Cause this is what dreams should always be

  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Since Aria isn’t a techy/engineer like Raven, I’m not going to have her electrocute Lincoln because I feel like she wouldn’t know how to without hurting herself.)

    Aria refused to leave and she watched, unflinching, while Bellamy punched the Grounder and stabbed him through his hands, but the Grounder wasn’t talking and Aria could feel the panic well up in her all the more when Clarke came up and said Evie was dying. Moving over, she moved past Bellamy, almost shoving him away before she quickly raised her leg, kicking the Grounder in the groin. “Tell me how to save my sister!” she screamed, watching him fall to his knees, the chains barely holding him up but that was better, in Aria’s opinion. His arms would start to ache. When he still wasn’t talking, she moved to press his body down, straining his arms against the chains. “Tell me!”

    He still wasn’t talking and Aria could feel the panic rising in her. Moving to Bellamy, she grabbed the spike from his hand before she moved back over and shoved it into Lincoln’s shoulder, twisted it, and pulled it back out before she repeated the process in his stomach and his other shoulder. “Tell me or I swear I’ll cut you with that dagger of yours and try every single vial on you until I figure out which one is the right one.” Octavia watched with shock and horror before she spotted the notebook and went to look through it in hopes that she’d find something written in it about the poison. Instead she was greeted with drawings of herself and she got an idea. “Wait!” she said quickly before she rushed over, grabbing the dagger and looking at Lincoln as she cut herself, causing him to panic. “Which one is it?” She dropped to her knees, pointing to one. “This one?” Lincoln stared but gave in, shaking his head and nodding to a different one. “This one?” Octavia asked and, when he nodded, she grabbed it and handed it to Aria. Aria watched for a moment, frozen by the shock of what she’d done, but she quickly moved to grab the vial and rushed down the ladder.
    “I’m not going anywhere,” Finn promised quietly as he ran his free hand through her hair, giving her hand another squeeze. “I promise, I’ll be right here.” His expression softened, his heart aching with her words and he ran his thumb over the back of her hand, shaking his head slightly. He couldn’t comment on her mention of Raven, because he couldn’t think about that right now. All he could think about was her safety and trying to make sure that she lived through all of this. She didn’t deserve to die. She was too good of a person for that. “You’re going to survive this, okay?” He could feel his eyes burning with tears when he heard how panicked Clarke was even from where they were. He hoped Bellamy and Aria got the answer soon; otherwise, Evie really wouldn’t make it and they couldn’t lose her. Finn couldn’t lose her. “You’re going to make it and you and Aria are going to keep protecting each other and I’ll keep helping, because that’s what we do,” he assured her gently, “They’ll get the answer. They’ll get the antidote. I know they will. So, don’t even think about giving up and dying on me, okay?” He gave her hand another squeeze and lifted her hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles, because he couldn’t stop himself. “I can’t lose you. I won’t.”

    He heard movement on the ladder, though, and looked over to see Aria rushing down. “I’ve got it,” she quickly said as she moved over quickly, shifting to sit Evie up a bit with Finn’s help. “Just drink a little of this and you’ll be okay, alright? Everything’s going to be okay.” She held the vial to her sister’s lips but made sure not to give Evie too much because she knew she’d have to give some to Octavia as well. “Are you sure it will work?” Finn asked with concern, looking over at Aria, though his gaze went back to Evie and he watched her for any change, hoping that she’d get better and that whatever that liquid was wouldn’t make it worse. “It’s our only hope, Finn. We have to try,” Aria whispered, though her voice sounded desperate. Finn watched idly before he offered a small nod. It was their only chance and, if this was their best luck, they’d have to go for it.
    October 24th, 2017 at 12:09pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy stood back and watched Aria, he wasn’t shocked by what he was seeing. He would have been the same way if Octavia had been in the bad way that Evie was, he wanted to pull Aria away, but he knew she may be the one who would be able to get the answers they needed to save Evie’s life. He frowned when Aria took the stake from his hand and used it on the Grounder, he could see the panic growing in her as the Grounder still wasn’t talking. And Bellamy had no idea what he could do to help, he hadn’t been able to make the Grounder talk and now Aria may not be able to either. When his sister spoke up, Bellamy turned to look at her. “Octavia no.” He stepped towards her as she was holding the knife that Evie had been stabbed with, he watched as his sister cut herself with the blade before she pointed at the vials.

    Once she had the right vial, he watched as she handed it over Aria, so she could give it to Evie. Rushing to his sister’s side, he knew she would now be poisoned as well. “Thank you, Octavia.” He looked at his sister, he knew that she would be fine because Aria would get the vial to them once Evie had enough in her system. He moved over to the ladder and climbed down, he watched as Aria helped her sister drink the liquid in the vial. Walking over he watched Evie to see if there was any instant change in her, “From what I saw in the Grounder’s book, he isn’t going to be lying about the vial.” He assured knowing they were putting their trust in a Grounder, but he was certain that he wouldn’t let Octavia die as he seemed to actually like her. He took the vial from Aria’s hand and climbed back up the ladder, handing the vial over to Octavia he watched as she drank the rest of the liquid. “Keep him locked up here, we aren’t letting him go.” He told the guys who were standing on the top level of the drop ship, he climbed back down the ladder, so he could make sure that Evie was getting better.
    Evie wasn’t sure if Aria or Bellamy would be able to get the antidote, she was certain that if the Grounder didn’t want to talk then he wouldn’t. She just focused on Finn, to keep her mind off of how she was feeling and because she was terrified that she was going to die. Having him there was making her feel a little better with everything that was going on, “I’ll do my best not to die.” She told him as she held onto his hand, she could feel the poison weakening her body. Glancing over she looked at Aria who rushed over with a glass vial in her hand, leaning up as much as she could she drank the liquid from the vial before she laid back down. Laying there she felt her eyes becoming heavier, she was so tired that all she wanted to do was sleep.

    “It’s helping,” She told them as her body didn’t feel hot anymore, she didn’t feel sick like she had. Her stomach still hurt but she had expected it to, until the wound healed completely. Watching as Bellamy took the vial upstairs, she looked at her sister. “Who else needs the vial?” She asked with a slight frown on her face, she didn’t want to hear Aria’s answer because it meant someone else had gotten hurt. Evie didn’t want anyone risking themselves, just to save her.
    October 27th, 2017 at 05:16am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Finn nodded slightly as he listened to Bellamy, but he couldn’t help but to worry that they were putting their trust in the Grounder and it could prove to cause problems. When Evie admitted to the liquid helping, though, he felt relief fill him and he looked back to her, focusing on her before he nodded slightly. “Good… Good, I’m glad,” he murmured gently as he watched her, once again moving to brush her hair out of her face gently. “I told you they’d figure it out and that you’d be okay.” He offered a small smile as he watched her, examining her for a moment, before his concern ebbed away a bit.

