The Blessed Unrest

  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Sophie Robertson | sugarplum.

    Synyster Gates & M Shadows | TheVee. & sugarplum.

    Eva Williams | TheVee.
    January 19th, 2015 at 02:27am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    The clock had just struck midnight when Matt moved into the shadows of a tall apartment building, it was the same position that he had visited every night for the last two months. He wanted to watch Eva again, like he did every night since his eyes first landed on her, her dark brunette hair would always shine in either the moonlight or light from a street light. Her hips swayed from side to side as she walked, her left hand pressed her handbag to her side in hopes no one would notice it. He loved seeing her beautiful hazel eyes which were the definition of innocence, everything about her was gorgeous and Matt knew that he just had to have her in his life. He could have easily gone to a club and picked up as many whores as he wanted, but he was tired of that scene. He wanted someone who was going to stick around for a long time, he inhaled deeply through his nose as her delicious scent surrounded him. Her blood smelt sweet to him, like ripe fruit that needed to be eaten soon. But there was also hints of musk, it wasn't as strong and he had only realised that last week. He was waiting for the lights in her apartment to be turned off, she always went to bed at midnight if not a little earlier. He grinned when he saw the windows go dark, that's when he used his speed and strength to sneak into her apartment. He didn't waste any time in finding her bedroom, he wanted to do this quickly and get her back to the mansion.
    Sophie had finished her shift at the restaurant at ten at night, she was exhausted like always but still had to walk to the bus stop to catch the last bus of the night. She had a shitty shift as her boss hadn't been in a good mood, he's going through a divorce and was taking it all out on his staff. She had lost count of the times that she had gotten taken into the back and yelled at, for stuff that had either been little accidents or not her fault at all. Her blonde hair was tied up in a messy ponytail, she was still wearing the black t-shirt and black shorts that all the female staff had to wear. It wasn't the nicest restaurant and it was always filled with sleazy men, but the pay was alright so she dealt with it. The bus spot had just come into her view when she felt an arm around her waist, she was about to scream and fight the creep off. Until her feet left the ground and her vision went blurry, wind suddenly picked up around her as it felt like she was being carried. She didn't have time to do anything but her stomach twisted at the speed she was going, it wasn't normal and terror quickly filled her body as she had no idea at was going on. She closed her blue eyes in the hopes this was just a dream even though she knew she wasn't sleeping, she heard some noise but it was muffled. Suddenly everything stopped and she realised that she's in a strange bedroom, laying on a bed that isn't her's.
    January 19th, 2015 at 03:45am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Brian sat in the booth in the back of the restaurant that Sophie worked at, watching her work all night that night. He usually never went into her work, but tonight it was different. Tonight he was going to make a move. When she left the restaurant around ten at night, Brian followed, relieved. He was so sick of sitting in that booth. Though he was very content with watching her, he was just sick of watching all those men making moves on her, and her boss yelling at her for every little thing. It was very frustrating. It made Brian want to get up and rip all of their heads off. He made sure she was a good distance away before he took out a cigarette and lit it, taking a long drag of it. He really didn't know what it was about this girl that he was so drawn to. There were a million other girls out there that he could easily kidnap and take to use as his blood bank, but yet he wanted her. He had to have her. He needed her. Even with his cigarette lit, Brian could smell the sweet, intoxicating scent of her blood. It was like nothing he had ever smelled before. He wanted a taste so bad, but not yet. He had to wait. When they came close to the bus stop, Brian put out his cigarette. smirking to himself. This was it, it was the moment he's been waiting so long for. When the bus came into view, he looked around, making sure no one was looking before he ran towards her, wrapping his arms around her waist and carrying her off to the mansion. Oh how he loved his super speed, it definitely came in handy. Brian inhaled deeply, her scent filling his nostrils. She smelled even lovelier up close. Which only made his fangs pulsate and his craving for her worsen, but hey, what can a vampire do? When he got to the mansion, he ran right up to his room and plopped her down onto his bed, shutting the door and crossing his arms over his chest. "Well hello," he said with a small smirk, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the door.
