Cause this is what dreams should always be

  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (No worries! I was planning to do the same once they all got together. :) )

    "I'm going as well," Aria said firmly when she heard her twin, though she was more than a little relieved to see that Evie seemed to be okay. The past few days had been rough, she knew that. On top of that, she wasn't sure where Evie had been the past few hours and it'd made her worry a bit that maybe Evie had run into Grounders. She knew Evie was with Finn, though, and she trusted Finn enough to believe that he would protect her sister and take care of her. Once her sister went to pack, she followed, making sure to pack the essentials. She knew the travel wouldn't be a long one, but they now knew about the acid fog and they had to be as prepared as possible, in case it appeared and they got stuck in it.

    Finn watched the girls leave, but looked to Jasper and offered a small smile before he nodded. "I won't let you down," he promised and, although his tone was slightly joking, he was completely serious. He refused to let anything happen to Evie or Aria. While he adored Evie, he knew that he wouldn't really let anything happen to anybody, especially somebody as important to Evie as Aria was. But, even if Aria hadn't been important to Evie, Finn would do his best not to let anything happen to them. He didn't like the thought of anybody getting hurt and he definitely didn't like the thought of failing anybody or letting anybody die. He'd even taken Raven's place to avoid her being killed. "I promise, I'll make sure they both get back safely."

    "How cute," Aria joked lightly, though it was mostly to ease her own worries. "I didn't know you worried so much." She smiled, but shrugged the thought aside and turned to give Jasper and Monty each a hug, though she looked over them carefully. "We'll be back soon, I promise," she murmured quietly. "In the meantime, do what you can here, okay?" She offered a small nod before she turned. Finn began leading the way and she followed next to her sister, but blinked when she heard Evie's words, glancing over. "Yeah, I'm okay," she murmured, though she sighed and turned her attention ahead. "I just... Hate that I let myself believe that he was a good person, I guess. I believed him, trusted him even, and it just got thrown back in my face." She frowned slightly but tried not to think about it. Instead, she offered a smile to her sister. "But, you and Finn have been gone for a while. What happened?"

    Finn tried not to pay attention to what the girls were saying but, when he heard his name, he couldn't help but to be curious about what was being said. He, of course, didn't say anything. He merely focused in on what the twins were saying, but he also concentrated on the task at hand. Occasionally, he looked up to make sure that they were heading in the right direction, but he mostly glanced around to make sure nobody was following them or that nobody was around.
    June 12th, 2017 at 05:58am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    (Sorry but this is just going to be Evie’s part, once they find Raven then I’ll play her)

    Evie hated how badly Bellamy’s actions impacted on her twin sister, she had believed in him as well because Aria had. Reaching out she took Aria’s hand into hers, “He made a lot of people believe in him. Don’t feel bad or blame yourself, he decided to be like this. There wasn’t anything any of us could do to change that,” She hoped she was somewhat comforting Aria, but knew it would just take time for her sister to forget about all of this.

    “Besides you don’t need him, not when you have us and Jasper and Monty.” She told her sister honestly, Aria was better off without Bellamy and it may not seem like that now to her but Evie knew her sister would be fine without him.

    But then Aria changed the subject onto her and Finn, she didn’t want to talk about Finn when he was there in front of them. And she wouldn’t tell anyone else what happened between them, but Aria was her sister and they told each other everything. “I found him in this bunker and I tried to calm him down, we kissed and then… you know, he was my first time.” Evie had lowered her voice in hopes that Finn wouldn’t overhear, heat flooded her cheeks as she blushed as she remembered the amazing time she had with Finn in the bunker. Evie couldn’t wipe the smile from her face, she knew she needed to be on guard and keep an eye out for anyone else that was in the area.

    But she couldn’t focus on that as she told Aria how she had spent those few hours, Finn made her feel giddy and she was sure he wouldn’t mind if Aria knew how close he had gotten to her. Following Finn through the forest, Evie still felt safe even if it was during the night and they couldn’t really tell if Grounders were surrounding them or not. But as they walked, they weren’t attacked or stopped by anyone.
    June 12th, 2017 at 07:00am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (No worries! This may be a little short, mostly because I'm a little stuck on figuring out what all to say here.)

    Aria wasn't sure how to feel about Evie's words. She knew her sister was right and that plenty of people had believed in Bellamy, but the problem was that Aria knew better. She'd always found it hard to trust anybody outside of her family, yet she had let Bellamy in and had trusted him. And, she'd been so sure that he was a good person, that he wasn't as awful as he tried to make everybody believe he was, but she'd been wrong. The first chance he got, he'd tried to kill Murphy, just to appease the crowd. There was also the fact that a huge part of her had actually started to like Bellamy, more than she should have, but she didn't want to admit to this, so instead she focused on the topic of Finn. "Oh?" she murmured with an arched brow as she eyed her sister, though she smiled slightly. "Does he make you happy?"

    Finn had listened in on the conversation, though he couldn't hear it as much as he would have wanted to. He supposed Evie was being quiet solely to avoid him hearing it, but he figured it probably just meant that she was embarrassed about talking about what had happened between the two of them in front of him. Regardless, he smiled slightly and ducked his head, though he did end up hearing Aria's question. A part of him was curious about Evie's answer in that and he hoped she wasn't as quiet this time, but he figured that her answer was her own. If she wanted to keep the answer between herself and her twin, he had no intention of getting between that.

    "I'm planning to get involved in trying to take lead of the group, by the way," Aria mentioned after a moment, figuring that it was only right to let her sister know. "Monty and Jasper are on my side. Clarke isn't really doing anything to make contact with The Ark and Bellamy is doing everything he can to make sure that we don't contact The Ark, so... I want to fix that."

