Living the Fairytale

  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    ---Antony Romero---Ariel

    ---Noah Christian---Belle Rose
    January 7th, 2015 at 02:42am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Ariel popped her head up from under the water, for the millionth time that week alone, so she see what was happening on land. She was so fascinated by their lives that there were some days she couldn't help but want to see what was going on. Honestly she would've given anything to be able to walk on land and be on of them. She just felt trapped being a mermaid. Sure she had the entire ocean to explore, and she could travel anywhere she wanted via ocean but honestly that's all she could do. It wasn't like once she'd traveled to some other place she could just leave the water, because she couldn't. All she could do was explore the ocean for the rest of her life, and she hated it. She wanted to be on land, what she wanted more than anything was to be on land with people. And she wanted it so badly that she'd decided when she was done watching everything she was going to see the sea witch and make a deal.
    Noah ran his hand over his head and sighed, there wasn't a day that went by that he didn't wish he hadn't been in that accident when he was little. Not only for the fact that then his mom might still be around and maybe his dad wouldn't have left, but also because he wouldn't have had to go through all the torment he'd went through over the years. People might not've been so mean to him and maybe he wouldn't totally hate everything so much. But well sadly the fact of the matter was he was bitter at the world. He couldn't stand people, and really he was going to continue to blame the accident because that's what caused everything really.

    [ so I hope this start was okay! ]
    January 8th, 2015 at 02:12am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    [it was a great start Cute]

    Belle walked beside her father who was taking in the surroundings of his new town, Belle couldn't understand why her father hadn't taken their car but the truth was she never could understand her father. Philip Rose was a man of radical thinking, an inventor, a man that would make spontaneous choices at the most random times. Now was one of them.

    Belle loved her father dearly and she knew how people looked at him and saw an man who needed to be placed in an institution but Belle knew him better then any of the gossipers around town. She knew her father had a heart of gold and even though he tended to think outside the box it did not make him a lunatic.

    "Papa," she spoke kindly to him as the older male looked around excitedly. A warm smile spread across her face when he muttered a yes, "Papa I am going to go to the grocery store, is there anything you would like me to get?" Philip was too busy off in his own world so Belle decided to leave her father and head for the store.
    Antony sat on the deck of his house, books were strewn across the surface while his laptop lay open in front of him, however he was looking at a blank page. The male was meant to be writing a piece on legends but at the moment he was stuck. He couldn't think, not with the waves clashing out in front of him. Looking up he watched the crystal water as it moved, rolling waves lapping at the surface. Leaning forward he slapped his computer screen closed and began to tidy up his mess.

    He needed something to break his block. Smiling to himself he knew the answer. Surfing. Surfing always cleared his mind. Antony didn't look like the type to surf but the sea had always brought a sort of comfort and calmness to him so instead of swimming he normally paddled out on his board and just sat or lay there silently thinking to himself and feeling the waves roll underneath him.

    Grabbing his board he jogged down to the surf looking out before removing his shirt and running in a wide grin spread across his face as he began his journey out into deeper water.
    January 10th, 2015 at 01:20pm
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    @ Hemmings.
    Cute couldn't remember if i hit reply haha
    January 13th, 2015 at 05:19am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Noah had learnt how to take care of himself at young age. And he'd kind of gotten used to be alone really, sure there were times when it got lonely and he hated it but there wasn't much he could do about that. He's lost his parents when he young and had to live with his grandparents who well had given him the best life they could but it wasn't the same. Sure he loved them but it still wasn't the same. And he'd always hated feeling like he was a burden on them, so just so he didn't have to feel that way he'd kind of learnt to take care of himself so they wouldn't have as much to worry about. And still to this day he took care of himself, though now both his grandparents needed him to help them out so he did what he could for them. They were pretty much the only people who were there for him growing up. Most of the kids his age had just made fun of him and kine of made everything miserable. They weren't who he was worried about right now. He was making his way to the grocery to pick up some things for his grandparents and honestly didn't have time to worry about everyone else.
    Ariel couldn't help but keep her head above the water when she saw someone come out into the water. It wasn't usual for people to be out here, sure people did come out into the open water like this it just wasn't the most common thing. Probably because everyone was worried about sharks, and well mermaids attacking since apparently people thought they were just as evil but clearly this guy didn't care. Or maybe he did care about what could happen and just really wanted to be in the water, she didn't know. Whatever reasoning he had for being in the water didn't matter. Ariel couldn't take her eyes off him while he swam out with his board and she knew what he was going to do. She'd seen it before a couple of times, when the humans would climb on the board once they were far enough out and then ride the waves back to shore, and it was one of the most amazing things she'd ever seen honestly. It kind of made her wish she had legs even more so she could do it to. So she could swim out into the water and climb onto the board and ride the waves the way humans did.
    January 13th, 2015 at 05:35am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    [I am so sorry for taking this long but I am getting around to replying to all my role-plays... been busy.]
    Belle wandered into the grocery store greeting the woman behind the counter with a kind hello and gentle nod of her head. Grabbing a basket she wandered over to the fresh fruit and vegetable area where she scanned over thinking about what she could make for dinner. She wandered around but was stopped when she heard a whisper break the silence. Looking up she saw the woman behind the counter now had a friend standing beside her and the two were whispering behind their hands. Their eyes seemed to be following someone turning she followed their gaze and saw they were looking at a male. Their glares were venomous and she could only imagine what they were saying. Slowly she turned her attention back to the vegetables. However she watched the male out the corner of her eyes curious as to why they were whispering about him.
    Antony swam out in the open ocean before sitting on his board and looking back at the shoreline where several people were running up and down. A couple walking hand in hands as they watched their children making a sandcastle. Smiling to himself he leant forward on his board before stretching his body out and laying straight. Closing his eyes he felt the waves move underneath him. It brought a calmness to him easing his buzzing mind. A comfortable smile spread across his face.

