The Blessed Unrest

  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt had been expecting Eva to ask how he was turned, he didn't really mind because it was her and he'd answer whichever question that she had for him. His eyes stayed on her beautiful face before he started the story, "I was an officer in the Army at the time. I had returned home for a few months and my Mother was desperate for me to find a wife and settle down, she had always wanted lots of grandchildren and I wanted that as well. It took about a month until I met a beautiful woman named Valarie, I thought she was the love of my life but she had just charmed me into thinking that way." He told her and sighed softly, he had been so stupid back when he was human but men were just like that way at times. "We dated for a year and I knew she was different but I never paid attention to it, I had begun to look at engagement rings when a female friend of mine turned up dead. Her blood was drained, I later found out that it had been Valarie. She was a vampire and had gotten jealous that I was interested in another woman, she offered to turn me but I refused. She did it anyway and tried to help me afterwards but I refused her again, I was so angry and I overpowered her. She hasn't been around for a very long time," He admitted to her and hoped that his story hadn't scared her away.
    Sophie frowned a little as she continued to look at Brian, "I can't kill anyone." She told him as she struggled to kill bugs and spiders, which she hated with everything in her. She didn't even know if she could actually fight or defend herself against someone else, she had never done it before nor did she really want to be in a position like that. "Fine, but you can't just kidnap me and then go off to fight another gang and not come back." She told him because that wasn't fair on her, he couldn't come into her life and exit it that quickly. She wanted to make sure that didn't happen, but she couldn't really do anything to make sure nothing like that happened. "What is this rival gang?" She asked him wondering if the gang were vampires or some other creature, she didn't really want to know but at the same time she did.
    February 13th, 2015 at 03:10am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian contemplated on telling her, honestly the less information she knew, the better. "I don't know if I should really tell anything about the rival gang. The only thing you need to know is that they're very dangerous, and that they're werewolves," he said with a nod, beginning to go down the hallway. He waved for her to follow him, sighing softly. "Don't worry about me though, i'll come back for you." Brian looked around, wondering where he should take her next. He was kind go running out of places to show her. "I think I've showed you everything important," he told her, biting down on his bottom lip. Brian was getting pretty thirsty though, so he knew that he was going to have to leave her be and go on a blood break eventually. He really didn't need to be thirsty while he was around her, as much as he wanted a taste of her blood he knew that he couldn't. Not yet at least.

    Eva frowned deeply, hating how woman could be so manipulative. She felt horrible for him. "I'm so sorry. She sounds like a real bitch," Eva muttered, making a face. Even though Eva hated that he was forced to change, she was also glad that he had. He wouldn't be here and her life would still be shit. Eva wasn't scared of this Valarie bitch, she'd take her on no problem, vampire or not. "She needs her head ripped off and burned for what she did to you," she grumbled, frowning more. "Has your vampire life been good so far though? I mean, I guess it has, considering you're a part of a very powerful... gang," she said, biting down on her bottom lip. She really wanted to know everything about it, and she wanted to know if vampires were like they were in the movies. So far they just seemed like normal people except they drank blood, and of course Matt had some crazy obsession with her that caused him to kidnap her.
    February 14th, 2015 at 01:36am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt did feel better now that Eva knew about how he was turned, he did want her to know about Valarie because she was involved in his life and hasn't been for a very long time. In fact he never even thinks about her now, he has Eva so why would he need to think about anyone other than her. "You don't need to worry about her, I dealt with her when I had the chance." He assured her as he hadn't worried over Valarie and he didn't want Eva to either, it wasn't worth their time. "It's been fine, it's better now that I have these guys around and it's even better now because I have you." He told her honestly as he wasn't going to keep something like that to himself, he wanted to flirt and charm Eva which is what he'd do. "I'm partly glad that I was turned, otherwise I never would have met you. Who knows what creep would have fooled you into falling in love with him," He looked into her eyes and reached his hand out to her slowly, he gently let his finger tips brush against her chin before he tucked some of her soft hair behind her ear.
