Lost and Damned

  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    I began shivering from the cold when Smaug removed the top off of me, but his rather very warm body was able to keep me away from the shivering that was threatening to pulse through me. With my breasts now showing and my lower body still covered, the rather attractive human being leaned down and kissed along my chest, a sensation that made me close my eyes and moan in approval. I definitely could feel something poking against my pelvis that was for sure obvious what it was.

    I never had sex and so, I knew this was going to hurt. I am a virgin to keep my powers purified and not tainted from the souls of men. But unfortunately, there is no going back now that I have fell under this "spell" with Smaug.

    "Hurry, we don't want to make too much noise or waste any time when the guards could come over here at any moment," I warned Odette, quickly grabbing extra arrows and daggers for myself, along with a small bag on a table that carried some of the finest fruit here, "We could need food for the road. You ready?"

    Odette nodded, "I'm ready."

    Smiling towards her, I gently grab her arm and lead her to the front gates, where the guards didn't dare to look at me. They always knew I was out hunting and so, this shouldn't even be new to their knowledge.
    January 21st, 2015 at 12:39am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I quickly followed Legolas toward the doors. After we made it through them I could tell that he was relaxed slightly. I chewed on my lip as we began the walk through the woods "I dont even know where to begin" I said to him. "The only thing I have from when I was a child is this" I said pullingmy necklace up to.show him. It was a simple looking leaf and it looked like glass. "That is a leaf from Rivendale" he informed me.

    I groaned against her.lips before removing my shirt. I then pulled off my pants and slowly kissed down her stomach before pulling.off.her underwear. I came.back up and pressed a kiss to her lips before pushing myself into her
    January 25th, 2015 at 11:23pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    Right when I felt a pain enter me down there, I let out a gasp from the penetration with my hands around Smaug's arms tightly to where my fingernails dug into the skin. My neck arched and my eyes shut tightly to try to ease the discomfort I was going through. I was lucky enough that even for a first time, he was able to be easy with me and understand the pain I was going through at the moment.

    "You okay, Valarie?" Smaug asked with slight concern present in his voice.

    I looked up at him and nodded slowly, "I'm fine...just...go easy at first...and I will warn you when to go faster...please?"

    My eyes narrowed down at the little object that was very much sacred to the place she mentioned by the name of Rivendale. I nodded slowly and dumbed down my fast pace through the woods to try to see if I could get to know the female a little more. After all, we were going to be on a very long journey. It would be rather unfortunate for me to not get to know her through the entire way and leave her without consideration of caring.

    "Rivendale is a powerful, sacred place for the Elves," I said to her, the air becoming calm with a soft breeze against my blonde hair, "For some reason, my father tries to stay away from there but...I honestly don't see what the big quarrel is about. My father was always so uptight about everything...ever since the dwarves created a tension with our kind. Its as if the ruler has no heart to give to anyone but his own pride. It's...very tragic."
    January 26th, 2015 at 12:47am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I let out a gentle sigh and looked up at him. "It's the Arkenstone. It does things to the dwarves. It Causes something called dragon sickness. They become purely obsessed with the treasures that were hidden under that mountain.." I explained to him. "Treasures like this" i said before pulling off a necklace made out of starlight, something I knew the king had wanted for so long. "I knew your father wanted these but I was never able to give them to him." I said softly.

    I nodded my head and began at a slow pace, kissing her lips and trailing them down her neck before nibbling at the soft skin. After a moment I sped up sloghtlu, making sure that I wasnt hurting her. "You feel so fucking good" I growled in her ear
    January 30th, 2015 at 09:10pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    The words that emitted from Smaug's mouth was enough ignite a great pleasuring trigger within me, causing my body to shutter in delight from each thrust he performed within me. I moaned from the shockwaves of ecstasy that caused my body to arch against him; my toes curling in the air as my thighs squeezed against his torso. It was unbelievable to think that something so sacred and yet so intimate can cause me to feel so good and release a certain tension that was building up with me ever since I first became a woman.

    Looking up at Smaug's eyes that were clouded in lust, I smirked and flipped him over so I was now on top. With my palms on his warm, built chest for support, I began moving my hips roughly and steadily, several moans already coming out of my throat from the new depth of this position that made me see stars.

    "Oh Smaug..."I breathed, "I never felt this pleasure before...its so good..." I moaned out, feeling my sorcery flow in my veins that created an intimate aura around both of our forms that indicated a powerful bounding in the process.

