Eyes So Blinded

  • Miyako Hirota & Inuyasha
    Eyes So Blinded
    Rei Muika & Sesshomaru
    January 6th, 2015 at 09:56am
  • Sesshomaru let out a sigh as he listened to Jaken ramble things that had no importance to him. The imp didn't know when to just be quiet, it seemed, but Sesshomaru figured he should probably be used to it by now; it was an often occurrence. Eventually, he glanced over his shoulder at the imp, his stare silencing Jaken almost immediately. Good, Sesshomaru thought before he returned his attention ahead.
    Miyako wasn't entirely sure what drew her to the shrine in the first place. One moment, she was just wandering around, the next she found herself at the Higurashi shrine. She knew Kagome before, but hadn't really ever spoken to her in a while, so she didn't have much of a reason to be here, anyways. But, that didn't stop her from drawing closer to the shrine and walking inside. That's when things took a turn for the worse - upon getting close enough, she managed to trip over her own two feet and fell into the well, yelping as she fell.
    January 7th, 2015 at 02:03am
  • @ momentai.
    Rei moved through the small village, the people were rebuilding the destruction. This last time the entire village was almost annihilated. If it hadn't been for Inuyasha there wouldn't been anything to rebuild. She was just glad he'd been around, if any other demons should attack they wouldn't be surviving this time. She just hoped they'd be in the clear for now. This place was never somewhere she'd have envisioned to grow up in. The village she was born in had been long destroyed. This was the only place she could call home, the village of Kaede was know for being located close to the Sacred Tree. Rei wandered along the riverbank thinking over her life here, this place had nothing to offer.
    Inuyasha wandered around the plains, he'd left all villages behind. Ever since Kagome had left and not returned he'd took to staying by himself. He didn't feel the need to entrain friends anymore.
    January 7th, 2015 at 03:40am
  • Sesshomaru frowned deeply when he heard noise not too far away. Turning his gaze in the direction that the noise came from, he narrowed his eyes. "Jaken, stay with Ah-Un," he muttered, only briefly recalling the times when he would be informing Jaken to stay with Rin. The little human girl was in Kaede's village, though, until she could properly decide that she wanted to continue to travel with them. Shaking the thought aside, he proceeded to head towards the noise.
    Miyako expected her landing to hurt, but, surprisingly, it hadn't. If anything, it felt as though it took a bit longer than it should have to land. Standing up, she brushed herself off and looked around. "Great," she muttered before she began to climb out of the well, only to freeze when she got out because, instead of the shrine, she had come to face an open field with a forest surrounding it.
    January 7th, 2015 at 06:05am
  • @ momentai.
    Rei stopped walking and stood looking out over the water. It was nice to take the time to relax, and not worry about danger. Though she knew it wasn't safe as she hoped. There was no telling who or what was out here with her. Hearing some rustling she turned from the water, looking out into the darkness, hoping for a sign of what made the noise. Furrowing her brow she didn't notice anything. Turning back to that water, she froze in fear. Standing before her dripping with water, was a creature. She wasn't sure what it was or even if it was really before her. She couldn't fathom anything looking like that. Tentacles for arms, and gills. What the hell was standing before her. Turning to run, she felt something wet ensnare her ankle. Pulling her right off her feet and into the air. A high pitched scream ripped from her lungs, there was no way she was getting out of this alive.
    Inuyasha had decided to stop a get some rest, curling up on the ground he felt himself weave in and out of consciousness. A shuffled had his ear perking up, lifting his head he peered around. Unsure of where this noise was coming from. It wasn't until he realized where he was. He knew that noise, the well. Kagome, he thought. Quickly getting up he took off towards the well, only to stop himself. It couldn't be her. She wouldn't come back. Stepping forward he peered out into the small open field. His heart fluttered when he noticed a bushel of black hair. "Kagome." He said, blinking, could it be her?
    January 7th, 2015 at 06:30am
  • Sesshomaru knew before he even arrived or heard the scream that something wasn't exactly right. He could smell demon and a human - and the scream obviously came from a female. Part of him didn't want to deal with saving a human, but he had softened a bit after meeting Rin, so he couldn't exactly let somebody get killed, could he? With a sigh of slight annoyance, he stepped out of the forest, staring at the demon and, without much warning, he engaged in battle with the demon, cutting off the tentacle that had hold of the girl's ankle.