    Finn didn't blame Aria at all on that when he heard her. If they could contact The Ark, they could save people. They could save the twins' parents. They could save the children on The Ark, the parents of whoever still had parents down here, and they could save their friends. He was sure Aria's sister would back her and, if that was the case, Finn already knew whose side he was going to be on. "It shouldn't be much further," he mentioned instead of thinking much further into the thought of leadership. He just hoped that they got to the pod in time.
    June 12th, 2017 at 07:51am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Evie knew the reason why Bellamy’s actions had effected Aria so much, even if her sister didn’t tell her the reason. She knew, Evie knew Aria better than anyone else. It was why she had been a little unsure about how much time Aria spent with Bellamy, she was just proved right to feel the way she did. But if Aria wasn’t ready to talk about that, then Evie would wait until she was ready. “Yeah, he does. He makes me really happy,” She smiled as she looked at her twin sister, she hadn’t softened her voice when she replied because she did want Finn to hear that he made her happy. Of course she’d still tell him that once they got back to camp, but at least he knew and he knew that she enjoyed the time in the bunker with him.

    “I figured you would eventually, you took your time though.” Evie smiled as she was happy her sister was planning on doing something, neither Clarke nor Bellamy were doing what was right for the group. And Aria would, they all needed The Ark down there with them. To help them survive the Grounders, to help them build a safer camp and to just survive Earth. “I’ll back you completely,” She promised Aria, even though she didn’t have to. They would always have each other’s backs, no matter what happened. Evie glanced over to Finn when he spoke about the pod not being too much further away, the three of them continued walking through the forest until they came across a clearing.

    “Guys, there it is.” Evie pointed out the pod before she made her way over to it, not paying attention to Aria or Finn who were approaching the pod more cautiously. Evie managed to open the door to the pod and came face to face with a pretty girl, “Thank god.” Evie breathed out as it was obvious the girl was from The Ark and she had survived, “I made it? I survived…” Raven smiled at the girl who then helped her climb out of the pod she had fixed up, she hadn’t been too sure that the pod would last but it had. Raven wiped the blood from her face as she had hit her head inside the helmet when she had crash landed, “So this is it. This is Earth…” Raven couldn’t believe that she was there and that the ground was completely fine to be on, although it was dark so she couldn’t really see much but surprisingly the stars and the moon did give off enough light for them to see.

    Raven heard movement and turned around, only to see her boyfriend standing there still alive. “Finn?” She smiled widely as she ran over to him, throwing her arms around his neck. “I knew you wouldn’t have died down here,” Raven had missed him so much and still felt horrible for what had happened, she never should have let him take the fall for what she did. But at least now they were back together, which is what she wanted. She was so happy that she pressed her lips to his, not caring who saw them. All Evie could do was stand there silently and watch, watch the girl from the pod embrace Finn and kiss him. A kiss which he was returning, Evie could feel her heart breaking into tiny pieces as she watched the reunion.
    June 12th, 2017 at 08:40am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Finn was beyond surprised with the sight of who had come out of the pod. His eyes widened as he took in the sight and, honestly, he hadn't expected to ever really see Raven again. He felt guilty now, knowing that Evie might never forgive him once she found out the truth. "Raven," he breathed out, though she caught him off guard when she came over and kissed him. Because he didn't want to make her suspicious, he allowed himself to kiss back, but it just made him feel worse. What was Evie thinking now, seeing this, and knowing that he'd kept a secret from her? Pulling back, he cleared his throat, chancing a glance over to Evie before he settled his gaze back on Raven. "What are you doing here? How'd you get down here?" he asked with surprise.

    Aria, however, found herself frowning at the view. Her sister had just been gushing about how happy she was with Finn only moments ago and now this was happening? Looking to Evie, she could see the pain on her sister's face and she reached over, giving her sister's hand a squeeze. She hated seeing her sister so hurt and heartbroken and she personally wanted to teach Finn a lesson for hurting Evie, but she couldn't do that right now. It wasn't the new girl's fault that this had happened, after all, and she didn't want to drag the girl into this. But, Finn? Finn had every right to feel the wrath Aria wanted to unleash on him. Clearing her throat, she attempted to catch the pair's attention. "Look, this reunion is all great and everything, but what's this all about?" she asked, motioning to the pod.

    Finn glanced over at Evie and Aria, his expression softening, because he could tell that Evie was hurt and that Aria was definitely not happy. "Sorry, it's just been a while since I've seen her. Um, Evie, Aria, this is Raven," he introduced her as he motioned to her, though it didn't seem to make things any better.

    "We can't waste time out here," Aria reminded firmly, knowing that Monty and Jasper were waiting and worrying back at camp. Now that she thought about it, though... Well, she hadn't seen Bellamy at camp. And, she was sure he would have seen the pod come down like everybody else.
    June 12th, 2017 at 08:57am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    “Someone needed to come down to see if you had survived or not, the wristbands stopped working so no one knew what had happened down here.” Raven explained as she looked at Finn, she was so happy to see him again. She sent a smile to the other two girls, before she realised who they were. “Actually I’m down here partly to your parents, I have to tell them that you two are alive.” Raven spoke quickly as she moved back over to the pod, reaching in she went to grab the radio but it was gone.

    Frowning she searched the pod, although there weren’t many places for the radio to be if it had come loose during her journey down to Earth. “The radio isn’t here… even if it came loose, it should still be here somewhere.” She hadn’t seen anyone since Evie had opened the door, would someone take it?

    Evie didn’t even look at Finn, she couldn’t look at him. He had lied to her, he never mentioned that he had a girlfriend on The Ark. He let her fall for him, when he had someone else waiting for him. Evie looked at Aria when the girl, Raven, told them that the radio was missing. “He wouldn’t go this far, right?” She asked her sister hopefully, she prayed that Bellamy hadn’t taken the radio and got rid of it. She then looked over at Raven, “How are our parents?” She asked even though she knew what the answer would be, “They’ve taken all of this pretty hard. But their hanging in there,” Raven told the twins who were utterly adored by their parents, something that Raven missed from her own parents.

