The Blessed Unrest

  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt was running his fingertips along Eva's back as he held her close to him, he smiled when she decided to kiss him. Although she didn't ever need to, he wasn't going to push her or pressure her to do anything that she didn't want. But he was already addicted to having her lips pressed to his, he wanted to kiss her all night long but knew they'd have to sleep eventually. But he couldn't get over how amazing her kisses were, he was melting into her as he returned every kiss that she gave him. His other hand moved over so he could gently hold the back of her neck, he wasn't forcing her in place or holding her there. He just wanted to feel her soft skin under his, well that was until she pulled back from kissing him. He opened his eyes to look at her and sighed softly, "Yes. I wasn't going to come home thirsty, I wouldn't put you in danger like that. I thought I had clean up on the drive over," He told her as he wasn't going to lie or hide it from her, she knew that he needed to drink blood but when he drank from other's it meant nothing. He was just using the women for their blood, that was it. He wasn't sure how Eva felt about him drinking from her, he'd wait until she offered her blood to him and even then he'd make sure that she was certain before he drank from her. "Is that alright?" He asked her not wanting to upset her or have her be angry with him.
    Sophie couldn't help but giggle softly when Brian pulled her even closer to him, her lips felt like they were on fire when she kissed her vampire. In a good way, of course and she never wanted that to stop. But as their kiss deepened she noticed a taste that she got from Brian, she was confused about it but she didn't like it. It caused her to pull away and break their hot kiss, "Did you drink from someone?" She asked although she already knew what his answer would be, she knew that he wouldn't want to be thirsty around her because he could easily lose control and drain her. Which she never wanted and she didn't want him to go through feeling like he needed to drink that badly from her, that he may not stop in time to keep her alive. She looked into his dark brown eyes and couldn't help but feel a little hurt, she realised that she didn't want him drinking from other women but she wasn't ready to let Brian drink from her. She knew she'd have to let him feed on anyone that he could get his hands on, in order to keep her safe and protected. But would he find someone who's blood tasted better than her's? That is what worried her because she didn't want to lose him, she could feel the connection that they had and she felt like she belonged there with him even if he was a vampire.
    March 8th, 2015 at 10:52am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian's eyes widened, wondering how in the hell she knew that he had fed off of someone. "Yes... I was so drained after all that fighting, and I wasn't going to risk coming back thirsty and putting you in danger," he said, frowning slightly. "You're not upset, are you? I can start drinking from blood bags... It's not as efficient, but it's an alternative," he said, biting down on his bottom lip. He hoped like hell that she wasn't upset with him. He didn't want her to be, he'd do anything he possibly could to make sure that she wasn't. It's not like it meant anything, it meant nothing when he fed off of other girls. He just did it to survive and that way he didn't end up draining Sophie dry on accident. She just had absolutely no idea what her scent did to him. Even now, being completely full and not wanting blood whatsoever, she made it so hard for him to not want to sink his fangs into her and have a taste. She just smelled so delicious, Brian just wanted to try. But he knew that once he tried it, he wasn't going to be able to get enough. He'd always want to feed from her, and no one else was going to be able to satisfy his hunger like she would. That's why he'd only feed off of her if she wanted him to.
    Eva frowned a little, really not liking the thought of him feeding off of another woman. She was so tempted to tell him that he could feed off of her, but what if he lost control? What if he drained her? Even if things went to far, and he did almost kill her, then he could always turn her. Then when she was a vampire also, they could feed together. "Why don't... Why don't you feed off of me?" she asked softly, biting down on her bottom lip. She would let him feed off of her. She actually wanted him to. Eva wanted to know what it felt like, what was so special about it. "You can if you want to, you know. I don't mind," she said, giving him a small smile. If it meant that she could fully have him all to herself, then she'd do anything he wanted her to. She'd let him feed off of her anytime he wanted to, she didn't care. As long as he felt better and wasn't feeding off of any other woman. "I don't really like the idea of you feeding off of someone else," she said with a small pout, staring down at the barely there space between them.