    Sophie wasn't sure how she felt about this other gang being werewolves, if they were vampires then the fight would be fair but it wasn't going to be that way. She continued to follow Brian around the large mansion before he stopped, "Is there a garden? I'd like to see that one day, unless you have other things that you need to do?" She looked at him, she didn't know what the group of vampires did on a daily basis. So if he had work or plans that he had to do than she wasn't going to stand in his way, she was sure she could find something to keep her occupied. There seemed to be many rooms in the mansion that she could keep herself busy in, not that she wanted Brian to leave her. She was liking him more when he wasn't cocky, although she still found him insanely attractive even when he was being cocky. Something that she has always hated in people, but Brian just gets this look in his dark eyes and a smirk appears on his lips. She partly wants to slap the smirk off his face, while the other part of her could easily rip his clothes off.
    February 14th, 2015 at 09:15am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian looked back at her and grinned, nodding. "We have a greenhouse that's connected to the house," he said, leading her to it. Brian lead her down a series of hallways before he finally got to the door to the greenhouse, opening it. "It's kind of been neglected, so I'm not entirely sure what condition the plants are in. But if you want, I can get some new ones for you," he said, biting down on his bottom lip. No one hardly ever went into the greenhouse so the plants never really got the proper care that they needed. Brian looked around, surprised that most of the plants didn't look dead. "I have to go do something real quick, but i'll come find you when i'm done, alright?" he murmured, giving her a small smile before he left the room, running at vampire speed to that one hallway that was dark. Brian pulled out his keys, opening a door and going inside. He looked around the room, finding the most miserable looking girl and sinking his fangs into her neck, draining all of the blood out of her. She was going to die anyways, so Brian was doing her a favor.
    Eva sucked in a small breath when he touched her, kind of surprised at how warm his touch was. She always thought that vampires were cold. "What are you going to do with me once i'm all old and wrinkly," she murmured, furrowing her eyebrows together. "And I get so old that I die, or something else happens." Matt was so obsessed with her and apparently held a lot of affection for her, but it's not like she was going to be around forever like he was. It kind of made her feel sad, that one day she was going to get old and die, and he was going to be all alone. Well no, she doubted he'd be all alone. He'd more then likely go find someone else to obsess with, if he didn't get rid of her once she reached a certain age anyways. Who knows, maybe his plan was to seduce her and then drain her dry of her blood. That was a pretty scary thought, but it could happen. She didn't know what his morals were, anything was possible.
    February 15th, 2015 at 08:52am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt couldn't stop himself from rolling his eyes at what Eva had just said to him, he did know that she didn't know him all that well yet. But he wasn't the type of guy to just move on from something that was special to him, it took him many years to get over what Valarie had done to him. He hasn't found anyone special since then and Valarie wasn't even all that special to him, although he sadly only realised that once she showed him her true colours. "Even when you grow old, you will always be beautiful to me. If you didn't want to get old, than you don't have to." He told her as he wasn't going to pressure her into wanting to be turned into a vampire, he also wouldn't force her into his world if that isn't what she wanted. "If you don't and you do die, then I'm not going to want to live without you." He told her simply and although it was probably too soon to tell her that, she brought up the subject and he wasn't going to lie to her.
    Sophie looked around the greenhouse once Brian left her, she had always been interested in gardening and having a little garden of her own. But her crappy apartment didn't have any room nor did she have a balcony, she saw a few plants that were beginning to die so she'd try to bring them back but if she couldn't than she'd throw them away and start off new. She really hadn't been expecting the group of vampires to have a greenhouse, but she was glad that they did because it'd give her something to do when Brian had to do his own stuff. She found a hose off to the side of the greenhouse and gave all the plants a very good drink, which is all that she could do at the moment. She'd have to either go out again with Brian to visit a gardening store or just have him go out to buy her what she wanted, she shut the door again as she walked back through the hallways. She wasn't sure if Brian was still around or if he had left the mansion, so she decided to take a walk around the mansion on her own.