    Eva yawned as she made her way up to her apartment, completely exhausted from her eventful day. She was ready to climb in bed and crash. She quit her job, she broke up with her boyfriend who cheated on her with her best friend, and her goldfish died. She wanted to take a bath, drink an entire bottle of wine, and go to bed. That sounded amazing. Eva heard something behind her, furrowing her eyebrows together and turning, looking around behind her. "Whatever," she grumbled, continuing up to her apartment. She went in and locked the door, closing her curtains and making sure no one could see in. She had been feeling like someone was following her lately, though she was sure it was just her being paranoid as usual. Eva sighed, shaking her head and setting her bag down, stripping off her clothes and going into the bathroom. She got in a bubble bath with her bottle of wine, drinking it straight from the bottle. She drank all of her miseries away, drinking until she felt very sleeping and completely relaxed. She didn't want to wake with a hangover, so drinking the whole bottle probably wouldn't be the best decision. She got out of the bath, stumbling a little and giggling to herself. She put on a pair of panties and a tank top, her usual bed time attire and got in bed, turning the light off. It wasn't long before she was completely passed out.
    January 19th, 2015 at 04:28am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt grinned as he stood in the hallway, right outside the door of Eva's bedroom. He waited until he heard her breathing become steady and deep, she was fast asleep and it was time to take her. It didn't think it would be this easy, but he was glad it was. He quietly opened her door and walked silently over to her bed, he smiled seeing how peaceful and stunning she was when she slept. He quickly moved his arms under her body and lifted her, taking a bed sheet that was covering her as he didn't want her to get cold. He turned and used his vampire speed to carry her out of the apartment building and back along the way he came, it wasn't even long before the mansion came into view. He smirked when Eva didn't wake up and he thanked the wine for that, she would continue to sleep and wake up in the morning in her new home. He did however have to fight the urge to taste her blood, he had thought she smelt amazing from a distance but now that she was this close to him, she smelt that much better to him. She was light in his arms even if she was fast asleep, as he ran into the mansion he went straight upstairs to his bedroom. He carefully laid her in his bed and placed the covers over her body, he did notice that she was only wearing a tank top and panties. A low growl sounded in the back of his throat, he wanted to rip the fabric from her body and take her. He knew he'd give her the most pleasure that anyone could, it was a known fact amongst vampires that not all bites hurt. In fact some said that if a vampire bit their 'soul mate' than it wouldn't hurt, well it'd hurt for a second but that was it. He wanted to try it on Eva but decided to let her sleep, he pulled a chair over from where his desk was and sat there so he could watch her sleep.
    Sophie opened her eyes and gasped when she saw the man standing there, she was terrified and it showed in her eyes. "Where am I? Please let me go, I won't tell anyone. Please," She nearly begged him to let her go, it was obvious what he was and she knew that only meant one thing. He was going to drink her blood and kill her. She had been told that all her life, her father had told her that to scare her so she'd behave. She was frozen sitting on the bed, she looked around the room seeing a few guitars in stands and a model car and motorbike on the desk. She turned back to the man and noticed the tattoos that covered the skin on his arms, his dark eyes matched his dark short but styled hair. Normally she would have found him very attractive, she did find him very attractive actually, which is something she'd keep to herself at all times. "Please don't hurt me," She whispered as it was all she could get out, what had she done wrong to deserve this? She finished high school and went to college which she graduated, she got herself an apartment and had two jobs to earn enough money to live on. She gave to charities and homeless people, she didn't think she deserved this but then again she had cheated on a test when she fourteen. She didn't think that was bad enough to have her be kidnapped by a vampire though.
    January 19th, 2015 at 05:23am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian raised an eyebrow, chuckling softly. "I'm not going to hurt you, love. Not yet, anyways," he said, mumbling the last part to himself. "You're at my mansion. You're not leaving though, so don't even try escaping. I'd catch you before you even reach the woods. We're about an hour away from an kind of human contact. So if you scream, no one can hear you except for the people who are supposed to," he said with a small shrug. "Are you hungry? Thirsty? We can get you something before you go to bed," he said, watching her. Brian noticed her checking him out and he couldn't help the slight smirk that formed on his face. He could tell that she found him attractive, which made things for him a whole lot easier. But then again, he shouldn't get ahead of himself. That was just his huge ego talking. He sighed a little and looked around the room, biting down on his bottom lip. He didn't want to scare her anymore then she was, she looked completely terrified, so he was thinking about going and feeding. This was going to be a lot harder then he thought it was. Being so close to her was such a challenge. She smelled so good, it was so hard not to just drain her dry.
    Eva eventually woke up, groaning and letting out a very unladylike snore, stretching. She couldn't help but notice how comfy her bed was, so much more comfy then what it usually was. Maybe she had a hangover? She must've drank more then she remembered. Not opening her eyes, still half asleep, she tossed the covers off her body and stood up, making her way to where she thought her bathroom was. Instead, she walked right into the wall. "The fuck?" she grumbled, rubbing her eyes and finally opening them. She gasped, looking around the room. "What in the hell..." she trailed off, blinking a few times as she tried to figure out how she got here. Eva's eyes finally connected with the man's sitting in the chair in the corner of the room, making her let out a ear piercing scream. "Whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck!" she yelled, grabbing the lamp off the nightstand and ripping the shade off of it, pointing it at him. "Who are you and what do you want with me? Why am I here?" she asked, shaking. She didn't even care that she was in her panties, she wasn't one to be self conscious about her body. She just wanted answeres and she wanted them now.
