The Blessed Unrest

  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Ignore. x'D
    January 21st, 2015 at 12:40pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian nodded and sighed. "You're right," he murmured to his friend as he finished off his second beer. He smirked over at Sophie, chucking softly. "I couldn't blow my cover by helping you, now could I? Though I guess I could've, you know, played the hero, make you fall in love with me, and then bam, kidnap," he said, a dark look in his eyes. Honestly, if he could go back and change things, he more then likely would have went and stopped those sleezeballs from hitting on her, and more then likely told her boss to back the hell off when he was yelling at her. But hey, there was nothing he could do now. He was just going to have to work extra hard in getting her to fall for him. Though he didn't think it was going to be that hard. Brian could already feel a special connection between them, he just needed to get her to feel it too. Brian looked up at the clock on the wall, seeing what time it was. He did actually have a few gang involving things to do today, you didn't just become the most powerful vampire gang overnight. You did have work to do. They were still working on a few money involved cases and Brian had to get some weapons and a vehicle ready for when they invaded a warehouse.
    Eva giggled. "I would've totally chugged all my wine and then dropped kicked him. Kick him in the nuts," she said with a nod. "I wonder if kicking them in the nuts even hurt. They seem to be immune to like everything you do to them," she said with a grumble, shaking her head. Eva's eyes widened when Matt said that he wasn't creepy and that that had been his first time in her apartment, wondering if he could read her mind or something. She shook her head, not even wanting to think about the possibility of him being able to read minds. That would make her feel like she had absolutely no privacy and he could probably use her thoughts against her. It totally wasn't fair. "I hope you can't read minds, because that is a totally invasion of privacy," she pointed out, giving Matt a look. "On that note, i'm going to explore the rest of the house. It was nice meeting you, Sophie! Tootles!" Eva sang before she bounced out of the kitchen, going only god knows where. She didn't even know how to get back to the bedroom she had been in earlier, so she had no idea where she was heading now. She figured she'd find out.
    January 22nd, 2015 at 04:57am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt sighed when he overheard what Eva said, he couldn't tell her an answer because no one had ever kicked him in the nuts before. He could see how well the two humans were getting along and it did worry him slightly, if they got closer than they could really cause hell in the mansion if that's what they wanted. "I can't read minds, but I could tell by your face that you thought I was being creepy." He told her and watched as Eva left the kitchen, she was already being a handful but he guessed that the mansion needed to be explored by her. It was easier this way so she wouldn't get lost and then he'd have to go find her, he turned and walked out of the kitchen as he followed the brunette. "Are you going to let me show you around or did you want to explore yourself?" He asked her as he'd be with her either way, there was no way in hell that he'd be leaving her alone so early. She'd only try to escape again and if he wasn't there, than there was a slight chance that she'd get outside and that would only cause more trouble for him.
    Sophie gave Eva a small wave before she turned and walked over to Brian, "Who said I was ever going to fall for you? You aren't my type," The was a complete lie, she didn't really have a certain type of man that she liked. But Brian didn't need to ever know about that, she watched him glance at the clock. "Do you have things to do outside of here? You could take me with you, I won't try to escape and I'll stay out of trouble." She looked at him with her blue eyes, if anything horrible happened to him then she'd be sent home. She'd have to work again and she really didn't want to go back to the restaurant, she had lost count of the times when the sleazy men either grabbed her ass or smacked it. She's was done being around men like that, which meant she needed Brian to have a new chance at her life. "No one will even know I'm there," She gave him a small sweet smile as she didn't want him to pass her onto someone else to babysit her, and she wasn't going to let him lock her in his bedroom.
    January 22nd, 2015 at 05:19am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian thought for a moment, trying to figure out the cons and pros of her actually going with him. There were big, red flashing lights that told him not to take her, that she would most likely try to escape, but then again he'd actually like the company. "I have to go weapon shopping," he murmured. "I guess you can tag along. Did you want to shower and change or anything before we go? I have an entire closet full of women's clothes in my room for you. I told know if they'll fit, but you can try them on." Brian motioned for her to follow him back up to his room, knowing she'd probably want to at least change clothes before going out, even if she didn't decide on showering. He was honestly a little nervous about taking her, she hadn't tried to escape yet like he thought she was going to try to, so maybe this was her secret plan of getting away. Who knows. But either way, he'd find her, and he'd catch her. She wouldn't be able to get far, not with how fast he was.