    February 16th, 2015 at 12:20am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian walked out of the room, the girl's limp body over his shoulder. He locked up the room and hurried down the hall, taking the girl to where they put all of the dead bodies of people they drained. Brian wasn't proud of it, but it was his life. When he was finished, he went back down the hall, deciding to check the greenhouse to see if Sophie was still there. He sighed when he peeked in and saw she wasn't in there, wondering where she could have possibly gone off to. There were a few rooms that he didn't think she should go exploring in, but hopefully they were locked. Unless one of the guys left it unlocked. Brian went to the weapons room, leaving the door cracked as he started putting away everything that he had gotten that day, not wanting it laying around. Brian pulled out some duffle bags, putting in a few weapons in it that would help him with the werewolves. Even though they hadn't had their meeting yet, he was pretty sure he knew what they needed.
    Eva bit down on her bottom lip, blushing deeply. He must really care for her, which was refreshing because no one has actually truly cared for her in a long time. She pondered the thought of every becoming a vampire, actually liking the thought of that. She could be invincible. She always loved vampires, except for the sparkly ones in Twilight. She liked the ones in all the old horror movies and the books that she read. The ones that actually tell the truth about them. Eva looked up at Matt, her gazed switching between his eyes and his lips. She had this strong urge to just kiss him, and have him wrap his arms around her and just hold her. There was this crazy strong pull that she felt and she didn't really understand it, but she knew that if she didn't act on it, she might go crazy, especially with being this close to him. Eva moved so that she was sitting in his lap, straddling him and placing her hands on his shoulders. She stared at him for what seemed like the longest time before she finally crashed her lips on to his, kissing him heatedly.
    February 17th, 2015 at 06:31am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt wasn't sure how Eva felt about what he had said to her, she didn't say anything back to him and it was making him nervous. She could easily back away from him and than he'd never get her to fall in love with him, if that did happen than he wouldn't stop until Eva believed that she really was right for him and he was right for her. He was the only one who would ever treat her the way she deserved, he'd treat her like a Queen because that is what she was in his eyes. He was shocked when he watched her move closer to him until she was straddling his lap, his large hands did however instantly rest on her hips as she looked at her. He was about to ask her if she was comfortable with this and that she didn't need to do anything like this, but he didn't get the chance because Eva had pressed her soft warm lips to his. One of his hands gave her hip a gentle squeeze while the other arm wrapped securely around her waist, he returned the heated kiss with just as much passion as she was giving to him. Once their lips had parted, he slowly opened his eyes and looked into her pretty eyes. "We can take this slow, if you want." He assured her just in case she didn't know that, he was never going to pressure her into anything.
    Sophie had wandered around the mansion but came across a door that was cracked open, she slowly made her way inside in case she wasn't allowed to be in there. But then she saw Brian and what seemed to be a weapon room, "Brian? I got lost," She told him quietly as when she was walking around, she had forgotten where she was which is why she checked this room. She walked over to him to see what he was doing, she saw the weapons that he was putting away. She wasn't thinking when she reached out and took a large gun into her hands, it was the first time that she has ever held a gun and it was heavier than she thought it would be. "Do you have to use silver bullets?" She asked as she had either read that or heard that somewhere about how to kill a werewolf, not that she ever thought more about it because she never thought she'd have anything to do with werewolves.
    February 17th, 2015 at 07:29am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian nodded, organizing some guns on the shelf. "Sort of. We use silver bullets that are soaked in this special liquid from an herb, very lethal," he said as he looked over at her, his eyes widening when he saw that she was messing with a weapon. He swiftly made his way over to her, gently taking it out of her hands. "You really shouldn't be messing with anything, wouldn't want you to get hurt," he said, putting the weapon back where it belongs. He sure did like her curiosity for things. He'd tell her anything she wanted to know. Brian went back to setting up the different duffle bags, glancing over at Sophie every now and then. "You know, I'm sorry for kidnapping you. But you'll understand eventually," he murmured, sighing softly. He felt so horrible for kidnapping her, but she would eventually understand why he did. They were meant for each other, he had never smelled blood so sweet, nor has he ever been so drawn to someone before.
