon, what we are really capable if you take away what we love. I already have the Lonely Mountain, it won't be long before I have this pathetic town as well. Once I get revenge, I will go back to my home, and nobody will dare disrupt my peace." I said. " Is that really necessary Smaug?" she said to me. " Yes it is" I snapped. "They took away my happiness, they deserve to know the same pain and agony that I had gone through when they took my family from me" I said to her.
    January 2nd, 2015 at 06:10am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    I sighed at Smaug's words, knowing exactly why he is so blinded by hate, "Smaug...revenge is a dangerous poison to the mind. When injected in a state of full acceptance to a bloody vengeance, the body is clouded in hate, anger, and the need to spill the blood of others. But you know what will result when you destroy everyone around you?"

    "What?" he responded.

    "Loneliness and emptiness," I breathed, "No matter what you do when you kill everyone in your own revenge, you will only feel a lot worse, feel even more alone, and become...angrier. The emptiness in your broken heart will never fade," I said, gently holding his hand in terms of comfort and keeping his gaze on mine.

    I smiled at her means of 'thanks' to my offer, a certain internal happiness reaching further into my emotions, "You are most certainly welcome, my lady. Do you want to stay in my room? I always kept it locked and father won't dare to enter."

    "As long as the guards don't see me, that would be nice," Odette smiled.

    I chuckled, "Trust me, they won't," I muttered, giving her a long, thick brown hooded cloak, "Because you are going to where this. Some of the servants wear it and they are just going to think you are a servant in their uniform walking with me. Come on now," I pleaded, helping her put on the cloak.
    January 2nd, 2015 at 06:23am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I gave him a gentle smile and hesitated a moment before kissing his cheek gently. "Thank you...again" I murmured. Once I had the cloak on, I took off the gold shoes so that nobody heard the click of the heels against the wood. I pulled the hood over my head and tucked my hair behind me. "Lets go" I heard him say. I nodded my head before putting it down and following him out of my room. I walked up the steps behind him and when he stopped I almost collided into his back. I grabbed onto his belt to keep myself steadied, and instantly letting go when I realized that. I looked at the ground feeling my cheeks heaten up from blushing. I just heard him chuckle lightly and open the doors. I followed behind him before he closed and locked the doors. I pulled the cloak off and looked at him, wondering what we were going to do now.

    "That is what it feels like now. Nothing can be done about how I feel towards these humans. I would have helped them if they asked, but instead the go and murder my family!" I said out, getting angry. I could feel my hands heat up from the anger that was boiling up within me. "If I could have saved them I would, but those bastards tried to kill me, while I had to watch my family die. Why should they not suffer the same fate!" I yelled out in Anger. "I intend to find them, and I will kill them. I may not kill all of middle earth, but the ones who killed my family and my people will die" I growled out darkly.
    January 2nd, 2015 at 06:38am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    "Smaug, you need to calm your anger," I pleaded to him, grasping his heated hands tighter, "Take deep breaths."


    "Take deep breaths," I demanded this time, making him realize that I could force him to whatever I ordered, "Take it easy..."

    Watching him hesitantly breathe in and out, I smiled and rubbed his back comfortingly, "There you go, Smaug..." I whispered, gently resting my head on his shoulder while my other hand rubbed his chest.

    I knew he wasn't used to comfort...but maybe just this time tonight, he could feel it for once and not the hate that clouded his rotting emotions with pure rage.

    Watching her look around the room in astonishment at the beautiful, valuable paintings that colored the white walls, along with the beautiful chandelier above us and the stained-glass windows that shined from the moonlight, "I hope you like it in here."

    "This is some room," Odette said with a long breath after letting out a quiet 'wow'.

    "That's what happens when you become prince of the entire Elven palace," I smiled, gesturing her to the small bed near the bookshelf I had, "It's comfortable in the finest cotton. You will rest peacefully. You don't have to sleep yet but...at least have some physical rest."
    January 2nd, 2015 at 06:48am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I smiled "Thank you Legolas" I said softly before hanging up the robe. I slowly walked over to the bed that was under the window. I slowly sat down on it and pulled the curtain to the side to look out the window. "You have a beautiful view" I murmured quietly. I watched as the clouds that covered the moon disappeared, my pure white hair glistening like it was made of pure starlight. I slowly turned to look at him. "Are you truly happy here?" I asked him quietly "or do you look for something more than just this palace and being prince?" I asked, slowly standing to look at him, still standing in the moonlight. I looked at him, seeing his eyes show some sort of undistinguished emotion.