    I gazed upon the glimmering jewel that glared a bright shine from the dazzling sun high above us, a true realization striking my heart at the very idea of why my father was also so obsessed with this wonderful female, "I can understand now. My father was a greedy, royal being that wanted nothing more than such unbelievable power far beyond anyone's control and eventually, have the mountain in the palm of his hands. But even our entire kind knows that it is nearly impossible while Smaug still rests within those hills of jewels in that towering terrain."

    "Yeah," Odette sighed, placing the jewel back under the clothing to keep it hidden, "I'm just...now very anxious to see my family. I have this greatest feeling I possibly have a sister. I can just feel something...so...strong out there that is hidden from me...and connects strongly to my own soul."

    "It is possible," I muttered, "I'm sure she is just as lost out here in the world as you are. I hope that if it is true you have one, we can get her to safety from Smaug, my father, and all the other power-hungry beings among this land."
    February 2nd, 2015 at 05:33am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I looked at the ground. I was beginning to get the feeling that I didn't want to meet my parents. Or find out if I had a sister. I looked up at Legolas. "Maybe this isn't a good idea" I said softly. "Why not?" he asked confused as we just stood on the bridge. "I-I don't think it's a good idea for me to find out. I want to know but I'm afraid to know" i said softly before looking at the ground. "Odette, you can't turn back now. " he said to me "if you do, you'll be forced to marry my father and I know you don't want that

    I let out a low growl of pleasure. "fuck..." I growled out darkly as i pulled ob her hair. "You feel so fucking good" i said before kissing her lips. I ran one of my hands down her body and wrapped one of her legs around my waisrwaist.
    February 3rd, 2015 at 04:34am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Dousa's Girl


    The pleasure was unbelievable at this point. I never knew something like this could feel so good unlike anything I have ever felt. There were things that I have suddenly forgotten though: once we finish, we will create a chemical bound that actually can let each other know where we are, how we feel, and even...feel each others pain. Even Smaug will be able to feel all three of those characteristics, which scares me in a certain way. What if I run off and I could never escape him because he will always know?

    Suddenly flipped over from being on top of him to being forced on all fours, I grip the headboard hard with my nails digging into the wood as he pushed into me again and began thrusting rather eagerly and violently this time. I cried out from each time he slammed into me and his nails digging so hard on to my hips that I bled from the marks. He was going harder and harder, knowing exactly that he was almost finished and I was getting right around the corner.

    "No I really don't want that," Odette sighed, running a hand through her hair as she looked at the trees around her that contained the song of many birds, "He really scared me."

    "Trust me, the last thing I would want him to do is marry you and abuse your abilities to strengthen the power of our kingdom," I noted, "Ever since the time when Sauron went against our forces, he has never been the same. He's been more paranoid at times and of course, more power hungry as if it could happen again and he wants as much control as needed to prepare the next war."

    "You really think that monster could be back?" Odette asked.

    "I hope not," I breathed out, keeping a close eye on the surroundings around us, "I know the closest area from here to camp out and rest. You are going to need plenty of it."
    January 19th, 2016 at 01:42am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I looked up at Legolas with a small sigh. I wanted so bad to know how this elf felt. "You're right. You need your rest to Legolas." I said softly as I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ever so slightly pointed ear. They were nowhere near as pointed as his, but just slightly. "Will there be anything that i can do to help? I asked quietly.

    I let out a a sound that almost sounded like an animalistic growl. I moved one of my hands to grab her by her beautiful long hair, tangling my fingers deep in it at the base of her skull i let out a deep growl of pure pleasure and continued to thrust harder and faster then i ever have. I had forgotten what it felt like to experience such pleasure.
    January 19th, 2016 at 02:19am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Dousa's Girl


    A part of me wanted to stop this from happening completely but I knew logically that there was no going back now. I was enjoying this so much that I will guarentee I would crave more in the near future. That's another thing: the bond will create powerful sexual tension between the two that imprinted partners. That's going to be rather...infuriating as time goes by. Makes me seem rather...weak.

    “Oh god, oh god!” I cried out, clawing my nails on the wood of the headboard as my climax was getting closer, or at least that’s what I know it was called, “I’m right…there!” I let out another cry as my entire body spasm from the intense pleasure that took over me, the energy of my powers expanding throughout my body and flowing into Smaug himself.

    Getting out my sack that was hooked over my back, I undid it to reveal a long thick white sheet that was made from the finest of Elvish silk that could protect us from any weather above us. I gently tied it to certain trees closely that rested around us to use it as a roof over our heads. There was no telling how bad or good the weather was going to be over night.