    Eva licked over her lips as she stared at him, a small smirk on her face. She moved off his lap, letting out a small content sigh. "I just wanted a kiss," she murmured, giggling softly. She didn't want to do anything with him just yet, she wanted to tease him first, see how far she could push him until he broke. She winked at him and hopped up, going over to the candy dispenser in the middle of the room, getting a handful of skittles. This was probably the coolest thing she had ever seen. She put a few skittles in her mouth, eating them slowly as she looked around the room some more. She knew that she was going to be spending a lot of time in here. She figured that Matt was going to be getting busy soon, so she was going to have to occupy herself with something.
    February 20th, 2015 at 10:31am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt made a small grunting noise when Eva climbed off his lap, "And what if I want more kisses?" He asked as he watched her closely, does this mean that he could kiss her whenever he wanted? He sure hoped that she would allow him to kiss her and hold her, but he wanted to ask before he just went over to her and kissed her in case she didn't want that. Although she seemed pretty pleased with the kiss that he did just give her, so hopefully more would come after it. He watched as she took a handful of skittles, he knew that he should be holding a meeting with the guys. They needed to make a plan for what they were going to do with the threat of the werewolves, they were stupid in getting a little bolder but they would use that to their benefit. But there was also a huge risk that their rival gang could step into their territory, if they had followed Brian than they could plan an attack of their own. Eva would be put into danger and he'd never let that happen, but he still wanted to be around her even though he had things he should be doing.
    Sophie looked up at Brian when he took the weapon from her hands, "I wasn't going to hurt myself. I was just looking," She assured him as she watched him pack the duffle bags, she glanced around the room and noticed all the other different weapons. There were so many but she guessed the vampires needed the weapons, considering how many gangs there were out there. She figured that the guys had a lot of enemies and needed to have whatever they could to keep them protected, so she pushed herself up so she was sitting on a tabletop and was looking at Brian. "You didn't need to kidnap me, Brian. If you talked to me and took me out on dates, I would have fallen for you. It would have taken longer but it would have been better than kidnapping me and scaring me, I thought you were going to hurt me." She admitted to him but she now knew that he'd never hurt her, but when he kidnapped her she didn't know that.
    February 21st, 2015 at 12:31am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his neck and smiling sheepishly at her. "Well, you see, I'm not really the best when it comes to talking to women. To be honest, i've never been on a real date before," he said, furrowing his brow. Now that he thought about it, he'd never actually been on a real date. He's only ever had random hook ups and his blood whores that kept him company. But the night he saw Sophie on the streets, the instant connection he got with her, he knew he had to have her. She was going to change his immortal life forever. Brian really hoped that someday Sophie would be willing to turn and be his for all of eternity. He didn't want to ever lose her. But if she never wanted to change, he understood that too, he wouldn't ever pressure her into anything that she didn't want to do.
    Eva smirked over at him, popping a few skittles in her mouth as she tried to think of a clever answer. "If you want more, you can have more. Eventually," she said, giggling softly and sitting down in front of the TV where the gaming systems were. "Don't you have anything better to do than to sit there and watch me all day? I'm sure you have some important gang business to attend to," she said with a wave of her hand, turning the TV on and the Super Nintendo system. She desperately wanted to play Super Mario. "I'll be fine by myself, you know," she said, looking back at him as she waited for her game to load. "I'm not going anywhere." As much as Eva liked him watching her, she knew that he probably needed to go attend to some vampire gang business or something. She definitely didn't want to be the reason for any trouble.