    Miyako was honestly beginning to panic just a bit - not that she would openly admit to such a thing. This place was definitely not the Higurashi shrine. But, then, she heard somebody call out Kagome's name and she furrowed her brows in confusion. Where was she? Looking around, her eyes landed on a guy with white hair - and were those... dog ears? "No, um, sorry, I think I'm lost," she said quickly, bowing politely in hopes of making her case better, "My name is Miyako. Can you tell me where I am?"
    January 7th, 2015 at 06:37am
  • @ momentai.
    Rei felt herself drop, falling helplessly into the vast water. Swimming to the shore she turned to look to see just how she'd managed to escape. Before her was a rather large man battling the creature. A man she'd never seen before, a man she owed her life to. She hoped he would make it out of this, she would have rather died then let someone else die for her.
    Inuyasha blinked at the girl before him, she wasn't his Kagome. Feeling quite railroaded he just stood there staring at the girl. He couldn't deny she was beautiful, but she still wasn't the one he wanted. "Japan." He answered, he knew that was just part of the truth. And quite honestly he didn't know how to explain it.
    January 7th, 2015 at 06:56am
  • This demon had the audacity to try to fight him? Sesshomaru scoffed at the mere idea. Couldn't this demon tell that he was much more powerful than it? "Filth," he growled with annoyance as he used his poisonous claws to finish it off. Turning his attention to the girl, he narrowed his eyes just slightly. Part of him wanted to leave, the other part declaring that he stay, in case more demons came. He couldn't leave this girl completely defenseless. After a long moment, he turned. "Come, girl," he ordered bluntly, figuring that she would follow him if she knew what was best.
    "This isn't Japan," Miyako said quickly. At least, it wasn't the Japan that she knew. The Japan that she knew was filled with buildings and people. Lifting her gaze to look at the guy, she arched an eyebrow as she eyed him. "Are those dog ears or cat ears?" Okay, maybe she was a little curious. Or maybe she wanted to figure out if why he had them, why he was dressed like... that. Really, she just wanted to figure out what the hell was going on here.
    January 7th, 2015 at 07:05am
  • @ momentai.
    Rei stood wobbling, and quickly followed after the man. She stared at him, in admiration. He'd just saved her life, and took on a creature that she'd never seen before. "Thank you." She gushed out, not caring that he was rude. At the moment she couldn't care about anything just the fact that he'd saved her life was enough to thank him.
    Inuyasha felt his anger rise, "do I look like a hairball?" He practically screamed at the girl. The audacity of this girl and call him a cat. Growling out at her, he noticed that confused look of her face. He ignored everything else and just stood there steaming. He needed a moment to collect himself. He'd forgotten just how annoying these modern people could be.
    January 7th, 2015 at 07:18am
  • Sesshomaru stayed silent for a long moment, rather surprised that this girl had shown any sort of gratitude - not that it was needed. He had helped because he felt it necessary. Eventually coming to a stop, a ways away from Jaken, he looked over his shoulder at the girl. "You owe me," he muttered bluntly. It wasn't usually a necessity for him to want anything in return, but he didn't want this human to think that he had helped her for any reason that her mind might come up with.
    Miyako cringed for a moment at hearing his raised voice, but, at seeing his expression, she couldn't help but to laugh. "It's not my fault, have you seen your ears?" she asked, admittedly feeling a bit mischievous. "I'm going to keep teasing you until you tell me where I am and don't lie." Maybe that would get him to tell her the truth because this definitely wasn't Japan.
    January 7th, 2015 at 07:22am
  • @ momentai.
    Rei blinked rapidly at him, "and pray tell what do I owe you?" She questioned him, never haven't felt so insulted in her life. But then again she'd never met a man like him. And really if he thought she was going to be his little toy he was sadly mistaken.
    Inuyasha frown at her, before shaking his head, his ear flopping as he did so. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." He informed her, knowing that Kagome had excepted it because her family had explained the history to her, the right history.
    January 7th, 2015 at 07:36am
  • What could he have her owe him? It took Sesshomaru but a moment to decide. "You shall be my servant until your debt is repaid," he said simply before he began walking again, clearly expecting for her to just accept it. If she had any honor, she would, he decided, because he was certain that she would know that she owed him, after he just saved her life.