    “We have to find Bellamy now,” Evie looked to Aria, if they found him as soon as they could. He might still have the radio on him, at least that is what Evie was hoping for. If not, then it would just be another reason for none of them to trust him. And Evie found herself silently wishing that Bellamy still had the radio, because she wasn’t sure how much more disappointment her sister could take in one single day. “You know you took the radio? If you do, we have to get it back otherwise The Ark will float 300 people just to save some oxygen.” Raven explained as she needed her radio back now, firstly to see if it had been damaged in the crash landing and secondly so she could contact the Ark to save 300 lives.

    “Where do you think he’d go?” Evie asked her sister as right now, Aria knew Bellamy the most between the four of them. Although that might not even be enough, Bellamy could be anywhere right now. It wasn’t like the Earth was a small place, he wouldn’t take the radio back to camp. He’d take it somewhere to get rid of it quickly, but there were many places he could go or he could even be hiding it somewhere. Evie really didn’t know what Bellamy was going to do, but none of it was making her think any better of him.
    June 12th, 2017 at 10:36am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Aria felt her panic well up in her at Evie's question, because she worried that this was definitely something Bellamy would do. "Oh, no," she murmured quietly as she ran her hand down her face. She couldn't help but to be pained with the thought of Bellamy stealing the radio. He knew how much she wanted to contact The Ark, how much she wanted to see her parents again, so why would he do something like this? Was he really this selfish? "We have to find him." She looked to Evie, a small frown on her features at the mention of 300 people dying if they didn't contact The Ark. Would Bellamy really be okay with that much blood on his hands? She hoped they could find him in time and she could talk some sense into him. "I don't know. Maybe he'd go to the cave we got stuck in? Or the river?" Those were the only things she could think of; she couldn't even think about how worried her parents were right now.

    Finn's heart clenched when he saw that Evie was doing her best to avoid looking at him. He wanted to explain things, but he knew now wasn't a good time, not with Raven and Aria there. Whatever he wanted to say to her, he'd have to say in private, because he wanted to be able to speak to just her. His gaze dropped after a moment and he listened to the conversation between the three girls and, idly, he wished that it wouldn't have come to this. Still, he frowned slightly. "Let's head towards the river first. If he's intent on getting rid of the radio as quickly as he can, that's where he would go," he mentioned after a moment. After all, that river had that weird giant mutant serpent in it. If the river didn't destroy the radio with damage, that serpent definitely would. His gaze lifted once more, his eyes locking on Evie as he tried to gauge how she was feeling or if she'd ever find it in herself to forgive him. He knew he didn't deserve it, but still.

    Aria peered over at Finn for a moment, watching him as he watched her sister, but she eventually sighed. "I guess that would probably be our best shot. Hopefully, we can find him quickly," she murmured as she quickly began heading out. The sooner they found Bellamy, the better. This new act of his broke her more, though. If he really went this far to prevent The Ark from coming down here, why hadn't she been able to expect this in the first place? Why hadn't she seen through the facade he showed off in front of her? Why the hell had she started to fall for him?

    After a moment, Finn went ahead to start following, though he glanced over towards Evie, his expression softening. He'd never meant to hurt her and he wanted to let her know that, but right now wasn't the best time. It hurt him to know that he'd done this to her, though; it wasn't what he wanted at all. "We should probably hurry," he said after a moment, though he took up the lead so that he could try to search for any sign of Bellamy and, hopefully, manage to track him. "The sooner we find him, the better. Let's just hope he hasn't already gotten rid of the radio."
    June 12th, 2017 at 11:09am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Once Raven heard the name, she knew who they were looking for. Although she had never met Bellamy while on The Ark, she had heard about what he did to Chancellor Jaha before he snuck onto the drop ship that took him down to Earth. She bet he didn’t even know that Jaha had actually survived the attack on his life, she was looking forward to telling him in person when they found him. She stayed silent but listened to what was being said, she didn’t know the twins or her way around on the ground or what was even around if anything had survived. She would have liked to have so more time to explore and look at what was surrounding her, but they didn’t have the time right now.

    Instead she followed closely behind her boyfriend who she was thrilled the see again, she had expected him to be a little happier but she knew it was probably just the shock of seeing her again. She was beginning to think she’d never see him, but they were back together now and that’s all that mattered to Raven. “Is this Bellamy a friend?” She asked as the small group worked their way in the direction of which Finn was taking them, she wanted to know if there was a friendship between any of them and Bellamy. Because if he did take her radio, she wasn’t going to let him get away with that. She also didn’t want him to get away with nearly killing their Chancellor, Raven didn’t agree with everything the Council decided but she still wouldn’t try to kill one of them.

    “Maybe it wasn’t him,” Evie whispered to her sister as she started walking back in the direction of where the river was, she knew if Bellamy did take the radio then it would hurt Aria even more. She wasn’t sure what would happen if both of them were betrayed at the same time, because Evie was struggling to keep herself together. All she wanted to do was find somewhere she could hide and cry, she wanted to go to a place to be alone but she couldn’t. She had to help find Bellamy and the radio, she had to see Finn be with his girlfriend and act like nothing had happened between them. It took all her strength not to break out right there and then, yell at Finn for what he did because she was angry at him. He hurt her and yet she had to stay silent, she knew it wasn’t Raven’s fault as she also had no idea. Evie wasn’t going to ruin Raven’s happiness, she wasn’t that kind of person.

