Melodies and Promises

  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "I'm sorry Camie but..." Jett started, but quickly dismissed it. He didn't want to bomb her chances of winning her promotion, she seemed excited about it. "Yes, be good." he said, but at her next comment he smirked back and raised his eyebrows at her curiously. Then I will tie you up on my bed or take you across my knee. he thought, but kept the thought only in his dreams. "Then you won't get the promotion." he said in his most straightforward tone. "I will see you again Camile Grey." It was the first time he had used her full name, thanks to Max who had shared her full name with him. She had introduced herself as Camie to him. He folded his arms across his chest as she made her way in and he waited until her big green eyes only glanced momentarily at him before he drove away.

    @ Jinxling
    January 22nd, 2015 at 12:53am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    [Lol Camille, two lls for later references]
    Camie noticed how he didn't seem to want to meet with her over dinner but then he said he would see her again and it made her so happy to hear. He seemed to have more in mind than just to say she wouldn't get the job if she wasn't good but he didn't say anymore. Camie bit her lip the way he said her name sent shivers through her body. Max must have told him. She watched him drive away and wanted him to come back but she needed to focus on her job. She sat with the girl and her long day of interviewing bimbos and useless workers began. Out of the entire day she had only found a few women who would lighten the atmosphere but could also work hard. She groaned when the day was over and she called Max with the number Jett had given her. "Hey are you busy?" She asked not wanting to be a burden.
    January 22nd, 2015 at 01:51am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    [oh thanks haha my mistake!]

    After Jett had left, he stopped home to pick up another jacket before heading for work. Alicia was filing away going through his 20 some cabinets and up and down the elevators busily. When she spotted him, she dragged him all around the large skyscraper pulling him from office to office signing sheets here and there before he could finally sit down on his computer and get some work done, but it was hard to focus remembering what she wore that day.

    Max was enjoying a TV show with his wife when his work phone (supplied by Jett) rang. He apologized to his wife and picked it up. "Hi Ms. Gre-.. Camie. No, I'm not busy. Do you need to be picked up at the diner? Mr. Kaiden left me with the location." he said in his friendliest tone.
    January 22nd, 2015 at 04:08am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie smiled hearing Max. "If you wouldn't mimd. I could always just call a cab or walk, really it is no problem." She said softly. Camie rwally was rired but she figured Max had to be as well. After Max insisted on picking her up she sat in the dinner thinking about what she wanted to do with her life. Jett had brought up some very important points she hadn't even thought about. Until him she had just been trying to prove her parents wrong. She had been trying to prove that she could live on her own but she had forgoten that she could do things to achieve her dreams as well.
    January 22nd, 2015 at 05:27am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "Not at all!" he said with cheer. "Im on my way now ma'am." and he was. Already sitting in the limo and pulling out carefully and driving towards the diner. He parked a little farther down the street since the parking lot was incapable of holding the long black vehicle.

    Jett yawned, a rare occurrence. He had just finished a session with both his therapist and psychologist and was ready to crash. He wondered if she still had Max's number just in case, and Jett was busy as is without having to deal with her car. The insurance guy had called him earlier but he was in a meeting so he had postponed it. She was so incapable of help and way too independent when she wasn't ready and everything kind he did she got mad and wouldn't accept his "charity." Her vehicle was not going home, but to the dumpster possibly.

    @ Jinxling
    January 22nd, 2015 at 07:44am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie smiled. "Thank you Max." She said before they hung up. She waited watching as her manager came over to her and sat beside her. "How did it go today Camie?" He asked his eyes lingering to long over her. Camie gulped and fidgeted in her seat. "Just fine. I have two hires and many more interviews to come. I think you will be most approving." She said and he huckled darkly. "Oh yes I think I will." He said and she bit her lip. "I am going To go see if my ride has arived." She we t to stand feeling his hand on her thigh suddenly and she pushed his hand away standing and grabbing her things. "You will be wise to keep your hands to yourself Mr. Jack." She said and walked outside feeling releived as she saw the limo. She was ashen white and looking like she was going to stumble shaking as she walked over to Max.
    January 22nd, 2015 at 08:01am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Max didn't have his sunglasses on as usual since it was dark, and the concern in his eyes were obvious. He got out and walked over to her wrapping an arm around her shoulder protectively. "Camie what's wrong?" he asked. Good god he was going to lose his job after that. She was shaking as 3 shades lighter then usual. He took her arm gently and helped her in the front seat before going to the bar section of the limo and taking out a cold wet bottle of water and giving it to her folding a blanket in her lap. She looked like she was going to throw up.

