The Blessed Unrest

  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt didn't even want to leave Eva but he needed to if he wanted to keep her safe, which was his job now and he'd make sure that she was safe at all times. "That's true, but I imagined you sleeping on the couch and getting meals brought to you." He sent her a smile that caused his dimples to show in his cheeks, "I'm just going out. I have some business that I need to get done," He told her not wanting her to worry about him, "I'm not sure how long it will take. But you'll be just fine here, Sophie will be here so you can spend sometime with her. The guards and maids will be here, so you have nothing to worry about." He assured her as he would have felt better if one or two of the guys were staying, but he needed all the people he could get. Besides they were a team and needed to do things as a gang, he gently cupped Eva's cheek with his hand and leaned forward until he could press a soft kiss to her forehead. "You should have a girly night or a movie night, something fun so you won't even notice I'm gone." He stroked her cheekbone with his thumb lightly, he hoped that it wouldn't take him long because he wanted this to be over and done with so he could come back to her.
    Sophie followed Brian to his room and sat down on the bed with him, she instantly knew what he was going off to do. He was going to take care of this rival gang, Sophie didn't know how she felt about it. It would keep her safe if the vampires didn't have anyone threatening them, but she could only imagine the horrible violence that would be used that night. However she shook that thought from her mind because she couldn't let herself think that way, so she nodded her head at his question. "I did, I think we're going to be really good friends." She told him honestly before she looked at him, "It's my first actual night here. I don't want you to go, what if you don't come back?" She asked him as there was a chance that he wouldn't, she was sure that he could keep himself alive but he was going to fight enough a gang of werewolves. That didn't put her at any ease because he could get hurt, she had just gotten used to him and being in his home. If he didn't come back to her than she'd have to go back to her shitty life, "Can't you stay here and let the guys go?" She looked at him knowing he'd never do that, she was just being selfish because she was worried.
    February 27th, 2015 at 02:35am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian chuckled softly, shaking his head. "I would love to stay with you, but I can't. We have to all be together for this. But I promise you, I will be back," he assured her, reaching over and tucking some hair behind her ear. He wasn't going to let anything stop him from coming back to her. Brian was just kind of nervous that she would try to escape while he was gone and cause more trouble for him when he got home. He didn't want to have to worry about her all night. "You should spend some more time with Eva. Have a girls night or something, keep your mind off of whatever it is you think I'm going off to do," he said with a small chuckle. He rather her spend time with eva and keep her mind off of things rather than sitting here alone and thinking about what hebwas doing and what kind of trouble he was getting himself into. He was going to be fine.
    Eva bit down on her bottom lip, sighing softly. She had a feeling that he was going off to do something dangerous, involving whatever Brian had come to him about earlier. Eva moved so she was sitting back in his lap, smirking. "Well, when you get back, maybe we could have a little bit of fun," she said as she ran her fingertip down his chest, licking over her lips slightly. It wasn't a secret that she wanted this man, he was beyond attractive. And it certainly wasn't a secret that she loved teasing him. Though she kind of wondered if he could even handle having sex with her without wanting to drain her dry of her blood. Maybe everything she's seen in movies about them were wrong. "How come you havent bitten me yet?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow. She actually kind of wanted him to bite her, just to see what all the fuss was about. She heard all those blood whores raving about how good it felt, but Eva couldn't even imagine how that could possibly feel good.
    February 28th, 2015 at 04:07pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt smirked as he wrapped his arms around Eva's body when she moved to sit on his lap, "I'm sure we can find some time to have fun." He grinned as he looked into her eyes, he couldn't stop admiring her beauty and honestly didn't want to stop himself. His fingers lightly rubbed her waist as he held onto her, "I don't want you thinking that your blood is the only reason I want you here. I do want to taste you but that can wait, if you never want me to drink from you than I won't." He was certain he could make love to her and not drink her dry, he had control over himself. Even if she did tempt him with how amazing she smelt, he never wanted to hurt her so he'd keep his fangs from digging into her delicate skin. He smirked as he quickly laid her back down on his bed, this time he was hovering over her body and made sure to have his body touching her's. "We could always have fun now, I have plenty of time." He smirked as he moved his lips to the side of her neck, if she wanted to tease him than she could. But he could play that game as well, he pressed hard and hot kisses to her neck while his hand moved up her side. His thumb ran over her left breast as his lips continued to kiss her neck.