    March 9th, 2015 at 08:59am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt looked into Eva's eyes and knew this was going to happen one day, he knew this topic would be brought up and right now he didn't know how to deal with it. "I only feed off other women because I never want to hurt you, if I feed from you and drink too much. I'd have to turn you and I don't want that to happen just yet, I want you to live as much as you can" He told her quietly and honestly, he wanted her to do as many human things as she could. Even though he did love the idea of her being a beautiful vampire who would stand beside him and rule, she'd be a perfect vampire but he didn't want that to happen yet. "How about we talk about this later? I'll drink from a blood bag in the mean time," He assured her, he really didn't like drinking blood from a bag but it still stopped his thirst. Blood from a human will always be the best, it's warm and fresh but he'd do anything for Eva. If she didn't want him feeding off other women than he wouldn't, "But if I become thirsty and I will. You'll have to stay away from me until I drink, I'm not putting you in danger of me. I already know that I won't be able to control myself around you, I've never smelt someone so delicious and tempting." He told her firmly so she'd listen to him.
    Sophie didn't want him to drink from a blood bag if he didn't like it, "I am upset. I don't want you to be that close to anyone but me, I don't like the idea of you having your mouth on someone else's neck." She told him and sighed softly, what she knew of Brian and the connection they had. She knew that drinking blood from a woman meant nothing to him, but that wasn't the point. "I feel like I should let you drink from me, that should be my job but I'm scared." She looked into his eyes, "What if you have to turn me and I'm not what you expect? Or you don't have the same feelings towards me when I'm a vampire?" She was going through all terrible situations in her head which wasn't helping anyone, she still needed to think about being a vampire because it was a huge step in her life. Of course she wanted to be with Brian forever and didn't want to grow old while he didn't, but it was a scary thought to be turned into something that wasn't human. "Maybe we should talk about something else or just cuddle? I think I want a cuddle," She moved back down so her head was resting on his chest, still being careful not to hurt him while he was still healing.
    March 9th, 2015 at 11:46am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian frowned, holding her close. His feelings would never change. It's not like he still couldn't drink her blood while she was a vampire, it just wouldn't satisfy his hunger. It was more like a intimate thing. "My feelings for you will never change, Sophie. Don't you worry about that," he murmured, running his fingers through her hair and closing his eyes. He didn't want her to worry about a thing. He was never going to hurt her, he was going to make sure of that. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt hurt her. Brian definitely wanted to change Sophie someday so that he could have her forever, but he wanted her to enjoy her human life a little longer. He yawned, pulling Sophie a little closer to his body as he began to drift off to sleep, not being able to help himself. He was exhausted, and the only way he was goingto be able to heal completely is if he got some sleep.
    Eva sighed softly and nodded, understanding what he was saying. She resting her head against his chest, searching for a heartbeat, but not finding one. She wished she could listen to the soothing sound if his heart, but he was dead. He didn't have a heartbeat. Eva closed her eyes, yawning softly and pulling herself as close to Matt as she possibly could, draping her leg over him so she had a good hold on him. She just had this dire need to be as close to him as possible. Eva eventually drifted off to sleep, having dreams about her future with Matt.

    [You can skip to the next day if you'd like. Cute]
    March 10th, 2015 at 11:13pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    (Of course. Cute)

    Matt had a maid bring a tray filled with food up to his room, he had woken up earlier than Eva and he was glad to see that all his wounds and bruises had healed over night. He decided to lay there and let Eva sleep in until she was fully rested, he actually really liked watching her sleep because she looked so innocent and so beautiful. Nothing was worrying her and she was completely safe in his arms, they were still cuddled together and he couldn't help but smile at how her leg had wrapped around his to make sure he didn't go anywhere. He could smell the chef was cooking up breakfast for the sleeping beauty that was beside him, he used his fingertips to slowly move over Eva's back as he listened intently to her steady breathing. He really loved everything about her, he knew that no one was perfect and he certainly wasn't anywhere near perfect. But he really thought Eva was almost perfect, he'd have to get to know her even more but in his eyes she was perfect for him at least. He wouldn't be letting anyone take her from him or hurt her, he would give up his life if it meant Eva would be safe. He'd do absolutely anything for her, he pressed his lips to the top of her head and inhaled the scent of her shampoo. He was instantly calmed by her scent and just having her there beside him.
