Melodies and Promises

  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie shrugged chewing her food not wanting to talk about it. She didn't really fit in with them. She had never fit in there. There was a reason why people thought she had been a whore. She was high class and well they weren't. She realized what she had done as his eyes widened. He finished reading and stood on the other side of the island. "Jett..." she stood. "I am so sorry..." she watched him and nodded. "I forgot... I am so sorry." she bit her lip and wrapped her arms around her waist. She had messed up and it made her sad. "Forgive me." she whispered and looked down. She had like a fourth of the sandwich left and suddenly she felt like she lost her appetite. She would eat it though if he said she was forgiven. Camie watched him come back over and she looked up at him. She shivered under his gaze. She knew if it had been anyone else their would be really serious ramifications and as it was she was sure if given the chance he would punish her. Camie wondered how he would do it. She kept her hands to herself not wanting to push her luck.
    March 5th, 2015 at 10:00am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Jett's widened dangerous eyes were calming as he calmed himself counting to ten like he always did. "Sweets.." He said completely breathless. He grabbed her and pushed her into his beating chest squeezing her tightly. His adrenaline was still rushing. "I can't not forgive you sweets." He said his scary gaze locked onto hers and it looked like he was angry again. When Jett was angry, he would either kill someone or take it out on his therapist. Still, he held her and she looked completely shocked as he picked her up an rammed her back against the kitchen wall devouring her taste in her mouth, tongue selfishly gliding over hers needily licking and suckling her plump lips. It was his fault again. She hadn't asked for his. His hips moved against her as it was obvious he was hard and his eyes temporarily opened. It was all his fault.

    @ Jinxling
    March 5th, 2015 at 08:05pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie gasped as he pulled her close. She hugged his waist her hands only on herself her arms around him. Camie looked into his eyes again and smiled. "Thank you." she whispered. He picked her up and she moved her arms around his neck wrapping her legs around his waist. She moaned as his hips dug into hers showing her his need for her. She kissed him back just as hungry. She shivered with delight and a little fear. He was unpredictable when he was upset. He broke away for a second of air. "Take me... please. I want you to to ease me into your world. I know you want to. Tell me what you want." she whispered breathlessly. She was so wet already her panties and his jeans the only thing separating them from each other. Camie bit her lip her hands in his hair as she watched the thoughts go through his mind. "Please. I have two weeks and I need to know if I can do this. I'm not tired and I am wet... so wet... I am only hungry for you now. Mr. Kaiden I am giving you the permission you need okay?" she said softly knowing he was worried about her and what he might do to her but at the same time she knew the thoughts turned him on. He could start with something small, something soft. Maybe he could tie her hands because after all she had touched were she was not allowed.
    March 5th, 2015 at 08:50pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "Camie, you're new. We had sex this morning... I don't want to hurt you more then I have." He whispered. "I wish you'd just fucking leave." Grabbing her chin, Jett pried her hungry lips off of him lifting her head up so he could suck on her neck being careful not to linger long and leave a mark. He trailed his nose down her jaw easily taking control staying perfectly in tact. She had a point. How did he ever get so lucky... He was not the man for her. "How wet?" He teased with a genuine smile holding her up higher as he slipped a hand into the back of her jeans sandwiched between the wall and her. It was late, and she needed to sleep. Setting her feet back on the floor, Jett scooped her back in his arms like a cradle and carried her up the stairs to the bedroom.

    @ Jinxling
    March 5th, 2015 at 09:40pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie groaned in disappointment. "No you don't you wish I would stay otherwise you wouldn't try so hard to push me away." she said and gasped as his lips met her neck. She moaned loudly. Her neck was a soft spot for her. Camie arched as he took control over her. She smiled hearing the smirk in his voice. "Really wet..." she bit her lip. He put his hand on the back of her dress before he set her down. She pushed her dress down from were it had ridden up and she gasped as he picked her up again. He carried her what they called bridal style. Camie looked up at him smiling as he took her up to bed. She left her arms around his neck and sighed. "You can't keep saying that all week you know. Eventually you will have to ease me in. If I don't feel like I know what you want in two weeks I might just have to give it another two weeks." she said softly. Camie wanted to be absolutely sure that she could do what he wanted. She nuzzled her nose under his jaw and closed her eyes finding that she was more sleepy than she had thought. The second time was better than the first but she was still getting use to sex.
    March 5th, 2015 at 09:52pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "Camie, will you leave after these two weeks?" He set her down onto the massive bed. Jett slipped a hand under her back when she armed as he unbutton his pants without a word kicking them off along with his undergarments. His considerable length sprang free and he gave her a look as she eyed it. "It fit 2 other times." He said with a shrug grabbing a hold of it and massaging it to maximum before flipping her dress up again still quiet as he ran two finger down her wet panties. "Not wet enough." He whispered walking to the closet. Unlocking it with the key he kept in his wallet, Jett barely opened it to avoid prying eyes as he stuck in a hand and pulled out some lubricant closing it and locking it back right away. Pulling on the dress, he crawled on top of her both knees around each side of her waist as he pulled the dress over her head sad eyes watching her. He scooted down her body so his knees were around her ankles before leaning down placing a kiss on her panties as he inhaled her scent. She blushed and he always wondered why she was so damn embarrassed.

