Melodies and Promises

  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Jett temporarily closed his eyes and when they opened, they were hot. "Camie." He hissed grabbing her face with one hand pointing her eyes to him confidently. "You're tough, but not that tough. You don't even know what sex is Camie, we've fucked twice. Stop asking for things you'll regret. You have no idea." Now he was mad. No, he was pissed at both of them. The atmosphere was awful and angry. "Don't fucking ask for my world!" He yelled furiously slamming his fist into the washer leaving a fresh dent and a bruised split fist. Sure, it looked glamorous, but yet, she had NO idea. Zero. The hard force struck the washer well. It immedietly stopped running as Jett continued to kick it breathing heavily that godly body heaving with every strike painfully. His fist hurt.

    @ Jinxling
    March 10th, 2015 at 03:41am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie frowned as he yelled and hit the washer. She watched him her breath racing along with her heart as she watched him. "You're right. I don't have any idea. But you are wrong about one thing. I am stronger then you could ever imagine. And you will never find that out and I will never know unless you ease me into it. Maybe you want to talk about what you want to do to me and work up from there but Jettley. If I don't know what you want by the end of these two weeks..." she shook her head and looked away. She grabbed some dirty cloths of her that weren't to bad and she walked away from him. Camie was so angry with him. He wanted something and when she offered it to him on a silver plate he didn't want it. So what did he fucking want? Camie walked into a near by bathroom and slipped the cloths on before coming back out.
    March 10th, 2015 at 03:59am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Jett looked away from her exhausted from the beating. He didn't meet her looks at all, the dispised looks. Running a swollen head down his hair to his neck he scratched it frustrated as he clenched his teeth. "If you don't know what you want, then what?" He narrowed his eyes at her in that same way. She stormed off into his bathroom and he waited at the door as she reappeared in her own clothing. A deep frown line formed on his face. "Camie, please." He grabbed her shoulders to stop her. "You don't understand. You don't want to be in my world. When i fuck, I fuck. I don't expect kisses or cuddling afterwards. I feel like if I don't do what I don't like, you will run." His gaze softened and he squeezed her to his chest needily. "Please forgive me. I will make mistakes... I didn't m-.. I didn't mean for you to see that."

    @ Jinxling
    March 10th, 2015 at 04:33am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie was surprised to see Jett there when she opened the door. Camie was surprised with what he said. She hugged him back her nose in his neck. "I haven't run yet. The most we have ever fought was because you were pushing me away. Don't push me away Jett." she sighed and closed her eyes. "It's okay to get mad. I forgive you. I am just glad it was the washer and not me." she whispered and looked down. Camie sighed and looked up at him. "I know you are scared but you have to talk about this. I know this... what we have now won't make you happy for long and frankly I am not done with your company yet." she half teased. "So yes I want in. Does that mean I am not scared? No Jettley I am terrified that you will hurt me past what I can handle but I also want to give you that trust, that control. Jett I don't know why you are like this but I can understand coping because I understand pain." she sighed her eyes sad. "Can we talk about how we want to go about easing me into this since we are both scared? Do you think you can go easy on me at first? Because I want to please you." she said softly her hands on his arms as she looked up into his eyes. Camie really was concerned with making this work at least for two weeks.
    March 10th, 2015 at 04:48am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "Camie." his needy hands touched her wrist and when she didn't' budge he squeezed it. "I'm not scared of myself anymore. I'm just worried about you being scared of me." his jaw dropped and his eyes were enraged and surprised. "The washer and not you!? Don't be ridiculous Camie! I would never touch a hair on your head. I would never touch you if you didn't agree. Never." he shook his head and growled the last word like if it had happened, he would pull out a hulk. "I would never touch any of my clients or anyone for that matter." he said folding his arms, offended she would think so lowly of him. Rarely did anyone think so lowly of him. Especially interested woman in him. "Not for long?" his posture was getting awfully rigid. "Are you planning on leaving?" he said with a mere whisper. "It is hard Camie. It is hard to ease you into something that gets intense and out of hand so fast. I can hardly control myself. The first time, I knew it would hurt you and you have zero ideo how much that affected me. I shaked for an hour after that." No one understood how much he hated being out of control. When things were not held by him and he didn't have the power to drive the direction, it made him phobic and anxious. "It's just so fucking hard Camie. These two weeks were not a good idea." he said regretfully. "Please Camie. Please sign the contract. I don't need this relationship shit anymore. I want to spank you and tie you up and fuck you raw. Please."