    Sophie was standing in Brian's bathroom, she had just eaten breakfast and had taken a shower. She was now getting ready for her day out with Brian, he had fully healed over night which she was happy about because she didn't want him to be sore or uncomfortable. She was blow drying her hair with a brush so she'd look extra good for the vampire that was still laying in his bed, she had opened the bathroom door so they could talk and Brian could keep an eye on her. She hadn't gotten dressed yet so she had just put on his t-shirt again for now, she knew that she shouldn't take too long as she didn't want Brian to grow bored of waiting for her. But at the same time she wanted to put in extra effort for him, she always wanted to look good for him. He didn't know it yet but Sophie was planning on having the whole day out with him, then they could go have dinner together before returning home. She wanted to spend as much time with him that she could, she also loved shopping and really did need her own clothes and belongings. "I hope you know what you're getting yourself in to," She smiled to herself but could see him in the bathroom mirror, at least he'd be able to keep up with her. "But are you sure? If you don't feel good after last night, we can go out tomorrow." She offered him as she didn't want to make him do this if he still needed to heal and rest.
    March 10th, 2015 at 11:49pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian yawned and stretched, looking over at Sophie with a raised brow. "What do you mean? We're just going out shopping and to dinner," he said, thinking about what he could possibly be getting himself into. "Unless you're one of those girls that take forever shopping and literallly go in every store in the mall," he said with wide eyes, sitting up in the bed. He was never really a big fan of shopping. It'd just become boring over the years, there wasn't any fun in it anymore. The only time he really went shopping was when he needed a few essential items and he only got clothes when he desperately needed to update his wardrobe. Brian grinned and nodded at her question, standing up and running a hand through his hair. "I'm perfectly fine, no need to worry. I'm all healed and ready to go," he said with a smile, leaning against the door frame of the bathroom as he watched her get ready. Brian had already taken a shower and gotten dressed and ready before she got in. It really didn't take him long at all to get ready, especially since all he did was put a bit of hair gel in his hair, throw on some clothes and call it a day. Nothing to it. That's why he was glad he wasn't a girl, he didn't feel all the pressure of having to wear make up and do the hair just right and make sure the right clothes were worn. Girls could be so judemental over other girls, it was insane.
    Eva groaned, yawning and wiggling around a bit in Matt's arms. She could smell some delicious food, a small smile making it's way onto her face. Her eyes fluttered open, and she was surprised to see Matt looking down at her. "Good morning," she said, her voice cracking with sleep. She wiggled her way out of his arms, making her way to the bathroom to take her morning piss and brush her teeth. She didn't want to have morning breath, especially if they ended up doing any kissing, which she was sure of. If she was lucky, hopefully they'd do even more then kissing. Eva made her way back out of the bathroom when she was finished, grinning when she saw a tray filled with food sitting on the bed. She sat down, pulling the tray onto her lap and beginning to eat. She moaned at how good it was, closing her eyes and savoring every bite. "This is so good," she said as she swallowed, picking up her glass of apple juice and taking a drink. She wouldn't mind waking up this way every morning for the rest of her life if she could. She enjoyed waking up in Matt's arms with him staring down at her, and she especially enjoyed having breakfast brought to her in bed. Though, she hoped that wouldn't become an everyday habit. Sometimes she did enjoy going and eating at the table.
    March 12th, 2015 at 07:30am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt had already been to the bathroom while Eva was still fast asleep, so he just laid there and waited for her to come back. "How did you sleep, darling?" He asked as she begun to eat her breakfast, he tended to be a light sleeper at times so he'd know if Eva ever woke up during the night which he was certain that she hadn't. He was used to sleeping knowing there was a chance that an attack to happen at any time, it wasn't the best way to live but he was used to it now and he didn't need much sleep so he was always fine when he woke up. "We do have one of the best chefs here, anything can be cooked for you." He told her wanting to treat her like a Queen because in his eyes, that's what she deserved and he'd make sure that it happened. "I had some movies brought up in case we wanted to watch something, you can go through them later." He told her as one of his hands rested on her bare knee, his thumb lightly rubbed her incredibly soft skin. He had asked a maid early this morning to go out and buy that Frozen movie, he had looked at the back of the DVD case but it still didn't appeal to him but Eva loved the movie so he'd at least watch it once. He had a big flat screen television across from the bed on the wall, he often did come into his room at night and watch some tv because it was a way that he could relax. Or if he wanted to play a video on his own, then his room was the perfect place for him to be.