    Eva shrugged, going down random hallways and taking note on where things were. She knew that Matt wasn't going to leave her alone, especially since she's already tried to make a run for it once today. "I guess you could show me around," she said, touching everything that looked interesting to her. She furrowed her eyebrows together as she stared down a really dark hallway, wondering what was down there. It was so creepy looking, she felt like she needed a candle to go down there and that there was no electricity. "That's not terrifying at all," she murmured, shaking her head. She turned around quickly, letting out a small squeak when she colliding with Matt, sending her to the floor. "Must you really be right on my ass. Seriously, I'm not going anywhere," she groaned.
    January 22nd, 2015 at 05:56am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt shrugged as he looked down at her, "How do I know that? You've already tried to escape once, I'm not going to take any chances." He told her as he held his hand out for her once again, she could decide to let him help her up this time. "You don't want to go down there, there's nothing down there but storage." He said glancing down the hallway that looked completely different than the rest of the house, they were vampires but they still liked to have some light in the place. They didn't want to be typical vampires and live in a dark creepy mansion, "Let me show you to the media room and the games room. It's this way," He told her and held his other arm out in the direction of the two rooms he was talking about, they did have a media room which an endless list of movies and even TV show series as they did have a lot of time on their hands. The games room had a pool table and heaps of arcade games, he wasn't sure if Eva would be interested in the games room though but she could be.
    Sophie smiled when he agreed to take her with him, she hadn't thought that he would but she was happy to get out of the mansion. She followed him back upstairs and into his room, she firstly walked into his huge closet and picked out some clothes. She walked into his beautiful bathroom and stepped into the shower, she washed her face and body as she relaxed under the spray of warm water. She dried off and brushed her teeth with a new toothbrush that she found in the cupboard, she brushed out her hair with his fingers and pulled on the clothes. The jeans fitted well but the shirt was a a size too big, not that it mattered of course. She slipped her feet into her shoes and walked over to Brian, "I'm ready to go now." She told him as she didn't really care what he was going to do, she just wanted to go somewhere.
    January 22nd, 2015 at 07:20am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian had changed his clothes and freshened up himself, smiling softly at her when she said that she was ready to go. He nodded, grabbing his keys and leading out to the garage. He opened the passenger side door to a big black hummer, helping her inside before he went around to the drivers side and got in himself. "Now, if you even try to run, I'll catch you. And then you'll never be allowed to leave the mansion again," he said, giving her a look before he pressed a button, watching as the garage doors opened up. He turned the hummer on, pulling out of the garage and pressing the button again so the doors would close behind him. "We shouldn't be gone for long, an hour or two tops," he said, glancing over at her. He knew that taking her out of the mansion so soon wasn't such a great idea, but he didn't want to leave her there by herself right now either.
    Eva furrowed her eyebrows together. She found it hard to believe that it was just storage down there. Probably blood storage. Maybe that's where they keep their bitches to go and feed from. Eva perked up at the mention of a media room, really liking the sound of that. "Media room? I like media. Lead the way, oh muscular one," she said with a giggle, taking his hand as she got up, linking her arm with his. She might just be able to get used to it here, especially if there was a media room. She loved playing games and watching movies and just everything.

    [sorry my post isn't that great. Facepalm]
    January 22nd, 2015 at 01:08pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    (No it was great, shush you.)

    Matt was surprised when Eva linked her arm through his after she had taken his hand to help her up from the floor, one second she doesn't want his help and now she's linking arms with him. She was going to be a handful but probably the most fun handful that he's ever had, he turned her into the direction of the media room which was connected to the games rooms. He and the guys could be lazy at times and after watching a movie, they didn't want to move far to play some games. Not that Eva needed to know, he was trying to impress her after all. It wasn't a long walk but it was far enough away from the 'storage room', "Here we are." He opened the two large double doors and let her step inside before him, it was every impressive if he said so himself. The room was huge and dark, the chairs were the very best cinema style but also had a foot rest built in so you could really relax. "We never run out of popcorn and drinks either," He wasn't a huge fan of eating food, he usually did drink a cup of blood while he watched something but never really ate as it didn't give him any pleasure or anything.