    @ Jinxling
    March 11th, 2015 at 12:34am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie shook her head. "Listen to me Jettley. I am not scared of you. I am afraid of disappointing you. I want to please you. I don't want you to get hurt because I know if anything goes wrong I can leave but I don't want to. I am not planning anything Jett. And I am defiantly not planning on leaving you please..." Camie sighed as he with drew from her. "I know you wouldn't hurt me Jett but I know others who would have." she said quietly. Camie frowned at what he said. He shook? He was upset and didn't let her sooth him? Of course not why was she so upset about it. "This is not a fucking relationship so there is no relationship shit! You are treating me like I matter and if that is to hard for you to do... if it is to hard for you to treat me like more then a sex toy then yeah you are right this was a waist of my time!" she was turning red in the face her eyes tearing up. "I will not sign the fucking contract until you show me! So fine don't ease me into it. Just do it already!" she yelled and pushed him back from her. She started to walk down the hall way toward the kitchen. Camie was just pissed off now. He thought this was to hard? She had told him moving in had not been a good idea and she was right. They were not even together a weekend and they where already fighting and regretting everything. Her tears fell at the thought that he regretted this time with her.
    March 11th, 2015 at 01:30am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    He shook his head and held her face tenderly looking into her eyes. They were sad, and were returned with the same look. It would never work and he knew it. "I am intimidating Camie. Lots of woman can't handle me." she seemed to finally be breaking free from im. Finally. "No." He pointed his finger accusingly at her broad shoulders huffing in anger. "No relationship 'shit'?! Are you fucking KIDDING me?" his face darkened, his posture hardened, and his whole anger boiled. "Watch yoru language Camie! You don't talk back." he roared shoving the little table by the laundry door with a small plain lamp on it. It crashed to the floor and broke to pieces. His body didn't budge, but the resistance she showed hurt him more then any physical damage she could've ever done. The hurt he had caused was all it did. "I'm sorry for putting you through this, but it's about fucking time you take a good look at me, really look at me and decide for yourself if this is what you want. I'm fucked up Camie and it cannot be fixed." He left the hallway, slamming the door so hard the hinges whimpered. Not long after, another slam followed by another until the engines of a car revved and he was out of his property and gone. Hours past, until night lay, and yet there was not a sound to be followed until a frantic opening of the door happened and dear old Mariana rushed n with her nightgown. "Mr. Jettley?" she called out softly, but it was obvious she was in a panic frenzy.

    @ Jinxling
    March 11th, 2015 at 02:07am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie winced as she heard the engine rev. She sighed and called a mechanic after a good cry. She had them come in to fix the washer. She got the laundry going again then went to the gyno after searching for the number. She showed up and got herself taken care of. Camie then went to the gym. She took her time working it all out. She showered and dressed there before returning to Jett's place. She frowned seeing he wasn't home. She made dinner eating and waited for him. She waited until it was dark before she put his dinner away. He was starting to worry her. Camie paced and turned on some lights wishing he would come back. She hated when he left like that. He left angry and it made her feel awful inside. Camie was sitting on the couch almost falling asleep when Marianna burst in. She jumped to her feet. "What happened? He's not here." Camie said suddenly a lump in her throat and her knees feeling weak. "Speak Marianna." she said having to hold onto something to keep herself upright.
    March 11th, 2015 at 02:23am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Mariana took off her hat wiggling inside. "Mr. Kaiden not here? Oh dear oh dear. His pager rang, but he's not home?" she pondered worriedly like a mother, then a burst of unknown fire lit up from the sweet kind woman with a thick spanish accent, grey hair, and deep wrinkles that most everyone saw in her. "He must be out again, that troublesome boy! Getting drunk, sleeping with whores!" she flew her arms up angrily scrambling around picking up things here and there but still, avoided the upstairs restricted rooms. She stuffed a pair of Jett's jeans into her huge purse, and scrambled for a bag of water in the fridge. "Always looking after a grown man. A grown man!!" she grumbled furious. "Nice young Alice waiting for him for hours, hours Ms. Grey! Can you believe that?!" she sputtered. "Don't you worry Ms. Grey, just go back to rest. You must be very tired. I sorry for waking you up, ma'am.

    @ Jinxling
    March 11th, 2015 at 02:44am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie stood there feeling her face drain. She walked up the stairs and slipped into a room not remembering which it was. She didn't look for a light. She found the wall and followed it to a corner. Camie curled up in a corner and just sat there her eyes wide unblinking for a while before she would blink then return to her unfocused stare. Should she just sign it? No she refused to sign it. Camie ended up crying herself to sleep in that corner. She slept all night waking to light in the room and some loud noise coming from a different room.
    March 11th, 2015 at 02:51am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    [assistant... otherwise known as alicia too. remember? she asked him to come in that day?]
    March 11th, 2015 at 02:54am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    @ Jinxling
    March 11th, 2015 at 02:54am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    [right. okay keep going please]
    March 11th, 2015 at 02:57am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Mariana wandered around seeming like she would stay, and she did hovering over cleaning things, that is, until a slam of an open door happened. Jett stumbled in, puffy red eyes and a huge charming smile. His posture was unusually weak and the usual cool refreshing minty scent of Jett was replaced by a reek of downtown bar. Mariana rushed to him. "Mr. Jett!" She scolded grabbing onto his arm. "You have guests, a meeting, and I've been worried sick! Upset one moment and you go and drain your life." Jett looked down at her and let out a little laugh his eyes twinkling. He wandered into the bathroom to check out how bad he really looked, but as soon as he Flicked on the lights his tired eyes met hers. "Camieeee!" He said cheerfully picking up her little body and squeezing it planting a heavy scented kiss on her. Mariana rushed in and pulled him off. "Mr. Kaiden!" She said completely taken aback. "She is our guest. You behave right this instant!" Her kind old eyes met Camies. "Forgive him Ms. Grey, dear. As soon as he gets upset... He goes out and wastes his life smoking illegal things that will kill him before anything!" She shook her head. Mariana was fuming, but Jett let out another little chuckle holding onto Camie. "But Mariana! She's mine!" He said grabbing onto Camie nuzzling into her hair burying himself cozily before laughing again. "I feel woozy." He smiled cheerfully and went full out laughing. Rarely anyone saw him in this element. This was not professional, calm, fully composed Jett at all.

