Let Our Hearts Decide

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    Bailee Stryder | The Girlfriend
    Jake Monroe | The Boyfriend
    Danny Hope | The Best friend
    Ada Williams | The Girlfriend
    Alex Cruz | The Boyfriend
    Erik Dulin | The Best friend
    January 11th, 2015 at 08:22am
  • Ada awoke the next morning in a frenzy of gasps from the nightmare. She sighed as she held her head in her hands and stretched a bit. She looked around her red curls wild as they always were. She got up and showered before dressing in a tank top and ripped skinny jeans. Her band bracelets covering her wrists. She wore a locket necklace she had gotten for her birthday by Alex. She smiled seeing a good morning text from him. She texted him back before doing her makeup, her emerald eyes almost cat like. She grabbed her bag and headed out to school, her earbuds in. She had a nose piercing and three piercings on each ear as well as her cartilage at the top of her ear pierced. She already have five tattoos, one in plain site on her arm of a fox. She had a few others, one on her thigh, one on her back, and one on her wrist as well as another on her ankle.

    Jake woke up and groaned at the morning. He sighed, hating morning and was always grumpy. He managed to get his ass out of bed and get dressed. He dressed in a black v-neck as well as jeans and a his backpack. He left his hair in a bed head style. He didn't really care what people thought. He texted his girlfriend telling her good morning and that he'd see her at school. He yawned as he brushed back stray hair from his face. He got in his car and drove to school. He got the school and walked in getting his shit from his locker before grinning as he met with his best friend and waited by Bailee's locker. He wished she would hurry up. He hated the snobs in the school.

    Danny got up in the morning and straightened his hair out with a brush. He got a hoodie on on top of his t-shirt and got his jeans on before his shoes. He fixed his gauges before heading out to school. He made it there and sighed as he got his guitar and placed it in the music room. He came back out and met with Jake. He pulled his black beanie on that he had gotten out of his locker. He looked around as he talked with Jake. He would never tell his best friend but he really really liked Bailee. He had liked her way before Jake had even asked her out on a date. He loved his best friend, but he was still upset that he had gotten the girl he had wanted.

    @ MarryTheNight
    January 11th, 2015 at 08:46am
  • Bailee groaned and begrudgingly rolled over to cut off her alarm. She staggered to her bathroom where she took a far too long shower and may or may not have fallen asleep again. After a long fight to get her hair dried and into some semblance of order she dressed in a long sleeve t shirt and the first pair of jeans in her dresser. A sound coming from her phone had her smiling. She sent Jake a quick reply and made her way down the stairs where her father was in the kitchen making breakfast for her toddler brother. After a quick good morning and a rummage through the cabinets, she left her house with a with a granola bar in hand and the hope that all of her school supplies were wither in her car or locker. On her ride she managed not to hit anything and eat her 'breakfast' at the same time although she did manage to bite her lip ring. She got to the school, backpack over her shoulder, and weaved her way to her locker. A smile broke across her face when she saw Jake and Danny waiting for her.

    Alex woke up to the shrill scream of his alarm and shut it off as fast as he possibly could. He sent Ada a good morning text and went searching for his trusty petroleum jelly and applied a good bit to the fresh tattoo on his forearm depicting a symbol from one of his more favored television shows. He changed onto a white shirt, jeans and a pullover hoodie he had had forever and gave his hair a quick brush and walked out the door, grabbing his school bag as he went. He had plans to meet of with Ada at the entrance of the school, the same as he did every morning. Luckily their lockers were almost next to one another so he didn't bother stopping by it just yet.

    Erik sighed and closed his laptop. He had spent another night without sleep and decided to make a poor effort at getting showered and dressed. He took a moment to search for his ipod before beginning his usual trek to school. It was slow, boring, and gave him way too much time to think. He heaved another sigh as she saw his best friend, Jake, and his girlfriend, Ada, meeting up at the front of the school. He had told Jake not to go for her and that it was a bad idea but that was mostly because he had liked her as well. That probably made him a bad friend and he did feel sort of bad about it but he did feel as if he had plausible reason. He pulled out one of his earbud as he got closer to the couple and faked a smile.