    "Yes, I know." Sophie told Brian when he warned her about trying to escape, that hadn't been her plan. If she didn't know where she was when he went off to take care of business, she wouldn't try to escape if she was only going to get lost. She knew there were people out there who would offer their help, but really only had bad intentions. She smiled as she sat in a comfortable seat and looked around his fancy hummer, she didn't even have a car although she had her license. She's never been inside such a nice car before, "Why do you need weapons? You're a vampire, aren't you a weapon yourself?" She asked as he drove and she couldn't take her eyes away from the windows, the view that was surrounding the mansion was beautiful and she really wanted to do some more exploring. Hopefully he'd let her into the front or back yard soon, she couldn't wait to see the land and she expected it to be just as beautiful.
    January 23rd, 2015 at 01:31am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian chuckled, shrugging. "Well see, sometimes I need a little bit more help then just myself. We can't always rely on our vampire skills," he said, shaking his head as he started towards the weapon shop. "Plus, we're going to fight some really nasty creatures. So I need some special equipment." Brian eventually pulled up at the weapon shop, biting down on his bottom lip some as he contemplated on wether or not he wanted her to come in there with him. He sighed, getting out and walking around to the passenger side door, opening it for her. He lead her inside, looking around and trying to figure out what exactly he needed. "Don't touch anything," he told her sternly, knowing she might get curious and pick something up. The last thing he needed was for her to end up hurting herself with something she didn't know how to operate. Or worse, someone else in the shop. Brian walked up to the counter, beginning to talk with the man about what he needed. There was a lot of stuff in here that could hunt down supernatural creatures, and humans. But right now they had a gang of werewolves that they needed to take care of, and Brian needed something to help him with that.
    Eva's eyes widened and she let out a small gasp, a shit eating grin on her face. "This is incredible!" she squealed, running around and looking at everything. She looked at all the movies, getting more and more excited as she read off each title, each one being her favorite movie. She ran over and examined the popcorn machine, inhaling the buttery smell. Eva then ran over to the games room, her eyes widening even more if that were even possible. She felt like she had died and gone to heaven. "This is officially my favorite room in the house," she said as she turned to Matt, bouncing up and down from excitement. She hadn't expected it to be this amazing. There were arcade machines, big flat screen TV's for gaming consoles, pool tables, pingpong tables, computers, everything. Eva skipped over and plopped down on a big leather couch, sinking into it, letting out a content sigh.
    January 23rd, 2015 at 05:24am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt watched in amusement as Eva explored the media room and the games room, he hadn't really expected her to get this excited about it. He didn't really understand because they were just rooms to him, amazing rooms though. But he did remember the first day that they had put the final touches on both rooms, it was exciting for them but that had been a while ago now. "What is your favourite movie and game?" He asked as she got herself comfortable on the leather couch, he sat himself on the arm of the couch as he looked at her for her answer. He was beginning to think that he may never get her to leave these two rooms, although he was glad that he brought her to see them. At least she was starting to seem like she could want to stay here with him, if she had rooms like this that she loved then maybe it would help make her stay in which he could make her fall in love with him.
    Sophie followed Brian into the weapon store, she hadn't expected of him to take her inside the store with him. She thought she'd just be staying in his car, but she was glad that she was allowed to follow him. While he went to talk with the man behind the counter, she wandered around the store to look at everything. She didn't like violence so she wasn't at all interested in the weapons, but she still looked to pass the time. She noticed the man had stepped over to another counter and was beginning to show Brian didn't weapons for whatever he needed them for, she didn't think she should ask what the weapons were for in case she didn't like the answer. After a while she walked over to where Brian was standing, there was another male customer in the store at the same time. Sophie had noticed he was slowly inching himself closer to her and it was creeping her out, so she moved to stand beside Brian.