    The male was oblivious to the mermaid who was watching him.
    February 2nd, 2015 at 01:23pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ you're perfectly fine! My replies have been all over the place thanks to a lack of knowing how to respond and feeling under the weather. Makes me wish it were summer here! ]

    Noah honestly couldn't help but roll his eyes at the whispering that was going on behind him. It was so stupid how the people in this town were so against him for some reason, and he honestly wondered what he'd ever done to them to deserve the way he was treated. However he did know that it'd probably be something he'd never figure out. Which for the most part was why he tried to just ignore everyone, because he didn't have time to worry about them and their reasoning for disliking him so much when he'd never done anything wrong. He pulled out the list of things he needed to get, grabbed a cart, then started to make his way down the aisles.
    Ariel was honestly mesmerized by the man on his board. And every second she was there in the water watching him was another second she wanted legs so she could join him. Maybe he'd be able to teach her how to ride the waves like he did. She really didn't understand why the humans were so frowned upon anyways. From what she could tell from all the times she'd watched them they really weren't that bad. They were so much different from all the stories she'd heard. It made her want to talk to the sea witch almost and find something to exchange for legs. Because right now Ariel would've given almost anything to have legs, to be able to walk on land with the humans and see what it felt like to not be trapped in the water.
    February 3rd, 2015 at 10:48pm
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    After a while the brunette forgot all about the male that had entered the grocery store as she wandered around trying to remember everything she needed for her meal and anything extra that her they may have been out of. She was wandering down the isle with all the tins, beans, fruit, vegetables. The brunette was trying to pick the right tin of tomatoes when she heard a loud crash. Turning her head she saw a mess of cans on the floor and the male from earlier had crouched down to pick them up. Quickly she hurried over and began to help him forgetting all about her shopping.

    "Are you alright?" she asked as she cradled several cans in her arms slowly getting to her feet to return them to their place on the shelves.
    Antony was stirred from his dose when his hand fell in the water, this alerted him to the fact that he was intact on a surfboard out in the ocean. Smiling to himself he looked around as he began to straighten himself out on the board so he was sitting. That was when a flash of red caught his attention. Turning her head he scanned the ocean which was when he saw her. Her blue eyes caught his attention.