    @ FlyAway;
    January 12th, 2015 at 07:24am
  • Jake looked up finally seeing his girlfriend. He grinned and greeted her with his arms wrapping around her and kissing her gently. He didn't really give three fucks about PDA. He never had and never would as long as he lived. He smiled at her and said, "Hey." He then said, "How're you?" He turned back to Danny hearing him tell him he would see him later after having greeted Bailee. He smiled and said, "alright bro. I'll see you after I walk Bailee to her class." He said and smiled at him before turning back to Bailee. He leaned against the locker as he watched her tilting his head to the side a smile on his face as he did so. He loved his girlfriend with all his heart and didn't know a thing about Danny liking Bailee.

    Danny smiled talking with Jake before Bailee popped up. He greeted her gently having to look away when she kissed Jake. He couldn't bear it much longer. It hurt seeing them together. He knew he was probably an asshole for thinking such things especially about his best friend but he couldn't take it. He loved Bailee and she didn't even know it and she was with his bestfriend. He sighed and then said, "Hey man, I'll see you during first. I think I'm going to go ahead and try to copy someone's homework. See ya, Bailee." He said and smiled fakely before waving and heading off to class.

    Ada sighed because gym was second block and the school had issues gym uniforms for them. She was thinking as she walked to school. She hummed as she walked, being one of those people who didn't care as long as she had her music and her friends and of course her boyfriend. She saw Alex up ahead and smiled as she went up and hugged him. She was tiny compared to everyone. She was only four eleven and was skinny all hell. She was just tiny in general. She smiled up at him and said, "Hi!" She loved hugs and loved Alex. Sure, he had his moments but for the most part he was wonderful. She saw Erik heading their way and noticed something wrong with his smile and frowned before shaking it off and saying, "Hi, Erik!" She smiled at him, her curls bouncing everywhere as she did.

    @ MarryTheNight
    January 13th, 2015 at 12:33am
  • Bailee grinned upon seeing Jake. She wrapped her arms around his neck, returning his kiss. "Hey," She replied softly. "Better now. What about you?" She waved at Danny before leading the way to her locker where she spent the next few minutes picking out books for her first couple of classes, and trying to remember if she had any homework in those same classes. As she did this she kept twirling the barbells in her tongue and flicking glances over at Jake. "What?" She asked with a chuckle and a smile. "Did yesterday's smokey eye become this morning's dead hooker? I knew I forgot to do something this morning. Ugh." She slumped against her locker.

    Alex wrapped his arms around Ada, burying his head in her face. "Hey," He said, pulling away. He loved how short she was. It made her seem very pixie-like which, honestly, just made him think of her in a Tinkerbell costume and, let's face it, that image is hot no matter which way you go about it. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and gave a small smile. "How did you sleep?" His brows drew together in concern as his best friend showed up, He gave Erik a smile and offered up a fist bump before asking Ada if she needed to stop by her locker this morning.

    Erik struggled to keep his 'smile' from becoming bitter as he watched Ada and Alex interacting. "Hey, guys," he said , returning the fist bump and ruffling Ada's hair, with a grin. "Anything special planned for the day? Any rule breaking or are we just going with overly tired teenager for today?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and waggling his eyebrows at the two of them. He had been referring to a head of trouble he and Alex had gotten into before Alex started dating Ada. They had spent an entire day saran wrapping the faculty's cars and attempting to post-it note the entire school.

    @ FlyAway;
    January 14th, 2015 at 03:46am
  • Jake smiled down at her happily and said, "Hello." Hearing her, he chuckled before saying, "Hmm, much better." He told her burying his face down into her hair and smiled sniffing her before pulling away gently, but keeping one arm around her shoulders. "I don't know why you bother doing homework anymore." He teased her with a soft smile. Jake never did shit in class. He hated class and honestly, the only reason he kept coming was for Bailee. He heard her and said, "Nothing." He heard her and shook his head and said, "Uh, no. I was thinking you look beautiful today, babe." He told her leaning down and pressing a kiss to her lips softly. He then smiled softly and said, "Come on then."

