Once Upon a Dream

  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    ---Nathaniel 'Nate' Crawford---Blair Scott

    ---Prince Oliver Hardy---Charlotte Angus
    January 7th, 2015 at 02:59am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Blair massaged her temple wishing that it would stop hurting. It was like one minute she was fine and the next she had this killer headache. She apparently had new clothes too because she couldn't for life of her remember leaving her house that morning in what she had on. Of course the weirdest part is she didn't remember it feeling so nice outside. Really now that she thought of it, she didn't couldn't really remember much of anything from before her head starting hurting. Hopefully it'd pass though she thought to herself as she walked to school, which so far was about the only normal thing that'd happened.
    Oliver was tying his shoe as his car came to a stop, "we're here sir." His driver said looking at him through the rear view mirror. "Thank you Jeffery." He told the man before he was climbing out of the car himself and walking to the trunk to grab his things and take them into the hotel. Even though he was a prince, and there were plenty of people being paid to take care of him, or at least help take care of him, he hated being babied. Oliver liked to do things on his own and not feel like he was spoiled even though he was. He refused to act like it. Sure he had nice things and people fawning over him left and right, but he didn't let it get to his head.
    January 7th, 2015 at 05:05am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    Charlotte slipped into the school trying to be unnoticed. The blonde was bone tired after working all day yesterday only to come home cook tea for her step mother and and step sisters as well as clean the kitchen then she had pulled an all nighter trying to catch up on homework she was seriously lagging behind in. Yes it was a sunday but she needed to go into the school to see one of her teachers about her work. It was times like these that Charlotte would love to have a tutor or someone who could possibly help her catch up.

    It was a kind of relief to go into the school on a Sunday, it got her out of work and having to race around after her never pleased family. So yes she may have looked like a weirdo walking into the school grounds but she honestly couldn't have cared less as long as it got her away from Nina and her two ungrateful daughters. Chloe and Clara.
    Nathaniel meandered into the school, he kept his head low and attention on his phone. The young male was dressed in dark wash denim jeans and a black band shirt. As he walked through the gates he heard his name being called. Looking up from the mechanical device he saw his group of friends sitting around the basketball court. A smile formed on his face as he walked over to them.

    "Hey guys," he greeted before plopping himself down on the bricks. The clan lost themselves in conversation but the blonde turned his attention to his phone blocking everyone out and going off into his own little world.

    [Hope this is okay, I wasn't sure how to start Nate off tehe]
    January 9th, 2015 at 01:50am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Oliver had gotten the bags from the trunk of the car and moved them into the hotel before deciding that he wanted to go out. There wasn't really much of a point in his sitting around the hotel all day doing nothing, and he certainly wasn't going to find what he'd came for keeping himself cooped up. Not that he'd really have to worry about finding potential women for himself or anything given there was supposed to be some kind of a gathering later set up for him hosted by his father, of course. His father had apparently set the whole thing up and of course invited a ton of people he thought would be well suited. And though Oliver would rather not be sucked into talking to some of the totally superficial people he was sure would be there later, he'd do it for his dad. He just hoped that maybe he'd get lucky and actually find someone who it didn't kill him to talk to.
    Blair made it to the school, though she wasn't entirely sure why she was there. She didn't know why she couldn't seem to remember anything, or why when she tried to remember anything before the headache her head would hurt again. It made no sense. But regardless there she was at the school with no idea what was happening heading towards the basketball court. One thing she did know for sure was that her brother was always there at the basketball court. Given he was on the team and all it made sense, and she'd thought that maybe he'd know what was happening. Because while she didn't know what was happening, surely someone would.

    [ it was fine! tehe ]
    January 9th, 2015 at 04:39am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    Charlotte had been sitting at her desk for over an hour now and with the help of her teacher she was finally getting the hang o everything. With a smile on her face she began to pack her things away before getting to her feet.

    "Thank you so much Miss Watson," she smiled at the young teacher who was sitting at her desk reading a thick book while she waited patiently for Charlotte to finish. The young teacher shot the blonde a warm smile before nodding her head.