    @ Jinxling
    March 5th, 2015 at 10:14pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie watched him. "I haven't decided fully. But unless something drastic happens... no." she said softly and watched him. She arched as he pulled off her dress. She grinned and looked at what he held in his hands. He kissed her and she blushed smiling. Her head leaned back as her knees shook. "I am actually surprised it did." she chuckled talking about his surprising length. Camie arched. He was amazing to her. She wished he was wet enough for him. She wondered why she wasn't. "I want to see you're gyro tomorrow. Would you mind sparing me for an hour?" she asked her hands laying on her belly as she looked up at him bitting her lip. She was concerned about her lack of being wet enough. Other women must have been wetter then her and she also wanted to start the pill. She was not ready for a family by any stretch. Camie wished he would just take the blasted panties off. She reached up and tugged on the bottom of his shirt. "I want to see you."
    March 5th, 2015 at 10:29pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "So you will sign the contract? After this?" he said slimming his eyes at her. "Don't be surprised. You were pretty much already swollen to max." he grinned back at her teasingly. Moving her panty to the side, he checked her out with great detail. "Okay. But only an hour." he said. "And I mean it." he licked her. It was strange, but she didn't seem to mind him being there so he took a lick and crawled back up to her in delight. "Camie, sweets, maybe we shouldn't do this right now." he set the bottle onto the table and spooned her from behind an arm around her shoulder as he placed his nose in her hair. He was feeling a little overwhelmed lately and really felt like it was dangerous for her to be near him like this right now. Did she know how hard he fucked? It wasn't the emotional passionate sex she needed, too. Maybe it had been a mistake.

    @ Jinxling
    March 6th, 2015 at 07:11am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie chuckled. She smiled as he agreed. "You can drive me to and from if you like and that will be less time away." she said and gasped as he licked her. She arched. He had her belly clenching for him. He did it again and she grabbed the bed sheets. Camie frowned as he pulled away. "Jettley..." she sighed. "Okay... if that is what you want." she said and cuddled into him more. She pulled the sheets over them and yawned. Camie looked back at him. "Let's not talk about the contract now. That is why we are having this two weeks to begin with. Plus I want to see that modified version for me that has the pleasure clause." she said and hugged his arms that were around her. Camie sighed and looked over at him. "I am glad we have this time Jett... It is nice to get to know you... and what you like." she said and looked at him nervously. "Are you feeling okay now?" she whispered still feeling bad about what she had done earlier.
    March 6th, 2015 at 07:24am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    His hands moved her panty back in place as he reached over and flickered off the light but yet was still wide awake. "Camie." he started to argue, but it wasn't going to happen. She was not client material and she was obviously looking for something serious. He had been her first and that was the very first mistake. "Its just late, and a pretty girl needs some good sleep." he explained staring straight at her even though she wouldn't know. "Pleasure clause?" It was so much easier to speak in the dark. Avoided by that innocent gaze and physical affection he could see and despise. "Yes, I'm fine." he snapped annoyed with his issues.

    @ Jinxling
    March 6th, 2015 at 09:04am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie sighed as he turned off the light. "Yes remember instead of there being no contact other than sex the pleasure clause says that anything is is seen as pleasurable to you is allowed as long as it doesn't bring excessive pain. You know so we can go flying like you would like tomorrow." she said. "Or have dinner at my place before work, or other times when sex isn't the main focus but other pleasure is." she shrugged. Camie flinched as he snapped at her. "Sorry." she whispered and sighed. "Jett... please try not to protect me... I know what I have signed up for when I agreed to this. That is why I take this so seriously and won't just sign the contract right away. I want to be sure not to hurt you and that you won't hurt me..." she smirked. "Well to bad that is. Now I won't be able to sleep if we argue so please can we talk about this in the morning?" she whispered and kissed his arm seeing how it was the closest she could get to stuck in his arms.
    March 6th, 2015 at 10:36am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    He thought about this pleasure clause deeply. "We will discuss it after two weeks." He said without giving a definite answer. Rolling onto his side finding her in the dark and scooting to her curling his arm around her casually. He had promised to hold her to sleep and the sooner that was over the sooner he could leave. He licked her ear then kissed her cheek. "Dont apologize. It's my fault." He said feeling her lips on his arm and he instantly frowned. It was all so wrong. "You won't hurt me sweets." He said in the same casual tone away from earlier conversation. "But I will hurt you, and that will hurt me because I do care for your well being Camie. You don't fucking know how much I Hagen seeing you cry." Good thing he didn't take his pills. No chance of sleeping now. "Go to sleep. Hush." He rubbed her arm and pulled the blanket over her tightly.