    Sophie smiled as she glanced over at Brian, "I won't drag you into every store. But there are a few stores that I really like," She told him already knowing that he didn't like shopping, she was surprised that he was even taking her. He couldn't have easily gotten a maid to take her, but this way he would be there if anything happened and they could spend time together. She'd also keep an eye out for any clothes that she thought Eva might like, she needed clothing and female products just as much. She might as well shop for both of them while she was out, considering she had no idea when Brian would take her out again. She watched as he moved over to the door frame, she knew that he had healed as she had seen his body this morning before he went to take a shower. Nothing marked his body now except all of his tattoos, she much preferred his tattoos over any wounds that he received. "I just like to make sure, that's all." She told him as she finished doing her hair, she walked out of the bathroom letting her hand brush over Brian's arm on the way. She walked into his closet and found some clothes that she could wear just until she brought some clothes for herself, she got dressed in the clothes that were a size to small for her so she changed the top for one of Brian's t-shirts. She tied a knot in the side so the t-shirt would fit her a little better, after she was ready she went downstairs with him so she could have some breakfast before they left.
    March 13th, 2015 at 01:23am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian smiled at her, following her downstairs for some breakfast. He was really looking forward to their day out. Even though he wasn't particularly too fond of the idea of going into shops upon shops, but he knew that she desperately needed things. Brian sat down at the table, thanking the maid who sat a cup of blood down in front of him. It wasn't a clear cup, so Sophie couldn't see what he was drinking, which was good. She didn't need to watch him gulp down the stuff. Brian just wanted a little extra blood today just in case anything happened, he wouldn't be thirsty as hell. "So what kind of shops do you plan on going into?" he asked her, raising an eyebrow and taking a sip of his blood. He watched the cook bring her a plate of food and a drink, watching her begin to eat. He loved watching her. She was just so incredibly beautiful. He could watch her all day if he could, but he knew that he couldn't. Sometimes they had things to do, you know. "We can go anywhere and do anything you want. Money is no problem, so don't worry about the price of anything," he said with a smile. Brian would buy her anything and everything she could possibly ever want. He had all the money she could possibly ever dream of, and he just wanted to spoil her. He wanted to make her happy.
    Eva bit down on her bottom lip when he started rubbing her knee, smiling over at him. "That sounds like fun," she murmured, getting up and setting the tray of food on the little table that was in the room before climbing back on to the bed. She was stuffed, she didn't want eat anymore. Eva smirked, climbing into his lap. She leaned her head down, placing soft and sweet kisses onto his neck, her hands running down his bare chest. She wasn't sure how this was going to lead to, but she didn't care. She'd go all the way with him right now if he wanted. She knew that she wanted to. But you never know, something might happen and they wouldn't get to do anything. But Eva desperately wanted to. She wanted this man so bad she couldn't stand it, which scared her a little. She's never wanted someone as badly as him. There was just this strong connection that she just couldn't shake, no matter how hard she tried. Eva pulled away after a second, staring into his gorgeous hazel eyes. "Why me?" she asked him softly, furrowing her brow. "Why did you take me?"
    March 16th, 2015 at 07:23pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt's eyes never once left Eva until they fell shut when she had pressed her soft lips to his neck, he couldn't even describe how amazing the simple kisses felt to him. His large hands instantly found their way to her hips, his fingers had trailed up her bare thighs until finding her hips. He held her close to him and his thumbs moved over her hip bone lightly, his eyes opened only to gaze into Eva's pretty ones. "I knew that you were the one for me, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I wasn't getting any work done because you were always on my mind," He told her quietly and leaned in to kiss her lips with his, "I needed to have you in my life. I wanted to give you the best life that you could possibly have, it's selfish of me and I know that. But I'd still be miserable if you weren't here with me," He admitted to her, he wasn't the same person when he was just watching her. That's how he knew that she was the one for him, he had never fully liked being a vampire but now he did. He was born too early and needed a way to wait for Eva to come into his life, his hands gave her hips a gentle squeeze before he leaned in and begun to trail soft kiss along her neck. Her blood was tempting him greatly but he wasn't hungry, so he knew he could control himself. Although he couldn't control every part of his body, not when she was this close to him and only wearing one of his shirts. "You'll get something up if you don't stop," He whispered hotly into her ear before pressing a hard kiss behind her ear.