    Aria felt a little worried about telling Evie what had happened, but she moved to squeeze her hand gently. “Octavia cut herself to get the Grounder to tell us what to use to save you. He seems to have a soft spot for her, so… I guess she figured it was our best shot since nothing else was working,” she murmured gently as she looked over her sister for a moment. “But, Bellamy will make sure she gets some of the antidote as well, so I’m sure she’ll be just fine.” Really, though, Aria was more focused on Evie, glad that her sister would be okay, because she’d been so scared of losing her.

    Clarke, hearing the mention of Octavia cutting herself, moved to gather a few things before she went to go find Octavia to patch her up. Aria watched Clarke leave before she looked back to her sister. “I’m sure we can find something for the pain,” she murmured after a moment, “Though we’ll probably have to look through our storage of that red seaweed to make sure to avoid your injury getting infected, I guess. You’ll have to tell us how to fix it up properly.” She offered a small smile, watching her sister with concern, but at least Evie was alive. That was all Aria cared about right now.

    Finn listened to Aria silently, not wanting to really get in the middle of the conversation, but his attention focused on Evie for the most part. While he knew that she was probably cured of the poison in her system, he still worried about her. He was sure she was in a lot of pain, after all, and they weren’t really sure what kind of damage was done to her. He wanted to lift her spirits, though. “Raven got the radio fixed,” he told her after a moment, “Clarke got help from her mom in the medical bay to save you, so the Ark knows we’re alive now.” And, he figured that would be important to Evie; her parents would know she and her sister were alive.
    October 27th, 2017 at 05:47am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Evie frowned as she looked at Aria, she held onto her sister’s hand. “Why didn’t you stop her? She shouldn’t have done that… what if he didn’t give in?” Evie couldn’t believe that Octavia would risk her own life, she also never wanted anyone else to be in danger or get hurt for her. “When I can get up, I want to see him.” She told Aria, she knew she couldn’t move much right now without causing herself more pain. But, when she was feeling better she wanted to see the Grounder. Thank him for giving up the antidote, she also wanted to make him see that she wouldn’t be a threat towards him. “I’ll see him even if you say no, I know Bellamy’s going to want to keep him here.” Evie didn’t want Aria or Finn to worry about her coming face to face with the Grounder who nearly killed her, but she wanted to.

    Bellamy heard Aria mention the red seaweed that Evie had collected, “I’ll grab some seaweed.” He said before he moved over to where Evie had stored a few things in the drop ship, he looked through it until he came across a box. Carrying it over to the table, he briefly glanced at Aria in case she wanted to stop him. When she didn’t, he gently moved Evie’s shirt up so the wound was more exposed. He took the cloth away that Clarke had placed over the wound, “It isn’t even that bad. It’s just a scratch, I bet you just wanted me to carry you back to camp.” He joked as he placed a few pieces of the seaweed over Evie’s wound, before he covered it all with the cloth.

    “You’re a horrible liar, Bellamy.” Evie looked at him but smiled, she gently squeezed her sister’s hand. In a way, as if to tell Aria to take note of everything that Bellamy was doing. “The radio works? So, we can talk to mom and dad?” Evie asked in hope as she looked at Aria, if the radio was still working then everyone there could talk to any loved ones that are still on the Ark. “Clarke didn’t mention my name, right?” Dread suddenly filled Evie at the thought of their dad being around as Clarke got medical help from her mom, if he heard that she had gotten hurt… well it would only cause them more pain and panic. Neither of which Evie wanted her parents to feel anymore, even with Clarke talking to her mom, the Ark knew they could come down now.

    “I think you still need to take it easy, get some rest.” Bellamy spoke up as he grabbed a blanket that was close by and draped it over Evie’s body, she was still fighting, and her body was healing. The last thing she needed was to get cold and get sick, besides they had all been through enough that day. He hoped once Evie fell asleep, it would give Aria was relief as well from all the panic and worry she’d been put through. Evie looked at the three of them and realised how exhausted she was, “I am tired.” She mumbled softly as she looked to her sister, Evie didn’t want any of them to leave as she was nervous to wake up alone. But she knew Aria needed to rest as well, and she’d be more comfortable in their tent. She was still holding onto Finn’s hand and she didn’t want to let his hand go, no matter that she knew she should. Raven was around, she had to have seen how Finn was with her and that also scared her. Because Finn hadn’t left her side… not even with his girlfriend right there.
    October 28th, 2017 at 11:51am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    “Well, she kind of did it before anybody could stop her,” Aria admitted with a small shrug. “And, really… I don’t think anybody would have been able to stop her. You know how she is.” Octavia tended to be stubborn and free-willed. Aria highly doubted she would have listened to any of them. Her expression fell when Evie mentioned seeing the Grounder, though. “That’s not a good idea, Evie,” she quickly said, but it was more than Aria just being worried about her sister. She didn’t want Evie to see what she had done, either. She paused, though, watching Bellamy while he worked on helping her sister and her expression softened a bit.

    Finn watched idly, his eyes going to the wound for a moment. He felt a pang of guilt, wishing he’d been able to stop what had happened, wishing that he’d been able to protect her, save her, anything that would have prevented her from getting hurt. He wished there was more he could do to help her now, but Bellamy seemed to jump at every opportunity he could to help Evie - from carrying her back to dealing with the seaweed. All Finn could really do was stay there by Evie’s side. “Yeah, it works,” he confirmed with a small smile as he watched her, “And, Clarke didn’t mention your name. She just said that a member of the group got hurt.”

    Aria nodded gently. “We can talk to them tomorrow,” she assured quietly as he watched her for a few moments. “The radio’s spotty right now, because of the storm. It sounds like the storm’s passing now, though.” The drop ship wasn’t racking about and she couldn’t hear the sound of thunder or rain anymore. But, she wanted to wash the blood from her hands and she wanted to sleep, but she also just didn’t want to leave her sister’s side. She’d almost lost Evie today and that had scared her. For now, she really didn’t want to take her eyes off her sister, no matter what.

    “As much as I hate to say it, and I really hate to say it,” Finn mentioned a little jokingly, “Bellamy’s right. You should rest. I’m sure today’s been overwhelming and exhausting and you deserve a breather.” He watched Evie for a moment, giving her hand another squeeze. He barely even registered that Raven was still there, far too focused on Evie to worry about that right now. “Go ahead and get some sleep. You won’t be alone.” He wouldn’t be leaving her side, regardless of whether Aria or Bellamy did or not. By now, he’d already made the decision that he would stick right there by her and keep an eye on her, because he didn’t want anything else happening to her.
    October 29th, 2017 at 02:32am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy’s gaze moved between the twins, “We’ll decide later. And only once you have healed completely,” He didn’t want Evie seeing the Grounder, he was the one who nearly killed her, and she would see what they had done to him. Hopefully by the time Evie healed, then the Grounder’s heals could also heal. He would take the fall if Evie got upset or angry at what Aria did, he could handle that from Evie and it would take the stress off of Aria. “I think we all know by now, that Octavia does whatever she wants. We couldn’t have stopped her, Evie. Besides she did what she had to, in order to save you.” He looked at Evie before his eyes moved onto Aria, he saw the Grounder’s blood on her hands and knew that Evie could see at any moment.