    Sophie knew that he needed to go with his friends, she wasn't happy about it but still knew that he had to leave for a while. "Fine, but you better make it up to me when you get back." She told him as she wanted to spend time with him, where it was just them and they could actually get to know each other better. She was so interested and curious about his life before her, how old he was and when he was a human. How he became a vampire and if he liked it, she was so boring compared to him. "I'll go find her after you leave, we'll have a great time without you." She told him smiling softly, she was so glad that Eva was there so they could have girly nights. They could talk about their captors and how they were feeling, maybe one day they'd be allowed outside together and they could have coffee or shopping dates. Time when the vampires weren't hovering around them, she liked being around Brian but she also liked having her girly time.
    March 1st, 2015 at 04:33am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.

    Brian gasped and put a hand over his heart, faking that his feelings were hurt. "You're going to have fun without me? Now that's just cruel," he said, pouting. Though, he wasn't able to hide the smile that eventually appeared on his face. "Nah, it's okay, have all the fun in the world without me," he said, chuckling softly. Even though he wanted to have all the fun in the world with her, he knew that she needed to have girl time. Eventually he knew that he was going to have to let her out of the house by herself also, or at least with Eva. He didn't want either of them going out alone. Maybe Brian would make one of the guards go with Sophie whenever she left, if he ever let her leave. It just really scared him. "When I get back, though, we're going to have all the fun in the world with each other," he said with a nod, smirking at her slightly. He honestly just wanted to get to know her a little better. Even though he's been watching her for months, he still felt like there were things he still didn't know about her. Things he needed to know. Like her past for instance, he wanted to know all about her past, what she's been through. What made her the woman she was today.
    Eva gasped softly, letting out a small moan from his touch. She tilted her head to the side, allowing him more access to her neck. Her plan to tease him and hold out on him for as long as she could was starting to go right out the window. "Oh no, we're not doing anything right now," she said, trying to push him off of her. "When we do it, I want to make sure that we have all the time in the world. Because I certainly wouldn't let you leave the room for the rest of the night," she said, grabbing him gently by his chin and making him look at her. It was true, though. When they finally had sex she wanted to make sure they had all the time in the world and didn't feel rushed. Right now he had somewhere to be and things to do, so she wasn't going to start anything that they wouldn't be able to finish. She wished that he would tell her where he was going and what he was doing. She was just going to have to trust his words that she didn't have anything to worry about, and that he was hopefully going to be okay. She didn't want anything to happen to him. She was growing fonder and fonder of him by the second, she didn't need anything happening to him.
    March 1st, 2015 at 05:42am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt smiled when he felt Eva trying to push him off her, even though it was obvious that she did want him just as much as he wanted her. Although he did agree with her, he wanted to wait and make their first time having sex special. So he rolled off her but still kept his muscular arms wrapped securely around her small body. "Trust me, I'll make it perfect and a time that you'll never forget." He told her knowing that he'd make a day of it, he could even take her away from a romantic getaway. He was going to spoil her rotten and give her everything that she could possibly want, she deserved it and Matt just wanted to make sure she had the best life that he could offer and he knew he could offer her so much. He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead as they laid together, he could see in her eyes that she was nervous about him leaving. But he wasn't going to tell her what he'd be doing, it would only cause her more worry and stress. Something he didn't want to put her through, he'd probably tell her afterwards when he returned home. "I'm coming home back to you, you'll be having so much fun with Sophie that you won't even miss me." He assured her and ran his fingers through her hair.
    Sophie just gave Brian an innocent smile when he pretended to be hurt over what she said to him, she knew that she needed to have fun with Eva so she wouldn't think about Brian and what he was doing. She looked at him, "I'm expecting to have some fun with you. Otherwise you put lose me to Eva, she is a very nice and beautiful woman." She teased him even though she wasn't actually interested in Eva like that, at the moment Brian didn't know and she liked teasing him. She wanted to make sure that she never lost him to anything or anyone, she was feeling more confident now around him and she wanted him to know that she was comfortable with him around her. Especially now that he was going off later that night, she was worrying about it but was trying not to let it show. Although she wasn't sure if she was doing a very good job of that, she moved closer to him and leaned into his body. "I hope you give me a kiss before you leave me," She told him as she wanted something from him before he went away, for who knows how long.