    January 19th, 2015 at 06:11am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt had only moved once and that was because he went to feed, he was tempted to drink from Eva so he had his fill of blood while a maid watched Eva in case she woke up. He had returned within the hour and continued to sit in his chair and watch her sleep, he grinned and held in a chuckle when he watched her wake up. The snore was adorable and the way she didn't open her eyes to look where she was going, was always adorable. He watched in amusement as she grabbed the lamp and pointed it at him, "Oh sweetheart. A silly lamp isn't going to harm me," He looked at her with his eyes as he slowly stood up and took a single step closer to her, "My name is Matt and this is your new home. I need you to be here, you won't survive the forest if you try to escape. You wouldn't get that far even if you tried," He told her in his smooth deep voice, his eyes never moving from her. He didn't want her to be scared of him, that would just make everything all that much harder for him. "You do smell delicious, you don't really have anything in that apartment anyways. That is why you decided to drink away your miseries away, right?" He spoke to her and he was dying to move closer to her, her blood was still tempting him but he felt in control on himself and his cravings.
    Sophie shook her head lightly, how could she be hungry or thirsty at a time like this? He had just kidnapped her. Her eyes stayed on his face as he turned around and left the room, she couldn't believe this was happening. She squeezed her eyes shut but when she opened them, she was still sitting in a vampires room. When she realised that he wasn't coming back, she laid down on the bed as she was still tired from her day. She promised herself that she wouldn't fall asleep, but then her eyes became so heavy and she only closed them for a second. In that second she had fallen fast asleep in the extremely comfortable bed, she hadn't even bothered taking her shoes off. She surprisingly slept through the night and into the morning, she was woken by an ear piercing scream that didn't sound that far away. She looked around the room in alarm until she saw the man from last night watching her, "Who was that? Did you kidnap other women?" She asked him frowning, she stood up from his bed and looked at him. She was still scared but anger overpowered the fear she was still feeling because of him.
    January 19th, 2015 at 06:37am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian felt surprisingly better from feeding, but the girl he fed from didn't. He hadn't paid attention to the condition she had been in before he fed from her, accidentally draining her dry. Oh well. By the time he had gotten back to his room, Sophie had been knocked out, which made him very happy. She needed the rest. She looked so peaceful as she slept, so beautiful. He loved watching her sleep. Brian jumped when he heard an ear piercing scream, looking over at Sophie and biting down on his bottom lip. "I'm not the only one that lives here, you know," he said with a small smirk. "I believe Shadows' girl just woke up from her slumber," he said, amused. "You weren't the only one that got kidnapped last night. Maybe you two can become friends, hmm?" he said suggestively. "Anyways, are you hungry? Thirsty? Good morning, by the way, sleep well?" he asked, standing up ffrom his seat with a smile. He had a thing about people eating. He didn't know why, but he did. He just liked seeing them full and satisfied. "If you say no about the food, I'll get you some food anyways," he said, crossing his arms over his chest with a pointed look.
    Eva furrowed her eyebrows together, sighing. "I drank because I was having a really shitty day," she grumbled, setting the lamp down. She began to walk around his room, picking up random things and examining it. "If you want to get technical, I guess I really don't have anything for me back there. But that depends, what do you have planned for me here?" she asked, walking into his closet. She might as well see if there was anything in there that would interest her. It wasn't like he kidnapped her at a time that she was exactly decent looking. No, he couldn't just give her that. "You really just couldn't kidnap me when I was wearing something other then my PJ's?" she grumbled, shaking her head. She smirked at the size of his closet, shaking her head a little. It was huge. What a girl would do for a closet that size to have all to herself. Eva would be in heaven to have a closet and bedroom like this. She could only imagine what the bathroom looked like. Her eyes widened and she quickly made her way out of the closet, going to the bathroom. She giggled some, amazed at the size and beauty. This guy was loaded.