    @ Jinxling
    March 6th, 2015 at 07:50pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie was satisfied with that answer. She nodded and curled into him. She looked up at him in the dark only able to see his chin. "I care for you too Jett and I don't want to see you hurt either." she frowned as he talked about her crying. She nuzzled her nose under his jaw and sighed. "I will try to cry less." Camie smiled as he hushed her. "Goodnight Jett." she whispered and closed her eyes. Camie was glad that he was giving this a chance though she was sure it was different then ever before for him. Camie knew it wasn't serious and she had to remind herself of that but she would be okay. She let her breathing slow and in less time than she thought it would take she was asleep.
    March 6th, 2015 at 09:20pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "Goodnight." he leaned over and looked at the little he could see from the moonlight shining onto her. She curled into him, and it was obvious she was tired because not long after he could hear heavy even breaths and a barely audible snore. He laid on his side and watched her tiny figure breathing for an hour, his eyes swollen and exhausted but his body telling him otherwise. Leaving her to her own peace, Jett crawled out of bed pulling on some boxers quietly closing the drawer and slipping out the door as his eyes adjusted to the artificial lighting brightness. He ran a hand through his hair and flexed his sore shoulders from laying on the side so long his hand scratching his well worked for abs. His pretty dark irisies lightened at the sight of his large grand piano that sat in the upstairs lounge room. Jett walked to it, and sat down running long rough fingers along each black key sliding down carefully before pressing the C key softly his foot pressing onto the pedal. Then, he played to himself his eyes watching his fingers with no sheet music before breaking out into a soft beat and started playing a sweet melody flawlessly his usual husky raw voice strong and demanding as he sang out his soul to himself... as he comforted himself his foot occasionally stomping on the pedal and releasing with ease.

    @ Jinxling
    March 7th, 2015 at 06:35am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie slept through most of the night but sometime in the middle of the night she woke up thirsty. She pulled on one of his shirts and walked out toward the kitchen. She drank a glass of water then was heading back to bed when the music caught her ear. Camie smiled and mad her way towards the music. She smiled and stood in the shadows just before the room. She watched him her heart swelling with the music. She loved how he played. He finished the song and she came out and smiled. "That was beautiful." she said and moved over to the piano. "May I?" she asked and sat beside him her fingers brushing over a key silently. With his permission she scooted closer to the center and closed her eyes a moment before she started her own song. She smiled as her hands moved over the keys but it was a bittersweet smile. Camie played for a little while before she finished. She pulled her hands away and looked over at him. "I was thirsty... and I heard you playing."
    March 7th, 2015 at 07:40pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Jett whipped around. What was she doing up? He frowned at her. "You should be in bed, Camie." But she insisted and he let her play. He watched her not sparing a moment to look away. "It's 5 in the morning, sweets. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." He apolgized. It was dark to see anything but the little light that came in gave them a visual. Jett touched her messy hair spilling around her face and kissed her gently for no reason. It was a sign of affection for only a brief moment before he went back to being hard rough edged Jett. "I'll take you to bed." He whispered not wanting to break the nights silence.

    @ Jinxling
    March 7th, 2015 at 08:09pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    "It's okay I was thirsty really more then anything." she said looking up at him smiling glad that she had gotten to share this moment with him. He touched her hair kindly and she closed her eyes. Camie unexpectedly felt his softly lips against hers. She kissed him back and smiled as he pulled back. "Okay." she said and stood. Camie was quiet and soft. It was early in the morning and she was like a sweet sunrise. Camie stood and waited for him. She moved with him walking close to him because he was warm. She grinned as she slipped back into his room. Camie crawled into his bed and snuggled into the sheets. She yawned and stretched out hugging the pillow. "Thank you Jett." she whispered the moonlight very minimal in the room.
    March 7th, 2015 at 08:19pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    It was quiet and Jett knew it was wrong to lead her on in this direction, but she seemed to be handling the whole situation well so far. Maybe he could really take it up a step. He had two weeks, and in those two weeks he thought of nothing more then the million ways he would scare her away. "Thank you for what, sweets?" he winced inwardly. Thank you for wanting me for nothing more then a good fuck and being a raging bastard that you are, while I, Camie, am officially the most understanding, shy, and patient person you will ever meet.. His thoughts always shut him down. He laid on his side again holding himself up as he watched her cuddle up into his bed. It was adorable, and even angry professional Jett couldn't deny that fact.

    @ Jinxling
    March 8th, 2015 at 07:06am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie smiled. "For letting me play you the piano." she said happily. "I used a keyboard and it doesn't sound the same as a grand piano. I never played on one before and it felt wonderful." she said pleased. Camie smiled and then closed her eyes. She yawned and tried to go to sleep. It was nice to play for someone and share music with him. She grinned and opened her eyes and looked back up at him. "I love music." she said. Camie grinned and moved closer to him and kissed him sweetly. "Thank you I don't think you know how much it meant to me." she chuckled. "I think I am going to buy myself an instrument."
    March 8th, 2015 at 08:17pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "Really? I could buy you one whenever you get a real home." Jett still watched her as she closed her eyes. He could never get tired of watching her. "Hush sweets. Go to sleep." It was reallyyyy late now. He felt bad for waking her up so he stayed with her until she was completely out in his arms. Even as the sun started to rise, he still laid on his side watching her sleep occasionally touching her skin. He was in some real shit now.

    @ Jinxling
    March 8th, 2015 at 10:18pm