    “Fine…” Evie muttered softly, she wouldn’t wait until she healed. She would go see the Grounder whenever she could, the moment she could move she would. Looking at her sister, she squeezed her hand gently. “If I have to sleep then so are you, I’ll be fine. I’m not going anywhere,” She promised Aria as she was slowly feeling better, Aria looked exhausted and stressed out. She needed a breather as well, neither of them had gone through that much stress before. She could see Aria thinking all the possibilities through in her mind, “You’ll get a better sleep in the tent.” Evie assured her sister to go back to their tent, if Finn was going to stay there with her then she wouldn’t be alone. And if something were to happen, he would notice and call for help.

    Bellamy moved closer to Aria, his hands resting on her shoulders. “She’s right, I’ll take you back to the tent.” He lowered his voice, but waited until Aria was ready before he guided her out of the drop ship. “She’s tough, we both know that. She’ll be fine,” He told Aria as he walked with her towards her tent, he wanted to stay with her. So, he could make sure she was okay after what had happened. To make sure she didn’t suffer from another panic attack, as Aria had been extremely close to losing her sister and he couldn’t imagine what that felt like. “Did you want me to stay for a while? Or I can go find someone else to stay with you?” He asked knowing she needed all the support she could get, and if she allowed him then he would be that support for her.

    Evie watched as Bellamy took her sister away, “I love you.” She whispered to Aria before she left, she was glad that Bellamy was there as it had started to feel overwhelming having them all surrounding her. She looked up at Finn, “Thank you for being here.” He should have been the last person she wanted around her, and yet he was the one who she didn’t want to leave her side. With her free hand she pulled the blanket closer to her chin, “Is there anywhere else I can sleep? This table is really uncomfortable,” She asked as she wouldn’t get a decent sleep if she had to stay on the hard table through the night, hearing movement Evie turned her head and saw Raven leaving the drop ship. Guilt flooded her body as Raven must have seen everything, how Finn acted and cared for her. That is what Evie wanted to avoid more than anything, but even if she told Finn to go after his girlfriend, she wasn’t sure if he would or not.
    October 30th, 2017 at 06:18am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Sorry this took so long! I've been sick with some stomach bug and it's been going around the family all week. x.x I'll try to get my replies to the others up in a bit, but if not, I'll reply to them after I get back from my brother's Cross-Country meet or during the meet, since there's supposed to be wifi there.)

    Aria listened to Bellamy quietly, her gaze focused on Evie, though she sighed out quietly, figuring that it was the only option right now. She nodded gently, despite not wanting to leave Evie's side. "I love you, too," she murmured softly to her sister, giving her hand a squeeze in return before she allowed Bellamy to steer her away, and she mostly had to force herself to move. She peered over her shoulder at her sister before exiting the dropship and heading towards the tent, though she paused for a moment once they got there, her gaze dropping back to her hands. "I should probably wash my hands first, before I get any rest," she admitted quietly, because she didn't really want to wake up to dried blood on her hands and risk Evie seeing it eventually. Evie hadn't seen it yet or hadn't acknowledged it and she didn't want to risk it any more than she had to.

    Hearing Bellamy, though, she blinked, looking up at him. For a few moments, she wasn't entirely sure what to say in response. She didn't really want to be alone after everything that had happened today, but she still didn't want to fully let herself trust Bellamy again, because she had already fallen for him and she didn't want to fall deeper after everything that had happened. But, he always had a tendency to make her feel safe and okay and he somehow seemed to be able to handle her when she had her panic attacks. He brought a sense of comfort to her that she wasn't really used to. For a while, she watched him before she offered a small nod. "You can stay," she murmured before she slipped past him to go find the tent to wash her hands.
    Finn was, admittedly, a little surprised to hear Evie talking to him. More than that, though, he was surprised to hear her thanking him. With how things were between them lately, he didn't really expect much when it came to interaction. Of course, if she'd just simply ignored him the whole time, it wouldn't have really stopped him from staying there by her side and keeping an eye on her through the night, but hearing her talk to him made him happier than he could really put into words in the moment. "You don't have to thank me," he assured her quietly as he offered a small smile, "I'm just really glad that you'll be okay." He knew that she wasn't completely okay right now; it'd probably take a little while for her to recover from the stab wound, but he was glad she was alive. She was alive; that was what mattered, more than anything else - even more than her talking to him.

    "There's a cot over there," he told her, motioning towards it for a moment before his gaze dropped back to her. "And there's a makeshift hammock over there, but I'm not sure that would be comfortable or good for your injury." His expression softened with concern, because, really, he wasn't even entirely sure that it'd be okay for her to move right now. He figured she would know, though, since she was so medically-inclined. "I'm sorry you got hurt, that I wasn't able to protect you." And, he wasn't the one who had saved her either. Bellamy had carried her back. Bellamy and Aria had tried to get information out of the Grounder. And Octavia had been the one to get the Grounder to talk. All he'd been able to do was stay there for her, but he hoped it had been enough. "If you can move, I can help you up or carry you to wherever you want to sleep."
    November 3rd, 2017 at 11:06am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    (No problem, I hope you and your family are feeling better soon!)

    Bellamy nodded as he looked at Aria, he also needed to wash his hands as his knuckles were bloody from punching the Grounder. He smiled softly when she agreed to have him stay with her, he followed her over to the tent where everyone could clean off. He poured some clean water into a bucket before he placed his hands into the cool water, he made quick work of washing away the blood as he didn’t have much on his skin, not as much as what Aria did. “She’ll be fine with Finn, and you can check on her first thing tomorrow morning.” He watched Aria as he had wanted to say they could check on Evie in the morning, but he knew he was still on the edge with Aria and he didn’t want to overstay his welcome being close to her again.