    February 21st, 2015 at 12:49am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt shook his head lightly with the answer that he received from Eva, he knew he'd be able to kiss her whenever he wanted in time. He could wait for as long as Eva wanted, however after the kiss he got from her he knew that he wanted a lot more. "I do have business that I need to attend to, but I'd be more than happy sitting here and watching you." He told her as he would be pretty damn happy to watch her all day long, "Are you sure that you'll be alright? You did already try to escape once, can I trust you if I left you alone?" He was only joking but could he leave her alone, he wasn't sure at the time but he guessed that he could considering they had shared a kiss. He was pretty sure that she'd be staying there with him now, but he was more concerned that if she did try to escape and somehow managed to get outside. Then she could be put into danger and she wouldn't even be able to protect herself.
    Sophie was surprised when Brian told her that he had never gone on a date before, she just assumed that he would have gone on heaps of date. But she guessed that being a vampire, it would be harder to date someone. "I bet that you're fine talking to women," She told him as she reached out for him, she gave him arm a light tug so he'd move closer to her. "Well then, Brian would you like to go on a date with me?" She asked him as she wanted to go on dates with him and get to know him, she was trying to forget that he had kidnapped her. She wanted him to treat her like a human and a woman, not a blood whore or someone that he just uses and forgets about. She looked at him and waited for his answer, "If I'm going to stay here. I'm going to expect dates and you have to be nice and sweet to me." She told him so he'd know.
    February 21st, 2015 at 03:12am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian chuckled, loving how straight-forward she was. "Aren't I supposed to be the one asking you out?" he asked her, raising a brow. "But of course, I would love nothing more then to take you out on dates. But I have to warn you, i'm horrible at date planning, and, well, we're really limited with where we can go. But I think I can figure something out," he said with a smirk, stepping closer to her. They did have a home theater, and the chef could cook anything her heart desired. They could have a perfect date right here in the mansion without having to leave. Brian just didn't want to take her out of here. The last time he had, they ended up being followed by a rival gang member and put her in danger. Honestly, Brian was really nervous. He'd never been on a real date before, with someone he truly cared about. He was still kind of shocked that she actually asked him out. He had always thought that the guys were supposed to be the ones to do the asking out.
    Eva looked back at him and raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Well, there's only one way to find out, isn't there?" she joked lightly, turning back to her game. She wasn't going to try and escape. She had no idea where she was and she knew that she wouldn't get very far without someone catching her. Besides, she didn't want to leave. She wanted to get to know her very attractive captor a little more and see where things go. She was pretty drawn to him, and she got this unbelievable feeling when they touched, and when they kissed it was like fireworks going off. Cliche, but it was true. Besides, she knew there was something major going on right now and she knew attempting to escape wasn't going to help the matters at all.
    February 21st, 2015 at 11:31pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt couldn't help but let the soft sigh pass through his slightly parted lips, he knew there was only one way to find out if she would stay or try to escape again. He did have a feeling that she wouldn't, but she could surprise him and try to escape the minute that he wasn't around her. "Alright, but if you did need me than I'll be in the study. If you can't find me, ask a maid or call out and I'll hear you." He told her as he slowly pushed himself up from the leather couch, he really didn't want to leave her but he knew that he needed to. He stepped over to her and pressed his lips to the top of her head, "I shouldn't be long." He told her and he hoped that he wasn't long, but he wouldn't know until he started talking with the guys about the new plan they needed to set up. He walked out of the room and headed towards the study which was towards the back of the mansion, on his way he saw each of the guys and told them that a meeting was happening now.
    "You can ask me out next time," Sophie told him as she had never been for forward with a guy before, she was never the first to ask anyone out but Brian was different. She knew that he liked her and wasn't going to reject her, so she felt better in asking him out. She couldn't help but smile as a light blush settled across her cheeks, "If you need help to plan a date. Than I can plan some as well," She told him as he didn't always have to do the work, he was probably used to that considering he was much older than her and was probably born into a different century than her. Seeing the smirk on his face caused her stomach to do a flip, she tried to ignore it but it was so hard. Their moment was ruined when Brian was called away for a meeting, "I'll see you later." She pushed herself down from the table but she leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek, before she turned and quickly made her way out of the room.
