Our Fates Were Always Intertwined.

  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    August 21st, 2015 at 01:10am
  • @ momentai.
    Nami had been joking about him being stuck with her, so she was surprised when he agreed to it. It was almost as if he felt the need to protect her. Though she didn't mind it, she just didn't think he would have been so easily convinced. "Not really." She informed him, knowing it wasn't a lie. But she'd be hungry before lunch time.
    Sesshomaru sent a glare to Jaken hearing his hatefully words towards the child. Normally he wasn't bothered by it. But for some reason with Kimi here he didn't like the way humans were portrayed. He thought they were stupid vile things, but he'd never voice that in front of Kimi. He'd have to changes his view of humans, but he knew he'd need a lot of help. And even if Rin was slowly doing it he knew with Kimi's help he'd get there faster. And for the first time in his life he knew why his father had mated with a human.
    August 21st, 2015 at 01:28am
  • (Sorry; I've been off and on a lot lately, but hopefully I'm back for good~ I'll probably reply to all of the others in a little while or even right after I post this one. It really depends on how quickly this posts, since my phone is somewhat terrible with Mibba.)

    Inuyasha stared at the girl for a long moment but nodded. "Just tell me if you get hungry," he told her after a moment before he glanced away and sighed. "We might start traveling today or tomorrow to try to figure out why you're here. I'm not sure if we'll find any answers, though." They didn't have anything to go on, unfortunately. And the jewel was already gone, destroyed by the wish that Kagome had made. Or maybe Kagome's wish had something to do with this girl being here. He wasn't sure, really. "We'll figure something out, though."
    Jaken huffed and folded his arms over his chest. "Insolent humans," he muttered with disappointment, though the insult didn't bother Kimi at all. Instead she let out a quiet laugh and grinned. "You know, you're a strange little demon," she teased, earning a glare from Jaken. Ignoring it, she grinned at Sesshomaru. "Right, Sesshomaru? He really is strange, isn't he?' she asked.
    October 6th, 2015 at 09:25pm
  • @ momentai.
    Nami nodded listening to Inuyasha. "Okay." She said softly before yawning. Sleeping on the hard floor hadn't be pleasant, though she was used to conditions just as worse. Being a foster kid she didn't have nice thing or a nice home. Their was times she was lucky to eat, the guys she'd been hanging out with were good friends she'd meet over the years, they always had her back and really they were the only people she missed. She didn't know if she'd ever get back, but going back wasn't entirely the top of her list either. "So what do you do around here?" She questioned him, unsure about the lifestyle.
    Sesshomaru raised a brow at Kimi, her random out burst of excitement was unexpected. He didn't expect her to be so much like Rin. Last night she had been calm and angry two emotions he knew well. Now her smiling face peired at him, expecting him to join in on the laughter and fun. "He is, but most demons are." He informed her his voice calm and steady, and held no interest. Humans useless talk and chatter he didn't understand. He usually only spoke when spoken to or to get his point across. Though being around her he'd have to remember how to communicate better.
    October 9th, 2015 at 03:59am
  • Inuyasha wasn't entirely sure how to answer her question, because, really, he hadn't been doing much over time. With a small shrug, he let his eyes rest on her for a moment. "I just kill demons," he answered, figuring that it was truth enough. It was a way to get rid of his frustrations and to ignore his loneliness a bit.
    "You're not, though," Kimi said, blinking as she looked over at him. "Or, at least, I don't think you are." She offered a small smile, then, and returned her attention to Jaken before she reached out to pinch his cheeks. It ended with him wildly slapping at her hands, but she grinned mischievously, refusing to let go.
    October 17th, 2015 at 05:56am