    @ Jinxling
    January 22nd, 2015 at 08:12am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie sat there and held the water in her hands before taking a drink. "I... I think my boss just came onto me." She whispered and sheook her head placing the cold water against her temple. She looked sick and her head swam but she only wanted to pass out. "Can you take me home?" She whispered and buckled up right where she was. Camie closed her eyes leaning her head back clentching to Jett's jacket only able to think about his reaction. "Don't tell him... I won't get a better job soon enough." She said softly and took a long drink of the water. Camie sighed and shook gently before finishing the water some color starting to return to her.
    January 22nd, 2015 at 08:32am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Max squeezed her hand gently, his old wise softening at her. "Just now? Camie I can't take you home. I have to tell Mr. Kaiden or I will lose my job!" he pleaded. "You're his number one priority right now, his words, and if something this serious happened to you it goes directly to him. You don't want to see him angry Came." he explained pulling out his phone to call his boss and let him know they were on their way to his mansion. He pulled out quick and drove fast not giving Camie much of an option.

    Unfortunetly, when Max called, Jett was in the shower and didn't pick up. Afterwards, he had drove to his hotel room and banged the living hell out of a stripper before going home, showering, and then finally laying in bed. He wouldn't be able to sleep for a while, so he closed his eyes and curled under the massive bed.

    @ Jinxling
    January 22nd, 2015 at 08:50am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie looked at him and shook her head. "No please Max it wasn't that bad. I just must of over reacted." She tried but he was speeding along and she bit her lip and grew quiet as her pleading went without much acknowlagment. Camie hung her head looking out the window. She wrapped her arms around herself and waited as they drove and drove. She just wanted to go home. Camie wondered what Jett would do and how he would react to this. Whould he give her that look of disappointment or anger? She could never predict him.
    January 22nd, 2015 at 09:06am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Max apologized to her and comforted her fetching her water and driving as fast as he could before he got to the mansions gates. Pressing the buzzer they waited till the gates were open and a huge way too large but most beautiful mansion may in their view. "Welcome to his home." Max smiled at her. He had been working for Jett for 2 years and even know the stunning building shocked him. Getting out he wrapped an arm around her shoulder again and walked her through the main doors and to the long marble hallway the walls littered with paintings. The room had a deep smell and it was so large it seemed empty. "Wait here.." Max sat her down in the living room the huge TV hanging on the wall above the extremely large fireplace quietly playing. Not long after Max was back, he was shoved aside and Jett wearing nothing but blue pajama pants that hung on his hips exposing his "V" and messy brown hair scrambled to find her with his scared blue eyes, so scared they were a paler shade. When his eyes met hers he wanted to wail and beat the living shit out of the wall. "Baby." he whispered blinking back tears and enveloping her in his strong arms folding her in between his pecs smoothening the hair on the top of her head. "I will kill that bastard, tell me his name and I will kill him." he said softly after just hearing the message Max left. Max watched them and sighed sadly before realizing his job was done here. He knew she wanted to go home, but that decision was not made by him so he drove back home to his wife and kids.

    @ Jinxling
    January 22nd, 2015 at 03:33pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie looked at the house in awe. She frowned feeling like they were all over reacting. She sat on the couch as she waited and suddenly she saw the most breath taking man appear. She breathed in and held her breath only exhaling as he took her in his arms. Camie laid her head on his chest closing her eyes. "It wasn't that bad. It wasn't like he tried to hurt me. I just had never had that happen before." She squeaked feeling like she had cause so much unneeded worry and hassle. "I am sorry I woke you." She whispered amazed that he called her baby and thw tears he had blinked back. She was shocked and she wasn't about to let him go and hurt someone because of her. Camie placed her hands gently on his back and stroked it gently to calm and comfort him. "I'm sorry." She whisperedd again and looked up at him. Suddenly she wanted to be in his arms under his kiss sinking down infront of the fire. She shuttered with pleasure at the thought but said nothing.
    January 22nd, 2015 at 03:58pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "Not that bad? He touched you!" he said his face turning red and body feeling firmer and heavier. "Of course that has never happened before, no one should be touching you.. Shhh." he nuzzled her head when she apologized. "You didn't wake me. And even if you did I could care less right now." the thought of someone she didn't want touching her made his face contort, it twisted him in ways never before. "I will snap his neck and tear each limb off. And I WILL find him, baby, I promise." Jett comforted the rush of angry hitting him like an drug. It made him high in anger. He took her down hallway after hallway each one littered with more paintings, mostly dull grey blue and white ones but the occasional abstract each one more stunning then the other. It had a spiraling staircase made of a beautiful type of stair glass and he led her up. At the top of his mansion lay a huge 2 way door that went to his bedroom, and one other door and a closet. The expanse was huge, but empty. There was only a piano, a guitar, and a few books that lay out of the music room since Jett prefered it out here. "Its getting late, you need to get some sleep. Come." he took her fingers and entwined them taking her to his room the large bed that could fit so many comfortably looming at then. The bedroom was simple but decorated in bright colors. Gold red and silver plus vibrant black on the draping curtains hiding a overly large window where a large amount of natural light could come in. Jett led her to the bed and though unnecessary, he picked her up with ease and laid her on it watching her his chest rising up and down to his breathing.