    So she followed behind them, with her sister by her side because she needed Aria’s strength to carry on. “It’s complicated,” She answered Raven’s question about if they were Bellamy’s friends, then silence fell over the group as they continued to walk through the forest. Evie just happened to look straight ahead when Finn glanced back at her, she wasn’t going to hold back as she allowed her eyes to show him the hurt and anger she felt towards him. She could only look at him for a few seconds before she looked away, otherwise she was worried the tears who spill down her cheeks or she’d start yelling at him. She did everything she could to not think about it, so she lost track of how long they had been walking for until the sound of running water hit her ears. They were close now, so they’d need to look out for Bellamy who hopefully still be somewhere close by.
    June 18th, 2017 at 12:50pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Finn found himself constantly looking over towards Evie, but, each time he glanced over, he could feel his heart sink. She looked so hurt and upset and he knew she had every right to feel that way, but... He also knew he had no right to comfort her anymore, and that hurt him. He wanted to assure her that she was special to him, that she meant so much to him, and that he hadn't meant for her to get hurt, but he doubted she would even believe him. His expression dropped slightly and he peered over at Raven. Raven didn't deserve what he'd done to her, either, he knew that. So why did he feel worse about hurting Evie than he did about betraying Raven? Dropping his gaze entirely, he tried to focus on the task of looking for any sign of Bellamy, but shrugged to Raven's question. "Only on good days," he mentioned, "Usually... He's pretty selfish."

    Aria could hear Finn's offer to Raven's question and, while she agreed that Bellamy had been selfish, she wanted to hit Finn for his comment. Really, though, she wasn't sure if it was because of what he'd said about Bellamy or if it was because he'd hurt her sister so badly. Her fists clenched at her sides but she tried not to think about it and focused in on what her sister said. "He's the only one who would have taken it and nothing else," she murmured quietly as she peered over at her sister. "If it had been the Grounders, they would have killed Raven and destroyed the radio right there - or they would have killed Raven and taken the radio in hopes that it would provide them with information on us in some way. Either way, Raven would be dead. She's not, so... The only likely candidate is Bellamy." She hated admitting it, but she knew it was true. Part of her hoped it wasn't, though.

    Silence fell, then, and Finn focused on tracking Bellamy, though his brows pulled together when he noticed a path. "This way," he said after a moment before he headed in that direction. "This looks fresh." Which meant that it hadn't been too long since the person who left the tracks came through here - it meant they were getting close.

    Not too long on that path, though, Aria paused when she spotted Bellamy and she felt her heart sink. He'd have no reason to be out here, so it meant that their suspicions had to be correct. "Bellamy!" she called out.
    June 19th, 2017 at 04:59am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy was heading back towards camp after he tossed the radio into the river, he thought he would have been quick enough but he was wrong. He heard his name being called out, he glanced over his shoulder to see Aria. “Not in the mood to talk right now,” He told her as he continued walking, his stomach dropped. She knew exactly what he had done, it was just another thing he’s done to make Aria hate him. He deserved it, he knew that. He knew getting rid of the radio, the only way for them to contact The Ark, was going to push Aria away from him completely. He knew how badly she wanted to contact The Ark, to let them know that they could survive on Earth. But he had to do it, to keep himself alive.

    Raven followed Aria as she rushed over towards the guy she was calling Bellamy, once she reached the guy she shoved him. “What did you do with my radio?” She demanded from him, she wasn’t scared of him and she didn’t know him so she wasn’t going to play nice. “Give it back to me now, otherwise three hundred people are going to die up there. And guess who will be picked first, the working class. Our people, do you want that much blood on your hands?” Raven looked at him sternly, she wasn’t going to take any of shit. She needed her radio back so she could save lives and The Ark could begin to send their people down to the ground.

    “Get lost,” Bellamy frowned at the girl who he had never seen before, his eyes glanced behind her to see Finn and Evie standing there as well. “It doesn’t matter anymore, it’s too late.” He spoke as he turned to walk away, “They’re looking everywhere for you.” Raven spoke up which caused Bellamy to freeze, he knew this already but it still worried him that he would still die for what he did.

    “Why are they looking for him?” Evie finally spoke up, she was standing a few feet away from the others. Partly so she wouldn’t be close to Finn or his girlfriend, and partly because she was disappointed in Bellamy who she had only just begun to trust.

    “He shot Chancellor Jaha,” Raven announced to the group, Evie’s face fell as she hadn’t been expecting to hear that. “That’s why you wanted everyone to remove their wristbands, so The Ark would think we died.” Evie couldn’t believe it, that wasn’t the side of Bellamy that she had seen. Why would he do that to another person? Unless there was a good reason for him to hurt Jaha, Evie didn’t believe that Bellamy would shoot the Chancellor just because he could. “Jaha deserved to die, you all know that.” Bellamy spoke as it was the truth, Jaha had done so many things on The Ark that didn’t need to happen.

    He had floated so many people, wasn’t it about time that he died? “Yeah, he’s not my favourite person either. But he’s not dead, you’re a horrible shot.” Raven glanced over to him, hoping this news would make him give her radio back to her.
    June 19th, 2017 at 12:08pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Aria watched as everything happened and, for a few moments, she felt frozen with the disbelief that Bellamy had really taken the radio and was acting so cold about it. "Do you not care that three hundred people are going to die, Bellamy?" she asked quietly as she lifted her gaze to him, a frown forming on her features. Wouldn't he care? "Or do you want more blood on your hands? How many people have we lost down here, Bellamy? And you're willing to let more people die up there - and for what? Because you shot Jaha? If you had just told us that, we could have worked something out!" She narrowed her eyes at him before she made her way over. "We know that Jaha isn't the best person, but he's the Chancellor. He's only been following the laws laid out by his predecessors."

    Finn had trouble processing the information himself. Why would Bellamy shoot Jaha? He understood that Bellamy thought Jaha deserved to die, but that couldn't have been the only reason, right? But, then, as he thought about it, he realized why Bellamy had done it. Bellamy loved his sister and his mother and Jaha had taken both of them away from him. "You did it for Octavia, didn't you?" he asked after a moment, his eyes taking in Bellamy's features, his brows furrowing. "Somehow, you managed to find out about all of us being sent down, about Octavia being sent down, and you shot him because you wanted to come down, too. That's it, isn't it?" Because, Finn was certain that Octavia would be the only reason Bellamy would go to such lengths to not only shoot Jaha but to try to prevent any contact with The Ark.