    I let out a long sigh before slowly laying back on the bed. "Come lay with me" I murmured quietly. I watched her hesitate a moment before laying down beside me. "You must be something truly special if you are able to calm me down" I muttered, nobody has ever been able to do that before. I'm surprised that you've been able to calm me down most people would have been a pile of ash by now" I said to her,.
    January 2nd, 2015 at 07:03am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    "Well consider yourself being lucky to have me as your emotional therapist," I chuckled, gently resting my head on Smaug's chest with my hand on his stomach, "Maybe I could be an exception to what you think about humans... We aren't all bad...and really, it all depends on who you meet in your life."

    Smaug sighed, feeling his fingers run along my back, "Yeah...I guess you can say that. Human emotions right now seem so tiring. I don't know how you put up with them."

    I smiled, "Trust me, they are tiresome but in time, they could be used for something rather...special and very much amazing in all the best ways possible."

    "Such as...?

    I looked up at him, "Love."

    The question that Odette was asking me was something that went through my mind for the past decade, yet I never had the nerve to tell father how really unhappy I was. I guess it's the whole point of being the "king's son" that gets in the way, along with not wanting to shame the family history and name. I always wondered how much more freedom I would receive if I were to live everywhere other than here.

    "At times...almost everyday, I ask myself that question," I told her, sitting on the edge of the bed with my body facing hers, "I always wanted to be more free than have to always deal with the politics and rules of being a royal member of my family. I honestly wish I could just escape from here...but I never wanted to disappoint father," I sighed, "It is not always wise to bring something like this to him, no matter how much I want to do it."
    January 2nd, 2015 at 09:47pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I gave Legolas a gentle smile. "I know how you feel about disappointing your parents. I may not have ever known my real parents but I must have been a huge disappointment for them to give me up" I said softly. I let out a gentle sigh and sat down beside him. "Well, you said you were going to help me, so maybe you'll find out what you really want along the way" I said to him "Or maybe you'll decide to tell him how you feel " I said to him. I let out a gentle sigh and hugged him.

    I don't remember what Love feels like" I said to her. "It has been years since I had experience in that catagory" I muttered darkly, running my hand up and down her side as I looked into her beautiful eyes. I was not, not going to fall for this human. Yes she was beautiful but she was only here for power. Nothing but that either.
    January 2nd, 2015 at 11:40pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    "Hatred and anger has blinded the emotion of love from you for so long that you can barely feel its presence anymore," I whispered to him, my fingertips moving over his upper chest, "But it is never too late to come back to it when the time is right in your life."

    "How do you know I can feel love again?" Smaug asked with more curiosity than annoyance.

    I kept my eyes on his and smiled, "Because honestly, we wouldn't be lying like this together if you were truly evil. You would of had me sleeping on the floor of something like that, possibly other worse things than I can realize. This is proof that you aren't all that much of mainly fury. There is a soft side that can actually slowly make its way to the surface. You just have to wait for the right person to let it reveal itself, which I know will be life-changing for you."

    This whole 'hugging' that grows deeply upon this female is certainly something I am not used to. Living an elf-life is nothing of much sympathy here; only preparation and labor that would build up later in life for something greater of value to our family. Maybe this woman can teach me the strengths, weaknesses, and uses of these emotions that she possesses. It has always made me wonder what life would be like if I actually used my feelings for once.

    Rubbing her shoulder lightly, I let out a long exhale, "I guess fate will decide. Right now, I'm not that too curious. Along the journey, something will hit me that will make me decide where I want to go with destiny. But my main priority is to get you home, just don't expect it to be an easy route...because the orcs and goblins like to travel in packs."
    January 7th, 2015 at 07:31am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I looked at Legolas, a small smile forming on my face as he mentioned the orcs and goblins. I just smirked. "Legolas, you"ve seem to have forgotten where i have been living for the past 20 years" I reminded him. "If I can handle living with a dragon i think i can handle some orcs ane goblins" I said. I gave him a gentle smile before curling up beside him. I placed my head on his shoulder and linked our arms. "You're more in touch with your emotions than most elves. You just dont know it" I murmured quietly as I began to fall asleep.