    February 22nd, 2015 at 12:18am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian let out a small sigh as he watched her leave, wishing he didn't have to go to the meeting. He really wanted to spend more time with her. But then again, he wouldn't be able to spend any time with her at all if they ended up getting attacked by surprise and none of them were ready for it. Brian made his way to Matt's Study, running his fingers through his hair. "Can we get this done and over with, please? I have stuff to do," he grumbled as he plopped into a chair, watching as all the guys filed in. Half of them looked like they had been sleeping or something. Since when do vampires sleep? Well, some of them did. Brian just didn't that often. "So what're we gonna do, boss?" he asked Matt, putting his hands behind his head.
    Eva watched him go, biting down on her bottom lip. She didn't want him to go as much as he didn't want to, but he couldn't be around her all the time. She sighed and turned the game off, getting up and getting herself some more candy. She wondered what that other girl was doing, Sophie. Eva wanted to be friends with her, considering they both just got kidnapped and they were both human. It would be really nice to have a friend. Eva sighed heavily as she plopped down on the couch, Matt's smell still lingering. He sure did smell good. She wondered what her future held for her now. What she was going to become, what her and Matt were going to be, if they were anything. Eva kind of wondered if she'd end up falling for him so hard that she had him turn her into a vampire.
    February 22nd, 2015 at 12:41am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt sat on the old fashioned leather chair that was behind his desk, he waited until his friends were inside and the door was closed. Everyone knew not to enter his study unless he called them in or told them to go get him something, it was his private space and he kept a lot of important things in the room. "Brian was followed today, so our security will be tighter and we are all to keep an eye on things. We will stay here as much as we can so everyone is safe," He spoke knowing the guys wouldn't really like that, they were used to going out whenever they wanted but for right now that was too dangerous. "We will bring the attack plan forward, we can't let them get the upper hand and have them attack our home. We had too many special people here who can't protect themselves against a mutt," He told them as they all had a special woman in their life, none of them wanted anything to happen to them. Even the chef and the maids were close to them, they couldn't trust many people but everyone that worked for them could be trusted and Matt didn't want to lose any of them.
    Sophie made her way into the games room and was thankful to see Eva sitting there still, she sat down beside the girl and looked at her. "I kissed Brian's cheek and asked him on a date, I've never done that before." She blurted out as she needed to tell someone about it, Eva was another human and she knew they'd be friends. So she wanted to talk about Brian to someone and she was sure Eva would have something to say about Matt, "I hate to say this. But I feel safe here and I think I can see myself living here." She admitted knowing that she shouldn't feel this way, Brian was a vampire and had kidnapped her against her will. But when she was around him, she doesn't see him as her captor and that was a little scary to her. She's never been with anyone that has made her feel like Brian does, she wants to know more about him and to be with him.
    February 22nd, 2015 at 01:37am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian sighed softly, nodding in agreement with Matt. They had way to many important people in this mansion to risk those guys coming here, no one needed to get hurt. "Well, I think we should attack tonight," he said with a nod, standing up from his seat. "We shouldn't wait around like scared, weak vampires. We can tear them to shreds. We need to hurry up and defeat them so that no one got hurt," he said, crossing his arms over his chest. He didn't want Sophie or anyone in this house at risk for a long time. Besides, Brian was ready for a fight and a fight he was going to get. He wanted to rip that one guy to shreds for following him today and scaring Sophie. "Good job on getting followed, Brian. I hope you lost them before you came home," Zacky mumbled, causing Brian to turn around and punch him right in the face, sending the tubby man flying backwards in his chair. "Of course I lost them, you idiot. Why the hell would I lead them here, I'm not that dumb," Brian growled.
