Honest to God, I'll Break Your Heart

  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    (Not really, I was just exhausted from it all. Last year at uni is so hard XD)

    "No fun, me?" Ronnie mocked her upset, "I am just being a responsible member of society which you seem to struggle with." Ronnie stepped inside the diner and waited for Damon, "Damon apologize? Is the world ending? You haven't been bitten by something, have you?" she teased as she placed the back of her hand on his forehead as if to check his temperature. Ronnie glanced around the diner and clocked Stefan sitting with a girl in booth, Ronnie had seen the girl around campus a few times. "Stefan is here with a girl, I know she goes to college here but that's it," whispered Ronnie as she quickly turned to face Damon. She couldn't help but think it was odd that Stefan was here with someone but Ronnie had no clue who the girl was.
    Stefan would never outright tell Aria how he didn't like the fact she still hunted his kind. However, he was thankfully that she wasn't hunting him or anyone in Mystic Falls. "Families, I understand maybe we can find a way for you to get out of it one day, if you wanted to?" suggested Stefan, he would help Aria as much he possibly could if she didn't want to be a hunter anymore. "Burger sounds goods," agreed Stefan," I think I will go with a burger as well." Stefan then put down his menu and glanced around to see if there was a server anywhere but he caught a glimpse of redhead and a dark haired guy by the door and he instantly knew who there were, Ronnie and Damon. Stefan never really introduced Aria to anyone from Mystic Falls, it was mainly for her safety more than anything.
    January 24th, 2015 at 03:45pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (I bet! I wish you all the luck with it, though! :) )

    "Responsibility is no fun, Ronnie, you know that," Damon said with a grin as he followed her inside. He rolled his eyes at her dramatics of putting her hand on his forehead. "Oh, yes, I've been bitten by a werewolf, so now I must go around, making sure to apologize to everybody that I've wronged," he drawled, though he was joking. Sure, it wasn't necessarily something to joke about, considering he had been bitten by a werewolf before and it hadn't been a laughing matter at all, but he was going along with her dramatic behavior. When she mentioned that Stefan was there with a girl, though, he arched an eyebrow and glanced over. "Well, let's go introduce ourselves, then," he hummed out before he smirked and led the way over.
    Aria was surprised to hear his suggestion and stared at him for a long moment. "Yeah, well, if you come up with a way to actually get me out of it, I would seriously adore you forever," she chimed with a smile. She really hated hunting, more than anything. She didn't like having to kill anything - and, she knew vampires or werewolves weren't all bad. Or, at least, she knew vampires weren't all bad, because Stefan hadn't ever hurt her, not even when she told him she was a hunter. "Oh, we should get fries, too, with lots of ketchup." Grinning, she let herself relax in her seat, only to be surprised when two others showed up. Blinking, she looked at them, only recognizing the girl a bit from campus.
    January 24th, 2015 at 03:55pm
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ronnie smiled at Damon mocking her dramatics, it was nothing new for Damon to tease her sometimes. Ronnie could remember when Damon was bitten by Tyler, she was furious with both of them. Damon for staying around when Tyler was transforming and Tyler for actually biting Damon. Ronnie was pulled out of her thoughts by Damon insisting they went over and introduced themselves. "Damon," sighed Ronnie as she followed Damon to the table. "Sorry Stefan," apologized Ronnie as she reached the table, she couldn't help but feel a little awkward.
    "I'll try," replied Stefan, he would try his hardest to help Aria but he just had no clue where to start. Stefan knew Aria had the chance to kill but she choose not to which showed that she didn't want to be a hunter. "Yeah fries sound great," agreed Stefan as he looked across to Aria and then he noticed the two people at the end of their table. Stefan heard Ronnie apologize and Stefan knew he would be forced to introduce them to Aria. And when Damon let slip that his was Stefan's brother well it wouldn't take Aria to work that he too was a vampire. "Sorry Aria, this Ronnie and Damon, they are friends of mine," explained Stefan through gritted teeth.
    January 24th, 2015 at 05:39pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Damon arched an eyebrow when he was introduced as a friend, staring at his brother with curiosity. Deciding that he would question about it later, he smiled. "Ah, so this is Aria," he chimed. Not that Stefan had really talked much about her, maybe an occasional thing about going to spend time with the girl, but he would take any chance to embarrass his little brother. "Well, I'm certain you two don't mind if we join you, hmm?" he asked, tilting his head slightly. Normally, he would have just walked away to hang out with Ronnie alone, but his brother's strange introduction got him too curious to help it.
    Aria smiled gratefully when Stefan said that he would try to help. Of course, she doubted much could be done, but the fact that he was willing to try to help meant more to her than she could put into words. Hearing him introduce the other two, she nodded slightly. "It's nice to meet you both," she told them, though she couldn't help but wonder if things seemed a bit tense now. Maybe Stefan just hadn't expected for his friends to show up; she didn't bother thinking too much into it.
    January 25th, 2015 at 06:05am
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    (Sorry I've taken ages to reply, I've had bad internet for past week and a bit)

