it doesn't come easy.

  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Lennox looked at Danny as he finished his vows. She had never loved him more than she did right in this moment. He looked amazing and everything he was saying was amazing. Lennox listened to the preacher then watched as Danny slipped the ring onto her finger. She did the same for him then kissed him at the end of the ceremony. She let her hand rest on his cheek and smiled against his lips as he kissed her. She was so glad she was going to get to spend the rest of her life with him. She knew her parents weren't the happiest that she was marrying some mechanic, but they still payed for her wedding.
    Hayden sighed as he walked into the apartment he shared with Rosie that night. He threw his keys on the counter and opened the fridge, "Babe!" He yelled as his eyes scanned the fridge for leftovers. He grabbed some old chinese and smelled it to make sure it was still good. He looked over, seeing her appear, "Hey we gotta talk." He said. He didn't know how he was going to tell her that he had lost his job. They were already having a rough time. He put the food in the microwave then leaned against the counter as he waited.

    @ zima.
    January 27th, 2015 at 05:04am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Rosie stood in front of the mirror, her fingers running over her still-flat stomach lightly. She'd known for about two weeks now. She wanted to tell Hayden, but she knew that, with their recent financial issues, he was already pretty stressed out. She didn't want to stress him out even more by adding something else to the list of things that he needed to worry about. They'd talked about having kids, it was something that they both wanted, but she was sure that it wasn't something that either of them were expecting right now. She jumped slightly when she heard her husband, having been lost in her own thoughts. She quickly pushed her thoughts and worries to the back of her mind and allowed a small smile to grace her lips as she walked into the kitchen. "What about?" She asked curiously. Approaching him, she pressed a light kiss to his lips. "How was work?"
    Danny was crazy about Lennox. He honestly had never imagined loving someone as much as he loved her. Before he met her, marriage wasn't really something that he thought was in the cards for him. He just wasn't the type of person to settle down, but that changed pretty quickly when he met Lennox. She was absolutely amazing, definitely the best thing to ever happen to him, and he found himself thinking more and more about the future and how he wanted her in it always. The proposal happened, something that he knew that Lennox's parents weren't very pleased about, but it happened. And now today was the day. Today he was going to become a married man, and he couldn't have been any happier. As he recited his vows, his eyes never once left his soon-to-be wife. Just when he thought she could never look more beautiful, she seemed to prove him wrong. He smiled, slipping the ring onto her finger before she did the same. And then the kiss that would seal the deal. Resting his hands lightly on her waist, he drew her closer as he pressed his lips to hers.
    January 27th, 2015 at 06:08pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Lennox smiled as they sat at the table during the reception. She was having a great time, but she was more looking forward to going on their honeymoon together. She was surprised her mother had convinced her dad into letting them go to Jamaica. Lennox kissed Danny on the cheek as he talked to his friend. She smiled as he looked at her. "I love you." She said as she kissed him softly. She held his hand, letting her fingers lace with his. She leaned over so she could whisper in his ear, "When we get to that hotel i'm going to rock your world baby." She teased him. Everyone saw Lennox as the innocent girl, but when it came to Danny he brought out her wild side.
    Hayden kissed her back softly, "Yea that's what we need to talk about. Have a seat baby." He said. He got his food out then sat at the small table with her. He took a bite of his food, afraid to tell her. "Rosie look...i laid off today." He said. He looked down at his food then looked back at her. "I'm gonna start looking for another job tomorrow until this one picks up again. So don't worry." He said. Hayden took another bite of his food, not wanting to have her upset with him.

