The Home (Site-Wide Story - Trial #1)

  • champion;

    champion; (250)

    United States
    @ Audrey T
    I'm totally down!!
    April 4th, 2017 at 12:07am
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    @ champion;
    Awesome! I just PMd you.
    April 4th, 2017 at 12:31am
  • delicate.

    delicate. (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    @ Audrey T
    Yes!! That sounds so fun!
    April 4th, 2017 at 02:17am
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    @ zuccarello.
    Crazy Thank you. Just PMed you.
    April 4th, 2017 at 03:13am
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    Tahmoh telling Lana she can't do any spells


    Also, if anyone's ready for a one-on-one, let me know.
    April 5th, 2017 at 07:03am
  • champion;

    champion; (250)

    United States
    @ Audrey T
    Your gif usage always makes me smile!
    April 5th, 2017 at 10:07am
  • Lady.V.

    Lady.V. (960)

    @ Audrey T
    I'm up for it as well.
    April 6th, 2017 at 12:48pm
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    @ Lady.V.
    Thank you! I just sent you a PM. Mr. Green
    April 7th, 2017 at 04:52am
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    @ Mr. Darcy
    @ She Said Poptarts
    @ champion;
    @ zuccarello.

    I'm trying to put together the next few chapters of the story, starting from this point in the RP. The first few posts are a bit choppy - since it's different residents' reaction to Abby's notes, but I think we can make that work if actually separate each post so it looks to readers like we're showing different POVs. After that, I can actually rearrange some of the posts so each of the different conversations that are happening simultaneous has its own chapter.

    Chapter 8 would include Abby putting up the sign-up sheet and everyone's responses.

    Chapter 9 would be Abby closing off the day, Rollin getting locked out, Tahmoh being introduced as a character that's going into the story

    Chapter 10 would include the Alex and Rollin scene - with Alex finding Rollin in the woods and their alliance (?) forming.

    Chapter 11 would include the Mariana finding Rogue crying. Mariana going to find Abby. Abby and Mariana heading back up to see Rogue. Abby leaving Mariana with Rogue and heading back downstairs to call Tahmoh.

    Chapter 12 would be Tahmoh's arrival.

    Chapter 13 would start with the Rollin and Abby scene, and end with Alex and Rollin plotting and going up to their rooms.

    Chapter 14 would be Tahmoh introducing himself and Abby taking him up to see Rogue and Mariana. That would end with Abby leaving the room and Mariana being 'kicked out' so Tahmoh and Rogue could talk.

    Chapter 15 would be Abby and Alex's session.

    Chapter 16 would be Rollin and Lana's altercation, and Tahmoh's intervention.

    And that would bring us up to date!

    That's the gist. Basically, I'm trying to group the conversations/scenes together - rather than us crossing over each other the way it does in the RP.

    So the next part of the story would start something like this.
    April 7th, 2017 at 05:39am
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    @ Lady.V.
    @ exploding boy.

    I'm trying to put together the next few chapters of the story, starting from this point in the RP. The first few posts are a bit choppy - since it's different residents' reaction to Abby's notes, but I think we can make that work if actually separate each post so it looks to readers like we're showing different POVs. After that, I can actually rearrange some of the posts so each of the different conversations that are happening simultaneous has its own chapter.

    Chapter 8 would include Abby putting up the sign-up sheet and everyone's responses.

    Chapter 9 would be Abby closing off the day, Rollin getting locked out, Tahmoh being introduced as a character that's going into the story

    Chapter 10 would include the Alex and Rollin scene - with Alex finding Rollin in the woods and their alliance (?) forming.

    Chapter 11 would include the Mariana finding Rogue crying. Mariana going to find Abby. Abby and Mariana heading back up to see Rogue. Abby leaving Mariana with Rogue and heading back downstairs to call Tahmoh.

    Chapter 12 would be Tahmoh's arrival.

    Chapter 13 would start with the Rollin and Abby scene, and end with Alex and Rollin plotting and going up to their rooms.

    Chapter 14 would be Tahmoh introducing himself and Abby taking him up to see Rogue and Mariana. That would end with Abby leaving the room and Mariana being 'kicked out' so Tahmoh and Rogue could talk.

    Chapter 15 would be Abby and Alex's session.

    Chapter 16 would be Rollin and Lana's altercation, and Tahmoh's intervention.

    And that would bring us up to date!

    That's the gist. Basically, I'm trying to group the conversations/scenes together - rather than us crossing over each other the way it does in the RP.

    So the next part of the story would start something like this.
    April 7th, 2017 at 05:44am
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    So the next chapter of the RP would look something like this:

    Chapter 8

    With Mariana and Alexander out of the room, Abby plopped heavily onto an empty chair. The residents had only been at the Home for a day and already she was exhausted. She knew she wouldn't be able to do this on her own and she wasn't supposed to be.

    Fishing her phone out of her pocket, she looked for any new notifications. When she'd agreed to the job, Rocio had promised her that any reaping she'd need to do would only keep her away for a few minutes at a time. Yet she'd already been MIA for almost two hours.

