Cause this is what dreams should always be

  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy had already realised that the noise wasn't one that would come from an animal, for a few seconds his hopes were crushed but then he listened closer and the noise sent a shiver down his spine. It was a horrible sound but it wouldn't stop until he found out what it was, "Yeah. Let's go, but everyone be quiet and keep a watch out around us." He told the small group before his feet begun to carry him towards where the sound was coming from, he had no idea what to expect or what they were going to find. But he imagined the worst he could in hopes that he wouldn't become shocked by what was making the noise, he went mostly straight but did take a few turns here and there. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure that Charlotte wasn't too close to the front, she wasn't as she was the second last in the line that the group had made. He was now regretting letting the little girl come on the hunting mission, he just thought if she saw how to hunt or learnt how to track then people would leave her alone and not bother her because she had something to give to the group.

    It wasn't long before Bellamy stopped walking as he became frozen on the spot, his dark eyes had widened when he saw Atom laying on the dirt ground. His whole body was red and burnt, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen Atom since yesterday which meant he had to have gotten trapped in the yellow fog. "Everyone get back to the drop ship now, Aria bring your sister here." He ordered firmly quickly as he didn't want anyone else to see what had happened to one of their own, but he still heard a few gasps and he hoped one didn't come from Charlotte.
    Evie's smile only widened when Jasper and Monty both blushed, it was so adorable to her. "I will have to get them used to compliments, it'll be my pleasure to." She smiled knowing she'd have a lot of fun giving them compliments whenever she was around them, she honestly didn't even understand why neither Jasper nor Monty had girlfriends on The Ark. But she guessed it was because they were probably considered nerds or geeks, but she'd much rather date one of them than other guys that are on The Ark. She smiled when Monty and Jasper bickered a little about Evie giving them compliments, she looked over at Finn and shrugged her shoulders at his comment. "I'll take all the fans that I can get, but I already know who my favourite two fans are and always will be." She spoke knowing that she'd never actually get many fans among the group, that wasn't something that bothered her unless it became a problem like it did yesterday when Murphy tried to start something with her.

    Her attention was caught when she heard voices from outside the drop ship, she frowned when it seemed like the hunting group had returned. They hadn't even been out there for long so they either already found an animal or something happened, "They shouldn't be back this soon." She murmured more so to herself than to the guys, she turned around so she could see the entrance of the drop ship. She was waiting to see if Aria was back or if the group outside had just gotten louder, for some reason.
    March 17th, 2015 at 12:55am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    It was the stuff of nightmares, seeing Atom burnt and blistered like that. It surprised Aria that she hadn't had a panic attack right then and there. Instead, the girl nodded slightly to Bellamy's words, eyes wide with shock. She tried to make sure that Charlotte wouldn't see it, but she couldn't really do that when Bellamy was telling her to get Evie. Still, it took her a few moments to actually move and, when she did, she ran. She had never liked running, but she knew that she had to hurry and get to her sister - and, in the process, hurry and get away from the sight of Atom in that horrific state.

    It didn't take her long to get back to the drop ship and, when she did, she immediately searched for Evie, causing her to rush into the ship. "Evie!" she called out before dropping to her knees, gasping for breath. "It's Atom, he's really hurt. We don't know what happened." She was almost shaking and she wasn't sure if it was because of the shock or if she was still trying to catch her breath. Either way, she forced herself to her feet. "C-C'mon, he needs help."
    "Oh, that's not fair. I figured I'd be one of your favorite fans, too," Finn joked lightly. All joking seemed to disappear, though, when the group outside got louder and he blinked, looking towards the entrance. He wasn't sure what was going on but, really, it didn't sound good. It sounded panicked and hectic and he couldn't help but wonder what was going on or what wad causing everybody to get so loud all of the sudden. He didn't have time to voice his questions, though, because Aria had rushed in, looking shaken and paler. "What's going on?" he asked quietly, though it seemed to take her a moment or so to gather herself.

    When she started explaining that something had happened to Atom, he immediately began wondering if it had something to do with Jasper. Standing immediately, he looked to Evie. "I'll grab your med kit, in case he needs it," he told her before he moved to grab it and held out a hand to help Evie up. He wasn't really sure what wad going on or what happened to Atom, but he hoped that it wasn't too bad. By the looks of Aria, though, it was enough to freak somebody out.
    June 10th, 2015 at 10:36am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy watched as Aria begun to run back towards camp, he turned back to Atom and knelt down beside him as he had actually liked the guy. Apart from how close he was getting to his sister, but now he felt horrible about what he said to Atom the last time they saw each other. "I'm sorry," He whispered to Atom as his stomach dropped, it was obvious that Atom was suffering with so much pain and he hoped that the twins wouldn't take much longer so Atom could be put out of his misery. He didn't want to touch Atom to comfort him because he knew that he'd only cause more pain, but he hoped that just having Bellamy there with Atom was comfort enough. He continued to glance around as he waited for the twins, it seemed like hours before he heard noise coming from the direction that Aria had left in.