    Danny couldn't watch it. He had seen them kiss and his stomach had gone to shit. He had seen Bailee wave at him and almost smiled widely. He shook his head knowing he was stupid for thinking she would ever notice him. He felt girls eyes on him giving him googly eyes, but he only wanted Bailee. He sighed as he walked to class. He slumped into his chair turning in his homework that was due before looking out the room and waiting for Bailee to get to first period. He had Bailee in his first class and Jake in his second. He looked up at the ceiling as he waited.

    Ada smiled up at him and stood on her tippy toes to kiss his lips softly. "Too tall." She pouted softly and then smiled up at him. She heard Erik and smiled at him. "You look tired." She commented softly looking concerned. She then turned back to Alex and said, "The usual." Which meant her lying to him about her not having nightmares and actually sleeping well when in reality she woke up crying most nights. Feeling him ruffle her hair she pouted again and said, "Hey!!" She tried to fix it and said, "I don't wanna go to gym class second block." She sighed and then said, "Can we skip gym because the girls outfits are like really really revealing.." She mumbled sighing. They all had gym together. She then hummed and said, "You two can but my dad would kill me if I got in trouble again after what happened with that girl the other day." She sighed shaking her head.

    @ MarryTheNight
    January 14th, 2015 at 03:57am
  • Bailee rolled her eyes. "I bother doing homework so I can get out of this piece of shit town. Maybe you should try it some time." She smiled and softly punched his arm. She did try to do her homework although it wasn't always much use as she rarely remembered what they were learning. "Thank you," Bailee said softly, returning the kiss. She closed her locker, swing her back back over her shoulder and grasped Jake's hand. When they got to her first block she gave Jake a kiss and a promise to see him after class. On the way to her seat, she turned in her homework. Luckily she sat next to Danny so she had someone to talk to.

    Alex chuckled and leaned down so their lips would meet. "Now who said you would be getting in trouble if we skip first block as well." He said raising his eyebrow in suggestion. "Your dad would never have to know." He shot a glance to Erik. "What do you say? You up for a little free time?" He returned his attention to Ada. He was sure this was no way to get on her father's good side but he didn't like school and any opportunity he got to get out of it and spend time with the girl he loved was just fine with him.

    Erik just shrugged at the comment about his looking tired. He was used to it. Erik was pretty sure Ada was lying when Alex asked about her dreams because would never look him in the eye when she did and she took on a slightly guilty stance. Erik sight and threw up his hands at Alex's proposal. "Why the hell not?" He asked. It wasn't like he would be paying that much attention. He spent most of his class time trying not to fall asleep and avoiding looking at Ada and Alex when they were together, which only made him feel shittier about having feelings for his best friend's girlfriend.

    @ FlyAway;
    January 17th, 2015 at 12:11am
  • Jake rolled his eyes and said, "But it's so annoying. I know the material and that's all I need to do." He murmured softly as he looked down at her gently. She knew he knew the material. All of it. His grades were only bad because of the fact that he had a zero in homework. His other grades were good. He sighed softly and walked her to her class before kissing her again and smiled before heading off to his own class. He sighed sitting down gently.

    Danny looked up hearing Bailee walk in. He waved and watched as she sat down. He returned his fake smile to her gently. He then let his real one come out as he looked at her. "So what's up?" He asked her tilting his head, his shagging hair falling over his eyes and masking them basically. He didn't mind really, he hated his eyes as it was. He watched her gently wondering what she was doing. He sighed hearing the teacher say they had free time for today since they had done their work yesterday. He smiled looking back to Bailee lightly.

    Ada bit her lip and said, "Ugh. I can't. You know my dad." She sighed and looked at her hands before up at Alex and said, "I just got out of trouble, Alex." She kissed his cheek. "You two can and I'll see you guys in gym second." She murmured and then smiled at them. She hated that. She knew that Erik could tell she had been lying to Alex and knew he knew because he had been watching her intensely. She then pecked Alex's lips. "I'll see you two second." She murmured before ruffling Erik's hair this time. Having to reach up on her tiptoes to do so. Her touch was soft and cold compared to how warm she always looked. She smiled before turning and going into her first block. She sighed softly knowing she didn't want to lie to them anymore. She shook her head and asked to be excused to go to the bathroom. She went into the bathroom and went into a stall before sinking down into a position where her arms were aroudn her knees and her head ontop of her knees.