    Ronnie could easily tell Stefan was a little annoyed by their sudden appearance but Damon just had to go invite himself to the table. The name Aria sounded familiar to Ronnie but she couldn't place where she had heard the name before. "Come on Damon, why don't we let them eat in peace?" suggested Ronnie as she gentle tugged on the vampires leather jacket. Ronnie was curious as to why Stefan had kept quiet about Aria but Ronnie was sure Stefan had his reasons.
    Stefan glared at Damon before quickly regaining composure, "No it's fine, I'll move to the other side, it's nice to have extra company," replied Stefan as he moved himself next to Aria. "I didn't expect to see you two here today, I thought you weren't talking the last I heard?" asked Stefan. Stefan was curious as to why Ronnie and Damon seemed friends all of a sudden and Damon was suppose to be looking for Enzo today not spending a day at Whitmore.
    February 1st, 2015 at 06:36pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (No worries! I've been on and off, anyways, because my internet's been crappy, too. D: )

    Damon lifted his shoulders and gestured for Ronnie to get into the booth first before he looked to his brother. "Well, last you heard, we weren't," he answered with an overly pleasant smile. "But Ronnie's helping me find an old friend on social media." Even he wasn't going to go into details about Ronnie being a witch and the need to use her witch powers to find Enzo. For all he knew, the girl, Aria, was on vervain - she probably was, if Stefan had anything to say about it.
    Aria moved over a bit to make room for Stefan before blinking at the man Damon's words and looking at him. "Social media? You don't really look the type," she mentioned casually before looking to Ronnie and offering a smile. "I think I've seen you around campus, though we've never really had a chance to talk. It's nice that you're helping him, though." Admittedly, she felt a little awkward with the trio, though she wasn't entirely sure why.
    February 1st, 2015 at 10:20pm
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ronnie quickly moved into the booth and glanced over a menu as the brothers talked when she heard Damon mention her name to which she put the menu down. Ronnie chuckled a little at Damon using the words social media, it sounded so weird to her him say that. Ronnie attention was caught when Aria spoke up. "Damon is hardly tech savvy, a bit of an old man when it comes to social media," Ronnie teased, she glanced at Damon to catch his facial expression. "Yeah, I've seen you around campus too. So it is nice to finally meet," smiled Ronnie. She decided not to bring up that she had never seen Aria after a certain time on campus, part of her wondered where she went.
    Stefan partly hoped that Damon and Ronnie had made up because he had had enough of them both moaning about each to last a thousand lifetimes. "Well me and Aria shouldn't keep you from searching for you old friend, Damon," replied Stefan, "But it is nice of Ronnie to help you, you are a bit of dinosaur when it comes to social media." If Stefan was honest he was nervous about Damon or Ronnie for that matter working out that Aria was not your average innocent human. If Damon knew about Aria he wouldn't hesitate to snap her neck and then berate Stefan afterwards.
    February 3rd, 2015 at 03:06am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Sorry this took so long! D:)