    January 19th, 2015 at 07:13am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt smiled once Eva had calmed down and set the lamp back, he had only brought that lamp for her in case she needed it at night. "Well I was hoping that I'd give you a better life here, you won't have to work although you'll have all the money you can imagine at your fingertips. You don't have to friends with bitches," He told her as he knew about her apparent best friend who cheated with her now ex-boyfriend, he watched as she explored his room which he let her because it would help her relax more and settle in. "That is not my fault, if you had worn more to bed than you would have been dressed." He stood back and admired Eva's beauty while she rushed off into his bathroom, he stepped into his closet and pulled out some clothes that were similar to what he has seen her wear before. He even guessed her panties and bra size, "Take a shower or bath. Here are some clothes, I'll have some breakfast made for you." He told her as he set the clothes down on the bathroom counter and got her a clean towel, he had body wash, shampoo and conditioner, and a facial cleanser. He wanted her to be comfortable and like the idea of staying there with him, to want to get to know him and be with him. All that would come in time however, so he stepped out of the bathroom to give Eva privacy.
    Sophie looked shocked when he told her that another woman had been kidnapped last night, "You aren't going to check on her? Your friend could be hurting her," She said although there weren't anymore screams, so maybe she had just woken up and realized that she wasn't home. She would have done the same thing. She looked at him and didn't want to tell him that she did have a good sleep, that his bed was the most comfortable bed she'd laid on. He didn't need to know everything after all, not yet anyways. "Yeah, I'm hungry." She spoke quietly and watched as he turned to leave the room again, "You never told me your name." She told him as she followed him, she stepped into the hallway and her breath was taken away. The mansion was true to the word, the hallway alone was stunning and she knew that the rest of the building was going to match it if not go further. "It's beautiful," She couldn't take her eyes away from the walls and the high ceiling and the floor, she did when it came to walking down the stairs. She has never been inside a place this amazing before, she felt like she didn't belong there because she wasn't posh or rich.
    January 19th, 2015 at 08:02am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian shook his head. "She's none of my concern. You on the other hand, are, so come on," he said, leading her out of the room and down to the kitchen. He couldn't help but chuckle a bit at her reaction the mansion, finding it pretty cute. "My name is Brian, but around anyone else it's Syn," he said, sighing softly. He never really thought anything of his home, especially since he's lived there for so long. He's seen fancier, at least in his opinion. Most of the guys thought that their home was the most extravagant place in all the land, which Brian thought was hilarious. But hey, whatever floats their boat. "What would you like to eat?" he asked as they entered the kitchen, sitting at the breakfast bar as a maid approached them. Brian didn't cook, obviously because he didn't eat. The guys had cooks for the humans that stayed with them. It was just easier that way. Most of the time the sight and smell of food would make him want to puke. "Zara here will go have the cook make anything your heart desires," he said with a nod.
    Eva sighed, getting the hint that she wasn't going to be allowed to leave the room. Though she was going to make sure that was changed. She'll get out of here one way or another, she'll make sure of it. Even though she really didn't have anything to live for back in the real world she called home, she didn't want to be locked up in a house full of vampires. She had a life to live. Eva sighed, getting in the shower and groaning softly as the hot water cascaded down her back. It felt so good and her muscles were relaxing. She kind of wished that she had taken a bath instead. Maybe she'll do that later. When she was finished washing up, she got out and dried off, getting dressed. She ran the towel through her hair, drying it some before stepping out of the bathroom. She wasn't entirely sure what to do with the dirty laundry so she just left it on the bathroom floor. She made a mental note to ask Matt for a toothbrush and whatnot after breakfast. Eva plopped down on the bed, hanging upside down off the side of it and staring at the wall.
    January 20th, 2015 at 01:03am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    @ Eros.
    Matt had been waiting in the kitchen while the cook made breakfast for Eva, he gave Brian a small nod when he entered with his human girl. He took the tray from Zara and walked back upstairs to his room, he wouldn't keep Eva in his room for much longer but he just needed to make sure that she wouldn't try anything. Walking in he set the tray on the bedside table and looked at Eva who was hanging off the bed, "Here if your breakfast. I wasn't sure what you liked to eat," He mentioned hoping that she'd like the food that had been cooked for her, "After you finish eating then I can show you around. If you like, of course" He offered as he wasn't going to make her feel like a prisoner, he'd let her outside and away from the mansion but that would only come if he could trust her completely. If she proved to him that she could be let out on her own, he'd still have to be careful so no other vampire thought it would be a good idea to hurt her or take her from him. But he didn't have to worry about that for a while yet.