    "Do whatever you can to help him, do anything." Bellamy looked at Evie when she arrived with her sister and Finn, he hadn't expected Finn to tag along but he guessed that he could help the twins. Bellamy was concerned about Aria as she had become rather pale, his eyes stayed focused on Aria but he did move backwards a little to give Evie as much space as she needed.
    Evie had been smiling at Finn when her attention was captured by her sister, panic instantly filled her body from how Aria appeared to be. Something very bad had happened, so she let Finn help her to her feet before he grabbed her medic kit. "Lead the way," She told her sister even though she wanted Aria to stay in the drop ship, whatever she had seen had freaked her out but Evie had no idea where she needed to go. So she followed behind her sister as she begun to run through the camp and out into the forest, she stayed close and she could hear Finn right behind her. She had lost track of time as they ran but when Aria stopped and Evie's eyes landed on Atom, the breath left her body from the state Atom was in. His skin was burnt and blistering, she could only think of one thing that could have caused this and that was the fog.

    She took her medic kit from Finn's hand and rushed to Atom's side, "Go back to camp Aria. Now," She told her sister firmly as she didn't want her anywhere near Atom, she had seen enough and Evie knew that her sister didn't deal well when it came to blood or seeing someone in pain. She searched through her kit until she found a piece of sharp of metal that she had found broken off in the drop ship, "Everything will be okay now. I promise to stop all the pain," She whispered to Atom before she begun to quietly hum a tune that her mother used to put both her and Aria to sleep, when they were children. She placed the metal at the side of Atom's neck and pierced it through his flesh, she watched as Atom's eyes slowly closed as he passed away. She pulled the metal away and looked at her hand, Atom's blood was staining her skin now.
    June 10th, 2015 at 11:46am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Aria wasn't really entirely sure that she could manage to make it back to the drop ship, but she still nodded to her sister's words. It was almost strange, having her sister worry about her when she was usually the more protective one. But, then, she knew that her sister was well aware of how much seeing blood and seeing people in pain disturbed her. Nodding slowly, she tried to regain her composure. "A-Alright," she murmured quietly before she turned and, though it took her a few moments to move, ran off again. She wasn't sure what her sister would do or if Evie could even help Atom, but she tried not to think about it.

    Before long, she paused in her steps, her breathing hitching slightly. There was plenty of space between her and the blistered body of Atom, but the image was still ingrained in her mind. She tried to take a few deep breaths to calm herself, knowing that she couldn't afford to panic again, not with her sister not too far away and not after she had had one just yesterday. On top of that, there was the chance that other members of the group might spot her and think that she was weak.
    Finn watched everything quietly, his attention going to Evie as he listened to her tell her sister to leave. He still wasn't used to the protective ways that siblings seemed to have, especially the twins. But, he could tell that Evie was likely sending Aria away for her own good - except that left the burden of dealing with Atom entirely on Evie. Was that fair to Evie, for her to burden herself with something like this without the comfort that her sister might provide? He tried not to think too deeply into his own thoughts and instead listened to Aria's retreating footsteps, his eyes focused on Evie. How they could be so different and so similar was beyond him.

    Before he knew it, Evie was humming and he blinked slowly as he stared at her. Listening to her, he was surprised with how pleasant a simple hum was - except it also seemed foreboding, a clear sign that something was going to happen. He didn't know what the something was until it happened, until Evie drove the metal into Atom's neck. His eyes widened in surprise, but he understood easily; there must not have been anything that Evie could have done for Atom. "Are you okay?" he asked her quietly.
    June 11th, 2015 at 07:13am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy stood up and started walking away when he saw Evie pull out the piece of sharp metal, he knew exactly what was coming and he wasn't brave enough to watch someone die. He was walking back towards the camp when he noticed Aria, she had stopped running and it was clear to him that she was trying to calm herself down so she wouldn't have a panic attack. He made his way over to her and placed his hand over her shoulder, her gently turned her around so she was facing him before he pulled her into his arms. "Shh I've got you, Aria. It's okay now, you don't have to worry about a thing." He whispered to her as he rested his cheek on the top of her head, he wasn't sure if he was even helping her or not but he hoped that he was.

    "We'll have to go searching for more food today, maybe we could even find some animals or apples." He told her in hopes that he'd take her mind off of Atom, although the image of a blistered Atom would never leave his mind. He just had to think about something else, just like Aria would have to do if she wanted to stop herself from having a panic attack. He held her tightly against his body and even started to rock lightly from side to side.
    Evie was still staring at the blood on her hand when Finn's voice broke through her mind, she reached down to wipe the piece of metal and her hand on some grass to somewhat clean Atom's blood off her. "Yeah," She answered as she squeezed her eyes shut tightly, she inhaled and exhaled slowly so she wouldn't begin to cry. She pushed herself up onto her feet but she was a little wobbly on her feet, "We need to bury him with the other's." She looked at Finn as they had buried the two boys would had copied Finn in the drop ship, they were floating around when the drop ship crashed and they were killed.