    Damon smirked with amusement to his brother's words and leaned on his elbows across the table, staring at the two on the other side. "Oh, I can search for him any time. Ronnie here got tired of helping me search for him and wanted a break, anyways," he replied casually. He couldn't help it, he was curious about everything. His brother was clearly acting odd and he wanted to know why. "I'm not an old man," he retorted to Ronnie's words, gaping at her as if he was offended. "Everybody knows that, if I was some old man, I would be the less attractive of my siblings. Don't you think, Stefan?"
    Aria smiled slightly as she listened to the group. She wasn't usually around a group of people and really only ever spent time with either Stefan or her parents. "Well, it was only a matter of time before he got involved in the technological world. Even grandparents have social media accounts nowadays," she pointed out. She wasn't sure if it was true, of course, but she had heard some students complain about how their grandparents have liked every photo of theirs on some social media account that she didn't really care about. "It's nice to meet you, too," she told Ronnie with a nod before glancing to Stefan.
    February 8th, 2015 at 03:04am
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    (No worries!)

    "I've met your siblings," began Stefan "And if I am honest your probably the least attractive out of them." Stefan placed a smug smile on his lips before glancing over at Aria. "Yeah even grandparents have social media accounts now but like Ronnie said Damon is a little behind the times." If Stefan wanted to get rid of Damon, which he really did want he was not going about it the right way. "I hope you find your friend, say hi from me," smiled Stefan. He would rather stick pins in his eyes than being polite to Enzo.
    Ronnie could feel the tension between Stefan and Damon and decided to engage with Aria. "So what course do you?" she asked brightly, "Do you live on campus, I've never seen you around on the weekends." Ronnie partly wished she hadn't come to the diner with Damon as it was likely to end in an altercation between the two brothers and the girl sitting opposite her caught in the crossfire. The brothers had been off with one another and Ronnie knew that Enzo had something to do with the small rift between the brothers.
    February 10th, 2015 at 02:59am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States

    Damon arched an eyebrow, staring at his brother for a long moment. "Gee, Stefan, it almost seems as though you want Ronnie and me to leave," he hummed out, his lips lifting in a slight smile before he leaned back in his seat, tilting his head. "If that's the case, all you have to do is say so." Not that Damon would actually listen, of course; he just wanted to prickle his brother's nerves a bit, that was all. But, then, he heard Ronnie's question and the girl's answer, and he couldn't help but be even just a little suspicious. "Is that so? I would think constant family nights would get a little dull after a while."
    Aria tried not to freeze at the mention of it, but she tried not to let it worry her. Just because somebody noticed that she wasn't on campus that much didn't mean anything, right? "I'm majoring in sociology," she answered with a shrug, offering a smile. "But, yeah, I live on campus. I have to go home a lot because my parents have a major thing with family nights and everything."
    February 10th, 2015 at 03:19am
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Stefan notice the small glint in his brother's eye at Ronnie question, of course this would interest Damon. There was no way Stefan to tell Damon and Ronnie to disappear it would look even more suspicious. "Nonsense, feel free to stay," smiled Stefan. A quick glance at Aria told Stefan that she had been caught unaware by Ronnie's question, "Some people are big on family, there is nothing wrong with that?" added Stefan hoping the conversation would drop.
    "Does seem a little dull, my parents like family nights but they know I can't travel back every weekend. But then again if you live locally why not go home," replied Ronnie, "Say Aria I didn't catch your surname, so I can add you on social media and things." Ronnie like Damon was also suspicious they way Stefan was reacting and something about Aria gave her an odd vibe and she didn't like it.
    February 16th, 2015 at 09:05pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Damon tilted his head after hearing Stefan's words. "That's kind of you, Stefan. We wouldn't have left, anyways," he hummed out. And it wasn't just because he didn't take orders from his baby brother. Something was definitely going on with the girl and he was more than a little suspicious. It was more than enough reason for him to stick around. "I'm curious as to why you've kept your friend to yourself, baby brother."
    Aria couldn't help but feel a little tense with the entire conversation. "Um, it's Thorne," she said after a moment before lifting her shoulders in a shrug. "I don't do social media, though. Too much drama comes from it. Not to mention, I already have too much homework and too many family nights to be bothered with social media sites."
    February 16th, 2015 at 09:21pm
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    "Thorne, nice surname," nodded Ronnie, she was sure she had heard of that surname before, "Oh shame about the social media, we should set you one up." Ronnie flashed a smile and quickly turned to Damon as she heard the last part of his conversation with Stefan. "Damon, you're well connected, the surname Thorne ring any bells?" asked Ronnie. She could cut the tension with a knife as she saw Stefan's eyes go wide.