    “I’ll build a bonfire,” I smiled politely, collecting the wood nearest to me and setting up the area right next to our resting place, “I’m sorry if I don’t seem that emotional. It’s kind of hard for me to feel that way for some reason. From all that I was trained for and been through under my father’s wing, emotion was rather…restricted from us. I do understand what you are saying and all, I just was never trained or evolved into the basics of emotions,” I sighed, “It’s frustrating really. So I’m sorry I frustrate you.”
    January 19th, 2016 at 05:10am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    "There is no need to apologize Legolas. I know how you were raised, this isn't my first time around someone who isn't in touch with their emotions." I said softly as I rubbed his back because I could tell that he was tense. "I must say though, that one thing you need to learn is how to relax. You are far too tight, I'm surprised that your muscles haven't gone into spasms yet." I said as i hesitantly leaned forward to kiss his shoulder as I scratched and massaged his back.

    I let out a deep growl of pleasure and felt my climax hit, causing me to thrust even harder than what I was. once I was finally finished I fell on top of her, but made sure to catch myself so that I didn't crush her. "No offense but you were worth taking in every aspect" I muttered quietly in her ear as I took deep breaths in and let them out.
    January 20th, 2016 at 06:55am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Dousa's Girl


    My body would not stop shaking after the rather intense climax that jolted throughout my entire body. The powers within me were radiating around my body, along with sensing the powers coursing through Smaug at this very moment. Although he wouldn’t get any sorcery powers whatsoever, the energy he received will make him feel stronger than ever both physically and mentally, along with the ability to now connect with my mind.

    Adjusting myself on my stomach against the sheets, I tried to control my heavy breathing as I turned my head slightly to look at his face that was hovering over me, “You feel it don’t you…and what do you mean by that?” I asked curiously, his fingers trailing over my spine.

    At first I flinched a bit when I felt her hands touch my back, but then I slowly gave under the movements of her hands as she rubbed along certain tight areas of my back that were definitely a bit sore. I couldn’t help the slight groan from my lips as her massaging abilities loosened about every tight crevice of muscle she came into contact with. The soft kiss she planted on me through the fabric of my top gave a spark throughout my body.

    “Sorry…I’m not used to this kind of…comfort I guess,” I admitted, closing my eyes slightly from the wonderful feeling, “My mother wasn’t even around to do this kind of comfort to me at all. Sympathy and compassion never runs that well in the family. I mean we have it…it’s just…very stern. So basically if I feel pain, I must move forward without presenting discomfort in order to show how strong I am to father. It’s a bit annoying actually…”
    January 23rd, 2016 at 04:38am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I let out a light chuckle. "It's okay Legolas" I said softly, moving infront of him i wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm just gonna have to teach you how to use sympath, comapssion, love" i said before slowly leaning in and giving him a soft kiss on the lips.

    "Every aspect, as i said" i informed her. "You were worth capturing, and because of that, I stole your innocence and it was amazing. You are amazing and yet I am a being of horrid standards and here you were, fully able to stop me and you let me do it. Why?" I asked her curiously

    (sorry that this is so crappy, I'm just so dead tired)
    January 24th, 2016 at 04:27am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Dousa's Girl


    Hearing Smaug talk and make me realize what exactly just happened, I felt a tight knot in my chest and immediately got up from the bed. I snatched my clothes from earlier and put them on, already scared of what the exact outcome is to come of this situation where I literally mated with the human form of the most feared creature in the land.

    "I-I think we need to get going on what you exactly want from here," I stuttered, "We have until midnight tonight until my power I gave you to turn human wears off."

    "You feel it Valarie," Smaug whispered from behind me into my ear, his fingers moving over my shoulder, "We are meant to be together at this point."

    "N-Not like this..." I trembled.

    Feeling her soft lips on mine, my eyes immediately widened and almost impulsively, I gently pushed her back, "No...stop."

    "What's wrong?" Odette said in confusion and worry.

    "I can't do this right now...there is something so strong about you that is getting to my advanced senses that is dark and...powerful," I breathed, "You sure you don't know exactly who your father is? Because...the connection is so...incredibly colossal. Almost as if the fathers powers have mixed more into you than your mother's... Something is interesting about you, Odette. You are more powerful than you think you are... You just have a hard time finding it."
    January 28th, 2016 at 03:29am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I looked away from Legolas with a soft sigh. "If i really knew who he was we wouldnt be here" i said quietly. "I just wish I knew where I came from. Where I belong, who my family is" I said quietly as I looked at the ground.

    "Just give it time my dear" I said in her ear. " we do need to be getting back to the mountain though. After we gather supplies of course"

    (Sorry this is so short, i'm on my phone)
    February 1st, 2016 at 10:52pm