    Grabbing a cloth, he held it out for Aria, so she could dry her hands once she had finished cleaning them, “How are you holding up?” He asked as he wasn’t certain, but he was guessing Aria didn’t get violent like she had with the Grounder very often. He wasn’t sure if it upset her, or would trigger another panic attack. Which is why he wanted to be there for her, until he knew that she was truly alright. “He deserved more than what he got today,” He wanted to punish the Grounder more for what he did to Evie, out of everyone there, she deserved it the less.
    Evie saw the surprise in Finn’s eyes, she was surprised as well. She hadn’t forgotten what he did or how crushed she still was feeling, but she still wanted him there. He did make her feel safe, she didn’t care if he hadn’t helped her. He had helped her enough by being there beside her, holding her hand and talking to her. He didn’t have to carry her back nor did he have to get the antidote, he’d been there keeping her calm so the poison didn’t travel faster through her body. “The cot is fine,” She looked at him as she tried to sit up slightly, a noise of pain escaped her lips as she laid back down. “Could you carry me over?” She hated being this weak that she couldn’t even climb off a table, she knew if she did then her wound would only reopen and cause her more pain. She knew Finn moving her would hurt, but it would hurt less than moving herself.

    “I made it, so no one could protect me, I saw the horn on him. He blew the horn to make the other Grounders run away,” Evie told Finn, it wouldn’t have mattered if he had been there beside her in the cave. The Grounder moved suddenly, and Evie was in the wrong place, no one could have protected her from getting stabbed. Moving her arm to rest across Finn’s shoulders, she bit her bottom lip as he lifted her from the table. She breathed through the pain she felt as he carried her over to the cot and laid her down, “I saw Raven leave… you should go talk to her, she’ll be confused and probably hurt.” Evie didn’t want Finn to ruin things with his girlfriend, just because he’d been worried of losing her. “It’s okay if you love her,” Evie looked at him as she held herself together somehow, even though it hurt her to say those words.
    November 4th, 2017 at 10:06am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Yeah, most of us are feeling better. I still feel a little iffy, but better than I had been.)

    Aria focused on washing her hands for a few long moments, though she'd mostly been scrubbing at them almost desperately, as if that would erase the memories of what she'd done, of how she'd hurt that Grounder. She still found it hard to believe that she'd done that. For as long as she could remember, she'd never hurt anybody, and she'd hurt that Grounder so much that she wasn't even sure who she was anymore. "Okay," she murmured in response to Bellamy's words, nodding once because she knew that she'd probably check on Evie the first chance she got - if she even got any sleep tonight, which she wasn't really sure she'd get the chance to do with all her concern and how upset she was with herself.

    Seeing the cloth offered out, she stared at it for a long time before she reached for it and focused on drying her hands, listening to Bellamy quietly. "I'll be fine," she decided. She had to be. Evie had been hurt and she needed to be okay for Evie; she needed to be able to protect Evie and she wouldn't be able to do that if she didn't calm down. Hearing his later words, tough, she tensed and looked up at him, watching him for a bit. "Nobody deserves that, Bellamy. No matter what they do, nobody deserves to be... Tortured like that," she whispered, though her voice was shaky because she'd been involved in torturing him. Swallowing heavily, she moved past him to go back to her tent.
    Finn offered a small nod in response, watching her before he carefully moved to pick her up. He was worried about hurting her, but he did his best to be as careful and gentle as possible as he moved her to the cot and laid her down softly, though he watched her for a while, taking her in, examining her for any sign of discomfort or distress. "Let me know if it's uncomfortable at all, okay?" he murmured carefully as he watched her with concern, looking over her. "If it is, I'll make sure to find some way to make it comfortable or to find somewhere more comfortable for you to lay down." After what she'd been through, he thought that was the least she deserved right now. She deserved a chance to just relax, considering everything that had happened.

    His brows furrowed slightly with the mention of the horn and what Evie theorized the Grounder had done. "Why would he have blown the horn, though?" he asked with confusion. That didn't make sense to him at all. He could assume that the Grounder had done it to save them, but, if that had been the case, then why had the Grounder attacked Evie and then refused to give up the antidote until Octavia hurt herself? It didn't make much sense to him, but he wondered if there was even a point in coming up with the theory at the moment. No, what was important right now was Evie. His expression softened as he listened to her and he knew he should feel guilty about Raven leaving, but he was more worried about Evie. "I know that," he murmured quietly as he watched her, "But I love you."
    November 5th, 2017 at 12:28pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy watched Aria closely, he wasn’t pleased about what he did or what he allowed Aria to do to the Grounder. If they had time on their side, it may not have resulted in the Grounder being tortured by them. But, they didn’t have time to waste. Evie’s life was on the line, so he did what he had to in that moment. He wished he could take it back, he really did but what was done was done now. He could see that Aria was struggling to deal with what she had just done, if Evie hadn’t been dying, then Bellamy knew Aria wouldn’t have gone to the lengths she had. But, her sister was poisoned, the chance of saving Evie’s life made what he did somewhat okay in his eyes. If the Grounder had just told them or pointed to which vial would save Evie’s life, he wouldn’t have been tortured.

    Following Aria back to her tent, he climbed inside after her and sat down. “I’ll be going on another supply run tomorrow, see what I can find out there.” He told Aria in hopes of it taking her mind away from the Grounder and the pain she inflicted on him, Bellamy didn’t want her thinking about that, so he thought if he told her what his plans were for the next day, it might help her in some way. This supply run he was just going to go on his own, he was beginning to think everything would be better if he was on his own. Less people would get hurt because of him, trouble seemed to follow him around, unless he was trouble in himself.
    “Finn, I’m fine.” Evie looked at him as he didn’t have to worry about her so much now, she’d get better and heal in no time. She knew she would, apparently no one else knew that she would just yet. She smoothed out the blanket that was covering her body, she knew if she got cold through the night then that could cause her more problems. Her body was fighting to heal the stab wound, she was vulnerable, and it wouldn’t take much for her to get sick with a cold. “I don’t know why he blew the horn, but it’s the only thing that makes sense.” Evie had no idea why the Grounder would try to save them, but she believed that he had for some reason.

    “Maybe he saw us and knew that Octavia was one of us,” It was all Evie to think of right now, but neither of them would know the reason the Grounder saved them unless he told them himself. Her eyes focused on Finn as he caught her off guard when he expressed his love for her, Evie had never heard that from a guy before. But it did warm her heart knowing that Finn felt that strongly about her, that he was choosing her over Raven when that is what she wanted as well. “Finn…” She whispered as she was torn, she wanted to be with him, but she also didn’t want to hurt Raven. “She came down here for you, she risked her life to find you again. What if you hurt her to be with me, and then you realise that really Raven is who you love. I don’t want to ruin that chance for you,” The words just spilled from Evie’s lips, she didn’t know what to say or do right now. She had fallen in love with Finn, but she knew Raven would hate her, and Evie didn’t want that either. Why she couldn't just let herself be happy, she had no idea.
    November 12th, 2017 at 06:04am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Aria nodded slowly after she processed Bellamy’s words and sat on her bed, pausing to look at her sister’s empty spot for a few moments, their cushions still pressed together. Part of her wanted to go back into the dropship and stay by Evie’s side regardless of what her sister wanted, but she was sure she wasn’t in the best mindset for that right now, so she stayed put. “If you can wait until I talk to Jaha or something, I can see if he knows where anything can be found,” she offered up after a moment, “We need supplies for the winter, after all, and… Well, if anybody knows where we can find anything, it’d be Jaha.” She didn’t want Bellamy talking to him, though, worried about how Jaha would react. Even after everything that had happened, Aria wanted to make sure Bellamy didn’t end up on the chopping block. He still meant too much to her, even if she didn’t want to admit it.