    "Damon, don't," warned Stefan in a low voice as Damon used the common nickname for him. Stefan glanced at Ronnie, he could see she was trying to work out Aria. He was not only worried about vampire and the witch opposite him working out that Aria was a hunter but he was sure Aria heard Damon and she would put two and two together with ease. "Maybe I just want to keep my friends safe since you have a bad rep Damon," replied Stefan through gritted teeth.
    February 16th, 2015 at 09:38pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Don"t what, Stefan? It's not some big secret," Damon offered, though his attention got caught by the name and Ronnie's question. "Huh, it does sound a little familiar." He just couldn't place it at the moment. It probably wouldn't take long for him to remember, though, considering his memory was pretty good when it came to some things. And if a surname was already familiar, it wouldn't be too hard, he assumed. He was amused, though, at Stefan's last words. "Safe? You say it like I'm the most dangerous person ever, I'm offended."
    Baby brother? Stefan's odd behavior and all of the pair's questions were making a little sense now, to Aria, and she stared at the two for a moment before offering a smile. "That's kind of you, but I really don't need a social media account," she said, trying to stay casual. She was worried, though, when Damon mentioned that her surname was familiar. Just because Stefan had accepted that she was a hunter didn't mean his vampire brother would take kindly to it.
    February 16th, 2015 at 09:48pm
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Stefan swallowed the small lump in his throat, safe was the wrong word to use. "Well with your track record, I can hardly not make a judgment," responded Stefan, he was letting his worries get the better of him. Stefan glanced at Aria and offered her an apologetic look, he would explain when Damon was around why he hadn't told her. "You've destroyed plenty of things Damon and I don't want Aria to be one of them," added Stefan as he glared at his brother.
    Ronnie looked between the two brothers and Aria, Stefan seemed very keen on making sure Aria was safe but if she was human this was be an extreme measure to take. Ronnie raised an eyebrow as she glanced at Aria and then Stefan, "I take she is your average human then?" asked Ronnie and she could clearly see the worry in Stefan's face, "Because if she was you wouldn't be so protective over her, Damon doesn't just attack people, he isn't a ripper."
    February 17th, 2015 at 01:07am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "I'm officially offended, Stefan. I wouldn't destroy your little friend unless I had a valid reason to - or are you implying that the reason is why you seem so touchy today?" Damon chimed, tilting his head to the side. "Ronnie has a point, after all. I wouldn't attack your friend if she's just your average human. I also wouldn't rip her apart and put her back together out of guilt." He was mostly trying to put his brother on edge, because he was sure it would get him to crack, get him to slip up and give some sign over why he was so worried.
    Aria didn't like this. The fact that these two were already suspicious of her was enough to cause her to tense up. And, really, the only thing she could do was run, but Stefan was sitting on the side of the booth that the exit was on. She stayed silent, though, and tried to avoid the awkwardness and tension get to her, but she was at least a little relieved to remember she had a stake in her boot, just in case she needed to defend herself.
    February 17th, 2015 at 01:18am
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Stefan felt Aria tense up a little, he couldn't leave because Damon or Ronnie for matter would make sure they didn't leave. Stefan knew what Damon was doing, Stefan wasn't just going confess all know was he? "Damon it is best you two leave," warned Stefan, he would protect Aria, he promised he wouldn't hurt her even if that meant protecting
    her from his brother.