    "Hello," he greeted, she must have swam out when he was dozing off.
    February 8th, 2015 at 02:16pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Noah ran his hands over his face and sighed before nodding his head to the girl who'd asked if he was alright. He wasn't sure where she'd come from, given he hadn't seen her before he'd totally made a mess. She was there now though. "Uh thanks for helping me clean this up." He told her as he leaned over himself to pick up some of the cans and put them back where they went. "You could've totally just looked the other way though, after all everyone else would've." He told her knowing that everyone else who'd just seen what happened would've just looked the other way and kept on shopping like nothing had happened. Because for whatever reason that didn't like him, something that he really never would understand.
    Ariel bit her lip and stared back at the man on the board still pretty entranced by him. He really was beautiful to look at. She was a little taken off guard when he spoke to her not entirely sure what to do. Yea she'd seen humans before, she'd kept her distance and watched them usually though. She'd never spoken to one, and she knew exactly what would happen if her father ever found out about this. He'd find somewhere to lock her up under the ocean until he was sure she'd never do this again. Somehow though even knowing what would happen if her father ever found out didn't scare her. "Hello." She replied swimming a bit closer to him but not to close.
    February 11th, 2015 at 04:53am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    "I'm not everyone else though," Belle smiled kindly at the male as she reached up and placed the cans back on the shelf. Turning she looked at the male and saw the scar that ran down the side of his face. Instantly she became curious as to how he had obtained it. The brunette noticed that even with the disfigurement he was still a handsome man, light blue eyes, strong facial structure and larger lips. "I'm Belle. Just moved to town with my father." she introduced herself holding out one of her delicate hands waiting for the male to take it and return the introduction.
    Antony noticed the hesitance in the young woman who was floating in the water, he watched as she swam closer to him, he couldn't help that she moved with such grace and ease through the water.
    "I'm Antony," he smiled at her before he realised how far out the two of them actually were, "How did you get out this far?" he asked, surely she hadn't swam by herself. He turned his head around looking for something or someone that could have helped her get out her but turned back to her when he found nothing.
    March 11th, 2015 at 07:42am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Noah couldn't argue with that really. "Well Belle I'm Noah." He told her taking her hand in his own to shake before finally setting the last can back on the shelf. "And welcome to town, hope you like it here." He told her relieved a little that there was actually someone who wasn't looking at him the way everyone else in town looked at him. Though it wasn't like that made them best friends or anything like that. If anything Noah still would prefer to be alone and just not worry about people. She still seemed nice though, which to him was something he didn't get often, so if he did ever run into her again he wouldn't be totally devastated or anything.
    Ariel bit her lip not sure how she was supposed to go about this now. He'd clearly already seen her, and she would've hated to make him feel like he was going crazy by just vanishing under the water. She also got the feeling that if she did do that then it could take a really bad turn which wouldn't be good. Which left her with the option of telling him that she'd swam out this far. Even though she was pretty sure most humans didn't just swim out this far with nothing which might make him question her more. Honestly what was the worse that could happen if he knew she was mermaid? It wasn't like he had a boat or a hook or anything else that he could use to hurt her. And he didn't seem anything like the people who came looking for mermaids so it couldn't be that bad if he knew right? "I'm Ariel." She finally said, "and I swam of course."
    March 12th, 2015 at 05:20am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    Belle nodded her head at the male a smile spread across her face, "Oh I am sure I will love it here," she admitted truthfully, "If they have a good bookstore here then I will be just fine." she admitted, the brunette was fond of books and could spend a whole day in a book store simply enjoying the shelves of new novels running her fingers over their spines and scanning over the titles before diving into their blurbs and opening pages. The town she had grown up in had a magnificent book store, her mother would take her there for weekends where the two of them would simply enjoy hours of reading and talking about their books. "It's nice to meet you Noah," she smiled kindly before turning and beginning to walk away not missing the two women that had appeared at the end of the isle and were looking at her and no doubt listening to the conversation the two were having.
    Antony was surprised at the fact she had swam all the way out here and didn't seem to be tiring or having any trouble keeping her head above the waves. "It's nice to meet you Ariel," his lips moved around the womans name and he hoped he had said it right. "What brings you all the way out here?" running his fingers through his hair he smiled down at her waiting for her answer.
    March 24th, 2015 at 02:01pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ So I totally thought that I replied to all of our roleplays... because I remember having them pulled up ready to reply but apparently I didn't. And now I feel awful! Facepalm ]

    Noah smiled, "it's nice meeting you too," he told her biting her lip. "And there's a great bookstore on the corner of main st. It just opened about a month or so ago and I'm sure they'd really appreciate your business," he told her before he sent a wave then went on his own way. He did still have things he needed to work on after all. And as much as he'd love to stay and chat with someone who didn't hate him entirely for something that he had no control over, he knew he couldn't. Plus he was sure she had other things to worry about for the day too.
    Ariel really wasn't sure how she was supposed to respond to him. She knew he was a human, and she was a mermaid. Humans hated mermaids, and mermaids hated humans. At least that's what she'd gathered from how her father talked about humans, and well the majority of other mermaids. It was also what she'd gathered from the bit of information she'd been able to get from when she could get close enough to the land without being caught and she heard the people talk about them. So it scared her to even think about telling him about herself but at the same time she just had this feeling that if she did everything would be okay. And it was very confusing. "I was just swimming for fun," she finally said and it wasn't a lie exactly.
    April 12th, 2015 at 07:31am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    [It's totally fine, I get like that a lot of the time tehe]

    "I will be sure to check it out, thanks again Noah, have a good day," she smiled kindly before pushing her trolley to the counter where she began to place her things on the counter. The woman behind the counter looked at her. She wore a smile but it didn't reach her eyes.