    "It's no trouble Charlotte, if you ever need help again please let me know." Charlotte nodded her head as she got to her feet and swung her shoulder bag over her right shoulder, bidding the teacher goodbye she walked out of the classroom and headed for the car park where her car waited for her.
    Nate's attention was pulled away from his phone when one of his mates elbowed him in the rib, he was about to retaliate when he spoke, "Hey Nate, there's your girlfriend." the blonde haired male turned to look at his mate before sneering at him and shooting the bird. The male watched as the beautiful brunette made her way onto the basketball court. She looked confused and a little sick. The male watched as she walked over to what he assumed was her brother considering the closeness in looks. The two were in a deep conversation when all of a sudden she turned and their eye met. Quickly he pulled his attention away and pretended to look busy.
    January 12th, 2015 at 10:41am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Oliver was honestly so not used to this. Sure he'd traveled before with his dad and sure he'd been to similar events for other people he'd known where there were tons of people there for them. They were always pricey events with all these lovely women there pretty much trying to get in with whoever the guest of honor was, he'd never been to one for himself though. And well Oliver had always kind of hated these things, they just felt forced a lot of the times, so he really didn't know how to react to his own event like this. However he couldn't really back out now and so in order to prepare for the event he decided to leave the hotel room and walk around some. Clear his head, get some fresh air, maybe just explore for a bit and see what amazing things there were to see that he could enjoy before he was forced to try get to know people who were probably nothing like him, because his luck none of the women he'd meet later would be interested in half the same things as him.
    Blair sighed and looked around the room for a moment before she locked eyes with a guy sitting on the bleachers for a short moment before he was looking away and she turned back to her brother. "Wake up Blair. You just don't look well Blair I'm only looking out for you. You need to be at home resting where mom and dad can take care of you." She heard him say and well honestly it sounded weird coming from him. Not that it was weird because of course when you're younger you stay at home and let your mom take care of you. But well Blair couldn't remember the last time she'd been sick enough that her mom wouldn't even go to work and actually stayed home to take care of her. Which made things worse, she really didn't know what was going on. It was a little weird that he was telling her to wake up too when well she was awake, she could've had been here if she wasn't. "I'm just gonna go." She replied finding talking to her bother pretty useless right now anyways.
    January 13th, 2015 at 03:57am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    Charlotte had just chucked her bag in the passenger seat when her mobile began to ring. Sighing she fished it out of her bag only to find Chloe's caller ID, she was tempted to let the call ring out and simply say that she had been busy. However as it continued to ring she caved and answered. "Hello," she spoke into the device.

    "Oh God! What took you so long!" Chloe snapped into the device.

    "I was busy," the blonde bit back over her step sister attitude. Chloe scoffed over the other end of the line before speaking.

    "So what are you doing in the school car park? Are you really so stupid and lonely that you have to spend your weekends at school."

    "I could ask you the same thing, how do you even know where I am if you didn't come passed this way?"

    Chloe began to stumble over her words as she tried to piece together a comeback but she came up short instead she just squealed into her phone before hanging up quickly. Charlotte chuckled to herself as she leaned forward and started the engine to her beat up truck. Pulling out of the school car park she began the drive home.
    Nate looked up from his phone watching as the dark haired girl walked away from her brother who had a slightly worried look on his face, arching his brow his eyes darted between the two. Slowly he got to his feet, shooting a lie that he had to grab something from his locker he walked after the brunette. He didn't want to be creepy but she looked confused and he was curious as to why. Inhaling deeply he called out her name.

    January 21st, 2015 at 11:20am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Oliver to say the least really enjoyed just being out in the open away from all the stress being a part of his family put on him. He liked just letting go and spending at least a little time not worrying about anything. So the fact that he was getting the chance to actually leave his hotel for a while and whatnot was nice. Though he wasn't entirely sure where he was going go, or what he was going to do, he'd figure something out. Even if it was just walking around the town aimlessly for who knew how long. Maybe he'd find a coffee shop or something and get some coffee, or maybe he'd find a park and walk a mile. Though he did always have a book with him when he left just in case there was ever down time, so maybe he'd read or something.
    Blair ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. She didn't understand what her brother had been talking about, and frankly it was even more frustrating that she still had no idea what was going on with her and that apparently neither did the one person she thought would be helpful. She couldn't help but stop and turn towards where she'd hard her name being called though. And she couldn't quite put a name to the face but she did know that he looked familiar.

    "Uh, hi." She said hoping she didn't sound awkward or like she was annoyed with him or anything, because she wasn't. She was annoying, but it wasn't with him.
    January 25th, 2015 at 07:07am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    Charlotte walked through the front door just in time to find her step mother enter the hallway the smile that had been on her face chipped and fell away to a scowl and a look of utter disgust.