    She didn't care about herself, she just didn't want Aria to see Atom in that state or see her kill him. She tried to hold her emotions back but she had just taken a life, her Dad had made sure that she didn't see death on the Ark and now she was killing someone. She knew deep down that it was the right thing and it was the only thing that she could do for Atom, but she still felt so bad about it. "I'm sorry you had to see that," She apologized to him as tears were beginning to well up in her eyes.
    June 11th, 2015 at 09:36am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    It took a few moments for Aria to process that she was in somebody's arms - even longer for her to realize that it was Bellamy. Almost on instinct, her arms wound around him and she clung tightly to the comfort that Bellamy was providing. All the while, she tried to control her breathing because she didn't want to worry him. Nodding to his words, she tried to let herself believe him, that he had her, that it was okay, and that there wasn't anything to worry about.

    She nodded again when he started suggesting that they should find more food soon. It was easy for her to know what he was doing - she had tried to distract herself enough that she knew the ways that people tried to distract themselves. "O-Okay," she murmured.
    The moment that Finn saw the tears in Evie's eyes, he was quick to move. Going closer to her, he wrapped his arms tightly around her and shifted them so that she wouldn't have to see Atom's corpse anymore. Knowing that she was probably inwardly freaking out with the guilt, like he had when those two boys had died trying to copy and follow him, he tried his best to calm her down, to distract her. "You did the right thing, Evie," he told her quietly, "He was suffering. You showed him mercy."

    His arms tightened around her and he rubbed her back gently, trying to help her relax. It was a little painful for him to see her like that. "It's okay, Evie. Everything's okay. We'll go back in a little while and have the others come back to get him. You'll be okay."
    June 11th, 2015 at 10:09am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy knew that he wasn't really doing much for Aria, he honestly didn't know what else he could do or say to make her feel any better. "Tell me what I can do," He spoke to her softly as he just wanted her to be fine and to feel even a little bit better than how she was feeling now, if she had another panic attack then he wasn't sure if he could keep it from her sister. He knew that he should have already told Evie but he wanted Aria to trust him, he wasn't sure why but he did so he'd still keep this just between them. At least for now, if she continued to be this overcome with emotions then he'd probably have to tell Evie so they could both take care of Aria.

    "I should go get your sister, she'd want to know and be here for you." He told her even if he knew the answer that she'd give him, he felt bad because Evie could probably calm her down better than he was. "I don't know what to do to help you," He admitted to her but he kept her wrapped tightly in his arms.
    Evie's tears were quickly rolling down her cheeks and she instantly leaned into him when his arms wrapped around her body, she held onto him tightly as her body was racked with sobs. She couldn't hold it in any longer and she was glad that it was Finn who was there for her, "It h-hurts." She managed to get out as she cried, it hurt knowing she had taken Atom's life. Even if he was suffering and would only be in constant pain, Evie loved to help people and make them feel better. She hadn't ever thought she'd need to end someone's life, especially not this soon after landing on Earth.

    She buried her face into his shirt as she cried onto his shoulder, she wasn't even sure how long they had been standing there holding onto each other. But it was what Evie needed, she needed to be comforted by someone she trusted and she preferred that it was Finn over Aria. If her sister was there than it would give her another reason to worry about Evie.
    June 11th, 2015 at 12:58pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Aria's eyes closed tightly as she tried to distract herself with something, anything. She couldn't focus, though, not when it felt like her throat and chest were constricting and burning from the difficulty of keeping her breathing steady. It made her feel weak and pathetic for her to be this affected by just seeing something like that. How was she supposed to survive on Earth with whatever was out there when she couldn't even handle seeing somebody in a state like that?

    His words made her fingers curl tightly, to the point that her knuckles were white. "Y-You said you wouldn't," she gasped out, though it had been difficult to process what he said at first. Still, the thought of her sister finding out and worrying about her wasn't something that she wanted. "J-Just... D-Distract me, pl-please." Because she wasn't doing very well trying to do it herself, it seemed.
    Finn understood what she meant, entirely. His arms tightened around her gently and he rubbed her back in soothing and comforting motions and patterns in hopes of helping her in some way. "I know," he murmured quietly as he pressed a hand to the back of her head, keeping her face against him to show that it was okay that she cry. He couldn't blame her, really. "I know it hurts. But, he was in a lot of pain, Evie. You did what was right, what you had to do. I'm sure he's grateful for it."