    Sophie smiled when food was placed in front of her, she picked up her fork and knife so she could begin eating. The food always smelt so good and she sadly wasn't used to such delicious food, she glanced over at Brian who was sitting beside her. "Just clothing stores," She told him and didn't want him to know that she only ever shopped at the second-hand or charity stores or just the really cheap crappy stores, she just never had the money for anything other than that. "I don't want to spend a lot of your money, I don't want to be one of those gold diggers." She told him even though she knew he probably wasn't listening to what she was saying, he had this smile on his handsome face that told her that he was going to spoil her. "We'll have to do something with my apartment, all my stuff is there but I can call the landlord and cancel my lease." She told him but she didn't want him going into her apartment, it was in a horrible part of the city and the apartment complex was dirty and pretty disgusting. It was very common for criminals or druggies to be hanging around the streets, she didn't want Brian to feel sorry for how she had been living. But she didn't think about that now, she continued to eat her breakfast until she was full. "I'm ready to go whenever you are," She smiled at him as a maid took away her plate and glass.
    March 16th, 2015 at 11:52pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Eva giggled and smirked, slipping her finger through the waistband of his shorts. "Maybe I want to get something up," she whispered hotly in his own ear, letting out a small moan when she felt his lips press against her neck. She wanted him so badly. She's never wanted someone so badly in her life. Eva moved off of his lap, making him move on top of her and smirking up at him, biting down on her bottom lip. She leaned up and pressed her lips against his, running her hands down his biceps. She kissed him hard, yet soft, kind of shocked that she was being this straight forward. But it just felt so right. She wanted nothing more then to satisfy this mans needs, and have him satisfy hers. She was sure that he had to be great in bed. Though, she couldn't really say the same about her. She's only been with a total of three people in her whole life, all of which were absolutely horrible in bed. So Eva has never had a very good experience in the sex department. It lit her body on fire knowing that he felt the way he did about her. It made her feel so wanted. She's never felt so wanted before in her life. She's always been cheated on by anyone she's ever been with, and she's been an orphan ever since she could remember. Going from foster home to foster home, no one ever wanting to adopt her. It was heartbreaking.
    Brian stood up, grinning down at her. "Alright, let's go," he told her, grabbing his jacket off the back of his chair, sliding it on. He took her hand in his when she stood up, leading her out to his hummer and helping her in. He then got in himself, putting the key in the ignition and starting it up. He put the radio down on low, so there was soft background music playing. Brian then pulled out of the garage, heading towards the nearest mall. There were a few shops that he actually wanted to go into, since he needed a few things himself. Not much though. "Remember, you can get anything you want. Doesn't matter the price," he told her as he glanced over at her. He wanted to spoil her, treat her like a queen. She was his queen. She wanted to make her feel like the most important person on the planet, because that's how she was in his eyes. She was so important to him. When they finally got to the mall, Brian parked the car and got out, putting the keys in his pocket. He went over to Sophie's side, opening her door and helping her out. He lead her inside, looking around the busy mall. "Where to first?" he asked as he looked down at her.
    March 17th, 2015 at 08:33pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt grinned as his eyes focused on Eva's gorgeous face, he quickly moved when she climbed off his lap. "You already are," He smirked as he could feel his erection growing in his pants, he had never wanted someone so badly before. He wanted to give himself completely to Eva and have her feel incredible because of everything he could do to her. He kissed her lips and melted when he heard her soft moan, it was music to his ears and he wanted to hear her moan more. He moved his body closer to her's and moved his lips to the other side of her neck, he used down of his hands to move down the bare skin of her thigh. His fingers found her panties but moved over the fabric, his hand continued moving along her side which took the shirt up with his hand. He stopped just as his finger tips felt the curve of her right breast, he moved back only enough so he could push his pants down which left him completely naked in front of her. His erection was pretty much fully hard but he was more concerned about Eva and making her feel amazing, he looked down into her eyes as she slowly pulled the shirt from her body. He knelt there in between her legs for a few long moments so he could admire her body, she was beautiful in every single way. "So perfect," He murmured as he leaned down and started to trail kisses from her neck down to her breasts, which he paid a lot of attention to while his hands massaged her thighs. He lightly dragged his normal teeth over her soft skin as he trailed his kisses down her stomach, his eyes glanced up at her as he kissed the inside of her thighs and pulled her panties down her legs before tossing them off to the side.