    "And where have you been?" she asked her words dripping with venom. Her bleach blonde hair was pulled up on top of her head in a neat bun, her face was caked with a severe amount of make up making her look so much older then she really was.

    "School," a short sharp laugh fell from the older womans lips as she looked at the teenager who stood in her hallway. With a shrug of her shoulder she walked away but Charlotte knew that she was laughing at her still and Nina was sure to share a cruel joke with her two spoilt daughters.

    Groaning the blonde walked up the flight of stairs throwing herself onto her bed and closing her eyes trying to fall into her dreams and away from the reality for a while.
    "Hi," the male couldn't help the smile spread across his face when she turned and spoke to him, sure she looked startled but Nate couldn't deny he wasn't extremely happy to have the young woman talking to her. "Uh..." he stammered trying to form the right words in his mind. "Are you alright... I mean... I... Uh... saw you with your brother and you looked kinda upset when you left him... I was just uh... wondering if you're alright." mentally the male face palmed himself for how much he stammered and stumbled in his speech. He was terrible at this. So bad he wouldn't be surprised if she laughed in his face and walked away
    February 8th, 2015 at 02:00pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Oliver walked around for a while until he did end up finding a coffee shop he could sit around in for a bit. And honestly he was okay with that because he liked places like that. They were peaceful and he often found that while he was there he could fine peace really. Especially if he had a book or something with him. Probably because they weren't as quiet as libraries so he wouldn't fall asleep, but they were just quiet enough that he wouldn't get distracted by everything going on around him.
    Blair bit her lip honestly not sure how to answer. "Would it be weird if I said I'm not really sure." She told him wishing she knew if she was okay or not. But well she really didn't know if she was okay or not. Yea she felt fine physically yea but it was like there was something in the back of her mind telling her that something was wrong. She just couldn't figure out what the thing that was wrong was. "I mean feel fine but it's like something in the back of mind if telling me somethings wrong." She said knowing she probably sounded crazy but well it's how she felt.
    February 16th, 2015 at 12:36am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    Charlotte had just dozed off when her step mother barged into her room followed by her giggling daughters. Charlotte's eyes snapped open and she rolled over wanting nothing more then to snap at Nina but she swallowed back the urge.

    "Charlotte, did you pick my dry cleaning?" she asked from the way the twins behind her were looking at Charlotte she was positive they thought she had forgot.

    "Yes Nina, it is hanging in the bathroom waiting for you." this cased Chloe and Clara's smirks to drop. Even Nina's posture dropped and Charlotte knew that the bottle blonde haired woman had been looking forward to yelling at her. Quickly she turned and walked out of the room with a humph.

    "Oh Charlotte can you go and get me and Clara a coffee mum has run out and we want a double shot latte."

    "Can't you get it yourself?"

    "No our cars in getting a service and there is no way I would be caught dead in your heap of junk." Charlotte narrowed her eyes at her step sisters before getting to her feet shoving passed them mumbling an 'alright' as she passed them. Storming out into the driveway she stepped into her car starting the engine and speeding off to her favourite coffee shop.
    Nate's brows furrowed together as he stepped toward her. "Not at all," he shook his head at her. "Do... uh... do you want to talk about it?" he hesitated. The male was waiting for her to simply shake her head and walk off so his eyes quickly averted to his shoes. A pair of red converse's that were covered in permanent marker drawings and silly words and phrases that him and his friends had printed on there.
    March 11th, 2015 at 08:11am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Oliver walked into the coffee shop and went ahead and ordered a drink before finding a table he could sit at. The place was perfect really and he couldn't have been happier than he'd stumbled on it. Though he supposed since he was technically looking for somewhere like this that it wouldn't be classified as stumbling on it. Whatever he was just glad he'd found somewhere. This was place was a lot better than sitting around in his hotel room bored out of his mind. It was also better than being anywhere his father might've dragged him to until the charity ball he was having later. The thing was the ball wasn't even until later in the week, or at least he was pretty sure it wasn't until later that week. Honestly he didn't know, his dad usually just told him when to show up for things and he dressed himself then showed up.
    Blair bit her lip and ran her fingers through her hair. "I would but well I don't really know what to talk about exactly because I don't know what's wrong with me." She told him wishing that didn't sound as weird as it was. Really she wished she knew what was going on, but she didn't. "I don't see why we couldn't go somewhere and talk though." She said figuring that maybe talking about whatever was going on would be helpful in figuring out what was actually going on. Or maybe she was just losing it. Really she didn't know anymore.
    March 12th, 2015 at 05:11am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    Charlotte pulled up in a free parking space before slamming her door shut and muttering obscenities as she walked into the coffee shop. Walking up to the counter she waited patiently to be served and spread a smile across her face when a young woman appeared before her.