    For a moment, Aria could understand Bellamy's reasoning, if Finn was right. She glanced over to her sister, very aware that, if it had been her in Bellamy's shoes, she probably would have done the same. Shaking the thoughts from her head, she looked back to Bellamy, a small frown on her features. "Where's the radio, Bellamy?" she asked quietly.

    "Think about it, man," Finn added after a moment, "Do you really want more blood on your hands? Because, if those three hundred people die, it's on you, because you've been preventing us from contacting The Ark this entire time. Just let us contact them and let them know we're here and we're alive, that the Earth is survivable."

    Aria's gaze locked onto Bellamy for a moment and she moved closer to him, her eyes pleading just as much as her voice was when she practically begged, "Please, Bellamy."
    June 19th, 2017 at 12:42pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy hadn’t killed Jaha, like he had believed he had all this time. So everything he has done and how he acted was all for nothing, he did whatever he had to in order to keep The Ark in space because he thought he had killed Jaha. Of course if The Ark did reach Earth, he would still get into a lot of trouble for shooting Jaha but he might not be killed over it if Jaha survived. His eyes moved from Finn to Aria, Finn was right. He only shot Jaha so he could get onto the dropship, and it was only because Commander Shumway came to him with the deal and with the gun.

    Bellamy never wanted to kill Jaha, but he wanted to be with his sister again and keep her safe or die with her. “It’s too late,” He looked at Aria, he felt terrible because he could see the betrayal in her eyes. She was never going to trust him again, and that hurt Bellamy. He had fallen for her already, but she was better off without him.

    “Just tell us where the radio is,” Evie spoke but her voice was soft, she completely understood why Bellamy did what he had. She would do anything for her sister, including hurting someone else if she had to. Because right now Aria was all she had, if their parents didn’t make it down then Aria was her only family. “In the lake,” Bellamy spoke as he glanced over at Evie, he watched as Finn and the new girl started walking off towards the lake. The radio hadn’t been in the water for overly long, but it was still in water meaning it would be hard for anyone to fix.

    Reaching out, his fingers brushed against Aria’s arm. “I’m sorry, Aria. I really am, I thought I killed him… I was just trying to save myself and I wasn’t thinking about anyone else, I didn’t want to shoot him… but I needed my sister.” His voice was quiet, his words wouldn’t fix anything or even matter but he wanted Aria to know. Have her know that killing Jaha wasn’t his idea, she needed to know he wasn’t that cold hearted.

    Evie again followed behind Finn and Raven, giving her sister some time alone with Bellamy. Reaching the lake, she was relieved to see it wasn’t the part of the river where the serpent was. She walked straight into the water which wasn’t overly deep, her eyes scanned the water as she walked. The sooner someone found the radio, the sooner she’d be able to get away from the happy couple. All Evie focused on was searching for the radio, she stopped when a black object caught her eye. Picking it up from the water, she turned around to face Raven. “Is this it?” She asked as it looked like a radio but Evie still wasn’t sure if it was.

    Raven rushed over and took the radio from Evie, “Yes.” She smiled at the girl before she wiped the radio with her jacket sleeve, “It’s probably going to take a day or so just to dry out all the components. I won’t be able to fix it in time…” Raven sighed heavily before she started to think, “But we don’t need to contact The Ark. We just need to let them know we’re alive,” She smiled as she looked at Finn, she had an idea. She had packed some flares in her pod, they could use them to let The Ark know that they were still alive.
    June 20th, 2017 at 05:43am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    The clarification that Bellamy had done it for his sister eased Aria's heart a little, but only a little. She was still upset that he'd been preventing them from contacting The Ark and had even gone to these lengths to do so, but... At least now she understood why he'd done it all. It didn't make it okay, but she was sure she would have probably done the same in his shoes. She sighed when she heard him talking to her and she looked up at him for a moment. "You could have told me. Of all the people you could have told, I would have understood the desperation to be with your sibling - or even Evie or Octavia," she reminded him quietly.

    "But, you didn't. Instead, you just let me believe that you were doing it all because you were spiteful and because you hated everybody on The Ark. Was that really so much better than telling the truth? If you'd just... Trusted me or us, then we could have found a way to make sure that you wouldn't get killed if The Ark came down, but you instead took every wrong step you possibly could." Sighing, she went to find the others, though she found them in time to see that they'd already found the radio.

    Finn had been relieved when they'd found the radio, but he couldn't help but to worry that it wouldn't work. Was there any hope for it at all? His eyes went to Raven when she spoke and he blinked, pausing for a moment. He knew that look. "What idea do you have?" he asked with curiosity, an eyebrow arching, because he knew Raven. He knew she'd come up with some way to let The Ark know that they were down there, that they were alive, but a part of him worried that she may take it too far, that she may put herself in danger. She wouldn't put anybody else in danger, because that wasn't her style, but she could sometimes be reckless about her own safety.

    His attention went to Evie, though, and he wondered how she was taking all of this. They'd been so close to having a chance to contact and talk to her parents, and it'd been ripped away from her. Raven wouldn't even know the damage caused by all the water until the radio dried out. What if it was irreparable? He hoped that wasn't the case. Evie deserved to talk to her parents. At least there was the chance that they could let her parents and everyone left on The Ark know that they were all alive, though.

    Aria glanced around at everybody when she got there, her gaze settling on the radio. "Once the components are dry... Is there a guarantee that it will work?" she asked after a moment.