    January 23rd, 2015 at 11:54am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian kept glancing over at Sophie every once in a while, making sure she was okay and that she didn't go anywhere. He listened intently to what the guy was telling him, nodding every once in a while. Brian had noticed the sketchy guy in the shop long before Sophie had, which made Brian want to hurry up and get out of here fast. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders when she stood next to him, pulling her close. "I'm almost done," he murmured to her. He signed a couple of papers, grabbing the duffle bag of weapons from the counter. He thanked he guy before he quickly steered Sophie out of the shop and back to the car, helping her in before throwing the bag in the back and getting in himself, turning the car on and leaving the shop. But it didn't take long for him to notice that someone was clearly following them. He let out a low growl, beginning to quickly weave in and out of traffic as he tried to lose them. The last thing he needed right now was trouble, or a fight, especially with Sophie in the car.
    Eva thought for a moment, wondering what her favorite movie and game actually was. She was never really one to pick favorites. "I think my favorite movie of the moment is Disney's Frozen. My favorite game has to be The Legend of Zelda," she said with a nod and a small giggle. She was a total kid at heart, and a complete sucker for Disney movies. She just couldn't help herself. Besides, who doesn't love a good Disney movie? And who doesn't love Frozen? "What about you? What's your favorite game and movie?" she asked, curious. She wanted to know more about him. She wondered how old he actually was. She looked up into his eyes, biting down on her bottom lip. He really did have some gorgeous eyes. They were the perfect shade of hazel and they made her insides melt just by looking at them. Plus, those dimples. Lord, those dimples this man had could seriously be the death of her with his damn smile.
    January 23rd, 2015 at 12:37pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt couldn't stop the dimpled smile that spread across his face, he hadn't been expecting to hear that Eva's favourite movie was a Disney one. He's never watched a single Disney movie because, well he just hasn't. "I've never seen Frozen, but I do like The Legend of Zelda." He told her and continued to smile when he saw she was looking at him, but then she bit down onto her bottom lip and it took all his strength and control to not rip her clothes and take her right there on the couch. "My favourite movie would have to be Natural Born Killers, it's an older movie but I still love it. I don't really have a favourite game, but I play a lot of Call of Duty right now." He told her as he always changed what video games he really liked, he never stuck to one and loved to buy all the new ones that were released. "Maybe we could play some games together," He offered as he was fine playing just by himself, but it was a whole lot of fun id there was someone there beside you.
    Sophie was so glad to leave the weapon store with Brian, she was sitting in his car as he drove away from the store. But then she heard a growl before he started to weave through the traffic, "Brian. What's going on?" She asked as she looked at him, she turned herself so she could look out the back window of the hummer and she saw a car that was also weaving through traffic. "Are they following us?" She looked at Brian as her eyes became scared, was it because she was in the weapon store? Was it the guy that was in the store? She wasn't sure but she was still scared, her heart beat increased in her chest. If anything did happen then she'd be a sitting duck, she didn't know how to fight or even defend herself. She also didn't know the first thing about using a weapon or a gun, so many thoughts were flooding her mind and right now she just wished that she was somewhere alone with Brian.
    January 24th, 2015 at 12:07am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian bit down on his bottom lip, glancing over at Sophie before sighing softly. "It's okay, don't worry. I'll lose them," he said, speeding up some and continuing to weave in and out of traffic. He had a feeling he knew who was following them, but he wasn't completely sure. He just knew that he needed to lose them and get back to the mansion where it was safe for Sophie. Eventually Brian did lose them once he made a sharp turn onto a back road, deciding to take the back entrance into the mansion. He pulled up to the back gates, nodding at the security men as they opened the gates for him. He quickly sped down the back gravel driveway, not caring about the flying rocks. Brian pulled into the garage, shutting the car off and getting out, helping Sophie out before taking her inside. "I have to go find Shadows. Where ever he is, I'm sure Eva is there with him, so you can hang out with her," he said, beginning to search all over the mansion until he eventually found them in the game room. He bit down on his bottom lip, knowing he probably shouldn't interrupt them but he knew that he had to, because this was important. "Yo, Shadz, we need to talk."
    Eva's eyes widened as she stared up at him, shaking her head in disbelief. "I can't believe you've never seen Frozen. It's like the best Disney of all time besides Pocahontas," she said with a small giggle. "I would love to play some games with you, but you have to watch Frozen," she said with a nod, smiling up at him. He absolutely had to watch it. "You should teach me how to play Call of Duty. I've tried playing a few times, but I suck so bad," she said with a giggle, biting down on her bottom lip. She loved trying out new games, even though she was horrible at most of them. But it really didn't matter. Eva looked up when someone entered the room, smiling over at Sophie and sending her a wave. Though Evan's smile began to fade when she realized that was something wrong, especially when Syn asked to talk to Matt.