    Eva stared at Sophie with wide eyes, giggling softly. "It's okay, I kissed Matt right on the lips. It got pretty heated and if we kept at it, who knows what would've happened. But I like teasing," she said with a smirk, examining her nails. "I have to agree with you, I'm begging to like it very much here. Look at this entertainment room, it has everything I could possibly ever dream of wanting. This mansion is even marvelous. I've never stayed in a place this fancy. My life was shit, and I feel like its actually kind of going to get better," she said, sighing softly. "Even if we are in a house full of vampires and the world is filled with supernatural creatures we thought didn't exist." Eva was still trying to process that her captor was a vampire, but she didn't really mind. She just hoped that she never caught him drinking blood, though she kind of wandered what it would feel like to get bitten.
    February 23rd, 2015 at 09:08am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt let out an irritated growl when Zacky and Brian had a go at each other, "Enough!" He raised his deep voice so they would stop and start paying attention to him again, "We can attack tonight. As long as you two behave and stop acting like children," He stated to the small group of vampires that were before him, "We need to get the weapons together." Johnny commented as they'd have to gather their weapons and spend some time with their someone special, at Johnny and Matt would because no one knew what was going to happen. Matt would much rather see Eva and hold her before going out to attack anyone, just in case something horrible did happen to him. Which he was pretty sure wouldn't happen, he'd do his best to make sure that he returned to her. He was a strong and stubborn vampire, he knew how to defend himself and fight even without a weapon in his hand. Only death would stop him from returning to Eva, she now gave him a reason to be safe and more careful so she wouldn't lose him.
    Sophie smiled as she listened to what Eva was telling her about Matt, she did wonder what it would be like to have sex with a vampire and to just be intimate with Brian. She hadn't had sex for a good handful of months, or maybe even longer because she hadn't found anyone that she was attracted to in that way. It was frustrating but she was sadly used to it, she wasn't the type of person to have a one night stand or a fling with someone. She wanted a true relationship and she wouldn't settle for anything less than what she really wanted, she was pretty sure that Brian would be able to give her everything that she did want and need. "Brian gave me a tour, but I know there's way more rooms that he didn't show me. I still can't believe that I'm in such a beautiful place, I've only dreamed about this." She sighed softly as she wasn't used to being in a place like this, it was so nice and luxury and she felt like she didn't belong there.
    February 25th, 2015 at 12:57am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian's eyes widened when he heard Matt yell, sitting back down in his seat slowly. Matt always did scare him, you just never knew what the hot headed vampire was going to do. "i've already got most of them together and in duffel bags in the weapon room. We just need to figure out what else is needed," he said, sighing softly and running his fingers through his hair. He was actually kind of nervous to be doing this. You just never knew what to expect when it came to that gang of weres. "Well, if you will excuse me, i'll be going to spend time with Sophie just incase we all die," he grumbled, getting up and leaving the room. He wanted to spend time with Sophie, just incase something did happen to him, though he knew nothing was going to. They were pretty strong, stronger then any werewolf, but the advantage that the wolves had were their massive, sharp teeth. Brian looked around the mansion for Sophie, checking the greenhouse first, then his room, then finally the game room. "There you are, i've been looking all over for you. You can spend time with Eva later on, but right now I need you," he said, biting down on his bottom lip.
    Eva smiled, nodding. "Matt attempted to give me a tour, but once I saw this room there was no leaving," she said with a small giggle. "Maybe later on we can tour the rest of the mansion together?" she suggested. She wanted to be really good friends with this girl. So far she really liked her, and she could tell that they were going to end up being great friends. It was just that she was afraid that Matt and Brian were going to be stuck up their asses the entire time, which is something she didn't want. She didn't want a clingy vampire... boyfriend? She didn't know what to call Matt. Eva looked up when she saw Brian in the doorway, wanting Sophie. "i'll see you later," she said softly, sending her a small smile before she left the room. She wanted to go lay down or something in Matt's room. He had such an enormous bed, it was ridiculous. It was also amazingly comfy.