    I looked at her. "That may be what you think but that does not make it true. I am a dragon. We are supposed to inflict fear and pain. I was led astray, but I have now been brought back to that path. Perhaps this is my destiny. To be evil, to bring harm. I am a being fire and pain.
    January 8th, 2015 at 06:28am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    "It is never no one's destiny to be so damned and corrupted," I informed him, situating my upper body up by my elbows with his hand still on my lower back, "Yes, there is so much evil and darkness in this world, but there is always a light to a greater destiny in every being's life if they chose to accept it. There is more potential of good in you than you realize."

    Smaug narrowed his eyes, causing me to sigh and place a hand on his cheek, "You need to believe in me that I can help you. I may be your 'slave' for now, but just think about it..."

    "I guess you can say that," I sighed, letting Odette curl up next to me and slowly fall sleep, a close contact of the feminine form that I was not used to at all but yet I didn't mind it at this point, "I just hope you are right about many things that you believe in..."

    Hearing her sleep with slow, steady breathing, I mutter a few words to turn off the lights in the room and let the moon's glow illuminate through the windows across the room. Whatever was going to happen tomorrow would be tricky but I was hoping that we have the best of luck in getting out of here. I can't stand it here for one more minute.
    January 12th, 2015 at 03:17am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I looked over at Valarie and let out a gentle sigh. "Maybe you're right, but I'm not going to show the world. They'll think it's some evil plan of mine to try and get them to trust me so that I can ruin everything that they've ever loved" I murmured quietly. I put my head on the pillow before looking at her. "Just go to sleep" I muttered "We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow" I let out a sigh and closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep with this beautiful woman in my arms.

    -Next Morning-

    I let out a quiet yawn, slowly opening my eyes to see that Legolas was getting dressed and my eyes trailed down his body. He truly was attractive, I wondered what was going through his mind. "I see you're awake" he said before turning to look at me. "I stole these for you" he said, tossing some female Elvish clothing at me. I looked at him and sighed quietly. "Thank you" I murmured quietly. I hesitated a moment before turning my back to him. I tried to reach the zipper on my back but I couldn't "Legolas..could you help me?" I asked him quietly.
    January 12th, 2015 at 04:58am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    The sun rays blared through the wooden blinds of the window across from our bed, causing Smaug to grumble in his sleep, "Turn that light off... I wish to rest some more..."

    "I can use an extra sheet, give me a second," I yawned, slowly getting up from the bed and placing a spare black sheet over the window blinds to cut out all light in the room, "Is that better, Smaug?"

    He hummed in approval, "Very much so. Now...come back to bed..." he muttered as I obeyed his direct orders and slid back under the covers with him, only this time he randomly placed his hand right on my outer thigh.

    "Um...is there something you need, Smaug?" I asked him, his masculine hand moving upwards to my hips very slowly as if he was feeling me over.

    Placing on my Elven clothing and then my cloak to go on top of it, I hear Odette asking me for some of my help, causing my eyes to narrow upon the zipper of her dress, "I can fix that, hold on," I said to her before heading over to standing right behind her smaller frame.

    Using the tip of my index finger and thumb, along with my other hand firmly placed on her back, I slowly zip up the dress cautiously without the risk of destroying the delicate piece of clothing. A certain emotion was swirling through my mind; it was a feeling as if I was suddenly growing an attraction with this woman...and the sudden need to have her protected at all costs. Yes, I just swore to keep her protected under my care on the ride back to her home, but this was different.

    Shaking my head from my thoughts, I back away after zipping the dress up and gave her the black cloak to where, "All set. Are you about ready, my lady?"
    January 14th, 2015 at 05:04am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    When I felt Legolas' hand on my back my breath caught in my throat and I felt goosebumps on my arms.I slipped the cloak on and carefully put the hood on. "Yes." I said to him. "Were you able to get me a bow?" I asked him seeing him surprised that I asked. "I would like some form of protection, that way if you can't come to my aid I have a way of self defense." After a moment I looked at him and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "Thank you for helping me." I said in a soft tone

    I smirked against the soft skin of her neck before rolling us over so that she was on her back and I was on top of her. "Mmm I don't know..." I muttered. "Do I?" I slowly opened my eyes to look at her. "You are stunning Valarie" I murmured as I leaned in to kiss her.
    January 14th, 2015 at 10:17pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    Unexpectedly feeling Smaug's lips on mine was something that made my eyes widen a bit, my emotions confused on whether to go with this or be completely disgusted by it. Placing my hands on Smaug's bare chest of warm soft skin, I pulled the kiss away and looked up at him with slight apprehension, "S-Smaug I'm confused by this..."