    He wasn't sure if any if his words were the right thing to say; he just knew that hearing her cry hurt him and all he wanted to do was to stop her tears and ease her pain. "It's okay, Evie," he whispered again, pressing his face into her hair, his hands still at the back of her head and rubbing her back gently. "Cry as much as you need to, okay? If it helps ease the pain, then you need it," he told her quietly.
    June 12th, 2015 at 06:05am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy nodded his head slightly, "Alright. I won't tell her," He promised as his fingers begun to draw different patterns on Aria's back to sooth her, "If we were alone on Earth and didn't have people wanting to attack us. What would you want to do?" He asked her to get her talking and hopefully get her to think about something nicer, "I'd love to go exploring. See everything that Earth has to offer, go hiking and just breath in the fresh air." He told her softly as he'd never consider Aria to be weak, just because she was affected after seeing Atom's body. He knew a lot of people in camp would have been affected, he was because no one had been expecting to see anything like that.

    "You aren't the only one who is freaking out over this, I am too." He whispered to her in case she was feeling like she was alone in feeling the way she was, he moved one of his hands up her back and let his fingers move through her dark hair. He placed his fingers on the back of her neck and started to gently massage her neck, his fingers sometimes stroking her curly hair as he waited for her answer.
    Evie continued to cry onto Finn's shoulder, she did listen to his voice and she did know that she had done the right thing. But right now it didn't feel like the right thing, she knew it just had to settle into her mind that Atom had been in so much pain and she had helped him. Her fingers balled into fists taking some of Finn's shirt into her palms as she held onto him, it seemed like a decent amount of time had passed before she begun to calm down. Her tears slowed before stopping completely, but she didn't move away from Finn because she really did like being in his arms and just being that close to him.

    She used one hand to wipe the tears from her eyes and cheeks, she looked at him and sighed softly. "Your right, I knew this would happen eventually. I didn't expect it to happen so quickly," She told him softly before she leaned back against his body, this time her head rested on his shoulder but her forehead was pressed to the side of his neck. "Thank you, Finn." She wanted him to know how grateful she was that he was there and that he comforted her when she needed someone.
    June 12th, 2015 at 10:00am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Aria was relieved to hear him assure her that he wouldn’t tell her sister. Not only did she not want her twin to worry, but Aria was the older twin – she was supposed to be strong and protect her younger sister, not be the one to need the assurance. Hearing the topic he had decided to talk about, she listened quietly before she nodded to his decision to his own question. “I’d want to keep an eye out for all of the birds and keep track of the different types that I saw,” she answered quietly, though her words were entirely honest. “And see the ocean. I’ve always wanted to see the ocean up close, instead of from space.”

    It surprised her how easy it was to talk about these types of things with Bellamy. The only other person that she had ever spoken so easily to was Evie. Hearing his later words, though, her fingers curled tighter into his shirt and she nodded slightly. “I know,” she murmured after a few moments, because who wouldn’t be affected by something like that? Still, feeling his fingers massage her neck and stroke her hair helped to calm her down quite a bit.
    Finn wasn’t sure what he could to help her, but she seemed okay enough. She was crying, sure, but at least she wasn’t falling into some sort of despair. Keeping her close, he continued rubbing her back gently in hopes of it helping, though he soon noticed that her tears were ceasing. He felt relieved, seeing that no more tears were falling from her eyes. Though all he had really done was give her comfort and attempt to calm her down, he was at least glad to see that she had calmed down at all – and, if there was any small amount of what he did that calmed her down, that was even better, in his opinion.

    Helping her wipe her tears, he offered a small smile and nodded slowly to her words. “It’s okay now, though,” he assured her quietly, “At least he’s out of misery now. You helped him as much as you could, I’m sure he’d be thankful for it in the end.” He wasn’t sure if his words would help and part of him wondered if he should just shut his mouth before he dug himself into a hole that he couldn’t climb out of. He blinked, though, to her gratitude and stared at her. After a moment, he smiled and nodded. “You’re welcome, Evie.”
    July 20th, 2015 at 04:12am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    July 20th, 2015 at 04:12am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy smiled as he listened to what Aria wanted to do now that they were on Earth, "Birds? I wouldn't have taken you for someone who is interested in birds," He told her honestly but he actually liked that she was interested in something from just reading books about it on the Ark, although he was the same with wanting to explore. His mother already brought him books that explorers had written about different parts of the world, he mostly liked reading about mountains and having to relay on himself or a small team of like minded people. "Well maybe if we find the ocean, I could take you there." He let a slightly smug smirk form across his lips as he kept Aria close to his body, he wasn't asking her out because he had no idea how close the ocean was to them. But if he ever did find one then he would actually take her there.