    Looking back to him, she watched him for a moment, taking him in, her gaze going to his busted knuckles while her expression softened. He’d hurt himself, trying to help her sister, trying to save her sister. He’d been the one to bring Evie back. He fought to keep her sister alive. “I’ll go with you,” she decided eventually, nodding once to herself before she shifted to lie down in her spot, though the space beside her felt abnormally empty. It reminded her of the nights she and Evie had slept separate from each other on the Ark, when her sister had gotten arrested. Before that, they’d never spent a night apart from each other. “You’ll probably need an extra pair of eyes out there to keep you alive, after all. After everything you did today… I’d really hate it if something happened to you.”
    “You’re not fine,” Finn told her carefully as he watched her with concern. “You were stabbed and poisoned, Evie. You almost died. We nearly lost you.” His expression softened as he took her in, a small frown forming on his features. “I almost lost you.” And that had scared him more than anything. It was one thing when Evie was upset with him. Her being upset, he could deal with. Her dying, though? He didn’t think he could survive that. She meant too much to him, so much that he couldn’t even begin to explain it. He’d never felt such a strong connection with anybody before, especially not within such a short amount of time, but she already meant worlds to him and he didn’t want to lose her, ever. He wanted to fix what had happened between them and prove that he could be good for her, that he could be good to her, but if she died, he’d never get that chance and he’d never have her in his life again.

    He nodded to her mention of Octavia, figuring it was plausible, but it didn’t really explain things. Why would that have mattered to him if he’d been so quick to attack Evie for no reason? His blood still boiled slightly with the thought, but he tried to push it down and focused on her later words. “Evie…” He moved closer to her, then, taking her hand gently to give it a squeeze. “I care about Raven, I do. But what I feel for you is… It’s so much stronger than what I ever felt for her. And, I know it makes me terrible for saying that, but it’s true… And, I know it might hurt Raven, but I also know that she’d want me happy. She’d want you happy, because she would be able to see that you’re a good person and that you’re good for me. And she’d find somebody who deserves her so much more than I ever did.”
    November 17th, 2017 at 07:55am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy nodded his head lightly, Aria had a good point. He didn’t know where he should look for supplies, he was just going to head out and search until he found something he could bring back to the camp. But, if Jaha did know where there could be supplies, then that was a better option then the one he was going to do with. “I can wait until you speak with him,” He agreed as he did hope Jaha could send him in the right direction, that Jaha knew somewhere that they could stock up before winter hit them. Mount Weather was still an option, if they could get past the Grounders and get to Mouth Weather. But until then, Bellamy would search the areas surrounding the dropship as right now, it was safer for him and everyone at camp.

    He watched as Aria laid down, “No Aria. You need to be here, you need to stay by Evie’s side. I’ll be fine on my own, or I’ll take Mbege with me.” Bellamy looked at Aria, he didn’t want to take her away from her sister so soon after what had happened that day. He also didn’t want Aria to feel like she owned him something, because she didn’t. “Anyone would have done that for Evie,” He wasn’t sure if that was the truth or not, but he hoped someone would have stepped up and done what he did in order to save Evie’s life. If she had died, then the rest of them would have been in serious trouble, as Evie was the only one who had enough medical knowledge to keep the rest of them alive.
    “You aren’t going to lose me,” Evie realised how close she had come to dying, and it scared her more than anything. She had been stupid getting that close to the Grounder, she wouldn’t be putting herself in that situation again. She could see the fear in Finn’s eyes, the fear that he could have lost her today and that gripped her heart tightly. She listened to Finn as he spoke about Raven and the feelings he had for her, her fingers wrapped around his hand as she thought about all of it. She did love him, but she was still hurting over what he did and how he hadn’t told her about Raven. “I just don’t want Raven to hate me,” She admitted as Evie didn’t want to be hated by anyone, even people she didn’t know, just the thought of someone not liking her caused her distress.

    “I love you too, I do but… I can’t forgive you for what happened, not just yet. I need time and you need time to explain this to Raven, and then she needs time to deal with.” Evie’s eyes focused on him, she wanted to be with him desperately, but she needed to move on from the heart ache he caused her. She had to do that in order for her heart to love him completely, she didn’t want to hurt Raven more by suddenly being with Finn while she was heartbroken. Evie wanted to take it slow, for all of their sakes. Evie suddenly realised that she was struggling to keep her eyes open, she was exhausted from the day’s events. “You need to get some sleep,” She told Finn as she didn’t want him awake all night, because he was worried about her.
    November 19th, 2017 at 08:10am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Aria nodded with the mention of it, relieved that he would wait. It’d be better if they had a plan rather than to wander around aimlessly and come up with absolutely nothing. “Good,” she murmured quietly, breathing out as she tried to relax, closing her eyes for a moment. “We’ll go first thing after I talk to him. And, it’s we, whether you like it or not. There’s no point in arguing about it, because we both know I’m too stubborn to budge on this. I can’t… Really do anything for Evie here, so the least I can do is go out and find things we’ll need for the winter - blankets, supplies, whatever is out there, we need. Evie will need it, especially with her injury.”

    And, she wasn’t going to budge on that. There were enough people to keep an eye on Evie there; Finn wouldn’t let anything happen to her sister, regardless of whatever was going on between the pair. She knew how much Finn cared about Evie, even if Finn had kept Raven a secret. She could still see how much Evie meant to him, so she trusted him to at least keep her safe while she was gone. “It doesn’t matter if anyone would have done it. You were the one who did it this time. So, you know, thank you for that.” Opening her eyes, she watched him for a moment, taking him in, before she rolled to face away from him. “If you’re staying in here, you can use Evie’s cushions. I’m getting some sleep, so I can talk to Jaha early tomorrow. Good night, Bellamy.”
    “But I could have,” Finn reminded her quietly as he watched her. Just the thought of it had torn him apart. And, Bellamy had reacted so fast, whereas Finn hadn’t really been able to do anything for Evie, and that was something Finn wasn’t overly fond of - not because Bellamy had been the one to help Evie, but because Finn had been completely lost on what to do, on how to help her. He’d been completely useless and he hated that feeling, especially when all he wanted was to keep her safe and to protect her. Not only had he hurt her already himself, but he hadn’t been able to help her or to protect her or to keep her safe. It made him feel like a bit of a failure and he hated that; he hated being unable to do anything for her.