    A sly smirk appeared on his dark, pink lips as he tried to kiss my lips again, "What is there to be confused about? I have this human need that must be satisfied... I'm not stopping until I get what I want from you, Valarie. You are too beautiful to resist."

    "Smaug-" I was then cut off by his harsh kiss and his body pressing against mine that was only covered in a white strapless cotton top and a pair of underwear, knowing it gets very humid at this time around.

    "No need to thank me, Odette," I smiled, placing my hand on her chin to keep her eyes on me, "It was a pleasure to discover you back in the forest and I very much enjoy your company already. After all, it gets damn lonely around here with everyone being the same," I said before releasing her chin and going to my chest near my bed, "I have a small weapon you can use for now until I snatch something on the way out."

    "What is it?" Odette asked.

    I turned around and revealed a beautiful Elven blade that wasn't too long nor too small for someone like her, "It will be better help than nothing. There is no guarentee that I can get you a bow-and-arrow. But this will do."
    January 15th, 2015 at 05:24am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I gave him a sweet smile before grabbing the blade and twirling it between my fingers. "I love it" I said to him. I quickly slipped it into the sheathe where it belo n ged before looking at him. "Are you ready?" I heard him ask, causing me to nod my head yes. He opened up the doors and walked out, me right beside him. After a moment I leaned up so that i was near his ear. "If I panic enough I will become invisible and nobody but you will see me." I whispered quietly.

    I smirked against her soft pink lips as I ran one of my hands up her legs, feeling her shudder from my touch I pulled away to look at her, her eyes were still wide with surprise and I watched her carefully. "Something wrong love?" I questioned before leaning down and covering her neck in soft kisses
    January 16th, 2015 at 01:38pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    "I...I just don't know how to react," I stuttered, feeling a soft moan threatening to be heard from my lips at the feeling of his mouth against my neck, "You just said last night...that you could never feel love..."

    Smaug moved his head back and looked down at me with a soft smile, his long brown hair curling against his shoulders, "Well...maybe I can give it a shot to at least feel a softness in my own heart? After all...I been wanting to do something like this for a long time, Valarie... Being a dragon, there is no one of my kind around... But being human, I can finally do something things I always wanted."

    I nodded my head slowly with a sincere smile forming on my lips, "I understand..." I whispered, watching him kiss me tenderly as I willingly kissed him back and let my hands go through his hair.

    "Works for me," I nodded over at her, keeping her small form that was covered in a cloak right behind me but remaining casual so no suspicion is brought on by the people, "Keep it as natural as you can while we head down the halls. We don't want to attract attention," I whispered.

    "Okay," Odette responded.

    "Where are you heading, Legolas?" I heard one of the guards call out from down the hall as I kept walking to the direction of our exit.

    "Heading out for some hunting, tell Father I will be back soon, okay?" I said to them, seeing their heads nod and go back to their duties, resulting in me letting out a sigh of relief, "This way," I instructed down to the left narrow hallway that had very dim-lit torches upon the stone walls.
    January 18th, 2015 at 04:49am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I let out a quiet sigh, thankful that Legolas was the only one who could hear or see me when i was invisible. This would make everything a lot easier for the two of us during this little mission of ours. I chewed on my lip and when we arrived at the armory area that was near the front gates, I knew it would be easy from this point on, because almost anything I touched became invisible while I was. I looked at him and when he gave me the okay I grabbed a bow and a quiver of arrows along with some daggers.

    I smiled against her lips as I ran one of my hands down her side. I grabbed her thigh and wrapped her leg around my waist before kissing down her neck to her chest where I pulled the cotton top off of her body. "You're beautiful"I murmured quietly before pulling my shirt off and allowing it to land on the dresser. "Absolutely stunning" I murmured before pressing my lips against hers in a heated kiss.
    January 19th, 2015 at 06:18pm