    @ zima.
    January 27th, 2015 at 06:20pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    A slight frown formed on Rosie's lips as she took a seat at the table. She had a pretty bad feeling about this already, just based off of how Hayden was approaching this whole thing. Whatever he was going to tell her, she was sure that it wasn't good news. Her eyes widened slightly when her husband finally did just come out with it and tell her what was going on. " laid off?" She repeated slowly, kind of just mulling over what her husband had just told her. "I thought you said that things were going well the other day though..."
    Danny knew that Lennox's parents weren't really his biggest fans, he was glad that they offered to pay for the wedding though and send them to Jamaica for their honeymoon. With a mechanic's salary, there was no way that he could have pulled that one off and so he respected them, despite everything. "I love you too." He smiled, giving her hand a light squeeze. He let out a soft chuckle in response to her later words. "That better be a promise." He said quietly, a slight grin on his face.
    January 27th, 2015 at 07:01pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Lennox smiled, "Oh it is." She said. She was relieved when the reception was finally over. She knew they would be on a plane for awhile that night so she got changed into something more comfortable. Lennox sat next to Danny on the plane and took his hand. "I'm so excited for this trip!" She said, excitedly. Lennox kissed him again and rested his head on his shoulder.
    Hayden sighed, "It was going great, but they have too many people so they let some people go." he said with a shrug. He took another bite of his food, "I'm so sorry about this babe. Don't worry it will be okay." He said. He didn't want her to be upset but he could tell that she was. Hayden ate the food and threw it away. He kissed her cheek and smiled, "I love you." He said softly.

    @ zima.
    January 27th, 2015 at 08:07pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    This was probably some of the worst news that Hayden could have told her. That was one of the many different things running through Rosie's mind right about now. He was going to start looking for another job tomorrow, sure, but he wasn't guaranteed to find one tomorrow. Money was already tight for them to begin with, how could they possibly make this work? "How can I not worry about it, Hayden?" She asked, her voice soft. "Of course I'm going to worry about it. Money's already tight, we can just barely scrape enough money together for essentials, let alone rent, and there's no guarantee that you're going to find a job tomorrow or a week from now or even a few weeks from now. Don't tell me not to worry about it. It's too late for that, because I already am." She could feel her throat tightening slightly, and her eyes starting to water. She didn't want to let her emotions get the best of her, but she couldn't really help it either.
    Danny was pretty relieved when the reception finally ended. Sure, it was nice that her parents had paid for everything like they had, and he really did appreciate it, but he couldn't wait to just spend some time alone with his beautiful wife. He chuckled slightly at his wife's obvious excitement, kissing her back lightly. "I am too, babe. I am too." He said. And he really was. They didn't really have the luxury of going on vacation very much when they were dating, and this was their first real vacation together, and it was in Jamaica no less. He hoped that it all lived up to his expectations.
    January 27th, 2015 at 08:28pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Lennox smiled, "It's gonna be so much fun." She said. She sighed as she rested her head on his shoulder. "I wish we would just be there already." She said as she looked at their hands. Once they got to the hotel Lennox smiled as they walked into the room. "This is so amazing." She said. She set her bag down then ran over and jumped onto the bed. She smiled as she looked at Danny. "I believe we had something we were suppose to do." She said, motioning him over with her finger. She was glad she was getting to spend this time with him.
    Hayden frowned as she started to tear up. He walked over and took her hands, "Rosie please don't cry. I will figure this out and everything will be okay." He said. He kissed her forehead, "Please just give me a couple of days." he said. Hayden hated to see her upset, "Why don't we just go to the bedroom and watch a movie. We can relax for the night." He said softly.

    @ zima.
    January 27th, 2015 at 08:51pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Rosie was more worried than she was upset. She didn't know how they were going to work things out. She didn't know when Hayden was going to find another job. She didn't know how they were going to pay their rent. She didn't know how they were going to afford to bring this child, one that her husband didn't even know about yet, into the world. "How can you be so sure?" She asked quietly, looking to her husband with watery eyes. "A couple of days could easily turn into more than that, Hayden. I'm going to worry no matter what."
    Danny smiled. "I know, babe." He said. "Why don't you get some rest? By the time you wake up, I'm sure we'll be there." He pressed his lips to the top of her head lightly. He was really looking forward to this whole thing. He still couldn't believe that the wedding was over and done with already. With the months worth of planning that had been put into it, it was kind of hard to believe that it was over. Before he knew it, they were walking into their hotel room. "Oh yeah? You might need to refresh my memory." He smirked slightly.
    January 27th, 2015 at 09:15pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Lennox smiled, "Do i?" She asked as she sat up on the bed. She pulled off her shirt, then climbed off the bed. She took his hands then led him over to the bed. She pushed him onto the bed then straddled his lap. "How am i doing?" She asked as she started to kiss down his neck. Lennox smiled as she started to pull off Danny's shirt. She pulled it off then kissed his shoulder.
    Hayden sighed, "Rosie please just try to relax." He said. "I promise it will be okay. For all we know they will ask me to come back to work in awhile." He said. He kissed her softly, "Now come on." He said as he stood up. He offered her his hand, "I will even let you pick the movie." he said, smiling. Hayden kissed her softly, 'I love you baby." HE said.