    "I doubt it," Finn admitted after a moment from where he was, glancing over before he sighed. "Water damages electronics easily. We won't know how damaged it is until after it dries and Raven takes a look at it. For now, we just have to hope that, whatever her idea is, it will work."
    June 20th, 2017 at 07:33am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Aria was right yet again, if he had just told someone the true reason about why he was against The Ark from coming down. But he hadn’t seen it like that, he thought if he told Aria then she would see him differently and he didn’t want that. But in the end that had happened anyway, and it was all his own fault. He followed behind Aria as she headed over to the lake, he stayed off to the side and just watched the others. He also stayed silent as he honestly had nothing else to say, but it gave him the time to actually observe the small group. Which is when he noticed the tension between Evie and Finn, they weren’t acting like they have been but he also noticed the way the new girl looked at Finn. It wasn’t long before Bellamy guessed what was going on, and it explained the reason Evie wasn’t being herself.

    Raven smiled at she looked at the others, “I brought some flares down with me. They should still be in my drop ship, we can set them off to let The Ark know that we’re down here.” She explained her idea as it should work, the flares should go high enough into the sky for The Ark to see them especially if they did it during the night. “I might be able to get the radio working, but I’m not sure how much damage the water has done or if there’s any damage from when I landed.” She looked over to one of the twins, a little water damage wouldn’t be able to stop Raven. She’d work on the radio until she got it to work, she was determined to make the radio work again.

    “I’ll need to go back to my drop ship, but then I want to open the radio up and start drying it out.” Raven looked to Finn as she could just go with him, she didn’t need the others to follow along. She wanted to spend some time with him, although he had only been on the ground for a week. It felt like ages because it was, he had been locked up for a while before he was thrown onto the drop ship against his own will.

    That was all Evie needed to hear as she turned around and headed over to where Bellamy was, suddenly he didn’t seem like that much of a jerk. Now that she knew why he had acted the way he had, she’d still keep an eye on him especially if Aria decided to give him a second chance.

    “I’m going back to camp, wait for Aria.” Evie told Bellamy who nodded his head lightly, his eyes glanced over to Aria as he wasn’t sure they should be leaving the younger twin alone right now. He didn’t know what to do, he wanted to stay there with Aria and go back to camp with her but Evie wasn’t herself and that was making him worried about her. He didn’t stop her as he didn’t think he had the right to.

    Evie didn’t care if she was walking through the forest on her own, she just couldn’t be around Finn any longer. Besides Monty and Jasper were still waiting for them back at camp, she’d rather surround herself with people she could trust then be near someone who she couldn’t. Aria would be safe with Bellamy and Raven would be safe with Finn, there was no point in Evie sticking around as she wasn’t going to help with the radio or setting the flares off.
    June 20th, 2017 at 11:04am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Aria could hear Evie talking to Bellamy and she glanced over, mildly curious over whether it was a good idea to leave Evie alone right now. They weren't sure whether any Grounders were out and about, after all, but, then... There hadn't been any real attacks from the Grounders since Jasper got attacked. The only person who'd been killed had been Wells, and they'd found out it hadn't had anything to do with the Grounders - the Grounders had just been a scapegoat for that. Aria didn't trust or like the Grounders, but at least they hadn't really been attacking any of them, so she figured her sister might be safe. She was sure Evie needed space right now, too, after everything that happened.

    It seemed Finn had noticed Evie leaving as well, and his eyes went to her as she walked on, his brows pulling together and a small frown forming on his features. It didn't seem like neither Bellamy nor Aria were going to go after her or try to stop her, though. "Um, yeah, okay," he told Raven with a small nod as he looked back at her. "I'm going to head back to the camp. Evie's going alone and I don't really think that's a good idea, since... Well, we haven't had the best luck here on the ground." He offered a small smile, but wasn't sure what else he could say on the subject. "Bellamy and Aria can help you get the flares, I'm sure." Instead of waiting for Raven to respond, he moved to follow after Evie quickly.

    When Finn passed Aria, she found herself staring at him with surprise. What did he think he was doing? She was certain Evie wouldn't be happy having to deal with Finn, especially on her own, and especially after he'd hurt her. Her jaw clenched slightly and she wanted to follow after him, to stop him and take his place to keep an eye on her sister, but she didn't fully trust Bellamy not to mess up the new plan to contact The Ark. While it seemed that he'd accepted that what he'd done wasn't the best choice and that preventing contact from The Ark had only served to cause problems, she wanted to be around to make sure he didn't do anything wrong. Sighing, she looked to Raven. "Let's head to the ship, then," she muttered.

    By then, Finn was catching up with Evie. "Evie, wait up," he called out as he picked up his pace a bit, hoping to catch her attention. But, then, he wondered if that would just make her try to get away from him. He hoped not; they still didn't know how safe it was out here and he didn't want to risk her getting hurt or worse. When he finally did catch up to her, he paused, trying to think of what to say, but words were difficult when he was sure she wouldn't want to talk to him or even listen. And, he knew he deserved that; he'd hurt her, after all. But... He still cared deeply about her and it hadn't been his intention to hurt her. "Can we... Talk?" he asked after a moment, his gaze going to her, "Can I explain things a bit?"
    June 21st, 2017 at 05:05am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    There was no way Bellamy was going to get in the middle of whatever was going on with Evie and Finn, although it was obvious Evie was hurting and that did cause anger to bubble inside of him. He hadn’t known Evie for long or well enough like Aria, but she was important to Aria so Evie was important to him as well. Turning his attention onto Aria and Raven, he moved over to Evie as a confused Raven watched Finn leave. “What did I miss? Should we go after Evie?” He dropped his voice as he didn’t want Raven to hear what was being said, but this wasn’t his way of stopping them from contacting The Ark or letting The Ark know they were still alive. He was finished with all of that, but he was concerned about Evie because he had seen the look Aria had given Finn.