    He blinked, though, when she told him she loved him, too, and he stared at her for a few long moments. Even though she’d gone on to say that she couldn’t forgive him, the fact that she loved him was good enough for him for right now. Nodding slowly, he watched her for a few long moments. “Raven would never hate you,” he assured her quietly, giving her hand another gentle squeeze as he watched her, “And… And I’ll do whatever it takes to earn your forgiveness, even if it’s the last thing I do.” Because, he wanted to be with Evie but, more than anything, he wanted Evie to be happy. She deserved that, probably more than anybody he’d ever known. Shifting, he leaned to kiss her forehead before he could stop himself, and he nodded slowly. “Right… We both need some rest. I’ll talk to Raven tomorrow. For now, let’s just… Sleep, because it will help you heal.”
    November 19th, 2017 at 09:40am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy had woken up that morning before Aria had, he was tempted to leave the camp site then to search for supplies. But he knew if he did that, Aria tell him off for it once he arrived back at the camp. After what happened to Evie, he was worried that something similar could happen to Aria if she left camp. There was no way she’d stay at camp until he felt like it was somewhat safer for her to leave, she would never agree to that and he would never ask that of her. He was worried that he might not be there if something did happen to her, he had been lucky yesterday. He had been there for Evie, although it was his fault that she felt like she had to go searching for Octavia. What if Aria got hurt and no one helped her? Not everyone in the camp was fond of the twins yet, and that did worry him greatly.

    Instead he left the tent and found something to eat, they were getting low on food which meant a group would need to go hunting or searching for some fruit or nuts. Hopefully when Aria spoke with Jaha, he would tell her where they could find more supplies and if they were lucky that would include food for them. He wandered around the camp site, he checked on Evie who was still sleeping while he waited on Aria to wake up. He packed them a backpack each, with some water and a snack as he wasn’t sure how long they would be away from camp.
    Evie didn’t sleep soundly through the night, every time she moved in her sleep a shot of pain would wake her up. Sometimes breathing would be painful and it would wake her up, no matter how many times she woke up, she never woke Finn up because he looked handsome when he was sleeping. She still felt exhausted from the broken sleep, so when her eyes fluttered open and she realised it was the morning. All she wanted to do was roll over and go back to sleep, but she couldn’t because if she moved, pain would fill her body. She wished Aria had been there, to make sure she didn’t look as bad as what she felt. She was certain that she looked like a complete mess.

    Seeing that Finn hadn’t woken up yet, she decided to try and rest a little more. Closing her eyes, she tried to clear her mind but she couldn’t. All she could see was yesterday playing out inside her mind, she felt the fear gripping her chest like it had done yesterday. She couldn’t seem to shake it off, she couldn’t even force herself to think of something else. Opening her eyes again she could feel them water, she finally realised how close she had come to dying. She wouldn’t have seen her parents again, she wouldn’t have been able to laugh with Aria again, and she wouldn’t have been able to kiss Finn again. She had put on a brave face yesterday when everyone was fussing over her, but now she only had her mind to keep her company and it was making her relive what happened to her.
    December 16th, 2017 at 10:18am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    When Aria woke up, she noticed that Bellamy was already gone and she stared at the last spot she’d seen him for a while. It was odd; even with how much she wanted to hate him, she’d still been able to sleep with him in the same tent. His presence had even brought a sense of comfort through the night, since she’d woken up a few times, worried about her sister, but she’d calm down when she’d see him and reminded herself that Bellamy had saved Evie, that Evie was okay because of Bellamy. Eventually pushing herself off the cushion, she made her way out of the tent and went to find the radio, mildly surprised that Raven and Monty had gotten the video components to work properly. She wanted to talk to her parents more than anything, but she talked to Jaha instead, getting information on where to go, as he told her there was an old supply depot around and she’d grabbed a map to mark where to find it.

    After that conversation ended, she went to the dropship to check on Evie, figuring that she should let her sister know that she was going to be gone for a little while so that Evie didn’t worry about her. But, more than that, she wanted to make sure that her sister was okay. She wanted to know that all the times she’d woken up with concern only to go back to sleep, comforted with Bellamy’s presence, that her sister hadn’t needed her. As she stepped onto the dropship, she looked towards the table, where Evie was meant to be, only to blink when she spotted her sister on a cot. “Evie?” she called out quietly before she made her way over, only to frown when she saw the tears in her sister’s eyes. “Hey, are you okay?” Quickly, she moved closer, taking Evie’s hand in her own to give it a squeeze.
    Finn had woken up a few times through the night to check on Evie, worried about her. Raven had come back in at some point and it had been the only time that Finn had left Evie’s side through the night, to talk to Raven, and they came to an agreement that they should break up. It hurt Raven and Finn hated hurting her, but Raven also seemed to understand - she’d mentioned how she saw the way Finn looked at Evie, how she couldn’t recall a time that Finn had ever looked at her like that, and she told him that she wanted him to be happy and that she’d be okay. After that, though, Finn had returned to Evie’s side and watched her sleep until he’d fallen asleep again. He still felt guilty about everything, about hurting Evie and about hurting Raven, but he was hoping that everything would start looking up at this point, that he and Evie could find their way back to each other and work things out, although he still knew he had to earn her forgiveness.

    When morning came, he’d still been asleep, though he’d remained as close to Evie as he could be, worried that something would happen to her through the night, worried that she’d take a turn for the worst or that, when he woke, she’d be gone. And, while he knew that there was nothing he could do to stop it if he was asleep, he felt some peace with thinking that maybe him being as close to her as he was would make it so that something like that didn’t happen. He was only awoken when he heard Aria’s voice and heard the metallic clang as she moved through the dropship over to Evie and, blinking his eyes open, he looked to Evie, worried she wasn’t there, but relaxing when he saw her. Hearing Aria’s concerned question, though, raised his own concern and he too noticed the tears in Evie’s eyes, his heart aching at the sight of them. “Are you hurting or anything?” he asked with concern.
    January 3rd, 2018 at 04:36pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Evie hadn’t noticed that her sister had come to check on her, not until a warm hand wrapped around her own and Aria’s face came into her line of sight. But Aria’s voice and movement in the drop ship, also seemed to have woken and alerted Finn. “I’m fine, it’s not the pain.” Her voice was small, quiet. Her stomach was hurting, but the physical pain she could handle. It was the mental and emotional side that Evie was now struggling with, but she also didn’t want to lie to the two people she cared most about. “I’ll be fine… it’s just that… now I keep thinking about yesterday,” Her eyes moved between Aria and Finn, she was weak but she still felt safe there with them. “I could have died,” A tear escaped her eye and fell, she never wanted to come that close to dying again.