    @ MarryTheNight
    January 17th, 2015 at 10:10pm
  • Bailee shrugged. Luckily this was a class she was passing so she didn't mind doing whatever the hell she wanted in it, free day or not. She frowned at Danny. "Are you are all right?" She asked, her voice lowering in concern. "You seemed a little down this morning." Bailee hated it when any of her friends, especially Jake and Danny, were upset. So, like any rational person, she decided that she would poke his cheek until his hair fell over his eye and she rolled hers. "You need to get your hair cut again." She said. "Your bangs keep covering your eyes." She frowned, and pushed his hair from his face.

    Alex sighed and shook his head as Ada walked off. He hated seeing her like that as he preferred seeing her walking toward him. Alex shot a look over at Erik, "So, what do you say? Wanna skip first, catch some shut eye in the library or something?" Alex just really didn't want to shoe up to Chemistry again without his homework. Mrs. Spooner never let him get away with it without a mini lecture on why homework was an important part of school. Yeah, he really didn't give a damn.

    Erik watched Ada walk away with longing and them mentally kicked himself for once again pining for his bestfriend's girlfriend. Sometimes he really hated himself. Erik shook his head. "No thanks, I really need to pay attening to the review for my geology test tomorrow." He lied. Really he just couldn't stand to stand next to his bestfriend when the only thing going through his head was guilt. When he and Ales parted way he decided that wadering the halls was the best course for himself until he noticed Ada walking into a bathroom and seeping to be upset. Then again maybe that was just his imagination.

    @ FlyAway;
    January 18th, 2015 at 07:33am
  • Jake sighed as he sat down in class awaiting the teacher to lecture him again. He looked up when she finally have at him hearing that he didn't have his homework only set her off more. He frowned as he looked up at her and said, "I know the material and you know that I know that I know that I know the material." He said confusing her and said, "Look, I know the material okay!?" He said having to run a hand throughout his hair to calm down.

    Danny nodded and smiled fakely. "I'm fine, Bailee." He murmured softly, his voice nice and sweet to her. All he wanted to do was pull her into his arms and kiss her for forever. He shook those guilty thoughts out of his head knowing he couldn't have them. He blinked feeling her poke his cheek and smiled softly. He laughed seeing her roll her eyes. "It wouldn't do any good. I would just have to cut it in two weeks like I did two weeks ago." He said shrugging. "I'll cut it this weekend." He told her.

    Ada sighed as she felt her anxiety start to play up again. She gasped holding her head in her hands and felt the tears fall from her face as she tried to control the panic attack that was soon creeping into play. She tried to breathe but it felt like she was suffocating. Last week one had gotten so bad she had to go to the bathroom and splash water over her face. She tried to control her breathing but she couldn't. She felt like she was drowning. She soon started to hyperventilate. She had so much to do today and it was stressing her out as well as this week and next week and she couldn't handle it. She felt her consciousness begin to fade. She tried to scream for help, but her breath was being used to try and breathe. She soon was unconscious on the floor. She was unaware of the scream that echoed from the girl's bathroom at seeing her passed out body. She looked pale and obviously not good. She didn't mean to, but it had just happened.

    @ MarryTheNight
    January 18th, 2015 at 07:41am
  • Bailee stared at him for a moment with pursed lips before shaking her head and turning away from him. "Nope," she said. "That's too long. You can come over this afternoon and I will cut it for you. In the mean time you can help keep my brother Steven occupied while I do my homework." She smiled. "Does that sound okay? You don't have to if you don't want to." She would love having someone there to distract her brother. He was always getting into something and since her dad didn't get home until six, it would be a great deal of help. Plus, she was pretty sure Jake was tired of being pulled into watching Super Why and Doc McStuffins for thee hours.