    March 2nd, 2015 at 02:04am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian scoffed. "Are you sure you wouldn't want a kiss from Eva?" he teased, raising an eyebrow. Honestly, he wasn't sure who she felt when it came to girls. For all he knew, she could be bisexual or something. But Brian didn't think anymore about it as he knew he was going to have to be leaving soon, so he wrapped his arms around Sophie and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her slow and soft. She had the most amazingly soft and warm lips. They tasted like sweet strawberries and he absolutely loved it. He pulled away after a few minutes, smiling down at her. "Happy?" he asked, smirking a little. He hoped she was, because he sure was. He'd sit here and kiss her all night if he could, but he knew that he couldn't. It was almost time for him to be getting ready to leave. Brian wished he didn't have to go, but he knew that once they got this done then he would be able to rest easy. "I'll miss you while I'm gone. But I promise, i'll be back as soon as I can," he murmured, reaching up and cupping her soft cheek in his hand.
    Eva blushed deeply, letting out a small giggle. "I don't know about that. I'll definitely have fun with Sophie, but i'll be missing you," she murmured, biting down on her bottom lip. She couldn't believe that she was already developing feelings for this man. Something had to be up. Maybe he was using some kind of vampire powers to make her fall for him. Though, that was kind of crazy. But maybe not, anything was possible at this point. "When do you have to leave?" she asked him, looking over at the clock. He's already been in here with her for a good while, so she wasn't entirely sure when he was going to have to leave her. Eva knew that she was going to be worrying about him and the guys all night, regardless of how much fun she may be having.
    March 2nd, 2015 at 02:31am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt was so glad that Eva would at least have Sophie to spend time with, whenever he had to leave the mansion. With he hoped wasn't going to be very often, but he knew there would be times when he would need to leave her to do something so he could keep her safe. "I need to leave shortly," He wasn't happy to tell her that, he could very happily lay there in bed with Eva for the rest of his supernatural life. He looked at her and gave her body a gentle squeeze, he knew that he'd have to get up very soon. "I need to make sure that the guys are ready," He told her in a whispered as he'd have to drag himself away from her, he pushed himself up so he was sitting on the bed. "I'll see you again soon, my darling" He told her as he stood up.
    Sophie smiled and giggled softly, "You don't have to worry about Eva" She assured him before her eyes fluttered shut, she returned his kiss and couldn't believe how amazing his lips felt against her's. His lips were surprising warm against her own, she could feel herself melting into his arms as butterflies attacked her stomach. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled widely at the vampire before her, "I'm very happy." She admitted to him as she would love to have Brian's lips pressed against her's a lot more, she looked at him knowing he'd need to leave soon. "I guess I'll see you want you get back, you better be careful," She told him as she wanted him to come back to her in one piece.
    March 2nd, 2015 at 10:13am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian nodded, smiling at her. He kissed her forehead softly before he left the room, shutting the door quietly behind him. He really wanted to hurry up and get this over with, so that he could come back home to his amazing Sophie. Brian sighed softly as he went to he weapons room, grabbing a couple of the duffle bags that he had prepared earlier. He made his way to the garage, loading the stuff up that he grabbed into the hummer. Hopefully some of the other guys would grab the rest of the stuff on their way down, because Brian certainly didn't feel like going all the way back up to the weapons room to grab the rest of it. He was feeling lazy, though it probably wasn't the right time to be feeling that way. "Are you all ready to go?" Jimmy asked, shoving a few bags into the back. Brian sighed heavily and nodded, running his fingers through his while mane. "As ready as I'll ever be," he grumbled, climbing into he backseat. Matt was more then likely going to drive, which Brian wasn't going to argue with. He hated driving. It was the most useless thing ever, though occasionally it came in handy when they had a lot of stuff to haul. Though it really annoyed Brian how slow vehicles were compared to how fast they could run.
    Eva smiled at Matt, blushing lightly. It was kind of cute when he called her darling, it was something that she's never been called before. She got up, giving him a small hug before pushing him out the door. "Alright, big guy, get moving. You don't want to keep everyone else waiting," she said with a nod. Eva actually couldn't wait to spend some time with Sophie and get to know her a bit better. Eva could tell that they were instantly going to be the best of friends, which she was very happy about. At least she'd have someone to talk to when it came to Matt, someone who can relate to their life being completely turning upside down in one night. Even though Eva actually was beginning to like the way her life got turned upside down, though she didn't think she should be this soon. It was just a hell of a lot better then what he life had been before. she was thankful for the amazing changes that came with being kidnapped. Besides, she was pretty sure that no one was looking for her, or even noticed that she had gone missing.
