One Night and One More Time.

  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Sydney took Calum's hand and let him lead her out to the dance floor. "I'm glad I didn't have to give you any more hints." She told him pretty sure she could've found a guy who would've had no idea that's what she was trying to tell them. Clearly Calum wasn't like most guys though, which was something she could be thankful for. Honestly one of the only things that bothered Sydney more than well Kelsey was guys who were dense. She could not stand when she actually had to put forth more effort than it was really worth a lot of the times to keep Kelsey from stealing the guys she had her eye on, only to have him be a dense little shit who couldn't hold a conversation with her. It was like all those guys could do was talk about themselves, and then when they could tell she was bored decide to ask if she wanted to go back to their room. Lord they were the worst. Calum was not one of those guys though.
    "I'm gonna hold you to that." Ashton said pretty sure he wouldn't, even if she laughed at him he wouldn't care really. He knew he was a shit dancer. "Yes being bad dancers together sounds like the best plan." He said nodding his head looking around a bit and seeing everyone around them dance. Well it was mostly griding on one another and calling it dancing, but well that was just how it was nowadays and honestly he didn't know any better. That's how people had danced at dances/parties for as long as he'd been going to them. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" He joked before busting out with some of his totally awesome Ashton dance moves, and honestly he didn't even care if he looked ridiculous.
    February 10th, 2015 at 08:56am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (I wasn't sure if you wanted to have Sydney and Calum hook up or not, so I figured I'd leave the skip for your side up to you, if that's okay. :) )
    Maybe Aria should have been surprised when she woke up with a hangover, but she wasn't - it hadn't been the first time that she woke up with a killer headache, after all. In honesty, she was more so surprised to find herself curled up against the boy wonder from the night before; she remembered sleeping with him, sure, but she hadn't really expected to stay over. On top of that, she was sure she was running late. "Shit," she murmured, rubbing a hand over her face as she climbed off of Ashton's bed, trying to be as quiet and careful as possible as she started getting dressed. Her phone was still in her jacket pocket and, once she had her dress and shoes on, and picked up her jacket to look at her phone, she cringed at the time; she could only hope that she could make it back to the sorority house quick enough to get ready for class without being too late to class in the end.
    March 3rd, 2015 at 12:41pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Sydney wasn't really that shocked to wake up with a hangover. After all last night wasn't her first frat party, just like it wasn't exactly the first time she'd woken up in bed with a guy either. Though she could say it was the first time she'd stayed the night with a guy at a frat party and not shagged him. Not that the opportunity hadn't presented itself because it most certainly had. There was just something different about this guy and while usually one thing would lead to another and the making out would only stop so clothes could be taken off that hadn't happened. Yes they'd made out, but only after they'd talked about a lot of stuff and made it back to his room. And well there they found more things to talk about, and totally had a romantic moment, even though they'd only just met. And before she'd known what was happening it was two a.m. and she was dead tired. Which hadn't exactly been how she'd thought the night would go, but hey at least it was her in his room instead of someone else. And maybe something more than just a random hook up at a party would happen.
    Ashton ran his hands over his face and groaned a little when there was movement in his room. He honestly was a pretty light sleeper, so it didn't take much to wake up at all. That didn't however mean that he liked to be up any earlier than 11. And yea he was sure that he'd have to start waking up earlier at some point, but he was saving that for after he graduated and had a real job. While he was still here that's just not how things went. He could help but roll over and watch Aria rush to gather her things clearly in a hurry to leave. And he was pretty sure it wasn't his fault she was leaving, she probably had a class or something. Otherwise he probably would've pulled her back into the bed and tried to convince her to stay a while longer. Which was not a common thought that Ashton had about girls who slept with. However he let her finish getting ready, and figured that since he was already awake now that he'd get some things done that he needed to get done.
    March 4th, 2015 at 05:51am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Calum had woken up because of the massive headache he ended up having due to his hangover. Initially, he had planned to head downstairs to get some pain killers, but when he spotted the gorgeous Sydney next to him, all of his motivation to leave kind of vanished. Even with the hangover, he preferred staying in bed next to her, which surprised him more than anything. They hadn't even hooked up, but she had still slept over once they noticed how late it had gotten - he was even certain that the party had ended by the time that they decided to call it a night. (That probably had more to do with the fact that they had started running out of drinks pretty quickly, though, due to how many people showed up at the party.) Though he didn't want to wake her, if she was still asleep, he quietly asked, "Are you awake?" If she was, he could go down to get them both some pain killers because he was sure she probably had a hangover, too - still, he didn't want to move any time soon.
    Aria nearly cringed when she heard Ashton groan and she honestly felt a little guilty for having woken him. Once she was done, she looked over at him and attempted a smile. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," she said quietly, because she hadn't - and, really, if she didn't have a class to get ready for, she would have stayed curled up with him for a while longer, though she didn't want to admit that aloud. "I just have to go get ready for Sociology. My professor's a total jerk and if I'm late for his class again, he'll probably drop me," she explained, hoping that it would make sense to him. After a moment, she chewed on her lip before making her way over to the bed and grinning. "Maybe I'll drop by later, though, if you want to hang out or something?" she asked softly, wondering if he'd be okay with that. She didn't normally hang out with guys that she hooked up with, but she had actually had fun with Ashton - not just the hooking up part, but the talking and joking and dancing.