    Alex sent up a small prayer of thanks as he walked into his first class and found a substitute sitting behind the teacher's desk. While that meant an even longer lecture tomorrow, he didn't care. That meant he had nothing on importance to do and could sleep the entire class period. As soon as the role was called, he head hit the desk and his arms created a barrier from the harsh, florescent lights. It didn't take long for his to drown out the monotonous sound of overlapping conversations and fall into a semi-deep sleep.

    Erik wasted no time when he heard a scream come from the bathroom Ada had entered not long ago. He started in a dead run and halted only when he was inside the small room and trying to find out which stall Ada had locked herself in. It didn't take long as there were only three and he was small enough to crawl underneath the door. "Ada!" He called, his heart racing. She was pale and he had no idea what he was doing. Something his mother once said to him ran through his head to he quickly propped her feet up, hoping that would bring some color back to her face. He wasn't sure what else he could do and that scared him. He didn't want to call Alex either because he knew the other boy would only freak out that that wouldn't help anything right now.

    @ FlyAway;
    January 18th, 2015 at 08:29am
  • Jake yawned as he listened to the teacher rant to him about how important it was. He wasn't going to college anyways. He was going to tour the world in a band. He had it all figured out and he already had his band. He knew it would turn out today. He got a text from his mother saying he had to go straight home. He texted Bailee telling her that he couldn't come over today. He told her he was sorry and that he would see her after class.

    Danny blinked hearing her say nope and was confused. His emerald eyes flickered with such as he watched her, pushing some of his dark hair from his face. He blinked and said, "Alright.." He shrugged hearing her and laughed and said, "Depends on how old the kid is. I'm not too good with teenagers." He admitted. "I'm almost always good with little kids, though." He told her tilting his head as he watched her gently and the way her face was shaped. He smiled softly before catching himself and averting his eyes.

    Ada soon awoke and gasped sitting straight up and winced feeling her head collide with something. She looked up and saw it was Erik. She winced noticing his head was slowly turning red as well. "Sorry." She murmured weakly before feeling weak. She kept laying down. She didn't really comprehend that her head was sitting in his lap. "What happened?" She whispered, her eyes flickering closed as she did so. She then remembered and whispered, "Oh..I had a panic attack...another one.." She frowned and sighed. She had been taking her medicine but it hadn't been helping that much. She was seeing a doctor Friday to see about it. Friday was two days from today. She would live. She looked up at the concerned face of Erik and smiled gently, her dimples coming into view as she did so. "I'm fine." She murmured and slowly began to sit up.

    @ MarryTheNight
    January 18th, 2015 at 08:37am
  • Bailee jumped slightly as her phone vibrated. She pulled it out and rolled her eyes at the message. She sent back a quick reply saying that it was fine and that Danny would be with her to help with Steven. She put her phone back in her pocket and shook her head at Danny. "Steven is only five. I have to pick him up on my way home." She said and shrugged. It was a good routine. It made her do some sort of exercise at the very least and it took some of the energy out of her brother although most days that didn't matter after his daily afternoon snack. All that applesauce did was pump him full of sugar.

    The sound of a bell had Alex jolting awake. Sadly for him it was just his imagination. With a groan he scrubbed a hand over his face and pulled out his phone and sent a text to Erik, asking what he was doing and if he wanted to meet up and skip the rest of the class. A conversation at the back of the class pulled at his already short attention span as he waited for a reply.

    Erik gave an audible sigh of relief when Ada woke up. He closed his eyes for a moment before smiling down at her. "There is no reason for you to apologize. Are you okay?" He asked quietly and smoothed the hair from her face. When she said something about a panic attack his smile faded and the concern crept back in, refusing to leave this time. He was tempted to tell her no to move but didn't want to sound too weird as her head had just been in his lap. He ignored the vibration in his pock. Ada had all of his attention.

    @ FlyAway;
    January 19th, 2015 at 05:00am
  • Jake read it and sent her that he loved her and that his dad had him on house arrest. He then sighed hearing his teacher tell him to get off his phone and pay attention to what the class was learning. "The answer is B." He said raising an eyebrow and got it correct and nodded and said, "exactly." He was intelligent and quite sarcastic.