    March 3rd, 2015 at 03:44am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt looked over his shoulder to give Eva one last glance before he disappeared into the mansion, he stopped by the weapon room and picked up the last bags of weapons. He carried the bag over to the garage and placed the bag into the trunk of the car, he climbed into the passenger seat and sat there while Jimmy pulled out of the garage. The drive through the streets were pretty silent among them, although that was uncommon as they all went through their own little habits before a plan like this went into attack. Now Matt's mind was filled with Eva, he knew that he'd have to return to her in one piece, he was going to make sure that happened because he just got her into his life and he wasn't ready to leave her. He'd never actually be ready to leave her or to lose her, so he'd do everything in his power to keep her safe and protected. He had lost track of time in the drive until he felt the car come to a stop, Jimmy turned the engine off and everyone sat there for a second before they all climbed out. They started to arm themselves with as many weapons as they could fit around or on their body, having weapons was just to reassure them that they would come out of this fight alive and unharmed. It gave them more of an edge and a larger chance of survival, "Let's go." Matt whispered almost silently as he begun to head towards where the wolves lived.
    Sophie watched as Brian left, she continued to sit on his bed for a little longer before she walked out of his bedroom and went in search for Eva. She found her in what seemed to be Matt's room, "Hey. Did you want to watch some movies and eat junk food?" She asked knowing they couldn't really do much else, they needed to do something so they wouldn't end up thinking about their vampire captors. Deep down she knew that Brian would return to her but she still couldn't help but worry about him, he was away from her and that made her feel uneasy. When Eva agreed they both headed downstairs to the media room, "You pick some movies." She told her new friend as she moved over to where the popcorn and candy was, she was still slightly amazed that there was so much actual food set out when the vampires don't even need to eat food. She grabbed a box of butter covered popcorn and some sodas, she placed them on the chairs before filling another container with all the different candy that was on offer to them.
    March 5th, 2015 at 12:06am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian thought about Sophie the whole way there, praying that he'd make it back to her in one piece. Though, he couldn't promise that he wouldn't have a few scratches form any sort of wound that he was healing from. He had gotten lost in his thoughts, taken by surprise when he hard a car door close. He sighed heavily, getting out and gearing up, making sure he had every single weapon imaginable that he could use against the wolves. Their super vampire strength wasn't going to be able to be the only thing to get them through this. Brian followed Matt and the rest of the guys towards the werewolve's base, looking around to make sure that there wasn't anything that was going to get them just yet. He looked over at Matt and nodded, barging into one entrance of the place while the some of the other guys barged in other entrances. Brian started shooting the silver bullets every which way, watching one wolf fall one by one. Even though most of them weren't in their wolf forms, the bullets would still do just as much damage. Brian let out a growl when he felt a wolf jump on his back, sinking their teeth into his shoulder. "Son of a bitch," he snarled, slamming his back up against a wall and trying to get the wolf off of him.
    Eva looked up when Sophie entered the room, smiling softly at her. She nodded when she asked if she wanted to eat junk food and watch movies, following her down to the theater. She sighed softly as she got herself a bucket of popcorn and a soda, setting it on the coffee table before she went over to the movie collection and picking out some movies. She avoided anything that involved vampires or any kind of supernatural creature, wanting to keep her mind off of her vampire captor and his friends. She finally settled on a few Disney movies, not finding anything else worth watching at the moment. She just wanted to watch something fun and happy. Disney movies always did the trick. She went over to the entertainment center, popping in the first movie before going and sitting down on the couch next to Sophie, remote in hand. "Alright, here we go," she murmured, pressing play and setting the remote on the coffee table, picking up her bucket of popcorn. "Aren't you the least bit curious why they have so much food around this place? I thought vampires didn't eat food," she murmured, shoving a handful of popcorn in her mouth. Seriously, it didn't make sense. Vampires only needed blood, so why did they have so much food around here? Popcorn machines, candy machines, a fully stocked kitchen with amazing cooks. It was crazy.
    March 5th, 2015 at 04:21am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    (Sorry if my reply is shorter than normal, I'm on my phone.)

    Matt kicked in another door and was inside the base within a split second, Zacky following close behind him. Both shooting silver bullets into any werewolf that they saw, he was suddenly completely focused on the task at hand and Eva wasn't filling his mind. He needed to focus on killing as many wolves as he could, so he could go back to the mansion and be with Eva again. He moved his way further into the building so he could get this over and done with, he continued to shoot the wolves but groaned when a larger wolf slammed into his body. He tried to stay balanced on his feet but felt himself stumbling to the side, his shoulder slammed into a hard wall and pain shot through his shoulder and down his arm. He couldn't get his gun to shoot the wolf, so he grabbed the silver blade knife that had been on his waist and stabbed the growling male in the side of the neck. He felt the body drop from him and he took the chance at glancing around at his friends, everyone was going a good job and were handling themselves very well. He moved off into another room and begun to make his way through whoever was in there, he another wolf got to him and bit down hard on his left forearm. Matt snarled in pain but before he could kill the wolf, a silver bullet went flying through the air from Jimmy's gun. He gave the taller vampire a quick nod before they went to finish off the gang.