    Sophie stood in the huge kitchen and waited until the other vampire had left, before she looked from Brian to Zara. "Pancakes please, with maple syrup." She told the maid who nodded and walked away, she turned her attention onto Brian. "Why did you bring me here? There's plenty more girls out there, ones that are way more beautiful." She told him as she didn't understand why he had taken her, she had seen other beautiful women who he could have just as easily kidnapped. In her eyes, she wasn't anything special. She had never really been called beautiful or never got attention from men, unless it was the sleazy men from the restaurant who hit on her every shift. She didn't listen to their compliments as it made her feel dirty when they spoke to her, it took her a little while before she moved to sit beside him at the breakfast bar.
    January 20th, 2015 at 01:56am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian watched her, shrugging. "I knew I had to have you from the first moment I laid eyes on you. Oh, and that smell. The smell of your blood is so intoxicating... nothing like I've ever smelt before," he said, sighing softly. Just talking about her blood made his mouth water and want to dive right at her throat. But not now, all in good time. he'll be able to get a good taste soon. "You're very beautiful, Sophie. Don't ever think otherwise," he murmured, standing up and going over to the fridge, grabbing a beer. The only thing besides blood that he managed to keep down was alcohol. It wasn't like he absolutely couldn't eat, he just... he just really hated it. All of the rest of the guys didn't seem to mind it, hell Zacky actually ate and enjoyed it, but Brian just couldn't. Maybe there was something wrong with him? Who knows. "That was Shadows, by the way. The man who was just in here. There are three other guys, who i'm sure you'll be meeting very soon. And yes, they're all like me," he said with a smirk, popping the top of his beer and taking a long swig. Brian really did love his alcohol. It helped keep the blood crave at bay. It really did a wonderful job at dulling his senses.
    Eva could feel the blood rushing to her head, though she didn't feel like moving. She watched as Matt placed the tray on the bedside table, not really making a move to touch it. She didn't want to eat. She wanted to go on strike. But boy, did that bacon look delicious. "I don't understand why you kidnapped me," she grumbled, huffing and crossing her arms over her chest. "I have legit super models for roommates. I'm sure they could've been better. Or no, wait, I get it, you like kidnapping poor unfortunate souls who have just gotten their heartbroken and who have nothing left in the world so that you know they won't be missed. That's genius," Eva said, sitting up with her eyes wide. She was right, though, she won't be missed. By anyone. So there really wasn't any point in going back. "Cheers to perfect picking," she said as she picked up her apple juice, taking a long and satisfying drink of it before setting it back down on the tray. She grabbed a piece of bacon and began eating, eventually picking up the tray and setting it on her lap.
    January 20th, 2015 at 03:12am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt looked rather pleased with himself when he saw Eva took the tray onto her lap, "Actually I didn't take you because of those reasons. You're different and your blood is intoxicating to me, I needed you and I don't want to ever have anyone else. I also don't want anyone else to have you or even be near you," He told her in a slightly protective tone of voice, "You are the first person I have kidnapped. Usually women beg for me to bring them here, and I'm sure there are people who will miss you." He told her though he wouldn't care if no one did miss her, it would be easier for him if no one came looking for her because he isn't going to be giving her up without a good bloody fight. He moved the chair closer to the bed and sat down so he could watch her, "Why are you so hard on yourself?" He asked her as he was rather interested in why she'd think that he wouldn't want to kidnap her, "You're so beautiful. You shouldn't be heartbroken, you deserve so much more than someone like him." He told her truthfully.
    Sophie looked at Brian and listened to what he was saying to her, did he really need her that much and thought she was beautiful? She didn't know what to say and was saved when Zara set a plate of pancakes and orange juice on the counter in front of her, she cut a triangle piece of maple syrup soaked pancake and ate it. She had tasted her own blood before from a paper cut and it just tasted like iron, she knew vampires needed blood to continue living but she couldn't understand why human blood tasted so good to them. "They won't hurt me, right?" She asked him after swallowing her mouthful of sugary pancakes, Shadows was a big guy. His muscles were very impressive and she knew if he was out at night, she'd be scared of him. She looked at Brian and raised an eyebrow, "Your having a beer now? It's only eight in the morning... can you still get drunk?" She asked him as she had never gotten a taste for beer, however wine was a very different story.
    January 20th, 2015 at 04:26am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian chuckled. "If I had enough whisky I could probably get pretty tipsy. Though I haven't gotten fully drunk in a long time. Takes a lot," he said, sighing and leaning against the counter. "Alcohol helps the cravings. Especially with you being around, i'm going to need a lot of it." Brian took another long swig of his beer, shaking his head some. "They won't hurt you. They know that you're mine and that I kidnapped you. Besides, they have their own girls to worry about. Shadz is probably on his way up to feed the girl you heard screaming earlier," he said, watching her eat. It was rather entertaining to watch, considering she was taking big mouthfuls at a time. She must've been really hungry. He knew he should've forced her to eat last night, but considering how scared she was, he wasn't going to push the issue. It was kind of weird how nice he was being, and he hoped none of the guys caught him being like this. But with Sophie it was different, she had this calming atmosphere around her that made him so... chill. He just wasn't his usual cocky and arrogant self.