    Sophie climbed out of Brian's hummer and laced her fingers with his, she didn't even say anything before she was pulling him through the mall. She smiled knowing she needed to keep this as painless for him as she possibly could, so she was quick to pull him into a nice clothing store that she had always admired but never stepped foot in because she couldn't afford it. Not that she could afford a lot of stores, this one wasn't over priced but the clothes were still really nice. It wasn't long before Sophie had a good amount of clothes hanging over her forearms, both for herself and Eva as she was guessing what would be her style and size but she couldn't stop smiling. She watched as Brian paid for everything she wanted and they moved onto the next store, it went like that for a little while before Sophie found a lingerie store and she desperately needed some lingerie. "You can wait here," She looked up at him before she entered the store, she had found some items for Eva first before picking out cute items for herself. She blushed when she saw a familiar tattooed arm reach from behind her and pick a sexy bra and thong set down from the rack, "Brian." She whispered but couldn't wipe the smile from her face when she turned to see his face, he was so pleased with himself. "How do you even know you'll see that on?" She teased him although he would, but she's never had sexy lingerie or sleepwear.
    March 18th, 2015 at 03:18am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian followed Sophie around from store to store, perking up when they went into a lingerie store. Brian began browsing, smirking as he grabbed a set that he thought would look absolutely amazing on Sophie. His smirk only widened at her words, making him chuckle deeply. "Oh, just a hunch," he said, putting it on her pile before heading to the front of the store towards the cashier. He really didn't have anything more to look at, so he figured he'd meet her up there for when she was done. Brian saw Sophie place all her items at the register, the smirk never leaving his face as he saw all the things that belonged to Sophie. Brian honestly couldn't wait to see all those things on her. He knew that he would eventually, and soon at that. She was warming up to him rather quickly, which he was rather pleased with. Brian grabbed her bags after he paid, walking out of the store with her. "I honestly cannot wait to see you in all those things," he said, wiggling his eyebrows. "I'm sure I'll walk in on you getting undress or dressed one day," he said with a nod, walking into one of his favorite stores and looking around, grabbing a couple of shirts and things that he wanted. He desperately needed to update his wardrobe, fashion was constantly changing. Besides, he was out so he might as well get a few things while he was here. "Want to help me pick out a few things?" he asked Sophie, raising a brow.
    Eva gasped softly, letting out a soft moan. She wiggled around beneath him, licking over her lips. Eva looked over Matt's completely naked body, mesmerized. He was so gorgeous, so perfect. He was everything she ever imagined and then some. When her eyes got to his erection, they widened to saucers. He was huge. She didn't think that he was ever going to be able to fit inside of her. Eva licked over her lips, letting out a small breath as she watched him. Eva couldn't believe that they were doing this right now. She couldn't believe that they were actually about to have sex. It seemed like such an incredibly dirty thing to do. Well, it was if you really thought about it. But it felt wrong, but then again it also felt so right. Should she really be getting ready to have sex with her incredibly gorgeous vampire kidnapper? Eva just hoped that he was amazing in bed. If he wasn't, then what a waste. She wanted a refund. Eva bit down on her bottom lip, grinning down at him as she reached down and ran her hands over his freshly shaven head.
    March 24th, 2015 at 06:51am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt looked into Eva's eyes and gave her a rather cheeky smirk, "Are you sure about this? You can say no, darling and I won't pressure you to do anything." He told her not wanting her to be nervous or feel like she needed to have sex with him, he was completely fine with waiting until she was completely ready for this. It did seem quick but it still felt very right to him, but he wasn't actually sure how Eva was feeling about moving to this step. He leaned down to press a kiss to her soft full lips, "I'd do anything for you. So I can wait forever if that's what you wanted," He assured her, she was the most important person to him and he'd go to the ends of the Earth for him if she asked him to. He could tell by her face that she was busy thinking about this position they were in right now, he was a vampire and had kidnapped her. But they got along so well and she was the right one for her, Eva was his soul mate and he would make sure that nothing happened to her. He looked into her gorgeous eyes, the eyes that he could get used to and gaze into for the rest of his unnaturally long life. He'd never get sick of her or anything that she did, he still couldn't believe that she wasn't trying to constantly escape from him or wasn't trying to push him away like he had first thought that she would.
    Sophie did like the lingerie outfit that Brian added to her pile of items, but it wasn't something that she had ever worn before. Would she even look good in a sexy outfit like that? She wasn't sure if she would, but apparently Brian thought she would and that made her blush. "Stop it," She told him softly when he mentioned walking in on her undressing or dressing, she followed him into a store and looked around before she nodded her head. "I can help, I have to make sure that you look good now." She smiled as she wandered off further into the store, she had finished her shopping and was more than happy to help Brian pick out clothes for his closet. It only took her a few minutes before she walked around the store until she found her vampire again, her arms were filled with some shoes and jeans and a few shirts. All she knew that he'd look incredible in, "What do you think about all of these?" She asked looking at him with her pretty blue eyes, she was loving spending this kind of time with him although she knew that he wouldn't take her to the mall very often so she was enjoying every second of their shopping trip. She made sure to show him all the sizes of the items, although she was pretty certain that she had picked out the right sizes for him.