    January 26th, 2015 at 02:40am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt knew that Eva wasn't going to let him get away with not watching her favourite movie, he had never really been a fan of animated movies or tv shows. But if he wanted Eva to like him then he'd watch the movie, "I'll teach you how to play any game that you like. I suppose I could watch Frozen, but you aren't going to tell anyone about it." He looked at her and he didn't really care if she told anyone, the guys could tease him all they liked if they found out. He'd be happy because he was able to spend time with Eva, he may even get a cuddle but he wouldn't push his luck. "I'll have someone go out and buy the movie, then we can watch it. But it better be good, I want to be impressed by it." He told her smiling and he'd still watch it even if the movie was shit, if Eva loved it then he'd watch it with her as many times as she wanted. Just doing something with her like watch a movie, is more than enough for him. He had to hold back his groan when he heard Syn's voice, "Excuse me." He looked into Eva's eyes before he walked over to his friend, "What is it?" He asked before seeing the seriousness on Brian's face, which never really happened.
    Sophie followed Brian around until he found the man that he wanted to talk to, she walked over to Eva knowing Brian wanted to speak with his friend in private. She sat down on the couch beside her friend, she made a small noise at how comfortable the leather couch was. She could stay there forever and she'd be happy, "Hi. Sorry that we interrupted," She looked beside her at her new friend, she still didn't know how Brian was able to lose the car that had been following them. But she was so glad he had and he had without causing anyone to get hurt, she wanted to know who it was who followed them but she'd ask him that later on when they were alone. "Are you having fun?" She asked as she didn't want to bring down anyone's mood, she wanted to forget what happened and move on. Unless of course, this was going to cause trouble. She had a bad feeling that this would cause trouble, she just hoped none of the vampires got hurt. Mostly Brian, though.
    January 26th, 2015 at 06:50am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian let out along sigh, knowing this wasn't going to go well. He began telling Matt about the strange men in the weapon shop, how they were being followed back home afterwards. Brian was really nervous about being followed. Their mansion was very well protected around the area, but it was also pretty well hidden. It was rather hard to find the place and they never got anything delivered to their house just for that reason. They never wanted anyone to know where they lived. "I tried my best to lose them. I'm assuming I did, and I took the back entrance into the mansion. I don't know what they could have possibly wanted from me, unless its someone working for that other gang we're supposed to attack," Brian said lowly, running his fingers through his unruly hair. He glanced over at Sophia every once in a while, biting down on his bottom lip. So far the girls weren't putting up that much of a fight, which he was thankful for. Especially when it came to Sophia. He wanted to show her that there was so much more that he could offer, if she could just get past the part of him kidnapping her.
    Eva grinned, nodding. "I am. He's actually not that bad," she murmured, staring at Matt. "What about you? How are you making out? Have you tried to make a run for it yet?" she asked as she looked over at Sophie, a small smirk on her face. Eva wouldn't mind attempting to escape with Sophie just for the hell of it, it's not like they would actually get very far. One of the guys would eventually catch them, if not the guys then one of their security people would. There was literally no escaping this place, so they might as well enjoy it while they could. Live life to the fullest and embrace it. Eva was slowly starting to accept it, though she didn't want to. She did want to get back to the life she never got to have, but maybe this one was better. Hot kidnapper, everyone she could possibly ever want in a mansion of her dreams. She never had to worry about a thing.
    January 28th, 2015 at 06:04am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    @ Eros.
    Matt listened to what Brian was telling him, it wasn't long before a frown settled across his face at the news that someone had been following Brian. "It had to be someone from the gang, or someone who has enough guts to follow you for them." He said lowly as a meeting would have to be held shortly, they'd need to talk about what they were going to do and if they should do anything at all. "We'll let the guards know to keep a closer eye out," He loved that no one but the vampires knew where the mansion was, it was their home and they had never worried about being attacked at their home. But now there was a possible threat and he had just gotten Eva, he'd die before he ever let anything happen to her. "It's going to be okay, man. You did want you could, but you should show Sophie to the safe room sometime. Just in case," He would do the same with Eva, the safe room was mainly for the humans that the guys loved. Whores or blood whores weren't allowed in the safe room, it was stocked with food, water and beds. But the only way to get inside was through the door and Matt had made sure that no one could break into it.