    Eva frowned some, hating how he was pushing the subject. She lost her appetite, pushing the tray away and sighing. "Well, I can't get anything better then that. Not that it matters," she grumbled, looking around the room. She bit down on her bottom lip when she noticed the bedroom door slightly cracked, sighing and getting up, acting like she was making her way towards the bathroom. Instead, she quickly ran to the door, flinging it open and taking off down the hallways. She had no idea where she was going, but she figured that if she could find a stair case then she could find a way out. But then she remembered Matt's super speed, which made her inwardly groan. This wasn't going to go well at all. Eva found the stairs, hopping on to the banister and sliding down. She squealed and giggled, that right there totally worth being kidnapped. She pretty much flew off the end, landing on her back. Though, she saw someone's shoe beside her. She looked up to see a really tall, lanky man with piercing blue eyes standing there, arms crossed and not looking very pleased. "Everyone knows they're not allowed to go banister sliding without me," said the man, pouting. "Well shit," Eva muttered to herself, sighing and just laying there. There really was no escape.
    January 20th, 2015 at 04:55am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    @ Eros.
    Matt could have easily grabbed Eva the second she touched the door handle, but he didn't. He might as well let her try to escape at least once, so he took his time in following her which wasn't hard. She wasn't being quiet about her escape, he walked down the stairs slowly. "She won't be banister sliding again, Jimmy. You aren't going to have a partner in that, unless you convince Johnny or Vengeance," He told his friend as he stood beside Eva's body and looked down at her, "Was that fun for you? I did tell you that you couldn't escape, but next time use the actual stairs." He held out his hand for her to take if she wanted to, "This is The Rev. You can meet the others later, I guess I can show you around now considering you didn't eat your breakfast." He wasn't angry at her, he had a feeling that she'd try to escape sometime that day. It was a natural thing to do, he had kidnapped her when she didn't want to be taken from her life. He was glad that she hadn't gotten further than the bottom of the stair case, he didn't want to drag her back inside kicking and screaming after all. He may be a vampire and he could be mean at times, but that was a side of him that he never wanted Eva to see.
    Sophie looked at him and gave a little nod of her head, she took another big mouthful of mouth and chewed. She didn't care if she didn't look ladylike, he kidnapped her so he'd have to see her on her good and bad days. She watched as a maid walked through to the kitchen, "Why do you have other humans here? Wouldn't other vampires be easier? They'd do the cleaning quicker," She asked before stuffing her mouth with more of the deliciously warm pancakes, but she guessed that humans were easier to control than other vampires. But she still wanted to know why, so she asked him. She had the right to ask whatever question she wanted, he brought her here and intends to keep her around. She checked the time on a clock that was on the wall near the doors, "I'm going to be late to work. I don't have my work clothes either," She told him as she finished her breakfast and her orange juice, she hated being late to anything but if she was late to work than her boss would give her hell.
    January 20th, 2015 at 05:51am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    "Well, sometimes they come in handy. Like for emergency blood purposes. But thats only if we're desperate. Plus, they have babies and they all grow up to be servants here so everyone that you see here that works for us, their families have been here for generations. Granted, they all leave the mansion at certain times of the day to go home somewhere on the property to their own families at night. They have their own lives. They just work for us and keep our secret," he said with a small shrug. Brian chuckled when she mentioned work, shaking his head. "That's cute, you actually think you're going to work today. Babydoll, I have all the money you could ever possibly dream of. You don't need to work. Besides, this is a kidnapping, remember? You can't leave," he said with a roll of his eyes, downing the rest of his beer before he threw it in the trash can. "Now, I can play nice and show you around, maybe let you meet the other guys' girls, make friends, have a little bit of freedom, or I can be a complete dick and lock you up while I take care of some things. The choice is yours." Brian really didn't want to have to lock her up and play the total bad guy in this situation, though he was the kidnapper, he did have to play the part. But there were far worse things out there then him. He was just one of the many creatures of the night that she would have to possibly deal with in the near future.