    Sophie had curled herself up on the comfortable couch with her popcorn, candy and soda surrounding her. "I really have no idea, even if they did eat food. Surely it wouldn't do anything for them, or maybe they were expecting us to stay." She suggested to Eva as the Disney movie begun on the huge television screen, she honestly had no idea but she was glad that the vampires did have all the food and chefs. She never really ever went out for lunch or dinner, she never had the money to spare. She wasn't used to being waited on but she knew that she could get used to it, "But I'm glad they do. I certainly don't trust Brian to cook me any food, he told me that some of the guys ate food every now and again. But he can't stand it or understand it, I don't really blame him though. Maybe it makes them feel a little human or something," She shrugged her shoulders lightly as she took a quick glance beside her at Eva, before turning her attention back onto movie that was playing.
    March 5th, 2015 at 10:02am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    [It's alright. Cute]

    Brian threw the wolf off his back, shooting it a few times before moving on. He was going to teach all of these son of a bitches what they were dealing with. No one jumped on his back and bit him. Brian ran out of ammo in his pistol, tossing it to the side and grabbing his machine gun off his back. He started shooting like a mad man, a wild smirk on his face. He was actually enjoying this. There was so much adrenaline coursing through him right now, it was crazy. Though, eventually everything slowly came to an end, every last werewolf in that place was killed. "Should we check and see if any are hiding anywhere?" Brian asked Matt, looking around the room. Brian certainly knew one thing, he was going to need a good feed after this. He felt pretty drained, which wasn't a good thing, especially since he was planning on going back to Sophie. He didn't need to be craving blood ten times more then usual, especially around her delicious scent. He'd probably drain her dry right about now. "I know one thing, i'm definitely going to need to feed," he said, running a hand through his hair.
    Eva shrugged a little and nodded. "I suppose you're right," she said, grabbing her candy and popping a few pieces into her mouth. "Do you wonder how they're doing?" she asked, biting down on her bottom lip gently as she looked over at Sophie. She couldn't hide her concern anymore, she wanted to know how the other girl felt at the moment. Eva just prayed that Matt and the res of the guys made it back to them safely and hopefully unwounded. Though, vampires should have super healing powers, right? So maybe They'll come back unwounded either way, since they'd be healed by the time they got back. Which Eva was kind of disappointed about, she was kind of looking forward to tending to some wounds. She kind of liked the idea of just taking care of Matt in general. She had a feeling that it'd been a very, very long time since the last time someone took care of him in any sort of way. Though she didn't think he'd ever had anyone that shared the kind of feelings that she did with him.
    March 6th, 2015 at 02:49am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt had to change his gun to another one about half way through the attack, he hated to admit it but he was enjoying seeing the wolves bodies drop to the floor. This gang had caused them so much trouble and frustration for so long now, it was great to finally do something about it. He glanced around the room and nodded to Brian, "Let's do a quick sweep. Just to make sure we have everyone," He spoke as he felt his forearm beginning to heal from the bite and his shoulder was only a little sore now, although he'd pretend to be sore for a few days if it meant Eva would want to take care of him. He agreed with Brian, he was feeling the need to feed very shortly after this. He lead the guys into all the different rooms but the whole base was now empty or held numerous dead bodies, "Well done guys. This will be a great message for everyone," He smirked at his friends as he put his gun down, "Let's go find ourselves some delicious ladies." He announced as he wasn't going anywhere near the mansion when he was hungry, he wasn't going to put Eva at risk like that. He wasn't sure if he was strong enough to hold himself back from draining her, even thinking about that sent a shiver down his spine. So he walked out with the guys so they could put their weapons back into the car, before hunting the area for anyone to drink from.
    Sophie swallowed her mouthful of popcorn and looked over at Eva, "I am. I'm actually really scared that something might happen, but Brian told me not to worry. I mean their vampires, their strong and fast. They'll be fine, I'm sure of it." She tried to assure Eva the best she could, she knew werewolves had their enhanced skills and senses as well. But to her vampires seemed the more dangerous out of the two, she wasn't sure if that was actually the case but she would continue to think that way because it did make her feel slightly better. "I just hope this doesn't happen very often, I don't want to sit here and wait to see if Brian comes back." She admitted as she glanced down at her bowl of popcorn and continued to eat it, they needed to think of something else but Sophie was struggling with that. She wanted Brian back already, she needed to know that he was alright which he probably was but the waiting was killing her. She didn't like waiting for something this important, she wanted to be ready if she needed to take care of Brian or tend to any wounds. Although he would have probably healed by the time he returned home, but she could still make sure.
