I'm Ready to Run

  • saegusa.

    saegusa. (105)

    United States
    "You remember what they did to us, don't you? You don't ever, ever open your mouth to speak to a Tomlinson. Not unless you're opening your mouth to curse them to Hell."


    "The Styles' are liars, cheats, and murderers. You remember what they did to us? Don't you ever associate with one. They're nothing."


    harry styles.

    louis tomlinson.

    January 15th, 2015 at 12:38am
  • saegusa.

    saegusa. (105)

    United States
    Harry stared at himself in the full-length mirror once more, brushing his fingers against a dark bruise on his torso and wincing at the contact. It hurt about as much as the one on his thigh, but not as much as the one on his back or his right bicep. Each injury throbbed, begging for attention, but he could only sigh at one at a time. He wondered why he was hated by half of the student body — a lot of people seemed to like him, or at least tolerate him. But a good chunk of the school despised him. And then come the bruises.

    They weren't fights, because Harry didn't fight back. He just scrambled back and huddled close, or pushed through it with a smile. He wouldn't fight back, but he wouldn't show weakness. Not often.

    "Harry," called his mother from downstairs. He gasped and yanked on a t-shirt, knowing that it was a stupid fear, her coming in and seeing his injuries when she was a whole flight of stairs and a hallway away, but still. Better safe than sorry. "Are you ready yet?"

    "Yeah, um, yeah! One second!"

    He took one last look in the mirror — everything was covered — before bolting down the stairs, his backpack being pushed into his hands by her. She was dressed for work, a designer top and an expensive pencil skirt, and Harry knew he had to go before he made her late or anything of the sort. She kissed him on the cheek, leaving a tad of ruby red on his skin.

    "Have a good day, love, okay?" she said as she mussed up his curls. He whined and pulled away from her hand, pouting when she laughed.

    "You, too, Mum, love you."

    And he was off.

    He took a look down the street, bit his lip as he eyed the Tomlinson house. Never has he seen a Tomlinson, but from what he's heard about them from his family, he envisoned bloodstained fangs and glowing eyes. They were the worst of the worst, they were scum, they were demons. So Harry stopped looking down that way, got in his car, started on to school and tried to push the mythical, monstrous Tomlinsons from his head. For his sake, they were probably better left a mystery.
    January 20th, 2015 at 05:46am
  • dombelova

    dombelova (125)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    @ fairy boy.
    And this one?
    December 6th, 2016 at 09:00pm