    Danny nodded softly watching her with a kind of softness about him. He then ran a hand throughout his hair. Hearing her, he said, "Oh. Alright, that works. I'm good with little kids." He smiled and said, "Is he like really hyper? Because I know how to solve that if you want." He grinned at her, his grin was sweet and also very very nice. He made a funny face just to see her smile. He smiled then as he watched her.

    Ada saw his smiling face and whispered, "I'll be fine. We need to get to gym with Alex." She whispered as she heard the bell ring. She smiled at him. She then murmured, "Thank you, Eri." She whispered using her usual nickname for him. She stood up and grabbed his bag and then his hand gently and dragged him down the hallway with her. She saw Alex and said, "I've gotta change real quick." She changed into a school tank top as well as their shorts. This was the new uniform for the girls. The shorts were extremely short, though. She frowned and tried to pull them down. They were just above mid thigh. She bit her lip shaking her head. This uniform exposed too much of her curves for her liking. She went back out and tried to hide behind Alex and Erik. She gave Erik a look silently pleading he didn't tell Alex about her panic attack. "Worst uniform ever." She mumbled.

    @ MarryTheNight
    January 19th, 2015 at 05:09am
  • Bailee's face lit up when Danny said that he knew how to fix Steven's being so hyper. She grabbed his arm, eyes wide. "Please tell me your secret! I would love you forever if you could help me with this!" She said, smiling at him. She meant it too. She would be forever grateful if he had a way to calm down the little tyke. She loved her brother but there were some days when she would really rather have a cat.

    Alex shuffled out of the door with the rest of the students and made his way to the gym where he met up with Ada and Danny. He watched Ada run of so suddenly with slight confusion but just shrugged it off and walked into the locker room with Erik. Luckily their new uniform was just a tee shirt with the school name across the chest and basketball shorts in the school colors of blue and white. He met back up with Ada in the gym and laughed at her hiding. "If it helps, I think to look great." He said and kissed her forehead.

    Erikgave a small smile when she grabbed his hand. He knew Ada didn't mean anything by it other than they were going to be late but he savored it nonetheless. He watched Ada carefully, worried she might pass out again. He didn't feel it was his place to say anything to Alex but he was also worried that Ada wouldn't say anything either. He hated keeping things from his best friend. Not only was he hiding that he was in love with Ada, but now he was hiding that he had had a panic attack and school had just barely started. With a sigh, he planned to talk to her about it before the school day was out.

    @ FlyAway;
    January 19th, 2015 at 05:33am
  • Jake simply kept quiet while he listened to the teacher talk. He calmly doodled not really wanting to pay attention that much. He made it seem as if he were taking notes. Noticing a triumphant smirk coming from the teacher, he grinned softly to himself.

    Danny's eyes widened hearing her and laughed softly. Her touch was so soft and he longed to feel it even more. All over him. He shook his head out of those thoughts. "No sugar. At all. Give him like apples, but no applesauce and you've gotta get his attention away from television and distract him." He grinned at her and said, "I used to baby sit my cousins last year and they were three and six." He told her grinning at her gently.

    Ada didn't like these shorts. She knew Erik probably hated her at the moment. She was told they had to dodge ball. She heard that it was girls versus boys and groaned even more. "nooo."She hissed and sighed. She then muttered, "Thanks, but these shorts are way to short." She heard a few hoots and whistles towards her from the boys. She hid even more behind Erik and Alex before having to go to the opposite side for the dodge ball game. She went to the other side and heard a whistle and when the game began she immediately threw one and hit the guy in the nuts. She muttered something and squeaked dodging a ball hurtling towards her. She sighed and said, "This day can't get any worse."

    @ MarryTheNight
    January 19th, 2015 at 05:39am
  • Bailee gave an exaggerated sigh. "You,sir, must be a saint. I love my brother and all but I can barely handle him, let alone two." She said and shook her head."So, is peanut butter okay with that apple? He refused to eat the apple plain and my dad spoils him now that my mom is gone." She said and shrugged, trying to play off that she was not hurt by her mother's running off.