    “I can go keep an eye on her, if you wanted to check on your sister.” He offered to go with Raven to her ship, he didn’t know the girl so he certainly didn’t trust her. Meaning he wasn’t going to leave Aria alone with anyone he didn’t trust, “And I promise not to ruin any chances of contacting The Ark. I’ll just take whatever punishment I get,” Bellamy hoped Aria would at least trust him enough to believe in his words, even if her belief in him was tiny, it was better than nothing. Although he didn’t deserve any trust or belief after everything he has done, it would take a lot of time but he would prove himself to Aria once again that he was a good guy. He wouldn’t stop until she did, even if that meant leaving the camp for go as it would be better without him around.
    Evie squeezed her eyes shut when she heard Finn’s voice behind her, her feet stopped walking as she slowly turned around to face him. “You want to talk, now? Well you can’t, Finn.” She looked at him as she tried to keep herself calm, even when all she wanted to do was unleash her emotions onto him. “You had plenty of chances to talk to me before, tell me that you had a girlfriend on The Ark waiting to come down here and be with you. But you never did mention Raven to anyone, not even when we kissed or had sex. Not once, Finn.” Inhaling a deep breath, Evie fought hard not to let the tears fall down her cheeks. No matter how much she was hurting, she didn’t want to cry in front of him. “You made me fall for you, made me feel safe and all this time you’ve had Raven waiting for you.” Evie wanted to run, to run away from Finn and Raven so she wouldn’t have to see how happy Raven was now that she had her boyfriend back.

    “Don’t worry about explaining anything, everything we did together and whatever was between us is now forgotten. I won’t tell Raven, she doesn’t deserve to be hurt by what we did.” Evie wished she could forget about the time she had spent with Finn, forget about how he made her feel and forget how she felt for him. She wished it was that simple, but it wasn’t and it would take time for her to truly get over him. “Just go be with her…” Evie’s heart seemed to break a little more saying those words, but that’s where he belonged. Raven risked her life coming to the ground, so she could help The Ark know there were survivors. To Evie she seemed like the perfect girlfriend that Finn could have, which is why she wanted to distance herself from him as much as she possibly could.
    June 25th, 2017 at 04:12am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Aria chewed on the inside of her cheek, hoping to bite her tongue because she really didn't want Bellamy to get involved in her sister's business. He'd already hurt her too much, she didn't want him prying into Evie's life and hurting her as well. Settling her gaze on Bellamy, she stared at him for a few moments. "No," she said firmly before she turned to follow Raven. "I'm not telling you what happened and going after her right now will probably only serve to make things worse." While she wanted to be there for her sister, she was also sure that her sister was probably too embarrassed and hurt by the fact that she'd slept with Finn while Finn had a girlfriend. Part of Aria worried that Finn had used her sister and, with Aria's anger right now, she worried that she wouldn't be able to say the right things to cheer up her sister, anyways.

    "The best thing that we can do for Evie right now is get those flares and let The Ark know that we're alive so that no more people die. If anything good can come out of this awful day, it's that." That's what she hoped, anyways. She knew it wouldn't make her sister feel better, it wouldn't heal her pain, but... Knowing that they'd stopped a massacre might at least make it easier for her sister to sleep tonight and Aria wanted to ease Evie's mind, at least a little. "And, right now, we can't waste any time on getting those flares back to camp, Bellamy. I think we've suffered enough losses. There's no reason to add three hundred more deaths to the count."
    "I thought I'd never see her again," Finn said quietly as he watched her, but his heart broke at seeing the pain she was in and hearing the words she spoke to him. "The Ark thought we were dead... We thought The Ark was dying... There wasn't a point in mentioning her when we were all so sure that everything was hopeless, especially with Bellamy preventing contact at every turn." He wasn't blaming Bellamy for this. He knew this was his own fault, but he was trying to get Evie to understand his thought process. He wanted to make it easier for her, get her to understand that what they had done meant a lot to him, that she meant a lot to him, and that he didn't regret it at all. Of course, he knew he should regret it - he felt awful for not regretting it, because it wasn't right. It wasn't fair to Raven, and it wasn't fair to Evie, but... He really had thought that Raven would be dead.

    Dropping his gaze, he paused for a few moments before he moved to step closer to her, soon lifting his gaze to lock on her eyes. "I fell for you, too, Evie," he said quietly as he watched her. "And I can't forget what we did, because I... Because I wanted to do that, to share that, with you. I care about you, Evie. Everything I've ever said to you, I meant it. Everything we've ever done, I meant it. And I can't forget any of it and I can't regret any of it, and maybe that makes me horrible, but... I don't care. The only thing I regret is hurting you, because that is the absolute last thing that I wanted to do. You mean more to me than you can imagine, Evie, and knowing that I put you through this much pain kills me. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
    June 25th, 2017 at 08:01am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    (Sorry if Bellamy’s part isn’t interesting.)

    Bellamy understood why Aria didn’t want to tell him what happened to her sister, he had no right to know either. Not after how he hurt and betrayed not only Aria but all of the delinquents, so he followed behind Raven as she started off towards her ship. He still made sure that Aria was close enough to him in case any Grounders thought of attacking her, but they were still far enough away so he could give her the space she needed. Once they reached the crashed ship, he stood back as Raven rushed forward and grabbed the flares she had brought down with her. Not much was said between the three of them and it was probably for the best, Bellamy didn’t want to say anything else and get himself into more trouble with Aria. “Lead the way back to camp,” Raven spoke to Aria once she held the flares in her hands, this time he walked behind them in the back on the way back to camp.

    Staying silent as he knew he had done enough damage, he wouldn’t even help in building a rocket launcher to get the flares high enough into the sky. No one trusted him right now, he didn’t blame them. He wouldn’t trust himself if he was in their position, he would keep to himself more after this. He wasn’t the right person to lead the group of delinquents, he shouldn’t be in control anymore so he wouldn’t be. He would leave all the decisions up to Clarke or whoever took it upon themselves to lead the group, which is what he should have done in the first place. Yet he was selfish and only thought about himself and keeping himself alive.
    It didn’t matter to Evie that Finn thought he’d never see Raven again, she still wanted to know that he did have a girlfriend on The Ark. None of his words made it easier for her, his words didn’t take the hurt away from what he had done. From what they had done on the same night that Raven was risking her life in the drop ship, a frown pulled her brows together as she looked at Finn. She refused to believe him when he told her that he had also fallen for her, Evie thought if she forced herself to believe he was lying about that then it would be easier for her to move on from him so he could be with Raven again. “You were upset, what we did meant nothing. Nothing at all, Finn.” It was harsh but Evie wasn’t thinking clearly, the words fell from her lips before she turned around and continued heading back to camp.