    March 6th, 2015 at 03:26am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian smirked when Matt said something about some delicious ladies, out the door and to the car in two seconds flat. He loaded his stuff in before running off and scanning the area for any young, delicious girls to drink from. He saw a young woman making her way out of a bar, stumbling down the street and attempting to make her way home. Brian smirked, chuckling to himself as he made her way over to her. "Where are you going?" he asked her, draping his arm around her shoulders and steering her down an alleyway. She was so drunk that she didn't even notice. "How about we have a little fun before you go home," he said to her, pushing her up against the side of the building, putting all his weight on her before attaching his lips to her neck. He kissed her neck for a few moments before he sank his teeth into her, moaning at how good it was. But he was certain that it was nothing compared to how Sophie's probably tasted. Brian felt the woman go limp in his arms, pulling his mouth away from her neck and taking a look at her. He shrugged, licking over her wounds to heal them before letting her slump to the ground. He walked out of the alleyway, wiping some blood off the corner of his mouth before looking around and making his way back to the hummer.
    Eva nodded, sighing softly. "I'm sure they're all just fine," she said with a small smile, taking a few more bites of her popcorn before standing up. "I'll be right back," she said before running out of the room, upstairs to Matt's. She striped out of her clothes, leaving her panties on and pulling on one of Matt's shirts that was like a dress on her. She went back downstairs, going into the kitchen and grabbing peanut butter and a couple of spoons, going back into the theater and plopping down on the couch. "All better," she beamed, opening the jar of peanut butter and dipping her spoon in, taking a huge bite. "This stuff is just so good," she said, sighing contently. "Want some?" she asked, offering Sophie a spoon. Peanut butter was like heaven, and such a stress reliever. All you did was focus on getting that sticky stuff down, you don't think about anything else. It was just great. A great way to keep her mind off of what was going on right now.
    March 6th, 2015 at 09:24pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt watched as all the vampires split off as they went in search of someone to drink from, he put his weapons into the Hummer and ran off at his vampire speed. He found a young woman outside a club having a smoke break, he smirked as he was in front of her in a flash. He saw the shock on her face when her eyes landed on him, "Hi there sweet cheeks. Aren't you just a delicious little thing," He smirked as he moved closer to her and ran his fingers through her raven hair, she couldn't even compare to Eva and he was certain that Eva would taste so much better. But he was thirsty and she was good enough for being his live blood bag, he didn't waste any time as he sank his fangs into her neck and drank as much blood as he needed. Admittedly he took a little to much but he hoped that would hold him over for a little longer than normal, he pulled back licking the wound to heal it before he laid the limp body down on the ground before he made his way back to the Hummer and climbed back in. This time Johnny was driving them all back home, "Let's go home." He spoke as he leaned back into the chair and tried to get himself to relax, Eva again filled his mind and he couldn't wait until she was back in his arms.
    Sophie smiled when she saw Eva wearing a t-shirt that was huge on her, clearing the t-shirt was Matt's and she'd have to do the same thing later on. "Yes please, I'll never say no to peanut butter." She smiled as she took a spoonful and ate it, she lounged with Eva as they ate and watched the movie. The movie was almost finished when the garage door opening hit Sophie's ears, "I think their home." She looked at Eva and didn't even notice the smile that was plastered on her face, Brian was back and now she could make sure that he was in fact alright. She stood up from the couch and made her way quickly through the mansion, Matt was the first people who stepped into the room but she only cared about one person. She looked out for Brian and finally saw him, she stepped over to him and wrapped her arms around his middle. "Are you okay?" She asked him as she didn't realise that she would have been this worried about him, she looked up at him as she held onto him.