    "I believe that you have dog ears on your head and you're wearing the most ridiculous clothes I've ever seen," Miyako pointed out quite casually, "So, you might as well tell me whatever it is that you think I wouldn't believe."
    January 7th, 2015 at 07:40am
  • @ momentai.
    Rei watched he's retreating figure, his servant. What would that entitled? It wasn't like he owned a house in the village, she'd never seen him before so she knew he wasn't from around here. "What is that suppose to mean?" She asked, granted her question wasn't well asked, but she got the point out there. She wanted to know how the hell she was suppose to serve him.
    Inuyasha looked at Miyako, his head spinning with too many thoughts. "You're in Japan." He told her, "just not the era your used too." He said, not sure if she was from the same time as Kagome or not.
    January 7th, 2015 at 07:52am
  • "It means that you will do as I tell you," Sesshomaru said simply, wondering how it was so hard for the girl to understand. "If I want you to feed Ah-Un, then you feed Ah-Un. If I want you to clean my sword, then you clean my sword. Is that difficult for your human mind to understand?" Of course, she didn't know who Ah-Un was. And he doubted he would ever need his sword cleaned. He was just trying to make a point, though.
    Miyako stared at him for a long moment, trying to process what he had just said. "Era...?" she asked with confusion, her brows furrowed as she tried to understand. This was going to drive her crazy, she was certain. "Then, what era is it?"
    January 7th, 2015 at 07:57am
  • @ momentai.
    Rei frowned at him, she understood what he had meant, but not what all it would entitle. Just keeping quiet she followed him, her sopping wet clothing slowing her down.
    Inuyasha frowned not sure how to answer that question. Nor did he want to answer it. He rolled his eyes not caring.
    January 7th, 2015 at 02:57pm
  • Sesshomaru was a bit relieved to find that the girl had fallen silent. Turning his attention ahead, he proceeded to where he left Jaken and Ah-Un, though he knew that Jaken would likely throw a fit since there was a human with him, again.
    Miyako frowned at the lack of an answer and she folded her arms over her chest as she glared at him. "Well, if you're not going to answer me, I'm going to go find answers of my own," she decided firmly before she walked past him.
    January 8th, 2015 at 05:27am
  • @ momentai.
    Rei kept moving keeping her head high, knowing that she wouldn't let this beat her down. She was a well respected young woman, and knew that conducting herself as less would only bring her unhappiness. So no matter how this man treated her, she wasn't going to let it get to her.
    Inuyasha frowned before turning and walking after her. "It's not safe for someone like you here." He informed her, he knew she knew nothing about his world. And he knew that she would flip finding a soul sucking demon.
    January 8th, 2015 at 07:53am
  • Sesshomaru soon stopped, spotting Jaken leaning against Ah-Un, a fire already made despite neither of them really needing it. "Jaken," he stated, making sure his voice was loud enough for the imp to hear. Jaken immediately stirred, getting straight to his feet. "Y-Yes, milord!" he abnounced quickly before blinking at seeing the human girl, "Lord Sesshomaru, what is that human girl doing?" Sesshomaru silenced the imp with a cold glare before he sat down.
    Miyako rolled her eyes in response to his words and scowled. "Somebody like me? Is that because I'm a girl?" she asked, having heard it often enough. Most people doubted she could handle a lot of things, just because she was a female; she supposed this guy was doing the same.
    January 8th, 2015 at 07:59am
  • @ momentai.
    Rei silently gasped, taking in the imps appearance. But that wasn't what scared her the most, it was two headed horse. Her eyes stared at the beast, feeling completely breathless. What the hell was going on and what had she gotten herself into.
    Inuyasha rolled his eyes, he was going to run with the fact she was a girl but he knew several girls that was strong. "No, some one unarmed." He informed her. This way he didn't have to tell her about his demon status knowing she'd never believe him.
    January 8th, 2015 at 11:49pm
  • Jaken glared at the girl momentarily before he plopped back down beside Ah-Un. Sesshomaru watched quietly before he moved to sit beside a tree. "You better not cause any problems for Lord Sesshomaru!" Jaken told the girl, unable to help it.
    "Why would I need to be armed?" Miyako asked with a frown as she walked towards the forest that she hoped would eventually lead to civilization. "It can't be that dangerous here."
    January 9th, 2015 at 06:28am