    Coming up empty, Abby toggled to her contacts, thumb hovering the emergency number Rocio had given her. Was this an emergency? Abby wondered. Probably not. But still, wasn't it a bit strange for her to be gone so long?

    Deciding against the call, Abby pocketed the phone before getting up to put the room back to sorts. She'd give the group sessions a rest until the following evening. Hopefully Rocio would be back. Until then, she'd try to get to know the residents individually.

    Abby took her time tidying the library - lining the desks and chairs back up together and placing a few books back on the shelves - before using her laptop to print a couple of pages and the old copier to make multiples. Sliding the door shut behind her, Abby pinned a sign-up sheet on the library door before heading upstairs to slip notices under the residents' bedroom doors.

    [images of Abby's sign-up sheet]


    Alex glanced at the note with a yawn and laid down in his bed. He had absolutely no interest in a one on one session. There was nothing wrong with him.

    He stared up at the ceiling, the sun's last light filtering in through his window. He was the only person on his floor, which was fine. He wasn't really interested in sharing dreary rooms with creatures of the night. No matter what he felt, or how he acted, he was a creature of the light.

    He rested his hands behind his head and sighed, thinking about his home. Not this dreary rest for the wicked, but his own home, a beautiful tree filled village. His thoughts returned to his childhood - what some might call a loving environment, being raised by no one and every one. That was the way elves were raised. It was so rare for one to birth a child. He was a rarity. He was special. He was a grace to Elven kind.

    He took another deep breath, holding it for five, ten, thirty seconds before letting it out in a deep gust. Exhaustion weighed heavy on his chest. He closed his eyes to the dying light of the day and drifted into sleep. Maybe he should go to the stupid meeting tomorrow.


    Once she was certain that the halls were empty, Lana emerged from her room and decided to explore for a bit on her own. She made her way back towards the library, pausing for a moment to check if she was alone. She stepped into the vast library and cautiously observed the scene. The chairs were back in their rightful places, no longer showing where the other residents had been sitting during the wonderful group meeting. Lana scoffed, wondering how many of those she would have to frequent. She was alone before this place and she would be alone now. She didn't need anyone.

    She began to move out of the library and was about to continue her solo tour when a note on the door caught her eye. She read it quickly, chuckling under her breath at the thought of a one-on-one meeting. She moved to leave and then stopped in her tracks, wondering if maybe Abby would be someone who could help her. If she had to live here, it might be an advantage to get on the good side of the person in charge.

    Lana grabbed the pen near the note and went to add her name, deciding on the 2 PM slot. There was no way she was getting out of bed before noon. Her cursive name stood out on the blank page and an unknown warm feeling ran through her. She shook her head and returned the pen to where it was, about to walk out of the library when she heard someone near. She shuffled behind a bookshelf and held her breath, determined to remain unseen.


    Rogue was getting restless without any real reason. She had this feeling that something was going to happen and she didn't like it. She was thinking of leaving the Home for a few hours till she was sure of what was going on and what those mixed signals she had meant. Another one of her kind was coming but that wasn't the problem. The blood thirsty aura that kept coming on to her as to bite her was the cause of her uncertainty.

    Deciding it was better to leave this place for a few hours in order to clear her mind without getting distracted, she went to the library where her eyes landed upon a single note on the door.

    A one on one session? Why now? The vampiress thought. She was about to rip apart the note when Marina called her name.

    "Rogue?" came her sweet, pheromone-filled voice.

    The vampiress turned her head to face the young mind-reader that was interrupting her. "Have you read this yet?" she asked pointing at the note.

    "No, so leave it in one piece, please. I'm not really interested in playing with puzzles." Marina stepped beside the vampire and read the note. "Excellent!" she said to herself after reading it.

    "I guess you'll be reading everyone's mind during their session? Cause I can't think of another reason to smile from side to side while reading that." The vampiress was quick to catch on.

    "I'd say you know me too well. It will be fun, don't you think?" And with that she turned on her heels and left.

    Even though Rogue wanted to leave and forget all about the one on one session, she knew she had to stay and actually do it, so she went back to her room. Maybe staying alone in her own room would calm her somehow.


    The wolf stretched out his muscles, and shook his body like a wet dog. It was always weird to be in his human skin when he was in the front seat; a wolf wasn't made to live in a house like a pet. His sharp yellow eyes glanced around the room Rollin had chosen; it was one of the two rooms at the very top floor. He was the last one to pick a bedroom because he struggled on where to stay in a building full of supernatural beings. He didn't want to be stuck between floors, nor share the basement with the vampires. He would much rather share space with the foreign creature than feel like he was squished between creatures.

    He opened the door — ignoring the paper that smelled like Abby — and made his way down to the main foyer. Maybe Rollin should have asked which room was hers, and pick one near it. She didn't seem bothered by the fact that she was the only human, just focused on helping them. He snorted, what can a measly human do to help him? Other than put him out of his misery... Oh how Rollin would love that. Too bad I'm not going anywhere, the wolf thought defiantly.