    @ Jinxling
    January 22nd, 2015 at 04:10pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie followed him her heart pounding with each step. He was so angry and protective. He only wanted to take care of her. She followed him looking around the room in amazement. She grinned and then gasped as he picked herup. She clung to him and watched as he laid her down. She bit her bottom lip still in his jacket her heels still on. "Do you mind if I change?" She asked wanting to shower to but not thinking it wise to tempt them both. Camie looked up at him her chest moving with breathing that mimicked his. She could feel the heat between them. She could feel the need deep down and she was shocked that she had ended up in his bed. "Jett." She whispered as he stood there strong and silent as if a movement would send him over some edge. She sat up and placed her hand on his upper chest by his shoulder.
    January 22nd, 2015 at 04:24pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    He put his hand over hers. "Yes?" he replied, gently taking her hand off his chest but still holding if. "I can get Max to pick up your clothes, but you're not leaving until I know you're okay and that he's dead." he then let go of her hand and made his way to the dresser pulling out a pad lock before going to his closet and placing it over the handle locking entry into it. He did it so casually as if it was something he did every day. "Goodnight Camie, you can find me in the other room if you need me." he needed to get out now before he could take her innocence. Every second of her with him was slowly pulling her apart.

    @ Jinxling
    January 22nd, 2015 at 07:27pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie frowned as he pulled away. She knew this was his room. "Jett..." she bit her lip. "Have him bring me some in the morning... can I barrow a shirt for the night?" She asked and pulled his jacket off hen her heels. She walked barefoot over to him and handed him the jacket. "Thanks for letting me borrow your jacket." She said. The jacket smelt like her. She had worn it all day because she had ended up being cold. She was greatful he had insisted. Camie wondered what was behind the locked door but ignored it. "Would it be to much to ask to take a shower... I just want to rinse him off me... and Jett you can't kill him." She said softly feeling like he had somehow ended the conversation before it began.
    January 22nd, 2015 at 08:46pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "Oh, yeah. Of course." he smiled at her. "Dresser is on the extended room. Pick as you please." he pointed to a connected area to his room with a no door opening connected to his room. "You're welcome." he took the jacket and immediately he could smell her strong sweet natural scent. "No Camie, you can ask for anything. Shower is down the hallway, you'll see a large Piccasso painting right beside it. There is a hot tub, shower, and bathtub. Please pick as you please." he wanted to smooth her baby hairs down. Jett sighed. "I know, but I'm going too." he said it so calmly and seriously all the while frowning before leaving her to it closing the door gently.

    @ Jinxling
    January 23rd, 2015 at 12:48am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie bit her lip as he left and she sighed hoping that he woulf cool off. She looked around his room and found a shirt before heading into his bathroom. She showere using his soap. Once she was dried off and in his shirt she slipped over to his bed with a yawn. He woukd be so angry if he realized that she hadn't had dinner yet. So Camie was not going to tell him. She was going to just sleep here and maybe skip work tomorrow so her boss gets the point." Camie really hoped Jett cooled off. As she laid in his bed she wondered why he he wasn't sleeping in his own bed and rather have her here than in one of the assumed many other bedrooms. He room had many things in it but it felt so empty. It was to quiet here. Camie was laying there in he dark for a long time before padding out and down the hall trying to find Jett not able to sleep.
    January 23rd, 2015 at 02:37am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    He wasn't getting sleep tonight. The walls were thin and if anyone stayed they would hear him. He couldn't allow that, not with a guest like her. He waited till 4 in the morning before going out sweat dripping off his bare muscular back from laying in bed so long. Thinking stressed him and stressing him helped him none. He wanted to go and watch her sleep, but he wouldn't do it. When he watched other people sleep, it was so sincere and peaceful and it brought a sense of peace in him too. Instead, he tried to walk through in the darkness breathing softly. He sat on his piano bench and stared at his keys running each finger delicately against each one so precisely every molecule of dust was wiped off. He wanted to run his hands on it and play, but the night sky was dark and he didn't want to wake her. So he sat and stared quietly.

    @ Jinxling
    January 23rd, 2015 at 04:11am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie walked down the hall seeing a soft light. She hid in the shadows as she watched Jett sitting at a grand piano looking pensive and vulnerable. Camie walked over to him after a few minutes and sat beside him her fingers making a few cords before looking up at him. "Your bed is to big to sleep in..." Alone. She bit her lip and sat close to him. "What where you thinking?" she asked softly. Camie looked up at him his shirt that she wore was laying high on her thigh her bare feet on the ground. She didn't touch him and her hands lay in her lap now. She wondered what he was thinking and why he wanted her here even for a little while. He confused her so much but would she want it any other way?
    January 23rd, 2015 at 04:25am