    February 25th, 2015 at 10:40pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Sophie smiled as she looked around the game or media room, it was very impressive and the tv screen that was on the wall was the largest screen she has ever seen. She didn't even know tv's could be so large, she could be very comfortable in this room watching movies all day long. "Of course, we can. I wonder if the guys are hiding any other amazing rooms from us, just so they can have it to themselves." She smiled as she knew she'd become best friends with Eva quickly, she looked over to the door way to see Brian standing there and he seemed different. He wasn't his usual cocky self, she waited until Eva stepped out of the room before she stood up and stepped closer to the handsome vampire. "What's wrong, Brian?" She asked as she had a bad feeling in her gut, she wasn't completely sure but he seemed like the type of guy who would protect her. She had been so scared when they were followed, Matt had held a meeting and now Brian seemed different. That could only mean one thing, the vampires were going to take care of the other gang. So Sophie moved even closer to him, secretly she really did like that he needed her and wasn't afraid to tell her. Her blue eyes moved up to lock with his, she didn't want him to leave even though she knew they needed to make the first move with the rival gang before they were all attacked.
    After Brian left the room, he sent the other guys away to spend some time with their special lady. He stood up from his desk and left his study so he could go find Eva, he listened closely instead of searching the whole mansion for her. He heard soft footsteps upstairs so he followed them until he heard a heartbeat in his bedroom, opening the door he smiled when he saw Eva laying on his bed. "I'm surprised that you left the games room, I thought I'd have to literally carry you out of there." He chuckled softly as he didn't want to bring down the mood, he didn't want Eva to know too much about what they had to do in order to stay the powerful gang that they are. He'd do anything to continue to be powerful and to have people fear them, he had worked too hard to throw that away. But that was something that he didn't want Eva to know right now, he'd tell her eventually but right now he was going to enjoy his time with her. Stepping over he sat down on his bed and instantly ran his fingers gently through her silky hair, his finger tips brushing over the back of her neck and her skin was so incredibly soft. "I have to go out for a little bit, a little later." Was all he would tell her for now.
    February 26th, 2015 at 02:40am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian took her hand in his, leading her back to his room. "Nothing," he said with a small smile. "I just want to spend some time with you before I have to go take care of something with the guys later." Brian didn't want to worry her. "I don't really know how long we'll be, though," he said with a small sigh, sitting down on the edge of his bed and running his fingers through his hair. It was becoming a nervous habit. For once in Brian's immortal life, he was actually tired. He felt like he could sleep for centuries right now. He didn't want to tell her what he was doing or where he was going, simply because he didn't want her to worry. Though, he was pretty sure that she already had a feeling as to what was up. Brian just didn't want her to know what they had to go through in order to remain the most powerful supernatural gang. The worked so hard to get to where they were today, and they were going to have to continue working hard to stay that way. "Did you have a nice talk with Eva?" he asked her, hoping the two girls were getting along and becoming friends. He knew that Sophie was going to need to spend some time with someone while he was gone doing whatever, whenever. Plus, for all he knew, this could become an over night trip. He sure hoped not.
    Eva looked up when she heard the door open, smiling at Matt. She let out a small giggle at what he said about carrying her out of the games room, rolling her eyes playfully. "I can't stay in there my whole life. I have to come out eventually, you know, to sleep and everything," she murmured, biting down on her bottom lip. She furrowed her brow together, wondering where he was going. She sat up, looking at him with a questioning look. "Where are you going?" she asked, curious. She was pretty nosey. She wanted to know anything and everything and she certainly hated being left in the dark about something. "When will you be back? Will you be gone for long?" she asked, her eyes wide. Honestly, Eva didn't want him to be away from her for too long. Especially on her first night here. She was kind of scared to be alone. She wondered if Brian was going with him, so that she could hang out with Sophie so that she wouldn't be alone. He called a meeting with the rest of the guys, and now suddenly he was going to have to be going out later?
    February 26th, 2015 at 06:29am