Darkest Desire

  • im gone

    im gone (100)

    alice, red, cinder, snow,
    this is where the bad girls go

    at darkest desire, all our women have big breasts, small waists, and a desire to take their clothes off.
    this exclusive, women's only strip club features a large array of talented women who love to perform.
    sitting in on one of their dances is said to be a magical experience. these girls are good for more than
    just a strip show, though. pay them enough, and they might show you a few other things up on that stage.
    January 17th, 2015 at 02:41am
  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    Red walked through the front door of Darkest Desire. While it was her day off, she had nothing better to do and decided to go and cheer on her co workers.`She was wearing something close to what she would wear on stage but since it was just a pair of shorts that showed off the bottom of her shapely rear and a black bustier, it wasn't too bad. She smiled when she saw her friend Alice up on the stage, her honey blond hair glowing in the soft light of the stage. Damn, did she look hot. Red took a seat near the front of the stage and grinned as she watched her friend move her agile body.

    Cinder finished drinking the bottle of water she had been working on and threw it away before grabbing another from under her vanity. She was halfway through it before she was finished with her makeup enough to apply lipstick. She hummed along with the music coming from the front stage as she adjusted her breasts in her just slightly too small white lace bra. There was only one more girl that was going to preform before she had to which meant she still had a little time to stretch and decide the final touches on her routine.

    (I feel as if that was just awful and i am sorry! :( )
    January 17th, 2015 at 03:17am
  • im gone

    im gone (100)

    [sorry I didnt reply yeserday! i didnt get home until 3 am lmfao]

    Alice's breathing was getting labored as she neared the end of her routine. She continued to swing her hips until the music finished, ending up in a very provocative pose on her knees. The break music between girls started to play, and Alice stood up. She was about to swing around and leave the stage, but before she did she saw Red, one of the other girls who worked here. With a smirk, Alice moved towards the edge of the stage and hopped off. She walked over to Red, wearing nothing but a g-string and a pair of heels. "And what brings you here on your day off?" She asked, leaning down and putting her hands on the arms of Red's chair.
    Snow had been watching in on the aptly named 'sex stage' after she'd finished her routine, and it had gotten her very hot and bothered. She let out a sigh as she pulled on a small skirt and a tight fitting tank top. The girls weren't allowed to leave until everyone had finished their dances, so Snow figured she'd just go sit in the crowd and watch one of the other girls perform. Lucky for her, it was Cinder. Cinder was definitely one of the sexiest women there, and Snow always like watching her do her thing. She wouldn't admit it out loud for fear of sounding like a bit of a creep, but since she'd started there, Snow really just wanted to do one of the sex shows with Cinder.
    January 18th, 2015 at 06:07pm