    March 7th, 2015 at 12:07am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian walked into the mansion, letting out a huge yawn. He was exhausted. He couldn't wait until he could curl up in his bed with Sophie and sleep for a good while. He looked up, beaming when he saw Sophie standing there, grunting and letting out a small chuckle when she practically threw herself on him. "I'm fine. A little sore, but I'm fine," he said, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tight. He as so glad that he had made it home to her. He let her go and took her hand, leading her upstairs to his bedroom. "Did you have a nice night with Eva?" he asked her, wincing slightly as he took his shirt off. He had a few bruises and some cuts, but they'd be gone within a few hours. He grunted as he took off his jeans, grabbing his pajama pants and slowly sliding them on. He was a lot more sore then what he thought he was. Brian sat down on the edge of the bed, smiling over at Eva. "You can grab a shirt out of my closet to put on to sleep in. I'll have to take you shopping for some clothes tomorrow or something," he said, biting down on his bottom lip. He was actually kind of surprised that she was so concerned about him, and the relieved look in her eyes when she saw him made his heart swell.
    Eva heard the guys arrive home, giggling as she watched Sophie run off. She sighed, turning the TV off and grabbing the peanut butter, making her way through the mansion and to wear she heard the guys come in. She smiled over at Matt, so relieved to see that he was okay. "Welcome back. Good to see you made it back in one piece she said with a small giggle, putting a spoonful of peanut butter in her mouth. She winked at him and made her way upstairs, knowing he'd follow. She walked into his room, setting down on the bed and setting her peanut butter on the nightstand. She watched as Matt came in the room and started getting ready for bed, biting down on her bottom lip as she watched his muscles ripple with every move that he made. Though, Eva couldn't help but notice all the cuts and bruises that he had on hid body, along with a few good, deep looking cuts. She still wasn't sure what he had been out doing, but it didn't matter. He made it back to her, that was all that mattered. "Are you feeling okay?" she asked him, biting down on her bottom lip. "You're not majorly hurt or anything, are you?"
    March 7th, 2015 at 09:03am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt grinned as he followed Eva upstairs to his bedroom, he just wanted to crawl into bed and cuddle with her and just sleep. He saw the container of peanut butter and knew the chef would have to get more soon, if she was eating it straight from the jar. He grunted as he pulled his shirt and jeans off, he kicked his boots and threw his socks across the room. He found his pajama shorts and pulled them up, it took everything in him not to make a move on Eva right there and then. She was incredibly sexy wearing his t-shirt, her toned legs on display for him and he already knew that the rest of her body was going to drive him crazy. "Just sore, I'll be all healed in a few hours." He assured her as he pulled back the covers and climbed into his bed, "Did you have fun with Sophie?" He asked as he moved closer to her and gently tucked some of her hair behind her ear, he never wanted her to worry about him. He didn't see the sense when he was always going to be there for her and he'd always return to her if he went out, "I'll make sure that you have me for all of tomorrow" He promised her with a dimple showing smile on his face.
    Sophie held Brian's hand and followed him up the stairs, "I did have a nice night. We ate some food and watched a movie," She told him and frowned when she watched him undress so he could get ready for bed, he had bruises and cuts over his body that hadn't healed yet. She would have been blushing from seeing him half naked, but the wounds had caught her attention. She nodded her head slightly as she stepped into his closet, she undressed but left her panties on before pulling one of Brian's t-shirts over her body. It was big on her but still finished high thigh on her, not that she mattered as it still covered her body. She walked over to where Brian was sitting on his bed, she stood in front of him. "Are you sure that you're okay? Shouldn't you be healed now?" She asked as her green eyes scanned over his exposed body, "Can I do anything?" She offered as she didn't know if the cuts needed to be cleaned or covered, she didn't know if the cuts could get infected but she was sure that vampires never actually became sick or anything. She couldn't help herself as she reached her hand out, her fingertips very lightly brushed over his bare collarbone and was heading down his chest before she pulled her hand back.
    March 7th, 2015 at 11:07am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian grinned at her and shook his head, sighing softly. "I'm fine, really. I'll heal up all the way in a few hours. I had some pretty bad wounds," he said with a small chuckle. He got comfortable in his bed, pulling Sophie down with him and wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. "You look incredible in my shirt," he said with a small smirk, his hand moving down to her thigh and gently rubbing it. He really did think she looked absolutely sexy in his clothes. If he felt any better, he'd definitely have his way with her. Or at least try to, he wouldn't do anything that she didn't want to do. "I told you that I'd come back," he said with a small chuckle. Even though he was pretty sore, he still made it back. Brian would be completely healed in no time, which he was thankful for. "Would you like to go out to a nice dinner with me tomorrow night?" he asked, biting down on his bottom lip hard. He wanted to take her out to a nice dinner, also take her shopping for some clothes that she really needed. "We can go shopping and get you some clothes and girly essentials, too."