    @ Jinxling
    March 11th, 2015 at 06:36am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie gasped as Jett picked her up. He went to kiss her and she turned away from him. She didn't know where those lips had been who these hands had been touching. Camie was glad when Mariana pulled him back. She could feel the tears slipping out again. "Jettley stop this." she said and sighed. She looked at Marianna. "I got this thank you." she said and sighed as he stood there over her. "Brush your teeth you need a bath." she said and sighed pulling back and moving behind him pulling off his jacket. She turned and started to run the tub water. She was so upset but he was so vulnerable that she couldn't yell at him right now. Right now all she wanted was to take care of him and pity his inability to care. Camie turned to him and moved in front of him. She pulled off his shirt looking up at him. "After this you should go to bed. No more drugs." she said her eyes still wet with tears and her face looking hurt and sad.
    March 11th, 2015 at 06:49am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Mariana sighed lines on her cheeks visible. "Ms. Grey, please don't hold him on this. He be very upset." She said. "I'll be in kitchen." She said quietly leaving out the bathroom door. Jett shrugged his arms out of the jacket and smiled at her again. "I don't want a fucking bath." He protested slithering his arms around her again tugging her to his chest. "But I know what I want." He said cocking his head. Even high, he was still cocky and demanding. He grabbed the mirror squinting his eyes and hiccuping. "I look like shit. You look beautiful." His eyes moved back to her. "Why are you sad? Don't be sadddd." He said tugging her hair in with another hiccup and a laugh after. "Tell you what... I'm super sleepy for once in my fucking life." He got near to her ear as he loomed over her. "We can fuck in the morning darling, don't worry. And no more drugs, I ran out of money to give to them. I told them I'd be back, I have to go back." He fished out his empty wallet.

    @ Jinxling
    March 12th, 2015 at 04:27am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie shook her head. "Jett what did you get yourself into?" she sighed and turned off the bath. "Okay let's get you to bed." she said and took his hand going back to his room. She turned to him and bit her lip. "Promise we will talk in the morning." she said and blinked back tears. She did't like what had happened and she was worried about him. Camie pulled on a nightgown and then turned to him handing him his pj bottoms. She helped him tug his shirt off and crawl into bed. She tucked him in and sat beside him stroking his hair absentmindedly before stopping as she realized what she was doing. If he didn't want this relationship crap then she shouldn't be taking care of him but it hurt her to be cold and callous like him. She sighed and ran her hand through his hair once more because she was not like him and he wasn't complaining... yet. "Sleep well Jett. You need it." she whispered and turned out the light.
    March 12th, 2015 at 05:23am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "Nothing." He said as she pulled off his shirt. He really didn't mind. He wanted to tell her and ask her for his pills in the locked closet, but he was tired and not her business. He was hurting her as he was. Curling into the massive mattress and matching gold satin sheets, he shifted just slightly closing his eyes but not sleeping, just resting. Gentle fingers massaged in his hair. He turned, stretched, and looked up at her his arms still over his head. The giggles and high we're not going to take over his thoughts as he hoped. His lids flickered open and those baby blues looked into her for answers. "Why am I like this?" He begged quietly at no one in particular. Sleep tried taking him over, but his control held onto what consiousness he had left. No matter what, he would not let her see him in sleep. Never.

    @ Jinxling
    March 12th, 2015 at 05:42am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie looked down at him. "Maybe because you don't enough sleep." she partly teased. Camie smiled gently and ran hew fingers through his hair once more. "Once you are asleep I will leave okay?" she whispered. "I should go talk to Marianna anyways." she was gentle her eyes looking into his as if searching for that same answer. Camie wished she knew why he was like this. She wished she understood and that somehow they would work out but he didn't like any kind of intimacy that wasn't rough and demeaning. He seemed to allow it for her sake until he was angry then he threw it back in her face. Camie bit the inside of her cheek and looked away. She looked very upset still. Camie was actually really glad that he wasn't pushing sex tonight. Camie couldn't stop thinking of what Marianna said. Whores? What whores and how many had there been like her that now were nothing more than used garments in his list of women?
    March 12th, 2015 at 06:00am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    At first, he didn't respond but instead looked deep into thought. "I don't want you to see me like this. You'll think differently." He whispered, in case Mariana could hear. This was not something he liked to talk about lightly. "And I don't want to see you like this, either." he pulled her down into his side and wrapped the duvet over her too. He was still fighting consciousness, but having been through this many times he would not sleep with her. He smiled again. "No, I don't. It's what hardworking men don't do." he teased prodding her side.

    @ Jinxling
    March 13th, 2015 at 01:08am