    "Hello, what can I get you?"

    The blonde was about to spit out the order her step sisters wanted but instead she ordered for herself, her sisters could wait, she was going to have a nice hot chocolate to herself before heading home. She needed the space and the time to think to herself.

    "Can I please get a hot chocolate and a marshmallow," Charlotte watched as the woman pinned it into the computer and the blonde handed over her money before smiling and walking away from the counter over to a free table in the corner. The blonde slowly looked around the cafe, it was reasonably empty but her light eyes locked on a young male who sat at a table by himself. The blonde couldn't deny that he was handsome. Slowly she looked over his profile but was pulled away when her drink was placed in front of her. "Thank you," she smiled at the woman.
    Nate looked up from his shoes and couldn't help the smile that spread across his face, nodding his head he agreed to the idea. "Sure, anywhere in particular that you want to go?" it was hard to find a good privet spot in this school. Or at least that was what he thought. Maybe the brunette knew one where the two could speak alone and she can tell him what is bothering her so much.
    March 23rd, 2015 at 12:28pm
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    @ Sirius Black..
    April 14th, 2015 at 01:08pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Oliver really enjoyed the peace of the coffee shop he was sitting in. He enjoyed that it was small, quiet, and honestly the perfect place to just sit and enjoy a hot chocolate or coffee while you read, write, or do just about anything really. He also couldn't help but notice when anyone new walked in, which in the last half hour there was only one person who'd come in. And she was one of the prettiest girls Oliver had ever seen. He was so taken by how beautiful that she was that he didn't even try and hide it when their eyes met across the café. They didn't break either until her drink was placed in front of her. And it was then that he got an idea. One that might not please other people but would make him very happy. So he got up and moved over to her table, hoping it wouldn't totally freak her out.

    "Hi, I couldn't help but notice that you were all alone, and well a beautiful girl like yourself shouldn't have to drink a hot chocolate alone," he told her pretty sure that was the worst pick up he'd ever said in his life, but he still hoped he hadn't freaked her out.
    "We could always go to the choir room," Blair said biting her lip. Honestly, there weren't too many places in the school that were quiet enough to talk. And that was the only one she could think of that was usually empty until after school. Plus there was something about that room itself that was almost peaceful which she didn't really know why that was but she didn't really question it either. "Thank you for doing this for me," she told him smiling softly. She couldn't really say that she knew a guy here at school who would take time out of the day to talk to her about whatever the hell was going on with her. Especially when they weren't close.
    April 21st, 2015 at 04:09am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    Charlotte was caught by surprise when the male she had been staring at got up and moved toward her. Her hands became clammy with sweat as she tried to lightly laugh off her shyness at the rather cheesy pick up line. However the blonde couldn't deny that she wasn't awe struck at the fact he had gone out of his way to make contact with her. Her eyes locked with his as she nodded. It wasn't normally this way, normally it was the twins getting all the male attention, purely because they wore the most revealing clothes and strutted around school parading their feminine features right in the boys faces.

    "Of course not," she chuckled. "Please..." she indicated to the chair opposite her watching him intently. He was cute in a sexy kind of way. His eyes were dark and hypnotic and his smile caused her heart to somersault inside her chest. However it was the deep dimples that sealed everything off perfectly. "Charlotte," she introduced herself holding out her hand in greeting.
    "The choir room sounds perfect," the choir room was one of the larger rooms in the school. It was always open to the student, mainly in hope that they would be drawn to the attractiveness of singing in a medium size group of people. Not many people ventured up there but Nate knew it was the best place for Blair and himself to talk. The male nodded his head smiling as he readjusted his bag on his shoulder. "It's no problem at all," and he spoke the truth. The male didn't mind listening to her, he just wanted to make sure she was okay.

    Nate and Blair didn't have a close relationship but Nate had known the woman for several years now and the two always managed to say hello as they passed in the hallways.
    May 10th, 2015 at 03:15pm