    Alex cheered when he heard dodge ball. It was his all time favorite game when it game to school sports. However, he did slap a few of his peers in the back of their head for the cat calls at Ada. After a quick stretch, he was ready to play.As usual when playing, he was one of the first students to grab a ball. His first target was this girl in his first period that was a super annoying try-hard goodie goodie. The faster she was gone, the happier he would be. He was so focused on getting her out of the game, he missed Ada hitting another guy in the nuts.

    Erik sighed; he hated playing dodge ball despite the fact that he was pretty good at it. Then again it was hard not to be with it being such a simple sport.He had a hard time not laughing
    January 19th, 2015 at 06:44am
  • Bailee gave an exaggerated sigh. "You,sir, must be a saint. I love my brother and all but I can barely handle him, let alone two." She said and shook her head."So, is peanut butter okay with that apple? He refused to eat the apple plain and my dad spoils him now that my mom is gone." She said and shrugged, trying to play off that she was not hurt by her mother's running off.

    Alex cheered when he heard dodge ball. It was his all time favorite game when it game to school sports. However, he did slap a few of his peers in the back of their head for the cat calls at Ada. After a quick stretch, he was ready to play.As usual when playing, he was one of the first students to grab a ball. His first target was this girl in his first period that was a super annoying try-hard goodie goodie. The faster she was gone, the happier he would be. He was so focused on getting her out of the game, he missed Ada hitting another guy in the nuts.

    Erik sighed; he hated playing dodge ball despite the fact that he was pretty good at it. Then again it was hard not to be with it being such a simple sport. He had a hard time not laughing when Ada hit a guy in the balls. He tried dodging a doll but was hit anyway in his distraction. He made his way to the bleachers where he waited for either Ada or Alex to get out next.

    @ FlyAway;
    January 19th, 2015 at 06:47am
  • Jake yawned and tried to convince himself to stay awake for just another ten minutes. Well, fifteen. He could do it, then he would see Bailee and it would be all better. He hated this teacher and all the shit she put him through. She made it seem like school was the biggest thing in his life and she would be wrong. The biggest thing in his life would be his family and friends and Bailee.

    Danny laughed and said, "Nah, not really. Awh, they aren't that bad, Bails." He laughed again at the nickname he gave to her one year ago. He sighed and said, "Well, you can't exactly give him that much because the more sugar, the more hyperactive the little kid is gonna be." He murmured and said, "I suppose a little bit would be alright. Also Bailee, don't try to hide that you're hurt. It's alright." He told her gently.

    Ada heard Erik laughing and noticed he got distracted and got hit. She winced once more. She heard another cat call and glowered at the kid catching the ball someone threw at her and running forwards a little and throwing it. She hit him straight in the face. She winced and squeaked when one person came right in front of her standing at a good six four and towering over her. She looked up at him and dodged a ball he threw at her before throwing one at him and managing to get him out of the game before managing to be the last player on her team. "WHY!?" She said and dodged balls that got thrown at her mercilessly. She pouted softly seeing Alex on their team still.

    @ MarryTheNight
    January 19th, 2015 at 06:52am
  • Bailee just nodded and turned away from Danny. She really didn't want to talk about her mother. it was one of the few things in her family that she was embarrassed about. She ran a hand through her silver said before faking a smile. "So, um, how about that weather, huh?" She said, making a poor attempt at changing the subject before she was sucked back into the dark pit that was her past.

    Alex was on fire. He had done a great job of hitting some of the girls and still managing to avoid hitting Ada. He did wince a bit when she ended up being the last player on his team. "Sorry, babe!" I called before throwing a ball and trying to hit her. He would really regret it if he did actually hit her with the ball. It was the effort that counted, right?

    Danny rested his elbows on his knees as he leaned forward to watch Ada move. He knew he should feel bad for staring but, if this was a close as he was going to get to watching the way she moved without being a total creep, then so be it. Besides, he was cheering her on when he felt she needed the encouragement. He smiled when she made it to the last player and chuckled at her exclamation.

    @ FlyAway;
    January 19th, 2015 at 07:18am