    Sophie looked at Eva and sighed softly, "He's not that bad, either. I haven't tried to escape, I feel bad for feeling like this. I had two shitty jobs, a crappy apartment and a life that I didn't want. But he still kidnapped me, why am I even being nice to him." She looked at her new friend even though she probably wouldn't have an answer for her, she could see herself living in the mansion and being so happy. She didn't want to go back to her old life, but Brian had still forced her to stay there. She should hate him and not want anything to do with him, but she wasn't feeling that way and she didn't know what to do about it. "I am starting to really like being here, I've never been in such a fancy place before and Brian has a Hummer. I've only ever seen them and now I was sitting inside one," She spoke as she rested back into the couch.
    January 28th, 2015 at 08:11am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian nodded, sighing softly. He knew that he was going to have to get more security around here for Sophie, that way she was protected at all times. He was also going to show her the panic room and all the places she could possibly hide incase she couldn't get there. They had a lot of secret hiding spots that she could hide in and no one would ever find her. Brian licked over his suddenly dry lips, rubbing the back of his neck as he glanced over at Sophie. There was something about this girl that drove Brian mad. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he was going to figure it out. He knew he couldn't be without her, and he was going to make sure she eventually felt the same way about him as he did her. There was a reason he kidnapped her. He wasn't completely crazy and freaky. He was still... semi-human. He had feelings and a heart. "Alright, I'll go show Sophie around."
    Eva smiled and nodded, completely understanding where she was coming from. "I understand. This place is absolutely marvelous, I've never seen anything so beautiful before. Everything would be perfect if it wasn't for the fact that we were kidnapped and well... our kidnappers are powerful vampires," she murmured, shaking her head and rubbing her eyes. She knew it would be easy for her to fall for that gorgeous hazel eyed man that was her captor. She just hated the fact that he was immortal and she was going to grow old and grey while he remained young and beautiful. Maybe someday she would be able to become a vampire too. Though, that was a huge decision that really didn't need to be thought of at the moment. Would she really want to throw away her humanity for something like that? For Matt? More then likely.
    February 1st, 2015 at 01:09am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt nodded and gave Brian another assuring pat on the back, although he did have a bad feeling about this. But he wasn't going to think about all of this for right now, he was going to enjoy all the time he had with Eva before he had a serious meeting with the guys. He watched as Brian walked over to Sophie and took her away, he walked back over to Eva and sat down on the couch beside her. He was going to protect her with his life, if anything did happen to her than he would blame himself and hate himself. Looking over at her, he couldn't help but admire her beauty. She truly was so beautiful, no one could compare to her. "What would you like to do now, darling?" He asked leaving it up to her, he could show her around or they could play a video or watch a movie. Whatever she wanted to do, it was the least he could do considering he had just kidnapped her. He leaned into the leather couch and gave her a grin, the dimples formed in his cheeks and his eyes focused on her. If he could, he'd never take his eyes away from her. He wanted to admire her all day long, but that would come across as creepy.
    Sophie nodded her head in agreement, she looked over when Brian walked closer to her. She gave Eva a little wave as she stood up and walked away with him, once they were alone she decided to speak to him. "Is it my fault that we were followed?" She asked him quietly, she had seen how far away they lived and the security they had outside the gates. If the person or people who had followed them found out which way Brian went, they could find the mansion. She didn't know who had been following them, but they obviously wanted to see where Brian drove or to just scare them or send a message. She should have just stayed in the car while Brian went into the shop. She still followed him as he pointed out rooms, the mansion really was so huge that she knew she'd forget where to go and would end up getting lost.