    She couldn’t even begin to imagine what Aria had gone through yesterday, what emotions she felt and the thoughts that flowed into her mind. She would hate to be in the position that she put her sister in yesterday, she gripped onto Aria’s hand, firmly but not crushing. Her other hand moved up and wiped the tears from her eyes, it was only then that she looked at her sister. “Are you going out?” She asked knowing that life in the camp would be returning to normal, it wouldn’t stop just because she was out of action for a little while. Food and water would still need to be gathered, better shelter needed to be built and Evie felt useless because she couldn’t help.
    Bellamy saw Aria entered the dropship, he gave her a few minutes to check on her sister before he slowly walked up the ramp himself. He only caught the end of what Evie was saying, about how close she had been to dying. A pang of guilt hit his chest, he was the reason Evie had been in the search party. He allowed her to go in search for Octavia, he allowed her to go into the cave after he saw a Grounder go inside. If he had just told her no, then she wouldn’t have gotten hurt. He wanted to tell her that, but thought it was the wrong time, besides he wasn’t sure what difference if any that it would make.

    He stood back silently as Aria and Finn both comforted Evie, he gave them a moment before he stepped closer. “Aria will only be gone for a few hours, we’re going on a supply run.” He was tempted to ask Evie if she wanted her sister to stay there at camp, but that wouldn’t do any good. Aria had made it clear to him that she was going along with him, so using the twins bond against her wasn’t a smart choice. “Try and get some more rest, if we find anything good out there then we’ll bring it back for you.” He didn’t want Evie worrying about her sister, not when her body needed all the energy it could get to heal her.
    January 4th, 2018 at 10:49am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Since they’re all together~)

    It hurt to hear her sister talk about dying. Aria’s expression softened and she gave another gentle squeeze. “But, you didn’t,” she reminded quietly as she watched her, “Because you are strong and because you’re a survivor.” She offered a small, weak smile, not wanting to think about the possibility of losing Evie. She knew it’d be like losing a part of herself, she’d be losing the person she was born with, the person who had always been at her side. She nodded, though, to her question. “Yeah, Bellamy and I are heading out,” she told her gently, though she blinked when she heard Bellamy’s voice and looked over at him, watching him for a few moments.

    Finn listened to the twins talk to each other for a moment before peering over at Bellamy. He hoped, for Evie’s sake, that Aria would be okay out there and would come back safely. Looking back to Evie, he offered a small smile. “While they’re out doing that, we can just sit around here and be lazy, for once,” he offered up gently, “I think you deserve it after everything that you’ve been through lately.” Plus, he wasn’t sure that she’d be able to move around all that much with the stab wound still so fresh and healing, after all. He didn’t want her to push herself and make the injury worse. “I’m sure there wouldn’t be much for either of us to do, anyways.” Because, knowing her, she’d still want to try to get up and do things.

    But, right now, all that anybody was doing was foraging and packing up what they found so that they could all be prepared for the winter. All they really had right now were berries and some nuts they’d managed to find, though. Since they didn’t have anything to hunt with yet, all they could do was forage, and Finn figured that having little to nothing for them to help with would make it easier for Evie to accept that they could just stay put and focus on healing. “And, if you’re hungry, I could go grab us something to eat?” he offered up, “I’m sure there are still berries to grab that aren’t being put away for the winter.” She needed to heat to be able to heal, after all.

    Aria nodded with the mention of it, offering a small smile. “Although, you should probably try to move around a little,” she admitted gently, “You’re the medical professional, but even I know that not moving at all when you’re injured can cause your muscles to tense up and ache around the wound when you finally do start moving. Just don’t push yourself.” She gave her sister’s hand one more squeeze before pulling her hand away. “We’ll be back as quickly as we can, I promise. And we’ll be extra careful,” she assured before leaning down to kiss her sister’s forehead, though she then looked to Bellamy. “Jaha told me a location for a bunker we can check out. I’m ready to go when you are.”
    February 12th, 2018 at 06:36am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy nodded his head as he looked at Aria, his hand reached out as he was holding onto a backpack for her that he had already filled with whatever supplies he could find. “Let’s go then,” He didn’t want to hold this supply run up as he wanted to bring Aria back to camp as soon as he possibly could, for Evie’s sake as she would need to know her sister was safe before she’d allow herself to heal. At least that is what he would do if he was ever in her position, right now though Octavia was speaking to him. He was refusing her wish of wanting to see the Grounder, who was still currently tied up at the top of the drop ship. He had left Miller in charge of keeping an eye on the Grounder, Miller was someone Bellamy trusted and the people who he trusted could be counted on one hand right now.

    Turning he walked out of the drop ship but waited for Aria so he could follow her in the direction of the bunker, he hoped that Jaha was right about the bunker as they needed whatever they could find before winter fell upon them. And winter was already beginning to come, which only caused Bellamy more worry as they weren’t prepared enough. They needed to desperately start hunting animals for the fur and meat, they had to find more then just berries and have a better supply of clean drinking water. “Evie’s looking better now, she isn’t as pale.” He commented as they walked through the forest, his eyes constantly scanning the surrounding area in case they were being followed or a Grounder was hiding among the trees. “I’ll make sure you get back to her safely,” He promised as he didn’t want to be the cause for the twins being separated in any way, “How have you been feeling? Feeling any overwhelming anxiety?” Bellamy asked quietly as he wanted to know how Aria was and if she thought the current events would trigger a panic attack, because if there was a chance of her having one he wanted to be there with her.
    Evie watched as Aria left the drop ship with Bellamy, before her eyes moved back to Finn. “We both know that I don’t do lazy,” She looked at him, but she knew that she would have to be lazy for once. Her body needed all the rest it could get if she wanted her wound to heal, Evie wasn’t used to not doing anything. She felt like if she suddenly started doing nothing around camp, everyone would turn their back on her and Aria once again, no matter how much they proved to everyone how useful they could be. “But I am getting a little bit hungry,” She told him as having food in her stomach would give her body the energy it needed to heal, and with Finn by her side, she knew he would be making sure that she didn’t push herself too much. She smiled softly as she watched him head out of the dropship in order to get her some food, however it was also at that time when she saw Miller climbing down the ladder, she faintly heard him telling Finn he needed a toilet break. Evie knew the Grounder was up the ladder and she wanted to see him, so she gritted her teeth and pushed herself from the cot she had been laying on.