    "We'll be fine," He assured her quietly even though he wasn't actually sure if they would be, after Jasper's attack and the acid fog that came out of no where. He couldn't be certain about the group's safety but he wouldn't let anyone know how he felt, he would continue to reassure everyone that they would be okay as long as they worked together.
    Evie knew that she had helped Atom and she had ended his misery, but even knowing that didn't make her feel much better at that moment. "I know, I just hadn't expected something like this to happen so quickly after we landed." She told him softly as she had decided to stay in his arms for as long as she possibly could, she felt safe standing with Finn's arms securely wrapped around her body and she never wanted that feeling to end. "You're right, which I'm not going to admit very often so don't get used to it." She told him in an attempt to lighten their moods, she wasn't sure if it even worked but right now Evie was putting all her attention onto Finn so she wouldn't think about Atom any more.

    "Should we head back now? We'll need to have some of the guys bring Atom back... we need to bury him," Evie was nearly brought back to tears at mentioning Atom, but he deserved to be buried and have everyone say goodbye to him. Evie hadn't known him when they were on the Atom, but he pulled his weight around camp and he seemed like a really great guy.
    July 21st, 2015 at 11:30am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Oh, I love birds!" Aria said quickly, her worries having disappeared quite a bit now that they were talking about something other than her distress. "They always look so free in pictures. I can't imagine anything more wonderful than that, especially after living in space my entire life." Maybe it was odd to think like that, considering she hadn't exactly been in any way mistreated on the Ark like the others had, but she was sure that the Ark had felt like a cage to everybody, even others of the higher class aboard the Ark like herself and her sister. She blinked, though, when he commented about the ocean, and she lifted her gaze to him, eying him for a long moment before she let a slight grin form on her features. "Careful there, Bellamy. I might start thinking that you're trying to flirt."

    She felt fairly relaxed by now and she was more than grateful for it. Though she wasn't sure if Bellamy was right about them being fine, she was at least glad he had said it. Despite everything, she hoped that he was right, that they would be fine. It was difficult to believe, considering everything that had happened, but she could still hope. "Yeah, you're right," she decided quietly with a small nod, "We'll be fine."
    Finn was certain that none of them had expected any of this. How could they possibly expect for there to be some enemy out there who could easily kill them when Earth wasn't supposed to have any human inhabitants at all? Then again, who knew if whoever had attacked Jasper was even human? On top of that, they definitely hadn't expected some toxic fog to show up out of nowhere - and they certainly hadn't expected to end up losing one of their own to it. "At least we'll be better prepared now, more cautious," he told her quietly before he let his gaze rest on her. "Everything will be better once we get used to all of this, I'm sure." Though, really, he wished that they wouldn't have to get used to it at all - it was terrifying. He grinned, though, and shook his head. "I don't care about being right. I just want you to be okay."

    Deciding that she was right about having somebody bring Atom back so that they could bury him, he nodded. "Yeah, let's go," he murmured gently before he stood up fully and held a hand out to her to help her up. "We'll have somebody come and get him and then we can relax and try to recover from everything," he suggested, knowing that she probably needed a little downtime after something this traumatic.
    August 8th, 2015 at 07:15am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    "I never thought about it like that actually, it makes sense. And being able to fly anywhere that I wanted, would be really nice." Bellamy commented as he hadn't ever thought about that, he never liked to think about being free as when he was on the Ark. He knew that he would never be free, but he did make him realise that he and the rest of the group were in fact free now. Of course they still had to protect themselves but they were free from the Ark and all the control that the adults had over all the children, "We're free now. I some extent but it's better than nothing," He looked at Aria before he rolled his eyes and scoffed playfully at what she said, "Flirting? Now why would I want to flirt with you," He teased as he wouldn't have minded flirting with Aria, he wasn't blind. He saw how beautiful she was and she was strong willed, which was even sexier to him but he would keep all of that to himself.

    He kept his attention focused on Aria and raised an eyebrow at her, it was obvious that she had calmed down from her panic attack but he was still a little on edge about her. "I'm right? Wow, I never thought I'd hear you say that. I wouldn't mind hearing it again," He sent her a cheeky grin as he wanted to lighten her mood even more.
    Evie didn't want to leave Atom there all alone but she knew that she had to, she doubted if Finn would leave her there by herself. She also didn't know if she'd be able to look at Atom's dead body or not, so she took Finn's hand and stood up from the ground. "As long as we get him back as quick as we can," She hated to think about Atom laying there on his own, she hadn't actually known Atom but the thought of him being alone sent a shiver down her spine. He had already been alone and suffering for probably hours, but it also wasn't safe for her or even Finn to stay there with Atom. Animals could be curious and come over or the people who attacked Jasper could be watching, it was safer for them both to just stay together and have a small group come for Atom so no one was put at risk.