    February 1st, 2015 at 01:47am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian shook his head, sighing softly. "No, it's not your fault. We've been having some trouble with a rival gang lately. They're probably trying to scare us or send us a message or something, but it just made us move our plans up further," he said with a small shrug. "Don't worry your pretty little head about it." Brian continued showing her around the house, eventually getting to the safe room. "Okay, this is the safe room. If we're every invaded for some reason, you and Eva come hide in here. The other guys' significant others come hide too. It's the safest place for you to be while we're under attack," he said with a nod. "So even if you don't remember how to get anywhere else, you need to remember how to get to this room." Brian didn't want anything to happen to her. She was very special to him, he could feel this connection with her that he's never felt with anyone else. If she got hurt while they were under attack, he'd surely lose it.
    Eva smiled when she saw the dimples on Matt's cheeks. "How old are you?" she asked, tilting her head to the side in curiosity. "Or well, when were you turned?" Matt looked so young and so beautiful and she wondered how old he really was. Sure, his body was frozen at a certain age, but surely his mind was completely different. Maybe he's been around and seen things, witnessed history in the making. She wanted to find out everything about him. Eva had this certain pull towards him and she didn't know why, but she didn't really mind. He was a pretty nice guy, she could see herself being with him. He was also very very attractive, so that was a plus. "Did you want to be turned or were you forced? Is it really hard for you to control the craving for blood?" she asked with wide eyes.
    February 12th, 2015 at 03:59am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt's smile grew when Eva begun to ask him questions about himself, at least she was interested and that was a good sign. "I was turned in 1859 and born in 1826," He told her as he was stuck at being thirty three, which he found to be a good age. That or he was used to being that age, which he was but he didn't really pay attention to his age anymore and hadn't done so in a very long time. His emerald eyes stayed focused on the beauty that was sitting beside him, he couldn't stop admiring how drop dead gorgeous she was. She wasn't just beautiful on the outside, he could already tell that she was beautiful on the inside as well and he really looked for that in a woman. But only if he was going to be spending lots of time with her, which he was planning with Eva as he knew she was the one for him. He had been drawn to her the second that he first laid eyes on her, "I never wanted to be like this. It wasn't my choice but if I wasn't turned, than I never would have met you. It used to be hard to control my blood lust, but it's easier now until I kidnapped you. You smell so enticing," He admitted to her although he never liked talking about how he was turned, he'd tell Eva what happened if she wanted to know as she deserved to know.
    Sophie looked at Brian and she still felt like them being followed was partly her fault, she wasn't sure if she had anything to do with it or not. She was still a little scared but being close to Brian did put her at ease, no man had ever put her at ease before although she had never been scared about like this. Nothing ever happened in her life, apart from sleazy men hitting on her and her boss yelling at her for things that she hasn't done. She tried to forget about what happened but she didn't like knowing that Brian had a rival gang out there, she didn't want anything to happen to him or see him hurt. She may not like it but she could feel a strange pulling sensation towards the attractive vampire, she knew it was there but he didn't need to know that just yet. She looked at all the rooms that he showed her but then they came to the safe room, her deep blue eyes quickly locked onto his. "I can't go in there without you," She blurted out and blushed lightly when she realised what she had said, "I could learn how to fight and defend myself." She said weakly as she'd be a great target if the rival gang was also a group of supernatural creatures, if they were than she wouldn't be able to do anything against them. She'd just get hurt or even die within seconds of an attack.
    February 12th, 2015 at 06:01am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian raised an eyebrow and couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "Sweetheart, no offense, but you'd never stand a chance against a supernatural creature. Now, I can certainly teach you how to kill one if it ever came down to it, I can also teach you how to just defend yourself in general, but honestly you're more safe in that room with the rest of the girls then out here with me," he said with a small sigh. He was touched that she wanted him in there with her, but he was needed outside the room during an attack to help the guys. Brian just hoped that when it came down to it, Sophie wouldn't be stubborn about going in the room. He'd have to have Eva make sure she got in there or something, or maybe just put her in there himself before going to fight.
    Eva bit down on her bottom lip, not knowing how she felt about the fact that it was hard for him to control it around her. She honestly didn't think her blood was anything special. Hell, Eva didn't think she was anything special in general. She looked down at her hands before she looked back up at him, debating on wether or not she wanted to ask him how he got turned. She didn't want to be rude, but she kind wanted to know as much as possible. "How... How did you get turned?" she asked softly, searching his face for any kind of expression that told her that she crossed the line.
    February 12th, 2015 at 11:23pm