    @ zima.
    January 27th, 2015 at 09:32pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Rosie nodded wordlessly, though a small frown still graced her lips. She couldn't help being a little upset, though she really was more worried than anything else. "Okay..." She finally said quietly, kissing him back sweetly when he pressed his lips to hers. She smiled weakly, taking his hand as they started towards the bedroom. "I better not hear you whining about what I choose." She teased, letting out a quiet laugh. Just like that, things were a little bit better. "I love you too. So much."
    "Yeah, that plane ride was kind of long...I definitely need a refresher." Danny said, chuckling slightly. He smirked, watching as she pulled her shirt off, he was definitely a lucky man, before allowing her to read him towards the bed. "I think it's starting to come back to me...keep it up, and I'll definitely remember."
    January 28th, 2015 at 01:09am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Lennox laughed softly, then went to unbutton his jeans. She placed her hand on his chest then pushed him back so he was laying back on the bed. She took off her bra then took his hands and put them on her breasts as she leaned down and kissed him deeply. She rolled her hips into his as she started to pull down his jeans.
    Hayden smiled, "I promise i won't whine." He said. He walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower then walked out with a towel around himself. He grabbed his boxers and pulled them on. "So what are we watching babe?" He asked as he sat down on the bed. He relaxed onto the bed and smiled.

    @ zima.
    January 28th, 2015 at 02:18am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "Like I haven't heard that one before." Rosie teased, a small smile gracing her lips. Walking over to the bed, she sat down and grabbed the remote. While Hayden was in the shower, she looked through all of the different movies before finally settling on one. And perfect timing too, because Hayden walked in from the bathroom moments later. "You're just going to have to watch and see for yourself." Grinning slightly, she pressed play before moving closer to her husband, resting her head against his chest.
    Danny grinned slightly when he heard his wife laugh. He loved hearing her laugh. It was definitely an adorable one and it suited her perfectly. The grin turned into a slight smirk as she pushed him back onto the bed. He gave her breasts a light squeeze when she placed his hands on them, kissing her back heatedly when she pressed her lips to his.
    January 28th, 2015 at 05:41am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Lennox kissed him deeply as she pulled his jeans down. She kissed down his chest, grinning as she pulled his boxers down. Lennox looked up at him with a sly smirk as she stroked his length. She looked up at him as she took his length into her mouth, moaning as she moved her hands up his abs. She let her nails dig into his skin lightly as she bobbed her head on him.
    Hayden smiled as he put his arm around her. "I hope this isn't stupid." He said as he pulled the blanket over himself. Hayden kissed her cheek then started to watch the movie. He saw what movie it was and sighed, but he kept his thoughts to himself.

    @ zima.
    January 28th, 2015 at 05:48am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "You're the one who said I got to pick the movie." Rosie reminded him. She smiled slightly when he kissed her cheek, for now able to put her worries aside so that she could just relax and spend some time with her husband. Her attention was focused entirely on the movie, which happened to be What's Your Number because who doesn't like a good comedy with Chris Evans and Anna Farris in it, until she heard Hayden sigh. Shifted her gaze from the TV screen up to her husband, she frowned. "What?"
    The only thing that could have made this day better was the plane ride not being so long. It certainly delayed certain activities, though they were here in the hotel room now, so he didn't have to worry about that anymore. Playing the waiting game was never fun though. Not that it really mattered right now anyway. He let out a low groan in response to his wife's actions. "Fuck, baby..."
    January 28th, 2015 at 11:15pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hayden looked at her, "Nothing is wrong." He said as he kissed her softly. He let his arm go around her as they watched the movie. He was glad that her mind had left the thought of him not working.
    Lennox moaned then pulled her mouth off of him and stroked him. "Feel good baby?" She asked, then ran her tongue up his length. She loved having him squirm beneath her and make him impatient.

    @ zima.
    January 29th, 2015 at 12:31am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    @ zima.
    February 2nd, 2015 at 05:13am