    Eva glared up at him, huffing and pulling herself up, not even bothering with taking his hand. She didn't need his help. "I did eat some of my breakfast, thank you very much. And I will go banister sliding whenever I damn well please," she said with a nod, going off down a hallway towards a delicious smell. She ended up finding her way in the kitchen, perking up when she saw a girl sitting there. She wondered if she was human. She wondered if she was going to be able to make a friend here. "I managed to find the kitchen all by myself without your help," she called down the hall to Matt, sticking her tongue out at him before she entered all the way into the kitchen, sitting down in a stool next to the girl. "Hi, I'm Eva," she said brightly, giving the girl a huge smile. She glared at the man leaning against the counter, knowing already he was a vampire. "Go away, we're busy," he said, glaring back at her. "Really? Because all I see is her eating and you standing there doing absolutely nothing so shut up, i'm trying to make a friend," she said, and before she knew it, the man had her pinned against the wall by her throat. Eva giggled, clawing at his hands. "Someone has a temper," she choked out.
    January 20th, 2015 at 09:11pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Sophie hadn't expected him to not let her go work, she had always worked and now she didn't know what she'd actually do with herself. She had opened her mouth to tell Brian that she did want to be shown around, but she didn't have time when another girl sat down beside her. She looked beside her at the girl who was suddenly not there anymore, "Brian no. Stop it, let her go!" She jumped up and rushed over to them, she wrapped her fingers around his arm in hopes that he'd stop pinning the girl to the wall. "You said to make friends and I want to be her friend, please let her go." She looked into his eyes as she didn't want him to hurt her, she glanced over her shoulder when a snarl sounded. A small gasp escaped her lips when she saw the man from before, but now he looked angry and she figured that Eva was the girl that had also been kidnapped last night. She was the scream that Sophie heard that morning, "Brian please," She begged him as she didn't want anyone to get hurt or a fight to break out, "You better listen to her, Syn. Or I'll make you let her go," A growl sounded as Matt stood there glaring at his best friend, his body tense and his hands were balled into fists.
    Matt watched as Brian did let Eva go, he was by her side in a second. "Are you okay, darling? You really do know how to fit in here, first the barrister and now this?" He couldn't help but grin at her, though he'd have to talk with Brian later. He knows better than to touch another guys girl, he had to know that he had kidnapped her and that she was his. Just because she had a mouth of her doesn't give him any reason to pin her to the wall by holding her throat, "This is why I hadn't let you out of my bedroom and why you shouldn't have left without me." He told her and sighed softly as he never wanted to see that happen to her again, he knew Brian would only hurt someone if he had a good reason to. He probably just wanted to scare Eva or teach her a lesson, but he still shouldn't have as he should have let Matt deal with his human instead.

    (Sorry for the crappy post)
    January 21st, 2015 at 06:00am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    [It wasn't crappy at all. Cute]

    Brian huffed, letting her go and watching her drop to the floor. He had absolutely no idea where in the hell matt got this girl from, but she sure knew how to push his buttons. "Whatever," he grumbled, shaking his head. "Be friends. I guess you'll be needing the company for when we have to leave the mansion for occasional... business trips," Brian said, walking over to the fridge and grabbing another beer. He popped the cap and took a long swig, not even caring that it's his second one in the past five minutes. "Before you two so rudely interrupted, I was just about to go show Sophie here around the house. But I guess plans have changed for now," he said with a heavy sigh. His plans always had to get ruined, it didn't matter what it was. Plus, he was trying to get on her good side so he could eventually get a taste of her blood and hopefully get a little bit of action in his bed. That probably wasn't happening anytime soon, unless he forced it. Which in any other case he would, especially if it were just any other girl, but Sophie wasn't just some random girl that he picked up off the street. There was something very special about her, though he just wasn't sure what it was yet.
    Eva groaned, rubbing her throat and catching her breath. "I'm fine," she said, looking up at Matt, wondering when he got there when he was just on the other side of the kitchen seconds ago. Oh right, super vamp speed. "I like pissing people off and seeing how far I can take things. I have nothing to lose, so might as well have fun," she said with a smirk, giving his chest a small pat. "Sophie, huh? Cool name. Did you get kidnapped too by any chance or am I alone?" Eva asked, raising an eyebrow. She really hoped her and Sophie could become good friends. Maybe she could start a better life for herself here somehow, being the blood bank of some boss ass vampire. But that didn't mean she wasn't going to try to escape multiple times just to give them a run for their money. Surely she'd eventually get bored and want to spice things up a bit, and a good chase wouldn't hurt once in a while.