    She could hear Finn following behind her, but she drowned him out and ignored him as she wanted to get back to camp. So she wouldn’t be alone with him anymore, she wanted to be on her own so she wouldn’t ruin the happiness that could come from Raven if she was able to fix the radio. Everyone needed the hope right now, she would hide herself away from them so everyone could relish in the hope of them contacting The Ark. Arriving back at camp, she had to walk past Monty and Jasper who were trying to welcome her because she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. Instead she sent them a small smile before she crawled into the tent she shared with her sister, laying down the tears finally fell as she curled her body into a ball in the hopes it would protect her heart from any more pain.
    June 26th, 2017 at 06:52am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    When they got back to camp, Aria parted from the group to go find her sister. She passed Monty and Jasper on the way but only said, "Go help Raven with the flares," before she continued on her way to find Evie. Knowing her sister, she was probably holed up alone while everybody else was gathering at the gate. She hoped she didn't end up seeing Finn on her way to find Evie, because she wasn't sure she would be able to stop herself from lashing out at him for hurting her sister. As angry as she had been at Bellamy for what he'd done, it did not even compare to the anger she held for Finn now for hurting her sister as much as he had. And, if she lashed out at Finn, she was sure Raven would get suspicious, and Raven didn't deserve that, just like Evie hadn't deserved what had happened.

    Seeing the tent up ahead, she saw the flap had been disturbed and she made her way over, slipping into the tent. "Evie?" she called quietly, but her heart broke at the sight of her sister. Moving to her bed of cushions, she moved them over to her sister's and set them down before she laid down. Wrapping her arms around Evie, she pulled her close. "It's okay," she murmured, even though she knew it wasn't really okay at all. She knew Evie was hurting terribly and she hated Finn for doing that to her. "Finn's an idiot. Boys are idiots. And I'm so sorry that he hurt you as badly as he did," she murmured quietly, "You don't deserve that at all. You're too good for that."
    "That's not true, Evie!" Finn called to her, but it was too late. She wasn't listening to anything he was saying anymore. She probably didn't even believe anything he'd said and that hurt, but he knew he deserved it. He'd broken her trust, hurt her, done something that she'd probably never forgive him for - not that he was even sure he deserved her forgiveness. He knew he didn't, actually, because she was right. He should have told her about Raven. But... He hadn't been with Evie because he was upset. He genuinely cared about Evie and he wanted to be with her. But it was too late for that and he hated it, hated knowing that it was all his fault and there wasn't anything he could do to make it even remotely better or easier for her.

    Sighing, he ran his hands through his hair when they got back to camp and he watched her walk away to the tent. He didn't follow her or try to stop her. Instead, he looked over when the others showed up, watching them, though he stayed out of Aria's view. While Evie wasn't really wanting to talk to him, he was sure Aria would be pretty difficult if she spotted him. Once she went into the tent, he moved over to Bellamy and Raven. "Is there anything I can do to help with this?" he asked with curiosity. Evie was angry and upset with him, but the least he could do was help let her parents know they could come to Earth.
    June 27th, 2017 at 11:17am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy simply stood there silently, watching as Raven and a few others begun to build a rocket launcher to the best of their ability. His eyes moved over onto Finn when he offered his help, which Raven agreed to and gave him a task to do. But it was the way Raven looked at Finn, she clearly loved him. He was her family, something that Bellamy hadn’t known about although he didn’t actually know about Finn. What he did know was that he had been spending a lot of time with Evie, and now the younger twin was hiding away in her tent. He glanced over at the twin’s tent, only to find Aria climbing inside herself before drawing the zip down. He was tempted to go over and check on them, but he knew he couldn’t. He didn’t have the right to go over to either of them right now, so he would keep his distance from them. It wasn’t long before news of what was going to happen with the flares got around the camp, which is when Bellamy’s eyes scanned over the faces.

    Octavia wasn’t among the group that had come over to watch, not that it would have been something she would have been interested in. She the only person she had left was Bellamy, they didn’t have any family or friends on The Ark so they didn’t need to make contact with anyone. But he would have still expected her to be around somewhere, maybe she was and he just hadn’t seen her. But he’d find her later on as she was probably the only person who liked him right about now, which he honestly didn’t care much about as she was the reason he came down to Earth in the first place.
    Evie slowly opened her eyes when she heard her sister’s voice, she felt the comfort engulf her the moment Aria was holding onto her. And Evie did the same, she gripped onto Aria like she had done when they were younger and Evie woke up from a bad dream. “I wish we never came down here,” Her voice was almost a whisper, but it was the truth. If they hadn’t then neither of them would have met the boy that hurt and betrayed them, if they had stayed on The Ark at least they would still have their parents and each other. They may not have survived on The Ark, but their family would still be together. Evie wiped the tears that were staining her cheeks with the back of her hand, now that she thought about it all she felt stupid for being upset. The Ark was running out of air, that was so much more important than her hurt feelings.

    “Dad was always right, boys do stupid things and won’t ever be good enough for his little girls.” Evie remembered their dad always telling them that, he always had been the typical over protective parent. “I was stupid to think Finn would be any different, he’s not and I know that now.” Although it was a painful lesson, Evie knew just because she wanted to trust everyone, she couldn’t. Some people didn’t deserve it, and those people also weren’t good enough for Evie to waste her time on. “You can go help them with the flares, I’ll be okay. We have to make The Ark see them, I want Mom and Dad back.” Evie’s eyes welled up again with tears, if they had their parents down there with them then they could make everything better.
    July 2nd, 2017 at 03:21am