    Evie begun to walk along the path with Finn right beside her, she was glad that it had been him that was there to comfort her. She didn't want Aria to see her in the state she had been in after killing Atom, it was also nice to know that Finn could comfort her so when her sister wasn't around then she could always go find Finn if things were getting to much for Evie.
    August 9th, 2015 at 04:21am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Aria had to agree that it would be nice to fly anywhere. "That would come in handy for finding an ocean," she joked lightly, though she knew that it was also true. If they could fly, they'd get to see the ocean and the thought of it was a rather nice one. It was too bad that it was probably impossible for them to get the chance to ever see the ocean, much less to actually fly. Deciding that it didn't matter entirely, though, she offered a small smile and nodded in agreement to the free comment. They still had plenty of problems, sure, but at least they weren't confined in space anymore. "Oh? So that wasn't flirting? You could have fooled me. Then again, maybe you're just not as smooth as all the girls back at camp seem to think that you are." It was easy to talk with him like this, surprisingly, and she wasn't entirely sure how that was possible.

    Looking up at him, she grinned with amusement. "Hey, I may not really like telling somebody they're right - especially you, who's clearly planning to milk the statement, - but there's no point in not telling somebody when they're right. That doesn't mean that you're going to hear me repeat it for the same reason. Maybe if you're right about something else, though, I'll say it again."
    Finn didn't release his hold on Evie and, instead, kept a firm hold on it. Looking ahead, he occasionally glanced down at her to make sure that she was okay. His thumb even rubbed over her hand gently in hopes of providing extra comfort for her in case she needed it, which he was sure that she needed after everything that had just transpired. "I'm sure they'll get him back quickly," he assured her, though he was sure that he could figure out why she was so worried about that given everything else that had happened lately. He gave her hand a small squeeze and he offered a small smile towards her. "For now, though, we need to get back there and let you relax a bit. It's been a hard day already, after all." Hopefully, nothing else would happen today, though he wasn't sure if they would be lucky enough as to avoid something like that - Earth had proven to be rather dangerous lately.

    Eventually, he released his hold on her hand and instead wrapped his arm around her shoulders and drew her close to himself. Though part of him tried to convince himself that it was solely for her comfort, he already knew fairly well that it was also because he wanted her close to himself. He couldn't really figure out why exactly, but he knew that he at least had an attraction to Evie - perhaps it was a stronger attraction than he originally anticipated.
    August 9th, 2015 at 07:34am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    "Hey, I'm sure we could find the ocean on our own." Bellamy grinned as he liked this side of Aria, she wasn't serious or focused on keeping her sister safe. She was relaxed and could crack a few jokes with him, which he hadn't expected but really liked. He was only serious when the time needed him to step up in that way, otherwise he did know how to have a good time and he often did. At first he thought Aria was going to be exactly like Clarke and he would have hated that, one Clarke was more than enough for the group. "Are you being mean to me on purpose? I am smooth, you just ask any girl at camp and she'll tell you all about me." He grinned although he wasn't being cocky or full of himself, he was going along with Aria as he didn't think he was smooth when it came to the opposite sex. But if Aria thought that he was smooth than he wouldn't be complaining about it, it was better than her thinking he was this angry jerk.

    He couldn't stop the smile from forming across his face as he looked at her, "Of course I'm going to milk it. Who wouldn't? I'm just glad that you can admit that I am right, I haven't heard that in a very long time." He told her as he wasn't used to people listening to him and taking notice of his words, on the Ark it never happened and that was one thing that Bellamy was going to make sure changed now that he was on the Earth.
    Evie had to stop herself several times about thinking about Atom, she focused on keeping her breathing steady and the feeling of Finn's hand holding her's. The way her skin tingled when his thumb rubbed her hand, she knew that she couldn't think about Atom anymore otherwise she would start crying again. She knew that whoever they asked to bring Atom back to camp would do it as quickly as they could, but that also meant that they would have to make a couple of people see Atom in the state that he was in. Which is why Evie had already picked out three guys that she felt like could handle having to bring Atom back to camp, which wasn't nice to think about but it needed to be done. She looked at Finn as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, they were walking together and it would have been easy for Evie to enjoy the moment and forget about everything else that was going on.

    "When have we ever relaxed here?" She asked as a small smile settled on her lips, the only time that they had relaxed hadn't ended well. A huge snake had nearly attacked her and Jasper had gotten hurt, Evie didn't see herself relaxing for a long time if things continued to happen to the group although she wished that she was allowed to relax even for a short time.
    August 9th, 2015 at 12:00pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Looking down at her, Finn hoped that he was managing to provide her some sort of comfort, though he couldn't be too sure how well he was doing. He was trying at least, though, and that was what mattered, wasn't it? The thought? Regardless, he rubbed her shoulder gently and turned his attention ahead so as to avoid making her uncomfortable if she noticed him staring at her with concern. He didn't want to make her feel bad or worse or anything. He just wanted to make sure that she was okay, but he didn't want to put any extra stress on her. "I guess you're right about that," he said honestly, though he offered a small smile in consolation and lifted his shoulders in a slight shrug. "But, I'm sure we'll get the chance to relax eventually. We just... have to wait for the right opportunity, I guess."