    "I'd be careful of him love," she warned. Belle's brows furrowed as she looked at the woman, Noah hadn't seemed dangerous in fact he was the complete opposite. Sure he seemed to try and conceal his identity and hide from the glares he received from people.

    "I'm sure I can look after myself," she smiled before handing over the money and grabbing her bags before walking out. She didn't miss the look the woman shot her. It was as if she was shocked she didn't ask for more details. It seemed as if this town was one for gossip, anything new that happened would be pounced on and then broadcasted for the rest of the town. Walking out into the street she looked through the window just in time to see Noah stand at the counter.

    She watched the woman behind the counter and saw how stiff her movements were, as if she was trying not to touch him and she didn't even look at him or speak to him. Suddenly Belle got an idea. Walking back into the store she walked straight up to the male clad in a leather jacket and dark wash jeans.

    "Noah. Would you like to grab a drink sometime with me?" the brunette had to bite the inside of her cheek to stop from smiling when she heard several gasps resound in the shop. Her light eyes locked with his as she waited for his answer.
    Antony was taken by surprise at her answer, "Wow, you must be a strong swimmer then," he smiled kindly at her. She was one of the few woman he knew that could actually swim out this deep. Most of the women he knew only paddled in the shallows to scared to go out any deeper because of the possibility of getting caught in a rip or the creatures that lurk in the depths.

    "Would you like a ride back into shore?" he asked as he knew he would have to return to his hut and get back on with his work as much as he didn't want to.
    April 17th, 2015 at 01:50pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "You too," Noah said softly with a smile as he walked away. It had been so amazing talking to her, even if it was only just for like two minutes and because they'd knocked some things over. She wasn't like every other person in this damn town who just saw him as some kind of troubled kid who should be feared or whatever bullshit they'd made up about him. None of this changed the fact though that he still hated this town and couldn't stand most of the people in it. It also didn't change that he wasn't sure he believed everyone else would see him the same as she had, as a human instead of how they did look at him.

    He was taken by surprise a little when he was just standing in line, ready to be done and get out of the store and back home to his grandparents, and she walked up to him and asked him to get drinks her. "Sure that'd be great," he said with smile.
    "You say that," Ariel said smiling, she wasn't really sure what was going to happen next but she hoped it wouldn't be bad. After all she knew if she didn't go back to the shore with him and told him she'd rather stay out here and keep swimming he'd probably be confused. It wasn't really common for humans to just swim out this far after all. They were all scared of sharks, and mermaids, and well every other creature they knew nothing about that lived in the ocean. Of course, she also knew she couldn't get on the board and go back with him, after all she had a tail not legs. So her options were to just tell him, or to not tell him and just swim away while she still could.

    "There's something I should tell you," she started biting her lip. She was pretty nervous though, telling him she was a mermaid could go pretty badly after all.
    April 21st, 2015 at 04:55am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    A wide grin spread across the female's face, "Well I am free tomorrow night? Say seven thirty?" Belles eyes darted over to the woman at the counter and she couldn't have been more proud of herself. The woman looked mortified at the fact that she was actually organising a get together with the male. In her old town Belle never would have been this brave, she never would have spoken to a male but this was a new town and maybe it was a time for a new her. The brunette picked up on how eerily silent it was in the building and it took every ounce of her not to say something about the judgemental hags that got around this town.

    She waited patiently for the male to answer shifting her weight between her feet and swapping her shopping bags in her hands. However the smile didn't leave her face. Noah had been kind enough to talk to her and to tell her about a new book shop that had recently opened in town. Back in her old town people would have merely looked at her and continued on with what they were doing.
    Antony had been about to ask her to continue, he was curious as to what the red head had to tell him however he heard his name being called from the beach. Turning his head he saw his best mate had arrived and was probably hoping to get some help on his homework. Sighing the male turned back to Ariel.

    "Listen I'm so sorry but could we continue this conversation another time. It's just my friend has turned up on my doorstep and I kinda had to uhmmm... Go. I am so sorry. I feel so rude. Perhaps we could continue this another time. What about tomorrow? Say dinner time?" he asked smiling kindly at her.
    May 10th, 2015 at 03:38pm