    March 24th, 2015 at 09:43am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Eva licked over her lips, nodding a bit. "I-I'm sure," she murmured, looking into his gorgeous hazel eyes. "Are you sure? I mean, do you want to do this with me?" She asked, furrowing her brow. She just got this really weird, uneasy feeling that he wasn't ready for this with her. Even though she was more then ready, she wanted this more then she's ever wanted anything in her entire life. But then again, she did kind of feel like maybe this was too soon. But at the same time It did sort of feel like she's known him for years, and she felt like she could trust him with her life. One day, Eva wanted to trust this man with her immortal life. That's only if he'd ever actually change her. She doubted it, though. Things may seem to be going pretty good now, and he may seem to be completely and totally in love or something with her, but what if someone else comes along? Eva was always going to worry about there being someone else. Especially with what's happened to her in the past. You just never know. You can never be to sure. "I want this more than anything, Matt. Please."
    Brian looked around the store, finding only a few things that he thought were okay. He wasn't all that thrilled with today's fashion. He smiled when Sophie approached him, looking over at what she brought over to him, nodding in approval. "I love it all," he said with a nod, taking them from her and up to the register. He wasn't even going to try them on. He liked them, he trusted her judgment, and if she wanted to see him in the clothes then she was going to see him in the clothes. Brian paid for everything, thanking the cashier and walking out of the store with Sophie. "So, where should we go next?" he asked her, holding all of the bags in his hands. He was actually really craving a smoothie, or possibly something from the food court. Maybe he could even take her out to a nice restaurant when they were done at the mall. Who knows. But Brian was really liking spending the day with her like this. He wished that it wasn't so risky, or else he'd make it an annual thing. Though, they probably could, as long as they didn't go to the same places that often. They just had to make sure they didn't visit one place frequently.
    April 9th, 2015 at 07:26am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt looked down at the beauty that was laying below him completely naked, "Of course, I want this. How could I ever say no to you?" He gazed into her pretty eyes, it was very soon to be getting to this step and it was happening quickly. But Matt still wanted to be with Eva, he would always want to be with her and have this strong connection with her. He leaned down to press his lips to her's, he kissed her deeply to show her how much he really did want to be with her. He could see a little uncertainty in her eyes, but that wasn't from her not wanting to have sex with him. So when she told him that she really did want him, all the worries he had vanished from his body. He moved closer to her and trailed his lips down her jaw before finding the sweet spot on her delicate neck, he positioned his hips and slowly pushed forward. A muffled groan escaped from his throat when he felt his hardened erection enter Eva, his eyes fell shut at how truly amazing she felt around him. "Fuck... Eva," He moaned roughly in her ear, she was so tight around him that he continued to move slowly so that she could adjust to him and she would stay relaxed as he never wanted to hurt her. He knew that he wanted to give her as much pleasure as he could, meaning he'd make her have her own orgasm before he did. So he was going to have to control himself so he didn't finish quickly, which he knew would be a struggle.
    Sophie smiled when Brian trusted her enough that he didn't look or try on the clothes, he just brought them. She stayed close to him as they walked out of the store, she looked around before he saw a sign for the food court. "I'm getting a little thirsty, could we go get a drink?" She asked as she looked up at him, watching him nod his head she started heading towards the food court as she could really go for an iced chocolate. Once they reached the food court and found a cafe, she walked over with Brian and placed her order before Brian asked for a mixed berry smoothie. She watched as he paid the young girl at the counter but Sophie saw the way the girl was looking at Brian, like she was tempting him to flirt with her and it was not only making Sophie angry but it was also making her feel insecure. As they stepped aside to wait for their drinks, Sophie waited until she noticed the girl was looking at Brian before she leaned up and kissed his lips tenderly. She normally wasn't someone who would ever do something like that, but Brian was her's and she wanted the world to know so females would stay away from him. "Thank you for today," She smiled at him before she took their drinks and found a table to sit down at with him.
    April 10th, 2015 at 01:22am