    Of course, he wasn't sure if they would ever really get an opportunity to relax or not, but he knew that it was at least worth hoping for. Things had been hectic for all of them ever since the moment that they first arrived on Earth. They needed a good day of relaxation for once. "We just have to wait," he repeated with a quiet sigh.
    A low scoff and a roll of the eyes was what Aria offered as a response to Bellamy's words. "I'm not being mean," she said casually, though she did end up sticking her tongue out at him in a slightly childish manner. "I'm just saying, it's not really something that I would expect." She lifted her shoulders up in a slight shrug and backed away from him a bit to straighten her clothes out as they had gotten ruffled from her panic attack and from being so close to Bellamy when he tried to comfort her. "But, you do seem to have quite a few admirers. I almost feel bad for them, because you seem like a heart-breaker." She offered a small laugh, then, but she felt a bitter twinge in her chest at her own words. Shaking that away in hopes of avoiding it being noticed, she offered a small smile up to him.

    "Unlike most people, I don't have a reason not to admit when somebody's right. If they're right, they're right. Who would I be to avoid agreeing with it when I know that it would just be pointless?" Tilting her head to the side slightly, she let herself relax a bit before she sighed. "Should we head back to camp now?"
    September 28th, 2015 at 03:45am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy couldn't help but let out a chuckle when Aria mentioned that he seemed to be a heart breaker, "I wouldn't say that. Why would I refuse any pretty girl if she wants to give me her heart? I'm a guy and I'm not a stupid one," He spoke although he wasn't the type of guy that would use anyone in a negative way, he had seen what his mother went through on the Ark when a guard thought he could just use her for his own pleasure. He had hated how his mother was treated but she never listened to him when he told her that she could do so much better, he would never let himself turn into a man like that. However if a girl came over to him and flirted then he wasn't going to stop himself from having some fun, he looked at Aria as she straightened her clothes out. "You have a point there, but I admit that I did take you for someone who wouldn't like to admit when someone else was right. I'm sorry but I appear to be wrong," He told her honestly as he was completely wrong about her and he was glad that he was.

    "Yeah," Bellamy nodded his head, "We should head back now. We'll have a lot to do and we'll probably need to keep people calm after what happened," He sighed heavily as he wasn't looking forward to returning to the camp, "How should we tell them what happened to Atom?" He asked hoping she had a good idea because he didn't, if he needed to tell the group what happened then he would most likely blurt it all out and that would make him seem like he didn't care. When he really did. So he begun to walk back towards the camp with Aria still by his side.
    "Waiting and I don't get along that well," Evie told him quietly as she could be the most patient person around which was exactly like how her dad was, and the reason why she was so interested in becoming a doctor. But she still didn't like to wait for many things, it was a trait that she got from her mom. As she continued to walk with Finn her eyes were scanning the area around them, she knew better than to let her guard down but she was also still alert from seeing Atom in the condition that he had been in. She lost track of time and before she realised it, they had returned to the camp but Evie didn't waste any time. She found the three guys that she had in mind and told them exactly what they had to do, what to expect as she didn't want them to get to Atom's body and freak out. She told them the spot where to find him and that they needed to bring him back carefully, she couldn't bare going back but if they followed the trail then they would be fine. As she watched the boys leave, she could hear whispers sounding around her but as she looked at the faces of everyone she couldn't find Aria.

    "I can't... I need to clean up," Evie spoke quietly to Finn as she still had Atom's blood on her hands, she needed water to wash her hands but she wasn't going to waste any that had been brought to the camp. "I'll be fine, you've been through a lot today too." She looked at him even if she wanted him there with her, she wasn't going to keep dragging him around but she also didn't want to wait for her sister to return. Aria had never seen her like this, in fact their dad made sure to never let them see him or anyone else with blood on them. It was his way of protecting them further from how the real world was, even on the Ark there were times when surgeries were needed.
    September 28th, 2015 at 11:52am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    On a normal occasion, Finn probably would have teased Evie about being impatient, but he knew that that would be inconsiderate at the moment. She didn't need jokes, she needed somebody to be sympathetic for her after what she just had to do. He knew it was necessary for her to have somebody to be near her in case she needed a shoulder to cry on, in case the burden of ending somebody's life, regardless of whether it was merciful or not, was too much for her to bear or carry on her own. He watched as she spoke to the three guys, but he didn't interrupt them. It was necessary for somebody to get Atom's body and bring him back, after all, so that they could bury him. He might have even offered to help, too, if it weren't for the fact that he wanted to be near Evie in case she needed him - or anybody, for that matter. Looking down at her, he noticed that she was looking around a bit, but he didn't bother her.

