lullaby; closed role-play.

  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    Megan Durcorsit, the student.Image

    Zachary Baker, the teacher.


    Dakota Frey, the student.

    Brian Haner, the teacher.
    January 16th, 2015 at 09:35pm
  • pure gold.

    pure gold. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Megan was the only person in her class to get straight A's on her exams, the only one to pass all the tests, and the only one who got perfect grades.... Yet, she was the only person in her class who could barely afford a sandwich in the cafeteria. Megan lived on her own, in a rundown flat a few blocks from school. Working as a waitress in an unsuccessful cafe, she only got a few bucks a week. Sighing slightly, she picked up her multiple revision guides and walked into the class. Pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose, she settled at her place near the back. Mr Baker, her new science teacher, was unpredictable. Sometimes, it's a quick quiz or a laid back lesson. However, after a few months, she felt a small crush towards her favourite teacher. She knew it was wrong, but she couldn't help it. Sighing, Megan tapped her finger against her science book, waiting for the lesson to start. Or course, being ten minutes early, she knew she had to wait.


    Brian took a sip of his coffee, reading his paper. He liked this school, it never ceased to entertain him. He got used to the average teenage girls swooning over him, but he ignored them. It was inappropriate, plus it wouldn't go down well with the law. However, he did feel a little something to Dakota Frey in his class. She was so smart, Brian knew she might get it tough from the other girls, but if she is in trouble at break or lunch, Brian always steps in. Smirking at the thought, he looked up seeing students flood in, "Class isn't for another ten minutes, it's still lunch ya know?" Raising a brow, I looked at the five who came in. The twins, Mark and David, Alyssia, Kevin, and last but not least Dakota. "Either way, good morning. All ready to learn?"

    @ lord voldemort;
    January 16th, 2015 at 09:59pm
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    @ pure gold.

    Zachary Baker

    With an inaudible sigh the Science teacher shuffled around some papers on his desk, still trying to mentally plan today's lesson plan. Zachary believed in keeping his class laid back and flexible, in one of his first years he learned that many students favored that type of approach. It was easier than constantly having a teacher breathing down their necks and the male knew it was easier to teach pleased teenagers over than angry ones - he preferred to keep his job as easy as possible. Hearing a noise in the back of the wrong he briefly glanced up curious to see who had slipped into the class, not only ten minutes early but without him noticing. "Good morning, Ms. Durcorsit." He greeted with his usual grin, not particularly surprised to see the familiar blonde. Megan was definitely refreshing when it came to students, she was the top of her class and wasn't the type of girl that was always throwing herself at him, unlike most of the females he taught. "Ready for today's quiz?" Zacky finally decided that he would just give the class the quiz he had been putting off since the beginning of the week. "It shouldn't be too hard for you," He commented as he briefly turned his attention to his computer to log himself in.

    Dakota Frey

    Still exhausted from her late shift at the local coffee cafe the petite-framed female made her way into the classroom, Mr. Haner's English class. While most people rolled their eyes in disgust at the idea of literature, it was actually one of Dakota's favorite classes. The only thing about it that made the blonde cringe was how the most of the female student body threw themselves at the young teacher - sure Mr. Haner was an attractive man, but that didn't you would catch Dakota throwing herself at him. "We were just so eager to see you," Alyssia, one of the girls who often teased Dakota, smiled affectionately at the English teacher not at all caring that her boyfriend was right there to witness. Smiling in amusement Dakota gave a shake of her head before taking her usual seat in the front corner - she wasn't much a talker when it came to school, she preferred to keep busy. With her family's lack of income the student knew her only hope to get out of this dreadful town would be to be the head of her class, something she had been working on since middle school. As the students around her got settled in Dakota began to ready her desk with her binder and pens.

    [ I hope this isn't too bad c: ]
    January 18th, 2015 at 12:18am
  • pure gold.

    pure gold. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    (( It was great!!! Sorry for such a slow reply!!!))

    Megan Durcorsit

    A small smile graced Megan's features, hearing the word of a 'quiz'. She loved working hard, anything that made her brain working made her smile. Megan barely talked when she was moved up into Mr. Bakers class, which was a few months back. Hearing footsteps, she looked up, the smile still on her face. Seeing Jessica, the one who normally picked on Megan, her smile faded. "I knew I would find you here, dweeb. Now, have you done it?" Jessica was referring to her English homework. Megan was a prime suspect for bullies, and she always found herself doing other people's homework. She never had a problem with it, so she gladly did it without a word. Rummaging through her bag, she passed the ten paged essay to Jessica, as the brunette grinned. "Thanks." She grunted, turning out and looking over at Mr Baker. "See you next period, Mr. Baker." People like Jessica disgusted Megan, the type who threw themselves at teachers just because of their looks. Sure, Mr. Baker was very attractive, Megan saw why the girls were doing it... But she always thought it was personality over looks. Sighing slightly, she placed her backpack on the ground. Megan had an uneasy feeling that Mr. Baker overheard her and Jessica's conversation, and the petite blonde hoped he wouldn't bring it up.

    Brian Haner Jr.

    Smiling gently at Alyssia, he smiled at all of the students that came through. Brian was in a weird situation, with most of the teen girls at this school trying to get close to him. Brian, however, tried his best to ignore this. He was here to teach, and to educate young people, not to talk with girls who had ridiculously short skirts. "So, since you are here.. What did we learn about last week? And specifically, who did we learn about?" As always, he wrote ENGLISH & LITERATURE on the board. Rubbing the back of his neck, mainly because he didn't get much sleep last night organizing this lesson, he yawned silently. "Anyone gonna answer?" He asked, turning back around. "What about you, Dakota?" With a gentle smile, I sat down on my desk and opened my school emails. I had my ears ready for Dakota to speak, as my eyes were occupied with scrolling through my emails, seeing what the latest news was about my students.
    January 18th, 2015 at 10:13pm