    Ronnie smirked a little as she glanced over at Aria and then back to Stefan. She was not human, vampire was quickly ruled out, Ronnie couldn't see why a witch would need protecting. "You should just tell us, or Aria can tell us if she wants?" shrugged Ronnie, she could tell Aria was going through the flight or fight response. Ronnie did not have to harass her power and even though she was tired she would put a stop at Aria doing a runner.
    February 17th, 2015 at 02:29am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Damon arched an eyebrow at Stefan's warning tone. "Somebody's feathers are getting ruffled," he hummed out, his amusement clear in his features and tone. "This would be a lot easier if you just told us." But, then, it all clicked. He did know why that surname sounded familiar - but he didn't understand why his baby brother was protecting a hunter. Both to make it obvious that he knew and because he was a little curious, he leaned forward, "Tell me, baby brother, what made you think I wouldn't figure out that your friend there is a hunter?" And, really, he probably would have snapped her neck by now, but even he wasn't going to cause a scene in a diner.
    Aria curled her fingers into her knees when she heard Ronnie's question and stared at the girl, not understanding why these two would be so curious just because Stefan was being protective. But, then, she heard Damon's words and her hand was right above her boot if she needed the stake. "Maybe you just watch too much television or read too many books, Damon," she drawled after a moment, "A hunter at Whitmore college is a bit far-fetched, don't you think?" She arched an eyebrow, then, and offered a polite smile. "Besides, I'm pretty sure I'm probably too weak to be a hunter."
    February 17th, 2015 at 02:38am
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    "There have been stranger things to have happened at Whitmore," shrugged Ronnie as she glanced at Aria. Ronnie then leaned over to Damon, "If she is a hunter, please don't let her kill you, not when you still owe me dinner," hissed Ronnie as she moved away from the vampire, her eyes staying on Aria and Stefan. Ronnie was more the willing to launch herself at Aria, hunter or not she wasn't going to let Damon get stalked for Stefan keeping quiet about his friend.
    Stefan eyes went wide at Damon's words, "Let's not cause an unwanted see Damon," replied Stefan, he was hoping Aria heard his words, "I know what you are like Damon, she is a good person, trust me on this." Stefan was almost pleading with his brother, Stefan knew if he and Aria left, she would be at risk of Damon's wrath but if they stayed there might be a confrontation in public and Stefan wanted neither.
    February 17th, 2015 at 03:07am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "As if a hunter like her can kill me," Damon drawled with a roll of his eyes. He had faced Klaus and the family of originals, he could handle a hunter without a problem. Hearing his brother's words, though, he scoffed lowly and shook his head. "Hunters aren't good people, Stefan. You know that. Why are you even bothering to defend her? If you need more friends, you can just compel them," he pointed out casually, leaning back in his seat and folding his arms across his chest. He wasn't going to cause a scene, but he was thinking about trying to find a way to get the hunter out of the picture without anybody (aside from maybe Stefan) realizing it.
    Aria frowned as she listened to their words, but kept her guard up. "Gee, you're a paranoid one, aren't you?" she asked bluntly, keeping her tone even, but she wasn't going to show any fear to these two. She wasn't even sure if the girl was a vampire or a werewolf or even a witch. She could even be a human, but both Damon and Ronnie were clear threats. "If you're going to try to kill me, try to save it for another time, when the numbers are actually fair. But, you know, you're assuming I'm just like any other hunter, except I don't want to be a hunter. Try to grow up a little, considering you're probably a century old - or older."
    February 17th, 2015 at 03:16am