    Not until she spoke, anyways. Nodding slightly, he watched her. "Yeah, you probably do," he murmured honestly, though he frowned at her later words. "No, I think it'd be best to stick around you. It's not ideal to leave you alone right now." She could break down, after all. Or her thoughts could get to her and something worse could happen. Not that he really thought she was like that, of course, but some people couldn't handle the thought of killing somebody - hell, even he didn't like the idea that he might have to get his hands dirty with somebody else's blood if they stayed on Earth, where they clearly had enemies. "Come on. Let's go get you cleaned up, then you can relax. You deserve that much after the day."
    "Because the pretty girls are usually the crazy ones," Aria pointed out with amusement, though she was honestly just joking. She didn't doubt that some girls were crazy, of course, because she had seen proof of it several times before. They were competitive, obsessive, jealous, and anything that related to that nature. Shrugging the thought away, she turned her attention ahead as they walked, but she was amused with his later words. "Of course you're wrong. In case you haven't noticed yet, all of your judgments about my sister and I have been wrong, haven't they?" She was sure that he had probably expected them to be lazy, maybe stuck-up and prissy. Maybe he expected that they might think that they shouldn't have to do anything at all to be productive within the group - which couldn't be further from the truth, but she was pretty sure he had probably already realized that much by now.

    But, then, the conversation had taken a more serious turn and she wasn't entirely sure how to answer. She stayed quiet for a few moments as she thought of what she could say but she eventually sighed. "We'll have to break it to them gently, but we can't sugarcoat it. It'd be best to tell them what we suspect happened so that they'll know to be more cautious to avoid this happening again. We'll have to be prepared for any questions they might ask and we'll have to be ready in case the entire situation stirs up panic." Not that she was really one to talk, given that she had just had a panic attack herself.
    September 29th, 2015 at 04:40am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy could have let his next comment go, but he couldn't hold it back. "You must be crazy then, I'm glad that I've found out now." He spoke with a cheeky grin on his face, Aria had walked into that herself and why wouldn't he tell her that she was pretty. She was extremely pretty in his eyes and he wasn't going to suddenly become shy around a pretty girl, he felt like she deserved to hear something nice considering she hadn't really made many friends since landing on the Earth. "Yes, all my judgments have been wrong about you and your sister. But what did you expect from me? Of course I would expect you both to be different than what you are, I never spoke to you and you didn't really spend much time among us." He lifted his shoulders in a slight shrug, he still knew that the group continued to think like that about the twins. It would take some time for the twins to fully prove themselves among the group, but when it did happen then hopefully everything would go a bit more smoothly than it has been at camp. They had people out there wanting to harm them, they didn't need that from people within the group as that would only cause more bodies to pile up on their side.

    He nodded his head as she agreed, "I wasn't going to sugarcoat it for them. But what do we say if someone asks for the person who ended Atom's pain? I don't want to lie to them, but I also don't want all hell to break loose if they know it was your sister. They already don't trust her, I just don't want to make things worse for you two." He admitted what his concern was about telling the group what happened to Atom, he wasn't sure if he wanted more people to know that he couldn't end Atom's suffering himself. He had to ask Evie to do it for him, he still felt sick to the stomach about it as he had seen blood before briefly when he shot Chancellor Jaha but that is all he has ever done before.
    Evie wasn't going to argue with Finn, she didn't have the energy for it honestly and she wanted him to join her. She felt safe when he was close to her, something she had only ever felt with her parents and sister. "Thank you," She whispered to him before she walked out of the camp once again with him, she wasn't going to head back to the lake where the water snake was. But she had heard water running in a different direction so she guided Finn along with her, the walk was silent but it was comfortable. Evie didn't really know what else to say, she was still dealing with Atom as it was her first time seeing anything like that. But once they had reached the smaller lake and she had checked that there wasn't anything in the water that wanted to kill them, she stepped onto a rock and bent down so she could wash her hands. She shook her head lightly when she noticed Finn had decided to take a dunk in the cool water, "I didn't think that is why we came here." Evie looked at him and she couldn't help but smile, it was the simple things he did that made her feel better.

    But a frown soon formed on her face when she watched Finn move closer to her, "Don't even think about it Finn." She warned him when she saw the cheekiness fill his dark brown eyes, "Be careful." She reached forward when he slipped, she held onto his hand as she didn't want him to hurt himself. But it backfired on her when she was pulled into the water, "Finn" She splashed him before she relaxed as the cool water surrounded her body and it did feel really nice, "I knew you'd do something like this." She looked at him and gave him a true smile as everything was pushed to the back of her mind, at least for the time being.
    September 29th, 2015 at 07:27am