    January 21st, 2015 at 06:25am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt looked at Eva and sighed, she was going to be a big handful, he just knew it. "I'm starting to realise that," He stepped to the side so she could at least make a friend with another human, they'd be seeing each other a lot so they might as well start talking now. He walked over to Syn and patted his back, "Never touch her again. If she gets annoying or smart then I'll deal with her, you know the rules. She's special to me," He told his best friend quietly so the humans wouldn't be able to hear them, if he or any of the guys had grabbed Sophie in that way then Brian would have reacted the same way as Matt had. But she wasn't hurt so he wasn't angry with his friend, he had a feeling she'd be getting into as much trouble as she possibly could and she'd most likely enjoy it. Matt on the other hand, wasn't going to enjoy it because it meant he'd just have to watch her closer now. "It'll be better once they get to know each other, you can still show her around." He assured Brian knowing he wanted to get closer to his girl, that wouldn't be happening for either of them if the girls decided to stick together.
    Sophie glanced over her shoulder and gave Brian a small smile when he complained about his plans getting ruined, she didn't like him holding Eva like that but he had let go when she told him to. Maybe he wasn't the big bad vampire who kidnapped her, she'd still never forget that he did kidnap her but maybe she just had to give him a chance. Being in the mansion was so much better than going to work, "Thank you and yes, I was kidnapped last night. Right when my bus was coming up the street," She said loud enough for Brian to hear, she had been so close to getting on that bus and being safe. Well she'd be safe until she stepped off again because she could only imagine that he'd be there waiting for her, "Where did he find you? It's so creepy that they had to sneak around at nighttime," She smiled at Eva knowing they'd get along so well, they seemed different in many ways but she knew they'd become good friends very soon.
    January 21st, 2015 at 09:44am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian sighed and nodded, knowing better then to do it again. He just hoped that Matts little bitchh wasn't going to be a handful. "I guess we might as sell let them be friends and get it over with. Though do you think that's a good idea right now? What if they Try to escape?" He asked Matt quietly. That was the last thing they needed, both of them trying to escape together. Though it was bound to happen eventually, Brian just really wasn't looking forward to it. Though if Brian had been in Matts position, he probably would've broken the muscular mans neck and beat the shit out of him. Brian was already very protective over Sophie, and in a way kind of possessive. He didn't want anyone around her yet. He wanted to make her his first. But he didn't really have much of a day in the matter. Brian scoffed a little when he heard Sophie fell Eva how she got kidnapped, shrugging and playing innocent. "I rescued her from disgusting public transportation," he said with a nod.
    Eva thought for a moment, her eyes widening. "Hey! How the hell did you get into my apartment?" She asked Matt, just now realizing that he somehow managed to get into her apartment without her realizing it. She shook her head, officially annoyed. "He snuck into my apartment and grabbed me while I was sleeping. I was passed out from drinking a... Few glasses of wine, so I didmt wake up until this morning. I mean honestly, I wouldn't be complaining if I woke up randomly in his bed from a night of partying. But I was partying in my tub and obviously passed out in my bed, so, yunno," Eva said with a shrug, glaring hard at Matt. She just found it extra creepy that he managed to get into her apartment while she was sleeping. It made her wonder how many times he had done it before he took her.
    January 21st, 2015 at 10:12am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt looked at his friend, "They most likely will try to escape together. When they do, we'll be there to stop them each and every time. They had a right to try and escape, we did kidnap them after all." He spoke quietly before looking over at the two humans, he shrugged at Eva's question. "I have my ways, ways which you don't need to know right now." He told her as it wasn't really hard to get into her apartment, it would probably be harder for another human but he was a vampire. He could act faster and hear when a lock is nearly ready to unlock, he is also strong so if he didn't get in peacefully he would have broken something. He saw the glare that Eva gave him, he didn't pay any attention to it. "And I'm not creepy, that was the first time I had been in your apartment." He mentioned even though he knew it wouldn't help his case, it was creepy to break into someone's home and take them. But it was done now.
    Sophie looked at Eva as she told her how Matt kidnapped her, she looked at Brian. "You are far from innocent and public transport isn't that bad, you weren't rescuing me from anything." She told him cheekily and turned back to Eva, "That is so creepy. It's lucky that you were in bed and not still in the bath, I mean how can you defend herself? You can't waste the wine in fighting him off," She told Eva knowing they could both drink wine together now, she usually just drank a glass or two at home by herself. "He didn't even do anything when I was at work and my boss yelled at me, or when the sleazy men hit on me." She rolled her eyes although she was pretty much only joking, a part of her wasn't. She wouldn't have stopped him if he did decide to do anything to all those men, they treated her like shit anyways.
    January 21st, 2015 at 11:11am