    March 4th, 2015 at 06:30am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Sadly." Sydney mumbled holding her head because it hurt so badly. "Why'd I drink so much last night." She said sighing a little and wishing she hadn't drank so much. Then again she always wished she hadn't drank so much. Just like she always told herself she wouldn't drink that much again, she'd even told herself she wouldn't ever drink again once but she never actually stuck to that. "D'you guys have any painkillers?" She asked finally running her hands over her face and sitting up. "Because I really need something for this headache." She told him pretty sure he felt the same way since they'd both drank quite a bit, and well she didn't feel that great. Unless you considered your head feeling like it was being beaten with a hammer nice.
    "It's fine." Ashton told her shaking his head a little not wanting her to feel bad about waking him up. It wasn't her fault he was such a light sleeper, plus he surely would've woken up soon anyways thanks to his hangover. "If you need any there's some painkillers in that top drawer there." He told her knowing unlike some of the other guys that he liked to keep some as close to him as possible. "And there's water in the mini fridge." He also liked to keep water close as well. Because well Ashton had learnt a thing or two about being drunk and getting rid of hangovers since he'd been here. And having everything he needed right there in his room was always nice when he did wake up with one. "That'd be nice. Hope you make it to your class on time."
    March 4th, 2015 at 11:54pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Calum nodded slightly and shifted to climb out of bed, standing up and stretching a bit. "Yeah, I'll go get us both some," he assured her quietly. It would only take a few minutes to get them, so he went ahead and made his way out of the room and downstairs, to the kitchen. Grabbing the bottle, he got them both a glass of water, too, and headed back upstairs, being careful not to spill the water or drop the bottle. Since he had left his door open on the way out, he didn't have to struggle with trying to open it when he walked back in, offering the glass and bottle to her. "Do you have any classes this morning? Or are you free to hang out for a while?"
    "Thanks," Aria murmured, admittedly a little grateful that she wouldn't have to search the sorority house for the painkillers later. Moving to where he had gestured to, she grabbed a few painkillers and got a bottle of water out of the mini fridge, too, before looking over to him. "I'll see you later, then," she told him with a grin before she took the medicine and quickly made her way out of the room, bottle in hand as she drank it. She'd have to rush even more, though, considering she had spent time conversing with Ashton - which she didn't regret, but she still felt bad for waking him.
    March 5th, 2015 at 04:47am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "It's Thursday right?" Sydney said, more to herself than to Calum not really expecting an answer. "Uh no. I don't have classes on Thursday's so I'm free to hang out. I do have a ten page paper due Monday that I need to work on but I'm sure putting it off a few more hours isn't going to kill me." She told him taking the glass of water he'd offered her along with getting a few of the Advil out of the bottle and taking them for her killer headache. "Do you have classes today?" She asked deciding that she didn't want to keep him from classes, and well she'd make sure to leave before he had to leave if he did have classes so she didn't make him late or anything. Plus well when she left she could head back to the Sorority house and shower, change, and get to work on her paper.
    "No problem." Ashton told her smiling at her sending her a nod when she mentioned seeing him later before she was out the door. And he fell back and threw his arm over his face. He really wanted to fall back to sleep, but he couldn't. He did however lay there in bed a few more minutes before eventually deciding to get up and shower and of course get dressed. After all he was awake so he might as well get out of bed and not be totally lazy all day, because thinking about it there were things he needed to do before he headed out to his own class later in the day.
    March 19th, 2015 at 05:29pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Calum cringed at the mention of the ten page paper, silently grateful that he didn't have whatever class that was necessary for. "I feel lucky that I don't have that class with you, then," he joked lightly, hoping to keep the conversation light - and, well, maybe he was hoping to keep the conversation off of the homework, too, because he didn't want the girl to stress. He was sure she probably would, regardless, considering it was a ten page paper. It sounded difficult enough and, with it being due on Monday, he was sure it was stressful enough without having to mount extra pressure on her. "I have a class in a few hours, but I'm free until then - and, after, too, if you want to hang out after the class is over," he told her, not minding either way.
    March 20th, 2015 at 03:48am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "You should," Sydney said sighing. "It's so awful, honestly makes me want to break things. And this semester has been the most stressful yet. Nearly all my classes are filled with projects that are going to drive me mad," she told him wishing that weren't the case, but it was. And well she hadn't really expected anything differently. After all, she only had one more year after this one so of course it was going to just get tougher until she was done. If it got easier well that'd be pointless. But this semester had been a little over the top. "Anyways we should talk about something aside from class. Because well between classes and this girl out to ruin my life I need something else on my mind," she told him pretty sure they could find other things to talk about. They had nearly all night after all so sure they could again, and a little more sober this time around.

    [ I'm not entirely sure what to do with Ashton, or where to skip to so if you wanna take the lead with Aria I'll follow in my next post tehe ]
    April 21st, 2015 at 04:30am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Ah, maybe I'll have her come out of class and start heading to the sorority house and she could run into him? I just want to make sure it's okay before I type it~)
    July 20th, 2015 at 04:17am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Should I just skip a few days for this one? Or to later on in the day?)
    December 8th, 2016 at 06:11am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ we can just skip a few days if you'd like XD ]
    September 14th, 2018 at 05:12am