    She breathed through the pain as she hobbled over to the ladder, she knew Finn would return shortly as she pulled herself up the ladder with all the strength that she had left in her body. Finally making it to the top of the drop ship, she was huffing as she looked over to where the Grounder was. And horror filled her core at what she saw, the Grounder was beaten and bloody, but he had also been tied up. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t want this to happen to you.” She whispered as her eyes franticly searched the floor, finding a knife she picked it up but saw the Grounder flinch away from her. “Go down the ladder and to the left, there will be a small hatch on the floor. You can get out that way,” Evie told him as she cut him down and handed him a jacket, in hopes he wouldn’t get noticed if he was seen by anyone. Dropping the knife Evie also headed back down the ladder, once she had given the Grounder plenty of time to make his escape. Feeling her feet touch the floor again, she had to lean against the metal ladder as she had pushed herself too much, but she was glad she had as now the Grounder was free.
    February 12th, 2018 at 07:58am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Aria shouldered the backpack carefully as she followed Bellamy, though her eyes scanned the map as they walked and she focused on finding the right path while she listened to Bellamy talk. The sooner they found the bunker, the sooner they could get back, and the sooner she could check on her sister and make sure she was okay. While it had been Aria’s own choice to go on this run with Bellamy, she was still worried about her sister. The problem was that she couldn’t really do anything for Evie back at the camp besides worry about her. She didn’t know anything about how to make sure that Evie was healthy and healing properly, so all she could really do was make sure that everything they’d need to survive the winter would be present at the camp. She just hoped that Evie would be okay while she was gone - it was the only real concern she had, that Evie would take a turn for the worst while she was gone and there’d be nothing Aria could do about it while she wasn’t at the camp.

    Hearing Bellamy’s words, though, she blinked out of her thoughts, lifting her gaze from the map to peer up at him. She took him in, watching him for a moment. If it wasn’t for Bellamy getting Evie back so quickly the day before, who knew what could have happened to her sister? She swallowed with the thought, pushing it down, because it hadn’t been the case. Bellamy had gotten her sister back and, because of his quick actions in bringing her and the Grounder back to the camp, they’d been able to save her. “Yeah, she looked a lot better. I just… Hope she’s feeling better - both mentally and physically,” she admitted quietly, swallowing thickly with the concern before she dropped her gaze back to the map, mostly trying to distract herself from Bellamy’s later questions. “Honestly… I’m not the best, but… I could have lost my sister and I didn’t, so it’s a good day,” she decided, nodding firmly, “We should take the good days when we get them, since we might not get them all that often down here.”
    When Evie spoke about her inability to be lazy, Finn couldn’t help but to laugh gently, nodding slightly. “I should have expected as much,” he teased lightly, but he smiled, glad to hear it, for the most part. At least her spirits seemed to be a little higher for the moment and that came as a relief for him, because he was so worried about how this entire ordeal might affect her overall. He knew it’d been a terrifying experience for her in general, but her earlier words about dying was what had had him worried the most. It had clearly affected her a great deal and he honestly couldn’t blame her, but at least she was okay and safe now. Personally, he intended to make sure it stayed that way for her, as he couldn’t imagine losing her. Having her avoid him so much after Raven’s arrival had been hard enough - he couldn’t imagine what life would have been like if he’d completely lost her. With the mention of her getting hungry, though, he nodded. “I’ll go find you something.”

    He watched her for a moment before he made his way out of the dropship to get her something to eat. He knew they didn’t have much in the camp to eat besides nuts and fruits, but he hoped that would be enough for her. After grabbing a few rations for her, he’d made his way back towards the dropship, but noticed how some of the others were acting… Weird. They seemed completely out of it and that caused his brows to furrow, but he passed it off. As he kept walking, though, he paused when he saw the Grounder walking and he stared at him for a few long moments when the Grounder stopped in front of him, debating, before he moved out of the way to let the Grounder pass. Once the Grounder was out of sight, Finn made his way into the dropship, looking towards Evie to find her leaning against the ladder. “So… Were you actually hungry or was that just you trying to get me out of here so you could let the Grounder free?” he asked quietly as he made his way over, making sure to keep his voice low so nobody else would hear, but also to show that he didn’t really mind either way.
    February 17th, 2018 at 08:45am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy’s gaze dropped to the ground as he walked, he was glad that Aria was feeling well enough not to have a panic attack. But when she mentioned taking the good days as they came, he knew he had a major part in the camp not having many good days. “I’m glad that you’re feeling alright,” He murmured softly, he inhaled deeply as his attention turned back to keeping an eye on their surroundings. “Did you get time this morning to talk with your parents?” He asked hoping that she had, although he could imagine she just wanted to get the location of the bunker. Plus he was sure her parents would probably get worried as to why only Aria was able to get onto the radio, it did make sense for Aria to wait until she did speak to her parents so they wouldn’t know what happened to Evie. He knew it would have been hard on Aria though, to get onto the radio and only speak with Jaha when her parents were there waiting and wanting to hear their daughter’s voice.

    He didn’t want to bring it up too much, as he didn’t want to remind Aria. Besides now that Jaha knew they had survived so far on Earth, he would be making plans to get the Ark down from space. So, it was just about now waiting, it wouldn’t be long until the twins were reunited with their parents. It wouldn’t be long until Bellamy came face to face with Jaha and received the punishment for his actions, which he would take without any complaints as he did deserve whatever was handed out to him. “Does Jaha know what we can find in the bunker?” He asked as he wasn’t sure how Jaha would even know about the bunker, not that Bellamy cared, as long as Jaha was right and this bunker had supplies for them to take back to camp.
    Lifting her head, Evie watched as Finn moved over to where she was standing, one hand still holding onto the meal ladder to support herself. “It was really just to get you out of the dropship,” She admitted as there was obviously no reason for her try and lie about helping the Grounder escape, “He had been tied up. I never wanted that, Finn. I never wanted him brought here, I know he had the cure for the poison. But, I never want to be the reason that someone is here against their will.” She looked at him as she had to let the Grounder leave the camp, if couldn’t leave him tied up. It would have killed her if she knew he was in the top of the dropship, and she didn’t do anything to help him. “I don’t want anyone hating or blaming him,” She told Finn as her eyes locked with him, the Grounder had stabbed her in self defence and Evie knew that. How many of them would have reacted the exact same way, if a Grounder had been hovering over them?

    “Are you angry that I helped him escape?” She asked as that is what she was worried about, that Finn wouldn’t agree with what she did and felt disappointed in her. That was the last thing she wanted, it was just want she had to do, it was the right thing in her opinion. Especially considering the Grounder was covered in bruises and his dried blood was stuck to his olive skin. Reaching out, Evie closed the gap between them. Her hand dropped from the ladder, only to grab onto Finn in case she needed the support. Leaning into his warm body made her feel better, having him close to her and feeling his touch was comforting for her which is what she desperately needed right now. Resting her head on his shoulder, she relished in his touch.
    February 17th, 2018 at 12:28pm