    It was still light outdoors, so he had no problem walking through the house like he was a civilized human. As he neared the "meeting room" doors, he sneezed like an invisible fairy just tickled his nose hairs. Magic... his lip curled when he recognized the scent of melted candle wax and burnt charcoal, it was the lingering stinging odor of a vampire that made his muscles tense. He could sit in the same room with a vampire for 10 years and still be uncomfortable around them. If the witch (who, he realized, was in the 'talking room') was a dark one, then it would be a complete different outcome.

    He rolled his shoulder, ridding himself of the thoughts of black witches, and continued to the entrance doors. The cursed male let out a rumbling growl when he felt the first human bone break and rearrange itself to accommodate his bear-like true form. He could only take so much of The Home, and no amount of sandwich meat can keep him at bay.
    and then the next chapter....

    Chapter 9

    Abby was in her office, finishing up a cup of tea and an important call, when she heard a strange sound outside the hall. The noise sounded frighteningly like snarling and then the snapping of twigs.

    "Oh, I have to go, Tahmoh. Something's going on outside. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Goodnight."

    Hesitantly she put down her mug and walked to the door, slowly and quietly turning the knob. Poking her head out, she saw the hall was empty but felt a cool breeze gust past her face. Was the door open?

    "Hello?" she called softly. "Is everything alright out there?"

    With no response, she left her office, shutting and locking the door behind her. Briskly she walked down the hall, out towards the kitchen. She noticed it immediately, the front door spread wide open, letting the cold in. She couldn't be sure but for a second she thought she spotted a brush of fur disappear into the night.

    One hand on the door-jamb, she leaned forward, out into the front yard. "Rollin?" As far as she knew, he was the only thing in this house that turned furry and from the look of his files, it was never good when he did.

    With a deep breath, Abby stepped back inside, shutting the sturdy door and bolting it. If Rollin was in wolf form, he might be a danger to the residents and while she sympathized, her first responsibility was to keep everyone safe.

    Besides, she rationalized, once he comes to, he'll certainly be able to ring the bell. Until then, wasn't the great outdoors the best place for a wolf?
    and then the next chapter...

    Chapter 10

    Alexander woke at first light. He flipped over in his bed, grumbling. If he wasn't going to be living in that stupid village anymore, why bother waking up at the same time they would?
    April 7th, 2017 at 05:45am
  • champion;

    champion; (250)

    United States
    @ Audrey T
    That sounds good to me. Will I be writing Tahmoh's introduction chapter? And from there, will we be writing our one on one chapters based around our rp sessions?
    April 7th, 2017 at 06:14am
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    @ champion;
    It's not really an into chapter, its the blurb you included in the rp, when he walks up to the house for the first time.

    For the individual, I dont think we planned exactly how we're going to do those yet. I think everyone can work it in however they want. Like if its just your character reminiscing about their past/life or if you want to do it during therapy session, that'll work too.

    How do you all want to do individual chapters?
    April 8th, 2017 at 01:46am
  • champion;

    champion; (250)

    United States
    @ Audrey T
    Well I was thinking it would be the 1-1 sessions, plus some background on the characters or interactions between characters who are written by the same people. But that's just an idea

    Addendum: possible interactions between characters whose writers talked about it before hand (like the 'pack interactions' I talked about with She Said Poptarts)
    April 8th, 2017 at 02:49am
  • Lady.V.

    Lady.V. (960)

    @ Audrey T
    One on one fit the Home more I think.
    April 8th, 2017 at 08:28pm
  • Lady.V.

    Lady.V. (960)

    @ Audrey T
    I think Camus should arrive before Rogue's one on one. She's already waiting for him worried. What do you think?
    April 8th, 2017 at 08:38pm
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    * Just edited the first chapter of the story - it was in the only chapter in present tense. And edited the description of where everyone's room was in chapter 6.

    ** Just sent chapter 8 through 13 to exploding boy. for editing! I'll send chapter 14 through 18 once those are edited. Chapter 19 is the first one-on-on with Aita and Abby - I still have to gather that into a chapter.
    April 10th, 2017 at 09:22pm
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    @ champion; @ Lady.V.

    That all sounds good to me. The way the next chapters are set-up (from how the RP played out), it's actually kind of like that. There are some chapters where it's just two or three characters interacting, and there's some chapters that's just from one character's POV. So I definitely think more of that will work.

    I think once we have the next chapters posted - and we all can see how they turned out - it'll be easier to plan how the next part of the story will unfold.
    I've actually got the last part of the RP translated into chapters - it's A LOT, so it'll probably take a bit of time for the editors to go through. Should I post the chapters here, just so everyone can take a look at it now?
    April 11th, 2017 at 06:18am
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    @ Audrey T
    I think Camus should arrive before Rogue's one on one. She's already waiting for him worried. What do you think?
    The last part of the RP ended with Lana, Tahmoh, and Rollin having a bit of an argument. I think that scene came to a natural end, so if you want to bring in Camus now, that'll probably work.

    How did you want to bring him in?
    April 11th, 2017 at 06:20am
  • champion;

    champion; (250)

    United States
    @ Audrey T
    You could post the chapters! That way we can keep going instead of waiting.
    April 11th, 2017 at 08:57am