    Eva grinned and nodded, making him wrap his arms around her as she cuddled into his chest, trying to be careful not to hurt him. "I'm so glad you made it back," she murmured, pressing her forehead against his. "Since I'm going to have you all to myself tomorrow, maybe we could just... stay in bed," she said with a small smirk, biting down on her bottom lip as she ran her fingertip down his chest. He was okay, now she wanted to have some fun with him all day tomorrow. But only if he was up for it. For all she knew, he could still be extremely sore tomorrow. But that would be okay, she'd take care of him and make sure he had everything that he needed. She'd even let him drink some of her blood if he really needed it. "Is there anything I can do for you? To make you feel better?" she asked him softly, kissing the corner of his mouth. She stared into his eyes, not believing how beautiful and bright they were. She wished she could look into them forever. Maybe she could, if she ever changed into a vampire.
    March 7th, 2015 at 08:00pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt chuckled softly when he felt Eva wrapping his arms around her, he really loved that he didn't have to do all the work. If she wanted a cuddle than he was sure she'd make the move, like she did a second ago. He did however tighten his hold on her so it was more secure and protective, he gently moved himself even closer as he wanted no space between them. "I told you that I'd come back, you're my reason to always come back." He told her quietly and smiled when he heard her plan for the next day, "Staying in bed all day sounds amazing." He wouldn't want to do anything else but stay in bed all day and cuddle with Eva, he shouldn't be sore tomorrow or so he hoped because he should be the one who takes care of Eva. Although if she wanted to tend to him than he wouldn't say no to her, in fact he'd probably have a hard time saying no to her with anything. He looked at her and smiled, "No... actually you can do something for me. I think I need a few more kisses, that will make me feel so much better." He grinned at her just wanting to feel her soft warm lips against his again, he always wanted to kiss her and have her lips press kisses all over his body although that would come at another time.
    Sophie smiled when she was pulled down onto the bed, it wasn't that long ago that she was sitting on this bed terrified of the man that was now beside her. But she cuddled into his body making sure she wasn't hurting him and relaxed completely, normally she could have slapped his hand away from her thigh but it felt so good when Brian touched her bare skin. A blush forced it's way onto her cheeks at his comment, "It's just a t-shirt. Nothing special," She murmured to him softly although his shirt was very comfortable, she'd have to search his closet better and permanently borrow some of his clothes. She looked into his dark but beautiful eyes and smiled at him, "I'd love to go shopping and have dinner with you." She saw him biting his bottom lip like he actually thought that she'd reject him, so she leaned closer to him and kissed his cheek. Although that wasn't enough for her so she started to trail soft butterfly like kisses along his jaw, before she got to his lips and kissed them. She wouldn't be acting this way if she didn't want him or want to be with him.
    March 8th, 2015 at 12:04am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian beamed when she agreed to go shopping and have dinner with him, so very happy and excited. He couldn't wait to go out and spend the day with her, especially since it was all safe now and there was nothing that could get in their way. Brian didn't think that she'd come to like him as quickly as she did. He had expected months of her trying to get away, fighting the urge to be with him, denying their very obvious connection. He knew that one day he'd have to set her down and explain that she was his soul mate. They were meant to be together, and that's why they had such a strong attraction to one another. Brian knew that he'd have to convince her to turn one day, but he knew that she'd be willing to, so that she could stay with him forever. He was torn away from his thoughts when he felt her lips against his chin, grinning when they found their way against his lips. He kissed her back, pulling her closer to him with the hand that was placed on her thigh. He gave it a light squeeze, deepening the kiss. Her kisses were so soft and sweet, very addictive. He'd honestly lay here and kiss her all night if he could, but he knew that they both needed sleep eventually.
    Eva grinned when he said that staying in bed all day sounded amazing, letting out a small giggle when he asked for kisses. She bit down on her bottom lip gently, thinking about if she actually wanted to kiss him or not. She really wanted to send him on a chase, make him work for her kisses and the privilege to have sex with her. Though, she knew that she'd eventually break down and jump his bones. There was this undeniable attraction between them, something so strong that it was sometimes unbearable. She'd never felt this way towards a man before and it was honestly kind of scary. She wondered if he felt the same way about her as she did him. Eva smiled, pressing her lips against his and kissing him softly. She was glad that she had decided to kiss him. His lips were so damn soft, though there was this slight metallic taste that she had to get past. It made her wonder what it was. She hoped to god that it wasn't blood. She pulled away from the kiss, licking over her lips and furrowing her brow. "What's that... metallic taste," she murmured, leaning over and kissing him again before pulling back away. "Is that blood?"
    March 8th, 2015 at 09:00am